SRP Skills and Crafting

Started by Silver Knight, 02-12-2010

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Why do we need skills? I don't even. . . I don't require a skill to tell me to RP. . . I mean really. . .
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Some people don't have the same taste as yours in what makes things fun.


I still do not understand why we need to make it more or less a runescape like RPG with medical stats.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Silver Knight

Quote from: Tom on 03-12-2010
I still do not understand why we need to make it more or less a runescape like RPG with medical stats.

We arn't.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


The thing is is that every time something is added to the script to help someone roleplay, it is given a more linear  gameplay instead of being free to decide "Man, will I successfully save this guy or not?" You, the RPer, should know how to be a doctor, not the script.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Cutch on 03-12-2010
The thing is is that every time something is added to the script to help someone roleplay, it is given a more linear  gameplay instead of being free to decide "Man, will I successfully save this guy or not?" You, the RPer, should know how to be a doctor, not the script.



But it also makes it seem like every player has the same level knowledge.

And some of these skills could help people make characters with specific jobs. Then we could make more PBGs with players with those skills. It can add another way for players to make money.

But who are we kidding, no one spends money in SRP. Have to save up for dem exos.


Quote from: Tom on 03-12-2010
Its neat, but meh. . . I don't see why we need a medical stat.

Yeah tom I actually can see how it can be usefull. We can make it that your health doesn't regenerate over time. However if you have a medicine buy menu you can heal someone up for cheaper than if than if that person bought a 2medkits to heal himself.



Yes but a medical stat doesn't add any RP. It would simply lead to "/me uses med kit on you" "/me is healed". Also theres no way to check those sort of stats. So Mr "I have 0 Med stat" could still act as a surgeon, also making this stat would eleiminate anyone who in there backstory knew first aid, cause if it was possible to check stats someone could say "I know first aid" then some idiot in Looc would say "NU NU NU NU YOU ONLY HAZ 1 MED  STAT!"

To me most/all stats are really silly and don't add anything to the game, especially since every char has close to 0 stats so it dosn't modify anything, and only lead to asshats bunny hopping constantly to get attributes. In short it dosn't add to RP at all, and it dosn't fix anything, its a panel I never look at, nor worry about. I RP how I want regardless of how "Uber 1337" my stats are.

However, I really wish we could get things such as Glitchy weapons, ammo, Broken hand held radio's, BROKEN ACCURACY ON PISTOLS, and broken suits such as the exo which is unwearable without trader flags or a back pack, and if you do happen to wear a back pack with an Exo you cannot carry anything eles so I hope THOSE get fixed or other fucked up things fixed, rather than the adding of stats and what not.

Though I like the concept of the Technician stat, if you add some sort of system that if you die, your equipped weapon has a like 1 out of 5 chance of fucking up horribly when you die.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 04-12-2010
Yes but a medical stat doesn't add any RP. It would simply lead to "/me uses med kit on you" "/me is healed". Only from those that don't give a shit. Passive RPers would try a bit more.

Also there's no way to check those sort of stats. So Mr "I have 0 Med stat" could still act as a surgeon, also making this stat would eliminate anyone who in there back story knew first aid, cause if it was possible to check stats someone could say "I know first aid" then some idiot in Looc would say "NU NU NU NU YOU ONLY HAZ 1 MED  STAT!" Those with a medical back story would focus on improving it through making use of it. Also, you can always add starter points, so new characters can start off with medical skill.

To me most/all stats are really silly and don't add anything to the game, especially since every char has close to 0 stats so it doesn't modify anything, and only lead to asshats bunny hopping constantly to get attributes. What happens to bunny hoppers? You ban them. They continue? Ban even more. I don't see how one would 'bunny hops' any stat other then strength and endurance.

In short it doesn't add to RP at all, and it doesn't fix anything, its a panel I never look at, nor worry about. I RP how I want regardless of how "Uber 1337" my stats are. It does add RP. It isn't meant to fix. If you don't care for it, then don't bother with it. It won't become essential to Passive RP. It will just add to Passive RPing.

QuoteHowever, I really wish we could get things such as Glitchy weapons, ammo, Broken hand held radio's, BROKEN ACCURACY ON PISTOLS, and broken suits such as the exo which is unwearable without trader flags or a back pack, and if you do happen to wear a back pack with an Exo you cannot carry anything eles so I hope THOSE get fixed or other fucked up things fixed, rather than the adding of stats and what not.

If you want fixes, you could always try and join the SRP team and learn to script.


Sorry Silver wouldn't let me even if I offered to, as seen in various people asking, besides we've had people offer to help and where promptly turned down cause he thinks someone is gonna steal our stolen version of Nexus. And even if I gave him fixes, as shown by Paintchecks weapons and accuracy fixes that he gave LE, LE simply "Lost" them or failed to add them in.

