Trader Application Thread (Faction Traders needed!)

Started by Silver Knight, 23-01-2010

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Silver Knight

1: Must follow the format
2:  You need one Admin recomendation & One Trader Recomendation.
3: 50 post counts and above otherwise you will get AUTO DENIED...

4: Get a RECENT recommendation (Latest i will accept is two to three days
5: Show the full SF CHAT WINDOW! If you do I suspect you are hiding the date and time you requested it.

7: You are expected to earn your own money, you will get no support from admins for whatever reason, it's up to you to buy and sell items from players.
7: Normal Traders are not expected to give out missions, although you may do so, Trader Veterans and Professionals are expected to do so, please see the roster for more information.
8. Traders are NOT to sell below or at buy menu price for FN 2000(Requires Admin), Exosuit(Requires Admin), upgraded AK(Requires Admin) and, SEVA Suits(Requires Admin).
[b[9. Check the Roster for your rank, veteran and professional must give missions out when they can afford to (No hording of gear for yourself)[/b]
10. You're are a trader, do not get involved in fighting unless deemed necessary.

Violation of any of these rules will result in a instant deny.


Application Format

[b]Steam Friends Name:[/b]
[b]Length of Time Spent at HGN:[/b]
[b]STEAM ID:[/b]
[b]Proof of Support From a Admin:[/b]
[b]Proof of Support From a trader:[/b]
[b]Why do you want to be a Trader?:[/b]
[b]Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:[/b]
[b]Your Traders backstory:[/b]
[b]By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:[/b]

Terms of agreement: By applying for Trader you agree that you assume FULL responsibility for your Trader Licence and any actions you may proceed to carry out with it. You also agree that Admins have the right to remove your Trader Flag when they see fit without WARNING.
If you feel like your Trader Flag was wrongfully taken make a detailed post why.

All Admins are subject to these terms as well.

You can view the Roster here

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Steam Friends Name:HGN Goose
Length of Time Spent at HGN:I have been on the server since august 2009.
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:14351714
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader: The picture above has both only dug is a trader from before this so i dont know any recent traders seeing as none were on the roster when i looked.
Why do you want to be a Trader?:I want to become a trader because it would provide me a way to RP on characters other than my monolith or my loner, it also provides alot of passive RP oppertunities.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:I am currently the Co-leader of the monolith and will not be taking a faction trader spot for them seeing as Ravanger is already the faction trader.

IC Name: Viktor Vaska
Your Traders backstory:I was always a troubled boy. At schools he never got along with anyone, for he was always angry. My father abandoning me after my mother died when I was 14, I could no longer go to school and was forced to live on the streets. Always fighting to survive I slowly began to become unpredictable and my anger problems grew worse.
One day while I was scavenging for food he stumbled across so dogs fighting over some food, one a Rottweiler and the other a Great Dane. I hid in the shadows until the Fight was over, the Rottweiler the champion. Suddenly the Rottweiler noticed him and ran towards where I was hiding. I was able to fight the dog off, but not without loss: my leg was broken in 3 places. Years passed and my leg, being untreated for a long time, had developed a limp. I had learned to survive for years and was soon tired of living a meager existence and joined the military. Not the Russian military, but the Ukrainian military, because after years of living on the streets and wandering I had made his way into Ukraine. I spent several years with the military before I was assigned to something far worse than homelessness; The Zone.
When he was transferred to guard the zone he slowly began to become fond of the Zone, and wondered why the military would block people out. After a few more years of being with the military I began to dislike it, so I quit. I began a new life in the zone, doing jobs, gaining friends. One day, while looking around in a old house I founds some traders  applications. I read over these and began to think about life as a trader. I thought, "this would be the life, making money, having lots of people around, being well known.", so I began to fill them out.

Why do you wish to join us?: I wish to join the TU because I wish to have a home with friends inside the zone something I have not had throughout my life, I have not had an easy life but I don't complain I wish to settle down somewhere in the zone have a shop make some friends and stay where I am.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:Yes i agree to the terms of agreement and will take responsibility for my actions.

Accepted. we are NOT the TU
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Steam Friends Name: |HGN|Rebel
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 8 or 9 months
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:4200756
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader: My support also is from King Arthur.
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want to be a trader mainly because I just love earning money. It also opens way for passive RP and money.. Yes.. money...
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes i am in military, But no i don't want to be its faction trader.
Your Traders backstory:

Jimmy Zelon, born in Russia, Moscow in 1985. His family, was most certainly poor. His father and him were running a small time food restaurant which had very little business. They were actually making so little money, they had beds set up inside the restaurant. Altough they were poor, his father still made barely enough money to get Jimmy through college. By the time Jimmy was through college and living in his own place, he had found out both his mother and father had died in a lethal car accident. Depressed and poor, with a huge debt to pay off in college Jimmy was running out of ideas. If he didn't pay back his debt to college, they would take his home. Around the time of the second explosion Jimmy had been hearing about these.. "Artifacts" that been coming out of the zone that scientists have been paying so much money for. Jimmy decided "Hey.... These.. things.. are going for a pretty high bid... Why not take a few?". The next week, Jimmy had been hitching rides from people, heading from Moscow to the zones bordering towns. He spent a day talking to the locals. They mentioned a group of "S.T.A.L.K.E.R's" heading past the military check point just up the road. Jimmy snooped around for a bit until he found out who it was. He promised them a reward if they got him into the zone and away from the check point. As soon as they'd gotten to a safe spot, Jimmy ditched them. He made his way to the cordon where he got familier with the people there. He talked to a few of the stalkers... he even talked to the trader. He'd listen to the traders stories about his "Fortune". How much money he'd make. Jimmy was fascinated by these stories of riches.
             Jimmy, instead of settling down in one spot began his quest as a stalker. Instead of killing things lost most of the blood thirsty rookies, he just scavenged for treasure and artifacts. Everyday he came back to the trader with his bag full of guns, artifacts, and other miscellaneous things. By the time Clear sky was out of the picture, Jimmy was making thousands and thousands. Not before long, he'd heard about the traders clan leaders death. How the traders were going in complete opposite directions. This left an opening in some areas, as well as the Traders rules gone. This would make earning money A LOT faster.. He chuckled with a grin. He'd been following a trader around. He had finally asked about how to still join. The trader turned out to be a veteran and he'd explained about how there isn't much of joining, rather than just taking the title..

