Whitelist Application Thread

Started by Bl★ck Star, 08-04-2011

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Real name: Vladislav.T
Role-play name: Vlad/Vladislav Tsyganok
Age: 15

People on server you know: nobody but it's nice to make new friends

Role play experience: throughout my life I've played runescape guildwars age of empires sa-mp gta 4 rp.  Many more too. I am a medieval fanatic I love the middle ages (wish I could live there and assassinate people)
I would like to join this server because I have been looking for a good rp server and this looks like I found the one server. I used to have my own server but problems with router made me close my rp server sadly. 


Real Name: Tyler

Roleplay Name: Frost

Minecraft username: Frosty701

Age: 14

Players you already know on the minecraft server: Emperor Bobby, Ragolution

Previous roleplay experience: Stalker RP, Necropolis RP (Zombies), Half Life 2 RP, Fallout RP.

What servers you play on: HGN's SRP and FORP servers.

Why would you like to join our server: It would be nice to take part in a Minecraft RP server, and it would be rather interesting. Also, it will help become a better Minecraft player as well.


Real Name: Casper
Roleplay Name: Casper Dar
Minecraft username: CasperDar
Age: 15
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Nobody, but hopefully not for long =)

Previous roleplay experience:WoW, GTA(yes, really), Age of Conan

What servers you play on: Private server with some of my friends.

Why would you like to join our server: The private server I play on with my friends is pretty much dead, so I'm looking to play Minecraft with other people, and the fact that it's a roleplaying server is just an added bonus =)


Real Name:daniel
Roleplay Name:Daniel Tsyaganok
Minecraft username:daniel7121
Players you already know on the minecraft server:none but i want to get friends
Previous roleplay experience:i did roleplay on a game called runescape
What servers you play on:none
Why would you like to join our server:because i was always looking for a rolepaying medieval server
i was looking for one a long time and this is it!


Ignore my application request, im going to forget about this server and move on, best luck in the future.
Do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!


Quote from: braindawgs66 on 24-04-2011
Ignore my application request, im going to forget about this server and move on, best luck in the future.

"ignore my application request" you know just because your application is approved doesn't mean it's compulsory to log in to the server, you could have just never logged on so why announce it???
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Real Name:Itay
Roleplay Name:Albert GreenHog
Minecraft username: HuliganFish
Players you already know on the minecraft server:None

Previous roleplay experience: THree-Four years of Roleplaying In Neverwinter nights,Hardcore server.

What servers you play on: None,this would be the first one.

Why would you like to join our server: I like Minecraft,and I like Roleplaying. It goes together well.


Real Name: Erik Jansson
Roleplay Name: Jerker GreenHog
Minecraft username: Thebjorkberst
Age: 15, turn 16 soon
Players you already know on the minecraft server: depends on, Albert Greenhog is hes RP name if he gets accepted.

Previous roleplay experience: not very much on minecraft, but mostly on Garry's Mod which i found kind of fun until someone ruined your hard work.

What servers you play on: doesnt play on any other server then (hopefully) this one.

Why would you like to join our server: me and my friend is in search for a serious RP Survival server and i really like Medieval. and also because all the other servers we have visited have been lagging too much, Griefers burnt my house down or something else like that....


Real Name: Jacob T Burton

Roleplay Name: Svantus

Minecraft username: Cpt_Tryhard

Age: 21

Players you already know on the minecraft server:
I do not know anyone on the server.

Previous roleplay experience:
I've been playing table top RPGs since I was 12 (D&D, WorldofDarkness, Firefly, etc), I've played a few MMOs and different RPGs on pc and console. I'm also a member of Boundless Roleplay online with an extensive creative writing background.

What servers you play on:
Camden Gamers SMP  (Local friends and family server for my hometown)

Why would you like to join our server:
I am looking for a more serious Minecraft experience with mature players where we can all build a world and story together. Also its nice to be on a server that doesn't let everyone in so grieving/ trolling is kept to a minimum.


real name: Jake

RP name: Lightless

MC name: dredlord155

I want to join this server because it looks like great fun and sounds like a brilliant idea.
I have had lots of previous roleplaying expeiriance like on websites, and on a game site called kongregate, i was a member of two roleplay chat rooms.
I am a good builder, happy and very generous, thanks.

