SRP Skills and Crafting

Started by Silver Knight, 02-12-2010

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Quote from: Legit|Brandon on 05-12-2010
Grenade Launcher, I can see it now all the noob tubing  :P

Well some guns have the grenade launcher already. And we already have the VOGs.

And grenades cost money, which I don't know since I never used any.

So if you spam with the nade launcher, then prepare yourself to lose money.


Quote from: Pawx on 05-12-2010

Hunger Mod is a idea I, and alot others, have suggested in the Past. I think it's a preety good idea, since the Lack of Hunger RP in the Zone is Slim to None. This will most likely force Players to Eat for once, maybe a Automatic /me that shows when you eat or drink something. There's always downsides to this, but well worth the Roleplay.
I have not seen that many people Eat in the zone, On Stalker Every where you go basicly Someone is eatting or drinking. On this you hardly Ever See people eat and sometimes see people Drink. Unless your in Mili and then Predu Makes you Eat..... :/. Anyway, I think it would be a good idear because then traders might sell food for once because on Stalker CoP i allways carry like 5 Cans of food, and my Fully upgraded EXO/ F2000 / VSS/ Mossberg/ Military Spc Helments/ 7 Artifacts/ 15 medkits and soo on..


Supposedly, food items cost more then ammo. Or at least I heard that it was.

Other then that, most hate hunger mod cause it would somehow interrupt Roleplay. Even though it makes sense to a point, since most stalkers kept a can or two of rations on them when not at a safe house.

Other than that, there are ways to make hunger mod not so intrusive on players.


The truth is no one eats on SRP. Ever. Unless its for HP

I think it should hinder ALL stats if you don't eat


Khorn, If Players are Angry cause they can't simply take two seconds out of their STK Fights to sit down and Passive RP, Then that's just sad...


If food wasn't super expensive a hunger mod would be less painful but as of now bread and tourist delights cost more than is earned by the 90 ruble paycheck so that hurts.


Quote from: Pawx on 06-12-2010
Khorn, If Players are Angry cause they can't simply take two seconds out of their STK Fights to sit down and Passive RP, Then that's just sad...

Most arguments I have heard are about how it interrupts roleplay. No one likes to carry food on them ever, I guess...


Hmm, I still Think some sort of hunger Mod, Or we all still live are lifes Without EAtting.. Oh God this is going to be like GTA, you never eat and the only time you do is for Heath, Life bar, Hit points, whatever you want to call it


Hunger mod doesn't add any RP though. Just like having a medkit doesn't mean you suddenly RP healing more (in fact people RP healing less since they just go "Use medkit" and end up at full health instead of having to wait for their health to regenerate over time), having a hunger bar wouldn't add RP. People would just buy food and use it when they were hungry to not die/suffer stat loss and no one would RP differently than they already do. So why bother coding something like that that is not going to do anything for RP at all?


Quote from: Paintcheck on 07-12-2010
Hunger mod doesn't add any RP though. Just like having a medkit doesn't mean you suddenly RP healing more (in fact people RP healing less since they just go "Use medkit" and end up at full health instead of having to wait for their health to regenerate over time), having a hunger bar wouldn't add RP. People would just buy food and use it when they were hungry to not die/suffer stat loss and no one would RP differently than they already do. So why bother coding something like that that is not going to do anything for RP at all?

Indeed, but it would be nice to make a Little bit of Money from Selling food I have not even Sold One bit of Food!


Because it's useless and too expensive. It is selfish of you to want something that hinders players and doesn't add anything to RP just so your trader can make money. Attitudes of "me first, fuck everyone else" in SRP are why that server sucks fat cock compared to what it was even 8 months ago.


You should know by now that humans are greedy and lazy by nature.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


If we were actually in the zine and we needed food that was somewhat scarce, I'm sure a trader would hike the prices to make a ruble or two.

Can't we just get the price to lower to around something more reasonable?

And instead of making stats affected, what about a sort of hunger icon that shows up when your character hasn't eaten in awhile? The icon is a small thing in the corner and hunger doesn't effect any stats?

Also another idea is that when you get hungry, a sort of /me pops up saying "Khorn's stomach grumbles" every like 5 real time minutes. It wont do anything other than indicate you are hungry. Of course the food you eat would last maybe 4 hours real time. So as to not make it annoying.

If the whole cooking over a fire is implemented, than coming by food won't be too hard, just hunt some birds or dogs. Maybe even boars and pigs one day.
You can even make a cannibal character.

I'm trying to say, is that a hunger mod doesn't need to be intrusive at all. It doesn't need to have any skill affects either.
I only post in this thread with ideas to what exile asked. He may introduce a craft system, and I'm trying to contribute with ideas.


And if it's not intrusive people will just ignore it. There is no way hunger mod would increase RP at all. You don't need a script to RP eating and think about it: people RP to avoid real life. Why would they waste their time doing something they do in real life when they could be out STALKing?


There should be a variety of skills for example:


  • Create medkits from supplies that heal more than the supplies alone
  • Get a bonus when healing wounds
  • Heal other people easier


  • Create chemicals like boost, anti-rad pills, and maybe some unique stat boosters.
  • Mix drinks or food together to get added bonuses from them.
  • Create special ammo types(incendiary, tracers, etc.)


  • Weapons degrade slower and do not break as easily.
  • You can repair broken weapons easier.
  • You can repair other player's weapons for a fee

  • Cook some meat from a mutant over a fire, or even some rice on a stove.
  • Create better grade food that gives better food bonuses.
  • Actually be a useful faction chef


  • Create and disassemble ammo from materials to use in your weapons
  • The higher your level the better quality ammo you create, and the more damage it does.
  • You can take apart ammo from a shotgun and use the powder with some shells and primers for a sniper and voila! sniper ammunition. How effective it will be depends on your level.

Based on what they make, people can level up their skills from experience and use of it.

Let's say each skill goes up to a number, I.E 100, and you can only allocate a certain amount of points in total to all your skills. When you make a new character you can apply 20 points to all of the skills for normal players. Perhaps donators could get a point bonus, or veteran members can apply via forums with a reason why to receive additional points to allocate. Then an admin would give the player the points based on their character's backstory. In total it would make sense to have a cap on how many points a person could have in total. For example:

I make a new character who I decide was a Mechanic who learned to cook for himself at a young age. Then I would move 10 points into repair and 10 into cooking when I create the character. If I was a donator ,then I would get an extra 20 points up to an extra 60 points for each level of donation (Master, Exp, ETC) I would put more into the skills that make sense for my character. Let's say after a long time on the server I finally get my repair skill up to 100, and my cooking skill is sitting nicely at 50. At this point, the point cap would come into effect. To make it fair, a normal player only gets 200 total points to put into any skills they want. A donator could get 50+ increments again based on their donator status. Once I reach this cap, I cannot expand my knowledge of my skills any more unless I donate to raise my skill cap. This way, not everyone would be able to max out every skill, and there would have to be a variety in skills based on what is needed for each person's group.
People would also be able to sell their skills since it would be more or less unique to each player because of the cap.

This is how I would do it anyways.


For Freedom


Why does everyone feel the need to turn SRP into World of Chernobylcraft? For fuck's sake people RP. Making the server into a grindfest isn't going to make things fun. Go play WoW if you lack the imagination to do you own things.

Although the idea of eating buffing you is better than the previous hunger ideas. That way you aren't penalized for not eating and are rewarded for eating.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 07-12-2010
Why does everyone feel the need to turn SRP into World of Chernobylcraft? For fuck's sake people RP. Making the server into a grindfest isn't going to make things fun. Go play WoW if you lack the imagination to do you own things.

Although the idea of eating buffing you is better than the previous hunger ideas. That way you aren't penalized for not eating and are rewarded for eating.

Wow. This is so true. "WORLD OF STALKERCRAFT".. "Sec gotta level cooking skills so I can use my new axe"

This is a fucking RP sever. Not a "Gotta have skills oocly or else i will poop.



I'm going to say it again, If you don't like the Skills, DON'T USE THEM, SIMPLE AS THAT.

The reasons for the Skills is to advance Roleplay in Groups or Alone. For Example, Because of the technican Skill (And how my Character has a past of being a Technican), I Roleplay according to my Level of my Skill

1%-10% - Not so skilled, Learning

11%-40% Getting there...

41%-60% Pretty well skilled in this Skill, can still use some work

61%-100% Very Skilled, Well at this Skill

If you don't want to use the skills, or (As Paintcheck sees it), As a Waste of time and not any kind of Roleplay, Don't use the skills, let the others have a chance to use the Skills to their Roleplaying advantage...

Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 07-12-2010
There should be a variety of skills for example:


  • Create medkits from supplies that heal more than the supplies alone
  • Get a bonus when healing wounds
  • Heal other people easier


  • Create chemicals like boost, anti-rad pills, and maybe some unique stat boosters.
  • Mix drinks or food together to get added bonuses from them.
  • Create special ammo types(incendiary, tracers, etc.)

I like these two Locke, But instead, when you make it, turning out to be perfect, Make it where the Condition of the Kit affect what kind of Chem/Drug/Med it is. (Example: Terrible Medkit, Normal Medkit, Perfected Medkit.)


"Don't use them" doesn't work when you suddenly have skills governing your ability to shoot and otherwise compete against other players. Forcing people to "level" up is absolutely retarded.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 07-12-2010
"Don't use them" doesn't work when you suddenly have skills governing your ability to shoot and otherwise compete against other players. Forcing people to "level" up is absolutely retarded.

If there was a Skill that governs your Ability to Shoot, I will literally Laugh my Ass off of disappointment.


Quote from: Pawx on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Paintcheck on 07-12-2010
"Don't use them" doesn't work when you suddenly have skills governing your ability to shoot and otherwise compete against other players. Forcing people to "level" up is absolutely retarded.

If there was a Skill that governs your Ability to Shoot, I will literally Laugh my Ass off of disappointment.
I would quit Srp. Forever

on the other hand
"Don't use them"

Ok. I'll just let the cool gais "Heal other people easier"

and "Create special ammo types(incendiary, tracers, etc.)"

While I sit back here and roleplay. Like your supposed too. I really think adding these skills and crafting is retarded. Gay. usless waste of time that can be spent making FRP work.. Seriously. Do us all a favor and end this retarded idea. We don't need "to craft" or "To level our skills"
We need to go onto the sever. And roleplay. Hence the name, Stalker roleplay. Not stalker roleskillgame


Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010

Don't use them

Now your getting it!  ;)

Some of us want Cool Things, That's great that you want to RP, But can't we have Skills too? And to think, Skills can be used to RP your Characters Adaption in the Zone. (Cooking Boar to eat and survive, Repairing Old weapons that are in terrible Condition.)


Quote from: Pawx on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010

Don't use them

Now your getting it!  ;)

Some of us want Cool Things, That's great that you want to RP, But can't we have Skills too? And to think, Skills can be used to RP your Characters Adaption in the Zone. (Cooking Boar to eat and survive, Repairing Old weapons  that are in terrible Condition.)

The point of this sever is to roleplay learning these things. we don't need another way for players to go, "Late NIGHT GRINDING!"

and next thing we know, We got some level 99 techy who's new to srp.

Skills/roleplay <Oxymoron.
I could roleplay on normal gmod sandbox script. I don't even know why we need this massive script with all these little features.. again, This is pulling exile away from our FRP.


Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010

Don't use them

Now your getting it!  ;)

Some of us want Cool Things, That's great that you want to RP, But can't we have Skills too? And to think, Skills can be used to RP your Characters Adaption in the Zone. (Cooking Boar to eat and survive, Repairing Old weapons  that are in terrible Condition.)

The point of this sever is to roleplay learning these things. we don't need another way for players to go, "Late NIGHT GRINDING!"

and next thing we know, We got some level 99 techy who's new to srp.

Skills/roleplay <Oxymoron.
I could roleplay on normal gmod sandbox script. I don't even know why we need this massive script with all these little features.. again, This is pulling exile away from our FRP.

Actually, FRP is pretty much finished and is being realsed before Christmas Day, The skills isn't go to harm your Precious FRP Turkey.

Your also not getting the point of, If you hate/Don't Like the Skill Feature, DON'T.USE.IT.  Exile doesn't care if you hate the Skills, he'll still contuine to make them, cause other Gratful Members like RP and Skills equally. They know how to Combine Roleplay and Skills together, To form a Serious Roleplay Bond.

I'll even make a fucking Video of how Skills are used in Roleplay, if your that stuborn about Skills being in Stalker RP...