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I agree

Accepted, think with your dipstick jimmy!

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Steam Friends Name: SKI008
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 1 Year this March
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:8219116
Proof of Support From a Admin: -Exempt-
Proof of Support From a trader:-Exempt-
Why do you want to be a Trader?: Because Hawk is well known as being a trader, I like being a trader on him, and this whole "lol TU being dissolved" happened really quickly and I want to be sure I don't lose any days trading (except I will due to finals being this week but...whatever)
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I was the current Bandit Trader and Hawk sort of runs the Birds of Prey bandit group so yes I would like to go back to being the Bandit Faction trader.
Your Traders backstory:
Sergei Fedorov, or Hawk as he is known in the Zone, was born in Moscow in 1980. His parents were factory workers for the State. Life was fairly difficult. When Sergei was 11 the USSR collapsed but conditions did not improve all that much. He got a job at the famous Izhmash factory as soon as he was old enough to but quickly became bored of the menial work of assembling AKs all day. He longed for something better but his options were fairly limited since he was not well educated.

In 2006 his chance came. The second Chernobyl explosion transformed the Zone of Alienation in the Ukraine into an almost magical place. Rumors reached Sergei of the wealth to be had in the Zone and the strange creatures that inhabited it. Sergei quit his job and, using all the savings he had, crossed into the Ukraine and the Zone itself. He bought himself a rifle and some canned food with the last of his rubles and set off in search of fortune.

After 3 years of being the Zone Sergei had amassed a sizeable stash of artifacts and was far richer than he had ever been. Although profit could be had from selling the stuff in the Zone, Sergei had heard rumors that the outside was where the prices were highest. Unfortunately that meant smuggling yourself out of the Zone. He was captured by the military and languished in a military prison for nearly a year before a S.T.A.L.K.E.R raid freed him. Sergei infiltrated the Zone once again, hoping to salvage some of his wealth from before. He was able to amass a fair bit of equipment to sell from his various stashes. He signed up with the Trader's Union for a vending license and now sells equipment to S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs in an attempt to make some of the money back he lost at the hands of the military. He established a friendly relationship with most of the Zone's bandits. Since they could not trade at most of the established bars and posts in enemy faction territory, Hawk would cater especially to them, being sure to set up in neutral territory. This agreement ensured he was always rolling in stolen goods, rubles, and occasionally slaves. With the dissolution of the Union, Sergei was largely unaffected, since by that time his bandit group, the Birds of Prey, had brought in tens of thousands of rubles worth in stolen goods. He continues to trade profitably and can usually be found under the Underpass near the Garbage.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, seeing as I've been doing it for several months.

Fucking accepted.


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| McCutcheon
Length of Time Spent at HGN: In and out since late '08
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: Trader always seems more interesting than just running around doing missions since its a more passive role. Trader allows you to craft RP and help people out both IC and OOC.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:
Your Traders backstory:
  It was a cold night in Moscow, Joseph Poloshki awaited the news of his baby boy. The nurse came out, whispering into his ear that his wife died during the procedure but the baby lived. dubbing the baby Посланник смерти(Messenger of Death), he raised him to be strong, smart, and ruthless. Joseph was a major associate of the Russian Mob, so this led to Nikolai's career.

   Working within the Russian Mafia in Moscow since his early years of 17, Nikolai 'Groza' Poloshki was a ruthless, cold man. First serving the mob as a collector of payments on weapons and security, Nikolai quickly gained the trust of several important players within the mafia. Through his criminal career, Nikolai also gained the reputation of persistence and uttermost professionalism; killing groups of people without leaving a trace other than their ghost with his ruthless style and attitude. Nikolai later made the position of arms dealer, selling weapons to several terrorist, drug cartels, and rebel organizations.

   Two years later, an investigation to catch him caused him to stay low, unable to do anything for a while until an associate of his boss contacted him, telling him about the Zone and its ability to make people unknown. They reached a proposition, Nikolai would sell weapons gaining profit while traffiking artifacts over to his associate, selling them to the outside world for huge profit. Nikolai keeps this whole deal a secret, afraid that DUTY, Military, or Monolith will come after him.

January 23rd, 2013

   The smell of the exhaust clogged the air around Nikolai as he drove towards his destination in his small convoy consisting of two trucks and a fifty foot trailer. The trucks consisted of his rations and supplies, the train carrying mostly crates of ammo and weapons of all types. He looked through the rear view mirror for a second, turning his head back towards the road in time to see an electro infront of him. Swerving off to the side, he crashed right next to an underpass. The trailer barely escapes being caught in the electro, crashing on the otherside of the underpass. The last truck, however, was not so fortunate. Driving straight into the electro, the engine and fuel igniting and causing the whole vehicle to explode. Stepping out the vehicle, he went over to the trailer. The drivers were dead. Nikolai takes his laptop from his bag, emailing his coordinates to his associate. A STALKER approaches him, obviously not a rookie judging by his weapon and the way he handled it. He introduced himself as Alphonse Schuart. Hiring him as his guard, the story begins here.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

Accepted, go away now.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Steam Friends Name:Zarrick

Length of Time Spent at HGN:A while, not sure...probably five months+ I left for a while to have a break, and then came back...looking to resurrect Wine :P

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:9964564

Proof of Support From a Admin:Yes

Proof of Support From a trader:And yes.

Why do you want to be a Trader?:I've been a Trader once before, I want to be a Trader once again because I never really wanted to stop being a Trader in the first place, I wanted to continue Trading for a WHILE but then I went and got my flaggeds removed for some reasons which I cant even remember, but I'm sure it dont matter now, either way I want to ICly make Wine return, my old trader.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:I am currently in no factions at all, and I dont really intend to join any factiosn either...they tend to just cause drama, create enemies and clutter stuff up. It does however get you friends which I already, fortuantly have, I guess I'd be a Neutrel Trader, trade with all if ya' know what I mean.

Your Traders backstory:

Wine began in the Zone a while back, after owning a small shop in his country which, unfortuantly noone knows when and were he came from he owned a shop that dealt in anything, and I mean ANYTHING. If some guy or gal walked in and offered Wine some Crack to sell, he'd buy it. If somone walked in and offered him a human hand, he'd buy it. If somone walked in and offered him an explosive teddy bear (Which somone did), he buy it...he believes that aslong as you have the cash, everything can be sold to somone at some kind of price.

After a while working with the owners of several companies dealing with goods and links to the Zone, he made himself with familliar with weapons, goods and the art of "Espionage" and steady dealership, to transport loot, goods, "Swag" and all that good stuff to the Zone to sell to its local occupants, including the much loved AK-47 and its lesser and greater Cousins, aswell as other weapons, Kevlar Vests, armour and food....and therefore with cash in hand, Wine snuck himself into the Zone and learned some tricks of the trade from the Traders Union, only to then rack up his rubbles, gain acess to masterful services and learn everything there is to know about survival and all kinds of people, he made friends of all levels of skill and professions, stalkers, mercenaries, bandits, Dutyers, freedomers...even Millitary, he then packed up and leave the Zone for a well deserved break, leaving that part of the Zone only to not see the jist of his actions, leaving that part of the Zone with no "Common" trader, sure theres travelling traders...thats all well and good but ofcourse, Wine was there near everyday, without fail. - Wine leaves the Zone.

Wine has gone, leaving that hearty laughter and "I've got a deal for you" times within the Trainyard, leaving it to be a dull place for trade whilst this part of the Zone suffers a strange economic cripple to the face, a bottle of Wine, as in. The drink, was recently found by a stalker by the name of "Overkill", Overkill read the message next the the bottle of wine, stating that a character named "Wine" would return. And so he ways, now sleeping in one of the many loner encampents that dot the Zone, waiting for Wine to have a nice, long talk with him and possibly get involved with his buisness that the at the bottom of the Wine bottle, and the note next to the Wine bottle stated that Wine, would once again return.

And so night falls...only one Stalker with the knowledge of Wines possible return, as Wine always said "Wine, as Vintage as they come...".

"Wine only ever gets better with age." - Wine.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:Ofcourse.

Accepted, now stop Wine'ing.





Steam Friends Name: Zaki

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Before ban-Some months|After ban-Some weeks

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:11605357

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader: -Look to admin support?-

Why do you want to be a Trader?: I was previously a trader, I have experience, and I enjoy the RP that this brings. I am also very active.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes, Freedom. Yes

Your Traders backstory: One night, Wolfe awoke to a loud roar of some sort of animal. At the time, Wolfe did not realize that this roar was not a very good one to hear... Just seconds after a third, loud growl, Wolfe witnessed a large mutated dog moving forward, its back hunched, on the offensive. Wolfe only had one instinct, and that was to get up and grab the knife which was to the right. Wolfe did so, and prepared for a fight. The large dog ran toward Wolfe, biting the arm which bore the knife. The knife still stood strong in wolf's right hand, and putting aside the bite, Wolfe stabbed the Kabar through the Dog's head. The dog fell limp, and the bite came loose. Wolfe straightened up, hearing more dogs coming. The ferals made quiet skitters as they ran up the metal stairs leading the room which Wolfe was in. Wolfe didn't have time to load the AK74-M laying down to the left. So, on came the Dogs. The first couple of dogs were rather small in comparison to the others, obviously fodder to protect the stronger ones. But as they came, Wolfe was not very merciful. The sound of throats of dogs being slashed, and of skulls being stabbed were audible to the outside, alerting a nearby Bloodsucker. And with the final dog kill, Wolfe heard the Bloodsucker's roar. With speed, that AK was picked up and loaded in three seconds flat. By that time, the bloodsucker was already at the door, and uncloaked. Wolfe opened fire, the first five rounds piercing the bloodsuckers chest region. Two more rounds pierced the sucker's skull, killing it instantly. Wolfe takes a few seconds, realizing what happened, taking it in full. Killing a bloodsucker.. One deed that this STALKER has never done before. And with the quickness that this happened, Wolfe remembered absolutely everything. The first Bloodsucker that was killed by that STALKER's hands.

