Re: |Freedom| Applications

Started by Pinball, 18-01-2010

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|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: KetChup (or Plastic KetChup)
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:17222483
Timezone: Europe/Bucharest ( Romania )
UTC/GMT +3 hours
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Three years or more.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: I first joined at the start of summer. 3 Months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I played and beat all of them. Different endings too
|In-Character Information|

Name: Petr Ivashnov ( Peter )
Age: 26
Family Members: ~Unknown~
Backstory: Petr was born in a small isolated village in the vincinity of Chernobyl, his mother died while giving birth to him. Leaving him with his father.
His father was nice normal person until his wife died. That raddicaly change Petr and his father. When Petr started going to school he showed signs of mental
problems, that lead to his expulsion. His father was devastated , so he took him and trained him the ways of the hunter.
Years have passed where Petr developed an extraoridnary bond with the Nature, he also learned how to play guitar.
Petr was still sad about his loss and coudn't occupy his time with something to make him forget.
He eventually became the village's "Star" due to his talent of playing guitar. His life passed fast until he hit 26. They we're a poor family and couldn't afford many things, so his father spent weeks and weeks searching for materials to make him a special gun.
Finnaly at his birthday he was surprised and happy to see his father leaving the past behind him. In the same day a letter came in for his father, it was labeled " We are sorry".
Petr rushed to open the envelope and read what it contained. After he read it he was filled with anger and started an argue about it.
The night transformed into a torment, every villager gathered around the house. After minutes of talking, Petr shot his father with the same gun that was made by him and leaved in a rush.
The villagers stormed the house and found the body of his father lying on the ground near a bloody envelope.
After Petr found about the truth about what really happened to his family. He was obviously banished from the village.
After being banished he did all he could to survive using the remaining bullets and hunting skills he had.
Long nights passed until he bumped into a strange man. After all they became friends and talked about "The Zone" where the man was heading to.
He joined him into his journey and headed into the Zone. Shortly after they found an abandoned shed and rested there. That night occured a rapidly change of events  and the man attacked Petr and tried to kill him, they struggled and fought until Petr killed him.
Lonely.....Betrayed.....Abandoned....Lied... Petr seeked the Zone, hoping to find Freedom.

Skill Set: Skilled with shotguns, Melee weapons. Hunting/Tracking skills.
|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To extend and make the Zone and all it's blessings free to the world.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I wish to join Freedom to help and support it's Ideology and life a "free" life!
Why should Freedom pick you?: Im a very experienced roleplayer and know freedom very well. ( Stalker & RP)
How well do you know Freedomers?: I ran into them a couple of times. Stopped by they're base. Lovely fellows to chat at a drink.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injury RP is when you have to RP being : cut/shot/stabbed/broken body barts/etc etc.
In general you have to RP being wounded by something/someone.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is when you use OOC information for IC purposes.
Define Metaspeak: Metaspeaking it's very similar to Metagaming, for example speaking IC like this: "lol d00d u saw that 2? xD"
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): RDM is defined as when you Random Death Match someone, aka Kill someoen for no reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, i will!
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: None.
PS: In the backstory i didn't mean "Freedom" as a faction.

Your backstory was was pretty incoherent to me. Why you killed your father and how that led to you going to the zone wasn't very well thought out, as well as your reasons for joining Freedom.
I also haven't met you server-side, so I don't have a very good idea of who you are or what you're like.
Sorry, denied.
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Otto
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:4133457
Timezone: EST
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: A year and a half.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 6 months.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:  Just beat SoC a little while ago, playing through Pripyat right now.
|In-Character Information|

Name: Akim "Ack-Ack" Belotserkovsky
Age: 24
Family Members: Brother.

The following is written on a stained piece of paper, in pretty messy hand writing.

I was born outside Smolensk, Russia and raised just another ordinary farm kid.  I've always been kinda known as that cocky kid who couldn't shut his fucking mouth, even if
Batushka smacked my face in with a belt.  I grew accustomed to trekking the wilderness and often stayed out there for days, something I had not known would later very useful.  At 17 I enlisted along with my brother, and in a few months we were headed to Chechnya.  We came back, luckily, in one piece,  and worked a few odd jobs back in the city.  So me and my bro started to get into some crazy shit with a man known as Gramov, he actually liked us a lot and things were going pretty smoothly for us for a while - That is, until I made a little comment about him when someone snitched on me.  So eventually Gramov heard about what I said, and put a big price on my head and sent everyone after us.  We were constantly on the move, never in one place for more than a few days.  A few of his goons finally found us and we exchanged a few bullets and got the hell out of there, and headed to Ukraine.  We were close to Chernobyl.  We were talking to one of the guys at the bar, and apparently there was another explosion at one of those reactors.  Supposedly, there were artifacts that were worth a lot.  We could never be bothered by anyone there, and earn some cash at the same time! We talked it over, but Artyom would not have it.  I won't bore you with the details, but in the end he stayed behind. I packed my shit and headed for the Cordon, where I got one of the guards to let me through after handing him a bottle of Vodka and a pack of American cigarettes.  I did a few jobs for some of the 'stalkers' as we're called here in the Zone, learning to survive in this unforgiving place.  It really isn't quite the fairly tale land I had been told about.. mutant dogs that'll bite your dick off anomalies that turn you into a pile of dust and guys that wouldn't hesitate to put one in your head for a few rubles.  I had my first encounter with a bloodsucker a little while ago, it was holding some guy down and just slit his throat instantly.   I waited a few minutes and it was gone, so I grabbed the guys pack - and the trusty Makarov.  I just kept going deeper and deeper into the Zone,  I ached to see more.  Then I came upon you all, you all seem like good guys and I could use a place to chill.  I believe in what you guys are doing, some fat old coots don't deserve to hide this place away from everyone.

Skill Set: I've survived in the Zone longer than a week, which is a very useful skill so I've been told.
|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: They believe in free access to the Zone and believe that its secrets shouldn't be hidden away from humanity.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: My old Freedom character became Monolith, and after a while I became tired of the same monotonous rp and really missed the relaxed atmosphere of Freedom.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I've a fairly experienced roleplayer and have been in Freedom before, so I am very familiar with it.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Very well, since I've been a part of Freedom before and hang out in their camp a lot as a loner.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplay character wounds, for example getting shot in the leg and limping.
Define Metagaming: Using OOC info IC.
Define Metaspeak: Confusing OOC/IC talk.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing without reason or roleplay.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: I don't have SF contact with one of them right now, but I'm sure some of the old members could vouch for me.

Speak to me on steam friends first or in-character. In the meantime expand your backstory.


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: ??? please clarify. joined server alone
STEAM ID:lgzblitz
Timezone:central us.
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: not very a day or 2 tops. but RPd on other games such as city of heros for a while
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: first day was today
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: own em all. SoC was decent didnt like the fact u cant join a faction. Clear sky was massive loved the faction wars
pripyat was by far the hardest but got real easy if you knew where everything was (ex the vintar right next to spawn)

|In-Character Information|
Name:Dimitri Karasarov
Family Members:
Alexa Karasarov - Sister - Unknown
Dominiq Karasarov - Brother - Missing
Anton Karasarov - Father - Recently Deceased
Anton Karasarov Jr. -Brother - Recently Deceased
Alisa Karasarov - Mother - Recently Deceased
Backstory: Snuck into the zone to find his father and two brothers. Within minuites of this hellacious place he lost his ring finger on his hand to
a pack of Psuedo dogs. Before the zone he was learning to be an engineer and knows much about diferent mechanisms he just doesnt have any idea how to put
two and two together to make jack squat.Spent a month wandering with a small group of Loners led by a man named Valarian. Twards the end of this time he found
his father and brothers shacked up deep in duty territory. His father asked him if the family was fine and was astonished when he said they had been kidnapped.
within the two to three days of being reunited with his father and brother his group was attacked by bandits. Dimitri suffering mild wounds escaped barely by
hiding under the body of his father he searched bodies and found his brother Anton Jr. dead along with the Loners. He rushed to the nearest duty outpost and found
in the courtyard about to be executed his mother.Turns out the reason his father left was to pay off his debt to a group of duty members who caught him smuggling
artifacts out of the zone. Dimitri could do nothing but watch as the executioner in a duty uniform put a .357 magnum revolver to back of his mothers head and pull
the trigger. Now he is lost wandering the zone looking for a way to avenge his mother, find his brother, and find his presumably dead sister.
Skill Set:
Knows hardware like the back of his hand just needs the technical training to use it. His very naive and hateful mindset against duty makes him willing
to do almost anything for the cause.

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: Free movement throughout the zone and use of its scientific marvels
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To bring the fight to duties's door.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Young , Passionate , want to kick some duty *** why shouldnt you pick me.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Very little just heard around if I want a piece of duty your the ones to go to.
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Yuri Babikov (asked around)

|Other Information|
Define Injury RP:roleplay your injuries IE im shot in the leg i cant run. or My arm just got ripped to shreds by a bloodsucker no more crowbar
Define Metagaming: using info from OOC to ur IC advantage
Define Metaspeak: using OOC phrases IC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): killing randomly with no reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: yes
Will you actively use the forums?: when the need arises yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: dont have any nor know any.

Your backstory wasn't very good. For one, what is your entire family doing in the zone hunting for artifacts? Secondly, Duty doesn't deal like that - unless they're incredibly corrupt. Freedom does not exist solely to fight Duty and vise-versa.
You need to work on your grammar and spelling as well, most notably your capitalization.
Your steam friends name is YOUR name, steam friends being the program.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:I joined alone.
STEAM ID:=[JSOF R.]= killlerrew" STEAM_0:1:19483137
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:2 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:I have spent a long time on the server.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:The first one.

|In-Character Information|

Name:Piotr Ivanovich
Family Members:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    dmitri Ivanovich dad missing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    alena Ivanovich Missing
Backstory:Piotr Ivanovich Born In a poor home with his mum and dad his mum and dad argued alot about the money.When he was 13 he started working with his dad as a trader. They got good money when he started then when he was 15 him his dad and his mum were getting dinner.Then these 5 guys came and muged them for their money lucky they had some at home.when they came home they were scared so They tried to go to bed.Then one night when he was 19 2 days before his birthday he found out that his parents were missing.He was worried after a week of trying to find them he gave up so he went off and found a place called the zone.He found this bar and he met  some people and. Then the place got raided by these people in red and black suits people called them duty then they went to him took his money and everyone else and went off. everyone was pissed he asked someone if anyone fights them.Then he heard about this group called the freedom.So he went off to go find them to join them.
Skill Set:really well with the assault rilfes

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:Free movement in the zone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:Because they are doing the right thing and to help the freedom fight the duty
Why should Freedom pick you?:Well I listen to orders and the more freedom the more of the chance to win against duty.
How well do you know Freedomers?:Not that well I heard of their work and I liked it
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Yuri

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:If you get an injury you must RP correctly on how bad the injury is
Define Metagaming:Useing ooc to know something that helps in ic
Define Metaspeak:Useing ic for ooc talk
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Killing people without RP.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes I will take responsibility for my actions noone else
Will you actively use the forums?:I will I do anyway
Recommendations from Freedomers:Yohan says I have the courage of a Lion.

