Half-Life 2 Roleplay.

Started by Sharrock, 27-02-2011

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Half-Life 2 Role play is based off of the Half-Life universe. In this universe Earth was invaded by aliens, also known as the Combine. The Combine took over the world in 7 hours, which is also known as the "7 Hour War". After the invasion the humans were under the Combines rule and Wallace Breen was established as Earths administrator. The following year 2011 the Metropolice Force is established along with Nova Prospekt. We will take place in the year 2012. The people are still not sure what to think of the new rule, some are uneasy, some are welcoming. the coming time will show the end result.

You in the world.
In the server everyone will be able to progress the story.  A lot of actions you commit will change how the story takes place. Anti-civil actions can make the Metropolice Force be more vigilant, be a loyalist and try to succeed in making the city more civil. Major actions will change how you are treated amongst all, if known. Every person is important because of what they can do.

As the long time issue for most players within the Half-Life universe is the bore of being a citizen. We have come up with ideas to better it for citizens such as frequent events for citizens, and the concept of a progressive story that anyone can do. We will be forcing citizens to interact with each other to keep them entertained. Isolating yourself from other players will keep you bored. The reason why citizens are generally so boring is because people don't interact with one another.

Metropolice Force

The Metropolice Force is basically your police within the Half-Life universe. They handle the citizens and make sure the city is maintaining socio-stability, or civil order. They take care of any anti-civil citizens along with civil unrest. They are the main force within the city and they are oppressive.

Metropolice Force Divisions.
Within the Metropolice force we have planned out 5 divisions, only two will be introduced in the beginning though.
The divisions are the following:

Metropolice Force Elite Units Division

Table of Contents
1.)General Information
2.)Duties & Responsibilities
3.)Rank Descriptions & Additional Abilities
4.)Equipment Listing & Information
5.)Current Roster
1.General Information
VICE is a division comprised of the Metropolice Forces' brightest engineering & technological minds. This division is focused on the quick construction of field defenses, maintenance of all things mechanical, and the research, testing, and deployment of new technologies. In addition, VICE members are trusted with additional technological & mechanical devices that they can carry with them to deploy on the field, such as mobile Manhacks or an improved HUD system.
2.Duties & Responsibilities
VICE handles the technology, construction, and clamping within the Metropolice Force.
3.Rank Descriptions & Additional Abilities
05-03 - Is your basic ground unit, does regular patrols and is issued a 9mm lethal
02-01 - An elite ground unit equiped with an MP7.
OfC -  Commands ground units except for the ranks of EpU and up. They are allowed to use a Spas-12 shotgun. Also gets a .357 magnum
DvL - Is the commander of the division, he can command any unit within the division. Granted everything in the MPF's armory. Also granted a .357 magnum
4.Equipment Listing & Information
VICE makes use of standard Metropolice Force Loadouts & Equipment.
9mm Handgun
MP-7 Submachine Gun
SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun
.357 Magnum Revolver
Handheld Data Device
Helmet-Mounted HUD & Communications Systems

Units, in particular, (Specific Loadouts to be issued later. Document section is tagged; PLACEHOLDER.)

Metropolice Force Elite Units Division

Table of Contents
1.)General Information
2.)Duties & Responsibilities
3.)Rank Descriptions & Additional Abilities
4.)Equipment Listing & Information
5.)Current Roster
1.General Information
UNION is the base division of the metropolitian forces. UNION is responsible of the handleing of most sweeps, patrol and detainment procedures, as well as the general upholding of sociostability and civil order.
2.Duties & Responsibilities
UNION handles the majority of patrolling, and maintaing sociostability within the city.
3.Rank Descriptions & Additional Abilities
05-03 - Is your basic ground unit, does regular patrols and is issued a 9mm lethal
02-01 - An elite ground unit equiped with an MP7.
OfC -  Commands ground units except for the ranks of EpU and up. They are allowed to use a Spas-12 shotgun. Also gets a .357 magnum
DvL - Is the commander of the division, he can command any unit within the division. Granted everything in the MPF's armory. Also granted a .357 magnum
4.Equipment Listing & Information
UNION makes use of standard Metropolice Force Loadouts & Equipment.
9mm Handgun
MP-7 Submachine Gun
SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun
.357 Magnum Revolver
Handheld Data Device
Helmet-Mounted HUD & Communications Systems

Units, in particular, (Specific Loadouts to be issued later. Document section is tagged; PLACEHOLDER.)

Metropolice Force Detention Block Division

Table of Contents
1.)General Information
2.)Duties & Responsibilities
3.)Rank Descriptions & Additional Abilities
4.)Equipment Listing & Information
5.)Current Roster
1.General Information
JURY (Also known as JUDGEMENT) is a division dedicated to the documentation & imprisonment, & maintenance of both the suspects apprehended by other Metropolice Units, and the Detention Block itself.  JURY Units commonly wear uniforms customized with red trim, and utilize the standard Metropolice loadouts, with a few minor additions to make their jobs easier.
2.Duties & Responsibilities
JURY Units are commonly tasked with the apprehension, transportation, documentation, incarceration, and maintenance of suspects apprehended by other Metropolice Units, as well as maintenance of the Detention Block itself. Aside from the additional responsibilities of being placed within the JURY division, Units within this division function the same as units of any other division when their specific duties & responsibilities are not required.
3.Rank Descriptions & Additional Abilities
05-04: Low-Level Ground Unit, often tasked with simple tasks & potentially participating in small firefights, or apprehend suspects.  JURY Units, in particular, are most often assigned with "Retrieval" tasks, which is the taking of a suspect apprehended by another Unit, and transporting him to the Detention Block .
03-02: Mid-Level Ground Unit, often tasked with simple tasks & generally the first Units sent to engage in firefights, or apprehend suspects. JURY Units, in particular, are most often assigned with the same "Retrieval" tasks as 05-04 Units, or with properly documenting incarcerated suspects.
01-OfC: High-Level Ground Unit, often tasked with more difficult objectives & generally sent to engage in particularly difficult firefights or difficult apprehension missions, alongside Mid-Level Ground Units.
DvL: High-Level Ground Unit. This Unit is charged with directing & commanding the efforts & orders performed by JURY Units. This Unit has complete authority over his associated division. He can only be over-ruled by the SeC.
Unlike other Mid & Low-Level Ground Units, JURY Units are granted additional authority in manners concerning the issueing of violations, and performing verdicts.
Example: A standard 04 Unit cannot issue Level 3 Violations, or perform the Verdicts associated with them. A JURY 04 Unit can issue Level 3 Violations, and perform the Verdicts associated with them.
4.Equipment Listing & Information
JURY makes use of standard Metropolice Force Loadouts & Equipment.
9mm Handgun
MP-7 Submachine Gun
SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun
.357 Magnum Revolver
Handheld Data Device
Helmet-Mounted HUD & Communications Systems
JURY Units, in particular, are granted priority access to the Detention Block records & permitted to make edits & corrections to Citizen datasheets.
(Specific Loadouts to be issued later. Document section is tagged; PLACEHOLDER.)

