
Started by Dormarth, 12-07-2011

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Minecraft Account: Dormarth
Mage's Name: Dormarth (Given name unknown)
Field of Magic: Spellshaping, named "Void Magic" for its manner of behavior.


Given time and lab space

-Creation of spell-capturing mediums, i.e. ring of spell storing that can capture one large effect (wall of flame, summoned elemental, released energy from a permanent enchantment, serious curse) or several smaller effects (missiles, fireballs, lightning bolts, minor curses and 'debuffs') that only he can use. May take days to prepare depending on the scale the spell it's designed to absorb, and can only absorb 'open' energies. With this, should any energy meet its corresponding item, it is absorbed upon activation in reasonable proximity (within 10 feet). Undead are immune until destroyed or incorporealized, the same as any magical item. The absorption item must be keyed relatively specifically, becoming moreso necessary as the power to be absorbed rises. In the case of large enchantments or spells cast by a circle of mages, he may need to make one specifically for that item or casting, for a specific period of use under a certain moon or other such restrictions that may or may not be plausible.
-In his usual stock (on him) is a rod vs fire, ice, force, electricity, enchantment (mind-affecting spells) and raw arcane energies. All of these are for use versus weak to moderate ("spell flinging") level spells and can, on average, absorb three such spells.
-Spells may be discharged from these items a few seconds to a few hours later, depending on the size of the spell (larger spells take longer to stabilize, while your average empowered fireball may take half a minute), or they may be stored. Even if a spell is discharged from one of these items, the item must be remade before another slot is available.
-Dormarth may disenchant items for their effects without destroying the actual shell if he has time and lab space, storing the magic in one of these mediums.

-By taking energy from a related magical effect and spending time working with it, Dormarth can enchant items. Such items are generally not for personal use, as they tend to be either volatile or large. Someone skilled in pyromancy (or spellshaping for that matter) might be able to keep a flaming sword made this way from burning the wielder, but your average fighter will be better off buying a standard '+1' model off the shelf. Likewise, a leopard statue that animates at night and hunts rats might seem like a nifty item to have, but it's too large for an adventurer to carry about. A set of a few fireballs might be consumed to make the sword, while the magic from a golem or several lesser undead might make the statue. Dormarth would rather use more energy than needed than try to short change this process, as using too little for a desired effect renders the magic and the resulting item useless and extremely dangerous. That sword, for instance, would likely just explode, and the statue if made from the essence of zombies might animate at night and hunt brains.

-Removal of magical power from a normally magical creature is possible should they be captive and surgery is possible on them. For some, this might be fatal, but if Dormarth has them in his hands this long, they're either volunteers or he's using this as an alternative to killing them. He's only done this once before in his history, on a natural spellcaster whose unbridled power threatened to consume him. Actual surgery isn't necessary, but without an organic system similar to a human's that is still used by the subject, it's impossible to safely cut off the flow of magic. Anything else is unpredictable, but dissimilar organic systems (such as those of extraplanar creatures with distinctly different metabolisms) may possibly be researched over months or years.

On the fly

-Spellshaping is one of Dormarth's key abilities. Against opponents' magics, he can scramble their efforts, effectively counterspelling through messing with their aim or concentration to the point that they lose effectiveness. Deflecting magic bolts, making fireballs soar wide or blow up ten feet from the caster; it's all relatively random. Sufficiently focused mages can abort their spells on detecting this interference, or try to power through.
-Spellshaping may also be used to augment a spell. While Dormarth can't add much energy to an effect, he can change its shape, focus, or general makeup. A fireball could then also release a massive cloud of choking smoke, or become a lance that instead of heating metal, could melt it in a smaller area.

-Dormarth is still capable of minor magics. 5 pound telekinesis, detecting magic in close range, small lights, phantasmal sounds, a visible or invisible personal magical mark, negligible (slap in the face level) elemental/force/arcane damage. He is able to be relatively subtle with these, usually requiring no more than a gesture unless he's attempting to use a degree of finesse.

-Magics that are in place permanently may be attempted to be 'worked around' or 'bent' to disable them temporarily, but this is a risky process that half the time results in a backlash.


Minecraft Account: Akira72
Mage's Name: Morgan Vand
Field of Magic: White Magic

Light Magic: Controlling the light, e.g. creating illusions. (Needs a light source like sun, torch, etc.)
Air Magic: Controlling the air, creating wind and making things float (Uses a lot of energy when not using it in moderation)


Minecraft Account: ChiefOh
Mage's Name: Ysmir Recoullia
Field of Magic: Blood/Soul Magic


Vinko's Gift: This is not a spell, but a weapon. Vinko's Gift was forged not from metal or stone, but from the sap of the Eventide Mother. The sap from this tree shines a brilliant golden yellow,but holds a nasty effect. Her sap reacts with the body as if bitten by a rattlesnake or cobra. The venom however does not affect the nervous system but creates the effect of said bite. The flesh around the wounds within minutes begins to blacken and rot.

Ancestral Transcendence: As Arch-Barons before him Ysmir tends to and sates the Eventide Mother. Though simply a tree the Mother feeds not from sunlight or water, but from the blood spilled by a sacrfice to her. Through sating her Ysmir gains the Knowledge and powers from Arch-Barons Past.

Heliziam Guise: The only other magical spell Ysmir holds is the ability to briefly become the consistency of Obsidian. Through the same means as Vinko's Will Ysmir, rather then blast the goo uses it on himself and for a brief 5 second period, he gecomes next to invulnerable.

Eventide blessing: Ysmir does not have blood coursing through his veins, but the same substance that runs through the Eventide Mother. This substance is caustic and toxic. Exposure to bare flesh if not attended to will rot the flesh from the bone. Although this is true of the substnace due to his tending of the Eventide mother his body remains intact. Although extended neglect of the tree will cause him to weaken and degrade over time.This trait also kills the heart of the vessel, taking on the traits of a zombie though keeping full mental function, eg Decapitation = Death

Bl★ck Star

Minecraft Account: Cloud87
Mage's Name: Agrimar Xantos
Field of Magic: Void

Spells/Powers: Void magic: Controlling the power of the Void to call small void creatures, Shoot small Void needles, phaseshifting into the void, etc.


Minecraft Account:HuliganFish
Mage's Name:Grothengorr
Field of Magic:Necromancery and Its variants


Gift of the Nycromorph: Grothengorr can,nearly at will,Enhance one of his senses or a limb of his body [Hands,Legs,etc].  This Is done by pouring and controlling the matrix of the natrual Negative Energy that dwells In his body [And any other creature] to such an affect. This Is the same as giving Skeletons,who lack eyes and ears the abillity to hear and see,just to a greater affect upon the living. This,how ever holds some danger to the user,and besides some bestial and cadvar like apperance,would make the Caster give off the stench of the Undead.

VileEnd: VileEnd Is Grothengorrs enhanced Blade. It takes a form of a Rapier which gives off a cold atmospheare around It. When the wielder swings It,Screams of the fallen are heard. This Is more of an Illusion to trick the mind and body,and has no harmful affect but to frighten and cause his enemies to be off guard. Grothengorr can call VileEnd using a simple binding spell nearly at any given time.

Animation: Animating a single Corpse using Negaitve Energy as Its fuel. Animated creatures are loyal servants to their masters.

Re-Versed Animation: Like any Acolyte of Necromancery learns to Animate,they also learn how to destroy their creations. By sapping off the Negative energy from any animated or Undead figure,Grothengorr can destroy Undeads,or harm them In some way.

Soul Shatter: Grothengorrs Offensive spell. Soul Shatter takes the form of Three,wicked looking balls of pure Negative Energy. They cause Harm at touch,and sapp off the strenght of any Non Undead creature,Including Grothengorr.

Toungue of the Dead: Grothengorr can speak the toungue of Spirits or Physical Undeads. He can speak to those who fell to the grave,or those who walk. He can also question the said creatures,even If any sort of ressurection was made to the body.

