
Started by Dormarth, 12-07-2011

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MC Account: Arefu_Roo
Mage's Name: Vanderblit Kairo Clarke
Field of Magic: Pyromancy(as always)

Will-O'-Wisp - Able to summon a Wisp to light a path or just to keep company if he wishes to on command.

Fire Missile - Able to create up to ten small flames no bigger than 1-1/2 to 2 in. depending on how many fingers of each hand he uses, and controls them in that he can send each off in any direction (other than directly backwards). Or a single flame (using both hands) that can only reach up to 5 in. in length and fly in the direction he chooses.

Fire ball - A simple (small) ball of fire able to be created in the palm of either hand, which can vary in color, and can be both thrown and used in a melee.

Magma Ball - Ball of magma made from either a source of lava for a small loss of energy or from nothing at the cost of great fatigue. Dangerous if over-used, and can result in death if not used with caution (from both fatigue from magic use and if the magma becomes uncontrolled [due to fatigue or interruption of the casting] and spills over the caster).  Ball ranges from the size of a small pebble to the maximum size of a fist.

Flame Stream - A steady stream of flames conjured from a source of flame (blowing on a candle/torch, no energy loss) or from thin air (causing energy loss, and the stream can only last as long as the user has energy).

Note: Just using the edited version of the other magi app thingy, don't like making up new spells and such.
"Anything that is complex is useless and anything that is simple is useful"-Mikhail Kalashnikov


MC Account ; geccoy
IC Name ; Suo Alia
Field of Magic ; Distortion ( of Time )

Speed Up ; Suo can speed up time in a certain area, on a certain person, or on a certain object. The speed of which time is sped up is determined by her. Those affected do not realize they are sped up unless looking outside of the area affected. Drawbacks of speeding up time are aging backwards*, exhaustion, and having to slice a certain amount of skin off and eat it.

Slow Down ; Suo can slow down time in a certain area, on a certain person, or on a certain objext. The speed of which time is slowed down is determined by her. Those affected do not realize they are sped up unless looking out of the area affected. Drawbacks of slowing down time are not aging at all**, exhaustion, and having to slice a certain amount of skin off and eat it.

* - The amount of time aged backward is all dependent on how long time is sped up. Every minute sped up is five days of aging backward.

** - The amount of time not aged at all is all dependent on how long time is slowed down. Every minute slowed down is ten days of not aging.


As long as it's one person at a time...

Approved +
All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis