Whitelist Application Thread

Started by Bl★ck Star, 08-04-2011

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I'm just so eager to join. That's why I'm asking
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


we all were at one stage and the server really is worth joining but you might try pm'ing someone like Hessen if you want to get on quicker, theres no real rush at the moment though because the server is down due to bukkit issues.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Ok, Thanks for the help! I'll try to ask now :D
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Real Name: Jeff
Roleplay Name: Martic
Minecraft username: Walker602
Age: 18
Players you already know on the minecraft server:N/A

Previous roleplay experience: WoW/Lotro/RS/Oblivion/Rift

What servers you play on: My own

Why would you like to join our server: Seems like fun, and I'm looking for a good RP server


Real Name: Joe
Roleplay Name: Katsuchiyo, "Victory Forever"
Minecraft username: jow97
Players you already know on the minecraft server:

Previous roleplay experience:gmod server, numerous other mine-craft servers. other online rp games

What servers you play on:i used to play on crimson gaming (and others i don't know/ dint have a name

Why would you like to join our server:i am a big fan of any r.p game and love medieval style games. most servers i have been on were down half the time or were full of grievers but this one looks very professional


Real Name: Daniel Martin Ramirez
Roleplay Name: Sir Ulric Tybolt
Minecraft username: Maxi96203
Age: 19
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None

Previous roleplay experience: GMOD Series RP, forum RP, and Minecraft RP.

What servers you play on: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP, Half life 2 RP, BnT WW3 RP.

Why would you like to join our server: I was always interested in Minecraft RP, and this server sounds very interesting.


Real Name: Ryan
Roleplay Name: Xenox Whitehowl (Role: Druid of the Fang (Wolf Druid basically)
Minecraft username: Blindwolfx
Age: 16
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None

Previous roleplay experience: I roleplayed a little with other  players  on many different online RPG games such as WoW and Perfect World. Garry's Mod i was a HL2 Serious RP Server and i was a CP and they are hard to play since people abuse the power.

What servers you play on: None currently on minecraft, I play WoWdaemons as a GM which is a wow private server and i play a little Garry's Mod single player only though.

Why would you like to join our server: Well, i never really found a proper serious RP server and this one looks good.. It's just one of those things in life that your curious about and you want to have a go at least once.
Fear the hunter since you don't even know if your the hunted yet...

Silent Rivenu

Real Name: Devon
Roleplay Name: Silent
Minecraft username: dmitch11
Age: 14
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None

Previous roleplay experience: My friends private server, and my Xbox clan server

What servers you play on: Muttsworld, private Rivenu Server, private friend's server, thinghunter.com

Why would you like to join our server: I have gotten bored of being isolated in survival, pvp, and crappy RP servers and would like to get into a REAL server for a change. I have been looking for months.


Please for the love of god guys, update the white-list. I would love to take a shift maybe once a week. Just throwin' it out there.
Lamp oil


It's offline anyway.

Waiting for Bukkit to update.


Clarification: The server is not up and will not be up until Bukkit updates.


You might want to add that bukkit is not the servers fault and you'll find that most servers will be down so that people aren't like "fix it now plz !!!11!!!1". From what I've seen a few of them don't understand these sorts of issues.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


I know but im just saying once it gets back up please do not tarry with the updating of the whitelist
Lamp oil




Quote from: Ragolution on 22-04-2011

Yes but that just means other people can't apply unless you wanted the applicants piling up to stop, though I don't see how that's going to improve the matter. Even though you've told them some will still pm you and make their own topics addressing the matter. All you have to do is ignore the majority and that shouldn't be too hard.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Real Name: Elliot Wolff
Roleplay Name: William Simons
Minecraft username: d33tly
Age: 13
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Ramirez

Previous roleplay experience: HL2RP, PERP, MMORPGs, and Minecraft

What servers you play on: HGN's HL2RP

Why would you like to join our server: I love to play Minecraft
and i love to roleplay when i am playing and i would love to do
what i love with other people.


Until the HGN server is up, my server is temporarily active.

IP : overworld663.3utilities.com

I've added it to my sig-status bar.


Real Name: Steven S.
Roleplay Name: Macbeth Plisskin
Minecraft username: Macbeth3
Age: 24
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Sadly, none. Hope that it changes soon tough :)

Previous roleplay experience: Was on a world of warcraft RP server. Also,been on a 300 player rp-server for the sa-mp (san andreas multiplayer mod) for 2 years.

What servers you play on: Right now, none.

