The corrupt a wish game!

Started by ISPYUDIE, 18-07-2009

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Granted  it isn't 2.2 GBs, it's 5.5 GBs

I wish I had wished the last time I corrupted a wish but forgot to wish and that the wish was really hard to corrupt.


Invalid wish, it turned from a wish to "I forgot"

I wish you'd shut up.

Dark Angel

Granted , your ears fall of , now you can't hear anything.

I want to buy a Strap-On.


Uhm, you cant say anything, i asked you to shut up therfor you shouldnt say a thing.

Denied, what the hell is that?

I wish you'd wish you were gay


Granted, I'm happy.

I wish for a piece of cake impervious to the following: Time, Magic, Logic, Illogic, Math, Portals, Disruption Fields, Moleculer Disrupters, Disintegration, Drugs, Rape, Cum, Jizz, Zombies, Members of HGN, Trolls, Fail Kiddies, Script Kiddies, LUA, Faggots, Fat kids, Can only be eaten by me, Can't be stolen, Teleports away from danger to the safest place being my belly, It has a slider going through my mouth into my stomach so no course deviations, It cannot be unbaked, I cannot be killed, I cannot be harmed or taken out the space time continum.

The cake is also: Immortal, Indestructible, Inpenetrable, Impervious (Expanded above), Bulletproof, Waterproof, Seekingproof, Heating Proof, Portal Proof, Cannot be Canceled, Can divide by zero, It repels everything except me, It can't be copy pasted, It can not switch dimensions and it's the only cake.

If the cake is not recieved in my belly it is repeated fixing all errors from before.

All of that is compressed into a zip file and extracted once granted to make this one wish.


Granted, but you are labeled a loser for taking the time to type all that out.

I wish I had a rubber ducky to sing with in the shower.


Granted but the duck is a better singer than you and gets a record deal. He then travels the world and never speaks to you again, deeming you below his interest.

I wish the content pack would get updated so I won't be missing sounds and textures and some models.

Dark Angel

Granted it's an update for a stone.

I want to get some fetish sex toys and clothes.


Granted, you get a dildo BUT WAIT, you're a GUY.

I wish you'd wish you were a Faggot, Not past tense, Not Fag for happy, ust plain ol' Faggot who likes dicks.

Dark Angel

// Eeeeevil you made me a guy >_< **Suicides** that's the most corrupt wish XD


// You are a guy, remember when you yelled at me on vent you totally not girl, you.


Quote from: Mr. Tea on 14-08-2009
Granted, you get a dildo BUT WAIT, you're a GUY.

I wish you'd wish you were a Faggot, Not past tense, Not Fag for happy, ust plain ol' Faggot who likes dicks.
Granted, but the wish doesnt come true.

I wish I was a faggot.


granted but everyone else is too

I wish I could fly!


Granted, but only for 20 seconds and you drown.

I wish my bloodsucker's cloak lasted as long as I wanted.

Dark Angel

Granted you become a glass and can die by hitting the rock.

I want to know everything !


Granted but your brain explodes from so much knowledge.

I wish I had a shit load of money (and that you won't corrupt this wish by saying that I die in an avalanche of coins)


Granted, you returned your newly bought paintball gun for actual price.

I wish I had a tail.


Granted, but you're now a rat

I wish i had a large pizza

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Dark Angel

Granted but it's really hot and it falls on you unfrotunatly.

I want to eat this Pizza now =D


Granted, but the pizza is covered in live killer bees


You die in a horrific explosion

I wish for aids.


Granted, but you get AIDS instead. (Your attempt almost worked)

I wish California firearms laws didn't suck so hard.


Granted, they now allow weapons anywhere at anytime, and you are shot.

I wish that I didnt have aids :(


Granted but but you mysteriously develop gonorrhea.

I wish I had 72 virgins.


Granted but theyre all men

I wish I could make people explode
Moss--it has the charm of a creeping tune~Even in darkness it still grows.

Why do I love Moss?

I have been asked this question many times. Unfortunately, their is not one easy answer that I can give you.