Bone Shield: Grothengorr can,Nearly at will,creat a Shield to his aid. The shield Is roughly at the size of a Human abodmen,Yet Its far more lithe and dense compared to other shields of the same size. Its apperance can be of any thing,yet It will always give off the stench of rott and decay. With the shield at hand,He can deflect some form of spells [Say,FireBall] But canot cast any other spells. Only spell aviliable to use Is the conjuration of VileEnd.

Dispell: Grothengorr can,Nearly at will, Cancel another spell,either his or of another selected target. This Is not automatic,and only matches to one spell that was casted before the Dispelling occured.

Words of Ruin: By whispering a said command,Grothengorr can affect the mind and morale of enemies. The said words weaken and frighten enemies,and weak willed enemies would perssumingly turn and flee. Affected creatures will always hear Grothengorr words as high,pitchy shrieks.


Minecraft name: stone_King77
Field Of Magic: Arcane Magic
Mages name: Nevery xanal

The powers of Arcane Magic:

shoot waves of magic at enemy- magic blast
encase player in magic field-encase
uses magic vanes summoned from the tree of life to bind player.-bind
showers a wave of Arcane arrows at the opponent- arrow barrage
Heals yourself- self heals
Heals other players- restore player
Smites your enemy with a magical strike-smite
teleports you to a player- teleport (your name) to (player name)


Minecraft Name: Nhart96
Field of Magic: Runic and Healing Magic
Mages Name: Nathan
1. By Tattoing Certain Runes on his body Nathan Has gained the ability to do the following
Fire Small but powerful bolts of energy by tapping his wrists

Create a large shockwave by touching his upper arms

Heal Minor/Mild wounds by touching his fingertips together

Move at a faster rate by tapping his legs

Make his touch extremely painful by touching his palms

He Can sense others By activating runes near his eyes

He can create a shield by pressing his foreams together and completing a rune

He can highten his stength slightly by tapping his shoulders

2. He can also inscribe runes on certain surfaces to create traps or other such things. These things are capable of doing the following

Holding an enemy in place for a short time (This is activated by the enemy touching it)

Bind an enemy in place for a longer period of time (This requires Nathan himself to activate it)

Increase Nathan's powers slightly, This takes a long time to set up and is therefore only located in Nathan's home

Knock out an enemy. This causes a small amount of electricity to knock out the enemy

He is also capable of giving weapons minor enchantments (eg. Temporary fire, electricity etc...)

Healing Magic
1. Body Healing
Nathan is capable of...
Healing Major Wounds if he is well rested or near a source of energy
Heal Minor/Mild wounds At any time
2. Mind Healing
This spell is used rarely and allows Nathan to restore someones memory if they have lost it
Using a rare spell Nathan is capable of quickly emparting knowledge to another person.

He also has a rare understanding of most elemental magics even though he is unable to use them


Minecraft Name: Braydent31
Field of Magic: Necromancer
Mages Name: Brayden

Shadow bolt- shoots a shadow bolt at the enemy and does damage.

Drain life- drains enemies life and regenerates own

Animate- animates a skeleton as a minion.

Shadow wall- makes a wall of fog to block enemies vision.

Armor of death- summons a shield that obsorbs 2 hearts of damage.

Eyes of undead- Allows the user to see through a undead enemy eyes.

Night eyes- Allows user to make night brighter

Soul Gather- gathers souls to protect user from damage.


Minecraft name: mlachance
Field of Magic: Charms/Alchemey
Mages name: Charlie Tonas

Rocknick: Morphs earth from a solid to a cross between solid and liquid forming a sphere around caster blocking and absorbs any spell.

Striker: Forms clouds into a formation that fires lighting on target.

Changi: Roots and materials in ground sprout out of the ground and wraps around target holding target in its spot.

Plantis: Sun directing heats caster while he/she Forms a shield around him/her The suns power heals the caster through the shield.

Fogick: Gases form out of thin air and surronds target fogging vision and slowly causes damgage.


Minecraft name: Kcivrots
Mage's name: Kcivrots Frossengarde
Field of Magic: Holy, with a little bit of Shadow.

Holy Bolts: Kcivrots channels holy energy into his hands and sends it flying towards his enemies, sending bolts of holy energy at them.

Prayer of Fortitude: He prays to the light for Fortitude, reducing damage taken.

Holy Fire: He creates an orb of holy fire in his hands, casting it at his enemies, creating a pillar of holy fire around them for a few seconds. The fire does not leave embers, burns, or scorches.

Shadow Word: Pain: With regret, Kcivrots inflicts a curse taught to him by his father (who had dabbled in dark magic) on his foe, causing them to experience immense pain.

Absolution: Kcivrots body is infused with light, increasing the power of all of his holy spells and allowing him to claw at his enemies with claws of holy power.


Minecraft Account: Phil_Rodriguez
Mage's Name: Alphin Nermo
Field of Magic: (Ex. Fire, Water, Necromancy) Wind/Water


[/size]Vento - A large burst of air forms in a tornado shape in the mage's hands. Upon using the maneuver, it sends the tornado forward, creating clouds of dust and large gusts of wind.
[/size]Hart - If the Magician is in water, the water will lightly part, creating sand under the Magician's feet, allowing them to stand. This requires much concentration however, and should only be used in EMERGENCY situations.
[/size]Uto - The Magician harnesses a vast amount of water energy in his fingertips, allowing him to burst them out at an opponent multiple times.
[/size]Calligo - Leviation. Requires meditation. The Magician mumbles the spell multiple times.
[/size]Rur - This enables the wizard to attempt to befriend a then hostile creature. If successful, the creature may stop attacking or may continue. The spell is yet to be perfected by any known wizard.


Minecraft Account: Edvyn
Mage's Name: Edmond Sellafield
Field of Magic: A mix of conjuration (Summoning things), transmutation (Transforming of things) and enchantment (Imbuing objects with power), with less of a focus on illusory, elemental or destructive magic.

Imbue item - Edmond can give an object or living thing magical effects, ranging from the obvious (Fiery swords, glowing helmets) to the situational (Rings of metabolism)

Master of Gates - Edmond can, with effort, close and open portals to other universes, spewing forth whatever beasties these dimensions hold. Once he opens a portal, however, it is only open for a very short time, just enough to let things from the other universe out without sucking anyone in.

Transmogrification - Edmond can turn himself, an object or another living thing into any other substance or creature that he knows and possesses. If he has sand, for example, he can turn stone into sand.

Animate object - Edmond can give life to otherwise inanimate objects, turning simple things like tables and chairs into travelling buddies.

Alchemy - Edmond is an adept alchemist and craftsman, able to create magical staves, swords and simple tools along with potives and poisons.

Fires of the Astral - Edmond can conjure raw eldritch energy, forming it into different basic shapes (Rays, blasts, conjured weapons, balls, waves of force, etc. )

Summon familiar - Edmond can conjure a number of different strange creatures to act as his wizard's familiar, a loyal servant to his arcane will. ( Demons, ghosts, eldritch horrors, elementals, that kind of thing )

Metamagic - Edmond can attempt to copy, learn, supplement or negate other magical effects that he witnesses, with much effort.

Atmospheric distortion - Edmond can alter the temperature of things or alter the weather in a relatively small area.

Sense magic - As a trained wizard, Edmond can detect magic in a given area.

Devil's tongue - Through the amplification of speech and willpower, Edmond can persuade, dominate, influence thoughts, create illusions or incite fear. This counts as a mind-affecting ability, and will not work on those with mental resistances, the unliving or mindless.  This power will also bind unbound supernatural beings to Edmond's service. (Ghosts, demons, wraiths, elementals, etc. )

Earthly Conjuration - Edmond can summon most common worldly substances, elements and beings, ranging from fire to dirt to chickens.

Replicate substance - Edmond can conjure a copy of any substance or being that he has access to ( eg. 50 grams of sand can become 100 grams, or one pig will become two pigs ). It is difficult for him to replicate beings with specific features, like individual humans.

Technological Insight - Edmond can understand the inner workings of different machines and even the anatomy of creatures with ease, able to build machines and perform surgery that would otherwise be impossible.

Chaos Warping - Edmond can alter the probability of events, making things go his way as if changing luck itself, or make things go horribly wrong. This often manifests itself as a kind of "unnatural luck", but rarely allows anything beyond changing simple things like coin tosses or dice rolls.

Dimensional Meditation - Edmond can send his mind and spirit to another dimension, learning things from the beings there. This spell often acts as a "sixth sense", allowing him to see or know things that he normally wouldn't.


Quote from: stone_king77 on 01-08-2011
Minecraft name: stone_King77
Field Of Magic: Arcane Magic
Mages name: Nevery xanal

The powers of Arcane Magic:

shoot waves of magic at enemy- magic blast
encase player in magic field-encase
uses magic vanes summoned from the tree of life to bind player.-bind
showers a wave of Arcane arrows at the opponent- arrow barrage
Heals yourself- self heals
Heals other players- restore player
Smites your enemy with a magical strike-smite
teleports you to a player- teleport (your name) to (player name)
Quote from: Beano on 01-08-2011Minecraft Account: _beano_
Mage's Name: Ocato
Field of Magic: Electrisity (mostly)


Lightning bolt - as it says, shoots a bolt of lightning at the target
Electrify - gives the target and eletric shock, paralysing them for 5 seconds (can be shortened if too OP)
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Teleport - can teleport to certain areas[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Deamon Blade - (only useable in deamon form) summons a sword (diamond) from oblivion [/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Re-animate - can bring people back to life, depending on how powerful they are[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Fly - can levetate/fly around [/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Soul trap - can trap a soul in a soul crystal (sugar or diamond) to be used in many ways, probably reanimation.[/font]

PowersDark curse - if not taken the right precautions, will turn into a undead mage (able to use the rest of my spells)
Detect - has an uncanny ability to detect when people are in the area

PM me.


Okay, I fixed up Ed's spells a bit under Chief's advice. They should be acceptable now.


Minecraft Name: mlachance
Mages Name: Charlie Ambers
Field of Magic: Pyromancy 
Charlie can form differant sizes and temperature of fire. The largest ball of fire he can for would be as big a atleast a fut ball and temperatures are seen as the color the fire is. This is a chart from hottest to least.
  (Hotter means more damage)
But Charlie can not make a the largest ball of fire he can make with the highest temperature (that would be OP) so if he were to make a large ball of fire the hottest it could be would be orange.

Charlie can also be resistant to lava or fire since his father was a demon and was born in the hot world of hell. Even if Charlie is resistant to fire and lava does not mean he can get hurt, he can still get hurt and sometimes burned.

Chris has the power to go into demon mode which means his attacks get more powerful and deadly he can grow claws of fire and he can catch his weapon on fire also, this power only last for a few minutes

The last power Charlie has is his wound can slowly heal. Its still slow but it can heal a lot faster than a normal human that would take a week to heal. A deep gash would only take for him a hour or so.


Minecraft Account: Gamerlord979797
Mage's Name: Rokkor Aretek
Field of Magic: Arcane (Ex. Fire, Water, Necromancy)

Spells/Powers: Cold Fire, para-telekinesis, Arcane Bolts, Arcane Barrier, Lightning based attacks (Looks like lightning, but is an arcane stream thing)


Quote from: Ragolution on 12-07-2011
Use this thread to register/list any magi you maintain/use and

EVERY skill they have.

If you try to use a spell that is not on this, your mage registration will be suspended.

All mages are free to apply on this thread and as soon as you post, you are able to use your mage.


If you post in this thread and we do not think you meet the standard, your magic will be suspended until we think it does.

The format is as follows:

Minecraft Account:
Mage's Name:
Field of Magic: (Ex. Fire, Water, Necromancy)


Note that your mage WILL NOT have any power that is not listed on this registry.

Do racial building abilities count as magic? a.k.a my tree fort


Quote from: Alltrusion on 10-08-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 12-07-2011
Use this thread to register/list any magi you maintain/use and

EVERY skill they have.

If you try to use a spell that is not on this, your mage registration will be suspended.

All mages are free to apply on this thread and as soon as you post, you are able to use your mage.


If you post in this thread and we do not think you meet the standard, your magic will be suspended until we think it does.

The format is as follows:

Minecraft Account:
Mage's Name:
Field of Magic: (Ex. Fire, Water, Necromancy)


Note that your mage WILL NOT have any power that is not listed on this registry.

Do racial building abilities count as magic? a.k.a my tree fort

IS it magic? I mean. Yes, then.


Minecraft Account: Alltrusion
Mage's Name: Pontirius Vinge
Field of Magic: Transmutation
ShapeShift : Transforms into a Human on demand and will last until dispelled or has to much pain to keep form.


Quote from: Ragolution on 10-08-2011
Quote from: Alltrusion on 10-08-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 12-07-2011
Use this thread to register/list any magi you maintain/use and

EVERY skill they have.

If you try to use a spell that is not on this, your mage registration will be suspended.

All mages are free to apply on this thread and as soon as you post, you are able to use your mage.


If you post in this thread and we do not think you meet the standard, your magic will be suspended until we think it does.

The format is as follows:

Minecraft Account:
Mage's Name:
Field of Magic: (Ex. Fire, Water, Necromancy)


Note that your mage WILL NOT have any power that is not listed on this registry.

Do racial building abilities count as magic? a.k.a my tree fort

IS it magic? I mean. Yes, then.

This is a special Application
Minecraft Account: Aceon Server
Mage's Name: Kondak Faction, Trees
Field of Magic: Natural

(Passive) Mystical Bark : immune to Fire, Heat and other incinerate forces, Maybe Penetrated Lava and dark fires e.i. Green fire and black fire, must be continuous and non-stopping


Minecraft Account:Arefu_roo
Mage's Name:Ellis Clayton Drake
Field of Magic: Fire


Will-O'-Wisp - Able to summon a Wisp to light a path or just to keep company if he wishes to on command.

Fire Missile - Able to create up to 10 small flames no bigger than 1-1/2 to 2 in. and control them and send each off in any direction. Or a single flame that can only reach up to 5 in. in length and like the other flames he can creat, he can control the flame and do whatever he wants with it.

Fire ball - Simple,a ball of fire able to be created on either hand and can vary colors.

"Anything that is complex is useless and anything that is simple is useful"-Mikhail Kalashnikov


I'm not really a mage but i thought it would be best to post this anyway.

Minecraft Account: [/size]Leticus
Mage's Name: Agai Ranqui
Field of Magic: (Ex. Fire, Water, Necromancy) Alchemy maybe?
Spells/Powers: Can cry tears of poisonous sap through her magic eye.


Quote from: Leticus on 14-08-2011
I'm not really a mage but i thought it would be best to post this anyway.

Minecraft Account: [/size]Leticus
Mage's Name: Agai Ranqui
Field of Magic: (Ex. Fire, Water, Necromancy) Alchemy maybe?
Spells/Powers: Can cry tears of poisonous sap through her magic eye.

I read this and HEAVILY got flashbacks about geccoy's fucking Omega Supermetabolic Aqua Regia\

TL;DR - Don't abuse your power.


Minecraft Account:Soothsayer_Naes
Mage's Name: Father Aeldom Sekrands
Field of Magic:  Light and Gravity magic

Divine Intervention- Can cure any disease or sickness, but must be used rarely. Can also be used to inflict curses or diseases.
Holy light- Illuminates an area and kills all undead mobs.
Suspend- Negates gravity under a target for a short time causing them to trip or be suspended in the air.
Dimensional pull- Can dispel gravity for structures, placing them in the air.
Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

Kokkaku Kishu

Minecraft account: Sp3ktrum
"mage's" name: Kokkaku Kishu
Nature of Magic: Natural born Demonic and Elven powers

spells/powers: As far as elven goes extremely good archer but demonic powers include:

Immense Physical strength and speed (note: manifests as a berserker problem and will take w hile to master)
Healing factor: Heals REALLY quick due to demon blood
Demonizing factor: Any weapon touched becomes demonized and increases majorly in power and becomes darker in appearence (note: will take while to master)
Demon transformation: In enough state of rage or psychosis, true demon comes forth and manifests in physical form from body, all atributes increase 20 fold (note: next to impossible to control and will not be used constantly, but will require outside forces to shut off)