SRP Skills and Crafting

Started by Silver Knight, 02-12-2010

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Silver Knight

This is a page dedicated to the Skills and Crafting which is being implemented into Stalker Roleplay.

Culinary Skill

Not really something thats needed too much in Stalker however creatures you hunt and kill can have their meat cooked at a fire place which is used to heal a good amount of health on a players character and removes the negatives from eating raw meat.

Currently the main way you cook a item is walk up to a fireplace and in your inventory select "Cook". Items will have a chance of cooking or burning, this will be reflected on your Culinary Skills for the success of what you are cooking

Common Items
Raw Meat
Firestarter Kit

Example Recipies
Raw Meat -> -Fire->  Cooked Meat
Bird Meat -> -Fire->  Cooked Meat

Technican Skill

Technican Skill covers all technical develop and repair on weapons\gadgets\equipment i.e. suits.

All things you develop use one of 3 toolsets and require a schematic. Unique (spesific) schematics have the function on the item, tier based schematics are casual items and the function is on the items you interact with (like a broken makarov)

Common Items

Toolbox Class A-5E
Toolbox Class B-5E
Toolbox Class C-5E

Current Recipies
Development Recipies
Mail Suit
Hidden Suit

Repair Recipies:
Broken Makarov

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Great. Srp is now runescape


sweet now I can fix my makarovs bro

Steven :D

"Techno Union" Technician power!


Quote from: Turkey on 02-12-2010
Great. Srp is now runescape

LOL, your lack of Knowledge of Runescape is funny...


Quote from: Pawx on 02-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 02-12-2010
Great. Srp is now runescape

LOL, your lack of Knowledge of Runescape is funny...

LOL, Your abundant Knowledge of Runescape is funny...
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"

Silver Knight

Quote from: Pawx on 02-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 02-12-2010
Great. Srp is now runescape

LOL, your lack of Knowledge of Runescape is funny...

Well actually i spose if some twat (Steven) buys about 10 fires and lights them in a line.. then maybe yeah... Runescape.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Looks really cool, look forward to playing with this over the christmas holidays.

What other skills are planned or do you need ideas?


This is more like fallout if you ask me. But with less bugs....

Or more?

Just don't make exo and the likes into recipes.


Quote from: Goose on 02-12-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 02-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 02-12-2010
Great. Srp is now runescape

LOL, your lack of Knowledge of Runescape is funny...

LOL, Your abundant Knowledge of Runescape is funny...

LOL, It's funny because you turned into a Douche

Anyways, Nice Exile, I like the Technican Skill the most, looking forward to seeing alot of stuff coming out of this skill...

Steven :D

Silver Knight

Quote from: Bielecki on 02-12-2010
Looks really cool, look forward to playing with this over the christmas holidays.

What other skills are planned or do you need ideas?

Science for anomaly and artifact inspection and development ( There will be multiple kinds of artifacts but different grades, meaning some are higher quality than others and by inspecting it you find out it's true form which means it might sell for more)

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


i don't see medic?

Silver Knight

Quote from: whyku on 02-12-2010
i don't see medic?

Medical is too weak to be on there. All there is in the zone is a medkit and bandage.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


What about the medicine and shit? Like drugs and all that that help boost speed and resistance?

Seems pretty medical to me.


Its neat, but meh. . . I don't see why we need a medical stat.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


With a medical skill you can make:

* Anti-rad (Removes Radiation)
* Antidote (Removes Poisons)
* Psy-block (Protects from Psychological Damage, AKA Controllers?*HintHint**NudgeNudge*)
* Radioprotectant (Boosts Radiation Resistances)
* Medkit (Heals Wounds)
* Army Medkit (Heals Wounds Bleeding Faster and Better)
* Scientific Medkit (Heals Wounds and other Ailments)
* Bandage (Stops Bleeding)
* Hercules (Carry More Items)
* Antibiotics (Cures Infections)

Could create a doctor Business just like in the actual game. People can actually play a doctor now. And we can add diseases and such for those that decide to sleep in sewers and outside during storms.

It has possibilities. It would be a potential way for a player, which prefers passive RP, to make money. They train in medical field, and can help out any faction that may need it.

You guys shoot it down so damn quickly. It has a great potential to it.


I don't think you can learn biochemistry and all general medical skills in The Zone.


Not to mention it takes half a decade to become somewhat good doctor.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway



Quote from: Jake on 03-12-2010
I don't think you can learn biochemistry and all general medical skills in The Zone.


Not to mention it takes half a decade to become somewhat good doctor.

You don't need to learn how to be a doctor/medic in the zone. You could have already been one or had past experiences before coming to the zone.


NeQ is right.
Also how hard is it to build up skills? Will people be able to get to the top of every skillset?


I think it should be a more of, start with certain skills before entering the zone.

And being able to build up on them. While other skills have a cap. You should definitely not be able to max all skills.


Quote from: Khorn on 03-12-2010
While other skills have a cap.

Then I want Skill Capes...


Quote from: Pawx on 03-12-2010
Quote from: Khorn on 03-12-2010
While other skills have a cap.

Then I want Skill Capes...

LOL'd. Love you pawx


Quote from: Pawx on 03-12-2010
Quote from: Khorn on 03-12-2010
While other skills have a cap.

Then I want Skill Capes...

Yes, cause that is what I was talking about this whole time.