"Trader" isn't a job title. Work on your grammar. Why are people mugging your family. Why are Duty mugging people. Freedom does not exist solely to fight Duty.
Just what.
Sorry, but Denied.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: CC
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:9128883
Timezone: Eastern North American Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 4+ years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: About..4 strong months now? Probably more..I can't remember
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them

|In-Character Information|

Name:Ctislav 'CC' Cherkesov
Family Members:Biological Parents:(Unknown) Adoptive Parents: Ceslav (Father) & Kalene (Mother) Cherkesov

Backstory: My name is Ctislav; I would like to say I was born the day that two loving folks had taken me into their family; I was an adopted child who grew up living a simple life, no real hard complications or anything. Nothing to really "Harden" me, so to speak..Well enough about that stuff. This is the part where I tell you about my experience and what I can do to help  you guys out right? Right then! I have some experience with working and I am good at taking orders and getting what needs to be done! Okay well let's see.. I'm not sure if this really matters at all, but I do have a formal education so-to-speak. I have two years of education from the Bogomolets National Medical University. I wasn't able to decide whether I wanted to be a nurse or a field medic..So I guess I got torn between the two and dropped out. I have enough knowledge to patch up most wounds that anyone has though, and that's a promise. And I guess I have another skill if being sociable is one? I have always also like to haggle people when it comes with trading, I always find it fun to fight for the prices of things.. I don't really know why but I've always seen it as a game so I try to get as much as I can out of anything when I'm trading or whatever you wanna call it with someone.
     I like to believe that anything that brings you down shouldn't slow you down and drag you into the ground and slow everything down. I also believe that seeing through something is probably one of the most important things someone can do. But enough about my ideals or whatever, this is an interview about whatever I can do right?..Errr..Not interview..Application..Why am I even writing everything down I'm thinking? Nevermind. ANYWAYS, I thought that I'd give it a go to see if I could hop along this Freedom train to join you guys since I think I could give you some help and need someone who can patch people up and maybe I could be your barman eh? Anyways! Just throwin' that out there. Now I guess would be a good time to let you know why I wanna join your group huh? Well I'll let you know that those Military jerks took some potshots at me for just walking near them, so THAT'S out of the question. I was walking by those fellahs in the black and red..I don't really know what you'd call em, I think it was Duty or something along the lines of that. Anyways, those guys seem a little too strict to me, it kind of feel like to me that they're trying to break shit because they're scared of the zone and don't really want to understand it.. I'd also like to add that this one cool cat I met earlier before named "Adam" I think, was pretty chill. It seems that you guys have a nice operation or whatever you call it goin' on so I'd like to hop along on that boat. You guys like to learn about the zone and all of that good stuff right? I could dig that.
     I'm going to cut to the chase though, and make things shorter and easier to read right here: I am patch your guys up and I know how to haggle my prices, I also really dig the whole 'Learning the Zone and sharing it with the world' thing. Something like this shouldn't be kept a secret from the world, nor should it be destroyed..I mean seriously? Look at the amazing things you could learn from the Zone..I mean have you seen those artifacts that kinda float off the ground? Gravi I think they are called, MAN those are cool! What if we could learn some sorta hovercars or some shit from that!? Woah.. Anyways, there I go off on a tangent again. I wrote this all in pen so I can't really go back on anything I'm writin' here...Anyways again, I'd like to let you know that I am VERY interested in joining you guys in your fight for many reasons. You guys seem pretty rad, I think your cause is worth standing and fighting for, and I think that I could learn a thing or two from you guys.
Skill Set: Medical knowledge,Sociable/good at haggling,some mid-range and close range combat experience.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To share the zone with the world and learn more about it
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I feel like this is the only cause worth standing for in the Zone, everyone else seems like they have their head up their asses! Hah!
Why should Freedom pick you?: I know what I'm doing when it comes to patching people up. I also am good with people, it seems that you need a charismatic fellow behind that bar'a yours eh? Ehhh?
How well do you know Freedomers?: ICly? I don't know them very well. OOCly, I know them a LOT.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: The one and only, Yuri Babikov.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: If you get shot, react to your wounds, don't run off after getting shot in the knee.
Define Metagaming: Example: Stalker 1: Loot @ garbage lol
Stalker 2: *Goes there with OOC knowledge*
Define Metaspeak: :D :P :> :3 :) LOL ROFL OMG
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone with no RP whatsoever which is not in a STK situation. Or the act of just randomly killing someone for the 'lulz'
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes
Recommendations from Freedomers: Adam & Yohan

I accidentally edited your application to get the acceptance code. Oops.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Brandon Lent
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:25572027
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: At least 2 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 8 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've beat all three.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Dimitri Lentskaya
Age: 23
Family Members: N/A

Backstory:   Dmitri Lentskaya came to the Zone looking for money, and he found it. A group of Stalkers welcomed him in with open arms, and he enjoyed their company. These were Dutiers, and they helped him live in the zone, providing him and his mercenary comrades with some cover and assistance in the zone. While in the cover of Duty, Dimitri consistantly assisted not only Duty, but also Freedom, alongside his group's work helping STALKERs. As a Mercenary, he eventually got tired of doing deadly missions for random stalkers, and he joined up with Duty, after using their cover for so long, feeling a bit selfish for using their cover and never helping them.
   After joining Duty, he realized he was wrong. Duty rushed into fights, and everybody but him was massacred, at least three times. After he realized that he wasn't going to get noticed for his many services, he started hanging around Freedom. After many of the Freedomers had recognzied him, he decided to officially desert Duty, seeking refuge in Freedom. He now seeks to join Freedom and help them survive in the Zone. He already knows most of the Freedomers, and they trust him, to an extent. Being a deserter of Duty, he has to not only help Freedom, but shoot and kill his past comrades.. Not that he has a problem with that.

Skill Set: Dimitri is adept at repairing broken mechanical items, like weapons, engines, and the like.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: Freedom fights for keeping the Zone together, and using it freely and openly, collectively owning it between many stalkers, sort of like Ecologists.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I know a lot of people from Freedom, and I support their ideas of protecting the Zone.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Freedom already knows me, and we're rather friendly, my character knowing a lot about them, what they are, and a lot of the different Freedomers.
How well do you know Freedomers?: As stated above, I know most of the (active) freedomers by name.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov (Yorty)

|Other Information|

Describe Injury RP: Injury Roleplay is when you roleplay your injuries, as when you are shot in a limb, for example, you have to repair that limb through proper /mes and whatnot. This enables greater immersion for everybody, as nobody can survive being shot with an entire clip in the leg and continue to run.
What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using out of character information in character, as when you see something in OOC, you can't use it in IC.
What is Metaspeak: It's metagaming, but backwards, using OOC information IC.
Describe RDM: Random Deathmatching is when you kill somebody with no roleplay whatsoever. This can be shown when Stalker A randomly walks up to Stalker B and shoots him in the head, steals his stuff, and runs away.
What is the difference between RDM and STK: Random Deathmatching is shooting without a reason, where Shooting to Kill is agreed upon, and is attempting to hit somebody to kill them, but isn't random.
Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.
Will you actively use the forums?: Of course.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Thanatos

Denied for various in-character reasons as well as questionable activity and reliability. I'll talk to you over steam if you wish. Re-apply in two weeks on another character if you're still interested.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: IronDeity
STEAM ID: Just backtrack to another app
Timezone: -5 GMT / EST
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Awhile
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Nearly 2.5, close to 3 years
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yup.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Beowulf
Age: 33
Family Members: Not very important as I see it.
Backstory: I am what you may call a wanderer. Ive been around Europe and the Middle East enough to learn a few things. Really, I have no story to tell.
Skill Set: Whatever you need at a given time. I have a few tricks in my bag.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: Free access to the Zone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Aside the challenge of Zone life, I wouldnt mind a crew of guys with fun and business rolled into one.
Why should Freedom pick you?: No reason. Your choice.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Wouldn't say I know any of you to be frank.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Sector Head Babikov, as Ive heard.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Give.
Define Metagaming: Me.
Define Metaspeak: A.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Break.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yorty.
Will you actively use the forums?: See above portions and repeat.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Rec? I dont need no stinkin' rec!

Shitty application. Accepted.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data

Ace of Hearts


Steam Friends Name: Ace
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:17863683
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Approx. Three Years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Approx. One Year
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, all three.

|In-Character Information|

Removed at your request.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To create free access to the Zone, whilst forming a close-knit group of stalkers who are willing to give life and limb for one another.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Trying something new for a change, I haven't been in Freedom since my first month in HGN, and military-themed roleplay is beginning to get a tad stale.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I have no idea.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know Deity, that's about it.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov, |HGN| Cap'n Yorty

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury, such as a bullet wound in one's thigh.
Define Metagaming:  Bringing out-of-character information into in-character use.
Define Metaspeak: Utilizing internet "slang" in an in-character perspective. I.E. ; "Lol", "OMG", etcetera.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Engaging in STK with another player without IC reason, generally in an OOC fashion.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: I will actively check them, yes. I cannot speak for how often I'll post, not a fan of creating "junk" posts in the "network" threads. Though if there's something important enough I'll make a post.
Recommendations from Freedomers:

Already thought about this plenty as you worked on your application. It's good to have you here, let's see how things go.


For the first time in a long while, applications are CLOSED. Feel free to post yours regardless as I'll go over it first thing when a slot opens up.


Steam Friends Name: Craftsman        (Formerly Aikin)
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:5006520
Timezone: Eastern North American Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Since GMod 9. I have around 1500 hours spent in RP servers. Steam member since 2004.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Around 2 years.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've played SoC and CoP. Clear sky isn't that good in my opinion.
|In-Character Information|
Name: Anton 'Craftsman' Klychko
Age: 32
Family Members: Father: Ivan Klychko (Deceased) Mother (Unknown)

     My name is Anton Klychko, and this is my story.

