Password Application Thread

Started by JRParadox, 14-10-2013

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


Apps are now open! Once accepted PM a Iseyu mod for the password.
As before you only get two chances to correct you application if it was denied.
DO NOT CHANGE THE FORMAT- this will get your application denied until it is fixed.
To make sure you've got the entire format press the "Select" button in the code for the application format.
Good luck!

[u][b]Section 1:[/b][/u]
[b]Real Life Name:[/b]
[b]Roleplay Name:[/b]
[u][b]Section 2:[/b][/u]
[b]Players you already know on the on the server:[/b]
[b]Previous roleplay experience:[/b]
[b]Why would you like to join our server:[/b]
[u][b]Section 3:[/b][/u]
[b]Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:[/b]
[b]Do you agree to follow the rules?:[/b]
[b]Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:[/b]
[u][b]Section 4:[/b][/u]
[b]You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:[/b]
[b]After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:[/b]
[b]You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:[/b]

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Section 1:[/b]
Real Life Name: Brad
Roleplay Name: Sven
Section 2:[/b]
Players you already know on the on the server: James, the_grub, matter, zubael,
Previous roleplay experience: I've played on the old Caphori server for over a year
Why would you like to join our server: To enjoy some good role playing, and have fun.
Section 3:[/b]
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Of course
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Yes
Section 4:[/b]
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: Sven stirs as the noises pierce his ear drums. He says out loud, "Who's there?" Upon no response, he quietly exits his bed, and heads towards the door. As he approached, the whispers got louder and louder, now, Sven yelled, "If you don't show yourself, I'm going to find you, and tear your damn throat out!" The noises stopped, and Sven went back to sleep, not even a mouse was heard that night.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Sven doesn't care about politics, but he loves a good fight. When he sees this opportunity, he jumps to the occasion. Sven thought to himself, (Hm, how can I best start a row amongst these apes...). After thinking for awhile, Sven walked towards the bar full of the rebels. Sven then approached who appeared to be the rebel leader, and said, "The guards in the tavern across the way said that your nose is crooked." The rebel leader replied, "Did he now? Looks like someone's gonna get their ass kicked." Since he was the leader, he rallied all of his fellow rebels, and led them to the tavern full of guards. "Which one said it booooy?" The rebel leader shouted. The guards heard him, and turned to see what all the ruckus was. "That one." Sven said as he pointed to the largest guard in the building. "Yeeeeeeeeeeah!" The rebel leader screamed as he ran towards the man. The big burly guard wasn't ready, and took a bottle to the noggin. Sven was enjoying the whole show from the window. Afterwards, the guards had arrested or killed most of the rebels, and Sven was lying in bed, thinking over the events. "What a good day." Sven said to himself. He slept the greatest sleep in the entire land that night.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Sven knocked on the door to see if anyone was home. No answer. (Well, I haven't seen anyone for days, so chances are there's no one inside.) Sven entered the cabin. "Is anyone here?" Sven shouted. "Come on boys! Fresh meat!" Sven heard as someone shouted outside. "What a bunch of bastards!" Sven said as he slammed the door and began piling things in front of it. The bandits kept pounding at the door. (They must have forgotten about the windows. Ha.) Sven thought. Just then, a rock smashed through the glass. Followed by a man. Sven yelled, "If its a fight you want, then I'll have to break your face and your spirit!" Sven clashed with the smelly stranger, neither of them had weapons, so things were bound to get vile. The bandit started swinging, fairly slowly, he obviously was suffering from dehydration, and starvation. Sven hasn't slept for days, so he got pummeled by the attacks. "Alright, that's it!" Sven screamed as he tore out the bandit's throat with his teeth. The bandit made only a few more sounds, then silence. "Did ya get him?" A bandit said outside. "Yes. Yes I did. The thing is though, I'm still hungry." Said Sven, as he dove out the window and broke his neck. He lay there dead, as the bandits tore his meat from bone like a wolf going at a dead cow.

Wait, what? Your character is dead? I don't even...
Accepted-PM me on steam when the server goes online.


Section 1:[/b]
Real Life Name: Brehn Erskine
Roleplay Name: Jules Verne

Section 2:[/b]
Players you already know on the on the server: Don't know anyone particularly well, as in personal level, but I do know who people are in general terms.
Previous roleplay experience: Caphori, Sc2 Cortex, Wc3 Rp, WoW Rp, Larp, DnD
Why would you like to join our server: I played on Caphori and it was fun, but had a lot of old flawed designs. Hoping that this new server will be much better and much more enjoyable.

Section 3:[/b]
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes I read the rules.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes I agree to follow the rules.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: As in before I can enter the server or if I do something wrong, sure. Not sure if probation is the right word as it pertains to committing a crime.

Section 4:[/b]
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
My heart races rapidly in my chest and my lungs begin to clench as the whispers continue, I feel my insides beginning to burn and warp as my mind races on about all the things that could lie under the floor boards. All through the night I toss and turn in bed on the cusp of crying as the whispers and creek fill my head with lonesome thoughts of looming doom. The ever growing feeling of death creeps along my neck as I feel a cold breeze whisper down my spine and into my soul. Not even the moon's glowing light can satiate my ever growing need for comfort as I find my self frozen in place hiding under my blankets wishing for the echoes to stop. Hoping the noises to cease. The only comfort is the hope that when the sun rises the noises will leave and I'll be able to rest before my leave is up, but this all seems like a dream as each minute ticks away like a snail crossing a desert plain.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
Being a man of kindness and caring I decide to completely ignore choosing sides as neither side is truly bad, and I'd rather help the innocent unknowing people of the direct area rather then be part of such a silly battle. I begin to warn nearby patrons of the market place and nearby housing of the two groups being so near each other. Most wave me away as if I speak nonsense, leaving me with sadness as I fear for their lives. The two groups of course find each other outside the taverns and quickly draw arms. Soon the steel begins to clash and the irony smell of blood fills the air. People run and scream in both directions as many an innocent are slain, I try to take as many to safety as possible, but my efforts are rewarded ever so little as I can not save myself and everyone around me. By the end of the battle the guards stand triumphed over the rebels and corpses with blood litter the market place filling the air with the stench of blood. I leave in sorrow from the warlord's land in hope for something to cheer my spirits.

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
Being a frightened traveler only hoping to find new wealth and excitement I quickly back my pace away from the cabin and view it from the safety of a tree. I sit in the tree for what seems like hours in the endless never changing fog, noticing glimpses of purple and orange wisping away ever so often. Though curious I know my own well being far succeeds exploration of a creepy cabin and decide to move on. I quickly back up my supplies and march away from the cabin with no regret.

Accepted-Please PM any active mod for the password.(We will not have a password until the server goes up)
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Do you even have to apply again if you were already accepted to Caphori?

Accepted-PM me on steam when the server goes online.


Quote from: CoolFeerman on 14-10-2013
Do you even have to apply again if you were already accepted to Caphori?

Well. If you know my steam and I've known you've played... Then No.
I will add your name to the roster.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I played in Caphori as well. But I don't believe I ever had your steam. But I am in the HGN Caphori Steam group. Does that count?

Accepted-PM mewhen the server comes online. Welcome back, Alex..

Returning Caphori member. Some of you may remember me as Alexander Fornet, or Kilin Goldbeard.


Quote from: shadowheart on 16-10-2013
I played in Caphori as well. But I don't believe I ever had your steam. But I am in the HGN Caphori Steam group. Does that count?
Same for me

Accepted-PM me here or on steam when the server goes online.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 16-10-2013
Quote from: shadowheart on 16-10-2013
I played in Caphori as well. But I don't believe I ever had your steam. But I am in the HGN Caphori Steam group. Does that count?
Same for me

Accepted-PM me here or on steam when the server goes online.
Meow (Same with me.)
Accepted-PM me on steam when the server goes online.


Quote from: Redbark on 16-10-2013
Quote from: INA7HAN on 16-10-2013
Quote from: shadowheart on 16-10-2013
I played in Caphori as well. But I don't believe I ever had your steam. But I am in the HGN Caphori Steam group. Does that count?
Same for me

Accepted-PM me here or on steam when the server goes online.
Meow (Same with me.)

And me as well.


I feel silly about making a password application now
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Before doing it, I have to report a bug.
Sections are written like this:
[u][b]Section 1:[/u][/b]
Section 1:[/b]
Shouldn't it be like this?:
[u][b]Section 1:[/b][/u]
Section 1:


Section 1:
Real Life Name:None of your business :^)
Roleplay Name:Andre Petrojvic
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience:Alot
Why would you like to join our server:I was there before.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:No
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:I pull up my bed sheet. And try to ignore the noises.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Pack up my stuff and hopefully find a better place to live.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Continue the travel in hope of finding something less mysterious.

Denied -Expand your RolePlay section.


Quote from: knife_cz on 18-10-2013
Section 1:
Real Life Name:None of your business :^)
Roleplay Name:Andre Petrojvic
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience:Alot
Why would you like to join our server:I was there before.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:No
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:I pull up my bed sheet. And try to ignore the noises.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Pack up my stuff and hopefully find a better place to live.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Continue the travel in hope of finding something less mysterious.
i cry efry time
Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe

Kokkaku Kishu

I'll be coming back as well. I played on the old server towards the end of its life as Jericho Alan


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Michael
Roleplay Name: Mitchel
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Matter
Previous roleplay experience: none
Why would you like to join our server: my brother wants me to
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: I go to the door and ease-drop on their conversation. I overhear them talking about me and decide it's nothing important before going back to bed.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumors spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: I go into the tavern of the resistance group deciding to join them. Later in the future when the resistance is finally fighting back I provide cover with my bow so that the resistance could storm the castle where the warlord resides.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: I use my knife to cut the a hole into the window to climb into the cabin and find out what's making the lights. I find a witch with a giant bubbling cauldron full of bright multi-colored liquid. I sneak up behind her and put my knife up to her neck and promptly cut through easily. I go and observe her collection of potions on a nearby shelf and find a potion that allows one to walk across water and take it before leaving promptly.
{Denied: Expand RP section }


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Simon
Roleplay Name: Sacha Gorumov

Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None, but meeting new people is usually a good thing.
Previous roleplay experience: 4 - 5 years of mid-large-post IRC roleplay, various roleplay servers in a variety of games.
Why would you like to join our server: I'd like to do Terraria multiplayer in an environment I'm comfortable with, and roleplay is something I'm very comfortable doing.

Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Of course.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes, of course.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: ...Of course.
Section 4:

You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
-Rolling quietly out of the bed, so that it stands between me and the door, I fluff the blanket to make the bed appear occupied, draw a knife from my bag, and listen intently-
Gruff Male Voice: This is the room that you sold to him for the night?
Soft Male Voice: Yes, yes. The bag he was carrying seemed pretty full.
GMV: Enough for Bale's protection this month?
SMV: Hopefully enough for two months! But keep your voice down...
-The iron bolt of the door makes a little noise as it slides slowly, but the door makes no other sound as the hinges are kept well oiled just for this purpose. Dim light spills in through the doorway. I tense, knuckles white as I grip the hilt of my blade, furious at the betrayal. The bulky owner of the hard voice creeps in, focused on the lumpy bed. As his hand moves to the hilt of the sword on his hip, I spring from my hiding place, using the unoccupied bed as high ground to plunge my dagger into his unprotected neck.-
SMV: Oh gods!
-The innkeeper cowers in fear in the hallway as I pass with my things, leaving him to whatever fate may fall when the dead bandit is found by his colleagues.-

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides(desires? decides?) to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumors spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
-I cross to the door of one tavern and enter, moving straight to the table full of guardsmen.-
Sacha: How do you do, gentlemen?
Guard Captain: Go away, peasant. We already have our drinks, we will call when we need refills.
Sacha: Oh, I'm not a tavern worker, good Sir Guard. But I believe you may want to pay me anyways, for the information that I could give you.
-I wring my hands and hunch over a little to appear shorter than the Captain as he stands, giving him a fearful look before averting my eyes, hoping to please his ego.-
GC: Or I could just throw you in the stockade until you decide to speak up. What information?
Sacha: Oh that wouldn't do any good, Sir Guard. The information will expire within the hour.
-The Captain grimaces, and looks toward the curious men under his command. He takes his time weighing his options before looking back to me. He retrieves a coin from his pocket.-
GC: Fine, here is one silver piece, now tell me what you know.
Sacha: You are gracious, Lord Guard. There is a meeting of the rebellious ones going on as we speak. I could tell you more, for one more silver.
-The Captain's men mumble to eachother, and the Captain himself has to fake a cough to hide his expression of fury mixed with surprise. He seems ready to cuff me for the rest of the information when one of his men quickly hands over a silver piece.-
Sacha: Appreciated. They're in the Forlorn Ibex basement, plotting something that sounded like an assault. Good day, gentlemen.
-I turn away, skulking from the tavern as the guards finish their drinks, bolting out of the building shortly after I leave, running down the street to an Inn clear across the district.-

You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
-I turn and run in the other direction, because only a fool would interrupt a magician when they're wielding their powers. I get thoroughly lost in the marshland for 4 more days, my food supply dwindling. The water is not suitable for drinking, and I become ill upon desperately trying it on the second day. Thirst and insect bites make me delirious, and I walk in circles, eventually collapsing and expiring. The bog witch in the hut finds me two days later, and uses bits of my body in her crazy potions and rituals.-

Accepted-PM me here or on steam when the server goes online.


I as well played on Caphori

Due to you leaving on bad terms last time please reapply for the password -Riageki
Z-Zombies? Dead Rising? I can take em'. Project Zomboid? RRRUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!


I played on the old Caphori server as the friendly neighborhood dwarf Acutosh.

Accepted-PM a mod when the server goes online.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: I'd Rather Not share, PM me if you want my real name.
Roleplay Name: Kanade

Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None yet, I plan to meet some though.
Previous roleplay experience: I Roleplay In real life, And Heavily Roleplay on Minecraft Servers.
Why would you like to join our server: For a good roleplay experience on Terraria, with a small community.

Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes I have.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Sure.

Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:
Grab My sword beside my bed, Walk slowly to the door, and wait beside it waiting for something to happen..
*click* The lock is unlocked... I sit beside the door silently, trying to be brave, but not stupid. 2 men walk in, silhouettes is all i see... I raise my sword, and Turn on the light beside the door, I shout "Ay yah!" But I stop in mid motion, Only to see, It is my brother and Father coming for A midnight visit.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?:
I form a small little renaissance group...And Prepare to eav's drop on them to see what is really going on. *hours later*
Me and a few men are outside the taverns... I send in someone, Only to see what is going on, I tell him before he enters "Act natural, and come out in 10 minutes". After 15 minutes passed, he still hadn't left, I tell the others to wait outside and let me enter. I open the door to the tavern, All seems normal. *Thud!*. The door is slammed behind me with men pointing guns at me...we were caught.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?:
I would walk slowly towards the cabin, With my hand on my sword ready to unsheathe it and then find out what is in there. As I head slowly towards the cabin, A spark flys out the window. I open the door...I peek in *Whiz!* an orb flew right past my head. "Oh sorry there!" Said the mysterious man "I'm just learning magic!" I Let myself in. "mind if I stay here for the night...?" I asked, "Sure! I never get guests! Whats mine is yours for the night!" Said the Man. I end up leaving the next morning with a full stomach, ready to adventure forth!

Accepted -PM a mod when the server goes online.


Quote from: oldgreg8268 on 22-10-2013
I as well played on Caphori

Due to you leaving on bad terms last time please reapply for the password -Riageki

Bad terms?  :o
Z-Zombies? Dead Rising? I can take em'. Project Zomboid? RRRUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!


On my birthday too... Bad news.... :(
Z-Zombies? Dead Rising? I can take em'. Project Zomboid? RRRUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!


Quote from: oldgreg8268 on 24-10-2013
Quote from: oldgreg8268 on 22-10-2013
I as well played on Caphori

Due to you leaving on bad terms last time please reapply for the password -Riageki

Bad terms?  :o
I had told you to not destroy blocks in the tower event and you said and i quote "fuck you" and left for the rest of the time Caphori was up
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


Quote from: the_grub on 24-10-2013
Quote from: oldgreg8268 on 24-10-2013
Quote from: oldgreg8268 on 22-10-2013
I as well played on Caphori

Due to you leaving on bad terms last time please reapply for the password -Riageki

Bad terms?  :o
I had told you to not destroy blocks in the tower event and you said and i quote "fuck you" and left for the rest of the time Caphori was up

I never did that, and I did play for some time with my 2 characters, there was a tower event on which world? The griefed one or the new one?
Z-Zombies? Dead Rising? I can take em'. Project Zomboid? RRRUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!


Quote from: knife_cz on 18-10-2013
Section 1:
Real Life Name:None of your business :^)
Roleplay Name:Andre Petrojvic
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None
Previous roleplay experience:Alot
Why would you like to join our server:I was there before.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?:Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?:Yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:No
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?:I pull up my bed sheet. And try to ignore the noises.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Pack up my stuff and hopefully find a better place to live.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Continue the travel in hope of finding something less mysterious.
Well am I being accepted?


Quote from: oldgreg8268 on 24-10-2013
Quote from: the_grub on 24-10-2013
Quote from: oldgreg8268 on 24-10-2013
Quote from: oldgreg8268 on 22-10-2013
I as well played on Caphori

Due to you leaving on bad terms last time please reapply for the password -Riageki

Bad terms?  :o
I had told you to not destroy blocks in the tower event and you said and i quote "fuck you" and left for the rest of the time Caphori was up

I never did that, and I did play for some time with my 2 characters, there was a tower event on which world? The griefed one or the new one?
I might have you confused with someone else. My apologies.

{Accepted:please PM when the server goes up}
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum