The End of my Character

Started by Pawx, 13-05-2012

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Since I don't see any point of redoing my characters again for the third time, I decided to just say screw it and write this.

As he stares down to the sea, he fells someone pulling him towards the watery grave. Everyone around him is dead, no survivors, no remains. Life fades before him as he stares back at his spitting image, deciding his fate. A voice tells him not to do it, as the other does, the choice lies before him. The Image grows infront of him, family and friends, and they push him towards the edge, deciding his fate for him. They chant his name as they push him forward. A tear sheds from the man as he takes another look at the sea, knowing this was his last view of life. In a flash, he jumps, no turning back, no second guesses, he's gone.... "Goodbye Austin... "

Close enough

I'm tired of making the same characters over and over again, attempting to make Roleplay anew. It won't be for a long, long time when I return to SRP

Mass Effect 3 Soundtrack - An End Once and For All


Since Pawx did this, I might as well also.

While taking a heaping shit in the center of the Zone, Nicholas realized something; his life was meaningless. He cried for hours and hours, unsure of what to do. With no where left to turn, he reached into his bag, taking out his PDA and messaging Austin Creed "Meet me near the water." Moments later, Austin Creed and his family arrived, carrying only one bottle of cucumber lotion. Aroused, Nicholas burst into a furious rage, murdering all of the Creeds with his bare hands and leaving only Austin alive. Ashamed of what he had done, Nicholas picked up the lotion, and slowly began to masturbate and cry. His lungs instantly exploded as he finished, and he died in Austin's arms.

The end.