         What could I recall from my early years? The earliest I remember is when I turned twelve, when I became the kid I never wanted to be, but I was loving every second of it. I never knew my mother. That was probably the reason for my lack of "charm." School was fun. I never did my work because I figured what was the worst that could happen, like any rotten child like I, at that age. Around spring I heard my friend talking about weed. My friend wasn't that kind of guy, or so I thought. I heard that him and some of the other people at our school were going to the park. I only told them at the last second I wanted to go with them to hang out but they weren't too happy. They thought I had no idea about them smoking, but I did. I wanted to see it. After convincing them to let me come, we walked in to a forest. That's where I tried it. That is where it all began. Oh, the stories I could tell, man. The stories of all the time me and my friend got stoned. It was like a plague because we started getting everyone in to it.

     Twenty. Twenty more years of hitting from bongs, buying and selling... even growing marijuana, I sat in my apartment caring for one of my plants when I heard a knock on my door. I set my plant down by the window. I didn't bother hiding it. When I opened my door i took a machete to my pelvis. It only broke a bit of skin because the blade was somewhat blunt. You know when you get a sharp pain by surprise and you just sort of lose focus on the world? That was what happened then. There were two guys that came in. One with a machete and one with a camera. They took pictures and left. Later dressing my wounds when I could stand my door flew off the hinges. Yelling. Smoke. Pain. As it happens, the two people took the photo of me and my plant, selling me out for a reward. I was a criminal aside from a dealer aswell, so the police were already after me.

     They made me clean myself up. Blah blah this and that. Spent a while kept away from everyone I knew. My dad died during that time too. I'll never know how. I wasn't there to see it, and I didn't want to ask. When I got back in to the real world everything was corrupt. All my contacts, gone. All my friends, lost. What was worse is people were out to kill me now for getting sold out. They didn't want to risk having me lead anyone to them. I didn't have the kind of money to get anywhere so I took the only other way out. To the zone.

     So it turns out the guy taking me to a safe spot there is a bro, like me. He says I wouldn't do good out in nowhere land, the military would kill me and he was being hunted by Duty, so he was taking me to a great place he knew called Freedom. Freedom is the kind of name that sounds like where you want to be. I hung around there for a bit. I got to know some of the guys. They were all good guys, bunning and shit. The zone was going to be my new home for god knows how long. I wanted to know how what I could about it. It was like one of my old clients. I wanted to know everything, and not be held back on critical information. It was also like my business. I wanted it know. All in all I feel I was literally made for freedom. Then I made my application to execute my plans.

Skill Set: Good at getting to know someone. Being social. Fairly strong (Bulky Build)

Trained with firearms. Also good at getting information on people.
|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: Freedom essentially is trying to learn the zones wonders and beleives its information belongs to the public.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Freedom is a faction a lot like me IRL.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I just do what I'm told, but otherwise can think for myself. I'm a good marksman, and I like to be social with other people.
How well do you know Freedomers?: IC, I only talk to the freedomers now and again. OOCly I talk to them on a regular basis.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov.
|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: When you are shot for example in the leg, you must RP the injury such as falling down, difficulties moving, blood loss etc. Until it is patched up ICly with RP.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is using OOC info IC or using Source glitches/exploits like seeing something through a wall ICly.
Define Metaspeak: Using smileys/emoticons and acronyms IC.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): STK without reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Most defitely.

Will you actively use the forums?: I sure will.
Recommendations from Freedomers: None. I haven't asked for any.

Pending. Meet me in-character.


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: Ari
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:10512470
Timezone: Eastern
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Six or seven years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Three years.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Beaten all three.

|In-Character Information|
Name: Ari Asyavi
Age: 27
Family members: An only child; family lives outside of the zone.

     Ari was born in Chernihiv, Ukraine, in the year 1985. At the age of thirteen, he was sent to a craftsman who specified in the art of gun-smithing. When he completed his apprenticeship in 2005, he worked for another year under conditions he'd describe as deplorable. In the year 2010, deterred by his work conditions and motivated by the reports that had came from the zone since the second accident, Ari set his course to the zone. In two day's time he traversed, by foot, towards the border of the zone, bringing with him only a world-war I era rifle, thirty rounds of ammunition for it, a change of clothes and about a week's worth of food and water.
The Border, and First Year inside the Zone
     The edge of the zone manifested itself in a rather underwhelming way. He'd expected to find guarded patrols trying to eliminate anything that moved, but instead came upon a simple wire fence, with a 'WARNING' sign tacked to it. It was low enough to simply walk over. A few kilometers into the zone, he discovered a small camp of rookies like himself, congregated with the intent of penetrating deeper into the zone as a group. Over the course of a month, their expedition had taken them twenty kilometers deeper into the zone. However, throughout that month six of the ten men had been killed. The final destination of their trip was meant to be a fair amount further, but faced with both dwindling supplies and questionable purpose to their trek, they ended the voyage and settled down in an area sparsely populated with STALKERs.
Second Year to Present Day
     The area in which they all now lived was settled not only with unaffiliated loners, but was also in the area were both duty, freedom and military outposts. Ari wandered this area with his acquaintances for a while, finding only a few low-grade artifacts and the attention of a military patrol. Upon meeting this patrol, the soldiers greeted them the only way they know how; with gunfire. Three of the group were riddled with lead and killed immediately while the remaining three ran for their lives. Another took a bullet to the back and fell behind, presumably not making it much further before being apprehended. The last man managed to trigger a gravitational anomaly and get himself killed. Ari steered clear of these and made it to a seemingly abandoned camp. After taking up a defensive last stand in the village, he discovered it wasn't quite unpopulated. A Freedom squad had been camped there for, as he later discovered, two days; and upon seeing the developing firefight in the distance, had elected to lie in wait lest the conflict make its way towards them. He quickly made acquaintance with the stalkers, elated to find that they weren't out to gut him. This meeting was cut short, though, by the arrival of the squad. The ensuing battle was won by the freedom squad, losing none of their own in the battle. Following this event, Ari accompanied them back to the previously deserted village they had been operating out of. Since then, he's familiarized himself to a fair extent with the majority of the faction and, based on his treatment and relations, has decided to apply to join.

(Try not to be too critical of the story, I'm sitting here tripping over my own words at 5 AM with the motivation of finishing before sunrise.)

Skill Set: Advanced engineering and crafting skills, especially with firearms, thorough familiarity with pretty much anything you can find in a machine shop, rather skilled in use and maintenance of firearms.

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: Wikileaks: Ukraine edition (To discover new information about the zone and reveal it to the masses being deprived of this information, and to open the zone up so that aforementioned information can be discovered by anyone.)
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Seems to be the only group that isn't a paramilitary sect or a cult. My time spent with freedom has proven that the group isn't trying to actively purge everything that isn't them, but in fact the opposite. I'm welcomed without being ransomed, helped out without having my wallet emptied and actually treated as a human being, regardless of whether I'm wearing their uniform or not.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I'm more than willing to help out. On top of that, I'm prepared to go out of my way and damn near give the shirt off my back to my (hopefully) soon-to-be comrades if need be.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Familiar with most all of the members. Spruced up a pistol for one of 'em!
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: If you get shot in the leg, for example, you roleplay with an injured leg until it's fully healed.
Define Metagaming: Using information learned OOCly for IC purposes.
Define Metaspeak: :3
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Well, shit, I think you just defined it for me. Regardless, it's usually STK with no roleplay or forewarning (as in agreeing OOCly to an STK fight).
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course!
Will you actively use the forums?: Being completely honest, I'm not much of a forum guy, but if it pleases you then yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: CC, Thanatos, Sgt. Spartans




|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: StickyWicket
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:19944724
Timezone: Eastern standard time
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: About 3 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 2 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, all three of them.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Pipson
Family Members: Biological parents: Déodat Pipson (Father) (Mother Unknown) ... Adoptive parents: Bolodenka Glazov (Father)   N/A (Mother)
My name is Pipson, Artyom Pipson to be exact. But that doesn't mean I feel very at home with the name "Artyom", so just call me Pipson. I'd like to start off saying that I never knew my father Déodat, the only information I have on him is that he was a Frenchman. I don't know anything about my mother, but I am pretty sure that she was a black woman, other than that I can't really explain the color of my skin. And yes, I will get offended if anyone of you uses racist remarks to my face. I don't know exactly where I was born, so don't ask me about it. But I do know that I was adopted and raised in the city of Dnipropetrovsk. At the time, my dad was a priest, who was working for the Saint Chaterine Church. That's where I spent most of my childhood at. There was also my grandfather, Dexter. If there was any one I loved most it was him. He was the one that told me how to survive in this world, and how to deal with its people. As a child, I didn't really blend in with my friends. I was never in to sports, or games. I enjoyed practicing the cello, and playing games with my grandfather. I guess you could say I wasn't toughened as a child, but my time in the Zone has made up for all the lost time. When I was about 15, my grandfather told me that he had saved up enough money for me to get in to a medical school. After graduating from the Dnipropetrovsk National University, and the Kharkiv National Medical University's Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic Training Facilities, I was ready to work in the field. I returned back to Dnipropetrovsk and applied to intern for the city's very own Emergency Response Team. After I was accepted, I was sent to work in a mobile ICU.

   I heard about the Zone through an online anarchy BBS. They were saying it was a place no laws, no government, just the people who inhabit it. But why did someone like me need to come to the Zone? To be totally honest, the reason I came to the Zone is because back in the Ukraine I'm a criminal. It's not like I killed anyone, but I still don't want to go in to the details. Anyway, it was either risk my life going in to the Zone or keep living my life of crime. I told myself that I needed to take a chance, and I set out in to the Zone. After two boat trips all the way from Strakholissya, 10 miles of hiking, and avoiding being spotted by the military, I found myself in a swampy area south west of the Zone. After about a half an hour of aimlessly walking north and avoiding anomalies, I was greeted by a few blind pups, only armed with my pistol, I didn't really stand a chance. Thankfully, some STALKERS came to help me out. After talking to them for some time, they showed me a path out of the swamps and to an inhabited area. That was about a year ago and ever since then I've been just a regular STALKER, doing most of the things you'd expect someone like me to do, getting shit done for traders and selling loot.

Is there anything I left out? Nope. That's everything you need to know about my history. I think...

Skill Set: I have never used my paramedical skills in combat before, but I'm more then willing to try it out. But if that doesn't work I guess I'm always a pretty good shooter.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the Zone should not be restricted or managed by the state, rather it should be a land of pure anarchy, letting the people of the world explore its wonders.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because I don't want to be a "STALKER" anymore. I'm done busting my ass on missions just so I can have the money to survive. I've had experience with all the factions, and it seems that freedom is the only one that actually knows what they're doing.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I'm willing to contribute to Freedom, I work hard, and I'm able to patch up just about any boo boo a freedom member would get out on the field
How well do you know Freedomers?: I am pretty sure I know how Freedomers act. I hang around Freedom base a lot and I have spent a large part of my time in the Zone there.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injury RP (IRP) is realistically acting out your wounds when you are hurt.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is using information found OOC for IC uses.
Define Metaspeak: Metaspeak is using "internet language" ICly.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): RDM is Killing someone without RP or agreeing to a STK/STM.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I will.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Thanatos, CC, Ari, and Sgt. Spartans.


