Re: Tooltrust Application Format (Updated 3/1/2010)

Started by General Cole, 01-03-2010

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Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Rook/DTRZ
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Almost a Year
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:11821690
Proof of Support:



Why do you want tool trust?: So that I may build things in-game to enhance Role Play
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Pending for Military
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

You were already accepted before I redid this. You didn't need to post again


Steam Friends Name: KIMOWOLA
Length of Time Spent at HGN:A Week
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:22050784
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?: To build Gates,Walls, and make the RP experience better for everyone around me!
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: DUTY
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes!


Steam Friends Name: Romka
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 2 years
STEAM ID: 0:1:9795515
Proof of Support:

Why do you want tool trust?:To make RP better and build things to make people more rp.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: No, I am not in a faction.
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes.

You're already on the roster you don't need to reapply. Talk to an admin in game to get your TT.


Steam Friends Name: Kezz|Cl4p-tp
Length of Time Spent at HGN: About 5 months.
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:16302425
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?: To fill the ecologist bunker mostly.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Ecologists and Freedom
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes

EDIT: The proof may need to be fixed again.

Yes it does as it seems to be missing. PM me when you get it uploaded again.


Steam Friends Name:Ralazor
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Around 1 week and a few days. (Joined later on the forums)
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:25182396
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?:I joined Freedom recently and it would really improve the RP, building constructs etc.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?:Freedom (Rookie tho)
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:Yes, I agree.



Steam Friends Name: |HGN| FreezeKidz
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 39 days.
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:6231390
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?:I want Tooltrust so I will be able build to enhance the Roleplaying experience or even create jobs for newer players.
Are you in faction? If so, what faction?: I'm in Monolith.
By applying for ToolTrust here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:Yes, I do agree to the terms of agreement.ACCEPTED. Sorry for taking so long.


Steam Friends Name: Water
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 11-13 days
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:19921990
Proof of Support:

Why do you want tool trust?:I want tooltrust so I can rp better while im Eco by building a lab or making samples in the field.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Ecologist
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Of Course.

ACCEPTED. You screw up and I'll murder you.


Steam Friends Name: Mr. Cuddles
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 4 Weeks, left for a month, just came back.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:16157842
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?: Basically to further my RP, and have a bit more freedom (Not Duty!).
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: In-Character Faction / N/A
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, I accept to the ToA.



Steam Friends Name:|GHOST|HGN| commanthe2
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 10 Months
STEAM ID: 0:1:4168532
Proof of Support:

(Sorry, Don't know how to make the top one bigger.)
Why do you want tool trust?: To be able to help enhance other peoples RP and mine, I also need to be able to post the military base.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Yes, Military.
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, I do.

ACCEPTED, your pics are borderline too small though


Steam Friends Name:Kendrick
Length of Time Spent at HGN:1 year
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:24053735
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?:To help improve rp in duty, i also could use to spawn bar when on my quartermaster charicter
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?:Duty
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:Yes
Get a bigger picture, I can't see anything even zoomed in

I did give my auth to Kendrick, so i'll accept unless Paint disagrees - Welshy

Yeah that's good enough Accepted, thanks Welshy


Steam Friends Name:RR|Delta_Hunter
Length of Time Spent at HGN: A Year
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:15415539
Proof of Support:

Why do you want tool trust?: To Be able to support Factions are just build a place to sleep,
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Pending Duty
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes I Agree.

-Note- Sorry If King's Chat was short the Steam Window Closed by accident due to disconnection :| (You Can Ask Him)

Nope that's good enough. Accepted.


Steam Friends Name:WeeD
Length of Time Spent at HGN:About a week
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:3911412
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?:To be able to build a little hideout for me to stay during the night, and to increase my roleplaying.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?:No, I am not.
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:I agree.

Denied. Reread the app format, you'll figure out why.

Bl★ck Star

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Black Star
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 14 Months
STEAM ID: TEAM_0:1:5273884
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?: So I can build stuff for rp and set up camp and other rp related stuff.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Nope
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes I do

"The hell, you don't have TT?" is right. Accepted.

Steven :D

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Steven :D Space Communist
Length of Time Spent at HGN: A Month
STEAM ID:[/b ]STEAM_0:0:15171330
Proof of Support:

Why do you want tool trust?: I believe it would help me set up more scenarios which a normal gravity gun cannot do, It would also allow me to establish more locations where i am able to do roleplay with larger amounts of people.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: I Have a Militant.
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, i do.

ACCEPTED. Thanks for contributing so much to the server and also for patching up Veronika after Wazer shot me


Steam Friends Name: |HGN|Astarathia
Length of Time Spent at HGN: About two months I guess , not sure tough.
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:20845612
Proof of Support:

Why do you want tool trust?: Because I want to improve roleplay for my faction , since I'm nearly the only medic (Krawen is another ,but he's kinda inactive.) So I basicly need my psychgun etc. (and for opening damn doors , dragging away bodys ,helping to build stuff up ,etc.)
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Freedom
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes , I agree with the terms of agreement and accept them.



Steam Friends Name: ~TxR~IronDeity
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 3 months
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:18616412
Proof of Support: 1)


My apologizes for just using the links. Im not sure how big they would have come out if embedded so I didn't set it up that way.
Why do you want tool trust?: I do a lot of things in /me and /it that many times would be a lot more enjoyable to the people they're directed too if I could actually preform the action using a few props. Ex: I inspect the Military barracks bunks... I find one that isn't made properly, therefore I flip the mattress as a lesson to a recruit. Ex two: I like to RP filling out paperwork as well, gives me something to do when maybe I'm sitting around by myself in my faction, it'd be nice to be able to setup a little desk if no ones around to do it. Also, I could also help spawn my faction base and help with possible reconstructions rather than stand and watch with the urge to do something. There are many implications for TT, but only if used correctly.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Yes. Military.
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I have read and agree to the terms.

Can't believe you don't already have it. Accepted
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Alex4576
Length of Time at HGN: About 2 to 3 month
STEAM ID:  0:0:18349157
Proof of Support:
2) (for some reason i couldnt paste the picture on the reply thing)
Why do you want tool trust?: I am in duty and alot of times the base is never made and that leaves everyone else defenceless. Also I need to build like outposts for rp reasons and usualy no one wants to help make them for me. Last in the duty base there are a few stupid people in the base and die by falling or get killed or get killed by the gate sometimes and their bodies are all over and ususaly it takes a while for someonw to clean them up
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Yes, Duty
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: I read them and i agree.



Steam Friends Name: [HGN-DESERTIA] Ping-Pong
Length of Time Spent at HGN: A month
STEAM ID: 0:0:17227164
Proof of Support:

Why do you want tool trust?: Because I like to build, it seems to help out my role play for some reason.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Freedom
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes, I agree.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Steam Friends Name:Mr Khorn
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 2 months and a half
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:10475251
Proof of Support:

Why do you want tool trust?: I would really like to help build Freedom and help help build small events for people to use and play with. Just overall help with Roleplaying
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Currently one character in Freedom.
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Ofcourse.



Steam Friends Name: TexasHellrazor
Length of Time Spent at HGN: Maybe about a year in HGN as a whole maybe a month in SRP
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:5007690
Proof of Support: welshy said hell vouche for me i did get streloks rec but my printscreen key doesnt work... Half my keyboard is missing.. and useing a shitty USB keyboard..
Why do you want tool trust?: Im great at building on gmod and no how to use every tool and would like to improve DUTYs RP base when no other DUTY is on to build the base for me i would like to bring DUTY back.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Im in DUTY
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?: Yes of course..


Steam Friends Name: Buck (what you see) Marielle35 (what you search).
Length of Time Spent at HGN: about a month and ¾ on the server (A week on the forums).
STEAM ID: 0:0:9062273
Proof of Support:
Why do you want tool trust?: So that I can build thing such as tents or small camps to make rp more interesting and fun.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?:  an Eco
By applying for TT here and now you agree to our terms of agreement?:
Yes of course.
(The Image is small so to view it larger click on the screen to zoom in.

ACCEPTED but holy shit get bigger pics next time please.


Steam Friends Name: [Analni Podróżnicy] Mr Bungle

Length of Time Spent at HGN: 9 months on FRP. (Played like 2 years ago on SRP).

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:22426349


Why do you need tool trust?:
I want to make every RP im in much more realistic. Can't do much without those abilities that Tool Trust gives me.

Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: No
Other Comments: If you find any reason why shouldn't i get TT then just contact me via Steam.

By applying for TT I, the applicant, agree to the terms of agreement.
I do. Mr Bungle

Denied Obviously you didn't read the TT rules.
Rick Fallon - Wastelander
Stephen Bonije - New Haven's Private
Jim Dunn - Wastelander

General Cole

Steam Friends Name: General Cole[/size]Length of Time Spent at HGN: 3-4 weeks active, used to be active two year ago.STEAM ID: [font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]STEAM_0:0:22776775 Proof of Support: [/size][size=78%] Why do you need tool trust?: For decorating the new house I just bought, among being able to enhance rp in other places.Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: The Contractors, Sul Illouv SeldarineOther Comments:By applying for TT i, the applicant, agree to the terms of agreement. Yes, of course.[/size][/size][/font]

Lucky Pig

Steam Friends Name: Lucky Pig
Length of Time Spent at HGN: 6 or 7 months
: STEAM_0:0:8590143

Proof of Support:

Why do you need tool trust?: I want to enhance RP for me and other people and also join the Ecologists for different kind of RP.
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?: Freedom
Other Comments:

By applying for TT i, the applicant, agree to the terms of agreement. Ofcourse I will

Lucky Pig

You need the reccs and thats all. What goes for my forum account however:  Other Comments: I do realise this forum user is only a day old, but I wanted to change my name on the forums so i made a new one...