United Nations

Started by Combine, 07-11-2009

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United Nations

The United Nations Main objective is to bring peace to the Zone and also Support/aid the Ukrainia Military/goverment  with funding, supplys and  troops, United Nations Soldiers will portol the Zone To stop Bandits,Slavers and so on. and also will have a tight control around the Borders to stop Weapons and such for entering the Zone with hope that with less weapons will be in the Zone and makes it harder for people to get them. They also set refugee camps and cease fire Zone for "Stalkers"  to provide safety.

After WW2 the world knew that  they couldn't live threw another Would war so in 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United Nations Charter. Those delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals worked out by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United States in August-October 1944. The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, and have been keeping the peace ever since.


1.Maintaining peace and security
2.Making peace
3.Promoting democracy
4.Promoting development
5.Promoting human rights
6.Protecting the environment
7.Preventing nuclear proliferation
8.Promoting self determination and independence

The list goes on.



Leader- Jonathan Gilloran l Thorsten



peace keepers

bravo team
squad leader-

Alpha team
squad leader-


first aider-


All App for Geting into the United Nations will be done by app


1.IC name
2.Why do you want to join The UN?
3. Back story
4. age
5. do you like promoting the peace?


1. OOC name
2.Steam ID
3. How long have you been role playing?
4. Have you played any of the STALKER games?
5. Do you know what the UN is?
6. What role would you do?

its a pending group

Faction Relations

     └Inverted Sun:N/A
     └Black Rain:Neutral

Clear Sky:N/A



-Support. The United Nations? In the Zone? I really, really, don't think so.


Quote from: DeadlyDusk on 07-11-2009
-Support. The United Nations? In the Zone? I really, really, don't think so.

Why not, the UN are in almost evey world conflict, so why not here?


No i dont agree with it, the UN wouldnt be there, otherwise STALKER would have involved them already.


UN has no reason to be in the zone.


Quote from: The Jackal on 07-11-2009
No i dont agree with it, the UN wouldnt be there, otherwise STALKER would have involved them already.

Well at first the Ukrainian/Russian goverment tryed to keep the fallout a secret from the world and wouldn't let any out side aid/help  in, but I guess over time the Ukrainian Goverment just needed the aid and alowed the UN to help.


Quote from: Plunger on 07-11-2009
UN has no reason to be in the zone.

The reson the UN would be there was to give support to the Ukrainian goverment, and the only way they can help the Ukrainian goverment get control over the  zone is by being there


Quote from: Combine on 07-11-2009
Quote from: Plunger on 07-11-2009
UN has no reason to be in the zone.

The reson the UN would be there was to give support to the Ukrainian goverment, and the only way they can help the Ukrainian goverment get control over the  zone is by being there
and I don't trust you with the entire decision of multiple world countires.


Quote from: Plunger on 07-11-2009
Quote from: Combine on 07-11-2009
Quote from: Plunger on 07-11-2009
UN has no reason to be in the zone.

The reson the UN would be there was to give support to the Ukrainian goverment, and the only way they can help the Ukrainian goverment get control over the  zone is by being there
and I don't trust you with the entire decision of multiple world countires.

I would Think that after a while the Ukrainian goverment would Seek some sort of help.


If I were the leader of the UN I'd think sending troops to the Ukraine for the zone would be a waste.  The majority of the people in there are criminals and refugees.  I'm doubting Ukraine would want the UN in there.


Ukraine would not allow the United Nations into the Zone. And the United Nations wouldn't officially want to be in the zone regardless. That's why there are mercenaries.



Not only would it be illogical and unreasonable for the UN to be in the Zone in any way, but it's too powerful an organization for anyone, even a group of admins, to lead it. Besides, if it were allowed, then the focus would shift from the canonical factions and everyone else to the United Nations being involved.


Ukraine wants to keep the Zone a secret due to the artifacts/C Consciousness etc that come out of it. They would not invite the entire world in to check it out. The UN only goes in when asked by the host country and the Ukraine has a lot they want to hide.



Negative Support, its worse then no Support

United Nations would have been in the issues of the zone already, even if Ukraine was hiding it, they have no reason to come here.


Plus the military is a bunch of corrupt murderers, I don't think the UN would help them....


Erm, it's a good idea, but.... the UN would not be in the zone, that's impossible, either way, I still support, very good idea.


What spy said is also very true. In the game, the Ukraine Army, and overall Ukraine Military, is extremely corrupt. Word is even n' real life it's also very corrupt.


The UN force is mainly a peace keeping unit, the zone is full of criminals, it would be a waste of resources and men.

Silver Knight

There is no reason, ANY United Nations people would be in the zone.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


If the UN was in the zone, Ofc the would help the military, their job isd to help the goverment Secure a conflict zone.
Anyway They wouldent be in the zone no chance.. I mean Promoting democracy...? Ukraine is a democracy Why would the promote something that's already there and how are they supposed to protect the envioprment if it's trying to kill them..
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Quote from: Radek on 08-11-2009
If the UN was in the zone, Ofc the would help the military, their job isd to help the goverment Secure a conflict zone.
Anyway They wouldent be in the zone no chance.. I mean Promoting democracy...? Ukraine is a democracy Why would the promote something that's already there and how are they supposed to protect the envioprment if it's trying to kill them..

When i said Promoting democracy i ment that they try to do world wide not just here


I think NATO would be more reasonable if someone made a group like that.
But nice effort on the work,I wont shoot you down completely.


Foreign Governments don't come into the Zone for reasons.


Right this is not going to work