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Other Forums => Races & Creatures => STAR WARS RP => Old Servers => Scrapyard => WIP\Proposed => Topic started by: Pink! on 10-05-2011

Post by: Pink! on 10-05-2011
A race of tribal amphibians, the Nariah are one of the most primitive species in the Dunth'olp region, yet also one of its most ancient species; for many millenia, their homeworld was left alone until the time that they became aware of the potential for other races. Technologically undeveloped, their recent addition to the Council of Afearatir was the subject of significant controversy, yet their physical prowess and combative natures has resulted in some measure of acceptance toward the species.



Nariah are bipedal amphibians, standing at an approximate average of seven to eight feet, with small, yet intensely resilient frames. Despite an ability to walk and move on land, a task they can accomplish, their bodies are undoubtedly designed for their constant aquatic lifestyles. In comparison to other aquatic species, however, their numerous gills start above their head, trailing down a pair of horns, along the sides of their face and down their neck, coming to a halt on their shoulders. Evolutionary studies indicate that this may be a result of their intensely-physical lifestyles, chasing down and killing the fast-swimming sealife of their planet. Their skin can vary in color, similar to Earth's salamander, and is consistently covered with a slick, mucous substance, helping them maintain a constant temperature in and out of water.

Their eyes are enormous, thinly covered with a transparent membrane. Occasionally, they blink, the second eyelid resting at the bottom of their eyes and lubricating the lower covering. Unlike the rest of their highly resilient bodies, their enormous eyes are a significant weak spot, relatively unprotected.

Along with being cold-blooded and requiring frequent hydration, the Nariah have been noted for their extreme physical strength and resilience. Cases have shown that their bodies are capable of withstanding significant punishment, beyond the capability of most humanoid species. Their physical strength and agility is also noteworthy, though not quite as powerful. While the average Nariah is significantly stronger than most species, their strength is certainly not superhuman: they have evolved to hunt down, catch, and kill any prey in their seas, not pick up lightspeeders. In water, however, their preferred environment... it is said that not even a Jedi could defeat a Nariah in combat.

On a final note, Nariah appear to possess only two long fingers and an opposable thumb; their hand is designed for swimming and breaking bones, not fine manipulation. Nariah artisans are rare in their culture, and their work is often crude. This physical limitation is also believed to be the reason for their lack of technological development, and a point of contention for those who have left their homeworld on recent years, unable to use even basic objects, such as a knife and fork.



Archeological expeditions to the Nariah's home planet have indicated their culture dates back hundreds of thousands of years, and if their lore is to be believed, they may be one of the first sentient races in the universe. Despite this heritage, however, the Nariah are widely considered to be primitive and generally unintelligent by most other races of the region, despite their immensely detailed culture. The species has achieved little to no technological development, and were, for many millenia, classed as a 'native species' on their homeworld, and left relatively untouched: developing and introducing an unaware species to the worlds beyond their own is a dangerous prospect, at the least.

As long as they can remember, their culture has forever been entrenched in the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Close-knit family units still live within a far larger nomadic gathering, and a shamanistic religion, worshiping the weather and rains. Tribes of Nariah typically migrate through underwater caves in the area, resting among roughly-woven beds made of plant-life, and gathering any remnants of food in shells and clams, tied to their bodies. Above-ground ventures are infrequent, occurring only for large gatherings of tribes, worship, trade, or celebration. Small, shoddily-constructed buildings are seen, rarely, and have enormous importance to the species, housing relics and the eldest shamans of their race.

Children are an infrequent prospect, with each family group having only two or three in their short, thirty-year lifespan. Developing swiftly, children mature into full-grown adults within two years, at which point they are awarded a name by the tribe's shamans, traditionally encompassing facets of their life, predicted future, or personality. Typical names for the Nariah include 'Tempts-The-Clouds', 'Argues-With-Storms', 'Softly-Sung', or 'Dances-On-Bones'. Of all Nariah traditions, the naming of a child is the most revered, indicating their passage from childhood to adulthood. (On a marginally comical level, the majority of the Nariah who have dared to travel aboard starships are the youngest adults, most open to change. Their typical age is no more than seven years, though this is approximately equal to a thirty year-old human.)

Living on a planet that is, for the most part, covered in water, it is perhaps to be expected that the Nariah have such religious fervor for the weather, particularly water. Sacrifice and prayer is constantly offered up, and droughts are traditionally considered punishment from the skies, withholding the rain they need to hydrate land, and thus safely travel on it. In fact, even for those Nariah who have become aware of the world beyond their planet, water is still treasured, if only for how vital it is for them.

Another note: fight using melee weapons or arrows, not blasters or heavy weaponry.

TL;DR: They are highly resilient and strong, yet have significant weaknesses. They cannot use even basic tech, because they don't know how, and, in addition, lack the fingers to use it. They require constant water, and they are cold-blooded, so are prevented from entering certain habitats, such as deserts, or icy wastelands.

They have a shamanistic, nomadic culture, and are considered primitive because of it.

This is still WIP. It is a conversion of another race I created for a Star Trek RPG. Over there, it was highly popular, since an inability to use technology was an enormous weakness, both in and out of combat. I'm hoping it'll be the same here.
Title: Re: Nariah
Post by: Pink! on 17-05-2011
Any opinions?
Title: Re: Nariah
Post by: KingArthur on 18-05-2011
Yes, but the model will be needed, as with all things.
Title: Re: Nariah
Post by: Pink! on 18-05-2011
Apparently, Silver already has the Salarian model
Title: Re: Nariah
Post by: Silver Knight on 20-05-2011
Quote from: Pink! on 18-05-2011
Apparently, Silver already has the Salarian model

Indeed i do. As far as i know i got it working fine.