Trader Application Thread (Faction Traders needed!)

Started by Silver Knight, 23-01-2010

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Steam Friends Name: ZenKamina

Length of Time Spent at HGN:Just over 2 years.

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:6639404

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader: [

Why do you want to be a Trader?: Because no real factions suits me apart from Trader.
I love to sell to STALKERS and give them oppitunies with jobs and such.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: None

Your Traders backstory: Fuzz was a girl in Russia, she was always picked on at home by her two elder sisters.
Most of the time she deserved it but at her young tender age she could not see that; She walked lonely roads and streets by herself.
One downfall was she would do anything to be accepted by people, Isabella and Owl tried to put it into her that you should not do that you get the wrong sort of attention.
She would not listen and ended up being bitched at a lot from people she knew and for most maybe hated.
On the news a report had been aired that the Chernoybl reactor had exploded, it had created somthing called "The Zone."
It brings riches and many strange artifacts; She saw that Isabella was interested and thought on it for a moment... "Should wouldent be thinking of going would she?"
Later that night she was awoken by noise and went along the landing to see what was up; She peaked through her sisters door and saw that she was packing her bags to head to somwhere.
Almost certain she was heading for The Zone, she slept on it for the night thinking it was some dream but it was not.
In the morning Isabella was gone and her family had no idea where she had gone too.
Now Fuzz was CERTAIN she had gone to the Zone.

Fuzz waited for midnight and packed her bags, she was going to The Zone to retrieve her sister.
after entering and having a week in The Zone she realsed all the things she had done wrong; Learned to kill and survive.
this dawned on her, was this what she really wanted?
After many months of searching she got a lead... A woman by the name of Hawkeye had became a trader.
She set off after that to seek to become a trader like her.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I agree

Crappy story, but accepted.

Ace of Hearts

Steam Friends Name: Ace

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Around 2 Months

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:17863683 44:13 101

Proof of Support From an Admin/Trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: I enjoy Passive RP, setting around in one spot, just hanging out. Might be boring for some people, but for me it’s a nice way to pass the time. I’ve also noticed that I can never find a damn Trader when I need one, and the Traders I do find offer the same old missions over and over, or simply don’t offer enough missions. I don’t intend to be one of those ‘Save money, buy an Exo, get flags revoked’ type Traders. I actually want to create missions with the money I make, not spend it on myself.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I am in the
Monolith, but Monolith already has a faction Trader, therefore no, I will not be a faction Trader.

Your Trader's backstory: Petya D. Stanimir was born in a small village outside of Moscow, on the date of March 27th, 1984. Petya was to grow up a child of a poor family, living within Moscow’s slums. Throughout his childhood, he would unknowingly involve himself with various gangs and various shady organizations. By the time he became a teenager, he knew enough to try and avoid such people, but as fate would have it, he would be forced towards them. His teenage life included performing various small-time crimes such as shoplifting, pickpocketing, and so on. As he aged into a young adult, his life of crime was forced to continue, though his service with the gangs was paying off, he was granted access to some of the gangs much more sinister operations, such as Black Market trading. It was within this shady group that Petya would make many friends, form many alliances, and when he saw a chance to escape his life of crime, he took it. He was transported by car, boat, and plane, to an area in Ukraine that had become known as the ‘Zone’. Though many of his Black Market contacts had abandoned him for fleeing the gangs, Petya used his remaining contacts to have small shipments of firearms and body armor shipped into the Zone, to a discreet location that would eventually become Petya’s ‘store’. Petya’s business in its current state is struggling, he must compete with other, far more connected Traders to keep himself afloat within the Zone, and keep his former gang allies off his back.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I agree.

