Re: |Freedom| Applications

Started by Pinball, 18-01-2010

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Col Avalanche

Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:
Col. Avalanche

Ilya3311 (STEAM_0:0:31615789)

EST. (Eastern - Toronto, Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?:
I've been role playing on Garry's Mod for almost the entire 660 hours that I have on the game. I've been in DarkRP servers, HL2RP servers, etc.

How long have you played on the server?:
Not long, about 2 weeks, but I will continue to play on it.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:
Yes, I've beaten all three games several times each (Shadow of Chernobyl, along with Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat). I've also beaten many.. mods.. As I call them, which are basically entirely new storylines, but still in the same game. Almost like an expansion that you have to start with an entirely new character. I also read some of the Stalker books.

In-Character Information

Misha Boranov


Family Members:
Father - dead.
Mother - Unknown due to lack of contact after moving out to travel into the Zone.

Skill set:
Scoped weapons/Marksman, first aid.

          Misha Boranov was born on the 20th of November in 1983, in a city meant to house the workers of the Chernobyl plant, Pripyat. Misha was born to a middle class family of his time, living in a two bedroom apartment which overlooked a primary school where Misha's mother taught. Misha's father was a worker at the Chernobyl plant, who shared a belief with many other Soviet people which was that the nuclear power plant was the safest source of energy, and was a Soviet engineering masterpiece.

          On the 25th of April, 1986, Misha's father was asked to stay at the plant, along with a number of other workers, to operate the plant during testing of Reactor 4. On the 26th of April, of 1986, a disaster shook not only the area, but the rest of the world. Just past 1 AM, explosions were heard at Pripyat, waking up most of the population. Misha woke up, crying from the noise. His mother quickly calmed him down, and put him back to sleep, unaware of what the sound actually was. Misha's father never came back the next morning, making the mother worried. Having spoken to neighbors and friends, she found out about what happened. News of the explosion at the Reactor quickly spread across the city later that day, making some people pack up their belongings, leave their life behind, and move to another nearby area, being afraid of another incident. An evacuation of the city was declared, people of the city were told to leave behind all but the necessary. All citizens were to leave the 30km radius of the plant. Acknowledging what has happened, the baby and the widow moved to the Kiev outskirts, where Misha's grandmother lived.

            Misha was very well raised. He attended school, which is where his people skills helped him make friends and connections. He completed grades one to thirteen with outstanding marks. Having read many books, newspaper articles, and heard stories, Misha always found himself striving for more knowledge about the city where he was born, and the so-called "Zone". The young man had an interest in going to the zone, and knew he could handle all the physical challenges that the "Zone" posed to him, due to the swimming classes that included first aid which he attended as a young boy, due to the working out and playing in soccer leagues, which physically developed his body. Through the many jobs that he has worked as, Misha had enough for a trip to Pripyat and back, but what he didn't know is that the ticket back wouldn't be required. Having packed necessary clothing, gearing up with his grandfather's hunting rifle, and bringing other necessary items, Misha set out to travel to the zone, in 2012.

          The determined man, being 29 years of age, didn't make it into the Zone with his first attempt due to the Ukraine Military denying his way in at the terminal. Misha spent a year in a near-by town, in which he has met people with plans such as his own, who were willing to join him on his journey. Misha was informed of the things that went on in the Zone. He was told about people that went by the name of Stalkers, which were free roamers of the zone, he was told about the Military opening fire on the Stalkers on sight. He was also informed of the two major Stalker clans, which were the Freedom, and the Duty. During his time in the city, Misha stocked up on ammunition, bought a Kevlar vest, and other necessary clothing. Shortly after, a small group which Misha was a part of, set out to enter the zone illegally.

          Having walked for days, and running low on supplies, the group split up, arguing about which way the Stalker villages would be. Misha was accompanied by Kiril, both of which agreed on the path they would take in their search. The next day, the two friends spotted a light in the darkness of night, and running to the fire, met 3 lone Stalkers that were returning to their village to sell some of the things they have found. Misha and Kiril accompanied them, sharing stories and getting to know the Stalkers. After his arrival to the village, getting connections and supplies, Misha found some small jobs that he could do for other Stalkers. Having done the small jobs, which included looking for their friends, locating specific areas, and retrieving items for the Stalkers, Misha earned a lot of money. Several months after his first arrival in the village, mutated animals attacked the village, killing many. Misha escaped, following a path which he has never taken before, ending up in a forest. He made his way out after several nights, as he stumbled upon a Freedom outpost. Having some knowledge on the Freedom, he knew he would be accepted as they believe that the Zone belongs to all. Freedom payed Misha for sharing some of the knowledge about his previous area.

          Misha spent a lot of his time in the new area exploring, as well as sharing stories with other Stalkers that he came by. After a month of being in the new area, Misha memorized most of the surroundings, and even made his own stash by a tree in the forest, where he hid some of his extra money and ammunition. Misha loved the quietness and the beauty of the area, he loved sitting by fires sharing stories with the others, drinking, and listening to other play guitar. But something happened while walking to his stash. He was attacked by a bloodthirsty Bloodsucker, who must've been following him. He ran as fast as he could, firing pistol rounds into the beast. The bloodsucker caught up and attempted to dive for his legs, tackling him to the ground. Misha reacted quickly, he pulled himself to his feet, having his legs scratched up by the mutant, and ran to a near-by Ecologist bunker. The bunker proved itself to be empty as no one answered the yelling for help, nor the knocking on the doors. The Bloodsucker was held back, as it had it's foot trapped under a tree's root. When Misha noticed that the beast ran at him once more, he spotted a rusted nearby car. Despite having no energy, Misha sprinted to the car, and was scratched up by the Bloodsucker while hopping into it through the window. He lay in the car, loosing blood, as he heard gunshots and human voices yelling over them. The Bloodsucker was shot and fell beside the car, producing a loud noise as it slammed into the vehicle. Robotic looking men, in black and red suits, rushed to the car, opening the doors, and dragging Misha out of it. A man in an exo-skeleton suit picked him up, throwing him over his shoulders, and commanded his men to move back to their outpost. Misha woke up surrounded by a few figures, soon realizing that they were he ones who carried him into the building and laying him on the bed. A Stalker looking man looked over Misha, cleaning the wounds and bandaging them up. The men turned out to be members of the Duty clan of the area, and told Misha about how dangerous the Zone is. Although being grateful for having his life saved, Misha thought that the Duty's opinion was wrong. He acknowledged that the Zone is a dangerous place, but knew that its beauty simply could not be removed from the face of the planet. After fully recovering, Misha made his way back to the Freedom, where he told his story to many other Stalkers, and of course, to the Freedom themselves.

          Having found a dead Stalker's stash, Misha got possession of an AK-74u, a Walther pistol, a Makarov, a bunch of knives, and a bottle of vodka, became quite useful to him. He was passing through the Freedom village to go to his hidden stash, and decided to attempt at selling the newly acquired items. This is where Misha met a Freedomer, who was complaining a long day, and offered him the bottle of Vodka. The man smiled at the offer, and obviously, took the bottle. This is how Misha came to meet Leshiy, otherwise known as Spray. Leshiy showed Misha how much freedom the Freedom really have, and knowing their cause, which was to defend the Zone, preserving its beauty, Misha knew that this was the way to go for him. He met Yuri, the leader of the Freedom in the area, and received an application, where he filled out all the information he possibly could, to the best of his abilities. Misha can still be found today, hanging around the Freedom outpost, waiting for a response from Yuri.         

Faction Related Information

What is Freedom's ideology?:
That the zone is a place of freedom, and that it should not be eliminated.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?:
I like roleplaying with the people in Freedom, I like how they're friendly to the Stalkers, and I just like everything about them. I like the cause that they believe in, and I know that I can roleplay with their goals and ideals very well. Not that it matters, but I also like their colors.

Why should Freedom pick you?:
I'm a rather active player, I can follow orders, I'm friendly, I don't see why not.

How well do you know Freedomers?:
ICly, I only know little of them, but in the Stalker games, I've come to learn quite a bit.

Who is the Freedom Leader?:
Yuri Babikov

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP:
Injury RP is self explanatory. It is role playing injuries, such as falling off a height and breaking something, getting shot, etc. For example, if my character were to get shot in the leg, I would role play falling over/tripping, then have to role play getting up/crawling to safety and treating the wound (if it is reasonable).

What is Metagaming:
Meta-gaming is using out of character (OOC) information in character (IC). Dying, not following NLR, and going back to your place of death is meta-gaming, as when you die, ICly, your character does not know/remember your place of death.

What is Metaspeak:
Meta-speak is speaking in character with things such as emoticons, and words such as "Lol", "Lmao", etc.

Describe RDM:
RDM is the act of killing somebody without a specified reason. Stands for random death match.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:
S2K (Or STK) is always agreed upon by both sides, while RDM is a random kill.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

Will you actively use the forums?:
Whenever the opportunity, or the need, arises, I will go on to check some threads out.

Recommendations from Freedomers:
Kind of Yuri and Leshiy, but not really..

On trial for a week as a rookie.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: red_khezu
STEAM ID: steam_0:1:19270876
Timezone: Mountain Time
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: A year or two. No idea.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: A few months. Then ragequit for a year. NOW IM BACK!
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I have CS and CoP

|In-Character Information|

Name: Kristine Orizio
Age: 20
Family Members: Unknown biological parents, Alexander Orizio, her adoptive father (Deceased)
Backstory: Left on the steps of a Chinese orphanage before she was even named, Kristine was unlikely to have a bright future. In a twist of fate however, Alexander Orizio was on a business trip to check up on one of his suppliers. On the way back too his car he walked past the orphanage, not pausing at the pitiful thing clothed in only a small blanket on the steps. Then it started to cry. This roused emotions, guilt, pity, and an emptiness grew in Alexander, and that irritated him more then anything. Alexander was an arms dealer, he sold cheap weapons made in China too traders in the Zone through the black market. As he walked on he grew so annoyed at the wailing child he adopted the thing and was determined to make its life as miserable as possible. That never happened. Instead the emotions the child had awoken within him changed his very soul. In the later years he would devote himself to making his daughter happy.

Sixteen years later, you would hardly recognize the former weapons dealer, for he quit the business because it put him and Kristine in danger. He never once regretted the his decision to adopt her, no matter what his original motives were. Because of her he felt good about himself for the first time in years, and his previous work payed off with enough money too keep them both comfortable until they died. Alexanders death was sooner then he expected.

While Kristine was off at school, and he relaxed at home, two men hired by one of Alex's old trading partners, who had lost a lot of money due, broke into his house and killed him. Imagine, coming home and saying "Im home Dad" and getting no reply. Then walking into the living room and finding the one you called father, the one who you owe your comfort, your education, and maybe even your life lying dead on the floor with a hole in the head, blood pooling on the floor. Rushing up to him weeping.

Since her fathers death Kristine devoted herself in secret to finding the one responsible for her adoptive fathers death. Using records from her fathers dealings and contacts that had yet to receive word of Alexanders death she took four years of her life to get one answer, the location of the one who ordered his death. She goes too the Zone, hoping that she will survive the place that has broken so many others with far nobler goals.

Specializations (if any):N/A

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the Zone becomes known too the world, and the ability for stalkers to enter and leave the zone of their own free will.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because everyone needs friends too survive, even the toughest merc has to have someone to watch their backs once in a while. Also because i think freedom's ideals are correct, the Zone must be shared with the world.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Because I am determined, resourceful, willing to learn, and obedient
How well do you know Freedomers?: On other characters I knew many freedomers.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth-Um... Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Role playing an injury, such as a broken leg, which is quite hard to stand on.
Define Metagaming: Using OOC (Out Of Character) information in character.
Define Metaspeak: speaking OOC while in character
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Randomly killing other players with no reason or role play
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes
Will you actively use the forums?: I use the forums when I need too
Recommendations from Freedomers:Red_Khezu: Do I have your recomendation Mr.Goose Sir?
|HGN| Goose ÿ: Yes
Red_Khezu: Thank you.
|HGN| Goose ÿ: np

I don't think I've ever met Kristine In-Character, so you'll let's do that. Even though it's old, this backstory is far more original than some.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Rusty!
STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:0:27041131
Timezone: -8 PST
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Over 2 years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 1.5 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes.

|In-Character Information|

Name:Rodrick 'Axel' Clout
Age: 27
Family Members: Paula Clout [Deceased] Charlie Clout [Whereabouts Unknown] Victor Clout [Whereabouts Unknown]

My name is Axel, I grew up in a small town in Russia, my father (Victor Clout) Was a part of the Spetz Naz, a Russian task force, he was called out on a mission on September 3rd, 2013. He left that night to enter the Zone with the rest of his Company. He left that night to never retun again.

          Two years have passed and I am now 25. It is only me, my mother, and my brother Charlie left now that my dad has been missing. My brother, he... He was a strange man, he was the type of person who would walk the halls of the house at night making noises. One day he got an "amazing" idea to enter the Zone in search of our lost father. I told him it was an insane idea to even contomplate, but he didnt listen. That same day, he left our small town in Russia to go find out father... He was gone for several months now, we started to lose hope in his same return... And if he where to ever return at all... Mother and I assumed the worse, that Charlie had died.

          Mother loved Charlie, she loved him dearly. She was so torn up over the death of her son and her husband that she killed herself with an overdose of painkillers. Now I am the only one lef... I was thinking to myself, "What more do I have to lose?" with Mother, Father, and Charlie dead. I gave up, I felt that there is nothing else to to but enter The Zone, to start a new life there, and if Father, or Charlie where alive I would hope to find them.

Skill Set: Medical aid.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the Zone's secrets should be avalable to anyone
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I beleve in Freedom's ideology and live it (IC) Myself
Why should Freedom pick you?: To have another devoted member fighting for Freedom's cause.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Ive meet a few of them, they are good people.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Ryan Jones.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying as if your character were hurt, ether it be a bullet to the knee (Crawling in pain) or a shrapnl wound from an explosion (Limping, hobbleing,etc.)
Define Metagaming: Using OOC info IC.
Define Metaspeak:Using IC Info OOC.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone randomly, without any reason at all.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: None

"Who is the Freedom Leader?: Ryan Jones." Let's start with an application that isn't copy-pasted. I haven't seen you around the base much with the exception of today, and we're also running out of spots. Stick around longer.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: MikeyWrenn
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:27013761
Timezone: GMT +0
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Two years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Seven months now, is it?
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Shadow of Chernobyl.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Alexander Bagirli
Age: 26
Family Members: Sister.
Alexander Bagirli, along with his friend ('Badger'), moved within the zone years ago. Their stay was not intentional, as they were to smuggle weaponry in and artifacts out. The initial few 'runs' went successfully, with high-grade weaponry going in and many artifacts being distributes to the various customers when they were out. They would run a qidely-known route, where the military were simply bribed to allow them in and out. This all changed as they were heading out, through the first of three checkpoints, there was something different.
Usually, the soldiers on duty would just pretend nothing was happening, but this time, they opened fire. Running for cover, they shouted their business, which was simple met by more flying projectiles.
They retreated back within the zone, where the news of new Military leadership had only just reached the ears of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s in the area.

Being stuck within the Zone didn't really strike a nerve with Alex as he, nor Badger, really had anyone to care for in the outside world. Neither of them really had ties to the outside, nothing more than their passwords and ID papers which were left in a hollowed out tree trunk, just outside the zone. Badger, however was slightly more concerned about their situation, as he was, and still is, the smarter of the two. The two of them decided to set up a mercenary group which, for the most part, would secure their safety and well-being while they were stuck within the zone. This group became quite a force, during its early days. This said, it soon became a thing of the past, with the group being formally disbanded in the absense of Alexander, as he was attending to other matters.

Alex's other matters consisted of smuggling expensive armoured suits into the Zone, primarily for a trader within the group 'The Sanctioned'. Although this assisted the group a lot, he was never really noticed and he'd simply hand over the suit and receive his payment. He would run 'The Gauntlet' passage regularly, it would take one day to get into the Zone, but two to get out, as it was mainly an up hill journey. The majority of the route was safe, with it being valley-type areas, allowing safety from the long-carried blow outs. He made many friends outside of the Zone, contacts that would sell him discounted goods, that were very reliable.

Upon his return, Alex came across a completely new Unit (Unit being the name of the group). It was being run by someone who he'd never met, not even heard of, Adam Murray. The new second-in-command being a girl named Adona. This didn't really sit well with Alex, but he rejoined this new faction. Their ideals and methods were very different, but it was still a family that he could fall back on if shit hit the fan. He began to sell the small amount of goods that he had with him, making quite a profit, much more than when he was smuggling. He moves back out of the zone again and again, gaining more each time, making more and more money.

During the upcoming months, he would hit a very unexpected event. He would be attacked by a controller, resulting in physical brain damage. He managed to make it from the zone, where he was able to seek medical treatment to sort such. After being 'fixed up', he would allow for a small period before heading straight back into the zone.

It was not as he left it, it had changed so much in the month he was gone. He moved through the area he was previously operating, but it was completely different. Unit, the previously mentioned group, was gone. He picked himself up and continues to move...

Skill Set: Marksmanship (From experience), endurance (From the moving in and out of the zone) and bartering (From the trading)

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: The Zone should be open to all, and everyone should know the truth.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because I actually spend most of my time in the area, with other Freedom members. Also, my beliefs sit along the same guidelines as Freedom, and I'd like to assist them in achieving their ideals.
Why should Freedom pick you?: My skills are quite varied, meaning I could be placed down in a variety of positions with ease. Also, I have quite a lot of wealth to bring to the faction, as Yuri well-knows.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I have had many dealings with Yuri Babikov, quite large dealings at that. Also, with a few others, such as a man named Wolf and another named Dweller.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury. (/me grips his stomach, groaning.)
Define Metagaming: Using out-of-character information in-character (+++ says "I read on the forums that you got accepted.")
Define Metaspeak: Items within chat that cannot be deemed in-character (+++ says "Okay :P")
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): The killing of an individual on a random basis and/or with insufficient roleplay.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Indeed.
Will you actively use the forums?: I already do.
Recommendations from Freedomers:
Yorty (I think?) ~ I don't recc people. ~

Accepted, as a Rookie. Rookie.
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: When do you actually need Cullinary?
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: Vat... are you trying to say cooking skill?
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: Yeah.
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: It's for the women, of course. Which is why we don't see that skill much.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| IronDeity ]CW[
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:18616412
Timezone: Eastern Standard
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 2 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: A year and a few months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes

|In-Character Information|

Name: Mikhal Tokerov
Age: 28
Family Members: Father: Burian Tokerov, Mother: Katrina Gorvich Tokerov, Kiel Tokerov, Viktoria Tokerov
Backstory: Mikhal Tokerov was born and raised in Odessa with his large family, having a peaceful and happy childhood, paticipated in Sambo tournaments, regular home-based athletics, and was of average standards in his schooling. He loved to conduct in war games with his friends as most of their fathers had once served in the Ukrainian military. And their dreams were to follow in thier father's footsteps. As he aged through his teenage years, his joyful spirit slowly turned into one that was cold, stern, and obediant. Whence he finished his schooling he worked many odd jobs that demanded heavy labor, most of the time the jobs took place in his grandfather's shipping warehouse, and he trained his body for the rigors of military life during this time. His grandfather respected the work and paid him a decent salary, which was used to help his mother and father live more comfortable lives.

  In 2006, word reached Odessa of a second disaster in the area around Chernobyl and Prypiat, and this only added torque to Mikhal's drive to join the military. He continued to work his side jobs but watched as his friends began to leave home to start a military life. It pained him that he could not yet follow them, but his duty was still to his family. A few years passed since the second disaster and he had finally made his choice. Mikhal Tokerov, son of Burian Tokerov and Katerina Tokerov, left his family behind and conscripted with the Odessa Military District. His goal was to be sent to the area near Prypiat, now known as The Zone, and serve his country. (Military background and original main backstory. Extended backstory starts now.)
  Mikhal has made great progress in his career while serving with the 105th division in the Zone, rising through the ranks one at a time until he reached the high perch of the Enlisted as the division's Warrant Officer and Quartermaster. By this time his experience in the Zone and it's dealings had increased significantly and he was on the border of becoming a full fledged Officer, that is until he was branded a traitor by someone whom he believed to be his friend. Colonel Nikolai Yurdansky. In a dispute a weapon was drawn from the superior soldier and Mikhal knew then that his life was truly in danger. Making a run from the scene, he was stopped by a Sergeant in the Sector 3 checkpoint tunnel, apprehended, and dragged back to the Military compound unconscious and tied. He awoke in the prison with half the base's men looking over him, including a very angry Colonel. Before any heated actions took place, a small Freedom fireteam, working in disuise, arrived at the base, Goose being tipped off by Mikhal's mercenary friend, 'Sin'. The Freedom team did not quite accomplish their objective as well as they may have hoped, but none the less Mikhal got free and waited for their return at their own base. When word came that they had been pinned down and unable to fall back, he became worried. But fate yielded and unexpected twist in the form of the former General Stovsky, known as Blaze, whom arrived. Blaze was asked to go help free the team, and he agreed. Sometime later, a large force returned, battered and beaten, but alive. Mikhal is currently taking refuge among them as his name rises to the top of the AWOL and Military Most Wanted lists.

For a time, Mikhal had vanished from the known Zone and had not been seen or heard from until an encounter between the reemerged Monolith forces and Freedom, wherein it was discovered he had been brainwashed to serve the fanatics. (Ask me for the whole story later or Ill end up having to take up an entire page.) After some months, he was captured during a group effort in the Underground tunnels and in an ecologist experiment, freed from the psi control of the C-Con.

Specializations (if any): Recon/Demolitions, Ex-Military Drill Instructor and Close Combat Trainer.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the Zone be open to any and all for research and study.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: A promise to fulfill.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Reasons.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know a few and have worked with them in the past, names include Seth 'the Snowman' and 'Mother' Goose. As well as 'Kiss' and Brandon, Viktor, and Yuri
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injury RP is when you take some form of in-character injury, be it falling off a roof, twisting your ankle by tripping over a rock, being shot, stabbed, or otherwise mauled, and applying it to your characters current 'self'. In which you act out any detriments the injury may have such as blood loss, pain, shock, and in some cases, death if conditions apply for some untreated wounds.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is when you bring Out of Character knowledge into your Character's understanding and that your character had no prior experience or knowledge of said knowledge. Example: Theres a sniper preparing to fire from a treeline, but has not been spotted in character. Now that the fight commences, I turn and shoot at the sniper without themselves making any motion to cause notice.
Define Metaspeak: This one confuses me a bit. I believe it's similar to metagaming in that you have OOC knowledge of a discussion but bring your character into it without having known anything.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Kill other players with no viable cause or RP invloved.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: --- 

Mikhal, the Freedom Rookie, again. Welcome back.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Rus Bladdek
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:30778116
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Almost 2 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: About a year (same as GeneralGold)
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Soc and CS

|In-Character Information|

Name: Anton Nazar
Age: 19
Family Members: Most of his family were killed, the ones that remain are unknown to him.
Backstory: Anton Nazar was born in Lutsk, Ukraine on June 16th, 1996. His father left after his birth, and his mother died when he was born, But a friend of his mother took him in at birth. Aneta Nazar the closest friend Anton's mother had took him in and raised him as her own, Aneta had one child... His name was Sheperd Nazar, Anton and Sheperd grew up together and were really close. Anton did not know about his real parents, neither did he care because he was happy with the life he had, untill on the date of May 9th, 2000 when Aneta was murdered, Sheperd had no choice but to teach Anton and finish what his mother started.

        Soon Anton grew to the age of ten where Sheperd soon taught him to defend himself and use a weapon. As the months went by and the lack of food and shelter was hard on Anton, he began to steal from shops and strangers, never knowing what he was doing was wrong. By the age of Sixteen Anton had learned enough to servive on his on, him and Sheperd Split going their own ways. Anton soon found trouble and was not strong enough to defend himself and they stole all of his belongings and injured Anton harshly, He barely mad it through the cold nights and weather that soon came, but he soon gained enough strength to make it to a near city where a stranger had helped him rebuild his strength, he begin to work for the stranger killing targets that needed killing for quick rubles untill he made enough money for a nice weapon and he began his journey again. at the age of 18 he finally came to a stoping point at the zone. He soon became friendly with the stalkers and a few Mercenaries, he was then introduced to the Group 'Freedom', he had heard much about them from the Stalkers. He was informed that Freedom could help him, they could give him a family.. a home... something he had never really had. From that point on he had only one thought on his mind... and that was to join Freedom.

Skill Set: Long Range Specialty.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the zone have free access and that it can be open to anyone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: The make sure that Duty and monolith do not take over the zone, and to keep the zone free of them.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Because i am a Noble and Honorable Solider that will fight for freedom and their cause.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I have talked to a few, and have a friend that is in Freedom.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: The leader of Freedom is Yuri Babikov.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Example as if you are shot by a Monolith in the leg, you must react in a /me *Anton Nazar stumbles to the ground in pain, yelping as he reaches for his foot*
Define Metagaming: When you use OOC information for IC
Define Metaspeak: When you bring or talk about OOC things IC.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing another player with no reason or for OOC reasons.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes
Recommendations from Freedomers: None

I haven't seen you on the server since you applied. Your backstory involves being a trained killer on the streets murdering people for a couple rubles. What demented world is this?
That is only part of Freedom idealogy, and Duty/Monolith do not want to take over the zone.
Sorry, denied.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:13683554
Timezone:GMT -4
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Alltogether six years, five in Gmod.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:Six months actively, two years alltogether
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Beaten all three at least twice.