Metropolice Force Elite Units Division

Table of Contents
1.)General Information
2.)Duties & Responsibilities
3.)Rank Descriptions & Additional Abilities
4.)Equipment Listing & Information
5.)Current Roster
1.General Information
STORM is a division comprised of the most elite Ground Units available to the Metropolice Forces. STORM specializes in urban combat & sweep procedures. STORM Units are, individually, far superior in combat & intelligence levels to their lesser Unit brethren. Each STORM Unit is strengthened with minor cybernetic implants. While not as strong as an Overwatch Unit, STORM Units have the advantage of having served in their deployment zone for a long period of time. This permits them the advantage of knowing the layout of their associated city, including flanking routes, shortcuts, and anything else that may offer them an advantage.
2.Duties & Responsibilities
STORM Units are generally tasked with high-risk urban combat operations & sweep procedures. When need of their expertise in either of these areas is not needed, they are able to function as any other Ground Unit, albeit with a unique level of authority. All STORM Units are granted authority to order condemnation & block sweep procedures, and cannot be commanded by a Ground Unit lower than the rank of DvL.
3.Rank Descriptions & Additional Abilities
Elite Protection Unit (Or "EpU"): Elite Protection Units form the bulk of STORM. These Units are a dangerous mix of competent fighter, and secret policemen. Not only do they serve in a traditional sociostability maintenance role, but they also seek out the traitors among their own brethren. These Units have been granted immunity to command from any Ground Unit less than the rank of DvL, and have the authority to issue block condemnation & sweep procedures.
DvL: High-Level Ground Unit. This Unit is charged with directing & commanding the efforts & orders performed by STORM Units. This Unit has complete authority over his associated division. He can only be over-ruled by the SeC.
4. Equipment Listing & Information
STORM makes use of standard Metropolice Force Loadouts & Equipment.
9mm Handgun
MP-7 Submachine Gun
SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun
.357 Magnum Revolver

Handheld Data Device
Helmet-Mounted HUD & Communications Systems
Advanced Body Armor & Helmet
Units, in particular, equipped with minor cybernetic implants, and issued various minor weapon attachments & modifications, along with fragmentation & tear gas grenades to make them a lethal urban combat force. (Specific Loadouts to be issued later. Document section is tagged; PLACEHOLDER.)

Metropolice Force Medical Division

Table of Contents
1.) Medical Roleplay Guide
Rank descriptions.
2.) Equipment.
List of Equipment.
Equipment by rank.
How equipment is used.
3.) Current Roster.

Medical Roleplay Guide
Summary - SHIELD's primary directive delivering medical attention to other units, they focus primarily on medical training. The ammount of how much they know is determined by rank.
Roleplaying a SHIELD medical unit - SHIELD's roleplay is heavily focused around the roll system. For
SHIELD the lower the roll the better, each units rank determines what his rolls do, EX: a Officer and up will roll 1-60 for no incident, as to where an 05 must roll 1-20 for no incident.
Testing - For a SHIELD medical unit to rank up they are allowed to take a test every 3 days, if they fail they must wait a week.
Units are tested on what they know by their rank. Each rank has different knowledge on what to do and will be tested accordingly.

Rank Descriptions
SHIELD is divided into 3 sections.
1) Field Medics.
2) Surgeons.
3) Commanding staff.

Field Medics - Range from the ranks of 05-03, they are generally in the field accompied by other units or assisting NOVA when needed. They are taught on how to act quickly, and how to stabalize.
Rolls for 05-03
1-20 No incident
21-40 For minor incident
41-60 Mediocer incident
61-90 Major incident
91-100 Death.

Surgeons - Range from the ranks of 02-01, but these ranks will have the option to stay Field Medics with Surgeon knowledge. They are mostly inside or stationed at checkpoints. Their knowledge is vast.
Rolls for 02-01
1-40 No incident
41-60 Minor incident
61-70 Mediocer incident
71-95 Major incident
96-100 Death.

Division Command - They make up the head of SHIELD and give out the test to the units for them to rank up. They know just about everything, and can fix most things wrong with a unit.
Rolls for OfC - DvL.
1-60 No incident
61-75 Minor incident
76-85 Mediocer incident
86-99 Major incident
100 Death.
More In depth on rolls  - In SHIELD you roll for everything in a medical procedure, Serverity, puncture, artieries, and so forth. Here is a RP example
EX:90142 looks into the gunshot wound.
   90142 rolls an 86
   *4 artieries are hit and the bullet did not go through*
Everytime you try to do something to a patient you must roll, and depending on what you roll will go with your roll chart, and then you procede to choose what happened accordingly. Your patient must also roll every five minutes, if he rolls a 100 he dies. Keep all of this in mind, and you should be a effective SHIELD unit. Make sure to look below for your equipment.


List of Equipment
Kelly Forcpes
Thumb Forceps
Hemostatic Forceps
Ilizarov apparatus
Surgical Tape
Hirtz compass
Nasal Cannula

Equipment by rank.

Surgical Tape
Thumb Forceps
Kelly Forceps
Hirtz compass
9mm Lethal
Two boxes of 9mm ammo
First aid kit
Two health vials

Kelly Forcpes
Thumb Forceps
Hemostatic Forceps
Ilizarov apparatus
Surgical Tape
Hirtz compass
Nasal Cannula
9mm Lethal
MP7 Lethal.
Two boxes of 9mm ammunition
Two health vials
Two First aid kits

Kelly Forcpes
Thumb Forceps
Hemostatic Forceps
Ilizarov apparatus
Surgical Tape
Hirtz compass
Nasal Cannula
9mm Pistol
Spas-12 semi-automatic shotgun.
Two boxes of SMG ammunition
Two boxes of 9mm ammunition
Two health vials
Two First aid kits
Pneumothorax - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001151
HemoThorax - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001183
Collapsed Trachea - http://www.vetsurgerycentral.com/tracheal_collapse.htm

External Links:
General Medicine - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicine#Surgery
Hirtz compass - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirtz_compass
Suture - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgical_suture
Forceps - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forceps
Cauterization - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauterization
Nasal Cannula - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_cannula
Endoscope - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endoscope
Morphine - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphine
Syringe - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syringe
Anti-biotics - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibacterial
Gauze - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauze
Ilizarov apparatus - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilizarov_apparatus
Hemostat - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemostat
Scalple - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalpel
Surgical Tape - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgical_tape
Tourniquet - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourniquet
QuickClot - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuikClot
Systems - http://www.3dscience.com/Resources/3d_Human_Anatomy.php


Division Leader

Elite Protection Unit







Metropolice Force manual.

Metropolitan Police Force Field Handbook

Table of Contents
1.   Ranks & Permissions
2.   Standard Patrol Procedure
3.   Standard Ration Distribution Procedure
4.   Non-Standard Sociostability & Miscellaneous Procedures (Lockdowns, Judgement Waivers, etc.)
5.   Sweep Procedure
6.   Detainment Procedure
7.   Standard Communications Codes & Procedure
8.   Equipment Usage & Restrictions
9.   Metropolitan Police Force Divisions & Specialized Units

1. Ranks & Permissions

•Sectorial Commander

•Authority to enforce standard sociostability protocol.
•Authority to enact standard ration distribution cycle.
•Authority to enact non-standard ration distribution.
•Authority to confirm and prosecute anti-civil activity.
•Authority to issue search warrants on citizens or property.
•Authority to begin non-standard patrols.
•Authority to participate in non-standard patrols.
•Authority to lead non-standard patrols.
•Authority to set up and run civil work camps.
•Authority to handle Civil crediting. Including but not limited to distribution of salaries, and other subsidies.
•Authority to setup, operate and maintain major Civil Authority Structures.
•Authority to revoke citizenship.
•Authority to initiate and promote Ground Units.
•Authority to order and lead units of lesser rank.
•Authority to order and lead units outside of standard jurisdiction.
•Authority to order and change protocols of Units.
•Authority to initiate Judgement Waiver protocols.

•Division Leader

•Authority to enforce standard sociostability protocol.
•Authority to enact standard ration distribution cycle.
•Authority to enact non-standard ration distribution.
•Authority to confirm and prosecute anti-civil activity.
•Authority to issue search warrants on citizens or property.
Authority to begin non-standard patrols.
•Authority to set up and run civil work camps.
•Authority to handle Civil crediting. Including but not limited to distribution of salaries, and other subsidies.
•Authority to setup, operate and maintain major Civil Authority Structures.
•Authority to participate in non-standard patrols.
•Authority to lead non-standard patrols.
•Authority to revoke citizenship.
•Authority to initiate and promote Ground Units.
•Authority to order and lead ground/unassigned units of lesser rank.
•Authority to order and lead units outside of standard jurisdiction.
•Authority to order and change protocols of Units.
Authority to initiate Judgement Waiver protocols.

•Ground Officer
•Authority to enforce standard sociostability protocol.
•Authority to enact standard ration distribution cycle.
Authority to enact non-standard ration distribution.
•Authority to confirm and prosecute anti-civil activity.
•Authority to issue search warrants on citizens or property.
Authority to begin non-standard patrols.
Authority to set up and run civil work camps.
Authority to handle Civil crediting. Including but not limited to distribution of salaries, and other subsidies.
Authority to setup, operate and maintain major Civil Authority Structures.
•Authority to participate in non-standard patrols.
•Authority to lead non-standard patrols.
•Authority to revoke citizenship.
Authority to initiate and promote Ground Units.
•Authority to order and lead ground/unassigned units of lesser rank.
Authority to order and lead units outside of standard jurisdiction.
•Authority to order and change protocols of Units.
Authority to initiate Judgement Waiver protocols.

•Elite Protection Unit

•Authority to enforce standard sociostability protocol.
•Authority to enact standard ration distribution cycle.
Authority to enact non-standard ration distribution.
•Authority to confirm and prosecute anti-civil activity.
•Authority to issue search warrants on citizens or property.
Authority to begin non-standard patrols.
Authority to setup and run civil work camps.
Authority to handle Civil crediting. Including but not limited to distribution of salaries, and other subsidies.
Authority to set up, operate and maintain major Civil Authority Structures.
•Authority to participate in non-standard patrols.
•Authority to lead non-standard patrols.
•Authority to revoke citizenship.
Authority to initiate and promote Ground Units.
•Authority to order and lead ground/unassigned units of lesser rank.
Authority to order and lead units outside of standard jurisdiction.
•Authority to order and change protocols of Units.
Authority to initiate Judgement Waiver protocols.

