Password Application Thread

Started by JRParadox, 14-10-2013

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Section 1:
Real Life Name: Tyler Strech
Roleplay Name: Lucent Wolfkin
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Dungeon_Lord
Previous roleplay experience: tons, mainly in Terraria, was pretty into the legend of anthia as one server
Why would you like to join our server:pretty bored, and have had a longing for rping again
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I'm assuming that that is the main thread with the first post being the rules and stuff, so yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: yeah
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: sure
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: I strain to listen to the whispers as I try to get out of the bed as quietly as possible, first moving towards the door to hear better, then moving towards the window, after deciding not to chance that these are good people, opening it slowly to make the least amount of sound as possible, and climb out, attracting as little attention as possible to my departure.

After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord decides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumors spread that the warlord needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organized, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: I don't really give too much of a shit about what I do for money, so I talk around, see what the tax collectors get paid, and seeing what the rebels pay, if they even do, and figure it out from there. I may be pulled a bit more from the rebels, because I admire chaos, and if they succeed, someone eventually will want to take them down, and I'll be there to back them up, if they have the money...

You have been traveling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: "Man, I don't want do deal with any magic bullshit..." I may be hungry, but I'd rather not chance meeting an pissed off conjuror whose ritual I just interrupted. I try to keep the cabin in the corner of my eye as I walk away, so if anything comes from the cabin, I might have a chance of reacting to it.

Approved. PM an active moderator for the password.

I will fight anyone who says Jet Jaguar is not the coolest.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Ian
Roleplay Name: Dr.jaws
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: Sort of Captain Harlock , he introduced me to it .
Previous roleplay experience: i used to do a (loosely based ) final fantasy minecraft server which had forms very similar to this and the server had somewhat strict rules . i also make lore in my freetime .
Why would you like to join our server: mainly becuase i like roleplay servers , and want to get into a terraria one .
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: yes
Do you agree to follow the rules?: yes
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: yes
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: Dr. jaws quickly clings to the ceiling and grabs a small throwing knife out of his lower left pocket . he then notices that it was merely a goose . the fact a wild goose got in to the house suprises him but he decides to ignor this wild critter and goes back to sleep.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: He decided to stay out of it , but instead of just leaving he hides out in the hillside and watch as a meduim sized skirmish unfolds . however he sees that a wild lizard has been trapped during the fighting and decideds to go rescue it . he runs down to the two taverns , throws a knife at a town guard . graps the liard and runs off with out anyone noticing.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: he feels greeted in as a species of magical Insectman from his homelands was in the cottage. he was  a grawlnawlay beetleman. The Grawlnawlay were a large tribe of beetle shamans who lived on a cone shaped island in the middle of a large mangrove swamp. he knew he was a Grawlnawlay from the flashing purple and orange lights  which come from his large lighted cheeks .  He then greets him , he has some conversations about the homelands wit h the beetle   , and then he stays the night in the cottage.

Seems pretty good. Just need to check your spelling errors... but don't worry about it. I screw up from time to time myself.Please PM a Terraria mod for your password


Section 1:
Real Life Name:Patrick
Roleplay Name:Magus
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server: None,  I am new to the community.
Previous roleplay experience: Hm, difficult, i didn´t roleplay too much, but a little bit has been done :)
Why would you like to join our server: It seems interesting, i am new to the roleplaying, so i wanna try it.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: Sure.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Of course.
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: Take my gun and shout: If you come one step closer, i will shoot!
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: Stay out of it, i don´t risk a fight.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: Go along and ignore the cabin, its too dangerous.

PENDING. Needs discussion.
Also need to extend your roleplay a bit. We want to see what you are capable of, and a few sentences seems rather uncouth.


Section 1:
Real Life Name: Jonathan
Roleplay Name: Luceen
Section 2:
Players you already know on the on the server:none.... probably  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Previous roleplay experience: I once played on another Terraria roleplay server known as "Angels vs Demons 4" or something generic like that. It wasn't a very good experience at all, so I left about a year ago. I recently started playing Terraria again, and decided to try roleplaying again.
Why would you like to join our server:I like to join new servers, ones that have only been up for a couple days or so. I was looking through the server list on Terraria Online, and there was a fairly recent post about this website on it. I decided to check it out.
Section 3:
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: I read it before coming here, but I didn't see any checkbox, or super secret hidden word to prove I read them. I guess you'll just have to trust me.
Do you agree to follow the rules?: I do.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: I'm no member yet, so I have not a choice but to accept. So, yes, but what does that even mean?
Section 4:
You spend the night in a small farmhouse, after a nice large meal you are given a warm bed to sleep in but as you settle in to bed you hear the floor boards outside your door creak and whispers echo in to your ears. What do you do?: The farmer and his wife's arguing continued to escalate, until they were just short of screaming at each other. The farmer had too much to drink during supper, and it seemed to have soured his own temperament, as well as his wife's. The price of spirits certainly weren't what they used to be. Luceen began to feel frustration as the hour waned. How long have they been at this? Why can't these bumpkins just go to sleep already?
Luceen quickly rebuked himself over his thoughts. This kind couple had provided him with a meal, and even a place to rest his head, if only for a few moments. He should not think ill of them.
Although, the true services they provided him had yet to happen. Just as soon as they fell asleep.....
Luceen would count to 500 each time he heard a noise. When it was silent long enough to reach 500, Luceen was convinced they were finally asleep. Carefully, without making a single sound, even on the creaky floorboards, Luceen crept like a serpent into the couple's master bedroom.....
Somewhere around 15 minutes later, Luceen calmly closed the door of the farmhouse behind him. He then located a suitable shrub for him to vomit all the physical food he had consuumed that night into. When the routine was finished, Luceen continued down the midnight road. Tomorrow, the couple would be found dead in their beds without so much of a scratch on their bodies, inside or out. Luceen's victims always puzzled physicians, as they could never find any possible cause of death. They had recently begun to call it the "Silent Plague." There had been many stories made about the kind of creature Luceen was; All of them exaggerated and untrue. The most common belief was that he possessed two large fangs, and used them to bite people and drink their blood. The thought of that made Luceen nauseous. In reality, Luceen did not require physical contact with his victims in order to siphon their vitality.
He sighed, and continued down the moonlit road.
After living in a large town for three years of turmoil, the local warlord desides to raise taxes yet again to wage his wars against far off lands, rumours spread that the warlard needs new tax collectors to enforce these strict laws while other sources say that a small scale rebellion is being organised, both the town guard and this resistant faction are meeting in two taverns next to one another. What do you do?: His few possesions packed, Luceen hit the road, with the intention of never returning. He always hated politics and rebellions. With rebellions came conspiracies, with conspiracies came inquisitors, and with inquisitors came unwanted questions. Questions that could unveil a connection between him and the silent plauge. Best leave town before it catches fire. He did however worry for-
"Sir! wait up Sir! Let me speak to you for a moment!"
Luceen tensed.
You have been travelling for weeks, in the past 5 days you haven't seen a single soul as you march continuously through the local marshland until a cabin emerges through the fog, the door is not locked, the cabin has 2 windows on either end, upon peering closer through the window on your side you see bright flashes of purple and orange fly out. What do you do?: A cabin meant only one thing. Humans. And with light inside no less. How long had it been, Luceen thought, how long since he had fed on a healthy man? These past weeks, Luceen was forced to sustain himself on lowly plant and animal vitality. It had made him weak, but tonight, he would grow strong again! With a carnal glint of hunger in his eyes, and a ravenous grin, Luceen pulled open the door.
Luceen soon learned that he should've just ignored the cabin and moved on. It was a night he wouldn't forget.

{Accepted}Please PM an active Terraria Mod for the password.