Steve Edwards, Incinvible Bloodsucker Slayer (WIP, Editing for looks)

Started by Locke, 16-01-2010

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** Ripper Giantus yells out, "GROOOAR"
** Steve Edward throws meat to the side.
** Ripper Giantus pounces at the meat
** Ripper Giantus shoves it into his face
** Steve Edward offers a large slab of meat to the other two.
** Man-Eater punces at the larger living meat.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 11
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 39
** Ares eats the offered meat, as it's not worth the effort to attack steve
** Steve Edward dodges to the side.
** Ares also noms "Man Eater's" meat
** Man-Eater runs past him.
** Ripper Giantus continues eating the tender meat
** Steve Edward shouts "crikey! This be a large one!"
** Steve Edward drops slabs of meat.
** Ripper Giantus takes the chunk of meat from Ares
** Man-Eater runs at Steve, clawing.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 59
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 59

** Ares snarls
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 2
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 2

** Ripper Giantus screams in Ares' face, sending saliva and blood flying

** Steve Edward gets hit twice, falling back with his chest cut.
** Ripper Giantus gets in a tug of war over the meat with Ares
** Ares yanks back hard
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 4

Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: FUCK
Ares rolls the dice, getting 14
Ares rolls the dice, getting 14

** Man-Eater attempts to cut down the man with two fierce blows.
|HGN| Celtic: /bc If there is a trader around, I will order a fairly large shipment from him.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 40
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 40

** Ripper Giantus lets go, overpowered by Ares
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 12
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 12

Ripper Giantus: Grrrraaaa...
** Ares snarls in a <Yeah that's right> kind of way and continues eating hi-
s and Man-Eater's meat

** Ripper Giantus turns to watch his Pack mate, and the human fight.
** Steve Edward gets hit by one of the blows to his leg, attempting to whac-
k the Bloodsucker with a metal rod.

Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 96
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 96

** Ripper Giantus watches intentively, tilting his head
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 4
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 4

Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: LEG BROKEN
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: :V

Ares | |HGN-STSA| Paintcheck [LOOC]: Ouch
** Man-Eater gets hit by the rod, falling back a bit.
** Steve Edward pulls out a machete.
** Man-Eater gets stunned for a second.
** Ripper Giantus steps in between
** Steve Edward yells out, "I'm Steve Edward, bitch!"
** Ripper Giantus yells out, "GROOOOAR"
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: Lol!
** Ares watches, amused at seeing another pack at work.
** Ripper Giantus takes a slash at Steve
[OOC] {TPP}DuranBlackraven(SW): FUUUU three bloodsuckers.
** Ares finishes off Man Eater's meat.
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 92
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 92

Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 35
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 35

** Ares finishes off his meat chunks
** Steve Edward ducks, attempting to slash him with his machete.
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 73
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 73

Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 4
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 4

** Ripper Giantus grabs the blade from Steve, and throws it aside

** Man-Eater finally come out of it, than runs to Steve's side, slashing.

** Ares pounces at Steve from the side
** Steve Edward still has his rod in hand.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 33
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 33

Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 58
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 58

Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: Man he's good
Ares rolls the dice, getting 22
Ares rolls the dice, getting 22

** Ripper Giantus sucks on his bleeding hand
** Ripper Giantus screams at Ares, trying to show his dominance
** Man-Eater falls over the ducked crocodile hunter.
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 20
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 20

Ares rolls the dice, getting 37
Ares rolls the dice, getting 37

** Steve Edward flattens to the ground, grabbing his machete.
** Ares is unfazed
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 95
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 95

** Ares snarls
Ares: <You weak. Worse than Razor.>
** Man-Eater attempts to smash him with his fists together.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 19
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 19

Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 33
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 33

Ares: <Human feed you too?>
Ripper Giantus: <We feed off human>
** Steve Edward dodges the fists, attempting to slash the sucker with the m-
achete at the leg.

Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 62
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 62

Ares: <Even know how hunt?>
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 46
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 46

Ripper Giantus: <All brothers know hunt>
** Man-Eater dodges it by jumping at the man, slashing.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 23
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 23

Ares: <You and pack mate have trouble.>
Ripper Giantus: <Hunt is instinct>
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 66
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 66

Ripper Giantus: <Man-Eater is young>
** Ares gesutres at Steve as he avoids getting killed for the 50th time
** Steve Edward rolls to the side.
Ripper Giantus: <Human is experienced>
** Steve Edward lets out a gigantic roar.
** Ares chuffs in the sucker equivalent of laughter
Ares: <What he call self no fit.>
** Man-Eater falls flat to the ground, but tries to grab the human's leg.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 99
** Ripper Giantus huffs like he is  laughing
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 72
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 72

** Steve Edward gets pulled by the leg, by attempts to slash his hand with
the machete.

Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 38
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 38

Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 68
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 68

** Man-Eater gets slashed, his hand stopping to grab.
** Ripper Giantus sick of what is happening, comes up behind Steve, and tri-
es to plunge a claw into his back

Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 39
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 39

Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 48
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 48

** Ripper Giantus overshoots, and is left open
** Steve Edward accidentally falls back, the claw swooping over him.
** Man-Eater quickly gets up, enraged, and tries t latch onto the man's nec-

** Ares howls in "laughter"
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 64
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 64

Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 85
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 85

Ares | |HGN-STSA| Paintcheck [LOOC]: Oh damn
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: WHY!?
** Ripper Giantus attempts to latch on like Man-Eater did as well
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 99
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 99

** Steve Edward parries the hands with his machete, manuevering away from t-
he suckers and barely standing on his legs.

** Man-Eater once again, falls over the human.
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 53
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 53

** Ripper Giantus is still sucking on Steve's neck
** Steve Edward gets latched on to, attempting to shatter the sucker's clavicle with the hilt of his machete
** Man-Eater now standing again, tries to cut Steve's throat. (spine part)
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 70
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 70

Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 91
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 91

Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: LOL
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 38
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 38

** Ripper Giantus gets his tentacles cut up badly by Steve, and falls back
** Steve Edward shatters the sucker's clavicle, turning his attention to th-
e other sucker just in time.

Ares | |HGN-STSA| Paintcheck [LOOC]: Lawl Steve should just run like hell
** Man-Eater finally goin berserk slashes wildly.
Ares | |HGN-STSA| Paintcheck [LOOC]: You're pushing your luck Clutch

Ripper Giantus: <Leave him! He's not worth the trouble!>
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 97
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 97

Ares | |HGN-STSA| Paintcheck [LOOC]: Oh wait.
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: OH SHI
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 97
Steve Edward rolls the dice, getting 97

Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: AHAHAHAH
Ares: ..// ZOMG
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: NO WAY
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: WHAT!?
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: AHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Ares | |HGN-STSA| Paintcheck [LOOC]: EPIC WIN

Steve Edward | McCutcheon[IcE] [LOOC]: You don't FUCK with steve edward, bi-

** Ripper Giantus pushes on Man-Eateer
** Steve Edward staggers back, letting out a roar.
Ripper Giantus: <Let him go, he not worth pain>
Man-Eater: <He has insulted us!>
** Ripper Giantus pushes against Man eater, trying to get him to fall back
into the swamp

Ripper Giantus: <Now!>
** Man-Eater falls back to the swamp.
[OOC] |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio: Win human.
[OOC] |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc: Fuck you steve ;_;

<3 the new dice.


Freedom all day BITCHES!


Hurt my eyes. :O Anyways, why do you guys use dice for "roleplaying"? Just wondering. I just thought epic RPers wouldn't need it.


We're epic, it's just fun to use.

Plus it cuts down on powergaming, in most cases.

Steve is just awesome, as the dice tell.


lol pwned. HAAACKS. Not Not. That was epic fight lol.


It was a really epic fight, and the crocodile bloodsucker hunter won.


It was the best battle I had ever had. Also, dice RP is a nice way to avoid problems.
P.S. I'm Steve, bow down to me suckas!

