The Files of Dzovak Jeknovorign

Started by meetdadoom, 05-09-2010

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Well....everyone is making one...why not make one too?
A man walks out of an elevator. He looks for the door labeled "Mercenary Information". He enters the door and is greeted by a co-worker. The man asks for were the mercenary by the name of Dzovak Jeknovorign is. The co-worker points to the 4 cabinet 3rd drawer from the bottom. The man opens the cabinet and looks for Jeknovorign. He finds a file in a Zip Lock bag labeled Dzovak Jeknovorign. The bag contains the file, and three flash drives. He takes the file back to his office and takes everything out. He turns on his desktop and goes to his e-mail. He clicks one from his boss and reads it through. It says "Good morning Kotlov Abees, today your going to be assigned to a new job. As you know, the news channels have been broadcasting about the zone. A CEO funded a small project to see if the Zone is a potential area to make buisness. Your job is to follow this mercenary who we got inside the Zone and document him. You have the power to read his log that we made him write at the end of each day, his audio logs, his pictures, and information on the contracts he is doing or done. That is all we want you to do for now.Do good Kotlov, make The Blue Fist proud.

Name: Dzovak-------Sur Name: Jeknovorign
Age: 32-------Sex:Male-------Hair Color: Brown------Eye Color:Black
Mental issues: Nothing Official
Physical Issues: Nothing
Family Tree:
---Father: Liucious Jeknovorign----Status:Deceased
---Mother: Neila Jeknovorign----Status:Deceased
---Brother: Deda Jeknovorign----Status Deceased
---Wife: Aneta Jeknovorign----Status: Deceased?
---Son: Shavo Jeknovorign----Status: Alive-----Age: 8
Rank: Class C Mercenary
Contracts done: 8
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                          PDA POWERING!

                                                                 ---Welcome Dzovak---
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                                                                 Microsoft word Uploaded
                                                                                                 Log 1
                                     Well.......Where to start.... I am a mercenary for the Blue Fist Agency. I am Class C that's like a Captain I guess. I''ve completed 8 contracts back in Armenia, and my last one was a Turkish Senator was trying to push a war with Armenia. Our mission was to repel from a helicopter down onto the senator's office. We dropped in a broke the windows, got inside and then we took him back to Armenia and impresioned him for war crimes.
                                      This time, I don't exactly have a contract, but a mission from my Agency. The Agency caught wind off the Zone and they want to see if the Zone is a potential money maker. They got me papers and everything dropped me in near the Zone. I showed my papers and I was free to go inside the zone. I didn't think it would be that easy. I hear on the news how people are risking their lives to get inside. Well I'm not going to ponder on it much. Im in here and I have a mission to do.
                                      So I was walking down the road to Sector 42. Word was that place is were all the money is at. Might as well start somewhere? As I was walking down the road I found a group mercenaries walking the oppiste direction. They were part of an Agency in France. They gave me some usefull tips because aparently the Zone is no place for us mercs. No matter how well trained we are in combat. They also talked about these Stalkers. I havn't seen any yet. But they sound like the gangster scums I cleaned up back in Finland. But I am not going to be biased I am going to have to meet one myself. Maybe there will be a few when I reach Sector 42. Whatever. I hope the Agency is happy and this is how they want their logs written.And I am Dzovak and I am signing off.



Kotlov walks up a few steps to a door. He looks at the file in his arms to make sure he has the right house. It is Saturday and it's 11:30 am. He rings the door bell and he is greeted by a woman named Eteri Abajian. She is 5'11 blond. In the distance you can hear the sound of a young child playing. "Misses...*look at his files*...Abajian. My name is Kotlov Abees. I work for the Agency that your cousin Dzovak works in. I would like to have a few questions with his son and it is to my understanding it is his birthday?" Eteri looks at Kotlov with a little mean look and then reluclantly lets him in. Kotlov walks into the living room where Dzovak's son is playing with Legos and watching Nikilodean Europe! Kotlov kneels down to the child's level. "Hey happy birthday Shavo. I have a little gift for you". The kid looks at him happily and then tears open the little present. He looks at it with his eyes wide. It is a new lego pirate boats he always wanted. "Thank you mister!". Kotlov also takes out from his pocket takes out an envelope marked from Daddy. To Shavo. The child looks at it very excitedly and almost destroys the letter. In the letter Shavo finds a few clean, new 2010 addition coins and bills from Dzovak's travel to Ukraine. The Envelope even contains a few Greven from the Ukraine. The child stares at it in disbelief. He ha obiously never seen anything like this before. "Your daddy really loves you. Now I have a few questions to ask you kid". The child looks up and nods. "What did your daddy tell you he did?" "He said he was a traveling buisness man and had to always go all over the world!" *He does an open gesture with his arm to discribe the entire world*. "Did he tell you what he exactly does?" "Daddy says he helps rich people become even happier". Kotlov writes down in his file a few notes. He writes down -The child is not aware of what Dzovak does. Dzovak has kept his job undercovers from his child which will not threaten the child's welfare.---
"Okay thank you Shavo, I got to go now. Have fun with pirates". Eteri walks in and hands Kotlov his coat. Eteri asks Kotlov " So how is doing in that hell hole of a place?" Kotlov responds with an exhales " Can't really say for sure. He only has had one entry in his PDA however he has taken a few pictures so I guess he is doing well, but I still feel like we didn't equip him well enough". Eteri snorts "You wouldn't give a shit, he is just a pawn in your eyes and you know at the end of the day he better do he job or atleast die. If he dies you would feel sad for a second and then move on to the next unlucky piece of shit." Kotlov is apauled and just thanks Eteri for the hospitality but continues to wonder if someone in the Abajian family might have been part of the agency which could cause for her rudness.



---Welcome Dzovak!---
---Loading App---
---Microsoft Word Document---


                     Well....Today was an intresting night. I've actually got a little job from a Trader to help gaurd him when he is in the Sector. Oh yeah I forgot. I made into the Sector 42. There are alittle bit more jobs than back in the Cordon but I am not complaining. Through that job with the Trader which he calls himself "The Bard". Through him I have met alot of mercs I can trust. I met this French guy named Austin. He wore this clunky suit that made himself look like he is a robot. He is someone I think I can trust. Nice guy and he isn't a cutthroat merc who would kill other mercs for a bigger pay. I also did a contract for the Ecoligists. This Merc I met and I had to go through some kind of cult's layer and steal their artifact. We ended up stirring up a hive. I left the layer with the cult members chasing after me. The other merc told me that he would meet up with me back at the layer. He ran out unseen but he never did show up back at the Eco base. Must have run into this so called Anomoly. Typical for us mercs. I almost ran into a few two days ago. I accidently zapped myself once from some Electric anomoly. The Eco's back at their bunker sold me some ointment and told me about that anomoly. It's called and Electro. Pretty cool. Still I gotta watch my step alittle bit more. Maybe I should buy a giga counter or maybe a detector. I don't know that scientist was trying to sell me alot of stuff. Anyways back to the cult story. I was holed up inside the eco bunker with the cult barging at the door. Met a Mercenary there. Really cool guy. Gave me an ak74u and a few mags to protect my self and let me keep it. Although I prefer my .45 ACP Sig but incase there are more than a few enemies that I can handle, I guess the sub machine gun will save me. Moving on. I meet an American trader. Odd experiance actually. What happened was I heard his broadcast through my PDA and decided, why the hell not? I havn't had anything but military grade ration food which Isn't that bad, but I could go for some hot soup or something. So I come inside and see a stalker, crazy one, asking the American if he has any nukes. As I was walking in I know this guy was a nut job so I unzipped the holster on my hip. It's a really good habit to get into when you smell danger. Even if nothing ends up happening atleast you were prepared for the worst...right? So I decided to just stnd back and chill on the wall and wait for the nut job to leave. Finnaly he fucks off and the American puts in a shell in his shotgun and puts it under his counter. I come up and asks him for some information then the fucking nut job comes back in and tries to rob the place. He unloads a mag into roof and then I had the time to pull out my Sig and have a good aim at his face. I asked him if he really thought he wanted to do it. Mid sentence the Trader pulls out the SPAS from under his counter and fires two buck shots into him. His head was all over. I was so shocked that I almost pulled the trigger and wasted a bullet. That ring of a shotgun sound. Its just so loud I think that ring was still going for like an hour. So the American thanks me for giving the trader enough time to unload his shotgun on the guy when I pulled my gun out on him and gave me 1000Ru. Pretty cool. The guys name is Eastwood. I bought the ammo I needed since I was running low from that cult experiance. And I got some Ukrainian soup. It tasted pretty good. It was called Borsht I think. So I asked if I can spend the night and he gives me a bed to sleep in and here I am loading up empty mags and writing this log. I also forgot before I go. To the worker at the Agency who is following me. I sent an envelope full with money from the countries I stopped by to get to the zone. Please send this to my son. It is his 9th birthday tommarow and he asked me to get him something cool. I guess its not like Legos or something but I think he would appreciate it. Well I am gunna sign out. I am tired as hell. I havn't slept in like 16 hours. My adrenline was cranking even after the cult incedent and it came back not to long ago with the nut job. Well this is Dzovak Jeknovorign signing out.

[OOC] Yes, I actually did all of the events listed in only one day. I met a few mercs. I did an indiana jones job for Eco. And I met a physcopath at Killabreu's bar.



Closed due to wipe.....not that anyone cares I don't think anyone is actually readin this.
