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QuotePerfect World in recent years has bought out many of the Western companies it has worked with, a growing trend of Chinese based publishers purchasing western Intellectual property such as Ten Cent via Snail Games with Ark: Survival Evolved or at the least become a majority owner of many of them, Perfect Worlds other purchases also includes Cryptic Studios and Runic Games.

Continue article on Game Knightly
This is a WIP, if anyone wants to work on this they can, this will be featured on the website and also in-game PDA.
In Character / [Lore][Race] S'ogreth
Last post by RanmaChan - 16-01-2021
(Originally by Psykotico/Sheogorath)

A book fragment from a 'History of Aceonic Races, by Thimble Bagsworth, Gnome merchant and traveller.'

"The history of the S'ogreth is a turbulent one. Being one of the first races to appear on Aceon, the S'ogreth have never really had a powerful, influential, or large society. They much preferred to live in seclusion or in small tribes, living off the land. At first there were woodlands, swamp, tundra, and mountain S'ogreth tribes, but as other races started to appear on Aceon, they grew fearful of the S'ogreth due to their appearance, and started a campaign of elimination. The S'ogreth were removed from their homes in the woodlands and tundra, and forced to seek shelter on remote mountain chains, or deep in the swamps, where they wouldn't be hunted. There they have stayed for many, many years, over many cataclysms, only now starting to venture from their homes and back into Aceonic society. Those natives who still live hidden away hold a deep resentment towards the other races for their cruel treatment, and see those S'ogreth who leave to explore or join civilization as traitors."

"The S'ogreth are large humanoids, with two arms and legs, rough leathery skin, and a fierce appearance. With elongated snouts, sharp teeth, and cold blood. Their skin is usually the colour of the environment their parents lived in, muted earth colours such as green, yellow, or brown, but it is not unusual to have S'ogreth of strange colours, like grey, red, and sometimes even blue, though usually this is due to them being affected by some sort of magic. (A S'ogreth mage that uses fire magic can be red, etc)  S'ogreth are usually pacifistic creatures, who used their time spent in the swamps and mountains to study interesting herbs and healing techniques, as well as different methods with which to grow food in their isolated habitats.  S'ogreth are honourable creatures, and if you slight their honour their pacifistic demeanour can easily change towards you. If a S'ogreth invites you into its house, you can expect it to be the most polite and gracious host you have ever met, but if you break into its house, beware..."

"There are two different types of S'ogreth, the mountain tribes, and the swamp tribes. The swamp tribes have gained an ability to breathe underwater for a vast amount of time, whereas their cousins in the mountains seem to have lost this ability, but are now able to breathe oxygen deprived air. However, the S'ogreth of the mountain tribes also now seem to live longer than those in the swamps, growing to an older age. Both swamp and mountain variants share many of the same traits though, their tough skin makes them slightly more resistant to light weaponry, and both tribes eat their meat raw, not cooked, out of respect for the prey they hunt. Many from both tribes remain pacifists, and act as doctors or medics, but this is not always the case. It is believed that the C'tis could possibly be a third tribe of the S'ogreth, adapting heavily to the desert, but both the C'tis and the S'ogreth deny this claim vehemently."
(Props to Lt.Azreal for this old post.)

An old diary entry found on a skeleton in the Ermorian ruins.
Date: Unknown

So, I found this book. Might as well keep a record of my thoughts. Maybe if something goes wrong, at least my skeleton will have an interesting tale. So, the beginning. I am an elf. Or, a half elf. I've seen elves here, they are more nimble than I, so I obviously am part human. I have no recollection of any part of my life. Only an image, that of a beautiful maiden. Blond hair, braided, in a dress, with the most remarkable brown eyes you'd ever see, and a smile, the one that means she's laughing, lips slightly parted. That's all I know.

I awoke on the beach, amidst of circle of stones, some stone, some metal, and some lava, if memory serves correctly. Or maybe there was a pool of lava, I don't rightly know. All I knew was that this wasn't home. At first, I wondered if I had gotten too crazy at some get together, wound up where ever my body fell. But that couldn't be the case, as I soon found out. I found a trail, made of stone, in the woods. I followed it to the Nomas. Interesting people, they are, but that's for another entry. Then, I followed the trail some more, found some people at a tavern. They were nice, gave me a lay of the land, one even threw me some dagger he got somewhere or other, said I'd need it. He was right. The creatures of this land... Not right, not even in the slightest.

I even managed to nab a few nights rest there, when no one was looking. Well, then as I left to find some answers, I saw a flyer for the Ermorian Imperial Army. I figured, 'hey, I can swing a blade just as well as the next guy, why not?' As it turns out, diary, I can swing a blade a lot better than many of the people here. I was admitted, and became a proper citizen with that. I gained a name, from whatever I could piece together. I was a TRAVeler, so that worked, and Ironbow sounded intimidating. So many things have happened, nearly a year has passed... I doubt I'll ever find the answers I seek. But, what I wonder is, do I want to know? Might the past be too terrible to bare? The tattoos on my face, they look... evil, almost. Maybe it's the sharp points. And my skill with any blade, signifies something, I don't know, dark maybe. But, this Maiden I mentioned earlier. I know she's important, somehow. Whether she was my betrothed, my bride, or... I hesitate to say this, because I believe inner beauty shows through, and inner ugliness the same, but maybe she's the reason I have no memory, maybe she's why I'm stuck in a land I have no prior knowledge of. It's late, my candle needs to be saved for more important things, so, good night, diary.

You know, I should come up with a name for you. Tenchi. I don't know how, but I know that means something good.
In Character / Re: [Lore][Race] Gnomes
Last post by RanmaChan - 16-01-2021
Thanks for posting this here, now I can add the link to it over in the main racial list.
In Character / [Lore][Race] Gnomes
Last post by Alaizia121 - 16-01-2021
Race Name: Gnomes
Sub-race Name: N/A

Appearance: Gnomes generally stand between 2'8 and 3'2, very short in comparison to the other races of Aceon, even the Dwarves. They prefer wear ornate traveling clothing, often in vibrant colors which match their dyed hair. Many Gnomes can have natural but differently colored eyes and hair from their small but innate connection to magic, which can range from bright red to dark green, pink, purple, and everything inbetween.

Racial History: Gnomes as a cultural group do not form large societies or kingdoms, preferring to form small communities and groups in whatever society they insert themselves into. Their traditions and habits vary based on the larger society they are found in, often times resembling a " pick and choose " cluster of a region's cultural practices mixed with their own logics.

From The Diary of Jennifer Elandil. "Today was an extraordinary day! I saw Gnomes today, real life Gnomes, all the way out here! We don't get many people visiting our little town, so to have a caravan of Gnomes come through was something extra special. What was really neat was that they were all about my size, only around three feet tall. They had all sorts of things for sale, from shiny swords to beautiful dresses; but what I really wanted was to know more about them.

It turns out that they don't really have their own villages or towns. They travel around in caravans or live in small communities within the towns and kingdoms of other species. They create their own small districts, keeping to themselves but to sell their wares, and their services. They aren't anti-social people, or incapable of creating their own places to live, they just prefer things this way.

What really caught my eye was their hair and eye colors. Most of them looked pretty normal, like me, but others had all kinds of different colored hair and eyes, from bright purple to dark green. I spoke with many of them about it, and they told me it had something to do with a 'natural connection to the local presences of magic'. I don't know what that means, but it sounds pretty cool."

"They told me all sorts of stuff about magic, like that some of them could sense when magical spells were being cast, while others could sense magical auras, and others could feel the presence of magic in the past. It was really quite extraordinary. They told me that they are often paid for these magic sensing services. Some of the others though said they had no connection to magic at all, and just dyed their hair because they liked it. I like it too, so I bought some blue hair dye from one of them. Tomorrow I am going to talk to father about dying my hair. I really hope he agrees!"
Some ammo textures for 9x18:

Hey, if it is good enough for Mr. Flufferton, it is good enough for me.
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