Map change time?

Started by Dark Scar, 09-10-2011

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What map would you want in the event of a mapchange? - Reset votes because of the void Dark dolina - sorry

Stay on the current map.
2 (5.7%)
16 (45.7%)
10 (28.6%)
6 (17.1%)
1 (2.9%)

Total Members Voted: 35


After you guys clear up all of the problems with the server, how about starting fresh with a new map?

*Cough* Darkdolina *Cough*


What does the layout of Darkdolina even look like?


It clearly has a link to download the map in this topic so download it and the fix and have a look at it yourself and decide whether you are going to vote for it.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Having downloaded and tested Darkdolina I have to say that its 10 times better than Redemption.


Right so I looked at the map and it could work. Found out possible locations for factions too:

Duty = Duty base (Obviously, since its the Base in SoC and has Duty logos in it...)

Military = Military checkpoint (Obviously)

Freedom = Train yard (Epic tower and buildings around it)

Mono/Mutants = Underground by trains (Godly dark and epic for them)

Ecologists = The underground lab nearest to Duty.

So this shit could work, just gotta wow the SV's/Exile for this guys.


use that map and suck my dick


Quote from: Cryostatis on 16-10-2011
use that map and suck my dick

we gonna run a train on all these punk ass kids that say not to go to darkdonlina real talk mang


Quote from: Cryostatis on 16-10-2011
use that map and suck my dick

What you want, is what you get young man.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


I just hope inleast Dolina. That map is indeed sexy.


Darkdolina is a nice map, Got everything we need really.
KIA, Body not found. PDA Discovered.
Kergert - Initiate Kergert Active.
Location unknown.
The Jester
Active/Alive - Location zone sector
Urban Mercnary Suit|Groza|Vogs attached


I support Darkdolina with all my heart.


It's apparently winning the vote at around 15 votes.


I hope we use donlina when the server is back up. Shits so cash.


I just checked out Darkdolina and that map is so great.
Everything is so neat and with great Stalker atmosphere (Maybe just not enough trees, I missed those.).
After I seen it, I cant look at Redemption the same way anymore. It looks now like aborted fetus compared to Temnádolina which is president of some big corporation and have beatiful wife and two perfect kids.

- Good (with minor flaws) positions of factions.
- Ambient sounds are very neat and change to situation (In X-lab you dont hear wind or dogs for instance.). (Im not saying Redemption had them bad, just Dolina have them on same quality, or slightly above.)
- Lot of empty buildings everywhere
- Crashed plane (I dont know why, but I love it so much.)
- No chokepoints like in redemption. Finnaly factions could RP with eachother without worry to get sniped from the tunnel or raped by Monolith on the glorious crusade. Also mutant and bandits would have to start thinking instead of camping Sector 1/2 tunnel all the time.
- Almost perfect copy of SoC Duty base + awesome Arena.
- Various thematic buildings (old shop, some apartmen, train station, etc...)
- Almost everything is acessible. (You can climb on any tower, open almost every doors, unlike Redemption Freedom base with two useless buildings.)
- Creepy X-lab. (Even is single player it creeped me out. Very narrow rooms, flashligh doesnt iluminate almost anything, lot of rooms from where could any moment jump at you something.)
- Maybe too big, but atleast there is some privacy.
- X-lab could be little more far away from Freedom.
- Little ugly Freedom base, if that train station had second floor with living quarters and shit, no harm would be done.
- No sewers.
- No lake, river or any natural water source.
- There isnt much natural bariers unlike in Redemption where we had lake, anomalies on the road to S3, no "Scar" like bariers.
- Almost no trees (Yes, we could be in some corner of Zone where isnt forest, but it just add to atmosphere and cover.)
- Monolith could have some another base instead X-lab which could be for events Also its pretty close to Freedom, even when it have two entrances, they would have to use only secret one to not get spooted by Freedom.
- No mutant base. Yes, X-lab could be good. But since I dont think mutants can ICly open secret doors they would have to go around Freedom and if that mutant would be Controller. Everyone in Freedom would get blue screen of death and that suck really hard. But yeah, they could spawn behind secret doors.
- File size. For people like me with slow internet connection it can be annoying to download for over hour one map + fix for it.

Im sure there would be more pros and cons over time, but for me Darkdolina is best gmod map I have ever seen and I would love to RP on it.