|In-Character Information|

Name:Adona Iacovetta
Family Members:Leonal Iacovetta (Father), Bianca Iacovetta (Mother), Bieil Iacovetta (Sister), Amaila Iacovetta (Sister), Cathrine Iacovetta (Sister)
Adona Iacovetta was born in the city of Genoa, and was the offspring of Leonal Iacovetta and Bianca Iacovetta as the youngest of four sisters. Although being born into a relatively large, Adona had a middle-classed privileged life, even as the youngest of the siblings, the births of all four children were so close together that at the age of one, the next youngest, Bieil was only two, and the two oldest, Amaila and Cathrine were only four, being un-identical twins.
As Adona began to grow, she had become very close to her parents and Bieil, though not being able much time with her parents, most of her time at home was spent spending time with Bieil in her young years, becoming very close to her, though not to Amaila or Cathrine. Bieil and Adona began school in same-year, Bieil being held back a year via her parents due to pneumonia, this leading to them being even closer as they were in same class through there entire life in school.
The first major difference in Bieil and Adona came when they were teenagers, Adona fourteen and Bieil fifteen, when Adona began becoming fascinated with medical procedures, beginning to watch videos of them. Bieil on the other hand began interested in business management, though still staying close throughout the rest of their time in high school. After high school, Adona and Bieil went to separate colleges, Bieil for business management and Adona for pre-medical, her parents paying in full for it.
As college went on, Bieil and Adona started to become somewhat separate, as they began to make acquaintances in their schools thus making them less reliant on each other. Bieil Completed school four years after enrolling in college, Adona just then beginning medical school. Bieil and Adona becoming more, though still keeping in contact over the phone, Adona being twenty-two.
As Adona finished medical school at middle of her class, though instead of looking for a internship in Italy, one of her friends, Yaval, convinced her to take a internship with her in Kiev, Adona hesitantly accepted, the hospital also paying her bills to learn Ukranian.
Now a full-time medical resident at one of the large hospitals in Kiev, Yaval began attempting to convince Adona to go with her and four others in a medical peace keep mission in a place not incredibly far from Kiev, telling her that there was much need of their expertise in this place. Adona accepted this invite after two months of Yaval attempting to convince her.
Adona now twenty seven, entered the zone with Yaval and the others, them paying off the lowly-guarded checkpoint guards with a substantial sum of money. Entering the zone with high-hopes to help inside people inside it, though obviously not prepared for the zone with no form of weaponry. Three weeks after entering the zone, All but Yaval, Adona and one of others with them, Adrian, left the zone, finding no reason to stay.
Adona, now being in the zone for several months and Yaval and Adrian gone, stayed at a small bar called 'Quebeck's den' , the local trader teaching her how to fire a pistol and a rifle over the course of several months. The trader and her set up a agreement that she would provide medical treatment for the locals and he would supply her with ammunition, food and water.
After one in a half years of doing this, Adona left Quebeck's due to his death of cardiac arrest three days prior, taking an offer from a man named 'Badger' to take over a medical position in a small group called 'Unit', where she met her now closest friend, Alex Baragili, in whom she generally talked to during her short-lived time in Unit.
After leaving 'Unit' due to the leader leaving the zone, Adona generally stayed around the garbage, loosing contact with Alex for a number of months until meeting him once again, learning that he had joined 'Freedom'. She had known about freedom, even worked with their leader before, but never though of joining until the idea was put in her head by Alex...

Skill Set: Extensive first-aid training, advanced triage, basic bacterial treatment.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:Free entry to the zone, in and out.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Due to the beleifs of freedom, and the beleif that she will be able to help whom she belives are the few people who are trying to help the situation in this place.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Due to the extensive medical knowledge known, I belive I would make a very good choice to be chosen by Freedom.
How well do you know Freedomers?:Met and had dealings with Yuri once twice, also good friends of a new member, Alex.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yor-gay, Yorty >.>, Yuri Babikov Icly.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Being injured during roleplay in which you play out your injuries accordingly, such as being shot in the arm with a A.K.S74u, you would most likely loose the ability to properly aim without medical attention.
Define Metagaming: Gaining IC information through a OOC means.
Define Metaspeak:Using emoticons in game, such as '=D' or '>.<'
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Randomly killing without consent or prior knowledge.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I will.
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes, I will.
Recommendations from Freedomers:None

After some thought, I decided to put you on a trial. Don't muck up.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Rusty!
STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:1:25272720
Timezone: GMT -8 PST
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Over 2 years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 1.5 months.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, finished CoS and CoP.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Rodrick 'Axel' Clout
Age: 31
Family Members: Helga Clout (adoption mom) [Deceased] Charlie Vladof (Birth Father) [Whereabouts Unknown] Helana Vladof (Birth Mother) [Deceased]


Axel was born on July 8th, 1984 in Moscow, Russia. His mother died when he was an infant due to heart failure and his father abandoned him when he was only 6. Soon after he was placed in an orphanage. Lady Mifesto, the care taker at the orphanage wasn't the ideal "care taker" in essence.  The orphans were the ones taking care of themselves. All she did was provide a place for the orphans to stay until they were adopted luckily an older woman by the name of Helga Clout adopted Axel only a few months after he was placed into the orphanage.

Helga was a "bazaar" woman, very spiritual... she was the type of person talking to spirits in her sleep, she always told him about a place far off in Ukraine, called The Zone.  She would mention that if was full of secrets and "other worldly" creatures and things called Anomalies, which she described as a "rip" in space and time. She always wanted to visit The Zone herself but she was getting to old... Axel knew she wouldn't be around to take care of him forever, Axel promised Helga that when she passed away that he would fulfill her legacy and travel to the Zone.  Many years passed, Axel is now 22 and Helga is now very old and sick. Axel knew she wouldn't be around in this world much longer.

A week later Helga died of an aneurism in her sleep. Axel felt deeply for the loss of his care taker, but... He had promised her something, he would fulfill the legacy that Helga had left for him. So Axel went forth and ventured to Ukraine and entered The Zone, it didn't take Axel long to realize that it was a hostile environment but he knew how to protect himself. As he was rummaging through some garbage a man dressed in military fatigues embroidered with the label "Freedom" stopped him and asked him what he was doing, he simply replied "Surviving" the man asked if he would like to be directed to shelter, ofcorce Axel said yes and upon doing so he was directed to a  small village with people sitting around a camp fire. Noticing the label on his fatigues Axel asked the man what Freedom was, the man replied. Freedom is an organization set out to have the secrets of the zone available to all who seek them. When the man said this, Axel realized that Freedom is protecting the legacy that Helga wanted, for Axel to travel to The Zone and find out about the Anomalies and creatures that Helga mentioned, Axel decided to join Freedom and protect the right that people have to The Zone's secrets.

Skill Set: I am best as a Scout/Sniper/Stealth Operations.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the Zone's secrets should be available to anyone
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I believe in Freedom's ideology and live it (ICly) Myself
Why should Freedom pick you?: To have another devoted member fighting for Freedom's cause.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Ive meet a few of them, they are good people.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Role-playing as if your character were hurt, ether it be a bullet to the knee (Crawling in pain) or a shrapnel wound from an explosion (Limping, hobbling,etc.)
Define Metagaming: Using OOC info IC.
Define Metaspeak:Using IC Info OOC.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone randomly, without any reason at all.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: None

I don't think you fit the credentials and after working with you as a stalker I don't feel like you would blend well with the team.
Also, I am currently watching you loljump and stand in a fire. Denied.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Reorp (Name to add is kent107908)
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:22017075
Timezone: GMT -6 hours CDT
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Since 08'
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: About 10 months.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Call Of Pripyat, Shadow of chernobyl, Yes.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Milan Miloslav
Age: 37
Family Members: Luka and Silvia Miloslav, -NOT IN ZONE-. Foster parents Dimitri and Saph Lyonov,-NOT IN ZONE-.
Backstory: Milan was born in Odessa, Ukraine. He was raised by both a mother and father throught his life Luka, and Silvia Miloslav. The family was a sort of poor family. The family did not have enough money to take care of Milan when he was a small child. At the age of three he was put in an orphanage, His family finally gave up on him. Milan had learned almost all he needed to know in the foster home. He always took things apart and put them back together just to see how they worked on the inside, Such as pens and other simple items. Milan had turned 14 when he was adopted to a nice family in Kiev, Ukraine.
           Later as Milan settled in with the family..The family had put him in school under his old families name "Miloslav". He was happy that they had let him keep his old last name. He was picked on in school for being small for his age. Milan had decided to ignore this immature group of children and move on in his life to become a Technician and Engineer. Having mostly good grades through out High school in Kiev he had then graduated from high school with A's and B's. He took up any jobs that requested a "Repair Man" or "Technician". Whether it be going to a person's house to fix their more advanced machines...Or fixing some old ladies phone for her. Being 28 he went professional and started working on more technical stuff such as computers, Devices, Fish finders, Etc. He loved doing what he did as it came to him naturally.
           Around the age of 35 the "Chernobyl Incident" occurred just some long ways away from Kiev. He wondered what type of things could be in need now. A year later, With a red wool jacket, Gloves,and  a food supply..He penetrated into the Exclusion Zone under one of the Ukraine military's blind spots. He knew of the dangers if he was caught by the military.. He did not like the military one bit of how they acted around most people, but he understood this being trespassing. Milan found himself in a weird sector for at least another year. He had learned of the groups in the zone, The Ecologists..Freedom..DUTY...Monolith..And the Ukrainian Military, along with the loner factions, Mercenaries, and bandits. Milan was walking up to his favorite place to go, The freedom Bar. When out of no where a group of bandits, Jumped out of the treeline, Sprinted to him with their guns up, and were about to rob them. A freedom sniper had seen the commotion as it happened on the road. He lifted the gun to his shoulder, Lined the scope sights with one of the bandits, then pulled the trigger. An SVD bullet flew out of the barrel, Milan saw the muzzle flash of the gun, In half a second one of the bandits dropped to the ground, a Hole sprouting out of his head and bleeding excessively. Another bullet was sent through one of the other bandit's legs. The brown trench coated bandit picked up the injured one, and sprinted into the forest leaving the dead bandit. Milan was shaken up of the experience. He made his way up to the base, and was met with a freedomer in a SEVA whom was Named Leshiy, but would rather be called by his nickname "Spray". Leshiy told Milan how he saw the bandits and was the one whom saved him. Milan thanked him, They nodded to each other, and Milan's respect for freedom arose higher, and he felt he was in their dept. So now here is Milan now..Making out his application to join the freedomers.
Skill Set: Technician, Mechanical Engineer.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: They believe the zone should be free access to all.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I have been searching for a Major Faction to join for awhile. Freedom for some reason called out to me more than the other major factions on Srp. I'm looking for more Role-play and to further develop my character.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I can be a loyal member of the faction. I will follow every order I'm given, (Unless it is a joke). I haven't really seen much freedomers on recently. I also want to join a friend and follow him through the ranks.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I hang around freedom bar, and try my best to stay out of trouble on my stalker characters. One of my characters, A bandit, Was punished for talking about stealing ruble, Beaten, Then shot, He died of blood loss/ Cardiac arrest. I apologize for that little situation with him. I always watch the freedomers and admire them when I'm at freedom.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yorty

