Whitelist Application Thread

Started by Bl★ck Star, 08-04-2011

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Real name: Cody Barber
Roleplay name: Scar Strong
Minecraft username: ZeR0Legend
Players you know on this server:none
Previous roleplay experience:I rp and still do sometimes on a server called creeper town in the village of bedlon
Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join this server becuase i like roleplaying and this seems like a good server to roleplay on from what I heard


I swear this was just going to be a quick re boot or somthing, I was a player in the server before and still waiting to join again. I know you've got a lot of requests to dea lwith, but is there anyway of allowing the people who were allready in the server to get back in please :)
Do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!


Real Name:

Roleplay Name:

Minecraft username: shammydude


Players you already know on the minecraft server: Do not know anyone but would like to meet new people.

Previous roleplay experience: Starcraft RP, Saints Row 2, D&D all the time, everquest world of warcraft, runescape ect.

What servers you play on: ive only played single player this would be my first multiplayer experince.

Why would you like to join our server: I love role playing games and i have never tried it on minecraft i would love to build midevil towns castles and much more


Real Name: Benjamin
Roleplay Name: Dusty Fairport
Minecraft username: Benniboy4
Age: 17
Players you already know on the minecraft server: N/A

Previous roleplay experience: 3 years of second life heavy roleplay

What servers you play on: N/A

Why would you like to join our server: Im returning to play online.
I where waiting for beta to progress.
Im a friendly rp'er and id like to join.


Can someone bloody check these apps? they are piling up again.



Could you atlest add the people who were on the white-list before it got refreshed . thanks


Real Name:Pierluigi
Roleplay Name: Kirimaru
Minecraft username: kanzaka (for now, I'm playing with a friends account till i buy the game)
Players you already know on the minecraft server:none

Previous roleplay experience: I use to play dungeons and dragons and played for several years as an administrator on a Hogwarts role playing game online

What servers you play on: none right now

Why would you like to join our server: I love minecraft and I think it's quite intresting ground for a role playing game, want to play online some serious rpg ^^


Real Name:joey oberhauser
Roleplay Name:drognak
Minecraft username: jwoshark
Age: 14
Players you already know on the minecraft server:
Previous roleplay experience: dungeons and dragons WoW rp server farstriders a few larps

What servers you play on:none currently

Why would you like to join our server:i love rp and have been looking for a good minecraf rp server


Let Geccoy do it since he volunteered.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Quote from: HitMan5523 on 18-04-2011
Let Geccoy do it since he volunteered.

you mean "she" lol


Oh sorry XD I'm new here give me a break!
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Real Name: Manny Meinen
Roleplay Name: Canad
Minecraft username: Canad3
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None...

Previous roleplay experience: Not very much

What servers you play on: I often play with friends over a private server I host.

Why would you like to join our server: I love the idea of a minecraft RP and this seems like a great server.


Real name: Daniel Tomanelli
Rp name: Samuel Lugotrix
Minecraft username: atmawpn89
What players do I already know on the server: I know none
What servers do you play on: I haven't played multiplayer recently
What Previous to experience do you have: I frequent the hl2rp server.

Why would you like to join our server: I like this community and would like to contribute more to it. If I can do so by building fantastic structures so be it.
Lamp oil


Name: Thomas
Role-Play Name: Alteri Cornelius
Minecraft Username: velocityshot51
Players I know on the server: None
Past Role-Playing Experiences: I've played on popular servers such as "Mel-Lenxia" and "Lands of Navia". I've also played many Elder Scrolls titles!
Other Servers I play on: The Joe.to servers, Mel-Lenxia, Lands of Navia, Freedonia.
Why I want to join: I absolutely LOVE role-play! I love to use my creativity and work with it alongside others doing the same. I love having more to do other than mine and build.
(I made this one up)Why you should accept me: I am a creative yet humorous player who can contribute to the server's community and buildings. Im also a great miner and could impact the "economy" greatly!


Real Name: Prabhpal
Roleplay Name: Riech the Amontheom
Minecraft username: Rednirug1126
Age: 34
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None, but I assure you that this will not last if I am allowed to RP on this server.

Previous roleplay experience: Far too many GMod Rp's to count and quite a few Rp's on Minecraft previous to this but none of them were as satisfying as this one seems to be.

What servers you play on: None now because in my opinion the others I tried previously were complete failures.

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to join this server because the premise looks incredible and the population seems friendly and acceptable in all areas in which I will be experiencing them. The server looks great and I cant wait to get into it. To be able to complicate a game further than originally intended by it's creators simply by a community of dedicated people working together on an intricate storyline seems endlessly intriguing to me.


Real Name: Mitch
Roleplay Name: Donovan Hawkeye
Minecraft username: Axex
Age: 17
Players you already know on the minecraft server: none ^_^

Previous roleplay experience: not really that much on larger servers, however do often rp with a few friends on our own server.

What servers you play on: Mine and my friends.

Why would you like to join our server: I'm really interested in a proper rp server, with a great atmosphere, and just a lot of fun.


Real Name: Bryce
Roleplay Name: Darik Corman
Minecraft username: sgt_spartans
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Meetdadoom, Porkins, Emperor Bobby, many others

Previous roleplay experience: This server ( I used to be whitelisted??), HGN SRP and FRP

What servers you play on: Only this and my friends ( has no name )

Why would you like to join our server: I was a part of it since you had everything working and the first town, and now I'm just re-applying because my whitelist doesnt work.

I really do enjoy a proper HGN roleplay, and Emperor Bobby has invited me to roleplay as one of his crewmen in his faction. I love minecraft RP, passive and aggressive ( between factions ), and I like the idea of a land populated by many varying factions.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


Real Name:Saul Lane                                                                                                                             Roleplay Name:Greg Mongoose                                                                                                       Minecraft username:Optic_Sniper ( no way a fan or member of the show of clan "optic".
Age: In game age: 32 Real age: 13
Previous roleplay experience: Oh god, where do i start? Well i've had roleplay experience on a number of things, WoW ( Yes i did RP on that) for atleast a year or so. I Rped on Roblox ( it all started there for me) which i Rped there for atleast 6 months, maybe a few more. About three or two minecraft servers, Freedomcraft, my friends server and some other server which was under-populated.

Servers you play on: My friends sever (has no name), minecastle

Why would you like to join: I would like to join because RPing is one of my favourite things, this server also looks like probably the BEST mincraft RP server i've seen so far. With all the towns and cities. The mods seem fairly nice, unlike other servers where if you make a mistake they flame at you >.> I like meeting new people (i'm pretty sure veryone says that here) and get to know them, RPing with them too don't forget that! This server seems very well looked after which is 100% very good for a server, most servers are griefed alot...

Hope i get accepted thanks for reading pals and gals!


Be free to yell at me and cuss at me and such but, why doesn't Ragolation do it since he is admin and all.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!

emperor bobby

I was under the impression he just Can't find the time/doesnt want the responsibility.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 19-04-2011
I was under the impression he just Can't find the time/doesnt want the responsibility.

yet 3 other people have said they were willing to do it an nothing has been said to them ....


Real Name:Andy
Roleplay Name: Tanus
Minecraft username:TheHuffy
Players you already know on the minecraft server:None

Previous roleplay experience: Varous servers on WOW, second life, and  In real life I role play myself

What servers you play on: None as of yet as it is anoying trying to find a good RP server

Why would you like to join our server: I would like to try minecraft RP as there is so much more freedom and oppertunity to RP on minecraft than there is in the likes of WOW ect
Hope this gets accepted


Why not ask them or something that you want to do it :P
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Quote from: HitMan5523 on 20-04-2011
Why not ask them or something that you want to do it :P

lol , dont you think we have tryed that ......