Trader Application Thread (Faction Traders needed!)

Started by Silver Knight, 23-01-2010

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Steam Friends Name: Ares
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 3 Weeks
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want to be a Trader because I want to try this type of RP, And I always loved to barter. Also there are few Traders that are from the European time zone.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I'm not in a Faction.
Your Traders backstory: Vladimir Dardy, Borned in Russia, At the captial of Moscow. During his birth, An earthquake hitted Moscow, destroying almost all the hospital. Vladimir was lucky as he was still alive, but his parents were killed. Vladimir was adopted by an Italian couple, That bringed him in Calabria. Vladimir had a nice life since from the start. He was good at school, He was really interessted in Economics, Just like his father.
After many years of studying and working, He opened up his own Shop.
He was selling various things in this shop like food, tools and drinks, and the deals were good for him. But in one day, One of the local mafia's visted Vladimir's shop, and asked for a protection price. Vladimir refused, And the two gangster smashed his stuff in the Shop, and they said that he'll be next if he doesn't dissapears.
Vladimir knew that he had to leave, So he starts to think about a place where to go, when he suddenly rembers that his friend, Andrew Ryans, Went in to the Zone for escaping something, and he knew that in The Zone there was the occasion to continue his Trader job. So, He left Italy, saying good bye to all his close friends and to his parents. He took the plane to the city that was closest to the Cordon.
He hired a guard that led him to The Zone, To the first stalker camp. Vladimir knew little Russian, but spending time at that camp, he learned the neccesary to communicate with others. At the Camp, He met the Sidorovich, who really liked Vladimir objectives. So he decided to help him, by telling him how to get in contact with people who furnish supplies and how to sell them at the Highest-Price. Vladimir, didn't learned the last part very good, But he memorized the Contacts on his PDA.
Vladimir decided then to get in contact with this Contacts and start his new life. After this, He searched a place in the Zone for him to sell his stuff, And he tought that the Underpass was the best place for starting to sell his stuff.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

Accepted, dont get in trouble little man.


Steam Friends Name: Moss
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Almost Three years now.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:11258295
Proof of Support From a Admin: Check Attachment...
Proof of Support From a Trader: Check Attachment...
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I Want to be a trader because I like to make it fair for everyone by supplying them weapons and buying there junk , keeping a well maintained economy.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No , Not as of yet.
Your Traders backstory: Aboka Savereganty was his name. He's Cocky and a party animal who loves to gamble. Hes known for having connections with people , and getting some of the best booze in Russia. He had his own bar. He HAD. Lost it one day with a drunken game of Gambling.
             Not just the bar though. His house , clothes , all of his money. He had no where to go. No Family, No friends, nothing. He finally noticed that his "Hobbes" pushed them away. He was on the streets when the second explosion happened. Every day he would dig through the trash to get the most recent paper. He read about the artifacts in the zone. He packed up little of what he had. After a month of hard traveling and hitchhiking he had finally reached the outskirts of the zone. He entered not knowing his path ahead. He didn't have a weapon or even clothes without holes for that matter.
                     He was put through many challenges. Soon to come across body's with weapons and clothes. He had to use them or he'd die , so he did. He began salvaging with a group of stalkers. They got a good stake together then split. Aboka came across a camp where many stalkers communed to to trade and resupply. He sat at a fire place and someone asked him how he got there. He told them his story and they called him Yeoman. One of the guys said it meant someone who lived harsh but prospered with wealthiness. He liked the name so he decided to use it instead of his real name. Some guys in the camp were playing poker. He joined in and won. Every other week he'd swing back around. Every time with an Artifact or a cache of weapons and ammunition. Then he'd Gamble some more. Winning every time.
                  After a while he started to trade off his things from a shack at the camp. He'd buy and trade not knowing people thought he was an actual dealer. The Stalkers soon disbanded , they headed deeper into the zone. So that's what Yeoman did also. He later then began his own camp and he traded once again. And we have reached our stopping point for he still needs to write his own future.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes I do.

Moss--it has the charm of a creeping tune~Even in darkness it still grows.

Why do I love Moss?

I have been asked this question many times. Unfortunately, their is not one easy answer that I can give you.


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Killabreu
Length of Time Spent at HGN: A month and some change, but I was around for six months about six months ago.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:3293266
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I've got a good deal of ideas for some new, creative missions. I wanna be able to try them out, and I'd be able to add a bit of competition for other traders.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No, N/A.
Your Traders backstory:
   Eastwood, born William Pulp, came to the Zone in 2008, two years after the second Chernobyl explosion. He chose the name "Eastwood" in a way to try to feel a bit more like his favorite actor, who was known for his gun slinging. He was thirty years-old at the time, and had could be described as a "silver-tongued devil".  He had, and still has, a knack for words. When he was attempting to be as legendary in terms of gun slinging as the actor, he realized (after taking two bullets to either leg) he wasn't cut out for that sort of action. Instead, he talked to a man he had worked with before, Hawk. Hawk was the leader of a group of men, and offered to take him under his wing. There, he learned to use his speech to haggle and trade, and learned how to work on both armor and weaponry. When the man who taught him how to work on gear was killed in a raid, he took over in repairing gear Hawk's crew brought in.
   After a few years under Hawk's tutelage, he bid farewell to the trader, and set out to start his own trading post. He was highly unsuccessful, as he was plagued by groups of dogs, cats, and other dangers. He wound up setting camp up next to the DUTY base, attempting to use their presence as a sort of protection from any ill-willed STALKERs and mutants. After a few months, he built up the courage to move farther away from the base, and set up another camp, where he is having much more luck than previously.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes.