•Ground Unit Ranking 02-01

•Authority to enforce standard sociostability protocol.
Authority to enact standard ration distribution cycle.
Authority to enact non-standard ration distribution.
•Authority to confirm and prosecute anti-civil activity.
Authority to issue search warrants on citizens or property.
Authority to begin non-standard patrols.
Authority to set up and run civil work camps.
Authority to handle Civil crediting. Including but not limited to distribution of salaries, and other subsidies.
Authority to setup, operate and maintain major Civil Authority Structures.
•Authority to participate in non-standard patrols.
Authority to lead non-standard patrols.
Authority to revoke citizenship.
Authority to initiate and promote Ground Units.
•Authority to order and lead ground/unassigned units of lesser rank.
Authority to order and lead units outside of standard jurisdiction.
•Authority to order and change protocols of Units.
Authority to initiate Judgement Waiver protocols.

•Ground Unit Ranking 05-03

•Authority to enforce standard sociostability protocol.
Authority to enact standard ration distribution cycle.
Authority to enact non-standard ration distribution.
•Authority to confirm and prosecute anti-civil activity.
Authority to issue search warrants on citizens or property.
Authority to begin non-standard patrols.
Authority to setup and run civil work camps.
Authority to handle Civil crediting. Including but not limited to distribution of salaries, and other subsidies.
Authority to set up, operate and maintain major Civil Authority Structures.
Authority to participate in non-standard patrols.
Authority to lead non-standard patrols.
Authority to revoke citizenship.
Authority to initiate and promote Ground Units.
Authority to order and lead ground/unassigned units of lesser rank.
Authority to order and lead units outside of standard jurisdiction.
Authority to order and change protocols of Ground Units.
Authority to initiate Judgement Waiver protocols.

•Ground Unit Recruit

•Authority to enforce standard sociostability protocol.
Authority to enact standard ration distribution cycle.
Authority to enact non-standard ration distribution.
Authority to confirm and prosecute anti-civil activity.
Authority to issue search warrants on citizens or property.
Authority to begin non-standard patrols.
Authority to set up and run civil work camps.
Authority to handle Civil crediting. Including but not limited to distribution of salaries, and other subsidies.
Authority to setup, operate and maintain major Civil Authority Structures.
Authority to participate in non-standard patrols.
•[color=black[Authority to lead non-standard patrols.[/color]
Authority to revoke citizenship.
Authority to initiate and promote Ground Units.
Authority to order and lead ground/unassigned units of lesser rank.
Authority to order and lead units outside of standard jurisdiction.
Authority to order and change protocols of Ground Units.
Authority to initiate Judgement Waiver protocols.

2. Standard Patrol Procedure
During periods of average Sociostability & Civil Order, all Ground Units are expected to patrol & maintain a presence on the streets of their city. Units should not be waiting for orders to engage in a patrol, this action should be performed naturally throughout the course of a Unit's daily activities & assignments. Patrolling gives Citizenry a sense of continued security & lowers the risk of Sociostability decline. During a standard patrol, NO Unit should enter any area marked as a "Slum". These areas are extremely dangerous for the average Ground Unit, and a breach in protocol concerning the entry of said "Slums" will be met with severe consequences for the offending Unit.

3. Standard Ration Distribution Procedure

Units bearing the rank of Sectorial Commander, Division Leader, Officer, and Elite Protection Unit have been given the authority to begin a Standard Ration Distribution Cycle at any point during average Sociostability & Civil Order status, but only once per distribution period. (Period = 2 Hours.) If the cycle is cleared to proceed, the Unit in charge of the distribution is responsible for ensuring that the distribution cycle is carried out within the bounds of standard procedure & average Civil Order limitations. If there is no permanent structure assigned for the use of a Standard Ration Distribution Cycle, the Unit in charge of the cycle is responsible for the selection & preparations, as well as the security, of a structure for the duration of the cycle. If rank permits, the Unit in charge of the cycle is permitted to acquisition & assign subordinates to assist with the distribution. Once the location for the distribution has been secured, the Unit in charge of the cycle is responsible for the transportation of sufficient ration packets to the location, as well as the packets' security during transit. One the cycle has been announced through a district-wide citizen announcement, or a broadcast by the commanding Unit, citizens will be asked to form an orderly queue while waiting for their ration packet. One Unit must be manning the actual distribution terminal, and ensuring that every citizen receives one ration packet. One Unit will be located near the distribution terminal, asking for, and inspecting each citizen's civil identification card. If the citizen is under the number of points for ration denial, he/she may enter and collect their ration packet, then leave. Once the cycle has ended, either due to insufficient ration packets, or successful distribution to the entire district, the Unit in command is responsible for a clean-up of the area, and confirmation of a successful distribution.

4. Non-Standard Sociostability Procedures (Lockdowns, Judgement Waivers, etc.)

Ground Units, of all ranks, must be familiar with Non-Standard Sociostability Procedures, either through training, or hands-on experience with the procedure in question. Non-Standard Sociostability Procedures will be announced through a District, or City-Wide announcement which will alert the area's citizens to the situation & procedure. Therefore, every Unit should expect full cooperation from citizens during these procedures.

Lockdown Protocol: Lockdowns are frequent during periods when there are fewer on-duty Units than normal. The Unit in charge, if rank permits, will issue area-restrictive barriers & door locks in areas that are placed under lockdown. Units will then be assigned to enforce these restrictions, and disallow any passage to or from the area. Citizens in breach of a lockdown procedure are automatically charged with a Class 02 Anti-Civil Behavior offense. Lockdowns may also be initiated if a citizen committing Anti-Civil offenses has retreated into a designated "Slum" area. At this point, Units will be required to place lockdown procedures around all entrances & exits from the designated "Slum" area. However, Units are, under no circumstances, to enter the designated "Slum" area beyond the lockdown area. Elite Protection Units will be moved into active service immediately following successful lockdown of a designated "Slum" area for sterilization procedures.