Additional Comments: I’m terrible with stories, that’s the best I could come up with for a Trader. Sorry. ><

Accepted, atleast your story is less crappy than Zen's one. XD


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Sharrock
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Was here 1 year ago, played for a few months left, now i'm back.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:15458524
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader: The Above picture contains both, (Dutch is trader)
Why do you want to be a Trader?: For Passive RP, I use to be a trader a year back and loved setting up missions and such for new players. Want to get back into it.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Military, No.
Your Traders backstory: 1986 roman is born, The zone has just formed. At a young age he grew up in an awful area located in ukraine. He lived in poverty not eating much, He was thing and looked ill all the time. At the age of ten he had hopes of going to the zone after hearing about it one day from people in his village. He told and spoke stories of how one day he would walk the zone, just he did not even relize it would be as a merc. The fellow villagers laughed and mocked him. Three years later at the age of 13 he started working at a family owned buisiness. It was a general store. He sold and barted with the villagers. He became well in his trade but was seeking something bigger, He felt as if he was missing out on something. 5 years later he's armed. During these past years he became an arms dealer and a gun for hire. He wanted to change his ways, but he had one last job. Get into the zone and make his way there. Strapping on his gear and leaving most of his valuables behind for his family he went out the door during the night so noone would know. All he left was his rubles which he kept 2000 of. While heading to the zone, he was entering through the cordon area. He saw a STALKER leaving the area when he arrived and he asked him for some helpful information. The STALKER told him that the commander up ahead can usually be bribed to let you into The Zone. Roman said thanks to the stalker and continued towards the military base unaware of what he would actually see. As he approached the military base guards came out and took him inside. After dealing with the commander for an hour he left with almost nothing. He had 300 ru and that was about it. He began to make his first steps into the zone and begin where he has always wanted to.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

Not one of the greatest stories, but, fine. accepted.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on


Fine.. but next time don't remove my comments here.



Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Le Zombie
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 2- 6 months

Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a Trader:

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:6095977

Why do you want to be a Trader? : So i can Rp more and give Rookies Missons and Trade with other people.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: In monolith but monolith have a faction Trader.

Your Traders backstory:
Mother "Ohhh ohh ohhh"
Father "Its a boy, I think this young boy is going to have a  good life ahead of him"

12 Years later,

Niko was 9 Years old when he started the life of trading.He sold Cigs and weed, Without his Mother and Father knowing . He sold the weed to a few people who just could not get enoght of the stuff. Niko's mother was getting worryed about how much Money Niko had.

5 Week later

Life was ok until his mum told him to clean his room.When he was cleaning his mother found his stash of Weed. She looked at Niko with Eyes of Fury. She Cryed and then Niko back off slowly. Niko's Father ran in and Saw the Weed.

Father "NIKO"
Niko ran and ran, his father behide him. NIko got away. Niko knew he could not go home. He sat down in a ally, got a few things together to make a bed.

3 days later,

Niko sat in the cold. No food, no drinks. Just siting there.

Niko" I need to get out of here"

1 day later,

A man came over to Niko.

Man"You look lost Son"
Niko "Ye...yes sir can you help me"
Man "Sure"

2 years  laters,

Niko life was back up with his new family. He knew he could not go back to the Weed. This time he traded food and drinks. he made a little money which he used to supple the food and drink.

5 YEars later,
Niko sat down next to his Boss.

Boss "Niko, here are the weapons"
Niko "Thanks"
Boss " Take them to Vlad's house"
Niko "On it"

later that day,

Niko got to the house. He knocked on the door. Bang Bang Bang on the door.
The door open slowly and .............

Man 1 "Wake him up"
man 2 "Naa we need to hide him"
Man 3 "We got the guns"
Man 1 "Hmm i heard of a place called the Zone"

Update on stroy
bad at righting storys

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yep!