Quote from: Iam333 on 17-10-2011

It makes me Freedom be on there toes 24/7 with Mono next to them, Mono could leave if event needed in there, admins could just spawn the anomalies(derp), Mutants are fine(Controller spawn could have a different spawn probs); they just need a place to not get spawnkilled right away, its not as big as fucking S42 and its not like its going to take days to download it.


Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 17-10-2011
Quote from: Iam333 on 17-10-2011

It makes me Freedom be on there toes 24/7 with Mono next to them, Mono could leave if event needed in there, admins could just spawn the anomalies(derp), Mutants are fine(Controller spawn could have a different spawn probs); they just need a place to not get spawnkilled right away, its not as big as fucking S42 and its not like its going to take days to download it.
I actually heard its biggest possible size of map. And yes, I know they could just leave that place for event and thanks to those "Fearless guardians" nobody would stick his nose into that lab, but it would be still nice to have some other place, even when its too much luxury I guess. And yes, mutants could spawn behind secret doors and this way pop out from other side of map, which dont have any faction around so they wouldnt get killed right away. And anomalies, no shit Sherlock, but its nice to see some small canyon or lake which tells you from distance you cant go this way, instead of making anomaly maze.

Mr. Pink

Darkdolina looks pretty damn good. It's got my vote.
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


Isn't darkdolina the map with the secret rave room near freedom?



I don't think SK is going to use Darkdolina, some kids tried to get it on the server once before and he said no.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 18-10-2011

I don't think SK is going to use Darkdolina, some kids tried to get it on the server once before and he said no.
It's pretty obvious that all the current people wanting the map on the server are not just "some kids" but are actually speaking for the majority of the community this time around. The only thing that would change my opinion on this is to see some supporters of a different map.


Quote from: Khorn on 17-10-2011
Isn't darkdolina the map with the secret rave room near freedom?

Yes, it is.


Mutants are fine(Controller spawn could have a different spawn probs); they just need a place to not get spawnkilled right away.
That. Also i know we are in a different time period to cop but the train station is based off Yanov in COP the tower is where Zulu is and around the area mutants are common so it will go well to have mutant spawns near freedom. Doing this will make the atmosphere better while going there you will have to constantly watch your back for mutants (If no mutants on are it won't be. But people should still act like mutants are around)

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 18-10-2011
Mutants are fine(Controller spawn could have a different spawn probs); they just need a place to not get spawnkilled right away.
That. Also i know we are in a different time period to cop but the train station is based off Yanov in COP the tower is where Zulu is and around the area mutants are common so it will go well to have mutant spawns near freedom. Doing this will make the atmosphere better while going there you will have to constantly watch your back for mutants (If no mutants on are it won't be. But people should still act like mutants are around)
I know that when its base of Freedom and it looks like from Yanov people say its copy of it, but it isnt really.
If author would like copy of Yanov, he would make almost exact copy. If you look at Duty base you can see how detailed it is. In Russia and contries around there was in most cases only one plan for train station and it was that one. Everytime I take train somewhere 70% of stations I see it look almost like Yanov.
Problem is there isnt almost any good other spawn around for Controller, except some old house. And if there would be other good spawn, there is not reason why then there shouldnt spawn Bloodsuckers too. As I say, if mutants would spawn under ladder heading to secret X-lab entrance it would be actually just fine. Its far enough to not get spawnkilled (Even that I almost never seen spawnkilling mutants, even when you can see them from the Freedom base.).
Also that tunnel, it had cave-in and I dont think much people would have IC informations about X-lab at beginning. So there isnt reason to even visit that place ICly, except some exploring, scavenging of train parts or meetings.
And if they would go into X-lab, they would realize that place is big "no-no". I checked that place in single player and as I said. It was creepy as hell and I dont really feel like visiting it. Flashlight doesnt uncover much and from any room can pop-out mutant or monolithian.


Quote from: StickyWicket on 18-10-2011
Quote from: Tom on 18-10-2011

I don't think SK is going to use Darkdolina, some kids tried to get it on the server once before and he said no.
It's pretty obvious that all the current people wanting the map on the server are not just "some kids" but are actually speaking for the majority of the community this time around. The only thing that would change my opinion on this is to see some supporters of a different map.

It was said because just about every single one of you ARE kids. There's a very limited amount of 19+ oldfags in the community.