Why would you like to join our server: Minecraft has such a huge amount of possebilities for roleplaying, thus I would like to be a part of it.


Real Name: Nathan Smith
Roleplay Name: Jarvar
Minecraft username: natttheniinja
Age: 16
Players you already know on the minecraft server: N/A

Previous roleplay experience: I used to Roleplay on a website called HabboHotel.co.uk. Also i have roleplayed on the xbox on games like GTA IV and Red dead Redemption.

What servers you play on: acejase's Server (non-Rp)

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to start Rp'ing on minecraft. i'm pretty decent at building structures, not the best. also i LOVE mining and exploring caves. as if i can't stop myself walking into the endless darkness.


Real Name: Nathan
Roleplay Name: Mirithas Suildr
Minecraft username: Natothegood
Players you already know on the minecraft server:
Previous roleplay experience: Lots of Gmod rp's and 1 minecraft rp server

What servers you play on:
None currently (that's why I"m applying for this)

Why would you like to join our server:
Sounds like a really fun way to spend my time since right now I don't have much going on. I've always liked medieval based rps so I assume it will be the same with this one.


Real Name: Nathan M.
Roleplay Name: Jordon Zalus
Minecraft username: ComradeBritish
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Ramirez, or Maxi on the forums, whatever he is called on the server :3

Previous roleplay experience: HGN SRP, been with a bunch of factions got a ton of characters each with their own personality and such. Brief period on the FORP Server as an Enclave Corporal, didn't have much time to explore that until my server died. And other miscellanious RP servers Real life Roleplay, Some Dark RP that took its' self too seriously.

What servers you play on: Mostly HGN servers, some random Minecraft ones, can't remember the names of which.

Why would you like to join our server: HGN has alot of good servers up, and the Minecraft one interests me in the fact we are trying to put Roleplay ito the construction/deconstruction enviroment of Minecraft, which allows for maximum amounts of creativity when building, making evens and so on.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Real Name: Ian Katz
Roleplay Name: John Foregood (Or John)
Minecraft username: iankatz
Age: 18
Players you already know on the minecraft server: I currently do not know one.

Previous roleplay experience: Roleplay moderator on MMO Champion a few years back. Been roleplaying for ages now.

What servers you play on: Currently left a new one created by Whitesword, due to my building getting burnt to the ground.

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join your server because I enjoy creating things, and seeing them filled with people. I also enjoy roleplaying, which has been a hobby of mine for quite some time now. I would really enjoy playing with people who feel the same way, and with people who will not burn my villages down.

Andrew Weasley

Real Name: Andrew

Roleplay Name: Axx Sawicks

Minecraft username: ange166

Age: 16

Players you already know on the minecraft server: None so far, hope to get to know some.

Previous roleplay experience: World of Warcraft, played on multiple rp servers... havent play much WoW since I got minecraft :P. Also had a very small roleplay server with about 10 friends.

What servers you play on: None at the moment.

Why would you like to join our server: Sounds very fun and looks like
it has a great community. Also I would love to be in a large roleplay server since my last one was fun but was pretty small. I have some great ideas that I would love to share and hopefully others may enjoy them also. From what it looks like on the roster list, it looks like you only have a few towns and nobody thats a... hobbit :P. I would love to join and create a hobbit shire (thats what I have done on previous roleplay servers). So if I could, I would love to be "Axx Sawicks, Mayor of Hobbiton - shire of hobbits". Just a thought, or I could be what ever you need me to be :)
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


Real Name: Frank Koshinskie
Roleplay Name: Sam Baker
Minecraft username: Geiospartan
Age: 16
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Uhm, well none... D:

Previous roleplay experience: I have played on a town versus town roleplay server

What servers you play on: Uh that town vs. town one and i hope this one as well.

Why would you like to join our server: Minecraft roleplay with a community like this seems like it would be really fun to do.
NyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyan :3


Real Name: Christian Bolles
Roleplay Name: Jonas Solbarnen
Minecraft username: geckosquid
Age: 15
Players you already know on the minecraft server: I don't know anyone, but I look forward to changing that!

Previous roleplay experience: I've roleplayed on Kiwike (a Minecraft RP server) before; I've even posted some videos of epic roleplaying moments I've had with other players.

What servers you play on: Kiwike (kiwike.se); I'm looking to expand my horizons.

Why would you like to join our server: I've been looking for a server where I can roleplay without people looking at me like I'm a flying purple pimple from Mars, and this looks like that server.