The Headless Cow

Real Name: Rory

Roleplay Name: Sinteros Everblaze

Minecraft username: rorsla1

Age: 16

Players you already know on the minecraft server: None, would really like to meet some though :P

Previous roleplay experience: World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Garry's Mod and multiple other games I would prefer not to mention..

What servers you play on: I played on a few build and survival servers but not for very long, I got bored of them.

Why would you like to join our server: As I said, just normal build and survival servers aren't cutting it for me and i'm sick of griefers coming in and ruining everything i've made, I also thoroughly enjoy Roleplaying and I do it on a daily basis on World of Warcraft.


Real Name:Bryan

Roleplay Name:Braxyn

Minecraft username:Braxyn (i know it is the same as my RP name but i have always RP'd as braxyn... it is a long story)


Players you already know on the minecraft server: I dont know any but i am looking for a group of people to become friends with.

Previous roleplay experience:I play dnd all the time, been on RP chat sites. Love to rp

What servers you play on: None permenatly im looking for one that fits what I want and this one looks like it will.

Why would you like to join our server: I am serious about RP but still know it is all for fun and will always do stuff to have fun. Looking forward to hopefully being on this server. I like to build but i more like the adventure of minecraft


These are the names of those I've added. If you have not been added, please PM me. I don't think I've missed anyone, but, I have denied some. Please wait for these changes to take effect.
+ gunslinger7
+ pickelsickel
+ HitMan5523
+ Xavior724
+ Picto_Wolf
  + Congor
+ the_zanimus
+ Sp39
+ Jimeh92
+ shammydude
+ kanzaka
+ Canad3
+ atmawnpn89
+ Rednirug1126
+ Axex
+ sgt_spartans
+ xteve
+ Optic_Sniper
+ KillkuttaKk
+ velocityshot51
+ TheHuffy
+ Walker602
+ jow97
+ Maxi96203
+ Blindwolfx
+ dmitch11
+ Macbeth8
+ Natothegood
+ ComradeBritish
+ iankatz
+ geckosquid
+ Frosty701
+ CasperDar
+ ange166
+ daniel7121
+ HulliganFish
+ Thebjorkbeast
+ Cpt_Tryhard
+ rosla1
+ Braxyn


Nice one Geccoy :D!


Thanks. It was fun to do.

Andrew Weasley

Sweet, glad I was accepted and that the server is back online, but why can't I connect? Am I using the wrong IP?
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


The server is down. Soz.
Check Ragolution's signature when you get the chance, as it tells you whether the Aceon server is up or not. (It is the one that says HGN, not personal.)


YES! I finally got in! Thank you so much geccoy!
I'm hip! What are you talking about!

Andrew Weasley

Quote from: geccoy on 26-04-2011
The server is down. Soz.
Check Ragolution's signature when you get the chance, as it tells you whether the Aceon server is up or not. (It is the one that says HGN, not personal.)

Alright, I see its up now, awesome! But it says im not white-listed yet :(
I guesse it takes a while to update.
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


No problem.
My pleasure.


Oops, mispelled your name.
Oh well, theres no sense crying over mistake.


Andrew Weasley

Quote from: geccoy on 26-04-2011
Oops, mispelled your name.
Oh well, theres no sense crying over mistake.


;D Thanks!
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


It still says im not whitelisted maybe because you spelt my name wrong its atmawpn89 not atmawnpn89 I dont know much about that kind of stuff but yeah I still cant get in
Lamp oil


Real Name: Michael Johnson
Roleplay Name: Leo Xyron (Just call me Leo though)
Minecraft username: Tarheelsown
Age: 16

Players you already know on the minecraft server: None as of now

Previous roleplay experience: Short-stays at various minecraft roleplaying servers

What servers you play on: none as of now

Why would you like to join our server: I am very interested in roleplaying in minecraft, and your server especially. How you have set up this server is very interesting and I would very much like to at least try the server, if not be a player.

Thank you for your consideration.

The Headless Cow

I'm still not whitelisted apparently, name = rorsla1

Just realised you spelt it rosla1 :P