The corrupt a wish game!

Started by ISPYUDIE, 18-07-2009

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Quote from: 19YearsOldLesbian on 05-08-2009
You have a button instead of your "tool" now , you can't go to the toilet or please yourself or female.


Granted but he gets teleported to hell outa da blue.

I wish you guys got banned from HGN =-)
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Granted, but we became unbanned after 5 seconds and you get permabanned.

I wish i had a fishy :D


But there's worms inside it.

I wish I had a pet alligator.
Bird - Master Merc.


It has rabies and eats your brain out.

I wish lesbian would give me an icecream and hug me ;D

Dark Angel

**Gives a melted ice cream and hugs**
**Backstabs THY101**

I wish i had a mirror house.


Granted, but you go inside, And get lost. Your never seen again.

I wish jake would reply to this thread


Granted but he breaks the chain and spams it.

I wish for a higher post count.

Dark Angel

Granted you get -1000 Posts

I wish i would get out of the mirror house.


Granted, you get out and then get sucked back in.

I wish I knew how to resize images while posting them on the forums.


You do, but you forget it once replying.

I wish assasinator gave me the shield out of his avatar, and lesbian gave me the crowbar from hers. xD


Granted, but they take it back after 1 minute.

I wish that the new map for stalkerRP will come out soon
"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.


Granted but the floor was accidently no-clipped and everyone falls through it

I wish for really fun and epic passive rp to happen


Granted but an admin turns minge and nukes the whole server.

I wish for a tomato and tuna sandwich.
Bird - Master Merc.


Granted but it's 5000 years old

I wish my brother would change the channel on the TV to something decent... (on laptop right now)


Granted but the TV becomes a bitch and dies. Gotta buy a new one.

I wish there were some people on HGN right now.
Bird - Master Merc.

Dark Angel

Granted 100000 Minges join HGN and take controll over it.

I wish i would get out of the mirror hous and would be free.


Granted but you get raped by a fat greasy sweaty 250 kilograms man when you get out.

I wish... I wish I had a proper wish idea.
Bird - Master Merc.


Granted but I corrupt it!

I wish everyone would follow the path of epicness


Granted, but now epicness doesn't exist because it is not rare.

I wish for a Murloc.


Granted but it gets owned by a Human Mage who has cook as a profession and wants to do that stew or gulag which involves Murloc eyes. Whatever.

I wish... I wish my master bandit didn't get caught by DUTY earlier on the server.
Bird - Master Merc.


Granted, he gets caught later.

I wish my Murloc didn't get pwned by that Mage.


Granted the mage became a your murloc and the murloc became the other guys mage, and pwned your murloc.

I wish for my dog to stop sleeping under my chair at the worst times.

Rhyom Guther

Granted, Your chair falls over and kills your dog.

I wish I was taken out of Buzz Quiz

Dark Angel

Granted you are stuck in the gay quiz.

I want immortalitiy! "Strelok"


Granted, you become a silver dildo which grandmas use.. ew.

I wish that Blake had have been able to gimme that Zombie flag on my Fedka Pumpkins guy yesterday :(.
Bird - Master Merc.