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name:Dixie The Cat
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:24558976
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:3 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:2 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Yes ,I have played all of them

|In-Character Information|
Name:Alex Black
Family Members:(Brother) Max Black ,(Dad) Tony Black,(Mom)Beth,Black
Backstory:My name is Alex,I started school in The United States Until the age 18 ,My mother and father were killed in A Home Invasion Me and my little brother Max
were forced to move to a foster care.Max got cancer and died at the age of 13.And at the age 19 I When to  medical School for 3 years seeing if i could join the United States Marine Corp  and be stationed .I went threw 3 years of .as a Medic But Were i was stationed Well I didnt make the cut I was good with a gun But Because I had broken the law I Got arrested for respassing And I wasn't A American citizen  I was born in Russia but moved to America at the age of 2 the told me  . 
And at the age 20 I Decided to move to Russia and start a life there I Married a Girl name Ange We had a daughter Named Sally She was a sweet girl

then one day we looked out the window and saw a Huge cloud of some from the Nuclear Plant and i grabed my kid sally Not knowing were Ange Was and ran to The bunker we had built knowing there was a Nuclear power plant about a mile away.
huge explosion and The grown shook and i droped   sally we got to the bunker Barely. but sally had radiation on her and died I was stuck in a bunker alone with no one then i finally decided  to go
out.And I Had a Gas Mask and and a radiation suit on and I heard gun shot helicopters all at the Nuclear Plant So I found a Jeep started it up and drove as far as away
From the Nuclear plant as I could then i stumbled along a guy On the grownd i ran over and saw he had been shot in the gut so i ran over and grabed my Medical equipment
and Patched him up He gave me a coat and a Weapon and sayed "you'll Need it.And walked away.I never seen him again I stumbled along a camp I remember seeing a green wolf Flag
and man in a green suit it was a" Nice suit" i said And i went out with my coat and Gun ready hen suddenly i heard a bang and i plunged to the grown.And i remember
seeing a Cracked Skull patch and it sayed Bandit And I Just passed out and Barely woke up and a man in A green suit ran by and grabed me and Threw me over his shoulder
and I woke up in a room on a table and there was the man in the green suit and His patched sayed Freedom And i hoped up and I said thanks and walked
away i live  as a netural STALKER in the zone and I Was saying to my self every day Freedom i dont know why i just kept saying freedom and I hoping to be one.Now im 29 year old STALKER helping out the freedom at there base Hoping one day to Be one.
Skill Set:Medical skills and weapon skills

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?:Free access to the Zone
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:Im good with a gun and And im A good Medic
Why should Freedom pick you?:Im not a Dumb smart ass .I can fix up your Shot wounds I work hard im strong . I never back down
How well do you know Freedomers?:I know the How they act im at the base when theres a trader to buy some booze and see whats going on and I know two of them and Their names
Who is the Freedom Leader?:
Yuri Babikov
|Other Information|
Define Injury RP:Acting out your wounds using the /me
Define Metagaming:Using OCC Info And using it IC
Define Metaspeak:Using language like :D , XD, lol, brb,GTG,and LMAO Using it IC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Randomly Killing someone with no RP or Reason
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes,I will
Will you actively use the forums?:When i need help with something or if im making a bann request
Recommendations from Freedomers
:Sgt. Spartans



Topsy Krett

|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Topsy Krett
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:24640146
Timezone: Central Time Zone (US and Canada)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: A year or so.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Not even an hour.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've played through SoC and CoP several times, I love 'em. Clear Sky, not a fan. I only played through part.
|In-Character Information|

Name: Misha 'Ganja' Semenov
Age: 24
Family Members: Brother Nikai at the military warehouses Freedom outpost (part of Freedom). Parents dead.


Misha was born in 1988, two years after his brother Nikai. He grew up in a poor home in Kiev. His mother stayed at home and his father worked in a factory.
Misha did not got mostly average grades in school. He had lots of charisma, and had lots of friends. When he was 14, one of his friend Ivan hooked him up with some weed
and starting smoking copious amounts of pot. When he was 16, his father died from fumes in the plant and his brother moved out. His mother found a job working as a
maid in a wealthy person's home. When Misha was 17, his mother caught him smoking chronic and kicked him out. Misha then moved in with his brother.
Misha lived with his brother and finished up school. He moved out into his friend Ivan's house at 19, and grew great amounts of ganja. It took them a while, but
by the time Misha was 21, they had mastered the art of growing ganja. They made lots of cash, their stuff was class-A shit. Misha smoked some of the profit too.
When Misha was 22, his brother, Nikai, told him that he was going into the zone. A couple sour deals and other things made Misha think he would need a weapon, so he
bought one, and went to the range regularily. A couple more sour deals made him think his days of living the life were numbered, so when he was 23, he headed into
Zone with Ivan.
First Year-Now
On the way into the zone, Ivan and Misha were attacked by a pack of flesh. The flesh killed Ivan, but Misha barely got away. Misha first stayed in the
Cordon, collecting artifacts, doing jobs. He asked about his brother, and learned that he had joined Freedom and was up at the Military warehouses.
After about half a year, he headed up through the Garbage to the bar with some other Loners. They got attacked by bandits along the way, and a
person in the group died. When they finally got to the bar, covered in bites from the dogs at the entrance, Misha rested for a few weeks, then after
those weeks, headed towards the Military Warehouses. When he got there, he met his brother and reminisced with him. After staying at the Freedom
base for a while, he headed to *the area where the server is*.

Skill Set: He's not a bad shot, and can grow marijuana like no one else. He is also very likable. He is also small and quiet.
|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: The Zone should be free to everyone, it's the best scientific thing that has ever happened. The Zone holds so many answers,
it could solve the problmes of the world, it could provide so many medical things, new technological breakthroughs.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: 1: Because the zone should be open, it's not doing any harm to the rest of the world, it's providing so many answers
for it! You could solve so many problems! 2: Because Freedom is laid back and cool. Unlike Duty, the bunch of tight-assed military wannabes.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Because I support their ideals and could be a very useful asset.
How well do you know Freedomers?: If this means how well you know how they act: Very well. | If you mean recommendations: Misha's brother, Nikai.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Lukash/Loki
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: RPing injuries, such as, if you get shot in the leg, you should scream in pain and fall down. If you get kneed in the crotch, you should fall and clutch
your nuts, if you get hit in the head with a bat you should fall unconscious, if you get your hand broken, you can't use it.
Define Metagaming: It is using OOC information IC, like, if there is a radio frequency on the forums and you set that frequency on your radio.
Define Metaspeak: Never heard of it.... is it saying OOC things ICly? Such as saying ICly "I really like SoC, but CS was bad."
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): It is randomly killing a person, with no RP and for no reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.
Will you actively use the forums?: Probably.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Ganja's brother, Nikai.

EDIT: I changed his name to Yuri 'Ganja' Semenov

~The story could use a little work...Meet me IC and have me get to know you more.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Corocan (Vashboy31)
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:26773087
Timezone: (-6:00 Central America)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 2 and a half years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Two to three weeks.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three. I have not beaten CoP.
|In-Character Information|

Name: Chancler Domaen
Age: 31
Family Members: Sierrae 'Kalsio' Domaen (Mother - Deceased), Saberlae Domaen (Father - Deceased), Jason Kaliso (Uncle - Deceased), Malerik Domaen (Brother - Believed to be Deceased)

Pre-Zone Years [Slovakia]

Born in Slovakia, Chancler's mother, Sierrae, married his father, Saberlae Domaen of where they consecrated two sons. Chancler was born four years before Malerik. For many years they lived in peace, until Chancler's sixteenth birthday, when his parents tragically died in a serious automobile accident. It came as a sudden shock to him. Everything had been going so well. His father received a stable job at a local Nuclear Powerplant and his mother was a veterinarian. The Foster Service inside Slovakia planned for Chancler and Malerik to be moved to live with their uncle, Jason Kaliso, in Ukraine. Unfortunately, on arrival of the train station. Their uncle hadn't arrived. They went to a payphone and called home, alas, no response...

Pre-Zone Years [Ukraine]

It was three days later, that they had found out their uncle had been shot seven times in an alleyway on the way over. Nothing was stolen and it appeared like there was no struggle, which suggested the idea that the murderer just shot the man and ran away. It was suspicious, but neither of them dwelled on it. They wouldn't have to worry about this until later. There was a package that had been left unopened that was being carried by his uncle. The Police had done inspections of it and decided that it would be alright to give it to them instead. They were moved to a temporary foster home, housed by a fairly old woman, it was a dump. They were told they'd be moved to a temporary foster home until they could find a permanent home for Chancler and Malerik. Malerik usually left to look around the city and Chancler usually didn't oppose. He waited until Malerik left and inspected the box, unwrapping the outside and finding newspapers. "Newspapers!?" he thought. He inspected one for a dull moment, when something caught his eye. It was an obituary containing his father and mother. Then he flipped to another newspaper, finding an obituary of another man who worked for the same nuclear power plant, then another, another, and another. What was going on? What was his uncle trying to tell him? Could it be possible... maybe these weren't accidents after all. Maybe they were trying to cover something up. It just seemed too suspicious that a large department of the power plant's work force had mysteriously died, then suddenly it just packed up and left as if it had never existed. When he came to the last paper, plastered nearly over every headline title in bold read, '
'THE ZONE'. Apparently, it was some sort of irradiated lands full of mutants. It almost seemed like something out of a story book and even stranger, it was right here in Ukraine. There was a sudden knock at the double decked doors. Chancler opened it and Malerik let himself in. He said as he entered, "They're sending over a foster care official to inform us of the next move". I looked at him and nodded slightly.
The next day, someone was banging at the doors. Chancler slogged himself up, realizing Malerik was up as well. He opened the door to a man in a black pressed suit walked into the slum of a foster home. The man introduced himself from the Humanitarian Housing Front which provided homes to people who couldn't afford them or orphaned children. He walked into the other room to tell the woman they'd be moving the children. Suddenly, there as shouting and screaming followed by two gunshots. Malerik rushed into the room where the sounds had come from only to realize the man was holding a small pistol and the elderly woman was deadly silent. Malerik was paralyzed in fear as the man gripped him in a headlock and held the gun to the side of his head, yelling out for Chancler to come save his little brother. The man slowly walked around a corner with Malerik at dead blank range, when a sudden plank that Chancler had grabbed from the garage swung around and struck his jaw. He released Malerik and screamed in pain. Chancler took the opportunity to strike him again in the broadside of the head, watching him as he fell with a loud thud. Chancler eyed the weapon he had dropped, grabbing it and Malerik and stormed out of the building. Chancler later discovered an explosion in the Zone and how the power plant had been somewhat responsible. They fear his parents might've known and told Malerik and Chancler. Further digging was never accomplished. Chancler never told Malerik about this and made the hard decision about getting out of Ukraine. Closest and what appeared to be the safest location: The Zone.

The Zone (First Year)
Conditions had gotten worse in the course of three years being chased by these people. They had had twelve encounters before. A series of events had gotten Malerik and Chancler in a truck heading towards the Zone after a diversion provided by a large group of brave people who also had their go at the Zone. The truck was suddenly turned over, knocking Malerik unconscious. Chancler was still able and moving though. Chancler dragged Malerik and helped the injured truck driver a mile to a run-down hospital outpost used before the explosion that expanded the Zone drastically. Once inside he had discovered a group that aided STALKERs in need. They put Malerik in the ER and the truck driver was deemed alright and received some bandaged treatment and stuck around. Malerik had been put into some kind of coma, this was unknown to Chancler. He pressured the wound on Malerik's leg as the leader of this group helped stitch his wounds. Afterwords, he spoke with this man. He looked at him closely, "What is your name?" The man looked sullen for a moment. Chancler looked over a Malerik who bobbed his head with his eyes cracked open, then fell down, once again unconscious just as the man spoke, "Adam Chronovich."
A week passed as Maleriks condition did not get better or worse. Adam suspected he might be like this for a while. Chancler walked into the room, holding Malerik's hand and sobbing softly. He stuck the Makarov from so many years ago in his hand and placed it in his belt and left the building. He was making his way to a Freedom Outpost, when suddenly a Bloodsucker ambushed him and held him down as his tentacles writhed towards his face. Eventually he heard the yell of a man, followed by a blast that blew a chuck of the bloodsucker's left side, then suddenly a large bloody hole in his face. The bloodsucker fell directly on its back and a man in a yellow exoskeleton pulled him up and led him to Freedom.
An application sheet caught his eye one day, then he remembered Malerik. For some reason he was drawn back to the building. It had been two weeks since he left. There's was no guarantee that Malerik was even alive anymore. He walked inside, gripping the magnum he had found tightly, when he heard a snarl. He immediately pulled his weapon out, pointing it in the direction of a bloodsucker, similar to the one in the previous weeks, firing as a shot landed directly on his side, then firing again landing a little higher on his chest, then the final shot, aimed directly at his forehead appeared as quick as he had pulled the trigger. Chancler made his way to the ER room, where Malerik once was. There was nothing but a bloodstain on the bed and this Adam Chronovich and his team were no where to be found. Eventually, he wanted to cut his ties with his past and get away from it. Enlistment with Freedom would help keep his mind off what had happened in Ukraine and in the ER...

Skill Set: Fast mover and decent shot with the right weapon and the fact he's in a formidable position.
|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To expand the Zone for its opportunities like: Wealth, Research, Colonization, ect.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: When players look at Freedom and Duty and other major factions, they see how they should act and I believe that I can set an example on this, also, it's something I've never done before and would like to do.
Why should Freedom pick you?: There's nothing special about me and I'm not afraid to admit it. This doesn't mean I don't always try to be my best, I'm just saying I'm not RP Jesus or someone who can headshot from across the damn map. I aim to roleplay professionally, not to outplay.
How well do you know Freedomers?: ICly, I know most of them. OOCly, I know a few closely.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC -AKA- CC.
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injury RP is the act of roleplaying the physical and mental, at times, damage of your character. Players shot in the leg will most likely fall down and pressure the wound to try to stop the bleeding, or at least limp.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is the act of revealing IC information OOCly or using OOC information ICly.
Define Metaspeak: The act of using Smilies or '1337 sp33k' in character.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When one player kills another player with an invalid or no GOOD reason. And when I say good I don't mean when a STALKER makes a comment about your mom you go and shoot him in the face for it.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: N/A


~Speak to me in character.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Winking Skeever/FrostyFrosty
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:24921714
Timezone: Central
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Couple years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Cumulative to a year probs.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Dima 'Hind' Kanov
Age: 38
Family Members: Father: Alive|Mother: Alive|Brother: Unknown
Backstory:      Dima Kanov was born on July 26, 1977 in Novosibirsk, Russia. His father worked as a Soviet helicopter pilot, and mother worked as a nurse. During his school years, Dima was an average student who got into some trouble occasionally. During the weekends when his father was home, Dima and his brother let their father teach them how to shoot and track animals through the years. When Dima was eighteen, his brother set off to join the Ukrainian Military.

      In 2006, Dima heard about the second Chernobyl NPP disaster. His brother had told his family that he would have to report to the Chernobyl exclusion zone to secure the zone within, and the border. Dima was twenty-nine when him and his family got word of this. When 2012 hit, with no word of his brother in five years, Dima set off to go and find him at the place known as the zone. It took Dima a little under a week to Kiev, Ukraine, where he would seek information on how to gain entrance to the place. In Kiev, Dima met a few people who were planning to get into the zone as well. Dima hitched along with these guys, knowing that it would be a very risky thing to do. These guys had a friend in the Military, who was going to smuggle the guys in. To do this, they would wait until night, where Dima and the others would hop on to a transport truck with the allied soldier driving.

      After about an hour drive, they made it to the checkpoint into the zone. Once the truck got on through, Dima and the others hopped on out with supplies provided from the soldier. Dima and the others eventually came upon to a village full of people known as 'STALKERS'. Within this village, Dima met two fellows named Adam and Draco, who were part of a group named 'Unit'. When the two asked for his name, Dima simply answered "Hind", and that is how Dima gained his nickname, 'Hind'. Dima asked how he was able to get into 'Unit', and all he had to do was just guard the place for a bit without screwing up. Once done, Dima was officially in 'Unit'.

      During Dima's time in Unit, the main job was to protect a lad named Seth Gecko. After awhile, a female came along and that is when everything hit the fan. One day, Seth and his female friend went off to the village Dima was first at without Unit's knowing. Once there, the two were shot, and only the female died. Seth was devastated by this, and once healed, left the zone with nobody knowing of a return. Adam didn't know what to do, so he disbanded from Unit, and everyone followed, including Dima.

      Months after leaving Unit, Dima was now a lone STALKER. During his time being a lone-wanderer, Dima encountered many things. Dima found himself in a group of others hunting down and killing a Controller. He didn't understand how he got himself into it, but eventually Dima and the other STALKERS killed the Controller. After not seeing Adam for months, Dima found him in SEVA suit with man known as 'Skully'. Adam was now in a group called 'Haven', a group dedicated to making tons of money by helping the Ecologists. After the meeting, Adam invited Dima into the ranks of the 'Haven'.

       Life in the Haven was quite easy. Dima gained many new toys and loads of money. Some things he earned were a Modified Sunrise Suit, VSS and a LR-300 rifle. Not everything was easy, the Ecologists needed us to help hunt down a powerful beast known as 'Kranzer'. Kranzer was a very large blood sucker, who was the most feared of all suckers. Dima and the group were never successful on defeating Kranzer, because they never got close. Some weeks after Dima joining, Adam left 'Haven'. So Dima left as well, and found himself into another group.

       The other group Dima had joined was known to few as 'Phoenix'. Phoenix was a group dedicated to reaching the center of the zone. This goal seemed impossible, Dima had thought. Of course, Dima and Phoenix were to help hunt Kranzer down again, but it still was not successful. Dima did not like Phoenix very much, so he decided to leave and move on. During his travels, Dima re-met Adam again, but as a Freedomer. Dima helped out Adam and the other Freedomers with various things. So now, Dima decided to try and join Freedom, and sent in an application.

Skill Set: Above average with a rifle and average survival skills.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To have the zone free for everyone, without Military authority, and to share the zone's information with the world.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because Freedom is a fun faction to be in, and provides some good RP.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I used to be in Freedom, I know everyone in it and I am not a crap RP'er.
How well do you know Freedomers?: All of them OOCly, Thanatos and CC ICly.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC/Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Acting out a wound (IE: Can't run as fast because of leg being broken/shot).
Define Metagaming: Using OOC info IC (IE: Admin says something OOC related, and everyone rushes to find out).
Define Metaspeak: Using text talk IC. (IE: OMGWTFBBQ).
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone just to be a minge and without them knowing.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Otto, Thanatos, Sticky Wicket


~Let me talk to you IC; We'll see.



|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: |ч г н| МоноПони
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:5442731
Timezone: GMT+0
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Five-Six years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Since last october, A year.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, Apart from call of Pripyat.

|In-Character Information|
Name: Octavski 'Tavi' Ruvac
Age: 32
Family Members: Father, Single parent.

Rolling onto the morning dew coating the grass, his partner beckons for him with a hand signal, tucked into the side of a tree. Grasping one of few bottles spread out by the damp campfire, he knocked back what was left in the cocktail of watered down vodka and several other liquids. Unfortunately, the impressive cocktail now found it's home over his shoes, as the glass shatters across the site, followed by the acidic vomit he's all too familiar with after drinking a night away without eating. To his surprise, he found himself on his ass leaning against the tree when he looked up again, His friend had shoved him back, clearly scared. He pulls his ski-mask down, prepping himself.

"Get down... Somethings fucking coming... This doesn't... What the hell."

"Eh... Nothing scares the gre- guh... Gray Stavi... evvie? Whats with the..." He takes a moment to sick inside his ski-mask, giggling into tears, as his friend starts dragging him harder.
"Snap out of it! We have to get moving! It's right behind us!"

Octavski grunted once, acknowledging the situation finally. Unslinging his AK And turning to face the pursuer, taking aim and promptly squeezing the trigger like a spetnaz soldier! ... Nothing happens.

"Seriously Octavski? Are you going to shoot it with your fucking camping chair? Get a god damn move on!"
"Bah it just needs more.... In the, to make... Grah."

Tossing the fold-away chair aside, he starts to run after his friend in a lolliping gait, as freedom draws into view.

"Hey! There it is! Were going to make it!"

Unable to hear his friend call out the good news over the roaring sound of silence in his head, He trips up into a ditch, as a blinding light passes over him, draining his vision into a dark abyss.

The next day...

Waking up to a small fan rotating overhead, Octavski looks to his side, his friend asleep in a chair by his bedside.

"Aha... Drunk again?" Startling him awake.
"Shit... Your awake!? I thought I lost you!"
"Why would you think that... Matter of fact, where are we?"
"Some Inn, we found you in a ditch a few hours on... I hardly recognized you. But here we are, in freedom at last."
"Wh-, What do you mean you didn't recognize me?"
"Yo- I, You... I mean. Augh this... You had a run in with a polt, thing; I can't remember. The veteran stalkers said it's a lost soul mutated and stuck in limbo feeding off of others life-force, but not killing them -well the lucky ones anyway- ... You.. You look... See for yourself."

Standing up and swinging his way to the sink with a small light hanging infront of it, Octavski saw a man in his forties staring back at him.

"Bu. You- How did you? Thats me?!"
"Look I know it's a lot to handle right now... But look at it this way! Your alive, Your not old and crippled, and your sure as hell about to get some work done today. Take a load off your mind... "it" I know a friend here... Lets get going eh?"

Skill Set: A tactical thinker, average fire-arm skills with a greater dependancy on Area of effect weapons. Some-what addicted to alcahol, and fire... sometimes trying to combine both.

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: For free, and equal access zone, unconstrained and there to study and share/
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To take my character to the next step, further development of my roleplay and others, while still having a good time with friends.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I'm a decent people's person, smart enough to last until the end in a fight
How well do you know Freedomers?: OOCly, I know most of them well, ICly I know one or two well.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC - Leishy 'Spray' Vaelyom

|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: reacting to a relative wound, Such as being shot in the arm, Means your not about to fire a weapon with that arm supporting it any time soon, the same applys for walking, running jumping and general actions of wounded areas.
Define Metagaming: Using OOC information IC, e.g. People on Teamspeak talk about mono's running a raid, and the opposing side overhears the informations and prepares.
Define Metaspeak: Using emotes and text language In character.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Shooting someone with no reason or cause, Usually Shoot to kill aswell.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: CC ((Old rec I know, But as you know, I could get one from Sticky, Thanatos, Ari and Otto ))


~Talk to me ICly


Applications are now closed. Will post again when they are open!



Quote |Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends' Name: ([PΛ]) Brother TrenchmanTimezone: Pacfic (PST)
How long have you been roleplay in Garry's Mod?: 2 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 6 months
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SoC and CS, and expecting to play CoP soon.

|In-Character Information|
Name: Dmitri "Fleet-Foot" Egorov
Age: 21
Family Members: Natalya Egorov (mother), Dmitri Egorov, Sr. (father)


The wind seemed to roll across the empty plains, its slow, gentle movements through the endless green grasses giving one the thought of the gentle breathing of the Earth itself, slowly slumbering for another day. Nearby, a few dogs- blind and ravaged by the Zone- slowly pecked their way across a stretch of abandoned highway, continuing the endless search for nourishment that ensured that life within this strange and alien land was both harsh and a rarity.

It was such a sight that greeted Dmitri as he moved down the road, the sound of his footsteps nearly indistinguishable from the gusting breeze which crept over the lonely road. As he walked in the same steady path, he pondered his past, dim memories though they were...His thoughts drifted to his childhood in Volgograd, to his entreprenurial parents, who had built from near-nothingness the family business, and to his rare moments of free time, of which his greatest passsion was as a runner."Run. Hell, I flew". The thought settled warmly within him, bringing an air of nostalgia to his being. "Always was the fastest. Always will be". His steps lightened to their usual quickened pace, and he soon found himself sprinting down the highway, the wind whistling through his ears as he reminisced on days past.

Finding himself exhausted, he turned and looked back at the ground he had covered, a smile creeping across his face. "Still got the speed". Now, his thoughts found their mark in his past in the Zone- of his first venture, his first artifact, his first encounters with the factions vying for power. Of them, he thought , his fondest memories were undoubtedly of encounters with Freedom and its ideals. Still, he was not one to choose sides, and though he reminded himself that his skill with a rifle was efficient enough to have saved his neck, his stance remained firmly rooted in neautrality.

Up ahead, the glaring Sun gave way to four figures, cloaked in crimson and black. "Duty", he mouthed silently. As he approached them, their stern appearance gave him his usual feelings of uneasiness. But he bit his tongue and, retaining his composure, spoke."Well well, A Duty patrol? This far out into Dark Valley? Never would have guessed it". Unflinching, the shortest one, his face concealed by his respirator, replied coldly, "An anarchist from Freedom broke free from containment. We're searching for him. If you have any information on him, let us know". A moment's thought beget his own rebuttal: "Sorry, I can't say I have, friend". Almost immediately, he felt the piercing gaze of four sets of eyes bore into him. "You...can't say. Or...". The raising of Kalash. The flicking of a safety. " won't say"?

Taking a step back, Dmitri collected his thoughts, realizing his chances of flight were nigh-impossible, save for hot lead in his back. "Easy now, brother. I haven't seen anyone from Freedom around". The leader of the band spoke once more: "You know what I happen to think on this situation, Stalker? I think you're lying". A deep breath, the fiend drawing breath for another verbal assault. "As a matter of fact, everything about your tone suggests you, yourself, are Freedom. Therefore, I'm placing you under custody. On your knees".

The hair slowly standing up on his neck, Dmitri felt a bead of sweat roll down the back of his neck and along his spine, its cold touch a solemn reminder of the fear he felt for his existence at this moment. "Alright, I don't want trouble. Just...let me take my pack off". And true to his word, he began to remove his pack. Remembering his PDA, he reached inside his jacket...

His thoughts rushed over him from the past few moments: there had been a cry of "He's reaching for a pistol!", followed by a flash, bright as the Sun, and what seemed to him a tremendous roll of thunder. Now, all he felt was pain- in body and mind- as he lay face-down in the cold, gritty soil on the abandoned stretch of road. His last thought before fading into unconsciousness was also his greatest resolve: " more".

As he awoke, he found that the main force of the bullet had been blocked by, of all things, the PDA he had been reaching for, and very little damage had befallen his personage. Yet the damage to mind was far greater, and in him a burning fire of vengeance was kindled. Now, he finds himself once more on the road, but with a purpose altogether new: "I will find Freedom", he thought with determination "and now, I'll take a stand. I'll show the bastards who think they can kill Dmitri Egorov! They. Will. Pay."

Skill Set: Is an expert distance runner; proficient with small arms and low-caliber explosives; shows promise in basic field medicine

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: To protect the Zone so that all may use it for the benefit of mankind.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Besides the obvious goal of revenge against Duty (IC), I find the idea of a faction that is both simultaneously organized and disorganized fascinating, and would enjoy roleplaying as a member to see what such a life would be like.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Besides my experiece on the server itself, I have had countless hours of serious roleplay on multiple servers extending across multiple different storylines, and I feel capable of effective roleplay regardless of role.
How well do you know the Freedom leaders?: I have met and briefly spoke to Yuri Babikov. Beyond that, I know nothing of them. However, I know Yorty well OOC.
Who is the Freedom leader?: Leishy "Spray" Vaeleom (CC himself) 

|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: The roleplaying of an injury, whether mental or physical- i.e., being shot in the gut or suffering from psy-exposure
Define Metagaming: Using Out of Character information In Character
Define Metaspeak: Using "emotes" in IC language- i.e., "LOL", "XD", etc.
Define Random Deathmatch (RDM): Attacking another player without cause, warning, or proper roleplay.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes
Will you regularly use the forums?: As much as possible.
Reccomendations from Freedomers: Currently none. However, I believe Yorty could OOC vouch for me somwhat if asked.

Accepted, as a rookie. We've talked about this already.
I went to a boxing match the other night, and a hockey game broke out.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Brandon Lent
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:25572027
Timezone: EST+-0 (GMT-5)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Ehh.. Two and a half serious RP? But that's only on Gmod.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: A little over a year.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Tit Abram
Age: 24
Family Members: N/A.
   Tit Abram grew up in a disfunctional family somewhere in Ukraine, where his parents were both heavy drinkers. As Tit grew up, he was used to seeing his father abuse his mother, but she never did anything about it, which confused him. By time time he was twelve, he had witnessed his father beat his mother so much that she had no fight left in her to even try to stop him anymore. He had no idea why they fought with eachother, but sometimes pondered that it might be him. As both of his parents were heavy drinkers, he began to drink himself. When he was sixteen years old, he was drinking Vodka when his parents werent looking, because Tit knew that his father would beat him if he ever caught him drinking his Vodka. He eventually grew up, and when he heard about the Zone from a friend of his father's during one of their secretive meetings, he decided to leave his family and check it out for himself, never looking back.
   After actually entering the Zone itself by sneaking by the Military rather easily, he was completely lost. He found himself a Makarov, and killed his first bloodsucker with the help of some other Stalkers. During this time, he stayed with that Stalker group, but never got too comfortable with them, as something seemed weird about them. He eventually found himself a job helping other Stalkers and left the small group without a word, not really caring much about them, as it was falling apart. He came across some Military, and they robbed him for some rubles, but didn't exactly kill him. Other than this, the Zone was a typical adventure for Tit.
   After traversing the Zone for a while, he found himself near Chernobyl, an AK in one hand, a Colt on his belt, wearing a Sunrise suit. He was just another Stalker, just another of the countless illegals in the Zone being hunted by the Military. As was life in the Zone, until he saw Freedom, and decided to ask for an application.. This was where the biggest adventure began.
Skill Set: Holding a weapon, shooting a weapon without falling over.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To protect the Zone and spread its influence, because nobody should be restricted from its positive effects.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Most of my friends in SRP are in Freedom, and I really want to try Freedom Roleplay, see how it works out for me and my personal style of roleplay.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Most of the good roleplay that I've heard of seems to come from the group of members that represent 'Freedom', and I personally don't think I'm a
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know all my friends in Freedom
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Leshiy 'Spray' (CC)

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury attained in a scenario, for example roleplaying the fact that you got shot in the leg, you're not really going to walk anytime soon without some serious medical attention.
Define Metagaming: Using information gained out of character as in-character information.
Define Metaspeak: Using emoticons or acronyms that wouldn't normally be spoken, such as 'Noob' or ':D'
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing somebody without an in-character reason, but mostly considered killing somebody without a reason/without roleplay to back it up.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes
Recommendations from Freedomers: Otto, Sgt. Spartans, Ari

"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: KetChup
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:17222483
Timezone:  GMT+/--2:00 (Europe/Bucharest)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Two and a half years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: About 4 months with short brakes.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Adrian Ivakov
Age: 23
Family Members: Sister | Alive , out of the Zone.

Adrian was born on June 30, in a small town called Yevmynka, Ukraine. During his school years, unlike other children Adrian was calm and very friendly. Adrian was somewhat skilled in electronics, he usually spend time watching his father work. His family was no different than the others. He lived a normal life just like everyone else, going to school, doing house chores, helping his family. Him and his sister eventually grow'd up. They're family was assaulted with taxes, forcing them to leave. It was no problem, his sister Nikki was invited to live with her boyfriend, near Chernobyl. They instantly took the offer and moved it, Adrian had no problem meeting Nikki's boyfriend. Nikki spend every day doing all sorts of fun things like going to parties, bars, clubs. His brother on the other side, grew more seriously ever year, some say he once practiced voodoo. Adrian dedicated his time into singing, he bought a guitar and got accepted into a band, he was the guitarist.  By the time Adrian hit 21, they celebrated with a surprise party where everyone had a fun night. But they're fun nights we're going to be over, in the morning they got visited by armed bandits. Adrian managed to take them down from behind, but Nikki's boyfriend unfortunately was shot and died. After all the ramble, the police we're on they're way. Adrian cared so much for his sister and was very sad for her loss. He then proceeded to loot the bandit's bodies, he found a journal. He managed to read the last pages of it before the police confiscated it. In it, there was talking about "The Zone" a sacred place full of riches and expensive artifacts. The tale of a secret land where "Stalkers" rule the place and look for treasures. They needed money, badly. His sister's income as a secretary and a mere guitarist wasn't enough. They we're lost without Nikki's boyfriend. Adrian think'd this over and came with a decision. He choose to leave his sister behind and wander into "The Zone".  He managed to get a cheap pistol and standard clothing and followed the map he ripped of from the Bandit's journal. Once he finally arrived in the Zone he barely made out alive from the Military's defenses, apparently it was illegal to wander inside the Zone. He didn't make any friends in the first town he arrived. The Zone was harsh with him, but he had previous experience with weapons... from video-games. He killed many mutants at his life and won Arena matches. He occasionally gathered large amount of money and sent it back to her sister through spies and crocks. Many stalkers got fooled by his " Rookie " outfit, it was they're last mistake. One day he visited the "Freedom outpost", that's where he introduced himself to the Commander. Spending quality time there he learned about the faction and it's ideology. He taught the Freedomers are cool guys, so he said " Hell, why not joint them? Hahah get it? ". The next day he went confident into the they're bunker and filled in an application.

Skill Set: Not to shabby with weapons, know my way around electronics.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To spread the miracles of the Zone with the entire world, set it free.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I want to join Freedom because it's the far most cool and free minded faction in the whole server
Why should Freedom pick you?: Mainly because I'm an experienced roleplayer and I would like to participate in this faction.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I'm not familiar with members but I did introduce myself to the Commander.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom aka " CC "

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying a wound/shot. Leg shot = Limping
Define Metagaming: Using Out-Of-Character information In-Character
Define Metaspeak: Using internet slangs and puns In-Character ( like : OMG , NEWB , PNWDZOR , ROFL )
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone randomly for no reason
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yeah
Recommendations from Freedomers: None

Picture of Character

Let's talk ICly again, if things go well; Accepted.
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name:(WBA inf)Cpl. Rio "Ghost" WhiteSTEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:15988465[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Timezone: Mountain standard TimeHow long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 4 yearsHow long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 6 monthsHave you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes [/size][/font]
|In-Character Information|
Name: [size=78%] Sofiya Demedov[/size]
Age: 19Family Members: none (dead)Backstory:[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
It was hard to say where Sofiya Demedov began her journey.

[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Born to privilege in the city of Volgograd to wealthy parents Dmitri and Sofiya Demedov Sr.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
, she grew up in the lap of luxury; not once had she known loss or anguish.  Yet her courage, determination, and skill came into being despite the fact that a product of her father's strong will and love of outdoorsman and survival training,[/font] he himself having been an ex-Spetsnaz in years past.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
from him, Sofiya developed both her independent nature and her skill with a rifle, which, though she did not yet realize it, would prove invaluable in the years to come.[/font]

It was upon the night of her nineteenth birthday that tragedy, so long avoided struck at last, for a fire broke within her home whilst she was away. Returning, she found her mother deceased and her father clinging to life, his final words affirming that the wealth of her family name had been left to her alone. Yet without a proper will, only her voice would carry this truth- a fact that many of her parents' "acquaintances" realized quickly. Soon, Sofiya found herself pursued, the occasional scoundrel with a loose morality having been paid by those anxious to take claim to her fortune attempting to take her life. Without the help of the authorities, some of whom had been "convinced" to look the other way, she soon realized that she would have to find refuge in the one place where lawlessness reigned- The Zone.
Though the first few weeks were difficult upon her, Sofiya, incognito as a young man, found her rifle to be the sole power keeping

her alive. Eventually, she stumbled upon the home of Freedom, and therein met a man by the name of "Fleet-Foot".  The two

became fast friends, and he set about filling her head with stories of the courage and sacrifice that defined Freedomers and their

cause. Eventually, she came to the decision that she, too, must join this cause of righteousness.

Skill Set: [font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Good with rifles and shotguns as well as knives[/font][/font]
|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?:  t[size=78%]o protect and allow free access to the Zone and its wonders, so that science and, with it, humanity, can be improved and moved forward.[/size]
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To Free the Zone From Anyone willing to oppress the people with the right to have access to it

Why should Freedom pick you?:
[size=78%]You have the courage and weapon skills to aid them ina ny and all combat situations.[/size]

How well do you know Freedomers?: I [font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
know them fairly well, particularly "Fleet-foot"

Who is the Freedom Leader?: [/size][size=78%]Leshiy "Spray" Vaelom[/size][/font]
|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: The roleplaying of an injury, whether mental or physical- i.e., being shot in the gut or suffering from Mental illness Define Metagaming: The Use of OOC info ICDefine Metaspeak: Using Emotes IC like OMG or WTFDefine RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone for no reasion
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes i willWill you actively use the forums?: Yes i canRecommendations from Freedomers: Fleet-foot


You don't seem very active nor have I seen you around much on SRP.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:Taco
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:18375617
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:Since 09 , Started on Tnb servers and then I had a long break of about a year.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:2 weeks now.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:All of them and I good sir , Love them <3

|In-Character Information|

Name:Andrzej Sarpowski
Family Members:0 (In the zone anyway.)

Andrzej Was born in Poland during soviet times , by the parents Ewa and Wojtek Sarpowska / Ski . Soon after the birth Andrzej and his family moved to Ukraine
With the promise of a better job and a better life ,

Andrzej was a normal boy during his child hood , Socialising , playing with his friends , But his one Itch was adventure , Whenever his family didn't need him
around the household he went adventuring for hours on end , Every nook of every cranny of every cave of every field had to be discovered and document by him
in his journal that he got as a present for Christmas , it was a nice one too! leatherbound , Iron corners so that it would.... Anyway I'm getting off the track.

During his last school years Andrzej saw propaganda posters for the military and he thought it would be a good idea , but back then Conscription was still on
so there was no need to recruit your self  , Just finish the schools and you're automatically in the army for around a year , so Andrzej just waited untill
he finished his schools , Passed his Exams with all B's and C's and went off to the army.

While in the army he got around to meeting a lot of people , Some interesting , Some not. Many of the training excercises took place in the forest which was
a great way for Andrzej to quench his exploration taste along with the newley developed shooting taste and the explosives taste , which was growing ever bigger

After the army expiriance , Andrzej got a normal job as a carpenter and a normal boring life.... Which never truley satisifed Andrzej's quench for adventure
, Nor the newley developed need for explosions ,But one day a stranger came into Andrzej's favourite bar , He looked bruised and Carried a military like suit
, So Andrzej went on and talked to him and found out about ......''THE ZONE!!!!'' which was a dangerous and exciting place filled with anomalies and potential
treasures , both of which could lead to a short and painfull death , But like I mentioned earlier Andrej loved adventure , and after saying his farewells to his
family , Which by the way was already crying that he will never come back even before he left , Andrzej hopped on with the Stranger and left for the zone.

Skill Set: Pure basics , Just good with athletics.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: Freedoms Ideology is that the zone should be open to everyone , and that there should never be any Information closure.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:I wish to join freedom because you guys are cool , was playing with Ketchup today and I had a great time.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Well , I don't like talking about my self like that but , I think I should be picked because , roleplaying for one is a good english traning for me , and a fun one too.
and roleplaying with people you like is an even better expiriance.
How well do you know Freedomers?:Not well since not many are on , but I met ketchup.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC - Leshiy Vaelyom - STEAM_0:0:9128883

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injutry rp is when you , I.e get shot into the knee and you act like so , I.e today Madcombat was on his bloodsucker and he ambushed me from behind
(Don't take it the wrong way now)So when I got a slap in the head I did /me Falls over to the ground from the tremendus force of the blood suckers claw ,/me Passes out on the ground from the pain
there also is a bit of blood coming out of his mouth , meaning internal damage.
Define Metagaming: Taking OOC knowledge into IC envoirments.
Define Metaspeak: Posting things like emoticons into IC chat :D :D
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Rdm is when you kill someone without a propper reason or STK auth.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes I will
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes I will
Recommendations from Freedomers:

Taco: Hey
KetChup: Hai
Taco: Im making an app for freedoms
KetChup: Kewl
KetChup: Put in "Reccomandation : KetChup "
Taco: Could you possibly giv....
Taco: Yeah
KetChup: :P
Taco: Thats what I was gonna ask :P


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Insanity
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:46737962
Timezone: GMT
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Around 3-4 Years. (Played on a different account)
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: I use to play a while ago but decided to take a break from garrysmod. I'm now back and active so I have decided to start up again. Ive been playing a week active again and I am really enjoying it so far.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky.
|In-Character Information|

Name: Alexei Vasilev
Age: 23
Family Members: They live in Ukraine, 0 In 'Zone'.
Backstory: Alexei Vasilev was born in a populated city named 'Kiev', Ukraine. He was born in 1993 and times couldnt of been much worse for the Vasilev family. They were living on small resources such as tinned food and dirty water because of the inflation that was going on in Ukraine. Alexei grew up visiting new sites and places around his town and loved exploring sites that he had never seen before, such as contrustion sites and local parks. He kept a collection of items that he found on his little adventures as such in a small box in his room under his bed where he thought it was safe. He managed to find many speical objects on his journeys such as lumps of rock and sometime's managed to find some coins buried in the earth. Alexei wanted to be a explorer from a young age and kept his dream close to his heart for his childhood. At school, he was a good student and passed his exams and gained good results for himself for his future. At 17, He left home to go to a college near Belarus. This college was aimed for young people who were interested in expeditions and exploring the earth and finding out natural features and special artifacts that it had hidden away. He study for a long time at the collage and wanted to explore more of the world and find out the hidden things that the general public didn't. One of the students at the college kept telling him rumors about Ukrainian authorities keeping a locked zone between the Ukraine and Belarus borders. This exiceted Alexei inside because he knew that if he could get to this so called zone he might actually be able to show the world what they have been missing.

After Alexei heard this story, His bags were packed and he was on a train to a near by town situated to this so called 'Zone'. Upon Arrival to this town, he decided the purchase a weapon that he good use upon conflict while attempting to get into this compound. Alexei had found a local trader who was selling off pistols such as Makarov's and Colts. He decided that a makarov would be good protection from conflict and would help him to get into the 'Zone'. Alexei took a long hike which he had be preparing for at his college due to doing lots of expeditions and hikes for his BTEC in Exploring. Upon arrival to the 'Zone', Alexei found that it was a lot harder for him to get into than he naturally had thought. The Ukraine usually sent in supply trucks into 'The Zone' for the authorities to survive on while they were protecting this area. His plan was simple but would it work?

The following morning, Alexei was in the back of a supply truck heading into 'The Zone' hiding in a crate, half full of whiskey. The vehicle had come to a stop when Alexei decided to poke his head out and to see if it was safe to leave the truck. It had been parked up for the morning in a local warehouse just inside the gates. Alexei kept a low profile while exploring but somehow was able to keep his makarov in his pocket and be safe. He managed to find a certain artifact in 'Zone' which he wanted to share with the world. One day, He was searching around a building when a group of Freedomers jumped out on him and supriced him while he was exploring. They sat down and discussed how much they had in common and how they want to show free access to the 'Zone' and show the general public what the 'Zone' has to offer. Alexei decided that Freedom was a faction that he felt safe in and that he had something in common with and had the same goal.

Skill Set: Basic Medical Training, Trained in Sniper Rifles, Brilliant Eye Sight.
|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: Freedom are anarchists who declare themselves and fight for free access in 'The Zone' while finding themselves in conflict with other factions such as Duty and Military.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I wish to join Freedom because I feel it will improve my roleplaying skills and I enjoying playing with friendly and serious people who love to roleplay.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Freedom should pick me because I am a good roleplayer and I think that I would I also think you should accept me because I am good at fitting in well with others and enjoy learning new things.
How well do you know Freedomers?:
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC - Leshiy Vaelyom
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injury Roleplay consists of the player active thier character carrying out a injury. For Example, A stalker was shot in the arm by a bandit. The stalker naturally wouldn't be able to use his arm for a long period of time without medical advice and help.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is when someone uses OOC knowledge in a IC environment.
Define Metaspeak: Metaspeak is when a player uses emotions or acronyms that wouldn't be used when speaking to someone such as  and "NEWB".
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): RDM (Random Deathmatch) is commonly know when players kill others without a IC reason or no roleplay to backup why they did it.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: I will take responsibility for all the actions I take.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes, I will.
Recommendations from Freedomers: N/A


The same applies with Sammy's app. Get more active and we'll talk again.


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: Corocan (Vashboy31)
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:26773087
Timezone: (-6:00 Central America)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 2 and a half years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Two to three weeks.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three. I have not beaten CoP.
|In-Character Information|

Name: Chancler Domaen
Age: 31
Family Members: Sierrae 'Kalsio' Domaen (Mother - Deceased), Saberlae Domaen (Father - Deceased), Jason Kaliso (Uncle - Deceased), Malerik Domaen (Brother - Believed to be Deceased)

Pre-Zone Years [Slovakia]

Born in Slovakia, Chancler's mother, Sierrae, married his father, Saberlae Domaen of where they consecrated two sons. Chancler was born four years before Malerik. For many years they lived in peace, until Chancler's sixteenth birthday, when his parents tragically died in a serious automobile accident. It came as a sudden shock to him. Everything had been going so well. His father received a stable job at a local Nuclear Powerplant and his mother was a veterinarian. The Foster Service inside Slovakia planned for Chancler and Malerik to be moved to live with their uncle, Jason Kaliso, in Ukraine. Unfortunately, on arrival of the train station. Their uncle hadn't arrived. They went to a payphone and called home, alas, no response...

Pre-Zone Years [Ukraine]

It was three days later, that they had found out their uncle had been shot seven times in an alleyway on the way over. Nothing was stolen and it appeared like there was no struggle, which suggested the idea that the murderer just shot the man and ran away. It was suspicious, but neither of them dwelled on it. They wouldn't have to worry about this until later. There was a package that had been left unopened that was being carried by his uncle. The Police had done inspections of it and decided that it would be alright to give it to them instead. They were moved to a temporary foster home, housed by a fairly old woman, it was a dump. They were told they'd be moved to a temporary foster home until they could find a permanent home for Chancler and Malerik. Malerik usually left to look around the city and Chancler usually didn't oppose. He waited until Malerik left and inspected the box, unwrapping the outside and finding newspapers. "Newspapers!?" he thought. He inspected one for a dull moment, when something caught his eye. It was an obituary containing his father and mother. Then he flipped to another newspaper, finding an obituary of another man who worked for the same nuclear power plant, then another, another, and another. What was going on? What was his uncle trying to tell him? Could it be possible... maybe these weren't accidents after all. Maybe they were trying to cover something up. It just seemed too suspicious that a large department of the power plant's work force had mysteriously died, then suddenly it just packed up and left as if it had never existed. When he came to the last paper, plastered nearly over every headline title in bold read, '
'THE ZONE'. Apparently, it was some sort of irradiated lands full of mutants. It almost seemed like something out of a story book and even stranger, it was right here in Ukraine. There was a sudden knock at the double decked doors. Chancler opened it and Malerik let himself in. He said as he entered, "They're sending over a foster care official to inform us of the next move". I looked at him and nodded slightly.
The next day, someone was banging at the doors. Chancler slogged himself up, realizing Malerik was up as well. He opened the door to a man in a black pressed suit walked into the slum of a foster home. The man introduced himself from the Humanitarian Housing Front which provided homes to people who couldn't afford them or orphaned children. He walked into the other room to tell the woman they'd be moving the children. Suddenly, there as shouting and screaming followed by two gunshots. Malerik rushed into the room where the sounds had come from only to realize the man was holding a small pistol and the elderly woman was deadly silent. Malerik was paralyzed in fear as the man gripped him in a headlock and held the gun to the side of his head, yelling out for Chancler to come save his little brother. The man slowly walked around a corner with Malerik at dead blank range, when a sudden plank that Chancler had grabbed from the garage swung around and struck his jaw. He released Malerik and screamed in pain. Chancler took the opportunity to strike him again in the broadside of the head, watching him as he fell with a loud thud. Chancler eyed the weapon he had dropped, grabbing it and Malerik and stormed out of the building. Chancler later discovered an explosion in the Zone and how the power plant had been somewhat responsible. They fear his parents might've known and told Malerik and Chancler. Further digging was never accomplished. Chancler never told Malerik about this and made the hard decision about getting out of Ukraine. Closest and what appeared to be the safest location: The Zone.

The Zone (First Year)
Conditions had gotten worse in the course of three years being chased by these people. They had had twelve encounters before. A series of events had gotten Malerik and Chancler in a truck heading towards the Zone after a diversion provided by a large group of brave people who also had their go at the Zone. The truck was suddenly turned over, knocking Malerik unconscious. Chancler was still able and moving though. Chancler dragged Malerik and helped the injured truck driver a mile to a run-down hospital outpost used before the explosion that expanded the Zone drastically. Once inside he had discovered a group that aided STALKERs in need. They put Malerik in the ER and the truck driver was deemed alright and received some bandaged treatment and stuck around. Malerik had been put into some kind of coma, this was unknown to Chancler. He pressured the wound on Malerik's leg as the leader of this group helped stitch his wounds. Afterwords, he spoke with this man. He looked at him closely, "What is your name?" The man looked sullen for a moment. Chancler looked over a Malerik who bobbed his head with his eyes cracked open, then fell down, once again unconscious just as the man spoke, "Adam Chronovich."
A week passed as Maleriks condition did not get better or worse. Adam suspected he might be like this for a while. Chancler walked into the room, holding Malerik's hand and sobbing softly. He stuck the Makarov from so many years ago in his hand and placed it in his belt and left the building. He was making his way to a Freedom Outpost, when suddenly a Bloodsucker ambushed him and held him down as his tentacles writhed towards his face. Eventually he heard the yell of a man, followed by a blast that blew a chuck of the bloodsucker's left side, then suddenly a large bloody hole in his face. The bloodsucker fell directly on its back and a man in a yellow exoskeleton pulled him up and led him to Freedom.
An application sheet caught his eye one day, then he remembered Malerik. For some reason he was drawn back to the building. It had been two weeks since he left. There's was no guarantee that Malerik was even alive anymore. He walked inside, gripping the magnum he had found tightly, when he heard a snarl. He immediately pulled his weapon out, pointing it in the direction of a bloodsucker, similar to the one in the previous weeks, firing as a shot landed directly on his side, then firing again landing a little higher on his chest, then the final shot, aimed directly at his forehead appeared as quick as he had pulled the trigger. Chancler made his way to the ER room, where Malerik once was. There was nothing but a bloodstain on the bed and this Adam Chronovich and his team were no where to be found. Eventually, he wanted to cut his ties with his past and get away from it. Enlistment with Freedom would help keep his mind off what had happened in Ukraine and in the ER...

Skill Set: Fast mover and decent shot with the right weapon and the fact he's in a formidable position.
|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To expand the Zone for its opportunities like: Wealth, Research, Colonization, ect.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: When players look at Freedom and Duty and other major factions, they see how they should act and I believe that I can set an example on this, also, it's something I've never done before and would like to do.
Why should Freedom pick you?: There's nothing special about me and I'm not afraid to admit it. This doesn't mean I don't always try to be my best, I'm just saying I'm not RP Jesus or someone who can headshot from across the damn map. I aim to roleplay professionally, not to outplay.
How well do you know Freedomers?: ICly, I know most of them. OOCly, I know a few closely.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC -AKA- CC.
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injury RP is the act of roleplaying the physical and mental, at times, damage of your character. Players shot in the leg will most likely fall down and pressure the wound to try to stop the bleeding, or at least limp.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is the act of revealing IC information OOCly or using OOC information ICly.
Define Metaspeak: The act of using Smilies or '1337 sp33k' in character.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When one player kills another player with an invalid or no GOOD reason. And when I say good I don't mean when a STALKER makes a comment about your mom you go and shoot him in the face for it.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: N/A

Denied, all you did was copy-paste your previous application. Really?