95th Airmobiles "Odins Might" Enlistment Center

Started by Radek, 24-07-2009

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In-Character Information

Last name: Padrovskij
First name: Vladimir
Current rank: Senior Soldier
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Cacausian
Age: 22
Height: 1,82cm
Weight: 82kg
Medical Conditions: Slightly paranoid, ADD.

How did you get in to the military and The Zone?:
I don't remember much from back in the old days outside The Zone, but I do remember how I got here.
It was me and my friend, Tobias, a warm summer night in Russia. We had discussed robbing someone for a long time. We would already have been charged by 40 years of prison, so another crime didn't really matter. One night, we were out walking, looking for someone who looked rich to rob. We finally found this person after some time. I remember the expencive looking blue Mustang he was driving. I remember the roaring engine sound of the Mustang's V8. The smoke flowing out of the exhaust.
We went over to the car. Opened the door. Pulled out the driver. Drew knives at him, putting them to his throat.
We tried talking to him, but we soon realized he was drunk, so we stole his wallet and got into the car. Just when Tobias were to close the door, the guy we had robbed pulled a gun at him. He didn't hesitate pulling the trigger.
Before I managed to react, Tobias had four bullets in his chest. I saw his eyes roll back in his skull. His blood flowing out of the deep wounds. Heard him panting real hard, just to try to stay alive. There was nothing I could do for him. I had to go. I pushed Tobias out of the car. Took the driver seat. Stepped on it.
I heard a fifth gunshot. I looked into the mirror to see what was going on. It was the drunk guy. He had probably slipped and landed on his firearm, because he was lying flat down on his belly with an exit wound in his head. I don't quite remember what happened after that. I know I was driving, but it was all blurry.
I remember stopping the car to think. I didn't really know what to do. That was when I thought of going to Ukraine. To go to this "Zone".
When I got to the border my car was hit by something, and rolled over. I passed out.
When I woke up, I was lying face down with my hands and feet tied up in a large room. The floor smelled like old wood with a hint of dirt.
After a lot of struggling, I managed to turn myself the right way so I could clearly see the room. There was a bar in the corner of the room. There were stains of blood on it. They looked fresh.
It looked like there'd been some sort of fight in there not too long ago. I let my eyes sweep the room looking for something to cut lose with. On a table not too far from the bar was my knife, a russian rifle and some clips.
I humped my way over to the table, stretched out for the knife.. and failed. I tried again, but this time by bumping the table, making whatever on top of it stumble off.
The knife fell edge down at the floor, landing right next to my head. I attempted taking it when the doors smashed open.
Several people wearing woodland camoflauge, armed to the teeth stormed in. They untied me and questioned me in their base. When the questioning was done, I walked inside their base, and I saw a man sitting behind a desk with applications in front of him.
The sign read: "Military wants YOU!"

Describe yourself: I know by experience that I'm a good shot. I have good eyes. I try to stay calm in difficult situations.
           I have good reflexes, but can still keep calm in a firefight if necesarry. I like keeping my weapons clean.
           I trust my superiors, and fellow soldiers.

What squad and what position do you want and why?: Fylgja; Whatever is available; I wish to make the Ukrainian army the most powerful faction in The Zone once more, and
                                                  eliminate those who we call enemies.

Out of Character Information

Age: 14
Country: Norway
Timezone: GMT +1
How long have you been roleplaying: A year or so.
How long have you been with HGN: Around six months.
Is this your main character: Yes, ma'am.
Do you have any alts: "Richard Dickens." - General loner trying to survive.
Are you in any other Factions: Negative.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Both. I'm actually going to buy Call of Pripyat when it releases.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes. Been in the Military faction for around a month or so.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Yes. I've been kicked like twice for real. (Not following rules, DMing, etc.)
                         I've also been kicked because I SAID THAT I DMED SOMEONE. (THANK YOU BLAKE)
                         And.. I've been kicked for flaming/raging. (etc.)
                         YES, THERE'S MORE. Also been kicked for no reason a couple at times. (Like the time Blake thought I shot him.

Have you ever been banned? If so why: Yes. I've been banned for flaming once, and I've also been banned for "slut". (Ask/flame/spam Ness Tea or Hockey about that.)

Do you have Ventrillo: Yup.
Do you have a working Microphone: Nope. I do have a webcam with an intergrated microphone which sucks though.
                     NOTE: Getting a new microphone as soon as possible.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: You know, I could tell you my whole life story or just use a simpler answer such as..

Accepted as Senior Soldier for Flyga - Assassinator


In-Character Information

Last name: Summers
First name: Billy 'Connor'
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 25
Height: 1,76m
Weight: 76kg
Medical Conditions: Hes terribly scared of dark spots beign alone.

Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: Billy got in the zone with his parents,grandfather and aunt, when he was 22, his father, make himself a veteran STALKER, he loved very much his father, until one day, he dissapeared... Billy started looking for him many days and weeks, when started to lose any hope, he found him wandering around the forest, when he saw it he started running to him, when he looked at his face a cold got trough his back,his father, became a zombified stalker.... his father wanted to kill him, Billy took the hardest decision of his life... shoot his father with a shotgun.... after that, he got a bit depressed. Later, his grandfather started to teach him how to do a little medicine, to earn some money and to keep his family alive, now that his father has gone, he worked with the military and with anyone who could give him any mission.

One year later he saw his first bloodsucker when he was strolling with his aunt. It almost killed her aunt, luckily or unluckily?. a DUTY patrol heard the noise, and come to see what was going on, they killed the bloodsucker, while Billy was unsconcious DUTY  took her aunt for who knows what and leaved.  When he woke up he found her aunt silver ring, Billy took it and returned sad to his grandfather telling him what happened.

3 Years later he decided to join the military, his grandfather supported him to join and gave him a 1911 pistol ?Take this with you,try to find your aunt and remember , don?t forgive me.?

Describe your character:Billy its a very friendly guy,a bit smoker and likes to be with friends around.
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Sniper,Fylgja or Valkirye. Because i know people on the squad and i love hiding and killing without been seen,and i like to be on the support team.

Out of Character Information

Timezone: (gmt+1) I think
How long have you been roleplaying:  2 years
How long have you been with HGN: Like  2 months
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: yes, 1
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:Clear sky, and ive seen about Shadow of Chernobyl.
Do you have any previous Military experience:Yes,some days ago Ive been asked to participate on a shotout and ive been asked to apply too.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo:No, i use Skype
Do you have a working Microphone:Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I know i dont have the post limit, but im always looking on the forums, i just dont post very much.

Accepted in Flyga - Assassinator1097

Bl★ck Star

Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name: Hensfield

First name: Sarah

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: White

Age: 23

Height: 1,68m

Weight: 68 kg

Medical Conditions: Everything Perfect

Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:
When Sarah was Still a Nurse in a Hospital she always helped Poor Peoples and Other People who needed Medical help even when the work time was already over.

One Day her Bestfriend came to her and asked if she want to go with him to the Army cause his Father told him he should go to the Army to Fight for his Motherland.

Sarah told him, she will think over it a few days.

In the Night Sarah had a Scary Nightmare that her best friend would die when he goes to the Military cause in her dream she dreamed that he Will go away with a Squad of other Military Peoples to the Ukrain and they die from an attacking "Thing".

The next day Sarah went to her friend and told him about her dream. Her friend just laughed and told her "Hahaha i will be Alright Sarah, and the Thing how did it looked so i know what should i shoot if i ever go to the Ukrain, hahaha"

Sarah told him that it looked like a Human but just with ... "tentacles" instead of a mouth.

He laughed Hardly "a Human with tentacles ? hahahaha, so what do you say do you come with me ?"

Sarah said yes cause she wants to protect him and help him when hes in Danger.

The Next day the Car arrived to get Sarah and her Friend to the Military and she forgott about the dream she was scared of.

2 Months later after she had a Military Field Medic Course she heard that her friend died in the Ukrain in something called "The Zone".

Sarah decided to go there to, to help people when they need help and when they?re in Danger.

