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General Discussion => Video Games => Topic started by: deluxulous on 20-06-2010

Title: APB - All Points Bulletin
Post by: deluxulous on 20-06-2010
All Points Bulletin is a Third-Person MMORPG, focused in the Pacific city of San-Paro. It's a basic Cops and Robbers type scenario. Criminals run amok doing criminal stuff, while the Enforcers are trying to stop the Criminals from doing whatever it is the Criminals feel like doing.
Website: http://na.apb.com/en (http://na.apb.com/en)
Release: June 29, 2010
A large part of the game is customization. You can literally customize EVERYTHING you own, excluding your guns. (Even then, you can upgrade them.) Decal, paint, upgrade your cars. There are pre-made, pre-decaled cars for you. They cost a considerable more amount of money however, and they are open to anyone who has the money to buy it. However, they use decals and designs not available in the vehicle "tuner." There are lots of cars to buy and design, including 4-door family sedans, flashy sports cars, pedophile vans, redneck pickup trucks, soccer mom SUVs, heft dump trucks, and armored armored cars.
You can also choose your outfits and clothing. There are LOTS of outfits to choose from, and jewelry is a bonus as well. You can also put decals on/design your clothes.
You can COMPLETELY change your characters look at any time in the game. By using the customization stand, a complete change of your character may have a hefty price tag, but if you want to do it, go ahead. You can add tattoos, change hair styles, be fat, be skinny, be muscular, get a sex change, relocate your eyebrows... The possibilities are endless.
You can also customize your own music. You can create your own manually, via a Garage Band style music maker in game, or import your own music from wherever on your computer.
You can also make your own graffiti logo, dunno how to spray them though.

To survive in APB, you will need to play in a group. It is absolutely essential if you don't want to get caught alone against 3 Enforcers with spray & pray SMG's. There's a nifty "Call for Backup" button if you are still outnumbered with your friends. The game will look for a group that will even the odds.

Anyways. I think the game is awesome, and I might be getting it. I really want to.

The only complaints I have is in combat... Grenades are way too weak in most scenarios. Guns with high rates of fire beat guns with more power and accuracy way too often. Gameplay is often reduced to a "whoever has the fastest gun will win" scenario in close quarters. There's NO melee button at all, so you're fucked if you have a Semi-Auto. Shotguns are also completely useless in close quarters, being outgunned by the infamous Uzi-MP5 hybrid.

Combat difficulties aside, it's a fun game to play with your friends. Dutch and I had a blast playing with our crazy characters.

APB screenshots, discussion and stuff i guess goes here: http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/video-games/who-has-apb/ (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/video-games/who-has-apb/)
Title: Re: APB - All Points Bulletin
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 20-06-2010
Already existing Thread

http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/video-games/who-has-apb/ (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/video-games/who-has-apb/)
Title: Re: APB - All Points Bulletin
Post by: Pawx on 20-06-2010
That's actually to a BETA key party, not actual info to APB, anyways.

Games pretty good, tons of glitches though, but the customization is brilliant.
Title: Re: APB - All Points Bulletin
Post by: deluxulous on 20-06-2010
Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 20-06-2010
Already existing Thread

http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/video-games/who-has-apb/ (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/video-games/who-has-apb/)

That isn't even an informational thread

That's a "WHO HAS APB" thread.
Title: Re: APB - All Points Bulletin
Post by: Plunger on 20-06-2010
Custimization = 10 of 10

Gameplay = 1 of 10

How did they manage that.