STALKER Faction Leaders Will Be Removed

Started by Silver Knight, 22-11-2009

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Silver Knight

All inactive STALKER Faction Leaders Will Be Removed.

Coming on for one hour a day to lead your faction is not good enough nor is being inactive for long period of times.

We are looking for faction leaders with:

-Leadership capabilities.
-Dedicated to both the server and their faction.
-Capable of maintaining the faction on both the server and the forums alike.

Seats which are currently under threat:

Freedom - Tundruff
Duty - Pistolkid
Monolith - Zero
Traders Union - ?
Ecologists - Torch

All seats underthread will have to get active within a week or face loosing it to a newly selected candidate.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


w/e I was gunna resign in like 7 days, on my 1 year in freedom.


Feels really good not to be in te hotseat.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Works for me, as long as the person who is elected isn't inactive.


Nice idea. Why the TU Leader is ? Its Klp4, And his active.

EDIT: Nevermind, Now I know why his ?.


Zero is active, and a good leader. Why is he on there?
Also- Thank the Almighty Knight for raising the Ecologists to the topic. Torch is worse than both Akira and Cole.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


I've been generally half inactive with recent Real life issues, but I've been much more active then some of these people.


As it said above it needs dedicated people, people who love leading other people.
Btw , faction leaders are the people who make the server populated and should be the people who do it, all the time.
Leader gives activity aura to everyone, and everyone attempts to preform well in front of them.
Otherwise if someone sees that a person same rank in faction is online there is a 60% he won't come online.
It's true...


Quote from: Dug on 23-11-2009
As it said above it needs dedicated people, people who love leading other people.
Btw , faction leaders are the people who make the server populated and should be the people who do it, all the time.
Leader gives activity aura to everyone, and everyone attempts to preform well in front of them.
Otherwise if someone sees that a person same rank in faction is online there is a 60% he won't come online.
It's true...



Quote from: Dug on 23-11-2009
As it said above it needs dedicated people, people who love leading other people.
Btw , faction leaders are the people who make the server populated and should be the people who do it, all the time.
Leader gives activity aura to everyone, and everyone attempts to preform well in front of them.
Otherwise if someone sees that a person same rank in faction is online there is a 60% he won't come online.
It's true...

This is very true.  People always will want to come on when one of their Co-Leaders or Leaders are on.  Nobody wants to go on when you'll just be the only one of your faction on.  I've often seen fellow Freedomers join the server just because I'm on.


I think all leaders which are on that list should be kicked because they are inactive.

Freedom, last time I saw them in a group is when this new map was made.
Now only one guy as freedom can be seen at the time.

Duty? I am in this faction and I will say that this is the only faction that doesn't care, about high ranking officers.
As in they will come online as long there is a buddy of theirs online. I for the start when I come online, kieck joins, szentii joins, SWAT joins and we all have a good time, and the other way around for joining.
Problem is the inactivity of leader, no matter how much he says he will be active, I think a leader must dedicate at least 3 hours of game play , to promote the right people and to see their skills and attitude. You have people trying really hard, but they get nothing.

Monolith, I've never seen Zero , I don't know him either.
I did see some monolith activity the past few days tho.

As for traders union, you don't really need a leader.
Traders come and go, they sell for them selves and buy for them selves.
You only need a guy who will look at the applications.

As for ecologists, are those guys extinct?

My friendly advice towards all leaders is, if they get a leader position, they should only be at that character.
Because it's basically an obligation to lead someone and give them promotions, make fun events for them.
I often when I come on duty, I my self do some crazy event just between dutiers so they will come on,
and have will to come online, there was a time on Sunday where ten dutiers were online and no one else was.
I did some basic drill, and it appeared fun for people.
Also the Leader and co-leader , if there are people from America and Europe in the faction.
Co-leader should be lets say for Americans, and Leader for Europeans, or other way around.
That way everything will be fair towards everyone.


Nomatter how a dedicated gaming community we are i dont think we should suggest playing 3 hours a game if somebody doesnt want to, but the leaders on this list barely come in to peek at people, mostly they wont even answer their steam, tundruff posted he was gonna leave Freedom and zero is starting to get in again but the Duty and Eco leader should not really get anymore warning.
Text Cyric the Archmage.


In my honest opinion, ill say this bluntly.
I dont think leaders should be admins.
It should be trusted players.
Admins have enough on their plates.


Quote from: The Jackal on 24-11-2009
In my honest opinion, ill say this bluntly.
I dont think leaders should be admins.
It should be trusted players.
Admins have enough on their plates.

You do KNOW how dumb that sounds right?
Here is an example. You in a faction war, and one team just keeps coming back, breaking NLR.
OR, someone begins to remove your base with the tool gun.

Admins cant always make it there in time.


He has a point though.

Admins should be administrators (hense the name). If i'm adminning something, i'll stay out of the conflict and handle strictly admin stuff.

Might sound a bit boring for most, but that's just what you gotta deal with. Keeps admins from abusing their shit and gaining advantages over other people ingame.

As for the actual statement, Jackel was tryin to say trusted players should also be able to be faction leaders, so that faction leaders can be cycled more frequently to some one who IS active.]

I don't care WHO you are but everyone here will not play SRP for 3 hours a day, every day. Guarenteed.

People have real lives, people play other games, lose interest (sorry to say but I lost interest in PLAYING on the server ages ago), or they do other shit. Period.
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Thank you.
Point is Tunddruff:
How can you admin at the same time as participating in heavy RP?
Thats where the situation is.
People need faction leaders to lead them, not whilst administrating with everyones complaints/refunds etc.
There are two admins that really do put the effort into leading their factions.
Gane and Radek.


I do not really expect people to do it every day for three hours mate..I might have gone over the top.
But, I think they should be active enough to spot the guys who do good and who do bad.
Every single one of us have real lives, and we can't be on srp all the time.
But the leader shouldn't be like week inactive, oh I'll come online today.
And repeat it.


If they are removed, will it not cause chaos?
Once again?

Seriously, this is like the fifth time...

I mean it.


New candidates will take place.


I'm assuming by 'candidates' you mean the second in command.
Like a 'vice president'.

What if they are inactive?



Ray not everyone is inactive, stop asking stupid questions.


Funny how you are so optimistic.
in reality we must assume the worst, to begin to understand the probable.



"in reality"

This is an online game.

EDIT: Now stop spamming, KTYBAI


Actually, it is perfectly logical to assume the worst in the kinds of situations.



Quote from: RayDark on 24-11-2009
Actually, it is perfectly logical to assume the worst in the kinds of situations.


I don't know if you noticed, but HGN is quiet large and has many members along with some very active players willing to take place.
Is that enough for you?

Also seeing that you have been inactive quiet a while and came back and started posting useless stuff and putting up pointless discussions.

Please spend some more time and then comment.
There will be always someone who will gladly take the position as leader and be active for a period of time or longer.