Describe your character: She is Agile, very nice to Other Squad members and Good in First Aid and Guiding Other Peoples Trough the Town and scared of Bloodsuckers cause her best friend died of one

What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Valkyrie (Medic) cause Sarah is a good Medic  and she had a 4 Year Study in Medicine and Nursing

Out of Character Information

Age: 14 (soon 15)

Country: Germany

Timezone: GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying: around 1-2 years now (Desertia,TnB,Hl2Lands,HGN :D)

How long have you been with HGN: Since Christmas

Is this your main character: Yes

Do you have any alts: yes 2, 1 Eco (Klaus B?cker) and 1 Loner (Kane Wolfhead)

Are you in any other Factions: Ecologists

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: yes SoC

Do you have any previous Military experience: My Father works for the Military

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No

Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: yes

Do you have a working Microphone: who has Ventrilo without a microphone xDD so yes i got one

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I Like Turtels


Accepted into Valkryie. Although your app was a bit unserious I had to accept it 'cause it was very well done - Assassinator


Quote from: Moonwolf302 on 29-07-2009
last name: Kelly
First name:John
Medical Conditions:Very active fit strong
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: I was originally living in Scotland when the disaster happened. When I got new's of this I knew ecologist would need someone to do all their dirty work so when I first arrived by helicopter in section 3 I started looking for work when I found the section 1 bar that's when I got my first job. I thought it was rather simple go in and rescue someone come out big hero with a lot of reputation to get more jobs. But when I found out it was my cousin I was rescuing and the fact that they had already killed him I decided it was personal and from then on my mission has been to torture the bandit's of the land.
Describe your character:
What squad and what possition do you want and why?:Medic I like to help my fellow sqaud mates

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying: 3 years
How long have you been with HGN: 2 weeks.
Is this your main character:yes
Do you have any alts:no
Are you in any other Factions:no
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:yes shadow of Chernobyl
Do you have any previous Military experience:Yes I was in a few arma 2 clan's

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:yea when I was new I stole some stuff un-rp like
Have you ever been banned? If so why:

Do you have Ventrillo:yea
Do you have a working Microphone:not yet

Anything else you'd like to tell us:I'd love to be in the group thank you


Denied.. You need more Posts.


"John Kelly shoots man in head"


Quote from: rawrmon on 02-08-2009
Quote from: Moonwolf302 on 29-07-2009
last name: Kelly
First name:John
Medical Conditions:Very active fit strong
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: I was originally living in Scotland when the disaster happened. When I got new's of this I knew ecologist would need someone to do all their dirty work so when I first arrived by helicopter in section 3 I started looking for work when I found the section 1 bar that's when I got my first job. I thought it was rather simple go in and rescue someone come out big hero with a lot of reputation to get more jobs. But when I found out it was my cousin I was rescuing and the fact that they had already killed him I decided it was personal and from then on my mission has been to torture the bandit's of the land.
Describe your character:
What squad and what possition do you want and why?:Medic I like to help my fellow sqaud mates

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying: 3 years
How long have you been with HGN: 2 weeks.
Is this your main character:yes
Do you have any alts:no
Are you in any other Factions:no
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:yes shadow of Chernobyl
Do you have any previous Military experience:Yes I was in a few arma 2 clan's

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:yea when I was new I stole some stuff un-rp like
Have you ever been banned? If so why:

Do you have Ventrillo:yea
Do you have a working Microphone:not yet

Anything else you'd like to tell us:I'd love to be in the group thank you


Denied.. You need more Posts.


"John Kelly shoots man in head"

This is why he has been banned for flaming so much


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application


In-Character Information

Last name: Borichevskiy

First name: Grigori

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Age: 24

Height: 1,74 meters

Weight: 90 kilograms

Medical condition: Pristine.

Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: Grigori was born in St-Petersburg. He spent his youth there, playing with his friends in the streets, throwing snowballs at said friends and all of that. When he was about eighteen, he decided living at his parents' home and doing a bunch of stuff out in the streets was outright BORING. One of his friends told him that Ukraine was a nice place to be in, hotter than in St-Petersburg and with nicer views : this is what made Grigori leave his home, and board on the first train to Kiev. He rent a small appartment, working as a waiter in a restaurant. Once again, he found that very boring, and at that time, the Ukrainian Military was recruiting and advertising a bit, so Grigori thought "Hey, I'm fed, I got a place to sleep in, and I can get my clothes washed for nothing". He therefore enlisted for the Ukrainian Military. After a few years of service, he got transfer orders from his superiors to go work in the Zone. He then boarded onto the first train and went there, where he was accepted into the 95th Airmobiles (that is, if the application gets accepted). He has a bunch of medical knowledge, enough to make him a decent field medic. He also is considered a bit suicidal in the fact that he'll pretty much do anything he thinks is possible, even if it means severe injury or a high risk of failure.

Describe your character : Grigori is built in width, not in height : that is why he is a bit shorter than average, heavier, stockier and more muscled than average. Other than that, he's a man with a clean face, and a brown goatee encircling his mouth : he's not really different from your average soldier.

What squad and what position do you want and why?: Fylgja squad (on Doomburger's recommendation), as a Corporal (because of Grigori's small experience in the job, and because I was in the Military here on HGN before -I took a break because my computer was just bad and I couldn't play proper- for about a week). (Edit : If by "position" you mean "your job in the squad", probably the team's field medic if there ain't any already. )


Out of Character information :

Age: 14


Timezone: GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying: It's been about three years since I first started roleplaying on Guild Wars.

How long have you been with HGN:
Uh.. about one week and a half before I took a break, and now after said break, I've been on the server for about three or four days.

Is this your main character:
Pretty much.

Do you have any alts:
Dmitry Zerbaliev my Master Bandit, Brian Wright my Master Merc and Dreugh my bloodsucker.

Are you in any other Factions: If bandits and Mercs count as factions : yes. If not, well then.. no.

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky, in their entirety.

Do you have any previous Military experience:
Yeah, about a week of Military experience as a Private.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:

Have you ever been banned? If so why: Neither.

Do you have Ventrillo:

Do you have a working Microphone: Still not.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I like turtles.

Accepted - Let's see what you can do, as stated before, accepted in to Fylgja Senior soldier (Samething as Corpral)

Bird - Master Merc.


In-Character Information

Last name: Korselev
First name: Vasiliv
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Ukrainian - Caucasian  
Age: 26
Height: 6'1
Weight: 180
Medical Conditions: No serious issues
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: Born and raised in Kiev, Ukraine. Vasiliv, like numerous others was fascinated with the adventure and promise of riches hidden within the zone. Unfortunately only after he had left his home did he realize the harsh reality The Zone truly was, The Military kept the rampant bandits and other vagrants in check, he saw safety with them, a guidance... one that he desperately needed. He began doing work catered specifically to the Military, anything from disposing waste to town watch, hoping one day to enlist within their ranks.
Describe your character:
What squad and what position do you want and why?: Fylgja, any position that is open. I wish to join the mighty Ukrainian Armed Forces, protecting The Zone from any and all hazards.

Out of Character Information

Country: Canada
Timezone: GMT (-8 hours)
How long have you been roleplaying: In Gmod... about 3 years?
How long have you been with HGN: On and off for about 6 months, but more constant over the past 2-3 weeks
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: No
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: No, however i am very familiar with the S.T.A.L.K.E.R universe, playing on most of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP servers.
Do you have any previous Military experience: No

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Can't say i have
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Nope.

-Accepted as senior soldier in Fylgja


In-Character Information

Last name: Verdennes
First name: Adrianna
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Age: 23
Height: 5'5
Weight: 60Kg
Medical Conditions: None outstanding.

Back-story/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:
The complete backstory on Miss Verdennes is incomplete, mere shreds of her past are known to all but a select few.
Whilst in her teens, Adrianna joined the Russian Airforce. She quickly ascended to the position of pilot. Originally she was to pilot the Mi 26 transport helicopter but it was soon revealed that she was a much more promising pilot than it had first seemed. Within the space of a year, Adrianna had re-specialized in her career path and was now elligable to pilot the amazing Ka-50 "Black Shark" attack helicopter. For the better part of four years she was posted in a myriad of numerous and quite frankly berserk airbases all around Russia, and farther, serving side-by-side with special forces troops, whom often called in a Black Shark to assist in their operations. Her time was rather enjoyable, and she was most fortunate enough to have seen a minimal number of special operators pass during her service.

But of course, all good strokes of luck must come to an end at some point or another. Such is the way of nature. One fateful March evening, Adrianna's squad was sent deep, deep into the Zone. Their target was a long abandoned science outpost, which was rumored to hold immaculately detailed information about the Zone's past deep within it's depths.

The squad never did reach their target, nor was anything ever heard from them again. Only half a day after their departure had they befallen victims to an emission, wiping half of the squad clean out of existence, mutating the other half into gruesome, twisted beings.

Upon hearing of the squad being officially classed as MIA, Adrianna requested that she be posted to a military base within the zone, in an effort to bolster Military forces there due to her squad's unfortunate ending, whose mission could have saved millions of potential lives, and also to allow them to push deeper, and possibly expose the secrets of the Zone one day, for a better world. Adrianna currently wishes to take her Ka-50 Black Shark attack helicopter, and be stationed within the military outpost in sector one as Valkyrie's pilot, to be able to assist the current squads with their endeavors.

Describe your character: Five foot, five inches tall, with fiery red hair, and deep green eyes and a slightly tanned complexion. Small and slender, yet toned build. Size C breasts. ((I do it for the lolz))

Quiet strolls on the beach at night.
Romantic diners for two.
And drinking obscene amounts of alchohol, and brutally mutilating helpless vehicles and humanoids alike with her helicopter's cannon.

What squad and what position do you want and why?: Valkyrie Pilot.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: Scotland
Timezone: GMT + 0
How long have you been roleplaying: Four and a half years
How long have you been with HGN: A good month and a bit.
Is this your main character:Will become one of three main characters.
Do you have any alts: Owen Winters/Jayne McGregor <---- Mains.
Are you in any other Factions: Nein.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: SoC

Do you have any previous Military experience:
HGN: No.
Other RPs: Yes.
IRL: Some.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Yes, God knows. Probably for trying to 'help' an admin.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Radek knows this one.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes.

Anything else you'd like to tell us:

-Accepted, the story was really good and I hope others will look at it and learn.. Anyway you're our new pilot at the rank of Warrant Officer.
Crimzon: Couldn't help myself. Sorry.

Rhyom Guther

Last name: Ace
First name: Anthony
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: American
Age: 28
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 65kg
Medical Conditions: Right Knee Injury, Hard to Walk/Run
Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?: Well, Anthony was a average citizen in the United States.. He was taking a travel tour to China, taking a flight from America and over Ukraine where the plane was shot down. Over 300 passengers died that flight yet Anthony lived, wandering around looking for help. He soon found a small town at the outside edge of  "The Zone" where he met friendly people yet they werent that into high technology. They were just a simple "tribe" they were called "The Legends" for they survived the bombs that dropped into TheZone, the hardships and were deemed STALKERS yet escaped. Anthony learned their ways and heard out about their tribal stories of "The Zone" Containing good artifacts and money for anyone who goes to grab. Anthony's greed took over his body and went asking what was a good way to enter "The zone" The Legends took Anthony over to a military camp where we wandered in and asked to join The Zone, intrigued in greed of the Zone.
Describe your character: Tall, Darkhair, Blue-Green Eyes, American Style-of-face.
What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Any Position in Valkrye will be good for me.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: S, Korea
Timezone: GMT +9
How long have you been roleplaying: 2 Years
How long have you been with HGN: 1 Year
Is this your main character: No
Do you have any alts: Yes.
Are you in any other Factions: Freedom on another Character.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Yes both.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes. I have only as an regular soldier.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: no.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: No.

Anything else you'd like to tell us:

Denied, you can't have two main faction characters.