Wolfe awoke to the dream of the most favored of memories. Around, laid several unconsumed supplies, along with an AK, Kabar, and P99. Wolfe gathered the surrounding supplies and put the consumables away in a backpack. Wolfe started walking. In which direction? Who knows. Wolfe obviously didn't care, not having any regard for the direction which was taken. Wolfe wandered in circles several times, finally finding a new road to follow. Lost for days without any scavenged food, Wolfe gave up. This journey continued until the moment that Wolfe could not continue. The moment in which the Loner collapsed from exhaustion and hunger. Luckily, there was someone nearby. A Veteran STALKER stopped his walk at the place of Wolfe's rest. He kneeled next to the Loner, examining what caused the collapse. The Veteran placed down a small backpack next to Wolfe, got up, and kicked at the Loner. Wolfe awoke to the sight of a random Veteran walking away into the distance, soon disappearing from coming fog. Wolfe looked around in a panic, knowing that it was impossible for fog to blow in at that region. So in a second, that small backpack was picked up and carried away at high speed as Wolfe took off into a full sprint away from the "Fog", which was obviously Gas. Stopping some distance away and panting, Wolfe rummaged through the pack to find food, a gas-mask with a filtration unit attached, a smoking extension to the gas-mask, and some weed. Wolfe placed on the mask, and set out into the coming gas.

Soon leaving the gas cloud, Wolfe spotted a large settlement in the distance. This settlement turned out to be an empty Military complex. Inside, Wolfe broke into a seemingly well kept armory, finding few guns and a couple helmets. Wolfe collected a gun which was better than the AK kept on a sling. The Loner then got rid of the AK rounds collected in a small backpack, and started collecting the required NATO Rounds for the LR300. Wolfe also collected a scope, silencer, and bi-pod from a few supply lockers. Wolfe also stocked up on medical supplies, food, equipment, and a nice new pistol. On the way out, Wolfe heard sounds of people talking outside. The door ahead opened slowly, as a couple of other Loners entered the building slowly, and unprofessionally. Wolfe quickly aimed the upgraded LR300 at the two, lowering it, noticing them not being very harmful at all. The two Loners only came to the empty base for some quick guns and ammo while the Military which ran the base were gone. After the three made their way away from the base, the two Loners led Wolfe to an actual settlement.

After some time, Wolfe became settled in this community. Not really wanting to travel much anymore, Wolfe opened a small shop that only sold small amounts of supplies. Being noticed after some time by a larger company, the company offered Wolfe supply shipments to increase sales. But the only deal they made in exchange for these shipments, was for Wolfe to send in a portion of the income. Wolfe agreed in time, and began to run a bigger shop. And with more people buying from the store, more sponsors recognized the establishment, funding it. After a large portion of time, Wolfe stepped away from all the organized trading, and settled down in the Zone, becoming a wandering trader. Still having all the contacts from past deals, Wolfe is still able of selling and purchasing goods in the Zone. And with this, in time of a short retirement, Wolfe felt the need to get back into trading.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

Removed due to spawning items for his other characters.


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Szenti - zsoo08
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 8 Months
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:6487434
Proof of Support From a Admin and Trader: Dark Angel was the TU Leader, so I think she still counts as Trader...
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I'm in a Loner group known as "The Sanctioned" and I want to be their Trader again(Well I'm still their Trader.).. And I like to be a Trader.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: The Sanctioned
Your Traders backstory: Ferdinand Richo... When he was young around 16 years old, he had to get money, but he didn't really know how he should do it. He had only one choice, to sell his stuffs, furnitures... After weeks he sold very much furnitures, stuffs, and after this, he started liking trading... He was wandering around, selling stuffs in a lot of towns... A few days later one of his friend told him, that theres a great place where he can sell lot of things, and everything. It was the Zone, but his friend didn't mention that... Richo, after three years got enough money to go in The Zone. He packed up, said bye to his friends, family... He was sad, but he wanted to check out that place...

After a week, he got in the Zone, he thought it will be a paradise as his friend said... He meet with a few people in black and brown jackets, he asked them for guide and help, but they just robbed him, and almost killed him... After wandering around he found a place, it was filled with good peoples so he could rest there. He asked if he can work there, and he got accepted, he got money. after this he decided to make his own Trader place... Hes earning much money, and getting used to the place, but theres still a lot of things what he has to learn. His life is only about the trading... He enjoys it more better than anything else.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Of course.

Accepted,  your faction better be active or i'll have to bumb you down to amatuer.


eam Friends Name: Longlostblake
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 1 Year, 1 Month
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:19190275
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader: There are No Traders as of yet.
Why do you want to be a Trader?: To Trade supplies from the Ecologist Bunker.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Ecologist. I will trade to all.

Your Traders backstory: In early life he grew up in the North-West of England Lancashire. In high school David was a brainiac. He loved science, he was good at it. He studied In an English grammar school and he scraped an A* In Maths but aced his A* in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. He got mostly A's and B's in his other subjects.
He obviously went to college, there he studied; Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Politics at A Level for one year, and; Biology, Chemistry and Maths for the second year getting an AS level in Politics and A levels; in Biology, Chemistry and Maths. He moved on to Cambridge University where he studied Ph.D. in Research, in Bio-Chemistry. It was hard but he managed to get the Ph.D., his mother always said he was going to be a cleaver boy. Look at him now, Earning ?70, 000 a year researching Illnesses, diseases and mutations. Then a new Proposal was made to him.. He would be promised unimaginable amounts of money, isn't it strange how people act towards greed? The Ukrainian Military offered him an application, he sent it off, and was accepted. He has spent a long time in the zone now reasearching everything and anything. Now the Area-Leader he feels he should be allowed to sell Supplies to the average Loner.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes.

Accepted, i'll break your legs later.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Steam Friends Name: Sk8r_3124 (lHGNl Sniper3124)

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Over a year

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:11363509

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: Becasue as the Military Quartermaster, i need to supply my fellow soldiers with weapons, ammo and the occasional suit.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes, and yes (Military)

Your Traders backstory:Born and raised in Kiev, Ukraine. Vasiliv, like numerous others was fascinated with the adventure and promise of riches hidden within the zone. Unfortunately only after he had left his home did he realize the harsh reality The Zone truly was. Even before his first night he was shot at by other Explorers and Vagrants apparently called "STALKERS" The only safety he saw within the zone was the zones controlled by the Ukrainian Military, he even saw Order, Respect, Power and Leadership something that had been missing in his childhood. He began doing work catered specifically to the Military. He became a quite successful military mercenary he did anything from disposing waste, to town watch, hoping one day to enlist within their ranks. During his time spent with the Military, Vasiliv got the opportunity to study many of the weapons within the zone, quickly picking up the knowledge to fix and modify weapons.

After being accepted into the Military ranks, Vasiliv has taken an interest in becoming the base Quartermaster, Supplying his fellow soldiers and superior's alike.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

Accepted, now get on the horn and make me a sandvich woman!


Steam Friends Name: Pawx
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 5-6 Months
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:13778615
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader: *Above*
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want to help Players and the Economy with Supplies for RP Reasons.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes, But not for Faction Trader
Your Traders backstory: Valdik Chrous, Born and raised in Europe, With a great and loving family, with a average wealth. But his parents weren't always usual to others, Being hated by everyone for being rude, and mean. As he grew up, Kids wouldn't go near Valdik, Having his parents rep over his head. He didn't have much friends, usually playing alone. In High School, He started to grow a interest in Business and Speech, Always taking a class about the two. As in College as well, He would take multiple classes about Business and Speech, His other classes were ok as well.

When he graduated college, He decided to Buy a Pawn Shop, Starting his Business. His business was not as good, not having the right needs for People, And not making as much money as he wanted. He started to hear rumors about a place called The Zone, Hearing about it's fortune and Wealth there. He set off to the Zone, Looking for that exact thing others wanted, Becoming a Trader of The Zone.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I do

Green light, go go go go!


Steam Friends Name:
|HGN-STSA| Rδvanδger ไทย
Length of Time Spent at HGN: I been here since March of 2009.
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:9255774
Proof of Support From a Admin: I support myself. Also sickness recs me.

Proof of Support From a trader:
|HGN| Rebel [δειλός]

Why do you want to be a Trader?: Without me being trader monolith will not get supplies and will go into depression. We might even have to break cannon and deal with outside traders if we don't get one. Father Bleckov is not totally a trader more of a supply director. But yes a trader.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Monolith since he is leader per say. I want him to be the monolith supply director aka trader.

Father Three Pieces (AKA...Father Bleckov)

Your Traders backstory: Not much is known about Father Three Pieces
Which real name is Father Bleckov.Some speculation says that he was one of the first monolith but that is not clear. He is said to be in around his 30's and has is a possibly schizophrenic, He changes personalities from Three Pieces to Bleckov.Bleckov is more of a cruel and evil leader. Three Pieces is nicer yet strong leader much more remorseful. He has came from the north to the lower sect to the outer guards men monolith to help deal supplies and help keep order among the brothers in the area. He guided supplies from the north down many times and stayed in the area for awhile. He began raiseing up in the ranks. When the leader left to the north Father Three Pieces took over as leader. Powers strike him hard as he now commands the outergaurdmens. His job now will be to supply his men and order them along side his fellow Father Chesnikov, his fellow leader aswell as long time comrade. Three Pieces was known to be a bit roguish at the beginning and still shows some traits he deals with stalkers and others more without totally masscureing them. He uses people and in the end it is worse for them and good for him. Father Three Pieces is a man of many words,and so his story continues...

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes I understand the terms of applying for trader. I understand the rules for it and I have traded very much in the past. I was leader of the union long time ago also. So I understand new rules also and I feel I should do well and listen.


Steam Friends Name: |HGN-STSV| Tunddruff
Length of Time Spent at HGN:1 year, 2 months on the first
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:11463550
Proof of Support From a Admin:Im an SV. What do you think.
Proof of Support From a trader:^^^^^^
Why do you want to be a Trader?:For Neutral Factor. It will help me make missions
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:Yes... I am also leader of the faction.
Your Traders backstory: blah blah blah I dont wana write one.,

Uhurra walked down Sidorvich's stairs. "Hey. Is it ok If I uses you to supply people further in the zone?" Sidorvich and Uhurra talked for a few hours. Sidorvich taught him to sell, at a high price, make connections, and get things into the zone. (I would write more, but I dont really care :|)
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes. I would like to get people to join NF and I think bribing them will work :D

Half assed, pee-brained ... Accepted.


Steam Friends Name: dcbarker/|HGN-STSA| PistolKid (or Stoop Kid)
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 10 months.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:9267027
Proof of Support From a Admin: -Exempt-
Proof of Support From a trader: -Exempt-
Why do you want to be a Trader?: Because I would like to create new and interesting scenarios within the Trader's Union. I was in the TU before I got removed for not posting in an activity thread that was posted a few days after an earlier one. The Trader's Union is a fun experience, and in the short time that I was a trader, I had a great time.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes. I am in DUTY. I would be willing to be a trader for DUTY, yes.
Your Traders backstory:
Sancture is a mysterious character. He can be angry and mean at certain points, and happy and generous at others. Many doctors have failed to describe him, and even the ones who did lab experiments because of his violent, criminal history, are at a loss of words when describing his medical conditions. He may be described as bi-polar, but it may be more than that. He seems to forget everything that ever happened to him, prior to the zone. He also rants about nature, and "walking a path." His philosophical views on life don't derive him from his main task of survival, and his social status isn't affected either. Seeing as he is barely known.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes.

