Whitelist Application Thread

Started by Bl★ck Star, 08-04-2011

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Real Name: rick
Roleplay Name: Auron Denengrad
Minecraft username: aurondenengrad
Age: 25
Players you already know on the minecraft server: non sadly =(

Previous roleplay experience: 10+ years experience in various short and long RP situations of all variations. capable of paragraph role playing or sentence role playing

What servers you play on: non at the moment.

Why would you like to join our server: cause i'm looking for a real server with serious players and a feel of a different land, yours seems the most appealing and i'd love to give it a try.


Real Name: Rafael Lopes
Roleplay Name: John Smith
Minecraft username: hugocs
Age: 16
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None.
Previous roleplay experience: I played loads of roleplay games on different consoles... But not yet on minecraft.
What servers you play on: "Olympus MC Server" and "Beyond Horizon"
Why would you like to join our server: I like roleplaying very much, and there arent many roleplay servers out there... so cheers!


Real Name: Derk
Roleplay Name: Ruben Camden
Minecraft username: worempie
Age: 20
Players you already know on the minecraft server: none... but i want to know a lot

Previous roleplay experience: LARP for 4 years and other rp servers like the LOTR. I also played a webbrowser game called renaissance kingdoms where you had the role of a villager in whole Europe, including inns, working everyday, eating and all the other aspects a real roleplay game should have. I played it more then 2 years before i grew tired of it and also because of some bugs ingame.

What servers you play on: played on the LOTR server for alpha and want to experience some good rp again. I tried some freebuilding servers and other types but they just don't feel that good as a roleplaying server

Why would you like to join our server: I want to enjoy the roleplay experience of minecraft again. I would like to establish a small little hamlet and try to attract more people to let it grow... or establish myself in a city who is trying to expand. Job i want to attain during roleplay: Inn owner and/or architect. We will see what the future will bring my character


real name: joe

roleplay name: althraz

minecraft username: joemiller1026

age: 16

players already known on the server: none really

previous roleplay experience: WoW, Gmod, my friends small server

what servers you play on: rp mostly and build ones if i feel creative

why i want to join the server: i like to RP with a group of people




That will be my last acceptance for a while.
I am leaving Aceon for a period of time.
Until I return, I relinquish my duties to Maxi96203.
Even though he's a massive prick
I think he'll get the job done good.

Goodbye for now!


Real Name: Seth Reinhart
Roleplay Name: Nicodemus
Minecraft username: NicodemusHalrin
Age: 18
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Zilch.(Read as: Nada, none, nil, or no-one.)

Previous roleplay experience: Seven years of roleplay across several games.

What servers you play on: None, just singleplayer. Not many servers accrue my interest.

Why would you like to join our server: I heard from a friend that there is RP in Minecraft, and preformed a search on google. Lo and behold, your server popped up. :D


Real Name: Jens
Roleplay Name: Aedan
Minecraft username: Kask3
Age: 19, born -91
Players you already know on the minecraft server: No one.

Previous roleplay experience: None from minecraft, but I was a regular RP-server host and admin a couple of years ago in Garrys Mod (Gmod). Aside from that, I have roleplayed in SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) in my guild. But I am well capable of taking a role and giving it life, especially if that role is in a fantasyworld

What servers you play on: I have only played on the free-versions servers.

Why would you like to join our server: I am a huge fan of online roleplaying. And it would be a great occupation outside of work and school. Somewhere to be someone else, and looking around, your server seems like the best bet for just that.


Quote from: Macacs on 04-06-2011
Im kinda new, but in if you'll let me. Username : MACACS

You need to follow the format at the first page bud.






MACACS, the reason I denied you is that your whole app was.. meh. Get an original RP name, not one ripped from Oblivion, a better reason you want to join, and better grammar and spelling.

Mr.Magic Murdoch

Real Name: Christian
Roleplay Name: Critian Montaguis
Minecraft username:Christian309
Age: 19
Players you already know on the minecraft server: ChiefOh

Previous roleplay experience: Played alot of WoW,  Done a fair bit of Gmod,  and also played some minecraft roleplay

What servers you play on: None at the moment

Why would you like to join our server: Im looking for a solid community of roleplayers and basing on the forums it sounds like an amzing server and i would love to join and help the server out anyway i can


Real Name: Branden
RP Name: Thredra Aranax
Age: 19
No previous players known

My only previous roleplay experience is through Dungeons and Dragons, or hero system. I played wow for a bit... but it seemed too time consuming. i enjoy the idea of roleplaying more then just running around and doing stupid shit.

I haven't done any previous servers at all, was gonna do one of my buddy's, but he got lazy and that fell through.

I want to join this server specifically because it sounds well built and controlled. i haven't done a minecraft rp before, so starting someplace good and sticking with it sounds best to me.

P.S. Thank you turkey for pointing out my name, Akatosh, was from Oblivion. I kinda thought i had heard it somewhere, but i was more thinking Queen of the Damned.




EDIT: Because Ralazo is above EVERYTHING I am no longer a whitelister, as Geccoy willed, but it doesn't matter.


Real Name: Jonathan
Roleplay Name: Feer
Minecraft username: Feerman2010
Age: 15
Players you already know on the minecraft server: ....0.

Previous roleplay experience: LOTS. I have been on about 14 roleplay servers... they always die though.

What servers you play on: None, currently open to some.

Why would you like to join our server: I really want to join a normal roleplay server. This seems serious, and without griefers... Yep.


Quote from: Feerman on 04-06-2011
Real Name: Jonathan
Roleplay Name: Feer
Minecraft username: Feerman2010
Age: 15
Players you already know on the minecraft server: ....0.

Previous roleplay experience: LOTS. I have been on about 14 roleplay servers... they always die though.

What servers you play on: None, currently open to some.

Why would you like to join our server: I really want to join a normal roleplay server. This seems serious, and without griefers... Yep.

Hope to see you on the server soon.


Real Name: Nathan
Roleplay Name: Nathan
Minecraft username: nhart96
Age: 15

Players you already know on the minecraft server: I don't know anyone
Previous roleplay experience: My minecraft rp experience is on the Honorcraft rp server
What servers you play on: Vanillacraft and Honorcraft
Why would you like to join our server: Because I enjoy RP and I have been looking for a good Minecraft Medieval RP server.


Real Name: Jacob
Roleplay Name: Minh
Minecraft username: zombigen9
Age: 17
Players you already know on the minecraft server: N/A

Previous roleplay experience: I've played on several garry's mod "serious role play" servers, as well as some of the more combat oriented servers.

What servers you play on: I'm pretty new to minecraft, and the only server I favor at all is Jadon. (jadon.ath.cx)

Why would you like to join our server: I've got time to burn over the summer, and I've always wanted to have time to play in an rp server that demanded maturity. Just the fact that there is a whitelist makes me want to me on it.


Real Name: Marius
IGN: Skybert88
Age: 23

Players you already know on the minecraft server: None

Previous roleplay experience: Played on Midgard server for a while (didn't like it due to the unproffesional level of roleplay and item spawning mods/admins). About 2 years of Freelancer (scifi space shooter game) RP on various servers. I've also roleplayed in other games such as War Craft III and Knight Online (MMORPG) as well.

What servers you play on: Recently I joined Midgardmc and been playing there for a whole weekend about 16 hours a day straight. (not a very good rp, not many take it seriously and too little legitness)

Why would you like to join our server: I want to roleplay my character (list in the description below) on a serious server. The other servers I've tried, have either been dead or crap RP level.

Character bio:
Name: Olaf Hogger
About: Olaf is the local farmer and handyman that everyone is familiar with. He mostly spends his time working as a farmer supplying the town he lives in with what he can for supplies. He doesn't really go anywhere, and he has a phobia of mines, and a strong dislike for diamonds, as he thinks real tools are made of iron, and the only weapon a man would ever need is his iron axe. However since he spends most of his time alone on the farm, he greatly appreciates any visits from friends or strangers, and always have a little treat laying around for anyone. He doesn't want anyone that visits his farm go home empty handed.

I am a very dedicated roleplayer who takes my roleplay seriously.


Real Name: Alejandro E. Vidal Llorens
Roleplay Name: Rhayken
Minecraft username: Rhayken
Age: 16
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None
Previous roleplay experience: I am in a prestigious runescape rp clan, also roleplayed in florensia, shin megami tensei imagine online, Metal assault, Dfo, and Lotro
What servers you play on: This one should I be accepted
Why would you like to join our server: I am a really avid roleplayer, I adore roleplay, and how minecraft is so open ended, i would love the honor of being accepted into this great server.


Real Name: James Dawson
Roleplay Name: Nixus
Minecraft username: James_Nixus
Age: 18
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None

Previous roleplay experience: I played San Andreas Roleplay for many many years on Valhalla Gaming, With minecraft now boasting RP servers but theirs currently down for possibly forever, I'm seeking a Minecraft Server to RP on. I love my roleplaying games and a Minecraft Roleplay server would be a fresh experience that I want to join in with, especially on such a dedicated server.

What servers you play on: None

Why would you like to join our server: Much like I mentioned above, I want to join this server to enjoy some fresh Roleplay on a great game on a server shared with those who want that which I do. A great Roleplay experience


Real Name: Nick
Roleplay Name: Even Lippincot
Minecraft username: Mxh24
Age: 15
Players you already know on the minecraft server: Delcro
Previous roleplay experience: On minecraft? None... On gmod, for about 3 years I have been role playing.

What servers you play on: Minecraft, Mostly my friends, and ones I have mod on. Gmod, Of course HGN, some *gameing, and random role-play servers.

Why would you like to join our server: I wish to bring my roleplay experiance to minecraft, and I want to join a HGN minecraft server so I can roleplay and have fun. (I love minecraft )

"When in doubt, mumble."


Real Name: José Gustavo
Roleplay Name: Zezkael
Minecraft username: UberGrunt
Players you already know on the minecraft server: None

Previous roleplay experience: I've roleplayed on various MMORPGS including WoW, WAR (Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning) and SW Galaxies. To be quite frank I love roleplaying and my best experience has been in WAR where I could scream "WAAAGH" to my hearts delight as I stomped people with my Black Orc character ;D.

What servers you play on: None right now. I've tried other servers but none of those really "took off" and they were really buggy. Another one just wasn't up to my taste so I'm hoping this one is ^^

Why would you like to join our server: I'd like to join your server primarily to have fun and to explore interesting Roleplaying with my character (Who's molded off the Warhammer Fantasy Universe). I'd also like to join to meet new people and have a blast playing/whatever comes to mind RP wise.

Thank You for reading.


Real Name:
Caleb Slater

Roleplay Name:
Alexei Vasilev

Minecraft username: BobBobber12

Age: 13

Players you already know on the minecraft server: I don't know anyone.

Previous roleplay experience:
I have previous experience from Garry's Mod and other games.

What servers you play on:
I don't play on any other servers right now

Why would you like to join our server:
Because it looks likes fun and I wanna start role playing again. ( I stopped for while).




Real Name: Olivier

Roleplay Name: Skyrim IronAxe (norse warrior/smith)

Minecraft username: minerollie123

Age: 14

Players you already know on the minecraft server: I don't know anyone on this server(yet)

Previous roleplay experience:
a few games and another server that went offline

What servers you play on:
sometimes skyway

Why would you like to join our server:
Because it looks likes fun and i would like to find good role play server because i love roleplaying and its been awile since i roleplayed. i would like to start roleplaying on minecraft more


Real Name: Lance Condar
Roleplay Name: Lawrence Kreighton
Minecraft username: lancery98
Age: 18
Players you already know on the minecraft server:  none

Previous roleplay experience: I role-played many different characters on wow, but then my server basically stopped doing it. D*:   I've been looking for a minecraft RP server ever since.

What servers you play on:  I played simply vanilla, until it shut down.  Now I just play a small survival server with some friends.

Why would you like to join our server: I love rping, and I love minecraft.  Minecraft+Rping= Awesome (Aceon)
(Holy cow those verification letters are hard)