95th Airmobiles "Odins Might" Enlistment Center

Started by Radek, 24-07-2009

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Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:
First name:
Medical Conditions:
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:
Describe your character:
What squad and what possition do you want and why?:

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying:
How long have you been with HGN:
Is this your main character:
Do you have any alts:
Are you in any other Factions:
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:
Do you have any previous Military experience:

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:
Have you ever been banned? If so why:

Do you have Ventrillo:
Do you have a working Microphone:

Anything else you'd like to tell us:


You have to have a minimum post count of 30 (So i know you actually check the forums.) This Dose not apply to reapplying Members.
And put the most work in to the Backstory or the Description.. These are the most important things in this app.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:Johnson
First name:Travis
Medical Conditions:none
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:Travis was in the zone since the explosion. After all he did. He kept watching all his friends die. He finally wanted to do something more. And he started to help the military with all their small missions that they didn't need to waist their time on. Finally after 2 years of working for them he finally decided to apply for the military.
Describe your character:Travis is a young but strong willing person. He will always follow orders and will not run away from a fight. Travis is a great shot with a rifle or sniper. When ever he can he will scout out the enemy's position and report it in. Travis can also run faster then anyone else. He trains when he can with his sniping and speed.
What squad and what position do you want and why? Vanguard squad. I want to be the squad designated marksman for vanguard squad. I have a great shot with any of the sniper rifles.

Out of Character Information

Timezone:Pacific -(8:00) or something like that
How long have you been roleplaying:4 months
How long have you been with HGN:3 months
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts:2
Are you in any other Factions:No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Stalker SOC
Do you have any previous Military experience: None except for boy scouts.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No

Do you have Ventrillo:Yes
Do you have a working Microphone:yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us:No

Accepted - You better stick with us or i will make that an rutine. Anyways wellcome to Vanguard. King is your Leader and you better Follow his orders, If he dosent like you your out. Your accepted at the rank of Senior soldier.


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name: Renk
First name: Brusky
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 5.0
Weight: 180
Medical Conditions: Crazy
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:Renk joined the military when he was 28 he's been in the military for four years. His new assignment was to keep stalkers out of the zone.  During one of his fights with a controller is messed up his head and made him slightly crazy. He was born in Ukraine, He didn't want to go to the zone but was forced to after four years in the military.
Describe your character: He's a middle aged man, who's slightly crazy. He's always willing to get into the fight but rambles sometimes, He's not that strong but can handle himself in a fight. He's a good shot with a gun. He's Bold.
What squad and what possition do you want and why? Vanguard. I prefer being offensive, and always in the action.

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying: Three years
How long have you been with HGN: a Month ( 3 weeks before i joined forums)
Is this your main character: No.
Do you have any alts: This one
Are you in any other Factions: A minor one Spetsnaz
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Yes
Do you have any previous Military experience: No

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Yes arguing with an admin
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Flaming an admin

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: No

Accepted - Your one of the Rifle troopers in Vanguard, Dont fuck up. Anyways wellcome to Vanguard. King is your Leader and you better Follow his orders, If he dosent like you your out. Accepted as Senior Soldier.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name: Sergeyev
First name: Dmitri
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 23
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180lbs
Medical Conditions: None
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: Dmitri was born in Omsk, Russia and moved with his family to Kiev, Ukraine at the age of 12. His family moved to Kiev because much of their family lived there. Dmitri grew to love his new country and at the age of 18 decided to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine instead of attending St. Vladimir University. At the age of 19, only one year of being active in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant blew again in 2006. By that time Dmitri had only attained the rank of Private and was ordered to be sent to the Zone to help contain it from the public.
Describe your character: Dmitri is young, willing and very patriotic. He is willing to follow through any orders and do anything he can to honour his family name and his country; Ukraine. Although only being a Private he is quite skilled with a variety of weapons. He also never defies any order from his superiors in rank no matter how extreme.
What squad and what position do you want and why?: Fylgja squad. I prefer stealth and special operations as opposed to being a front-line soldier.

Out of Character Information

Age: 14
Country: Canada
Timezone: Central
How long have you been roleplaying: Seven months
How long have you been with HGN: Slightly over 1 month.
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: No
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Yes, S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl.
Do you have any previous Military experience: I suppose not.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: No

Accepted - Guess your In Fyglja, Doom is now your squad commander and If he dosent like you your out. Your accepted at the rank of Lance Sergeant.


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

Last name: Rouiee

First name: David

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White

Height: 6'2

Age: 26

Weight: 163

Medical Condition: Heavy Drinker.

BackStory/Military Event/ How did you get in to the military and the zone?: David was always fascinated with war and military. at a young age he always participated War games, Learned survival Techniques and Studied on every gun he ever got his hands on. His dad was with the police in America, thus David usually got to explore the Police department and check out the swat teams.. then later on David's father was shot and killed during a robbery. Later on when he went to college he went to school to study Medicine. He got a Doctors degree but had to flunk before he got his PHD only because he ran out of money. He wanted to Continue his Studies but he had no job acceptance. so while searching the internet, he came across something. The Ukraine Military were paying for full scholarships to whoever Serves for a whole year. It was the perfect chance. He got a loan from his mother, with a final goodbye, he traveled to Russia and then to Ukraine. He wandered the country for about a week until he found the Recruitment center. As soon as he walked in and Signed up. The recruitment officer said "Congratulations, Your going to the zone."

What squad and what position do you want and why?: Valkyrine, Medic. I like to make sure no soldier dies and i like to save lives?

Out Of character Information:

Age: 14
Country: US of A
TimeZone: Eastern
How long have you been rolepaying?: a year
How long have you been with HGN?: 2 weeks as Regular player and a week 1/2 as HGN member
Is this your main character: Yes.
Do you have any alts?: Yes.
Are you in any other factions? No.
Have you played any of the stalker games? Both.
Do you have any previous Military experiences?: No

Have you ever been Kicked? if so, why?: No
Have you ever been banned? if so, why?: Yes, i shot a unconnected person in spawn.

Do you have Ventrilo? Yes
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us?: Military is kick ASS!
Accepted - Assassinator is your Leader and i suggest you start kissing his ass :P Anyways Your Accepted And get the rank of Lance Sergeant.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Last name: Yurdensky
First name: Dimitri
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 21
Height: 5?9
Weight: 136
Medical Conditions: None
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: When I was a child I heard of stories of the Meltdown at Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant in Ukraine. I always told my friends that I wanted to travel to Ukraine and see the Power Plant and experience the Thrill of search for treasures? But till that faithful day?

My dad was drafted in to the army bound on exploring The Zone around the Nuclear Power Plant but he promised that he would always keep in touch with me and my mother.

But 2 years he was drafted he never replied to my mother?s letters, her calls? I was 18 by then. I wanted to know what happened to my father what horrors await me in the harsh Zone my story is to find and know what happened to my father but I cant do it alone knowing that those Mutants and those dangerous anomalies would threaten my very life.

So I need help in finding my long lost father and to find the truth about those ghost stories they used to tell me when I was a child about bloodsuckers, bandits  and a weird cult that surrounds the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant or the so called 8 Mile Stretch also known as ?The Zone??

Describe your character: Courageous, Brave, Smart, Engineer
What squad and what position do you want and why?: Vanguard: Rifle Trooper.
Because I Want To server the Military till my last breathe and Help out my fellow squad members and leaders

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: Philippines
Timezone: 8 GMT+
How long have you been roleplaying: 3 years
How long have you been with HGN: 2 months
Is this your main character: Nope
Do you have any alts: Yes
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Both Shadow and Clear Sky
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes. Airsoft Paintball and Boyscouting

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Yes. Buffer Net Overflow and Trying to help a New Guy
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: No
Do you have a working Microphone:Yes.

Anything else you'd like to tell us:I hope I?ll be part of Military Again like the last Time

Accepted - Your In Vanguard, Make sure you Follow Kings orders or he will have your ass. Anyways Your Accepted at the rank of Lance Sergeant.


In-Character Information

Last name: Votovsky
First name: Mikael
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 38
Height: 1.87 cm (ft?)
Weight: 87 kg
Medical Conditions: Healthy, good condition, muscular.
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:

Mikael was born in a farm house, just outside the city of Kharkiv. He had two brothers and one sister. He was the youngest sibling in the family, and during to the harsh conditions that his family lived in, his mother had been sick for a long time and unfortunatly, she passed away while giving birth to him.

Mikael grew up with his father and siblings on the farm outside the city, and it didn't take long untill he started to help his father with a lot of the heavy work that had to be done around the farm. He often hurt himself when he helpd his father, and he often started to cry and sat down on the ground, but his father always told him, that pain was something he had to become familiar with, since the world they lived in, was not a fairie tale. Mikael always noded and weped away his tears and continued with the work.
His dad also took Mikael with him when he went hunting, and it didn't take long untill Mikael learn how to kill something without it even knowing he was there.

The years flew by, and Mikael grew older and stronger. He liked to fight with his brothers, even though they always won and it ended with him laying on the ground, spiting blood and even spiting out a tooth. They were twins, two years older than him, and always gathered up together so that Mikael had to stand alone against them.
Mikael liked the intensity of a fight, and even though he lost, he could laugh at his brothers and call them cowards when they ended the fight because he was to injured to continue.
He also continued hunting, and after a while, he began to make his own traps and equipment. He learnd how to sneak up on a animal, and even get so close that he could throw himself at the animal, killing it with his bare hands.
His brothers slowly became afraid of him, or atleast of the beast inside of him, that didn't feel pain, or any compassion.

Mikael became older and stronger, and during the years, he started to become more violant, atleast when he was in a fight. He could continue untill they had to drag him away from his "victim" and he never stoped, even though someone could beat him down almost unconsciousness.
It didn't take long untill the military personaly invited him, with the thoughts that they could use him as an infantry "monster".
He joined them, but never really liked what he did for them. He thought that they were cowards that stayed hidden in their bunkers and only used airplanes or tanks to attack enemies.
Though, after some years, a man named Nikolai Petrovsky, came to talk with him about ALFA SBU. He said that they were one man short, and that they only looked for men like Mikael. He said that he was like them, a beast that never stopd hunting.
He joined them with pleasure, and with a lot of excitment.

During the years, he did all kinds of missions for them. Strange, terrifying, mad, inhuman missions, that noone else dared to execute. He had become a soldiers in one of the most feared squads in the world.
One month, his officer came to him, telling him that he needed to travel to a place called The Zone. When he got there, he needed to kill a family that lived in the so called Town. Though, he was not to just kill them, no. The things he had to do to them and their beloveds was something so terrible that people would say that he was not human. It was not in humans nature to do things that he needed to do, but he did it anyway, because it was an order and his thirst for suffer and blood were high.

So he traveled to The Zone and found out were the family lived, but little did he know that he was up for a big surprise.
When he open the door to the family's house, he saw them all sitting at the dinner table, eating, and when they all looked at him, he was chocked. The people that sat at the table, was his own family.

That night, Mikael never left the Zone. Something had a wakened deep inside of him. All the love and feelings that every human being possesed, dissaperad and left him. He no more than a cold soul, searching for more blood.

Caos occured in the town when a man oppened the door to one of the houses and saw that the family that lived there, the father, the twins and the sister, all were nailed to the wall, tortured, burned and finally murderd.

Describe your character: Mikael is a silent man, strong and very agressive when needed. He always obey orders, doesn't matter what the order is, he will do it. He's very cold, and doesn't care to much about other persons except his superiors.
Some people call him mad, some people say that his a beast in human form. He just smiles and says that he's a bit of both.
He loves the instensity of a fight, and there's nothing better than to hunt something, man or animal, and to kill it with his bare hands.

What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Fylgja. Because it's the one place were Mikael belongs, where there's others like him. And because I love the stealth that is needed to kill a victim. There's nothing better than a good hunt and when it's time to kill the prair, the right weapon to use is your own bare hands, or something more painfull.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: Sweden
How long have you been roleplaying: Back and forth for some years, pretty new to Gmod.
How long have you been with HGN: Abit longer than a month.
Is this your main character: Yes.
Do you have any alts: I do, but none that I play on.
Are you in any other Factions: No.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Not yet, will do as soon as I can.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes as A Sergeant in the support team. Have also been in the recon team.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Never.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Never.

Do you have Ventrillo:  Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: No.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I like Rping with you guys, mili for life.
Accepted - Huh... I mean... huh... Well... I guess your In.. The rest of the military (That i have talked to) Love the story and so do i. Your Accepted in to Fylgja As Sergeant Major, Try not to kill any of your own guys ok?
"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.



"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.


In-Character Information

Last name:Ventua
First name:Dave
Height:4ft 9in
Weight:8st 7oz
Medical Conditions:Possible amnesia/Long term memory loss
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:
Dave Ventua grew up in Glasgow, he was home schooled until his parents devorced when he was 5 and his mother left to go to Ireland and his father went totally cold, letting Dave do just about anything he wanted as long as it didnt bother him, at the age of 9 he joined a gang, being one of the gang's at war with another he was taught fighting skills such as combat from hand to hand and melee weapons, to guns.

At age of 11 he went on his first gang raid, it was an old abandoned office building at the time being used by his rival gang, at first he thought it was easy, kicking down a nailed sheet of thin plywood and breaking the locks on a few doors, until they came into one of the office rooms, they opened the door quietly and stepping in and out from behind the door a baseball bat hit one of his gang members face, breaking his nose and knocking a tooth or two out of place, next moment there was gunfire from both ends, one of his gang-mates had got shot in the stomach and fell to the ground dropping his shotgun, Dave saw this as his oppertunity, rather than an act of defense and took it and ran back around to the other entrance of the office block, he kicked open the door still hearing the gunfire, an enemy gangmate was crouching there next to the desk, Dave cocked the shotgun and shot him before he could alert the rest, from there it was easy, killing the last 2 or 3 with little challenge, though when he picked it up, it only had 3 shells in it, he dropped the shotgun after killing the second and ran up and jumped on the last rival member's back stabbing his neck, it was only him and his gang leader that survived the raid, after 6 went it.

A year later he got sent to "Werthshire school for delinquents", there he spent 4 years "learning" to be a peacful, normal citizen, instead of actually "learning" he just fucked around and failed every class, exept modern languages, in which he learned russian and at age of 16 when he got out his father was already dead, 2 years ago he died in a car crash on the way to work, but he didn't care, he didn't care about anything anymore, the government noticed his behaviour and tried to catch him, though he fled the country to Ukraine, to a town called Kobyzhcha, there he was found out by Ukrainian police, but instead of getting sent back he worked to stay there, by working for the Military, after they saw his documents they realised that he could become just the special forces soldier they are looking for, he already knows everything they have in training, so he was sent to the Zone but a year later he gained amnesia, and lost all memories of events that had happened in past life, aftet that he was never the same, he was as cold as can be, he would shoot any S.T.A.L.K.E.R dead even if they looked at him wrong, he was then seen as a brand new oppertunity and was on a list to be assigned a squad...

Describe your character: Dave is a cold man who shows almost no emotion and considers no-one a friend, only as oppertunities, or targetting practice, whichever only matters on who you are, and if you piss him off or not...
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: I wish to join Fylja, and if i get in i will be whatever the fuck you want me to, because i can get shit done and i think i have the required skills needed for such a job with Fylja, i like the sound of espionage and stealth...

Out of Character Information

Country:Scotland, United Kingdom
How long have you been roleplaying:4 years
How long have you been with HGN:3-4 weeks
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts:Yes,one but i dont use him much.
Are you in any other Factions:No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: I have played Shadow Of Chernobyl
Do you have any previous Military experience:RL:yes(Territorial Army) IC:yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No, I haven't been kicked
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No, I haven't been banned

Do you have Ventrillo:Yes
Do you have a working Microphone:Yes, but because of my age/voice i do not use it much

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Not really...

Accepted - Ok i'll give you a chance. But fuck up and your out, dont dissapoint me.Accepted as Lance Sergeant

Alright, thanks :D


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name: Rehnold
First name: James
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: British
Age: 23
Height: 1.86 Meters
Weight: 78 Kilos
Medical Conditions:Healthy, Fit, Scar on the back
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: James grew up in one of the richest houses in London. His father was a General in the army. From the age of 5, James was being trained to be a soldier one day. At the age of 18 he joined the army. At the age of 19, he was transfered to the Special Forces. He went through the ranks very fast and reached the rank of Sergeant, plus he was the squads Marksman. At the age of 23, he got a special assignment. He and his squad were to go into the Zone. He didn't like the idea. He had heard about that place. They went to a safe distance by aircraft carrier and then taken by helicopter to The Zone. Once the helicopter landed, everything went like hell. The copter had left them near a bloodsucker hole. And it was night... Major Hudson, the man incharge of the operation got into their only APC and shut the doors... There, he found a bloodsucker waiting for him. James's squad split up eventually and run into the forest... James was with the Major's son, fighting for their lifes... Then, Freedom came. The Major's son joined them, leaving James with the decision "Join or die". James fled into the night. After 3 months, he got attacked by some bandits. He had run out of ammo for his weapons. But, for James's good luck, some guys saved him. They went to a bar, and asked him to join them... But then, the Military entered the room and told everyone to go to the wall. As James and the other guys were going to the bar, they had done a terrible mistake. They had killed a Military Merc. Now, the Military were asking for revenge. James made a deal with the Major incharge. He would point the guys who killed the Merc and he would get a chance to join the military. After an interview with the Major, he joined. And then, he was happy once again...
Describe your character: Very smart, good in hand to hand combat. He is a good shooter, but he just hates the AK74. (So he bought an MP5 and a shotgun). He is friendly with other military guys and hates Freedom like nobody else.
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: I would like to join Vanguard as a Marksman. I am good with a sniper and thats where James fits. (He was also the Marksman of his British Special Forces squad)

Out of Character Information

Age: 14
Country: Greece
Timezone: GMT +2
How long have you been roleplaying: In the HGN Stalker server, 1 - 2 Weeks, more some months ago. Other servers, from when i have been playing GMod.
How long have you been with HGN: 1-2 Weeks
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: No
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Both, cant wait for the third
Do you have any previous Military experience: RL No, RP Yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Some times, nothing serious (Stupid/Minge admins, mistakes)
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Same as above, bt only once/twice

Do you have Ventrillo: No
Do you have a working Microphone: No

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Nothing worth saying

Accepted - First of all no one can hate Freedom more then i can.. But anyways, you just took the last spot in the Vanguard squad. (For the moment) Make sure you stay on King's (And my) Good side other wise your out. Accepted as Senior Soldier

Thug Larz

Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:Carter
First name:Andrew
Medical Conditions:None.
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:When Andrew was little he was always into flying,his dad enrolled him into Cadets so he could get the skills for flying and survival. After 10 years of cadets he went to a Military collage and got a degree piloting. After getting his Pilot degree Andrew needed a job that payed well, he happened to come across the Ukraine's Military Ad. He took the chance of moving to Ukraine and trying to get accepted into the Air-force that had a very good pay. After arriving in Ukraine he took a taxi to the Recruitment center and applied for the Air-force. After a week stuck in a hotel room he received a phone call "Welcome to the Ukranian Air-Force."  
Describe your character:Smart,Brave,Fit,Nice,Willing to fight and follow orders.
What squad and what position do you want and why?:Valkyrine, Pilot. I want to give my team mates as much support as possible and give them cover if they get into a large or small fight.

Out of Character Information

Timezone:Atlantic Timezone.
How long have you been roleplaying:3 Years.
How long have you been with HGN:About A Year.
Is this your main character:Yes.
Do you have any alts:No.
Are you in any other Factions:No.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC.
Do you have any previous Military experience:I Know A Little Since My Dads In The Military.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No.

Do you have Ventrillo:No.
Do you have a working Microphone:No.

Anything else you'd like to tell us:I don't really like to post but I do check the forums alot and I just want to get accepted.

Denied - ok ignore what i said the first time.. dident know you were like a boss.. but still the App needs to be a little longer for pilot. But if you put some effort in to it i know you can do it.
Are You Rly Srs Fgt? O_O


You have One new messageIn-Character Information

Last name:Chornovyl
First name:Yuri
Height:1,78 meters
Medical Conditions: None
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:Yuri Grew up in Ukraine living with his Dad who was in the military. He had a small house surrounded by a forest just outside of the zone. Yuri was a quick learner and his Dad showed him how to be stealthy, handle a range of guns, fix up vehicles and drive them, and other skills. Every saturday morning at 6-am he and his Dad would go out into the forest and hunt until one day when he was 19 his Dad went out to hunt alone and after 2 hours of not returning Yuri began to get worried. He headed out into the forest and searched around. After a while Yuri gave up and collapsed onto the damp ground and looked up at the sky. Fear rose inside him springing up a load of questions, Where is he, What's happened to him, Is he alright?. He felt confused in the mix of emotions. And then he saw him. Lying dead on the ground with his guts ripped out and a large pool of blood around him. Yuri was full of rage, later that night he set alight to half the forest and left the town. By then all emotion had gone except for anger. He drove to a small village and butchered them all using his Dad's hunting rifle. He was sent to a asylum but he managed to escape, killing 3 guards. The second time they caught him the military heard about it and sent him off to boot camp where he spent 4 years training. During that time he managed to kill one instructor and paralyze a recruit. With no-where else to send him. The military decided he best be sent to The Zone.

Describe your character: Quiet, shadowy, angry, smokes cigars, drinks a lot of vodka off-duty. Experienced with the ak74u and the LR3000. Prefers to use a knife to slaughter his enemies
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Fylgja

Out Of Character Info (OOCI)
Name- Ben
Age: 15
Country: Uk, England
Timezone: BST
How long have you been roleplaying: 2-3 years
How long have you been with HGN: 'bout 4 months
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: Yes
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: STALKER SoC
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes, I am re-applying

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes, I have my own ventrillo server aswell.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Sorry it isn't much. I didn't get any sleep last night :(

Accepted as Sergeant


In-Character Information

Last name:Davidson
First name:David
Medical Conditions: Paranoia
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: After spending 10 years in the British army I had a nice little family and a great deal of wealth until one dreadful day I returned and my family was dead, it had turned out that I was framed for killing my own family! I had to flee the country in hope of one day returning and through my many travels I heard about the zone and it's many riches. I decided seeing as my life was going no where I'd head on over with my skills and start a new life until I can return to my homeland.
Describe your character: Skilled, Funny, High Perception and Drinks moderately.
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Rifleman, Fylgja. Because I love my Abakans and I know some of the people in that squad.

Out of Character Information

Age: 14
Country: UK, England
Timezone: BST
How long have you been roleplaying: A year or so.
How long have you been with HGN: A couple of days.
Is this your main character: Yes.
Do you have any alts: No.
Are you in any other Factions: Spets at the moment - your allies.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Both SoC and CS.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes, I fought with Spets against Eco's and bandits.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: No, I prefere skype.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Wish me luck.

Denied - You dont meet the post count and your story needs more work.


In-Character Information

Last name: Summers
First name: Billy 'Connor'
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 25
Height: 1,76m
Weight: 76kg
Medical Conditions: Hes terribly scared of dark spots beign alone.

Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: Billy got in the zone with his parents,grandfather and aunt, when he was 22, his father, make himself a veteran STALKER, he loved very much his father, until one day, he dissapeared... Billi started looking for him many days and weeks, when started to lose any hope, he found him wandering around the forest, when he saw it he started running to him, when he looked at his face a cold got trough his back,his father, became a zombified stalker.... his father wanted to kill him, Billy took the hardest decision of his life... shoot his father with a shotgun.... after that his grandfather started teaching him how to use weapons, use medic lossons and drive cars.

One year later he saw his first bloodsucker, it almost killed his aunt, then duty took his aunt and at the age of 25 he decided to join Military.

Describe your character:Billy its a very friendly guy,a bit smoker and likes to be with friends around.
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Sniper,Fylgja. Because i lnow people on the squad and i love hiding and killing without been seen.

Out of Character Information

Timezone: (gmt+1) i think
How long have you been roleplaying: like 2 years
How long have you been with HGN: 1 month
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: yes, 1
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:No
Do you have any previous Military experience:Yes, today Ive been asked to participate on a shotout and ive been asked to apply too.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:No
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No

Do you have Ventrillo:No, i use Skype
Do you have a working Microphone:Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Not at the moment.

Denied - same as above.

Rhyom Guther

In-Character Information

Last name: Broske
First name: Vasili
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Russian
Age: 26
Height: 176cm
Weight: 75kb
Medical Conditions: Fit, Inactivity is not an option, Strong legs, Average Arms
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: As I walked into The Zone for a few bit more wads of cash than I averagly get. For a better life a better future for my family. I came across this guard who presumably was greedy and asked for 50 Rubles just to pass a doorway. I asked Why do you need the money? He replyed; For my family. With those words I befriended this guard. I met new and many things knew about how he was also like me. Then I got into the big bucks. Where I assisted the Military with many things which gave me from 1,000 - 3,000 Rubles. This drove me more mad into the money craze I now join the Military for the money. Not the Valour or anything... The Money...
Describe your character: Obsessive, Greedy, Fast Runner, Quick Paced, Good Aim, Very Tall, Enjoyable When Friendly
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: I would like one fast or quick paced squad (If you have one) Or maybe just a regular squad.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: SKorea
Timezone: GMT +9
How long have you been roleplaying: 3 Years
How long have you been with HGN: 6 Months
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: One
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Wanted to but descriptivly read the Wiki
Do you have any previous Military experience: No.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: No.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Cheers!
Denied - You dont meet the Post count.. Sowy.


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:Lembada
First name:Daniel
Weight:135 pounds
Medical Conditions:None
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:
Describe your character: Russian,Loner,Chooses to stay calm in tough situations. Respects the zone and does not hunt for artifacts. respects wildlife and kill only if they attack. Eats meat so it does not go to waste. Shares with others.
What squad and what possition do you want and why?:Pilot. I would love to be the pilot because my father and grandfather were in the airforce.
my parents say i have an eagle eye so i can easaly spot targets. i also stay calm under pressure many other have died because they panicked in a helicopter and crashed.I hope that will never happen to me. i have alot of experience to i have built many helicopters with mah bud generic default. we like to teach others about wire mod stabilization.

Out of Character Information

Country:United States
How long have you been roleplaying:Since gmod start
How long have you been with HGN:Not very long. i thought stalker Rp was dead.
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts:No
Are you in any other Factions:No.Loner
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: I own clear sky but i rented SoC and beat it. same for clear sky.
Do you have any previous Military experience:No i choose not to bother their excellence.

Have you ever been kicked?:No
Have you ever been banned?:Well IF I HAD BEEN BANNED I WOULDNT BE HERE NOW LADDY WOULD I?? [chuckles]

Do you have Ventrillo:No
Do you have a working Microphone:Very high quality razer carcharias

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Nope THANX :D
Denied - You need more posts.. And you Could have Applyed for an unban..

Thug Larz

Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:Carter
First name:Andrew
Medical Conditions:None
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:Andrew Carter was born in USA, in a little town in Texas. his father was a carpenter, and spent most of his days in a workshop.  He would always bond with Andrew and teach him how to make little things. By the time Andrew was 10 he would be able to make a beautiful desk. he spent countless nights in the workshop with his father making things. but when Andrew turned 17, his father was killed in a car accident. struck with grief, Andrew would stay in the workshop, barely coming out and working on things. when he was 18, he went to college and studied architecture. he spent 4 years until he graduated. he worked for a small time company until he one day met a old retired engineer from Vietnam. fascinated by the stories he would tell, Andrew began Fantasizing about what it would be like. "Building for the military... Bunkers...Houses.." he would say. although, USA was in a war with IRAQ and he didn't want go there.. god knows what shit happened there.. so he was looking through the papers, when he say a title from Russia.. something about "Military declares Lock down on Zone.". this was the Perfect chance for him. get a job there.. 6 weeks later when he had enough money to travel to the Ukraine, he bought a plane ticket and was on his way. a total of 23 hours to get there. from Texas to Russia then to Ukraine. after 2 nights of staying in a hotel, he had found a recruitment office and signed himself up for the Military.
Describe your character:Smart,Brave,Fit,Nice,Willing to fight and follow orders.
What squad and what position do you want and why?:Valkyrie,Combat Engineer.I want to help out my teammates by repairing any broken vehicle or ruined equipment.

Out of Character Information

Timezone:Atlantic Timezone
How long have you been roleplaying:3 Years
How long have you been with HGN:1 Year
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts:No
Are you in any other Factions:No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC
Do you have any previous Military experience:My Dads in the Military so he taught me a little.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:No
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No

Do you have Ventrillo:No
Do you have a working Microphone:No

Anything else you'd like to tell us:I'm going to try for Engineer this time! :D
Accepted - Sence i learned that your reapplying :P Well well Your good to go for Combat engineer at the rank of Senior Soldier
Are You Rly Srs Fgt? O_O


lol. the 2 post above me are good... but i only see 2 posts on like a boss and 1 post on tankman :S if i were you guys i would start acting like a post whore :D... but seirously, you guys have little posts.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


In-Character Information

Last name:Davidson
First name:David
Medical Conditions: Paranoia
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: After spending 10 years in the British army I had a nice little family and a great deal of wealth until one dreadful day I returned and my family was dead, it had turned out that I was framed for killing my own family! I had to flee the country in hope of one day returning and through my many travels I heard about the zone and it's many riches. I decided seeing as my life was going no where I'd head on over with my skills and start a new life until I can return to my homeland.
Describe your character: Skilled, Funny, High Perception and Drinks moderately.
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Rifleman, Fylgja. Because I love my Abakans and I know some of the people in that squad.

Out of Character Information

Age: 14
Country: UK, England
Timezone: BST
How long have you been roleplaying: A year or so.
How long have you been with HGN: A couple of days.
Is this your main character: Yes.
Do you have any alts: No.
Are you in any other Factions: Spets at the moment - your allies.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Both SoC and CS.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes, I fought with Spets against Eco's and bandits.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: No, I prefere skype.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Wish me luck.

Pending - I should have put this in The start put Fyglja is closed for the moment.. I can make a new spot in Vanguard but Fylgja needs some closed time.


One thing that is very important if you want to join Fylgja is that you need to be "fucked up", haha
Fylgja isn't a normal squad with Riflemen, We're the special forces and the things that we do to complete our missions are stuff that noone else dares to do. If you read the description for Fylgja you'll see that you can go as far as saying that we have more incommon with The Zones Suckers then with our human fellows.

"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:Lembada
First name:Daniel
Weight:135 pounds
Medical Conditions:None
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:
Describe your character: Russian,Loner,Chooses to stay calm in tough situations. Respects the zone and does not hunt for artifacts. respects wildlife and kill only if they attack. Eats meat so it does not go to waste. Shares with others.
What squad and what possition do you want and why?:Pilot.squad:airborne. I would love to be the pilot because my father and grandfather were in the airforce.
my parents say i have an eagle eye so i can easaly spot targets. i also stay calm under pressure many other have died because they panicked in a helicopter and crashed.I hope that will never happen to me. i have alot of experience to i have built many helicopters with mah bud generic default. we like to teach others about wire mod stabilization.

Out of Character Information

Country:United States
How long have you been roleplaying:Since gmod start
How long have you been with HGN:Not very long. i thought stalker Rp was dead.
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts:No
Are you in any other Factions:No.Loner
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: I own clear sky but i rented SoC and beat it. same for clear sky.
Do you have any previous Military experience:No i choose not to bother their excellence.

Have you ever been kicked?:No
Have you ever been banned?:No

Do you have Ventrillo:No
Do you have a working Microphone:Very high quality razer carcharias

Anything else you'd like to tell us: im reapplying because i raised my post count. i do check in with the forums often but i dont like to post that much. i rly would like to be pilot. :-\

Denied - You didn't meet the post count. Also, please use better grammar - Assassinator


 :-[ woops im sorry i meant i wanted to be pilot in Valkyrie. i am sincerely sorry for my myshap

Rhyom Guther

In-Character Information

Last name: Broske
First name: Vasili
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Russian
Age: 26
Height: 176cm
Weight: 75kb
Medical Conditions: Fit, Inactivity is not an option, Strong legs, Average Arms
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: As I walked into The Zone for a few bit more wads of cash than I averagly get. For a better life a better future for my family. I came across this guard who presumably was greedy and asked for 50 Rubles just to pass a doorway. I asked Why do you need the money? He replyed; For my family. With those words I befriended this guard. I met new and many things knew about how he was also like me. Then I got into the big bucks. Where I assisted the Military with many things which gave me from 1,000 - 3,000 Rubles. This drove me more mad into the money craze I now join the Military for the money. Not the Valour or anything... The Money...
Describe your character: Obsessive, Greedy, Fast Runner, Quick Paced, Good Aim, Very Tall, Enjoyable When Friendly

Describe your character: Obsessive, Greedy, Fast Runner, Quick Paced, Good Aim, Very Tall, Enjoyable When Friendly
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: I would like one fast or quick paced squad (If you have one) Or maybe just a regular squad.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: SKorea
Timezone: GMT +9
How long have you been roleplaying: 3 Years
How long have you been with HGN: 6 Months
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: One
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Wanted to but descriptivly read the Wiki
Do you have any previous Military experience: No.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: No.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Re-applyed with higher post count.

Accepted as Soldier... oh right in Vanguard btw.


last name: Kelly
First name:John
Medical Conditions:Very active fit strong
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: I was originally living in Scotland when the disaster happened. When I got new's of this I knew ecologist would need someone to do all their dirty work so when I first arrived by helicopter in section 3 I started looking for work when I found the section 1 bar that's when I got my first job. I thought it was rather simple go in and rescue someone come out big hero with a lot of reputation to get more jobs. But when I found out it was my cousin I was rescuing and the fact that they had already killed him I decided it was personal and from then on my mission has been to torture the bandit's of the land.
Describe your character:
What squad and what possition do you want and why?:Medic I like to help my fellow sqaud mates

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying: 3 years
How long have you been with HGN: 2 weeks.
Is this your main character:yes
Do you have any alts:no
Are you in any other Factions:no
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:yes shadow of Chernobyl
Do you have any previous Military experience:Yes I was in a few arma 2 clan's

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:yea when I was new I stole some stuff un-rp like
Have you ever been banned? If so why:

Do you have Ventrillo:yea
Do you have a working Microphone:not yet

Anything else you'd like to tell us:I'd love to be in the group thank you


Denied.. You need more Posts.