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Other Forums => Server Dumps => Scrapyard => Star Wars Dump => Topic started by: Silver Knight on 26-04-2011

Title: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Silver Knight on 26-04-2011
What do you expect SWRP to be like?

I want to know what you think SWRP should be like, to get the feel of what people are expecting.


A basic rundown of plans are:

Several planets (Spread across multiple servers)

The starter servers will include:
1 Imperial ship map (For the imperials to roleplay on- Ive already got a map for this)
A desert like tatooine server (Ive already got a map for this)
A city like server (Using one of the hl2rp maps)

The imperials have ground forces and naval units.

Essentially there will be:

Two Platoons belonging to seperate companies (To avoid-in-command disputes)

Along with a naval command unit (Officers and stormtroopers who command the ship)

Note that icly there are around 3000 troopers on the ship. At least 2500 are on planets controlled by the imperial. The ship is slaved to reduce the population from 16000 to a minimum functioning amount of 1500.

The imperials have outposts on a variety of planets, they have a large presence on one desert, one city\urban planet.

The new republic

There are no plans for the new republic's control in the system yet. Most likely they will have friendly outposts or colony. They have a presence on the capital planet on the system too, although they are considered insignificant to the imperials grasp on the system.

Jedi\Sith\Force Users

As much as i would like to write huge amounts here to get it into peoples heads that we are not having jedi\sith masters or knights or any super-duper-powerful obiwan kenobi loving fanboy\whore\thing. Here we go.

To put it simply we have no urber\elite\powerful jedi\sith. They will be done through applications with the requirements being: A donator for SWRP (Any package, does not matter), At least a month at HGN. Two auths from SWRP admins and the application then finally being accepted. We are VERY strict with this.

Jedi are expected to operate on their own with set goals, being so far out in the unknown regions there is not much need for activity from the jedi and furthermore you are too far away from any available academy or outpost held by the jedi. This means jedi should remain low.

Sith. You are not evil, you are not part of some fucked up and retarded cult. Your not elite and you cannot take command of the imperial forces. The same thing said about the jedi applies here too.

All jedi\sith start out as initiates and should try and become apprentices or padawans otherwise you will not make it. Those who choose just to be force sensitive, don't let other people know you are- You will most likely be kidnapped or killed for a variety of reasons.

To finish this off, we may establish some form of academy\group\cult for jedi\sith later on. But pretty much everyone is just flying solo.

The Council

This is made up of several sentient races. Candidates can be put forward for election and then players elect the council member in. One for each race. The council are made up of a leader from several different races and handle racial, planet and system issues. The imperials have "pushed" their way into the council and have also gained a seat for the human race (Although the new republic are pissed about this- but lacking said power in the system they are unable to do anything other than contest it politically)

Basically it's kinda like mass effect's council, but at the same time, it differs alot. The capital planet where the council lies is the city\urban planet. Which is controlled by their forces. Sort of a "multi-race" planet.


There's alot i could write here, but ill keep it short. All races we can do (model-wise) we shall have. Our location will mean that certain races should be rare (Wookies, jawa etc)  - as much these will probably be donation only. We also have several new races we are creating ourself to represent sentient races in and around our system as well as using some "lore" races which have not appeared in the films but are recorded in the star wars lore.

I don't plan to have applications for freely available races so you will be able to create them right off the bat without having to be flagged. Some races will walk faster, some have more health or negative effects such as no crouch walk (Some creatures are too big to fit into holes - No pun intended.).

Alright, ive said as much information as i dare say right now. Go ahead and input your views and what you personally expect from SWRP.
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Paintcheck on 26-04-2011
Jedi flying solo makes no sense at all. They would be with the New Republic because that is how they are Jedi. The New Republic/Luke Skywalker owns them and trains them. 

Making the Imperials the "dominant" group is a bad idea. I thought the whole point of setting this in the Outer Rim was so the Imps/Republicans weren't the main dudes and there would be more emphasis on the planet's citizen RP and less on Republic/Imperial faction shoehorning.

Hard faction cap on Jedi/Sith would be better than saying "Donator only" simply because making it donator only means we'll have half the server being jedi which doesn't fit the timeline at all. If you wanted to set this in the Old Republic era that would be more acceptable but to make donation the only requirement is going to lead to more jedi/sith than you or anyone else on the server wants.
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Hessen on 26-04-2011
The imperials and the republic should have both each an outpost world, and a main world to prevent one world from becoming to overpowered. I held the belief that neither faction was going to be the stronger one, and that because we were on the outer rim this was going to be prevented and that the civilians of the server were going to hold onto the most power, if anything the council should retain the most control over the factions.
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Silver Knight on 27-04-2011
This is a thread to submit what you expect SWRP not just your opinions on what i wrote. The Imperials are not that strong, but they have the upper hand because they are on the council and represent the human race.