Accepted, throw your ideas to Professional and veterans!

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


Steam Friends Name: Keyfoot

Length of Time Spent at HGN: I joined Early August of 2009

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:12956620

Proof of Support From a Admin/trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: To be able to supply people when no other traders are on. And ive always enjoyed running business's ingame, also want to make more jobs and quests, since being a trader will make it easier.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:I am in mono, but this character wont be mono trader.

Your Traders backstory: Mr. Desmond was a comformist who joined the military like his father before him. After many years and making it to the rank of Colonel, he was put in charge of a battallion of troops and sent to the zone. His primary objective was to reach the center of the zone. During this, his whole battalion was wiped by a monolith raid. Being the last survior of his battaltion, he wondered back out to the outskirts of the zone, forsakening his rank and name. During his time near the center of the zone he had collected a large supply of rare artifacts, which he sold to traders and stalkers to forge himself a new life as a trader. He then preceeded to buy supplies and trade.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes.

Accepted, you were a trader before mono-fags got a hold of you.


Steam Friends Name: Klp4
Length of Time Spent at HGN: About 8 months
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:13657210
Proof of Support From a Admin: Gan, pic down at the end of the post.
Proof of Support From a trader: Genesis, pic down at the end of the post.
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want to do a lot more passive RP and I like to sell stuff. I enjoy to socialize with other players and why not do that in a bar or a shop!
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I'm a Major in the military. I quess I could be ther trader but I'd rather be a neutral one.
Your Traders backstory:
Nikolai first came to the Zone accidently. For a long time he wanted to travel the world and explore, and for only 1 year ago, a man named Niko Cheskinski promised him that he would take Nikolai with him and see the world!
Ofcourse Nikolai said yes and packed his bags and left all that he called home. All seemed so perfect, untill the day Nikolai first started to relize that he wasn't on his way to see the world, only the brutal landscape of the Zone. Mr Cheskinski had planned to sell Nikolai as a slave to a bandit group in the Zone, and it didn't took long untill he was doing hard labour all day long with almost nothing to eat or drink. He had nothing...

After a long time in "hell" and many tries of escaping it, Nikolai made a run for the freedom and finally vanished into the harsh enviroment in the Zone. He was finally free.
Now Nikolai started to do some work for the Duty, and after that he got some small jobs from the Military, but he wanted something else.
During all his work and missions, he had mad some money, but he had also found a lot of different guns and rifles, and not to mention, all the broken armor parts laying on the ground here and there.
He was a bit restless, so when he had some spare time, he started to fix some of the armor that he had found and also, with help from some weapon craftsmen, he started to learn how to repair guns and rifles.
It didn't take long untill he met new friends in the Zone, and after a while, he found himself selling his first product to a lonley S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

After all the horror that Nikolai had seen in the Zone, he finally had something that made him happy, something that he could make a living out of, and something that he was good at. He wanted to become a Trader!
So he decide to pack all his equipment, all the weapons,all the suits and armor and all the products that he had, and head towards the town and start his career as a Trader.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes I do.

"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.


Steam Friends Name: |HGN CSV| Locke
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Too long
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:18678847
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?:I already was. Re-applying.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No.
Your Traders backstory:

Ivan entered the zone a long time ago. He has been in the zone almost as long as he has been in the business of trading goods. He has made literal fortunes from the zone's artifacts and rare items.

He usually tries to get even richer than he already is by giving Stalkers missions that benefit him, and by collecting artifacts.

He is trying to re-unite traders under a common banner.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:


Accepted and, you fail for having those screenshots backwards.


Steam Friends Name: XWeaponOfChoice
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Two weeks.
STEAM ID: 0:1:17559758
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: To help stalkers with jobs, and to sell them what they need.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No I will sell to Stalkers
Your Traders backstory: Vikoslav was the owner of a gunshop back in his hometown, he was known by all the people in that area and was greatly loved. His family and friends were attacked by a group of bandits who called themselves "Sleek Destroyers". He escaped quickly out of the area trying to save his family, but he failed and saw his mothers head get blown clear off. Only him and a few other people made it out of the raid alive. He became very agitated and could not sleep night after night. So, without his family around any more he though it would be best to move to a new area and start a new life.
            He walked through the woods for quite some time and soon found a small town. Vikoslav met a old man there who told him many stories of his past life when he was in the zone. He wondered how to reach the zone and asked for directions, but the man could not quite remember where to go, but he pointed him towards someone that did. That one person was very mean and brutal, he made Vikoslav do many jobs in order for the information on the location of "The Zone". Vikoslav endured much pain and suffering in the jobs he had to do, it varied from killing men or stealing certain items. Some tasks he failed which caused him to get wiped many times. After a year or so he managed to earn the mans trust and he offered him a ride to "The Zone". After around five days of travelling he arrived and got out of the truck, staring in amazement. He finally reached his goal, and now it is time for him to start his life again, as a trader.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

Read the faction thing wrong, accepted


Steam Friends Name:
|HGN-STSA| Rδvanδger ไทย

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Since March 2009

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:9255774 33:45 188(special thanks to Mangoman.)

Proof of Support From a Admin:I am a admin so uhh yeah I support myself.

Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I use to be a leader of the TU when it was around and I traded a lot. It is a fun and enjoyable thing to trade and help stalker economy; it is a more passive activity.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:Nope no faction.

IC Name: Hugo"Guide" Vamio
Your Traders back-story: The roar of the helicopter zooms over the forest as it begins touching down on soft ground, Huge begins telling the tourist how wonderful it is, he would of never imagined he would be zooming past air anomalies that would fry him into two later on...Hugo grew up in Russia from a wealthy Russian family, they kept there money much secret but mainly made it from outside dealings with Americans and others. Hugo disliked Russia but loved his family. It was a big family but they were losing money fairly fast, his brother was also a pilot in the Russian military. Hugo managed to leave Russia onto his new life in America...Some time later in America. Huge managed to achieve a pilots training and license from a helicopter training school, thanks to his families funds. This meant that his family got poorer and poorer but it kept there little baby Hugo a financial float in America. He signed up for a helicopter touring in a small national park, takeing decently wealthy tourist around in it. He also owned a small antique shop. He was a very experience hunter and guide in the park and love the outdoors. He figured it was time to go vist the family, so he packed his things and took the long trip back to Russia. When he got back to Russia he took a ride from a family friend from the airport to his house. His family was happy to see him, his father and mother's hold wrinkled smile gave warmth in Hugo's heart. But a grip of sadness his brother seemed to have gotten in some kind of trouble in the Ukrainian military as Hugo's father explains. Hugo bites his lip thinking; know if only I could help my brother. Just then a bloodied brother of huge burst threw the front door of the house.....He begins screaming to Hugo" Brother we must leave."Hugo's father and mother try to stop Hugo but Hugo must help his brother. They begin chasing down the street in his small junky car. They begin nearing the military base, they go inside, all is quiet and no activity. The military base was very near. They rush inside as blood spatters the wall as military soldiers lie in blood and lay lifelessly. Hugo's brother begins saying" Just keep going brother we must leave this place. The others will show up and we will both be dead. Police begin coming in at this moment, Hugo's brother pulls a pistol out of his pocket as he fires at them. Two police that came were shot dead before they could even fire back. Hugo was startled and scared but followed his brother. Hugo's brother dragged him along outside as police cars and military begin nearing and distance helicopters are heard. Blood drips on the ground as Hugo's brother feels a small wound on his side." It is only a flesh wound brother to the helicopter, we have to go now." Hugo's brother and him jump into a small military chopper and begin taking off. Hugo ask his brother" Where are we going brother please tell me." His brother responds" The zone it is the only escape, we will be freemen there and we will escape all this shit."

Later on they begin closing in on the zone as the helicopter begins nearing and it begins slowling, there new life will begin soon.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I agree and understand all the trader rules and agreements.

A extra request: I wanted a special position in trading. My guy will give out missions and give out special order items, swell as guide people. Also I was wondering if I could have a helicopter it is going to be kind of a shitty one though, since in call of Pripyat there was pilots and I grantee there might have been in clear sky and shoc,it kind of mixes in with his back-story.He is not a main trader but will help stalkers earn money and he will make money aswell to help other traders earn money aswell.

Accepted, piss off. :D


Steam Friends Name:|HGN| 2power
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Over a year.
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:19945720
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?:Here are some of the reason i want to be a trader, one is to make profit, two is to help my bandit group grow[ still in the making] three i like to see happy players on SRP not complaining about "Wtf no trader RAAGE"
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:I am in monolith but i dont want to be the trader for that faction i want to be a trader for my bandit faction [still in the making] black bull bandit group
Your Traders backstory: The sound of a blood suckers pain educing scream echos in the cave. The bold bandit runs out into the cold misty night holding many artifacts with a uneasy face. The man stops for a breathe of air. As the man stops the Blood sucker storms out of the cave "He looks pissed" said the man, as he ran off into the cordon. As the man in the jacket reaches the counter  a voice is heard "So, bandit you got my artifacts or am i going to have to kill you?" The man in the jacket mumbles some thing as he drops a sack of artifacts on the counter. The trader raises his brow. "Well your not as useless as i thought you were" The man glares at the fat man named Sidorovich. "I need you to pick up some supplies, if you do this for me ill reward you greatly" The man finely speaks "Sidorovich, you know i cant i must be going". "Hmm, what if i told you i could supply you with enough weapons and shit to redeem your little faction?" The man in the jacket turns around "W-what!" "Oh yess bandit i could do this for you, you could reopen your little bandit camp and i could get some one that can hold a gun straight get my shit here in one piece." The man in the jacket gulps. "Alright ill do it" "Alright Wind, dont fail me or ill have your nuts hanging from a tree" Sidorovich laughs. Winds walks out of the room. Two trucks come into the small village, stalkers stare for they have never seen so many working trucks. Wind hops into the truck filled with stalkers, they glare at the bandit. The trucks takes off into the night, Wind closes his eyes and takes a long nap. The next morning only two of the stalkers he seen the night before were in the truck. "Were is the other stalkers" asked wind. The stalkers stayed silent. Wind gets up and notices he is in the garbage, the truck stops at a large pile of dead stalkers. The driver yells out " I will not go any farther go get the supplies and well be done with this crap mission" All the stalkers get out, as they climb the hill they notice a small camp below. Wind looks through the scope of his VSS he see's two crates of supplies and what looks to be a tank of some sort. Wind and the stalkers creep down the hill. The Bandits seem to be other drunk or sleeping. All the stalkers moved in the first bandit walked by. Wind Grabbed him, pulled him down and slit his throat. As wind crept into each hut he plants small C2 bombs. The stalkers crept out of the camp unnoticed and untouched. Wind sets off the C2 as soon as he sets off the bombs screams of agony are heard. As the stalkers rushed down the hills into the village a large scale battle ensued, The bandits where nearly slaughtered. Suddenly the top of the tank like vehicle moves Well at least the turret is it starts to spray bullets into the stalkers, not one stalker survived. Wind slid down the hill, he took out a Molotov out of his satchel and crept up behind the tank. Wind pulled the hatch of the tank open and threw the Molotov in. The village became silent, only the roar of fire could be heard. Sidoroviches supplies were safe. Wind started to pulls the crates up the hill slowly. Before he got all the crates up the hill the sun had come out. The driver looked at wind and said "wheres the stalkers?" "There dead" wind said casually. The drivers helped Wind load the trucks as the cool night becomes silent. "Ahh, bandit you have my crates and now you can have as much shit as you want" Wind nods "One more thing when you need some supplies just contact my associates on this PDA number" Sidorovich hands wind a greasy sheet of paper. Wind nods and walks out of the cordon to rebuild his once powerful faction.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I do, i will follow the rules, and will not abuse my powers as trader.

Yours truly 2power Bandit radio

Accepted, you have the screenshot backwards! And 2power, if you minge with this flag you'll end up like the last trader who abused it. P-banned D:<
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖘 𝖇𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖔𝖌𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖋𝖋𝖘


Steam Friends Name: Headcrabs35
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Unsure, but alot more than afew months.
STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:0:19286320
Proof of Support From a Admin and a Trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: To help circulate the servers econamy, getting money, making missions, getting stalkers to do missions, getting them money, then buying something off me, resetting that, I am wanting to help contribute to the econamy as a trader.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No and No.
Your Traders backstory: Jack Shepherd, another stalker to the zone, but also talented in the ways of a technician, repairing and modifying various items from the zone,  be it guns, suits, gasmasks or even put some fluffy dice on your knife.
He constantly sends out stalker groups to scavange for guns (RP wise), when they return, he repairs and modifies them, then sells them for a profit before splitting it between him and wine, earning a nice amount of roubles between them both.
He doesnt just repair the scavanged guns his stalkers deliver, he also repairs the weapons of stalkers who request it, as well as modify them to their requests.
(This is basically what he does, i just need the flag to get the weapons for selling when wine isnt around, besides, i think it will add a nice element to trading RP, selling modded guns and such)

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, i agree.

Accpeted, its about damn time we get an RP repairman.
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


Steam Friends Name:
Length of Time Spent at HGN:
1-3 Months maybe?
Proof of Support From a Admin:
On the bottom.
Proof of Support From a trader:
On the bottom.
Why do you want to be a Trader?:
Well the reason why I want to be a trader is pretty much for RP,Try it our, or kinda get it back.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:
I am in military, and I will be a faction trader, if you want me to.
Your Traders backstory:
Yuri Stanislav is STALKER, born in 1983. He was a Rookie when he came into the zone. Started low. At first, he did some jobs for traders as any rookie will do. Then he thought that maybe he could make little money by scavenging. So he scavenged weapons,artifacts, and anything that might have a price. He only found one artifact in his life though. It was a jellyfish, but he sold it. He was making a good amount of rubles selling weapons. Then bandits started to hear all about this, so they robbed some of his cash. So, he didn't really care, but he will be hoping to get revenge. Anyway, after awhile he scavenged some more,kept a Makarov PM, and sold weapons. Then, after selling all the items he had, he was thinking of becoming a trader.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:
I do agree to the terms of agreement.

Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson - ALIVE
Anne 'Savior' Gerris - ALIVE
Coroner - ALIVE
'Crazed' - ALIVE


Steam Friends Name: |HGN|ISPYUDIE
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Almost a year now
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:7741710
Proof of Support From a Admin and a Trader:
Hmm, a little small... Go here if you can't see it

Why do you want to be a Trader?: To help get the Stalker ecomony up and running again, to help out stalkers and to have some great RP
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes and No
Your Traders backstory: Dmitri Chornovyl was a simple man. He ran a small quaint shop in
Ukraine, just outside the Zone. Business wasn't very good but he made enough to put food on his plate. He was also a very good mechanic. His brother was in the Ukranian military and had been stationed in the zone, Dmitri was fasinated by the stuff his brother told him in letters sent home.

One night Dmitri went over to his shop to make sure he had locked up properly, but there was something wrong..... Dmitri looked through the window, there was over-turned shelves and the whole shop was a mess, he grabbed his pocket-torch and went inside....

Dmitri looked around, a shiver ran through his spine as there was a faint growling noise. He went upstairs and opened the rifle cabinet he kept there. His hands trembled as he loaded the shot-gun and he quietly cocked it, creeping downstairs.

He staired into the black abyss, his eyes fixiated on the glowing circles of light in the dark
corner. The "Beast" crept towards him and snarled. Dmitri brought the shotgun up, still shaking, and slowly started to pull the trigger, the beast was immediatley filled with bulletholes, but it wasn't Dmitri who had killed it....

The well-equiped soldier looked at Dmitri, then spoke.
"Oi arsehole! Ukranian military, we're gonna have to talk to you..."

Dmitri had realised what the beast was, it was one of the Mutants his brother had told him about, but it must have escaped the zone.... Dmitri realised that the Military probably wanted to Contain the threat and anyone who had seen it... He ran. Upstairs, out the window, down the gutter and over the grass bank. He was now a wanted man, he had nowhere to go. Except.....

Two days later Dmitri bribed his way through a checkpoint and wondered off into the Zone.

One year later, Dmitri is now a Trader and mechanic, with a sucessful business and money in his pocket.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

(Oh and just so you know, on Shadow of Chernobyl the other day, a Dutier was telling me about a pack of suckers that escaped the zone.... So it is possible)



Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Zero

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Seven to Eight Months.

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:11556268

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader: Ravanger and Paint are both Traders, I kept it in mind, but I hope it counts.

Why do you want to be a Trader?: Being a trader, offers alot of passive role-playing, it adds life to the world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, it also adds to realism and ideas for missions to send new stalkers on, for their first weapon or Experienced Stalkers for a new piece of role-playing they can add to their story, in a way Traders help maintain balance when used right, I want to ensure the balance isn't broken.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I'll stick alone, factions tend to be more trouble then their worth.

Your Traders backstory: Felix Seska, was born to Rich parents in Romania, Gone to the best schools money can buy, knowing weapons of war and business details, with diplomatic solutions, Felix may have became a politician.

Instead, after college his parents wished for him to earn his own fortune, refusing to help him in any way with finances, Felix was forced to find his own way in obtaining money. Opening a small time gunstore, in a location full of crime, was a great way to obtain money, eventually obtaining a assistant to run the store while he was away was also a risky idea.

Eventually obtaining enough money Felix went towards America to buy and sell stocks, the trip was a disaster, as the company's went bankrupt from unknown causes. Felix returned to Romania, Destitute, but with contacts to obtain weaponry, and other goods.

As useless as it seemed, it was far from it, Felix soon heard of the Zone as artifacts, and other finds were common and in most cases, a easy way to obtain money, learning from his mistakes, he invested wisely and carefully into the company's that provided the supplies, and entered the zone, "Of course illegally, with help of a few friends" hiding his supplies in certain areas of the vehicle he entered, and began his trade.

As slow as it was, he found of a faction named the Trader's Union, these were people like him, with the same goal, earn money, offer information, and virtually run the zone in all ways. Felix signed up, and began his trade once more, finding his business to increase tenfold and his ability to convince people of his wares to improve over time, in less then two years, Felix was Co-leader of the Union.

Business seemed to never end as he opened the arena and made a name for himself. Eventually, everything seemed to fall apart, too quickly, and too suddenly, eventually, the Leader left, and Felix was unable to step up, being too far away from the zone by the time it happened. When Felix returned, he found money slipping away and saw everything he had created, vanish.

Once again, like the stock-market he had invested to highly in something and, once again, had its own version of going bankrupt. Felix wandered the zone, attempting to be a Stalker a few times, he had no success, eventually he neared thinking of leaving for good, until he remembered, "The contacts within the now destroyed Traders Union may still be willing to do business" picking up what little money he had, he contacted them, and with luck, they may decide to continue with their Business.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Did so once, I might as well do it again, not like anything really changed.



Steam Friends Name: Lt. Taylor
Length of Time Spent at HGN: one month and 1-2 weeks
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:15976786
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want to be a trader as our group is often banditized while out of camp and needs a trader
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I don't know if you count a group as a faction, if so, I'm in The Shaken, and yes, i would be the designated Trader
Your Traders backstory:
          Jeremy grew up in an average town, with an average family over in the US, he moved to the Ukraine at 13 and never left. He started out with a job at a Bomb Squad at 22, which lasted him 3 years. He then moved on to an instructor at a Gun Shop/Gun range and learned to fire plenty of weapons. This job lasted the next 5 years. for the next 3 years he went on to do hard labor for the next 4 years until he finally pondered over a life in the military. He never imagined where it would put him.
           After joining the Ukranian military and serving for a month, Jeremy decided the military were not his uh, Cup of Tea, if you will, so he decided to go AWOL, he helped a freedomer escape from the military with his life, mainly by annoying his leaders. with the threat of death, and has been successfully running for a while. He joined up with a group called The Shaken, after drinking from a contaminated water source and becoming sick with a cold-type disease. He since then has recovered, and ever since he was tempted to work to become a quarter master for the Military, has been wanting to be a trader, as of now a quartermaster idea is just insane, with him being AWOL and all, so he turned to the next best thing, a black market trader.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes


Steam Friends Name:leadpilot

Length of Time Spent at HGN:A week or two or something.