So "Joining the Dev Team" is out of the question, enless you are a mapper, or modeler, or a skinner; as far as a scripter goes, He does not accept help.

But for some reason I can't help but think that the whole "This is an MMORPG" attitude that Newer players get, is probally due to stats and such like that, so instead of focusing on RP they focus on things such as Stats and Items and not RP. Not to mention we have people like Turkey and Pawx who troll anyone who is new (Whyku is the example) rather than teaching him how to do shit.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Stats help with character development.
Some people like to have more solid gameplay rather then it all being based in your own head.


Quote from: Tom on 04-12-2010
Yes but a medical stat doesn't add any RP. It would simply lead to "/me uses med kit on you" "/me is healed". Also theres no way to check those sort of stats. So Mr "I have 0 Med stat" could still act as a surgeon, also making this stat would eleiminate anyone who in there backstory knew first aid, cause if it was possible to check stats someone could say "I know first aid" then some idiot in Looc would say "NU NU NU NU YOU ONLY HAZ 1 MED  STAT!"

To me most/all stats are really silly and don't add anything to the game, especially since every char has close to 0 stats so it dosn't modify anything, and only lead to asshats bunny hopping constantly to get attributes. In short it dosn't add to RP at all, and it dosn't fix anything, its a panel I never look at, nor worry about. I RP how I want regardless of how "Uber 1337" my stats are.

However, I really wish we could get things such as Glitchy weapons, ammo, Broken hand held radio's, BROKEN ACCURACY ON PISTOLS, and broken suits such as the exo which is unwearable without trader flags or a back pack, and if you do happen to wear a back pack with an Exo you cannot carry anything eles so I hope THOSE get fixed or other fucked up things fixed, rather than the adding of stats and what not.

Though I like the concept of the Technician stat, if you add some sort of system that if you die, your equipped weapon has a like 1 out of 5 chance of fucking up horribly when you die.

This. I realize most of you on the server have no imagination or intelligence but like Tom and Cutch and Turkey said, all this does is make RP more linear and more boring than it already is. Numbers are helpful for some things but ever since the new script Stalker went from "STALKER RP" to "STALKER RPG" which is not a good thing.

Plus stats make it obnoxious if you create a new character and don't want to RP like a rookie who doesn't know anything at all. Granted most people SHOULD start out like that but for some of us who have been on the server for ages doing that seems kind of stupid when you're been on the server longer than everyone in the "experienced" tab combined.


No I just wanted it so I can make bandages and medkits because unlike alot oh people when I heal the people I give them the medkit.......Maybe just add doctor flags with a bigger paycheck so people have the money to buy the medkits and what not...


Quote from: whyku on 04-12-2010
No I just wanted it so I can make bandages and medkits because unlike alot oh people when I heal the people I give them the medkit.......Maybe just add doctor flags with a bigger paycheck so people have the money to buy the medkits and what not...

Go play dark rp. Jesus christ. This is SRP not daarkrp


Quote from: Bielecki on 04-12-2010
Stats help with character development.
Some people like to have more solid gameplay rather then it all being based in your own head.


For Example, If I had a High Technican Level, I would RP that my Character was pretty damn good at fixing and repairing Weapons, Armor, etc.

I think Skills help in a way to RP your character in a more Skillful way. If you don't like the skills, don't use them, simple as that...

Quote from: Tom on 04-12-2010
Not to mention we have people like Turkey and Pawx who troll anyone who is new (Whyku is the example) rather than teaching him how to do shit.

Please don't blame me for things unless you know it's true. I don't Troll new players AT ALL, I don't even troll Whuynk, I'm just being blamed for it for some reason (Rebel SF'd me and said that I was with a few selected people, when I didn't even know them...) Back then, I used to help ALOT of new players out, I even let some into my Faction, See what happened when I did that? They destroyed my Factions reputation and I had to delete it. I learned not to trust them, knowing Some can't learn (Like Whuynk). I'm wrong about that, but, I just can't teach new players anymore, they just backstab me in the end...

Now Tom, if you have anything else to say bad about me, say it to me in SF, not behind my back, Thank you.

Sorry for the Off Topic, but it needed to be said...


Exile, i have said this be for. Good work, Maybe a few other Idears
1. Weapon jamming.
2. Maybe some Items such As lead pipe,Planks of wood, Rocks which  you can pick up and Use
3. Weapons Mods such as
> With the sprey can you could Sprey on  walls or sprey Your Weapons.
> Scopes stuff like that.
4. Maybe some sort oF Hunger Mod!


Quote from: GoKiller on 05-12-2010
Exile, i have said this be for. Good work, Maybe a few other Idears
1. Weapon jamming.
2. Maybe some Items such As lead pipe,Planks of wood, Rocks which  you can pick up and Use
3. Weapons Mods such as
> With the sprey can you could Sprey on  walls or sprey Your Weapons.
> Scopes stuff like that.
4. Maybe some sort oF Hunger Mod!

Gun Jamming is irratating cause most/all codes are unrealistic when it comes to jamming. The melee weapons would hardly get used. With the "Mods of guns" you would have to make 3012873981724 Models for every gun as far as the spray, and as far as scopes/GL launchers/Silencers it wouldn't be a terrible idea, but then again it would still require a modeler/rigger/skinner.

And we've beaten the hunger mod to death like a dead horse. . . It would be more irratating and you DO NOT need things in the script in order to RP. Want to RP being hungry? Do it and eat.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Weapon mods is possible, though it will take alot of work.
I've seen some STALKER gun models on that have been moded out, like the LR or AN, Just need rigging and scripting that isn't easy.


Quote from: GoKiller on 05-12-2010
Exile, i have said this be for. Good work, Maybe a few other Idears
1. Weapon jamming.
2. Maybe some Items such As lead pipe,Planks of wood, Rocks which  you can pick up and Use
3. Weapons Mods such as
> With the sprey can you could Sprey on  walls or sprey Your Weapons.
> Scopes stuff like that.
4. Maybe some sort oF Hunger Mod!

Hunger mod is a horrendously bad idea for reasons a lot of people including myself have said in other threads.

Weapon jamming would be cool but at the same time the guns are so fucking inaccurate as they are they really don't need to be made worse.

Lead pipes or rocks could be cool actually, like if a sucker grabs you and you just pick one up and smack him with it then run away. Having that as a swep though when you can just RP that is kind of unnecessary.

Weapon mods: No. STALKER isn't about being tacticool and slapping on operator operations gear to your gun. Spray paint would be cool but then we'd need a whole shit load of new textures for the guns to reflect the paint jobs. Mods like scopes and silencers would also require a shit load of new gun models which aren't available/we don't have. And what's the point? It ruins the feel of the server if every one is kitted out like a goddammned delta force soldier. This isn't Modern Failure 2, Call of Failure: Failure Ops, or any other piece of shit activision fps. This is the Zone. Guns are supposed to be crappy and improvised, not high tech and "operator".


Quote from: GoKiller on 05-12-2010
1. Weapon jamming.
2. Maybe some Items such As lead pipe,Planks of wood, Rocks which  you can pick up and Use
3. Weapons Mods such as
> With the sprey can you could Sprey on  walls or sprey Your Weapons.
> Scopes stuff like that.
4. Maybe some sort oF Hunger Mod!

Weapon Jamming will give a more feel to Combat in the Zone, having weapons that are in terrible condtion. A Condition Scale for weapons woul also be a great Idea, Where Tech's can fix and repair weapons, for a price of course...

I have no Comment on Number 2, Just that I don't like the idea.

Weapon Mods is another good idea (Also seen in CS and SOC). There could be (Visible or Nonvisible) mods on weapons that Tech's could put on, such as, More Accuracy, Straighter Shots, And Less Sound (Silencer). This will be hard to Script of course, but well worth it.

Hunger Mod is a idea I, and alot others, have suggested in the Past. I think it's a preety good idea, since the Lack of Hunger RP in the Zone is Slim to None. This will most likely force Players to Eat for once, maybe a Automatic /me that shows when you eat or drink something. There's always downsides to this, but well worth the Roleplay.


I think you're over reacting a bit Paint, a scope on a gun or a grenade launcher doesn't immediately mean 'Taticool'. It's all about making the player feel like they have developed their character. Oh and the models are available.

(But you're right, this will require alot of rigging so we should forget about this for now.)

I like the idea of paint jobs; same can be done for clothing. (But obviously not with paint).
We could create variants of the rookie jackets, some that can be made or others that can be bought.
It won't be very difficult to skin different variants, I'd be happy to do it myself when I have the time.


The additional gun components can just be limited to grenade launcher, scope, and silencers.

We don't need more then that. And it be in line with the game series.


Grenade Launcher, I can see it now all the noob tubing  :P
For Freedom


Quote from: Bielecki on 05-12-2010
I think you're over reacting a bit Paint, a scope on a gun or a grenade launcher doesn't immediately mean 'Taticool'. It's all about making the player feel like they have developed their character. Oh and the models are available.

(But you're right, this will require alot of rigging so we should forget about this for now.)
You could look around on FPSBanana, still a lot of talent over there.