Judgement Waiver Protocol: Judgement Waivers are enacted only in the most extreme cases of low Sociostability & Civil Order. This protocol gives full control to every deployed Ground Unit within the district associated with the protocol. This control permits all Ground Units to search, detain, incarcerate, amputate, etcetera, at will. This protocol is primarily used as a "Last Stand", of sorts. When the chances of restoring Sociostability & Civil Order have become abysmally low, this protocol is activated in the hopes that a renewed amount of resistance from the district's Metropolitan Police forces will break the morale of those responsible for causing the unrest, resulting in many citizens simply giving up their causes. Due to the rarity and extreme nature of this protocol, only a Unit bearing the rank of Sectorial Commander has the authority to activate it.

BASTION Protocol: BASTION Protocols are common when Sociostability & Civil Order levels have become low. This protocol over proceeds the use of the Judgement Waiver Protocol, as the goals of this protocol are nearly the same. BASTION Protocol permits the temporary formation of riot control teams consisting of high-level Ground Units to stand against and defeat those responsible for a district's low levels of Sociostability & Civil Order. Units operating in this protocol are authorized to search, detain, and incarcerate any civilian exhibiting anti-civil behavior. Large teams consisting of over a division are deployed to perform these actions en-masse while this protocol is active.

Non-Standard Patrol Procedure: Non-Standard Patrols are different from a Standard Patrol only in the composition of the patrol team, the authorization required to participate & lead one, and the location the patrol will be deployed in. Non-Standard Patrols can be sent to a number of locations, such as designated "Slum" areas, or sections of the district classified as "Dangerous", or "Infested". The goal of these patrols is often to locate and snub out any potential anti-civil behavior in these unsightly territories.

Non-Standard Ration Distribution Procedure: Non-Standard Ration Distribution Procedure is the distribution of rations via means that is not on a large scale, in a single structure, or in an area designed as "Dangerous", "Slum", or "Infested". Examples of Non-Standard Ration Distribution Procedures; A Unit handing a single ration packet to only a single citizen, possibly resulting in the citizen receiving more than one packet per ration cycle. A Unit & team entering an "Infested" area to hand out ration packets to citizens remaining there, despite the dangerous nature of the area. Etcetera, etcetera.

5. Sweep Procedure

The Sweep Procedure is a targeted, and larger-scale, alternative to the standard Patrol Procedure. This procedure is meant to target an area as large as a single district block, or as small as a single building within a district. The procedure can be activated by a Unit of sufficient rank, once a minor amount of evidence indicating social unrest or anti-civil behavior in the target area has been found. The procedure has been found to be a quick & efficient means of quickly rooting out any anti-civil behavior or unrest within an area. If a Unit not of sufficient rank has found evidence of anti-civil behavior or unrest within an area, it is recommended that the Unit immediately reports said evidence to another Unit of sufficient rank to initiate a Sweep Procedure. The Unit in command of the procedure is responsible for putting together a team of his subordinates, selecting the target area, and coordinating the Sweep Procedure. Minimum Requirements for Sweep Procedure Team are; One Team Leader, One Breacher, and at least two accompanying Units. The Team Leader will always be the Unit who initiated the sweep. Standard Breaching Protocol applies during Sweep Procedures.

6. Detainment Procedure

The Detainment Procedure most often enacted upon a single individual exhibiting signs of anti-civil behavior, and the potential to cause unrest & disrupt Sociostability within a district. The procedure is designed to isolate the individual within the Detention Block to prevent their infection from spreading to other members of the district populace, and possibly even beyond. When carrying out a verdict or an order involving a citizen who has displayed anti-civil behavior, it has been found that maltreatment of the detainee during transit to the Detention Block is worse for sociostability. This is caused by the non-offending citizens witnessing the acts of maltreatment, and developing further anti-social behavior in an attempt to, in their minds, "get revenge". This being said, all Units must remember that sociostability is their first priority. Units found maltreating a detainee in public or unsecured areas will be harshly disciplined.
Proper Protocol: Locating the suspect can be a difficult task when the entire district is a possible location. Units are advised to use all available intelligence, cooperating citizens, and common sense to wittle down possible hiding locations of a suspect. Once the locations have been narrowed down, a Sweep Procedure will often proceed the Detainment Procedure. Units are advised to confirm the identity of the suspect via checking the citizen's civil identification card. Once the identify of the suspect has been confirmed, the suspect is to be searched & stripped of any discovered contraband items. If a high-level contraband item is discovered, contact a Unit of the appropriate rank to deal with the item. The contacted Unit will take over command of the Detainment Procedure from there. Once the detainment period of a suspect has expired, the officer responsible for his detainment is also responsible for his release. If the detaining officer is not available, this task falls to a JURY Unit. Failure to ensure the suspect's release will result in disciplinary measures.

7. Standard Communications Codes

Secure radio communication is the primary form of communication & coordination between MPF Units on the field. It is advised that all Units learn basic communication codes, in order to become a more efficient Unit. Below is a list of basic communications codes.

•10-0 - "Use caution."

•10-4 - "Affirmative."

•10-7 - "Status; Off-Duty."

•10-8 - "Status; On-Duty."

•10-9 - "Repeat last message."

•10-15 - "Prisoner in custody."

•10-16 - "Pick up prisoner."

•10-20 - Reference to location.

•10-25 XXXXX - "Can you contact XXXXX?"

•10-50 - "Commencing patrol."

•10-51 – "Unit is continuing patrol."

•10-97 - "Arrived at scene."

•10-103 - "Disturbance."

•10-107 - "Suspicious person."

•10-108- "Officer down."

•11-6 - "Illegal discharge of firearms."

•11-98 - "With officer."

•11-99 - "Officer needs assistance."

•Code 603 - "Unlawful entry."

•Code 647A - "Vagrant loitering in a public place."

•Code 647E - "Anti-citizen."

•Necrotic – "Headcrab"-Infested Individual.

•Biotic – Sentient Biotic Life Form, such as a "Vortigaunt".

•Infested – Reference to area infested with "Headcrabs".

Note: Units are advised to only utilize the code "11-99" in emergency situations. Do not utilize the "11-99" code for minor incidents.

8. Equipment Usage & Restrictions

•Sectorial Commander

•Authority to carry & deploy the "Stunstick".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "9mm Handgun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the ".357 Magnum Revolver".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "MP7 Submachine Gun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "SPAS-12 Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Flashbang" Grenade type.
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Smoke" Grenade type.
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Fragmentation" Grenade type.

•Division Leader

•Authority to carry & deploy the "Stunstick".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "9mm Handgun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the ".357 Magnum Revolver".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "MP7 Submachine Gun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "SPAS-12 Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Flashbang" Grenade type.
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Smoke" Grenade type.
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Fragmentation" Grenade type.

•Ground Officer

•Authority to carry & deploy the "Stunstick".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "9mm Handgun".
Authority to carry & deploy the ".357 Magnum Revolver".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "MP7 Submachine Gun".
Authority to carry & deploy the "SPAS-12 Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Flashbang" Grenade type.
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Smoke" Grenade type.
Authority to carry & deploy the "Fragmentation" Grenade type.

•Elite Protection Unit

•Authority to carry & deploy the "Stunstick".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "9mm Handgun".
Authority to carry & deploy the ".357 Magnum Revolver".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "MP7 Submachine Gun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "SPAS-12 Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun". With DvL+ Permission.
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Flashbang" Grenade type.
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Smoke" Grenade type.
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Fragmentation" Grenade type. With DvL+ Permission.

•Ground Unit Ranking 02-01

•Authority to carry & deploy the "Stunstick".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "9mm Handgun".
Authority to carry & deploy the ".357 Magnum Revolver".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "MP7 Submachine Gun". With DvL+ Permission.
Authority to carry & deploy the "SPAS-12 Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Flashbang" Grenade type.
Authority to carry & deploy the "Smoke" Grenade type.
Authority to carry & deploy the "Fragmentation" Grenade type.

•Ground Unit Ranking 05-03

•Authority to carry & deploy the "Stunstick".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "9mm Handgun". With DvL+ Permission
Authority to carry & deploy the ".357 Magnum Revolver".
Authority to carry & deploy the "MP7 Submachine Gun".
Authority to carry & deploy the "SPAS-12 Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun".
•Authority to carry & deploy the "Flashbang" Grenade type. With DvL+ Permission.
Authority to carry & deploy the "Smoke" Grenade type.
Authority to carry & deploy the "Fragmentation" Grenade type.

•Metropolitan Police Force Recruit

•Authority to carry & deploy the "Stunstick".
Authority to carry & deploy the "9mm Handgun".
Authority to carry & deploy the ".357 Magnum Revolver".
Authority to carry & deploy the "MP7 Submachine Gun".
Authority to carry & deploy the "SPAS-12 Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun".
Authority to carry & deploy the "Flashbang" Grenade type.
Authority to carry & deploy the "Smoke" Grenade type.
Authority to carry & deploy the "Fragmentation" Grenade type.

9. Metropolitan Police Force Divisions & Specialized Units

Divisions: _____________________
UNION Division.
JURY Division.
SHIELD Division.
VICE Division.
STORM Division.

Specialized Units: _____________________
Elite Protection Unit.
Division Leader Unit.
Sectorial Commander Unit.

This section is a Work In Progress.

Metropolitan Police Force Roster

Sectorial Commander
MPF-SeC:##### - Position Open

UNION Division
Division Status: In Service, Open.
Roster _______________________
Division Leader: MPF-UNION-DvL:##### - Position Open
Division Officer: MPF-UNION-OfC:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-UNION-XX:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-UNION-XX:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-UNION-XX:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-UNION-XX:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-UNION-XX:##### - Position Open

JURY Division
Division Status: In Service, Open.
Roster _______________________
Division Leader: MPF-JURY-DvL:##### - Position Open
Division Officer:MPF-JURY-OfC:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-JURY-XX:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-JURY-XX:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-JURY-XX:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-JURY-XX:##### - Position Open
Ground Unit: MPF-JURY-XX:##### - Position Open

SHIELD Division
Division Status: Out of Service, Closed.
Roster _______________________
Document Tagged: Classified Information.

VICE Division
Division Status: Out of Service, Closed.
Roster _______________________
Document Tagged: Classified Information.

STORM Division
Division Status: Out of Service, Closed.
Roster _______________________
Document Tagged: Classified Information.

Metropolitan Police Force Recruit Division
Division Status: In Service, Open.
Roster _______________________
Recruit Instructor:MPF-XXXXX-XXX:##### - Position Open
Recruit: MPF-RCT:#####
Recruit: MPF-RCT:#####
Recruit: MPF-RCT:#####
Recruit: MPF-RCT:#####
Recruit: MPF-RCT:#####
Recruit: MPF-RCT:#####

Overwatch Trans-human Arms.


Civil-Workers Union.

The Civil-Workers Union is a group of loyalist citizens who do research for the Combine. In return they get extra rations and better treatment. They generally won't turn the other cheek for anti-citizens. They report any anti-civil activity. They do anything for the Combine that they can.


The resistance is the opposing force for the Combine. They oppose their rule and want them gone. The resistance will not be around in the beginning of the server but will show up a week or two after the release. They fight for survival and must scavenge for resources. They generally stay hidden and try to rattle the Combine. Their main goal is to free humanity from Combine control. They always attempt to help citizens.


The Vortigaunts are a race from a planet not known, they retreated to Xen after the Combine invaded their home world. Once at Xen they fought the Combine forces as long as they could till they moved to Earth. Their leader was killed at Xen. Now they are enslaved by the Combine or scattered along Earth taking up the fight against the Combine with the Resistance. They showed up with the Portal Storms. 

Server work

Now for anyone who is ready to say this will be to much as Silver or Last.Exile whichever you call him is working on Crussaria and FRP. He already has all of the stuff to make the server including the script.
It will not take much work except for installing somethings and changing a few lua files.

Bonuses of the server
The server will attract people from out of the community to come play at HGN. We already have a list of 20 people from out of HGN who would want the server to come up. Along with a few people within HGN who want to see this come up.

Only constructive critisem is allowed here, unless you are supporting the idea.

Done by Ace, and Sharrock,  logos by Blake, originals done by Caboose

|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on


I will rape anyone who says no, This is epic great work dude, Cant wait!
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Hell yes. +Support. Make it happen.


The is some pretty sexy shit. +Support :tick:


For every no, A kitten shall die. I Support this.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


 I joined HGN just because of this

Hideki Tojo approves this thread.


Dug now fully supports this project.


No...Way in hell this shouldn't be done, Get this in production now. lol + support
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


How many slots will the server have?
For Freedom


+support,but only if you make me vortigaunt..vortigaunts are awesome..



Quote from: knife_cz on 27-02-2011
+support,but only if you make me vortigaunt..vortigaunts are awesome..

So you can RDM and get permabanned on that server too? Hmm, good idea!

Anyways, I say +support.

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


I really want to be VICE DvL if this actually happens.

Hory shit, please let me be Vice DLeader.


If silver wants to he will. Otherwise all our opinions do not matter.



Lez do dis sheit.


I support this idea 110 percent, also, What do you guys think of the Logos so far?


Quote from: cabooseaurand on 27-02-2011
I support this idea 110 percent, also, What do you guys think of the Logos so far?

They're terrible Andrew, they need more NEON. I TOLD YOU TO ADD THE FUCKING NEOOOOOOOOOON.


Meh, theres more then plenty of content to make this. So I don't see why not.


I will remain neutral, as It seems the majority of the fun rests on Metro cops and everyone will want to be a metro cop.

So that being said I will not support Nor will I support

I will just say I will not play it.

- Support Im skeptical as I believe people are going to be Metro cops. . . What I mean is people want to be metro cops cause they are all powerful and awesome. And being a citizen will generally suck, I remeber when I tried a few HL2 RP servers and my RP consisted of me standing around being bored. Or being ruthlessly beaten to death all the time.

Not to mention I also belive that HL2 is a masterpiece, and should not have a tangent story that does not have heavyily developed characters as (Once again I see alot of this "YES YES YES SUPPORT SUPPORT I WANT TO BE A METRO COP!") and not a whole lot of interesting story can be derived from being beaten to death all the time OR by being some guy who beats people to death with no care.

It also does not help that this thread focuses heavily on the metrocops and how awesome they are and everyone eles gets 2-5 sentences.

Also inb4rage and flame

If I hear or see ANY flaming or Trolling of anyone due to there opinions, I will hand out a hefty ban, Keep the it constructive or gtfo, we are a community. No flaming
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 27-02-2011
I will remain neutral, as It seems the majority of the fun rests on Metro cops and everyone will want to be a metro cop.

So that being said I will not support Nor will I support

I will just say I will not play it.

- Support Im skeptical as I believe people are going to be Metro cops. . . What I mean is people want to be metro cops cause they are all powerful and awesome. And being a citizen will generally suck, I remeber when I tried a few HL2 RP servers and my RP consisted of me standing around being bored. Or being ruthlessly beaten to death all the time.

Not to mention I also belive that HL2 is a masterpiece, and should not have a tangent story that does not have heavyily developed characters as (Once again I see alot of this "YES YES YES SUPPORT SUPPORT I WANT TO BE A METRO COP!") and not a whole lot of interesting story can be derived from being beaten to death all the time OR by being some guy who beats people to death with no care.

It also does not help that this thread focuses heavily on the metrocops and how awesome they are and everyone eles gets 2-5 sentences.

Also inb4rage and flame

If I hear or see ANY flaming or Trolling of anyone due to there opinions, I will hand out a hefty ban, Keep the it constructive or gtfo, we are a community. No flaming

This. Notice how the entire first post is all about combine. Citizens don't even get a paragraph and the resistance get 1 measly paragraph. That right there should send up red flags about the RP nature of the noncombine sections. Everyone is going to flock to CP because CP gets all the power. Just like how everyone flocks to Military in SRP. Leading to a boring, 1 sided server

Every HL2RP server I have ever been on to be a citizen is boring as fuck. The reason for this is simple: There aren't a lot of RP avenues open. Think about it, at its simplest citizen RP boils down to one of two roles:

1. CItizen gets tired of being oppressed and joins the rebels.
2. Citizen thinks "If you can't beat them, join them" and is a loyal CP

and that's it. There's no real sense of personal gain (like there is in STALKER for example) because you're constantly at the mercy of the CPs. So you can RP all you want getting beat by the CP or being a CP slave for rations but at the end of the day that is all you do. Until you go full CP or full rebel but then the vast majority of the time both sides are too nervous about "ZOMG random DM" to do anything and so it turns into everyone wandering around pointlessly waiting for someone to fire the first shot. Once you DO get into all out war, you might as well just be playing HL2 Deathmatch. And when All Out War does happen, the citizens are still left out to dry since the only they can do is cower and hide until the shooting stops. Yes that can lead to tension and drama the first few times it happens but think about a few months down the road as a citizen. Yeah I don't know of anyone who would stay as a citizen that long because they'd exhaust their RP avenues pretty quickly. Forcing a faction to exist solely to funnel into other major factions seems like a problem.

HL2 doesn't lend itself to character development. Well it does but it's not original. Your backstory is basically limited to "My parents/family/self was/were brutalized by the Combine and I want revenge" or "The combine are our overlords and I must server them". Yay.

And then once you make it to those other factions you are again stuck with very limited options. As a rebel you can

1. Fight CPs
2. POSSIBLY recruit citizens

As a CP you can

1. Fight Rebels
2. Beat random citizens.

Both of which grow stale after a while. How many civies can one beat with a stunstick before it gets repetitive? Maybe people are sadists who that never gets old for but for me I think I'd see every range of reaction to it within a week of hitting people and then be repeating the same responses over and over.

Now contrast this to SRP where you can have any number of backstories: (Be greedy for personal wealth, are the adventuring sort, are a scientist, are a soldier, are an anarchist, are a mercenary, are a mutant). There's also considerably more complex relations between characters in STALKER than in HL2 all combine pretty much get along with each other because they don't have much emotions and all citizens have to get along with each other because no citizen has wealth to steal or anything else that would make violence amongst citizens worthwhile.

I mean if people want to play it go for it since it's coming up.


This does seem like it would be a pretty interesting side thing for when I start getting bored of SRP. +support


With the amount of people on Stalker how do you expect to fill hl2 wouldn't it split the Player Base?
For Freedom


I got a little bored and thought these might be of more use than the current ones :L

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Brandon we are not trying to bring people from SRP, rather just get community support for the idea. And also great job Blake.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on


Quote from: Paintcheck on 27-02-2011
Quote from: Tom on 27-02-2011
I will remain neutral, as It seems the majority of the fun rests on Metro cops and everyone will want to be a metro cop.

So that being said I will not support Nor will I support

I will just say I will not play it.

- Support Im skeptical as I believe people are going to be Metro cops. . . What I mean is people want to be metro cops cause they are all powerful and awesome. And being a citizen will generally suck, I remeber when I tried a few HL2 RP servers and my RP consisted of me standing around being bored. Or being ruthlessly beaten to death all the time.

Not to mention I also belive that HL2 is a masterpiece, and should not have a tangent story that does not have heavyily developed characters as (Once again I see alot of this "YES YES YES SUPPORT SUPPORT I WANT TO BE A METRO COP!") and not a whole lot of interesting story can be derived from being beaten to death all the time OR by being some guy who beats people to death with no care.

It also does not help that this thread focuses heavily on the metrocops and how awesome they are and everyone eles gets 2-5 sentences.

Also inb4rage and flame

If I hear or see ANY flaming or Trolling of anyone due to there opinions, I will hand out a hefty ban, Keep the it constructive or gtfo, we are a community. No flaming

This. Notice how the entire first post is all about combine. Citizens don't even get a paragraph and the resistance get 1 measly paragraph. That right there should send up red flags about the RP nature of the noncombine sections. Everyone is going to flock to CP because CP gets all the power. Just like how everyone flocks to Military in SRP. Leading to a boring, 1 sided server

Every HL2RP server I have ever been on to be a citizen is boring as fuck. (And no, Sharrock, it's not because I "can't passive" and "spend all my time in ERP with people", sorry you feel that way and also sorry you see any disagreement, however civil, as a personal attack on you and everything you stand for. Good thing SF has a block function so I don't need to see your 13 year old insults in my SF again). The reason for this is simple: There aren't a lot of RP avenues open. Think about it, at its simplest citizen RP boils down to one of two roles:

1. CItizen gets tired of being oppressed and joins the rebels.
2. Citizen thinks "If you can't beat them, join them" and is a loyal CP

and that's it. There's no real sense of personal gain (like there is in STALKER for example) because you're constantly at the mercy of the CPs. So you can RP all you want getting beat by the CP or being a CP slave for rations but at the end of the day that is all you do. Until you go full CP or full rebel but then the vast majority of the time both sides are too nervous about "ZOMG random DM" to do anything and so it turns into everyone wandering around pointlessly waiting for someone to fire the first shot. Once you DO get into all out war, you might as well just be playing HL2 Deathmatch. And when All Out War does happen, the citizens are still left out to dry since the only they can do is cower and hide until the shooting stops. Yes that can lead to tension and drama the first few times it happens but think about a few months down the road as a citizen. Yeah I don't know of anyone who would stay as a citizen that long because they'd exhaust their RP avenues pretty quickly. Forcing a faction to exist solely to funnel into other major factions seems like a problem.

HL2 doesn't lend itself to character development. Well it does but it's not original. Your backstory is basically limited to "My parents/family/self was/were brutalized by the Combine and I want revenge" or "The combine are our overlords and I must server them". Yay.

And then once you make it to those other factions you are again stuck with very limited options. As a rebel you can

1. Fight CPs
2. POSSIBLY recruit citizens

As a CP you can

1. Fight Rebels
2. Beat random citizens.

Both of which grow stale after a while. How many civies can one beat with a stunstick before it gets repetitive? Maybe people are sadists who that never gets old for but for me I think I'd see every range of reaction to it within a week of hitting people and then be repeating the same responses over and over.

Now contrast this to SRP where you can have any number of backstories: (Be greedy for personal wealth, are the adventuring sort, are a scientist, are a soldier, are an anarchist, are a mercenary, are a mutant). There's also considerably more complex relations between characters in STALKER than in HL2 all combine pretty much get along with each other because they don't have much emotions and all citizens have to get along with each other because no citizen has wealth to steal or anything else that would make violence amongst citizens worthwhile.

But since Silver has already stated that this is coming up it doesn't matter that much. I just like arguing with ethugs on the internet for reasons unknown. So Sharrock if you still think this is "Nonbacked criticism" then you really are unfit to be suggesting ideas. And if you find this to be a personal insult, good. It only makes me feel better knowing that you're getting this bent out of shape because "Holy shit someone disagrees with me on the internet so I'm going to call him gay in SF"

I mean if people want to play it go for it since it's coming up. But I am questioning Sharrock's ability to lead anything given how hard he raged at me over SF for thinking this to be a bad idea.

I lol'd especially hard at this on the bottom of the post: "Only constructive critisem is allowed here, unless you are supporting the idea"

So if you are against the idea "Your point is invalid" according to Sharrock. Just the kind of receptive leader an RP project needs  ::)

What you guys don't understand is that there are two ways to prevent boredom in this. First off, if you choose to stay a citizen there will be MANY, MANY events, in which citizens may partake. If they don't want to participate in these events, they may join the resistance, the resistance will SURELY be quite fun, though I've never tried it, perhaps if you don't want to do either, then partake in some RP in the slums, people love to gather up in the slums and start their own things like, relationship RP, and small group RP. There are many things to do, you just need to know how to have fun.