Whitelist Application Thread

Started by Bl★ck Star, 08-04-2011

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Real Name: Steven
Roleplay Name: Dorian
Minecraft username: deathwish47
Players you already know on the minecraft server: none

Previous roleplay experience: Lots of D&D (If that counts for anything), and RP WoW Servers (replaced shop keeper bots with people who had to work to get their items to sell)

What servers you play on: none

Why would you like to join our server: been looking for a good role playing server on mine craft and was referred here by people in public free build servers.

Job Wish list: I would love to either be a Blacksmith shop keeper or a Miner. If i can not fill these shoes, just let me know what you need.


Real Name: Robert
Roleplay Name: Tandle
Minecraft username: Shrimpit
Age: 17
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None

Previous roleplay experience: I thoroughly enjoy roleplaying on most games that I can i used to play a wide avriety of MMO's such as WOW, Warhammer online, DDO, Guildwars & Aion all of which i was a respected member of the RPing community.I also take part in weekly D&D sessions with my friends

What servers you play on: I am Still yet to find a server to play besides that i play on my friends local Medieval Build server which is not open to the public

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join this server because minecraft seems to be the best and most open game in which you can rp. There are no particular limits to what role you must play or a defined line to your role. I hope that my experiences of RPing on minecraft will keep changing and make a story for myself and the others around me. Im also impressed by the fact you have your own website as apossed to the minecraft forums.


I am going to be implementing a forty-eight hour wait time in whitelisting, suggested by Xerdun.
It is to weed out griefers.
I apologize for any inconveniences.


48 wait time? does this mean 48 hours?



Real Name:Lane Camp
Roleplay Name:Arick
Minecraft username:bigstealth
Players you already know on the minecraft server:none

Previous roleplay experience:other MC servers elder scrolls fable fallout mass effect

What servers you play on:2 rp servers

Why would you like to join our server:i need a minecraft rp server to call home all others either merge with another or fail


Quote from: geccoy on 03-05-2011
I am going to be implementing a forty-eight hour wait time in whitelisting, suggested by Xerdun.
It is to weed out griefers.
I apologize for any inconveniences.

I hope this doesn't affect apps made during this time?

Real Name: Jordan James
Roleplay Name: Adobe
Minecraft username: tylergagnon207
Age: 17
Players you already know on the minecraft server: none

Previous roleplay experience: Secondlife RP continents.

What servers you play on: WoM

Why would you like to join our server: Been wanting to join a a good RP community since I stopped playing SL. After playing MineCraft I wanted to experience the potential for it here.


Quote from: adobe on 03-05-2011
Quote from: geccoy on 03-05-2011
I am going to be implementing a forty-eight hour wait time in whitelisting, suggested by Xerdun.
It is to weed out griefers.
I apologize for any inconveniences.

I hope this doesn't affect apps made during this time?
The two applications before mine, and all after mine.


Quote from: geccoy on 03-05-2011
Quote from: adobe on 03-05-2011
Quote from: geccoy on 03-05-2011
I am going to be implementing a forty-eight hour wait time in whitelisting, suggested by Xerdun.
It is to weed out griefers.
I apologize for any inconveniences.

I hope this doesn't affect apps made during this time?
The two applications before mine, and all after mine.

I meant if I needed to wait 48 hours before bother posting an APP, or if I did it would be pending for the x amount of time left on the freeze.


I will add people after forty-eight hours of their post.


Real Name: Jung Maeng
Roleplay Name: Sir Tennent
Minecraft username:Jungmaeng
Players you already know on the minecraft server:
Actionmovieed, okky360
Previous roleplay experience:
None first time for everything
What servers you play on:
Why would you like to join our server: my Friends are telling its a nice server


Real Name: Gerben de Boer
Roleplay Name: Ranagor ('Ran' for short)
Minecraft username: Ranagor
Age: 18
Players you already know on the minecraft server:
I don't know any other minecraft players on this server.

Previous roleplay experience:

I am roleplaying for 8 years now, I think. I started with Dungeons and Dragons (And am still playing it),
did some Forum RPG's and I have done a lot of roleplaying in World of Warcraft (Still doing it).

What servers you play on:
I don't have any server I play on yet. If I am accepted, I want to devote my time to this server
and not to any other. I want to play on one server at a time.

Why would you like to join our server:
Because I love roleplaying, and this server seems like a great Minecraft RP server, to me.
Every time I play an MMORPG or something like it, I am looking for people that want to roleplay,
so that's why I started looking for Minecraft RP servers. Minecraft has a lot of aspects that i think are perfect for RP.


Real Name:Nour
Roleplay Name: Nour
Minecraft username: N0ur
Players you already know on the minecraft server:
Previous roleplay experience:
Done quite some WoW rp.
What servers you play on:
Only my friends atm, used to play on a freebuild server cause i love building stuff,
Why would you like to join our server: First of all i LOVE rping, and this server seems quite nice (from what i heard). There was this guy i met on the freebuild server that said that this server would be a perfect rp server for me. ( Dont remember the name though).


Real Name:Richard
Roleplay Name:Isaac the III
Minecraft username:darkzerxx
Players you already know on the minecraft server:Yorty, Thy, SGT Spartan

Previous roleplay experience:All HGN servers at one point or another and still playing.

What servers you play on:SRP, FORP

Why would you like to join our server:Because I think it would be extremely fun and interesting to be able to RP in a game where you can actually let your imagination take over and RP with others who think the same. Not to mention seeing a medieval world built by Real RP'ers is really awesome
And I would like to be able to play with actual people who aren't 12 year old fucking everything up others worked so hard for.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


Real Name: William

Roleplay Name: Will Blacksteel

Minecraft Username: Willepwns

Age in real life: 14
Roleplay age: 26

Players you know on the server: None.

Previous RP experience: Iv'e done alot of Forum rps, and i guessed that i wanted to try out Minecraft rp.

Why i want to join this server: Because iv'e tried alot of other rp styles but never Minecraft, so im psyched about trying it out. Im also a VERY serious roleplayer. I never kid around unless it is Out of Character.


Real Name: Dylan Blacker
Roleplay Name: Valdrrak
Minecraft username: lordbok
Age: 19
Players you already know on the minecraft server: I do not know anyone on your server, so I can be a refugee to your world.

Previous roleplay experience: I have role played on many games including WoW, GTA:VI. Red Dead Redemption, Runescape, Aion, Runes of Magic, And maybe some more as I look for RP servers of most games I can.

What servers you play on:So far I haven't found a real good RP server for Minecraft due to lag or low population but already when I logged in to your server there was no lag and also a good population. However I have just started playing in my WoW server's MInecraft server but it has yet to go public. so i have been a builder and beta testing on it.

Why would you like to join our server: Because it seems to have an active and good community and no lag as lag has been a problem for me in minecraft servers


The list is getting too long, the rule is now invalid.






Name: Dylan

Roleplay Name: Baelgun

Minecraft Name: Baelgun

Age: 15

Players I know on the server: 0

Previous Roleplay expierence: games on Xbox such as Dragon Age and Oblivion

What servers you play on: Just my friend's where we just build stuff :/

Why I would like to join the server: I would like to join because I usually have fun playing RP games and love playing them with other people and wanted to give it a try on Minecraft.


Quote from: Extor595 on 04-05-2011

What servers you play on: Just my friend's where we just build stuff :/

Why I would like to join the server: I would like to join because I usually have fun playing RP games and love playing them with other people and wanted to give it a try on Minecraft.

This is what concerns me.
You do realize that we're not a build server, right?
What do you mean by RPing games?


Name: Stephen

Roleplay Name: Ryland Li'zerrek

Minecraft Name: Xblox (An Alt Acc. of xteve!)

Age: 14

Players I know on the server: geccoy, Silver, okky, dragon.. Ok, I know everyone. xD

Previous Roleplay experience: Roblox... Minecraft... I already said this stuff.

What servers you play on: This one. A private one.

Why I would like to join the server: I would like to join simply so people won't confuse my new completely heteroseuxal elf character with my original. It would make things easier. Thx.


Real Name:Karl
Roleplay Name: Doran
Minecraft username:Robertsar
Players you already know on the minecraft server:None, but I hope to meet some.

Previous roleplay experience: Video Games: Elder Scrolls 3 and 4, WoW, and Mardek RPGs
Writing Roleplays: I've done a couple rps on the escapist forums.

What servers you play on: Escapecraft.com, but no actual RP servers yet

Why would you like to join our server: I REALLY want to do an online RP that isn't in a forum. And I love minecraft, so this seems like the perfect thing for me.


Real Name: Sara
Roleplay Name: Rarmae
Minecraft username: Rarmae
Age: 25
Players you already know on the minecraft server: No one.

Previous roleplay experience: I first began roleplaying in World of Warcraft, for about a year or so, then moved games to Aion Online where I also roleplayed for a little less than a year. I've had shorter roleplaying experiences such as in Furcadia, Runes of Magic, and with friends over instant messaging.

What servers you play on: I don't currently have a server that I play on regularly, though I tried the public Yogscast server for a day or two. I felt I spent too much time trying to make my creations grief-proof than actually enjoying the game with others.

Why would you like to join our server: I've been wanting to join a community for some time now that would not only allow me to use my creativity to the fullest, but one that did some role play instead of just chit-chatting all day long. Not to mention a server that stuck with the idea of only building actual medieval-themed towns. I have a few questions I'd like to ask an admin or mod if they aren't answered when/if I get to experience your server's world, which I'll save for such a time as when that is appropriate.


Quote from: geccoy on 04-05-2011
Quote from: Extor595 on 04-05-2011

What servers you play on: Just my friend's where we just build stuff :/

Why I would like to join the server: I would like to join because I usually have fun playing RP games and love playing them with other people and wanted to give it a try on Minecraft.

This is what concerns me.
You do realize that we're not a build server, right?
What do you mean by RPing games?

I think I wrote it all wrong, Supposed to say i love trying RP:ing in different kind of games, I've also tried SA-MP(wasnt my thing). I've looked around on youtube and saw the YoGPoD's and their server is full of RPing (Or thats what it seems like). This made me interested in trying out RPing in minecraft, I've looked at atleast 3 other minecraft RP servers and this is the one that i decided to apply to, and what I mean by "i love building" is that I think I saw that there was some kind of work to do, So if there's those kind of jobs I would like to take the job as a builder, and help you out, If you need help building a new city/town I would love to help and maybe come with some ideas. I hope you let me join.


Real name: Magnus 

Roleplay name: Lord Magnus
Minecraft name: magnus097
age: 13
Players you already know on the minecraft server: none. but i hope i will meet someone.

Previous roleplay experience: I have played runescape 4 years. and Three worlds 1.2.3. and lots of other I dont remember

What servers have you played on:
mc.caseyservers, 'private and tregmine. i hope i can join this server. i love it already

Why would you like to join our server: I REALLY love RP. but i have never played RP on minecraft. but i think it would be awsome! and i love fantasy games


Real Name: Zach
Roleplay Name: Chaz
Minecraft username: zachgagn
Players you already know on the minecraft server: adobe (tylergagnon207)

Previous roleplay experience: None, but that doesn't mean I'm not familiar ;)  My bro Adobe gave me a run-through of how it all works, and I'm very excited to try it out!

What servers you play on: None, this server will be my first.

Why would you like to join our server:  I've played minecraft for a few months now, but it was always missing an essential element, for me, and thats the roleplaying/advancement idealogy.  When I play a game, It's not just to survive some attacks from an NPC mob, I like human interaction.  I like being able to rise to the top, and having challenging obstacles along the way.  See you soon in game! ;)