Removed as Duty trader due to inactivity


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Dug
Length of Time Spent at HGN: More than four months, almost five.
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:20750914
Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: Because there's a lack of them lately. And I'm a good role player so I guess I will do just fine. Also I was in TU and was a trader for like a week and it got disbanded , so I want to be one again.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No.
Your Traders backstory:
Ivan Rizov was born on 1976,in Moscow. He came from a family who did anything to earn money. Trade, steal, do jobs, work around houses. His family was always like that. His father , Stefan , he was more of a thief. While his mom Anna was a maid, she pretty much cleaned around houses. Little Ivan became interested into trading. He looked up his uncle who was a trader, basically the man owned a shop. After Ivan finished primary school, he attended the school for traders, high school that is.  His uncle noticed it and gave him a job at his shop. At the time Ivan was a teen and learned quickly from his uncle.
It helped him in school. His grades were excellent and after he finished school and collage, his uncle died and left him the shop. Ivan took over the shop and did a better job than his uncle. Soon he met this girl, Sandra. They started going out. Ivan and Sandra were madly in love. Ivan managed to open an other shop with support of his girlfriend which he married two years after. In the other shop they sold furniture which was an other great success. Soon they started to think about having children. Both of them wanted a boy and a girl. Two kids, enough for a family. They dreamed about many things until Sandra died. She was raped and killed. Ivan was broken. His shops went to ruin. He closed them. Ivan spent a lot of time alone and didn't have anyone to talk to. Since the only person he spent time with was Sandra. After her death Ivan was like an angel, always friendly with a smile on his face trying to get the best out of everything. He didn't eat much as he lost his appetite. No one visited him. He soon started to read books and took pleasure in it. They made him smile, made him sad. But he enjoyed them. He gained all sorts of knowledge by reading the books. One day he heard about the Zone and it's dangers along with the beauties of the zone. Why he really came was the Traders Union it self which interested him. He wanted to get back into the trading. He took great pleasure in trading while Sandra was alive, so he thought "Why not , again?". Before he went there, Ivan wanted to be prepared. So Ivan learned about guns and radiation as much as he could. After all of that he managed to get into the zone. Rookie he was but knew a lot for one. Soon he went over to the duty camp. A dutier told him everything there is to know about the zone. The factions , the mutants and such. Everyday he would think about how he is gonna have his own shop and bring back the memories he had. Now he waits to see if the memories will come back even if Sandra is not there she will always be in his heart.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:Yes.

Accepted, watch out for the Irish Mob.


Steam Friends Name: Keyfoot

Length of Time Spent at HGN: I joined Early August of 2009

STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:1:12956620

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want it to better be able to run Chernobyl Shadows, the way it needs to be run. We are thinking of turning it into a profiteer group instead of a merc group.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes. Though it is a minor faction.

Your Traders backstory: Bruno Odem went and visited his old friends at freedom, while there he was aproached by a akward looking Merc by the name of Rusty. He offered Bruno the chance to join the Chernobyl Shadows group. He quickly accepted and joined their ranks. He excelled with them went up in postion several times until he eventually made it to be Co-Leader. In all the time he was in it  he realized, he and his whole group collect mass amounts of equiment and supplies. he debated with Rusty, and they trandformed the group from Mercs to Profiteers. He bought all the supllies he could get his hands on from his members, and started selling on the side. But! He thought he could go professional for the whole group.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:

Denied, i done screwed up.... Ye placed sickness in the trader aproval


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Chaos
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 10 months
STEAM ID: uhh... I'll get back to ya
Proof of Support From a Admin: Also go support from Akira, but no image.
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: So I can supply my faction.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes, Yes (Duty)
Your Traders backstory:  

     Maksym Olesky was always had high expectations. His dad was a Military Leader and his mom had perfect grades. Though he could never beat his mom, at least he wanted to join the Military. Well Maksym was born in Ukraine and for a long time had very little thought about what was going on. Well on his graduation year, recruiters were in his school convincing people to enlist. He saw this as a perfect opportunity to beast his dad in something, so he signed up. He finished school with average grades, sometimes having a high grade here and there. After his graduation, he was sent to boot camp Maksym Olesky passed boot camp pretty easily, the physical part was very easy to him; the mental part, tests and stuff, he had some difficulties with. But he tried really hard and passed boot camp. He worked out too much when he should of been studying for tests.
    After boot camp he went to Ukraine's Derzhavna Prykordonna Sluzhba, (Border Guard Service) even though he really didn't want to. Being a part of the State Border Guard Service, he had a lot of experience blocking off borders. So they put him into the zone to keep the people in and keep people out. He was very successful with this.
    After three years in the zone, Maksym Olesky's contract ended. The military left him alone to fend for himself. So he found a couple of stalkers to stay with so he wouldn't turn crazy from being alone. Maksym became friends with the stalkers and they hunted for artifacts together, did contracts together, and did everything together. It was all good. Except for one day. Maksym Olesky woke up to find all his friends dead. They were like family to him. He drank over his grief at the 100 rads bar. He then decided to fill out an application to be in Duty.
    A while later, he moved along the chain of ranks, reaching Master Sergeant. He learned the discipline and Honor of Duty slow, but at this point he knew it true. Maksym got a sick, worried feeling one day. Ralacov told him it was fine, but he could not shake the feeling. He heard something in the tower, so he went to investigate. As he ran into the room, he saw three Monolith. He was knocked out and carried to X-18, where he was brainwashed. Something must have went wrong for the brainwash, he was Controlled, but his dreams were of past life. All of the dreaming must have made Maksym remember more and more, so he snuck out one night, never to return. He came home, where he was supposed to be, Agropom.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

Duty already has a trader, but due to Pistolkid being inactive.. Accepted. GET FUCKING ACTIVE!


Steam Friends Name: |HGN-STBA| Sickness
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 1.3 Years.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:7233314
Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: To become the Trader of my Mercenary Faction.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Leader of Chernobyl Shadows. The reason I want to be a trader is to become a faction trader, so yes.
Your Traders backstory:
Rusty used to travel with the old Chernobyl Shadow leader known as Cross. Throughout the whole time being in the zone, Rusty used to be Cross' official trader for his men. As time goes by, so does the leader. Rusty was offered to take over Chernobyl Shadows, since Cross was going deeper into the zone. As Rusty accepted this offer, he had to stop on the trading because he had bigger problems to worry about. After a couple of months, Rusty has stabilized the group, and is ready to start working with Mercenaries, and his men in the zone by being a trader.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, I Sickness, agree to the terms of agreement

Fixed, you are now CS trader... You still fail as a merc group D:<
Rusty - Returned to the Zone


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Welek   

Length of Time Spent at HGN: A year. (Check join date.)

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:21709781

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: I would like to revive my old TU trader, I recently returned to HGN and would like to have a taste of trader roleplay without the TU running it. Andrei Borislav is my old TU trader.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No, I'm not in a faction.

Your Traders backstory: Andrei was told of the Zone by a drunk man on the street corner in Keiv, he said it was faster money than any job, Andrei was interested, he found his way into the Zone thanks to a local guide, but spent most of his money convincing the guide to take him. Once Andrei was in the zone, he had nothing his 300 RU and a leather jacket, he looked for any sign of people, a town, a camp, he spotted a small village over the river and walked closer. He reached the small village by evening, his limbs tired he walked into the first building that looked like a bar, a friendly voice greeting him. "Hey Stalker! Lookin' for a drink?" he was relived, and bough a bottle of vodka and relaxed the trader started talking with him, asking him questions Andrei had no answers for, the trader stopped, catching his breath and Andrei questioned him about his job, the trader laughed, and said. "Well, Rook' it's easy just come with me.." The trader walked into the backroom and Andrei followed, hours later Andrei and the trader came out of the room, Andrei dressed in a fine suit, and the trader talking in a low voice. "I'll tell the Traders Union here, take these names, they can get you your first shipment or two of things.. If you get shot or robbed, not my problem Rook'" Andrei smiled, his dream coming true, with new hope he set out, and setup his own small shack and severed stalkers what they needed for the next year. The year pasted so quickly and Andrei was having baths in money, until the new reached his ear from a Stalker. "The Traders Union is done, someone shot that fat bastard in the head.. Guess he had it coming." Andrei was shocked, but he was free, he could charge any price he wanted do anything he wanted.. Even run traders out of his area, he set off for a populated area of the zone to setup his small shack once again.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I agree.

Accepted, we need a classy barkeep!


Steam Friends Name: Aresty
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 2 Weeks
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:16224394
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want to be a Trader because I want to try this type of RP, And I always loved to barter. Also there are few Traders that are from the European time zone.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I'm not in a Faction.
Your Traders backstory: Vladimir Dardy, Borned in Russia, At the captial of Moscow. During his birth, An earthquake hitted Moscow, destroying almost all the hospital. Vladimir was lucky as he was still alive, but his parents were killed. Vladimir was adopted by an Italian couple, That bringed him in Calabria. Vladimir had a nice life since from the start. He was good at school, He was really interessted in Economics, Just like his father.
After many years of studying and working, He opened up his own Shop.
He was selling various things in this shop like food, tools and drinks, and the deals were good for him. But in one day, One of the local mafia's visted Vladimir's shop, and asked for a protection price. Vladimir refused, And the two gangster smashed his stuff in the Shop, and they said that he'll be next if he doesn't dissapears.
Vladimir knew that he had to leave, So he starts to think about a place where to go, when he suddenly rembers that his friend, Andrew Ryans, Went in to the Zone for escaping something, and he knew that in The Zone there was the occasion to continue his Trader job. So, He left Italy, saying good bye to all his close friends and to his parents. He took the plane to the city that was closest to the Cordon.
He hired a guard that led him to The Zone, To the first stalker camp. Vladimir knew little Russian, but spending time at that camp, he learned the neccesary to communicate with others. At the Camp, He met the Sidorovich, who really liked Vladimir objectives. So he decided to help him, by telling him how to get in contact with people who furnish supplies and how to sell them at the Highest-Price. Vladimir, didn't learned the last part very good, But he memorized the Contacts on his PDA.
Vladimir decided then to get in contact with this Contacts and start his new life.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes


Steam Friends Name:Welshy!!!!!
Length of Time Spent at HGN:Over a year
STEAM ID:*Till further date*
Proof of Support From a Admin:Meh?
Proof of Support From a trader:Rebel, if you want a screenshot i'll get one.
Why do you want to be a Trader?:Fun roleplay, helping the stalker economy, who wouldnt want to be a trader?
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:Possibly, being DUTY leader i do not know who will be our offical trader as of yet.
Your Traders backstory:
    Yuri Alekseev, spoilt, selfish, heartless. Yuri was born into the dark underworld of the crime syndicate in Moscow. His father was a known member of the Russian mafia, but he knew nothing of his mother.
    In his younger life he had everything he wanted. He had very few friends, due to his unfriendly attitude. He was educated in business, he grew up learning how to do business, and one day he was to follow the family business.
    As he grew up he lost the few childhood friends he had, being cold and shameless, he backstabbed each one of his friends in order to make a profit. Once he graduated from his University in Moscow, he went into his fathers business. He traded arms, drugs and slaves to people around Europe. There were things he never learnt however, respect, honor. He began trading with other organized criminals, which was a key rule his father made not to. As his father found out, he disowned him from their family, and was only allowed to live being his fathers child.
    Furious with this he took his stockpile and traveled to Ukraine, where he was forbidden to trade. He traveled with his only true friend, his personal guard Boris. Boris had heard rumors of an area where they could become rich from trading there. So the traveled, search for this area, coming across a military border. With the very few rubles he had left, he managed to bribe the guard into letting the truck pass into the zone. Now he looks to do trade, when discovering a stalker camp, he disembarked his truck to find out further information, and discovering about traders in the zone, he made it his personal goal to become the most known trader in the zone.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:Niet (only joking i agree)

Fine, but you better fix this app or Ima kick your ass

I am Soldier - Play Free Online Games


Steam Friends Name: |HGN-DEV| Dutch

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Around eight months.

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:6660673

Proof of Support From a Admin/Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: Traders are at the core of most passive roleplay in the whole of Stalker Roleplay. I'd love to be a part of this, and I already have tooltrust, so as long as I have rewards to give, I'll be able to hand out missions.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: A different character is an Ecologist, but this character is going to be a freelance trader.

Your Trader's backstory: Dwayne Stewart, Joker to his friends, grew up roughly, one could say. The streets of New York aren't the best place to raise a child. His lower-class lifestyle meant meager meals, at most. Joker enrolled in school until he was seventeen, when he dropped out and joined his friends in a local street gang. That didn't go so well, as numerous crimes, ranging from petty theft to murder, were pinned on Joker. At the age of twenty, Joker began to flee the police, and soon enough, he found himself in Europe. Eight years later, he found himself in the Zone. Joker has served with Duty, and briefly tried to fund a career as a craftsman. Joker is incredibly skilled when it comes to upgrading items, and that will likely help him quite a bit if he becomes a trader. He has been in the zone for several months now, and is pleased to consider himself as an experienced stalker. Joker even got close to getting to the center of the zone, but he had to return when he ran out of supplies in Pripyat. Of course, he says that, but in actuality he got shot and limped to a doctor, who patched him up and sent him back to "safety." Joker has finally decided to calm things down for now, and set up shop selling the supplies he can find.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes.

Accepted, dont abuse.
"What dutch says, when he's not trollin mono, he talkes good smartness." - Comradebritish



Steam Friends Name: Keyfoot

Length of Time Spent at HGN: I joined Early August of 2009

STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:1:12956620

Proof of Support From a Admin/Trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want it to better be able to run Chernobyl Shadows, the way it needs to be run. We are thinking of turning it into a profiteer group instead of a merc group. Plus our trader is unactive.

Are you in a faction? If so, will yzou be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes. Though it is a minor faction.

Your Traders backstory: Bruno Odem went and visited his old friends at freedom, while there he was aproached by a akward looking Merc by the name of Rusty. He offered Bruno the chance to join the Chernobyl Shadows group. He quickly accepted and joined their ranks. He excelled with them went up in postion several times until he eventually made it to be Co-Leader. In all the time he was in it  he realized, he and his whole group collect mass amounts of equiment and supplies. he debated with Rusty, and they trandformed the group from Mercs to Profiteers. He bought all the supllies he could get his hands on from his members, and started selling on the side. But! He thought he could go professional for the whole group.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:
Yes, whole heartedly

Accepted, Sickness has been removed due to inactivity.


Steam Friends Name: Genesis
Length of Time Spent at HGN: About 3 months now
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:14386114
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: So I can supply the needy STALKERs of the Zone with food and weapons, for the right price of course.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No, I want to be just a loner trader, since we have few of those. Kind of like a traveling one.
Your Traders backstory: Sergei was born in a small town not far away from the Zone. His father was a trader whom was very sucsessful, and so Sergei was teached in his ways. At age 16, Sergei was already selling goods to people, and he was making lots  of money off of it. He was working as his fathers assistant then, because people under the age of 18 were not allowed to trade yet. When he learned of the Zone at age 28, he decided to move out there and help the people in need by selling them goods and weapons. It took him 4 years to finally reach the Out-Skirts of Chernobyl, but he never gave up until he did.
His bus pulled up to the stop on December 26th, screeching to a stop inches away from the checkpoint. "This is as far as we go," said the Driver. Sergei nodded, standing up out of his seat and pulling down his gas-mask, and walking down the steps of the bus. "Good luck out there," said the Driver, then closing the doors. Sergei watched it drive off, and sighed "No turning back now.". He pulled out his compus, and began to walk North towards the second checkpoint.
A fog rolled throughout the Zone, blinding Sergei from seeing more than 30 feet ahead. The loud cry of a mutant could be heard in the distance, defeaning to the ear. Sergei cocked back his shotgun, moving forward into the fog with caution. The cry grew closer. Scared, Sergei began to look around himself, checking all directions for the sight of this crying beast. Suddenly, gun-shots rang out in the distance, the crying ceasing. Sandbags appeared as the fog dispersed, followed by the yell of a man "Stop right there STALKER!". Sighing with relief, Sergei had realised he reached the second checkpoint.
The man moved closer, examining Sergei. "Are you the Trader?" he said. Sergei nodded. "Alrighty then, we are your guides. Follow me, we're taking you to the locals." the Man said. Sergei nodded again, and began to follow the guides as they walked forward back into the fog.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Indeed I do

Approved, now shut up.