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


"What dutch says, when he's not trollin mono, he talkes good smartness." - Comradebritish




** Sucker-Slayer Edward lets out a loud "ROOOOOAAAAAAWWWWRRRR"
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 63
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 63
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 1
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 1
Daniel South rolls the dice, getting 99
Daniel South rolls the dice, getting 99
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: FUCK.
** Ripper Giantus jumps up onto the wall, and tries to get up over the wall
** Sucker-Slayer Edward dodges to the side.
Daniel South | |HGN| MangoMan [LOOC]: shot?

Ripper Giantus Spawned models/props_c17/FurnitureShelf001b.mdl
** Man-Eater is hit, causing him to stop charging.
** Sucker-Slayer Edward attempts to slash Man-Eater with his machetes.
[OOC] |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc: Uh... What.
[OOC] McCutcheon[IcE]: jesus, locke, your fat
** Man-Eater attempts to cut through the machettes and into his chest.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 86
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 86
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 23
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 23
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: What did you take.
[OOC] |HGN| MangoMan: can i just have my deagle..........
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: Don't minge bodies like t-
[OOC] |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc: Yup.
[OOC] |HGN| MangoMan: kk
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: Hit you.
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: Give it here, it was an a-
ccidental kill.
[OOC] Henrietta Rudifovt Manisour-: Ask me for it
[OOC] |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc: Or ask her.
[OOC] Henrietta Rudifovt Manisour-: I have it for ya
Ripper Giantus removed prop_ragdoll
[OOC] |HGN| MangoMan: where youz at?
[OOC] Henrietta Rudifovt Manisour-: where you died.
** One of Edward's machete's breaks from the hilt, falling to the ground, a-
nd he gets slashed at the chest a bit.
[OOC] Henrietta Rudifovt Manisour-: K. He got it
[EVENT] Ripper Giantus: Man-Eater fights Edward over the wall, and the blood-
sucker Ripper manages to climb on the wall.
** Sucker-Slayer Edward attempts to stab the sucker in the chest.
** Ripper Giantus yells out, "GRAAAGH"
** Ripper Giantus leaps over the rail at Daniel
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 64
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 64
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: ROLL!
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 64
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 64
Player |HGN-STSV| Zyor? (Night) left the game (Disconnect by user).
Daniel South rolls the dice, getting 6
Daniel South rolls the dice, getting 6
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: D:
** Man-Eater sees an oppurtunity and quickly tries to gut him.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 59
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 59
** Ripper Giantus lands on Daniel, and pins him
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 67
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 67
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 14
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 14
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: Lost both?
** Daniel South tries to reach for his blade.
Daniel South rolls the dice, getting 69
Daniel South rolls the dice, getting 69
** Sucker-Slayer Edward backsteps, attempting a slash to the leg.
** Ripper Giantus claws at Esther as she gets nearby, and bites Daniel tryi-
ng to get him to drop his blade
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: I'll roll for her, then f-
or you.
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 13
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 13
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: I lose that roll.
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 88
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 88
** Man-Eater tries to put his hands into a ball and hit the Slayer's face.
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: I won that one.
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 21
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 21
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 82
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 82
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: So she steps in, but your
knife falls.
** Daniel South misses, and the blade stays in the sheath
** Sucker-Slayer Edward gets punched in the face, flying back and landing o-
n his back.
** Man-Eater then runs to slash his throat as quickly as possible.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 44
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 44
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 91
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 91
** Ripper Giantus looks snarling at Esther, and slashes in her direction, s-
till pinning down Daniel with the other.
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 23
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 23
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: Fuck
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 42
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 42
[OOC] |HGN-STSA| Layton: Edward what size is your neck, I need to make sure t-
he noose is the right size.
** Sucker-Slayer Edward intercepts the sucker's hands with his machete, def-
lecting them upwards and attempting to gut him.
** Alex Nastzkopf goes to jump the small gap, jumping over to knock the mut-
ant over.
** Ripper Giantus gets kicked in the chest by Esther, and then is kneed by
Alex Nastzkopf: .roll
Alex Nastzkopf rolls the dice, getting 35
Alex Nastzkopf rolls the dice, getting 35
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 24
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 24
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 17
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 17
** Man-Eater attempts a side ways hit the the brain.
** Ripper Giantus falls over, and brings Alex down with him
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 20
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 20
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: Attempts to*
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 79
Ripper Giantus rolls the dice, getting 79
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: Roll, alex
Alex Nastzkopf rolls the dice, getting 78
Alex Nastzkopf rolls the dice, getting 78
Ripper Giantus | |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc [LOOC]: Trying to drag you down
** Ripper Giantus drags down Alex as he falls, clutching at him
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 43
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 43
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: For what?
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: You already rolled.
** Ripper Giantus tries to get up, and cloaks
Sucker-Slayer Edward | McCutcheon[IcE] [LOOC]: I rolled to hit you and miss-
ed. Now I'm rolling to dodge your attack.
** Alex Nastzkopf gets up suddenly, looking around for the mutant.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 25
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 25
** Man-Eater misses, but does not gte hit.
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: get*
** Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls, getting up and attempting a slash to the low-
er torso.
** Man-Eater catches himself, than tries to slash at the eyes.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 12
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 12
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 18
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 18
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 81
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 81
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 7
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 7
** Man-Eater gets stabbed in the lower torso, jumping back, but cutting Sla-
yer's eyes.
** Sucker-Slayer Edward slashes the torso, but gets slashed in one of the e-
** Sucker-Slayer Edward holds his eye, stumbling backwards a bit.
** Man-Eater ignores the slash, and goes in for a blind finisher at the nec-
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 14
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 14
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 2
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 2
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: Those never work....and
** Sucker-Slayer Edward gets cut at the neck, falling to the ground.
** Man-Eater looks down at his fallen opponent.
** Sucker-Slayer Edward holds out his machete, as if offering it to the blo-
** Man-Eater scratches his other eye, giving him an identical cut to the on-
e Man-Eater has.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 26
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 26
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 14
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 14
** Sucker-Slayer Edward gets hit in the other eye, but takes it.
Sucker-Slayer Edward: Y-you... are an equal... opponent...
** Man-Eater says ina Blood Sucker, "<I have been redeemed.>
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: "*
** Man-Eater backs away, looking at the human as an equal now.
** Sucker-Slayer Edward attempts a final stab to the Bloodsuckers heart.
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 89
Man-Eater rolls the dice, getting 89
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 43
Sucker-Slayer Edward rolls the dice, getting 43
** Man-Eater backs away as the hman misses.
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: human*
** Sucker-Slayer Edward 's machette digs into the ground.
[OOC] McCutcheon[IcE]: Steven moans gurgling "Daniel... use the machette...."
[OOC] |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio: Lol.
[OOC] |HGN-CSV| Locke fixed pc: He's dead? Mission accomplished :D
[OOC] McCutcheon[IcE]: I'm using OOC since /me probably won't reach him.
[OOC] |HGN| MangoMan: i am, the heat is awsome :D
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: Since you aren't dead,
and I'm not killing you, we have identical cuts now.
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: I'm setting up more RP.
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: Put scarred eye in your
** Sucker-Slayer Edward feels for his bag, grabbing a bandage and putting i-
t to his neck.
Man-Eater | |HGN|Ian 'Zombiehunta' Salvagio [LOOC]: =D
Sucker-Slayer Edward: y
** Man-Eater lets the human heal himself, wanting to se him live, and live
with dishonor.
Sucker-Slayer Edward: You... are a smart one...
** Man-Eater seems to partially react, then back away, and nearly motioning,

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile

Duranblackraven God dice can give some epic RPs XD


I hate the /roll for Roleplaying.. It's just, I don't know useless. I prefer RP.


Quote from: Aresty on 06-02-2010
I hate the /roll for Roleplaying.. It's just, I don't know useless. I prefer RP.

Most of the roleplayers agree with you.


Hawke (The main character of Dragon Age 2) named after me :D



Innokenti Katya





Lol, it was two days. And it's still on top, you're bumping it too.


"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile