The Domaen Brothers

Started by Corocan, 10-11-2011

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As I walked into the rundown of a home my older brother and I lived in I immediately missed my home in Slovakia. Ever since the incident with our parents, we have lived in Ukraine. I glanced at Chancler and smiled when I replied, "Is today the day?" To which he replied, "Yes, but before we go I need to speak to you." I stared at him as he seemed to appear to think about what he wanted to say. Suddenly, he said, "This... Zone, it's a dangerous place. If we plan to survive we must stick together and remain united! You're only 19!" He smiled at me and I smiled back as he patted my shoulder. I halted my smile and looked at him with a much more serious expression, "So when does it begin?"  He looked at his watch, "Twenty minutes."

Eminem - Mosh
As the number of people in their dark black hoodies blended in so perfectly in the night Chancler and I made our way to our location points. Chancler signaled by scratching the left palm of his hand and they replied by scratching the left side of their faces. Everyone just sat there. Quiet, yet so many people. It was almost haunting. Suddenly, an explosion shook the background of the Zone as it scorched the world with an unpleasant light, the war cries shook the lands everyone rushed towards the front gates. Men in heavy kevlar began to appear with large riot shields, shoving back the rioting people. People who came for better lives and better opportunities. Almost as if on request, a large cargo truck suddenly drifted behind us and the back slammed open. A man with a mask and hooded cloak beckoned us over into the truck, we did so. As we entered we saw people break through the ring of protection that the riot control force provided. Bullet fire soon emerged from BOTH sides. The back door slammed shut, as the driver swerved. We didn't know what was going on, on the outside for an hour or so, but the bullet fire and slamming of objects never ceased. For five minutes it stopped. We though it was over, suddenly, the entire truck slammed and rolled over, I blacked out.

I need a doctor lyrics Dr Dre ft Eminem and Skylar Grey I woke up for a short amount of time. Someone was dragging me. I blacked out once again. I soon awoke with Chancler carrying me into a run down building. My vision blurred as we entered. There were other men dressed similarly to Chancler, except one was wearing some sort of black military combat outfit with crimson lenses who stared at me as we passed. I blacked out once again. I soon awoke on a table with a man putting pressure onto a large gash on my leg and bandages on my arm and right eye, viewing Chancler speaking with the Military Combat Armored man. He replied, "Can you help him?" - "We'll do what we can." - "Thanks. What's your name again?" - "Ad-" I suddenly became swallowed by the ever closing darkness.

The All-American Rejects - Move Along
I woke up with most of my body bandaged and weak. I stumbled off the creaky bed and pushed straight through a double set of doors. I was stopped by a man in what I soon knew to be a Sunrise Suit, who stopped me. I demanded that he explain what was going on. He sat me down and told me that I had been out for two weeks. I asked him of my brother and he replied that they thought I was dead, so he moved on a week ago. Mr. Military Combat had left a few days after. I became tired and he helped me back to a bed.

(( I want to write more of this, but I have no idea if I should because I don't know if it's any good. I searched for about twenty minutes on how a STALKER is supposed to get through to the Zone, but I came up with nothing. I could only find a picture of a STALKER sneaking by a bunch of guards and some small lengthy barbwire. Please, no trolling responses and if you see a canon issue or a grammar error, just point it out in a post. Don't demean me for my lack of the canon knowledge of how STALKERs get into the Zone, simply correct me in the form of something rather than an insult. ))