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:9795027

Proof of Support From a Admin & Trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: Because there is a severe lack of traders giving missions. And after replacing Cole for ten minutes while he crashed, I found it to be a fun sort of roleplay.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I am in monolith, maybe I will be a trader, maybe not. WHO KNOWS? But really, I have no plans for it at the moment.

Backstory gone because faggot metagamers are FAGGOTS.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

accepted, i will slaughter your first born if you abuse.


Steam Friends Name: οбρו4γa

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Two months, this being my third.

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:12393053

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: Because I am willing to accept the responsibility as a Trader to fulfill my duty as a supplier and source of work to the people of the Zone whenever possible, I would also keep in mind to not undercut or overprice merchandise to the point of setting the stability of the economy on a rollercoaster ride to hell.  

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Currently only one of my characters is within a faction, but this character I'm applying with will not be in a faction.

Your Traders backstory:
Born in the Ukraine in 1979, Viacheslav was only a child of the age of seven when the first Chernobyl Incident occured, he was too young to understand what was going on, or why his parents decided to move from their small home in the country to bustling city of Kiev. When everything was all said and done, they rented out a fairly large house from a retired businessman who bought, sold, and rented out property around the city of Kiev. After the Incident, like went on as normal, with his father working in as a welder for a company on a government contract to produce the BMP, his mother working as an elementary class teacher in a school half a mile from their home.

Things returned to normal over the years, Viacheslav growing in mind, stature, and maturity as he took an interest into Business when he turned seventeen, working shortly for his friend's father who ran a pawn shop in Kiev's downtown district. While working the late hours of the night, he learned from the old man how to barter, haggle, and make deals with customers, although it wasn't a Master's Degree in Business it helped him either way to move onto college to pursue that degree and invest in a small business of his own.

It only took half a decade to fulfill his goal, starting out small by buying out the old man's pawn shop from him to run himself. Business went on as usual, although the face of the man behind the counter changed, they were still happy to wander into the old shop to buy or pawn their possesions from the young man. Couple years went by, things were good until something came across his shop that you could only take out of a science fiction movie, it was an oddly shaped object with a transparent yellowish color, he dismissed it at first thinking it was garbage, until the man cut himself across the forearm and when he pressed the object against his skin it suddenly clotted up and scabbed within seconds where it would take hours. Astonished, he quickly handed the man a large sum of money taking the precious object into the back of the store to study.

A couple rumors was all it took, Viacheslav cleared his bank account, packed up some personal items, and a folder of contacts and a manifest of what he needed once he reached his destination, The Zone. it sounded ballsy and stupid at first to go crossing the border into the Zone, but the benefits soon outweighed the uncertainty that flooded his mind as he booked passage out to a small town near the Zone border to begin his journey. He managed within a couple weeks to identify the next driver heading into the zone with a supply truck bound for the Ukrainian Military outpost, and quickly paid him off to guarantee his safe passage, and when the time came to enter the Zone, all he could do was grin as the untold fortune and status that could be earned from such a place or how quickly one could fall in such conditions flickered in front of his eyes.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, sir.



Steam Friends Name: |HGN-DEV| Bielecki

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Two Months

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:6238395

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: The type of roleplay that is experienced when you are a trader is very appealing to me. I love setting up camp in the wilderness of the zone, meeting the various passer bys, making deals, selling and creating some terrific passive Rp. It's what I always to prefer to do on the server, so I feel being a trader is perfect for me. I also enjoy setting up missions for the various loners.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: My alt character is in Duty, but he's not applying for this.

Your Traders backstory: Andrei Rublev, otherwise know as 'The Pilgrim' started life in the chains of consumerism and the grasp of Philistinism, weighed down by the ignorance and consumption of his legal guardians. He was born in Poland to Polish parents, however the concept of parenthood frightened Rublev's mother into giving him up for adoption. He lived a complicated life in a care home, observing the rejection and acceptance from strangers willing to take him in.

At the age of 12 he was adopted by a Manger of a branded super-market and his house-wife. Rublev despised them for their lack of mind.
However he grew up peacefully, continuing to philosophize. He read and painted regularly, developing himself into a intelligent young man. He later started to write, for newspapers and his own desires. Yet he felt empty, that his life lacked something, something he desperately needed.

He came to the conclusion that he lacked inspiration for his writing. Rublev tended to write and paint about terror, greed and other evils of the world, but he never personally met it. So with Rublev's thirst for enlightenment in art he searched for an area that could provide such things.

With rumours and campfire stories passing his ears he heard the tales of 'The Zone'. He immediately understood that this was his haven, his sanctuary of his mad search for knowledge. Rublev left in a hurry, taking a camera with him to capture key moments. He made a acquaintance with a contact that could get him in to the Zone, Rublev paid the associate his due and entered into the belly of the beast.

Months passed by, you would not of recognised Rublev if you had not seen him yet from his departure. Over the days he experienced horrific moments, traumatised yet he believed he was 'enlightened'. He also collected many wares and equipment in his travels. Guns, food, ammo, clothing and various other junk. He has read into financial guides and marketing books, researching into the best ways to sell his wares. And he enjoys doing so, as he has made many friends and allies. He wishes to continue his trading to a higher level. He feels he can get closer to his goal of enlightenment b taking such a path.  

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

De-accepted. For once, someones parents didnt die from a case of the bandits!


Steam Friends Name: Depends.
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Uhmm.. I think three years. Maybe four.
Proof of Support From a Admin: You have the evidence, Heard it in TS3
Proof of Support From a trader: You have the evidence, Heard it in TS3
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I miss playing on Grub and doing mishunz
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?:
Yea I lead Monolith, but no Its not the same character.
Your Traders backstory: Grub is a skinny, contemptous, foul mouthed kid. 19 years old and likes to think he is important. His only stable supply line are the bandits and cutthroats around him, so his wares aren't exactly good. Or reliable. Or varied. In fact, he hardly has anything to sell other than shitty vodka, dirty ammunition, and ratty coats. But he's making it, somehow. He used to own a helicopter, but it was burnt at the landing pad by Duty when they demolished his bar several years ago. Did I mention this fucker is an old character? Three years old OOCly I believe. I'm rambling at this point. To usm up, Grub is a prety cool guy, he has no supplies and doesn't afraid of economy.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Ya brah

accepted, now go do missions you dirt hoe


Steam Friends Name: Anatoly
Length of Time Spent at HGN: About two weeks.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:26311947
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: I want to be a Trader because I really enjoy creating Roleplay for other players, e.g. by giving missions and setting up an outpost etc.
I pretty much found out that it's great fun to give missions when my application for an Ecologist character got accepted.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes, I do have a character in the Military but my trader won't be a faction trader (for that faction).
Your Traders backstory:

My name is Vasyli Yuvchenko, and this is my story...

I was born in 1970, in Vyshhorod, central Ukraine. Two years later me and my parents moved to Kiev, I still don't know why...
They always found me a difficult child, my grades in school were terrible and I was naughty all the time.
We were relatively poor, so me being me, joined a small gang, committing small crimes.
One day, I was walking right behind them down the street, and then a strange man in a dark alley gestured me to come closer. I shrugged and walked up to him without the guys noticing that I was gone. The man was wearing a long trenchcoat, which he then opened. There were alot of goodies in the pockets that looked relatively expensive..Well, at least not cheap. I frowned and said: "Are you selling that?", "Yes, obviously.." he replied.."Illegally?", I asked again. "Yes..", he said. I was still curious and asked once more: "Does this thing you're doing make alot of money?", the man grinned. "Greedy little boy, aren't you? Well, let's just say..You wouldn't believe your own eyes, son." And for me, that was reason enough to become a merchant in illegal wares. I started my own business, stealing and selling all kinds of stuff. Cigarettes, wodka, watches, you name it, I had it. When the second explosion occurred at the CNPP area, I was pretty popular in the neighbourhood. I had my...Connections, I heard about what has happened over there, all the freaky stuff that appeared and that there's a secret way to enter that place. I decided what the hell and went off to the Zone.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, I do.

didnt notice your app ><, Pending ... get active.


Steam Friends Name: .::RAPTOR::.
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Since the start.
STEAM ID: Already on the database.
Proof of Support From a Admin: im a SA admin.
Proof of Support From a trader: SK told me i didn't need a recc
Why do you want to be a Trader?: Been a Trader since the start it's my thing.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Ain't in a faction.
Your Traders backstory: If you ever seen my Characters Backstory his name was Deagan Glotz, Don't really feel like writing it out again for the 4th time.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, i agree.

I chill quite often.


Steam Friends Name: Sickness
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Since Fall 2008
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:7233314

Proof of Support From a Admin: In the image below. (Fluffy)
Proof of Support From a trader: In the image below. (Dutch)

Why do you want to be a Trader?: To roleplay a Roaming Trader, It brings in great Roleplay.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No
Your Traders backstory: Rusty used to be the leader of the faction Chernobyl Shadows, but went deeper into the zone for a mission. Although the mission wasn't a great success since he didn't get to the CNPP, but at least he made out of Pripyat. Now Rusty wants to wander around the zone and share stories and sell items to other Stalkers.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yeah

Rusty - Returned to the Zone


Steam Friends Name: ~TxR~IronDeity
Length of Time Spent at HGN:  3 months recently, and 2 months early last year.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:18616412
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: Id like to be a Trader for IC and OOC reasons. ICly when I joined the Military faction, I had listed that my soldier had worked as a Quarter Master prior to and after joining the Ukraine Armed Forces. We have a lack of an active tarding for the Military and forces us to be un-canon and OOCly go seek a Stalker Trader just to get a bit of ammo for our weapons. This is wrong and shouldn't be happening.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: Yes. Military, yes I would like to be the Military Trader.
Your Traders backstory:
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I have read, understand, and agree to the terms listed.

Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Steam Friends Name: СладкийЦен

Length of Time Spent at HGN: About a Year

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:6639404

Proof of Support From a Admin:

(Pictures where too big)

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?:I would like to be a trader because i will be able to talk and trade with people liked i used to do.
It is always a new experience for others when they talk to differnt traders and get to know them. I also just like to do the job.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: N/A (If this is not possible i would pick DUTY)

Your Traders backstory: Isabella Hawkeye grew up in Russia, she belonged to a poor family and was barly fed. At the time she was 11 years old and had full understanding
of what was going on. Along with herself three other people lived in the downtrotten shack; Her younger sister Jean and her Elder sister Riza including her mother Kylie, they lived peaceful lives.
Isabella wished for a better life so she set off into the streets looking for small jobs for money, there was a job opening in the local cornor shop after some time she applyed and manged to get a small job moving things from shelfs.
It gave minimal money but enough to bring home. Soon enough there family did live a normalish life...

12 years later the Chernoybl Powerplant disaster happend, people were shocked but Hawkeye saw this as a opptunity...
Years later people were caught brining strange artifacts out of the disaster area... Hawkeye packed her bags and left her family to enter the Radiated Area.
As she snuck past the Military she entered the Zone in Awe... She stayed there for a year gaining valuible connections when she had a chance to become a trader... They accepted her but it was not for long; Hawkeye fell into a money problem and had to leave, then she Joined Duty the faction she liked the most.

Duty kicked her out for being a pain in the ass and Hawkeye decided she might become a trader again seeing as she had come into more money...

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I agree to the Terms and Conditions.

With Cutch's orders, approvedcolor]


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Dug |PR|
Length of Time Spent at HGN: More than seven months
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:20750914
Proof of Support From a Admin:
Proof of Support From a trader:
Why do you want to be a Trader?: I've already been accepted two times and there were two wipes, I want to be a trader again. I enjoy making up missions and making people have some fun on the server. Other than that I enjoy the passive roleplay as a trader.
Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: No, I used to be in freedom but however Celtic hasn't removed me yet even tho I told him to.
Your Traders backstory:Ivan Rizov was born on 1976,in Moscow. He came from a family who did anything to earn money. Trade, steal, do jobs, work around houses. His family was always like that. His father , Stefan , he was more of a thief. While his mom Anna was a maid, she pretty much cleaned around houses. Little Ivan became interested into trading. He looked up his uncle who was a trader, basically the man owned a shop. After Ivan finished primary school, he attended the school for traders, high school that is.  His uncle noticed it and gave him a job at his shop. At the time Ivan was a teen and learned quickly from his uncle.
It helped him in school. His grades were excellent and after he finished school and collage, his uncle died and left him the shop. Ivan took over the shop and did a better job than his uncle. Soon he met this girl, Sandra. They started going out. Ivan and Sandra were madly in love. Ivan managed to open an other shop with support of his girlfriend which he married two years after. In the other shop they sold furniture which was an other great success. Soon they started to think about having children. Both of them wanted a boy and a girl. Two kids, enough for a family. They dreamed about many things until Sandra died. She was raped and killed. Ivan was broken. His shops went to ruin. He closed them. Ivan spent a lot of time alone and didn't have anyone to talk to. Since the only person he spent time with was Sandra. After her death Ivan was like an angel, always friendly with a smile on his face trying to get the best out of everything. He didn't eat much as he lost his appetite. No one visited him. He soon started to read books and took pleasure in it. They made him smile, made him sad. But he enjoyed them. He gained all sorts of knowledge by reading the books. One day he heard about the Zone and it's dangers along with the beauties of the zone. Why he really came was the Traders Union it self which interested him. He wanted to get back into the trading. He took great pleasure in trading while Sandra was alive, so he thought "Why not , again?". Before he went there, Ivan wanted to be prepared. So Ivan learned about guns and radiation as much as he could. After all of that he managed to get into the zone. Rookie he was but knew a lot for one. Soon he went over to the duty camp. A dutier told him everything there is to know about the zone. The factions , the mutants and such. Everyday he would think about how he is gonna have his own shop and bring back the memories he had. Now he waits to see if the memories will come back even if Sandra is not there she will always be in his heart.
By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes



Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Rook/DTRZ

Length of Time Spent at HGN: Almost a year

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:11821690

Proof of Support From a Admin:

Proof of Support From a trader:

Why do you want to be a Trader?: ICly because my Character wants to follow in the footsteps of her good friend Wine, as she thinks and knows he would have wanted, OOCly to make jobs for people, as there aren't many anymore, and to trade item between the players of the Server.

Are you in a faction? If so, will you be a faction trader for that faction?: I am in a Faction, Military, though I would not like to be a Faction Trader

Your Traders backstory: Veronika Nehoda, or Ren as she is known by, grew up in Ukraine, she grew up with her Parents and Sister, she came to the Zone by accident, she spent a while there trying to find out what it was, confused most of the time with the distortion in the Air she found out were Anomolies, she soon decided that this could be a place of opertunity, though it could also be where she spends her last days if she is not careful enough. For a long time in her life in the Zone she had been a Bandit, taking from STALKER and giving nothing back, then a Mercenary, doing whatever she was needed to for the highest bidder, soon after working as a guard for Wine the trader, having learned alot from him, started expanding working for Factions, mostly Military and Ecologists knowing that's where the Government funding was, she had worked for Military for a while, soon becoming friends with Freedom members, but made a mistake of trying to help a STALKER they had captured making enemies with most of them, and decided to hang up being a Mercenary and become a Trader as Wine wanted her to.

By applying to be a Trader here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, I agree fully and will abide by them aslong as I am Trader and aslong as I am needed to.