Steam Friends Name:  |HGN| MangoMan
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 1 Year  3 months
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:24297242 03:28 115 0
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: Because I like Passive Roleplay, and enjoyed being a trader last time I was one.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:Freedom, and Yes.
Your Traders backstory:Hashish grew up on the streets of Moscow, where his dad was known for his......Product. His father  prepared the product, Hashish was in-charge of 'Moving the inventory'.
Eventually, his father died of cancer (From obvious reasons), and Hashish took control of the family business. Of course, this also meant dealing with the cops and rival 'Wholesale businesses'. When it came to cops, Hashish knew what he was doing. He made sure to send a "Pack Lunch" with all of his distributers to give to the Officers. As for the rival 'buisnessmen', he made sure that he put a 'Napkin' in with the 'Lunches' for the Cops.  Buisness was always booming.
    Eventually, the police chief retired, and in his place, a new one arose, that had an Anti-drug agenda. Hashish knew that they would be coming for him, and he packed up and fled to Ukraine.
   During his stay on Ukraine, Hashish kept contact with his friend Mereg, whom he had put in charge of things during his absence. Mereg said that he had family in the miitary there, and the had  told him about the zone, and that his brother could help them keep buisness going there. With a few strings pulled, and a few guards paid off, Hashish was in the zone with a supply line of product at the ready.  After asking around, he heard of some people that would appreciate it like he did.
    Plus, having a place to stay didn't sound so bad, and maybe he could even make some friends there.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes.

Accepted. Good, now each faction haves a Trader. You can avoid doing mission, as the week is almost to an end.


Steam Friends Name:Recreas
Length of Time Spent at HGN: At HGN around a year or so, and I think I've been on the Stalker server for around 5/6 months now.
STEAM ID: 0:1:24272527
Proof of Support From a Admin: h-ttp://
(Remove the - in h-tpp)

Proof of Support From a trader: h-ttp://   (Remove the - in h-tpp)
Sorry for the date but it's like Dutch.

Why do you want to be a Trader?: So I can supply the Stalkers out there and for the roleplay.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Military, but no I do not want to be the Military faction trader.

Your Traders backstory: Nikolaas Harm was born in The Netherlands, his mother was Dutch and his Father was Ukranian. At the age of 3 he moved with his parents to Ukraine because of the poor condition his grandfather was in. To earn money to keep his father alive Nikolaas's father joined the Ukranian army and he wasn't home a lot. Nikolaas was raised by his mother and his grandfather survived for another 2 years. After his grandfathers death, Nikolaas's father decided to keep working for the army since it was quite difficult to leave.

When Nikolaas became 20 he decided that he didn't want to study or join the army. He wanted to explore and discover new things. 5 years Nikolaas travelled around the world looking for rare items and other objects he could sell to make him rich so that he could buy a nice house and stop working.

But soon after he arrived back in Europe, he recieved a letter from his father that knew what his son was doing. The letter described a place where there are creatures never seen before. And weird items that could be worth a lot, also people that would pay good for supplies. Nikolaas was convinced that he could make quite some money in that place. His father used to be stationed in the zone and knew the way to get there. Packing himself up with some supplies Nikolaas left to the Zone.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:I sure do.

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves



Steam Friends Name: Claymaker95 / |HGN| Ping-Pong
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 8 Months to a year.
STEAM ID: 0:0:17227164
Proof of Support From a Admin: Commisar said he wanted me to do this.
Proof of Support From a trader: Arex, he'll be the one reading this shit, he knows.
Why do you want to be a Trader?: Duty Faction needs a Quartermaster.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Duty, yes.
Your Traders backstory:
  Arkadi Gurov was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 27th, 1982. Born of a Ukrainian Family of the Military, Arkadi followed suit as they settled down in a city by the name of Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. This being Ukraine's third largest city, it is home to the 6th Army Corps of the Ukrainian Ground forces. Growing up, he had always taken interest into the families tradition, although he didn't stick to it well, he didn't have the know how to fight well under harsh conditions or any conditions at all in that matter. Through and through, he pushed himself to do everything in his power to join the 6th Army Corps of Ukraine.
  Arkadi grew up with more brains than brawn as said, joining the Military as soon as he got out of school, quickly rising to the rank of Soldier as a Private of the 6th. He wasn't quite ready for the "invitation" to the Zone's Internal Security Service in 2008, shortly two years after the second Chernobyl Explosion. Being lead by a Captain of his squad, Captain Tachenko, on way into the Zone, oblivious to all of it's dangers, their plan was to obliterate the center of the Zone with Nuclear Weapons. Once they stepped foot in the Zone, an emission occurred, wiping out the Military Soldiers, only a few remained alive, such as the Captain Tachenko. Seeing how things were with the Military Soldiers that were still alive, he decided to form a group, a faction, by the name of Duty. Starting a faction that would soon attempt once more, someday, to carry out their orders, their mission, to destroy the Zone.
  Later in the years, the Faction of Duty had planted a firm, stable control of Rostok, a Urban Industrial Area within the Zone. This area had became Duty Headquarters. Arkadi had soon become an organizer for the factions Quartermaster in Rostok, learning from him from the start soon after they had supplies such as ammunition, guns, and medical supplies. A couple more years had past and the 85th Cloaked Daggers were in dire need of assistance and supplies, although they were stable at the moment, they were loosing needed supplies little by little, such as food and clean water as well as weaponry and ammunition. Arkadi was soon given a position as Quartermaster, after the General Voronin quickly made note of his skills and intelligence, and sent to aid the 85th Cloaked Daggers. Shaking the General Tachenko's hand, he left Rostok, aiming himself, his caravan of supplies and his Duty escorts towards Sector 42.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, of course.

Son of a bi, next time post pictures. Accepted.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Steam Friends Name: |HGN|ISPYUDIE
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 1&1/2 to 2 years
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:7741710
Proof of Support From a Admin: Included in message earlier
Proof of Support From a trader: Refer to above
Why do you want to be a Trader?: 'Cause Military needs a new QM and I want to supply Military with any gear they need.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes, Military, and yes
Your Traders backstory: Yuri Grew up in a small town just outside the zone, his brother ran a local shop and he enlisted in the Ukrainian Military. One day, he was chosen as a Private in the Military forces operating in the zone, after two years of service in the zone, keeping stalkers in their place and fighting it out with Freedom and Duty, he reached the rank of Major. During this time military were short on supplies and men, many going AWOL as a result of being stranded or for some other reason. The quartermaster there was managing to supply everyone, and keep them going, but unfortunately he too went AWOL. With no quartermaster Military were sure to slowly run out of supplies. Taking the initiative, Major Chornovyl used his connections with his brother, Dmitri, who had also gone into the zone and became a trader, to get supplies.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

Shitty story, missing pics, but I know about them.. I'll have to accept this one since Mili does need a supplier..


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| alex4576
Length of Time Spent at HGN: About a year
Proof of Support From a Admin: (had to add as extra content thing for reply)
Proof of Support From a trader: (had to add as extra content thing for reply)
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want to be a trader because I barely see any traders active (except for faction traders) and I want to be an active trader so I could give rookies jobs and actually make people happy there is a trader on.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No
Your Traders backstory: I Was like any other stalker there was, like any other stalker I went to the zone for one thing only… artifacts. I was born and raised in Warsaw, Poland and when I was 15, my family and I moved to Russia in a town close to what would later be known as the zone. A year after I had moved to the town with my family a disaster had occurred. A corrupt Military officer had raped and killed my Mother, and when my Father found out and sought revenge he was murdered by the same officer. Not wanting to die I kept to myself for years and when I was 21 years old, the officer had retired and I had hunted him down and killed him. After I had taken revenge for my family I had to flee to a neighboring town and use the name “Boris Chesnovica” to survive. Many years have passed since that fateful day and the Military had caught onto me I was forced to flee again. I had overheard a few Military officers talking about this place called the zone. Hearing more of the conversation they talked about mutants and bandits I knew the zone was not for me. But the one thing that had caught my ear and convinced me to go was artifacts. The officers talked about how they sold for high prices. Hearing enough I went and found the nearest truck going to the zone. The truck was full of dead bodies but that did not stop me. I pretended to be a dead body and entered the zone. Halfway In I jumped out of the truck and started my life over again. The life of a stalker.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes