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: To Role-Play out an injury, Such as being shot in the leg, You would most likely fall to your knees or stumble from the shot. That is what you should do.
Define Metagaming: Using OOC information you learned as IC information, or the other way around. Such as revealing a location in OOC for IC purposes.
Define Metaspeak: Metaspeak= "LeetSpeak" Such as "N00B, 1337, Lol, Rofl,Lmao, Etc"
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Deathmatching someone for no real IC reason, Or killing/murdering them for an OOC reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I will.
Will you actively use the forums?: I always have.
Recommendations from Freedomers: CC~

Come in for an interview later, we have some things to discuss.

Edit: On trial - Yorty


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:Rec. J. Webster [1st MRB]
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:26981576
Timezone:Pacific Time
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: About 5 Months
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 6 Days
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Clear Sky

|In-Character Information|

Name:Boris Stepanov
Family Members:Alena Stepanov (Mother)   Feliks Stepanov (Father)
Backstory:Boris Stepanov was Born and Raised in the Outskirts of Moscow on a Farm. His Dad Feliks taught him how to shoot a Pistol and a Rifle When he was 10. Boris heard storys of The Zone when he was a Kid. When he was 18 He packed up and left Before he left his Dad gave him a Makarov with 3 Box's of ammo. 5 Years after he left he went to The Zone in search for Artifacts. Had an Encounter with a Blood Sucker. a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Saved him called Reznov Feng, Feng shot it in the Head with his TOZ 34 Twice While it pinned Boris down, Killing it, Feng then took Boris over to a Safe Area and handed him 400 Rubles to get ammunition and such.

After a Week in the Zone he had multiple encounters with Mutants which he ran from all of them,
Every Day he Trained himself to become a Marksman, setting up Cans and Bottles for target practice.
Scavanging was easy for him. he knew a Scrapyard near the Military Base where he would Chopshop old cars and Sell parts and scrap metals, Once he tried to make a car Work. he Succesfully Hotwired the car but it still needed good parts.

The next week he picked up a Distress Signal on his Radio, Calling any other Stalkers's over to the Mansion because they were trapped by mutants. He then went to the mansion with his Pistol on hand.
He snuck in without getting noticed by any Mutants, and found the small party of stalker's in a room, Low on ammo, They successfully made a push outside, then ran from the Mansion.
He learned about the Factions a day after. and always Respected the Freedomers, Wanting to join them.
He was told storys about the Monolith, Some said they're Brainwashed freaks, and Bad shots
He knows little about the duty. He wants the zone to be free, Unrestricted, and Less of a Hell On Earth.
Skill Set: Mechanics and Marksmanship

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:Freedom in the Zone
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:To keep the Zone Free and Unrestrained.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Im a Loyal, Honest person with Good Shooting skills.
How well do you know Freedomers?:Not very well i only buy from there trader frequently and Hang around there area some times
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:If you get shot, you fall down, stumble or Blackout.
Define Metagaming:Somone saying "ZOMG THERES LIEK 100 GUNS IN TEH MANSION" Then somone going over to the mansion.
Define Metaspeak:Speaking in Text Speak IC I.E. "Lol those noob bloodsuckers got p0wned huh guise"
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Randomly Shooting People without a IC Reason
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes i will take Full Responsibility for my actions.
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers:Arkadi Gavrill

I haven't bothered with your application not just because I've been away, but I really haven't seen you. See me later on the server or add me on steam friends.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Poopship McGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:386047
Timezone: UTC−08:00
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: I have atleast 1000 hours of roleplaying. 1450 in total.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: A week.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, Clear Sky.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Nikolai Brovata
Age: 36
Family Members: Nikolai Brovata Senior, and Fedora Brovata.
Backstory: I used to live in Russia, the safer parts. When my parents died I came to the Zone to find money. Instead, I found a good friend, named Spray, who is also now in Freedom. With him was another man, who I haven't seen recently, he's probably dead. His name is or was, Polly. I came to the zone in my 20's. I never really went out in search, I usually just bummed off vodka. Eventually I started to run out of money. I starting doing mercenary work and I started to think about the zone, ya' know, as a whole. I started learning about the many factions, monolith the religous psychopaths, duty, the power-hungry military deserters. Point is, I started getting informed. I found interest, paticularly in Freedom. Their intentions were good, they weren't a dry faction. Also my friend Leshiy joined it. I ended up hanging around there, meeting a trader named Night. I bought my first Abakan from him, very charismatic fellow. Soon after that I helped out Freedom with killing some Monolith punks. I was paid well, but I would have done it again for free. Awhile later, the manor was attacked by muties, I help that, got paid 1000 rubles, then came back to find Freedom under attack, then there was an emission. That brings me here, applying. I hope you can accept my, humble application. Sorry, I am not too good at applying.
  Nikolai Brovata
QuotePDA - ON

"Please enter password, Nikolai Brovata"

PASSWORD: ***********

"Password accepted, welcome Nikolai."


"микромягкие слова"

"Open New"

PDA Entry 001
     This is Nikolai Brovata, I have had a lot of spare time recently so I decided I would keep a diary of sorts on my PDA. Today, I bought my AK74U from my good friend Nicolai something.. Lagunov I think. It seems like it's a good gun, it will definitely save my life in the future though. I thought of robbing another STALKER today, but I was not about to follow the steps of my father. I found this abandoned house by the Military base, I do not believe the Military use it, I might make some sort of Safe Haven, for STALKERS by STALKERS. I also heard quite a bit of drama going on about the bandit group, "Neutral Cross", I do not want to ever get near those fuckers ever again. I don't really know if I and a bunch of STALKERS could take on a bloodsucker by ourselves though. Probably not, so for now, scratch the idea of a Safe Haven. Not really Safe if bloodsuckers can kill us, then again, is there really anywhere safe in the Zone?"

"Save as PDA Entry 001"




Skill Set: Running, spotting, brawling, marksmanship and drinking.
|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To save the zone, whatever the costs.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To save the zone, help Freedom, meet some good people, and help my good friend, Spray.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Freedom should pick me because I am useful in a fight. I have have speed and endurance so I would make a good scout.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Pretty well, I have quite a few buddies in it. I would die fighting for them.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: An RP injury is when your character is injured due to roleplay and must roleplay having an injury, for an example. Billy is shot in the leg. Billy has a limp when he walks now.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is when you take something said out of character, and use it in-game.
Define Metaspeak: When you use emoticons to communicate or roleplay.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): RDM is when you kill someone for no reason, or without roleplay.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.
Will you actively use the forums?: Already am a dedicated posted in the Gay Vampire Castle. ;D
Recommendations from Freedomers:Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom

"When my parents died I came to the Zone to find money." - This part really irks me. You're passable, but you need a major change of attitude Out-of-Character. And thanks to that you'll be placed on a trial rather than being accepted as a full member. I'll kick you out without notice if you stir up shit, give anyone a bad name, or act like a nitwit in general. You'll be hanging by a thread until you can prove you're worthy to be otherwise.