The jedi are very weak, the academy is literally just starting out (In 3 years time) so you have alot of rogue jedi hiding out everywhere from the great purge. The academy won't actually be formed until 11 ABY when luke asks for permission from the new republic to form it. As i also said, force users will require to be a donator, does not matter what package and then they need two auths from admins of swrp and furthermore their application needs to get accepted.
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Paintcheck on 27-04-2011
Quote from: Last.Exile on 27-04-2011
This is a thread to submit what you expect SWRP not your opinions on what i wrote. The Imperials are not that strong, but they have the upper hand because they are on the council and represent the human race.

Then what's the point of having this thread? Since you wrote all that I'd imagine that's how you want to run the server which means what we say doesn't matter since you've already planned this.
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Silver Knight on 27-04-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 27-04-2011
Quote from: Last.Exile on 27-04-2011
This is a thread to submit what you expect SWRP not your opinions on what i wrote. The Imperials are not that strong, but they have the upper hand because they are on the council and represent the human race.

Then what's the point of having this thread? Since you wrote all that I'd imagine that's how you want to run the server which means what we say doesn't matter since you've already planned this.

I meant "not just your opinions on what i wrote". Defeats the point of the thread if it's just speculation on what i wrote above.
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Tom on 27-04-2011
Why did you ask "What do you expect of it" when you basically already said how it is?
I also think making it donator only is not that great of an idea. Just sayin'.
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Hessen on 27-04-2011
Well than "My opinion" Is that the imperial ship in the region is the center of command for the imperial forces to prevent them from actually "claiming" a planet. The republic has what could be defined as a large outpost in an asteroid/on a planet  but is kept secret for obvious reasons (Lack of planetary ion cannons means imperials would just bomb them from orbit.) The citizens should be centered into a main server  where as the other worlds would be either toxic/dangerous to go on making them more of an event server as there is only 7 planets in the system i would imagine  (IE using only 3 server slots on the server box and the 3rd slot is the interchangeable map server for events.) The reason for this is because if the citizens are to far spread out across the multiple servers it will result in an overloaded admin team as well as isolationist RP groups, who by all means would be fanatically devoted to their own little groups.

Having them centered inside of a city map however is just BEGGING for crime/minging to happen. Yes you can argue that " a city on the outer rims is rife with crime" but consistent crime will only result in a "cream of the crop" group that would sit atop their immovable pillar killing the other small factions off where as the only way to get them down is some horse shit event that kills them all off. So i therefore recommend something MORE along the lines of a more natural map with a small spaceport capable of sending people off world.

Speaking of space, The imperial cruiser overhead would cause many people to think twice about running off in general freight/passenger ships. That is where smugglers can come in, charging fees to get people off world etc.

There is also the fact that many people would be ill disposed to try and afford a ticket off world (generally costs 500 credits per person) Unless you personally own a ship capable of outrunning targeting lasers or you are in a faction that would have interplanetary shuttles such as the republic and imperials. this is why having such a massive chain of servers is not one of the best ideas.

(I focused SOLELY on the common man RP here, that jedi/sith BS can deal with itself)
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Das_Uberman on 27-04-2011
I think that the Empire and the New Republic should be struggling for the upper hand on the planet, The Empire invading from their spaceship, and the New Republic defending from the planet city. The fighting should take place in the desert. The setup should make for a lot of good roleplay, not to mention there are many event possibilities. There should also be many smaller factions, such as: (crime syndicates, smugglers, bounty hunters, and maybe a spy network). All the faction possibilities should make it so that most people can be part of a faction, making for plentiful, and better roleplay. The minor factions should operate mostly in the city, but some, like the smugglers, and the crime syndicates should also operate in the desert, and the spy network should operate everywhere, even on the spaceship (though they should be captured, interrogated, and executed). Short version, plenty of action, roleplay, corruption, and so on.
There are almost infinite possibilities with this setup.
Title: Re: What do you expect SWRP to be like?
Post by: Pink! on 10-05-2011
Wait, it really is happening? I am... gobsmacked. This could be very, very good.