On trial.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| ßĮâźēř23
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:3514948
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time U.S. (GMT +5 I think)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Quite a while, but RPing in general I've been RPing forever, I love it
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Yes
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SHoC and CoP

|In-Character Information|

Name: Michael 'Shadow' Vanuri
Age: 29
Family Members: Daniel Vanuri (Actual character) Yaroslav Vanuri (Father, deceased)  Azusa Hutchinson
(Mother, deceased, also the mother of another character on SRP)
Backstory:      Michael came to the zone mainly to find his brother, Daniel, but obviously was side-tracked greatly. He ended up joining the Outcasts after about a month living in the Zone. He traveled with the Outcasts for a while, he enjoyed being in the group, and enjoyed being with his crew members Stone, Syfer, Hydra, and Bishop.
      After time progressed, most of the members of his crew split up, Hydra went North, and he does not know of Syfer or Stone's current statuses. As he hung out at the Freedom base, he became more associated with their members, such as Leshiy, Mikhal, and Yuri, although he is not sure that Yuri is very fond of him, due to the fact that the Outcasts had previously had a war with Freedom. He didn't know much about the past of the two faction's affairs. He decided to fill out an application with Freedom and see where it took him from there. He currently wanders the zone, waiting for his application to be reviewed.
Skill Set: Combat in general, good medic

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That people be free to enter the zone legally
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: The leader of the Outcasts, and several other outcasts left the zone, leaving him alone, so now he wishes to join a faction, yet still have his independance
Why should Freedom pick you?: Shadow is a good soldier, and he is a strong man
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know a few members of Freedom, and I'm good friends with some of those few
Who is the Freedom Leader?: If you mean in SRP, it's Yuri Babikov, not sure about the actual storyline of Stalker

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: When you role play that you are injured, and unable to do things because of your injury, unless the injury is healed properly
Define Metagaming: When you use information that you have obtained out of character, in character
Define Metaspeak: Using emoticons and shortening words (Example: :D, :P, XD, u, lol, etc.)
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When you kill someone for no reason/no apparent reason
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes
Recommendations from Freedomers:

Denied for obvious reasons.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:Lucky Pig
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:8590143
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:A little more than a year.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:A few days
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Yes Call of Pripyat and Shadow of Chernobyl

|In-Character Information|

Name:Fyodor Chistyakov
Family Members:An orphan with only one cousin alive, Olga Chistyakov
Backstory:Born 1983 6th of october. A mechanic from the streets of St. Petersburg. Fyodor learned technical skills during his years in the orphanage from the janitor who worked there. The janitor had a small business near the orphanage, a garage called буфер (bumper) and Fyodor used to go and help him after he had finished his work at the orphanage and as "payment" the janitor teached him. For some reason Fyodor never learned the real name of that janitor.
            After Fyodor turned 18 he moved out of the orphanage to the буфер and worked there until 2008 when he met Inessa Petrenko an Ukrainian daughter of a farmer who lived a hundred miles from "the Zone". Fyodor fell in love with the young Inessa and moved with her to her father's farm in Ukraine. There Fyodor got married with Inessa and lived at her fathers farm up until 2014. When a former Duty member who had escaped the zone robbed the farm and killed Inessa's father and first raped and then killed Inessa too whilst Fyodor was in a nearby town buying a new rifle and other hunting equipment. When Fyodor reached the farm he had already loaded the rifle hoping to see some animals to test the rifle and the pistol he had bought and the former Duty member was loading up their truck with everything he found inside. Fyodor sneaked behind the house and looked in through the window and saw the bodies of his dear wife and father in law. Fyodor was suddenly taken over by rage and urge to kill that stranger raiding his new home so he sneaked behind him and knocked him unconcious and tied him up wanting to question him. Half an hour passed and then the former duty member started to stir Fyodor grabbed him and shouted: "WHO ARE YOU? WHERE YOU FROM? WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?" Fyodor being a big man the former Duty member was so scared he told everything he knew immediately. Fyodor listened carefully to every detail the man told him so he knew how to get into the Zone and to the spot where the Duty member had been stationed before his escape. Fyodor grabbed his weapon and other equipment and also took with him the rifle and pistol he bought earlier.
          Fyodor set out to the zone with his truck and a few days later he reached the place where the Duty member had told there was a secret entrance. Fyodor stopped the car a little before the border and sneaked up-close on foot. Fyodor waited for the guards to pass and then sneaked in through the hole. Fyodor had reached the zone and was on his way to join the Freedom for the simple reason of hating the Duty and wanting them to perish. And also to study the anomalies for mechanical purposes.

Skill Set:A modest hunter and a mechanic.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:To make the zone free to access to anyone to study and research.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:Because of their relaxed way of dealing with things and also because I liked it the most when I played the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games
Why should Freedom pick you?:Because I'm loyal and active.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I don't really know anyone but am a social person and willing to get to know them.
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:RPing that you get injured and cant move properly so other people have to carry you/treat your injuries meaning if you fall down you might break your leg and cant move.
Define Metagaming:Using information you get from OOC in character or telling IC stuff in OOC.
Define Metaspeak:Using emoticons or shortened words IC during roleplay.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Randomly killing people with no RP reason for it.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes I will I belonged to another clan/community and am used to visiting forums.
Recommendations from Freedomers:

While your backstory is a bit... fanatical, it's still interesting. The problem is that I've yet to have ever met you on the server. Stick around for a while and we'll see how goes, assuming you're interested.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Ran
STEAM ID: Steam_0:1:26271256
Timezone:GMT +1
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: I've been on and off, If you count all the serious rp i've been playing on about 3-4 weeks not too sure.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 5-6 Days not sure.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Call of pripyat but my computer wasn't so strong at the time so I couldn't really play it so well and had to stop.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Adam Nark
Family Members: Svetlana Nark - Older sister, Larisa Nark - A mother, Alex Nark - A father.
Backstory: Was born and raised by his parents in a tough neighbourhood under deep poverty for many years, ever since he was young he loved to explore and discover, but unfortunatley he couldn't do too much exploring since his family was poor and weak, when he was 14 he helped his father to get money by working in the shipyard and carrying boxes for a low salary.

He saved enough money from his job after 3 years for a trip all around Russia for 2 weeks by himself, after he came back from the trip he entered the house and he found his entire family lying dead and full of blood in their appartment, the police investigated the case for about 3 years and realized that the murderes were after his father because he didn't pay them enough money - that is all the police knew, but then Adam rushed to his father's documents and started reading and going through his notes reading about a place called "The Zone" where every Stalker could make a fortune, but unfortunatly, his father did not and actually owed people a lot of money and therefore retreated back to marry his mom. Adam then knew he had to accomplish his father's goal and his goal on the way - explore and make a fortune, when he was 23 he had enough information about the zone and was ready to go in.
Skill Set: Medical assistance, a Decent hunter, Running, Stealth and research.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To allow free access to the zone for everyone who wishes it for research,study travel and enjoy it.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because they are really a relaxed group who is usually friendly to most of the people and work for the freedom of access to the zone.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I believe I can server their cause very well, take orders very well, help them and bring the moral higher if needed.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know that they are good people who are friendly and willing to help rookies, and also I know that they do not like bandits.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: An RP situation where your character was injured in a part of his body which disables his movement skill by an amount equal to the damage of the injury ( got shot in the leg - limping )
Define Metagaming: Using out of character  (OOC)information to help you in character (IC) such as : (OOC) hey man where are you? . (OOC) Oh im on the other side of the map. (OOC) I'm coming!
Define Metaspeak: Speaking Icly as if it was OOcly : " yo whats up dude :]]]]?"
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone without any ic reason to.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Definetly.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes I will start to as of now.
Recommendations from Freedomers: None.

You're new to the server and don't have any reccomendations, so I don't have much to go on. Your answers have a few quirks and your backstory is really quite lacking (Murdered family) so you should work on those before you consider re-applying.
Come back in two weeks if you're still interested.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Kezz
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:16302425
Timezone: GMT
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Four and a half years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 1 year, 7 months and ten days.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Arkadiy Gorobet
Age: 34
Family Members: Father - Alive | Mother - Alive
Backstory: Born into a well off family Arkadiy had an easy start in life but later on in his twenty's he found life hard due to his lack of math skills he had low grades and couldn't really do any type of paper work having low grades stopped him from getting a well-paid job. He got a job as a janitor working at an office block for the two years then he moved on and got a job at a warehouse untill he was thirty four. One night at his local bar he was drinking away the blues untill he was joined by some of his work mates one of them told him about the zone saying. "This place has to be the most greatest place to make money in the world you don't need any type of skills at all just pull up junk and sell it." Ark replied "So you mean be a looter?" his mate said back with a smile. "It's not looting if no one is around is it?" Ark looked back and said. "Well yeah it is, you just don't get caught." his mate looked at him with a blank face saying. "Look do you want to get rich or not?" Ark drank the rest of his pint before saying. "Look fine where is this place?" his mate grinned patting him on the back before opening the door. "Come on I'll show ya." . Ark followed his mate towards a garage where he met two other men and saw a pick up truck behind them. The two men looked at Ark before looking to his mate. "This the fourth guy?" his mate told them. "Yeah you can trust him." one of the men nodded towards the truck. "Get in the back and keep low.". The truck went on for miles taking rough dirt roads towards a dark gloomy swamp land  Ark had been on the truck for six hours. One of the man passed three old hunting rifles saying. "Ok watch each other's back we'll do fine." Ark gripped the gun saying. "Why the hell would we need a gun to loot?" the man just walked into the swamps saying nothing but. "Keep low and follow me.".

The four men walked through swamps in the pitch black night keeping low hearing the most awful sounds, but they still trecked on untill they reach a plain like area with tons of massive lumps of rubble and trash dumped on top. The man leading them looked at them all before saying. "Ok becarful of any radation in the area and you'll do fine we want things that will bring in money like gun parts or artifacts" Ark looked at him with a weird look before saying with a confused tone. "What the hell do you mean artifact like a old time pot?" the man pulled out his PDA showing Ark the weirdest things he'd ever see before telling him in a low tone. "See anything like this tell me." The three men looked through the rubble before Ark's mate found one putting it into his backpack before saying to the group. "We got one anyway..." Just then a pack of blind dogs came running by the men apart from Ark shot them dead. Ark looked at them saying "What a waste of ammo you just shot some poor junkyard dogs..." His mate told him. "If we didn't they'd of ripped us to shreds." . An hour past the men had found three artifacts total before the group leader yelled out. "All right were moving out to sell these things!" The group watched their step as they moved out getting to a stalker camp the three men sat down resting. The group leader haggled with a trader with the artifacts prices untill gunshots where heard a group of bandits came out of no where killing the trader and leader instantly. Ark didn't know what was going on or what to do he just ran leaving his rifle behind as well as his mates he sprinted as fast as he could as guns shots could be heard coming from the camp. His friends were shot and Ark was alone and confused before he came to a big courtyard it seemed to belong to a group named "Freedom" Ark stayed their for a while watching as the group did their business Ark thought to himself one day that he'd sign up to join them now he waits in their camp for a reply.
Skill Set: Good with basic weaponry, has first-aid training.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: They want to keep the zone alive such as letting the loners scavenge freely, stop the military from preventing access and stop Duty reaching their goals.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I want to become dedicated to an active faction and make the zone a greater place for stalkers.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Well I'm dedicated and will follow the commander's orders with out question, also I don't want to see the zone die.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Seen them from afar a couple of times, I've also stuck around Freedom camp.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: You get shot in the arm you grip it and moan in pain begging for some medical aid, you also can't use that arm for holding a weapon with.
Define Metagaming: People useing OOC info in IC I.E Someone saying they was going to lead some one into a ambush but the victim says no because he saw the OOC chat.
Define Metaspeak: Saying Lol in IC. I.E Lol ur gun sukz
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing some one without any reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes all the time.
Will you actively use the forums?: I'll try my best.
Recommendations from Freedomers: IronDeity 

Your application is pretty decent overall, and you have a history. You have a reliable recommendation, etc.
On the other hand your punctuation was gut-wrenching (but that's just me), add some commas for Christ's sake.
You'll be accepted as a Rookie, see me on the server later and add me on steam friends - there's things to discuss.
Usually I would have placed you on a trial, but I don't see the need right now.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Monkatraz
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:14258682
Timezone:(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Around 4 years or so.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: About two weeks.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: COP and CS

|In-Character Information|

Name: Solokov Doole
Age: 21
Family Members: Kirrolov Doole (ALIVE) Caroline Doole (she is a foreigner, she is alive)
Backstory: (this is in thirdperson)       Comeing from the city of Ржищів or Rzhyschiv (it is a city), Solokov Doole was from a middle class family, his parents, Caroline and Kirrolov, were a happy couple, Kirrolov took Solokov hunting when he was only 10, hunting small animals first. Solokov grew attached to killing for food, or for good. Alot of times they had too much food becuase they bagged so many animals. When he was 18, he decided to go to the Zone, he heard about the Zone during a talk with his friends, who heard of strange mutants and richs within the Zone. He wished to hunt these mutants, and see the wonders.
          While in the Zone, he thought of this as a gift of sorts, he explored, he gained skill with the rifle, mainly snipers. He hunted bloodsuckers any many other mutants. He loved this life. He continued to live like any other S.T.A.L.K.E.R in the Zone. Many times he saw Duty squads and wish to fire upon them, but afriad of being overwhelmed. He was fascinated by the artifacts of he Zone, and how they came back after every emmision, but he wasen't an artifact hunter. He was a HUNTER.
         He had no idea one day, that a group of bandits would go after him. He was scouting for mutants at the time, and the bandits that look like normal stalkers, told him they know where a group of bloodsuckers were. He believed them. He was robbed, leaveing very few rubles and a Makarov. He then knew, he needed a brother. He needed to fight for the Zone. He enlisted into Freedom, hopeing to be accepted.
Skill Set: Automatic sniper rifles (such as the VSS) or Semi automatic sniper rifles. Stealthy and strong.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To let people into the marvel of the Zone, without the hindrance of constant military action and Duty.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: As stated, Solokov loves the Zone and wants everyone to be free within it, not require some permit to enter the Zone.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I could be a helpful supporter in fights or be a scout, so you can see whats in the way of your path.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I don't know many, im not too social.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Haveing a broken leg, broken wrist, bullet wounds.
Define Metagaming: Useing a non IC source to find out information.
Define Metaspeak: Talking unrealisticly with IC such as LOLOLOLOLOL YOU SUK BLOODSUCKER
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing something randomly with no purpose or reason
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Ill try as much as I can
Recommendations from Freedomers: None, sadly. But in Clear Sky I always joined Freedom.


Dums dums


Monk. Speak to be in-game when you're on and we'll have a talk In-Character. (Also, waiting on forum mod then Ill shift this comment into your app like the rest of them.)
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:PwnyXpress9
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:25359299
Timezone:GMT -6
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Close to 2 and a half years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: A few days
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky

|In-Character Information|

Name: Yohan Zeiser
Family Members: Mikael Sokolov (Brother - Alive) Father (Condition Unknown)
Backstory:. Yohan was born into an on
April 14, 1990, in Moscow, Russia. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Yohan's family was displaced and they were forced to live on the streets and in shelters.
Yohan was raised by his parents while they worked whatever job they could get. As he grew older, he learned to find sustenance wherever he went because he was forced to scavenge in order to survive. Yohan resorted to thievery only when the situation became very desperate. Yohan's mother was often sick and he stole medical supplies in an effort to help her. When Yohan was 16, his mother died. Distraught, Yohan eventually decided to leave his father and brother, vowing to never let any family he started get into the same situation he had grown up in. He originally worked the odd job to try to get by, but could see no easy way out of his poverty. Yohan then took advantage of the only option left available to him, to enter the zone. Hoping to strike it rich, Yohan used what he knew of scavenging in an attempt to discover valuable artifacts. He experienced some success, but it was not enough. Yohan means to join up with Freedom to have a brother at his back as he delves deeper into the zone in search of his fortune. He believes that he, and anyone capable, has the right to enter the zone and take advantage of it, so his own ideals fit into those of Freedom.

Walks with a slight limp that resulted from a run-in with a bloodsucker (I think it was Pale..)
Slim- looks like he doesn't always get enough to eat
Often unshaven and unbathed, but that obviously varies
Determined look in his eyes

Skill Set: Experienced Scavenger
Most likely able to serve as a scout

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:Free Access to the zone for all!
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: It's nice to have a brother at your back wherever you go. (And to be that brother for others) I also enjoyed freedom most in the STALKER games.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I'm Active on the server, I'm experienced at RP, I will assist freedom in any way possible.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I have gotten to know a few of them recently. (Vasilli Nikolaev namely) The one i know best is no longer in freedom. (Spray).
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:RPing that you're injured-  For example, If you break a leg, you can no longer walk with any reasonable speed.
Define Metagaming:Using information you get from OOC to influence your actions in character.
Define Metaspeak:Using emoticons and "lolikr k bbl g2g l8r h8r"
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Randomly killing people with no IC reason for it.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes!
Recommendations from Freedomers: Spray recommended me before he disappeared from Freedom.
Vasilli Nikolaev

On trial. You and Mike are relatively new(ish) to the server, but your enthusiasm (or someone else's enthusiasm) helps your case. You have some good history behind you, but don't let it go to your head.
You have a week or two, and you better cheesin' shine or you'll get the boot until a later date.


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: mikeman003
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:12554276
Timezone: GMT-6
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 3 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 1 year off and on
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: all 3

|In-Character Information|
Name: Mikael Sokolov
Age: 28
Family Members: Yohan Zeiser
Backstory: Born on October 1st, 1988 in Moscow, he family was displaced in the collapse of the Soviet Union.  He and his family, including a mother, father, and younger brother Yohan, were forced to scavenge for most of the things that they needed, and Mikael and his brother soon learned how to steal and scavenge.  When mikael was 18, his mother died, and his brother fled to the zone.  Mikael though of the zone as a stupid and dangerous place, so he stayed behind.  While he was growing up, he worked for a Russian black market merchant, starting as a stock boy and eventually moving up to a bodyguard.  He got into plenty of trouble, but the merchant favored him over most of the others.  Eventually, Mikael was confronted by another member of the group who felt it was unfair that Mikael was receiving better treatment, and they got into a fight.  Mikael was forced to kill the man, and he knew he had to leave before the others caught him.  He fled to the only place he knew he could disappear, the zone.  After entering the zone, Mikael sought his younger brother Yohan and eventually found him in one of the bars in a Freedom outpost.  He had changed his name over the years to prevent anyone from his past from finding him, and his brother did not recognize him, so he decided to befriend Yohan and keep a close eye on his younger brother without Yohan's knowledge.  When he found out the Yohan was trying to get into Freedom, he decided to follow his brother and eventually reveal his identity so they could be a family again.  He also hoped that his membership in Freedom will protect him from anyone in his past finding and bothering him.
Skill Set: long range rifles, Organization

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: Preserve the zone and keep it free for all.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: My brother Yohan wants to join, and I want to follow him to reunite our family
Why should Freedom pick you?: I am strong willed, knowledgable in many combat areas, and can protect soft targets.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I have met some, but kept mostly to myself until recently.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: aking into account the physical and mental effects of your actions and reacting to them, i.e. taking a bullet to the leg and dropping to the ground rather than sprinting off.
Define Metagaming: Using OOC information to change your IC actions
Define Metaspeak: lol, wtf, smilies, etc.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone for no apparent RP reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: yes
Will you actively use the forums?: yes
Recommendations from Freedomers: Spray was a good friend of mine until he got captured.

On trial. The same goes for you what it went with Pony since apparently you are two eggs from the same basket or something. Impress me.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:Darkzerxx
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:20067753
Timezone:Central Us
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:7 months
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:7 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:All.
|In-Character Information|

Name:Levi Krillen
Family Members:Brother(Alive), Father(Alive), Mother(Alive)
I lived in a village out side of the city Otto. When I was 8 I started taking survival classes with my father and soon started going out on hunts with him and a few others. When I was 19 I went to
Lviv polytechnic national univeristy. After I finished schooling I soon heard of the Chernobyl explosion and how it had changed the life inside the area named the zone. I soon set out to to explore this new place with a group of fortune hunter thinking it would be a chance of a life time. Soon enough half were dead and some were missing, May have well been dead. After Being in the zone for so long I soon started returning to the outskirts of the zone, I stayed in the cordon for a couple of months helping stalkers survive the zone by teaching them a few tricks about anomaly's and other skills that help them survive the harsh zone. After living in the cordon for so long i soon left a bit deeper into the zone once more and joined a group of veteran stalkers scouting and gathering artifacts for profit. I ran into many things in the zone, more death than I could imagine seeing in one life time. So I soon deiced it was time to settle down with a faction and see what I could do to help. After seeing what duty has done and the horrors that monolith has done to many of my fellow stalkers I feel like freedom is the only faction with a true cause to fight, and die for so I decided I would join freedom. I hope to soon prove my self and make the zone free for all one day.
Skill Set:Marksmen ,Survivalist, and hunter.
|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:Free zone entry!
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:To help the zone be free for all!!
Why should Freedom pick you?:I'm one the most active players now and days,and I have a lot of experience with freedom. and other factions.
How well do you know Freedomers?:Very well.
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Yorty
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:When harmed in game by a stray bullet in a STM or in rp having to rp the injury.
Define Metagaming:People going OOC to say IC info.
Define Metaspeak:Talking like your were txting
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Killing people for no reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?:Yep.
Recommendations from Freedomers:none.

You know what the deal is, and you've accepted to it. So don't think of pulling anything or it's over for you. On trial as a rookie.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Tenshi (Smirnoff)
STEAM ID: I'll dig it up for you when I get back home, but what good it will serve still leaves me confused to this day.
Timezone: GMT+1
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Closing in on two years on and off.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: See above answer.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yeah, all infact.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Ilary Kasparkova
Age: 25
Family Members: Mother and a jailed father, both in Ukraine.
Backstory: One year had now passed since Ilary made his way into the zone in the search of treasures and wealth beyond imagination. However his past year turned out to be nothing like he imagined, the zone was tough, he knew that but he never once imagined it like the lawless dangerous hell hole that it truly is, and it came as a shock for both him and his business.
Before his departure into the zone, he spent several months making contacts, contracts and deals for everything you could possibly need in the zone, be it food, drink or equipment.
And don't jump to the solution that his past year hadn't been profitable, no no, quite the opposite in fact, but unfortunately he got into some trouble with the big fishes.
You see, there is always someone with more money, more men and better equipment then yourself, and he's going to be pissed off when you steal his customers, and I think you can imagine what happens to the people who pisses said high rollers off.
Ilary however was on the lucky side, at first. They came to him one day and simply warned him of "unfortunate things" if he didn't pack his stuff and leave.
Ilary, being the rather fighting shy person he is, left the place as soon as he can, and hired a couple of stalkers as protection for his trip to the next outpost.

He layed low for a few weeks, before reopening his shop at a distant outpost, but not even there was he safe.
The man came out of no where, he was cleaning the bar disc with a dirty rag when they came running against him, quickly scaling the disc and surrounding him.
A bearded man approached him, started to talk. Ilary however was in shock out of fear, and didn't understand a word of what he told him, he only catched a word here and there such as "ignored our warning" and "pay for it", and before he knew it the men were all over him with their fists and feet.
It all went black.
When he woke up the next day, there was no sign of the men, but signs of the assault yesterday were still there, broken furniture and equipment lay spread across the entire floor, and Ilary raised slowly from the ground.
He twitched a lot from a heavy pain he felt from his ribs, but ignored it with only one thought in mind "Get out of here!"

Ilary grabbed the nearest rifle and made his way out into the woods.
He walked around for several days, until he found a small shack which he used as home for the next couple of months.
During the time he met maybe 4-5 other stalkers, but with the use of his rifle, he scared them away out of fear they would come after him as well.

His wounds healed over time, but his mind didn't. He felt a constant fear of getting assaulted, and he didn't ever move more then a meter from his rifle, and was constantly plagued with a feeling of being watched, often leaving him sleepless in the night.
He spent most of the time by thinking over how he could possibly recover from this loss, he left almost all of his merchandise at the outpost, including his PDA with all of his contacts. He came to the conclusion that it was over for him, and that would spend the rest of his day in the shack until he starved to death.

Ilary twitched in his bedroll, he was sweaty and shaking. "Another nightmare" he repeated to himself over and over again in an attempt to calm himself down, thats when he heard it, a loud cough from the downstairs.
He instantly froze in his current position, and listened for another life sign while his heart raced. And there it was again, although this time the sound of a chair moving on the floor.
His mind didn't need more time to come to a conclusion, this was the men who were back to kill him, he was certain.
With shaking hands and the adrenaline flowing through his body, he grabbed his rifle and begun to carefully sneak down the stairs, holding his breath.
He eventually made it down the stairs, and faced a closed door.
He took a deep breath, with all of his power, he rammed through the door while shouting his warcry.
He came into the room, which was.. empty. He examined the rooms every corner with horror in his eyes, and when he concluded the door was still locked, and there wasn't a single sign of a human being ever being here, he collapsed onto the floor, and thought "I'm loosing my mind." over and over again for several hours until finally falling into a light sleep.
Once the sun rised, he packed what was left of his equipment, and left the shack. He was thinking clearer now and imagined the lack of company was one of the factors in the hallucination.
He walked for a few days until he made it into the freedom camp. He sat down in the bar, and ordered a beer from the barkeep.
He drank it silence, until he felt the chair next to him move. He looked to his side and saw a man clad in a freedom suit smiling back at him.
"Is this seat taken mate?" asked the freedomer. Ilary replied with a silent shake of his head, and the man took a seat.
And they started talking, the quality of the conversion scaled with the amount of liquid consumed, and soon they were laughing like mad, telling stories and giving each other tips like old friends from several years back.

After a drunken sleep, he woke up the next day, with only one thought pulsating through his mind, joining freedom.
With a smiling face he sat down infront of the recruitment officer, he thought to himself one last time if this truly was the right thing to do, his mind "replied" these people can protect you, you will always have a brother watching your back here, you'll never have to worry about those bandits again.
He smiled even wider for himself, his hands shaking, but this time out of excitement.
This was his call, and he knew it.

Skill Set: Very social, sort of the guy who is friends with everyone, keeping the group together and also makes him extremly fitting as a diplomat as he is used to negotiations.
Good at handling people overall.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To preserve the zone, and open it for everyone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Recently left duty and have been looking for another major faction to join. Freedom's RP seems very interesting as the faction involves itself with stalkers frequently, and arent as militarised as duty either.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I am a loyal, responsible and capable member and I will do my best to make sure a friendly and supporting atmosphere is kept up inside the faction.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Fairly well, that's all I'll give you.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov - Yorty

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury to yourself, such as tripping and breaking your leg, this means you RP the event itself, and any healing process after it in a logical way.
Define Metagaming: Using information gathered OOC, ICly.
Define Metaspeak: Using "leetspeak" such as abberations and smileys in the IC chat.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone without the others consent, and often without a proper reason at all.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes sire.
Recommendations from Freedomers:
Zee Captain (Don Capo, Ramirez)

Accepted as a rookie.
We talked, so you know the lowdown. Your application is good, your backstory is excellent, and you do have a proven track record. We'll see how things go then, try and meet me on the server when possible.
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: Spy
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:17637041
Timezone: GMT +2
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 2-3 Years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: A year, on and off
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SoC, Some CS and CoP

|In-Character Information|
Name: Armanov 'Ray' Tarvosky
Age: 23
Family Members: N/A - Orphaned since birth

The sky was black with storm-clouds, a man in a leather trench coat trudged forward into the unforgiving forest. The anomalies caused by The Zone had mutated the environment into an unforgivable and harsh mistress. But he need not to think about it. He was at home, here, in this chaos. As he marched along the muddy trail, he came to a concrete entrance. A sign read 'Rostok', but he ignored it and walked in. He walked past the guard, whom had saluted him off, and past the warehouse, which greeted him, emptily. He came upon the bar, old and broken as it was, he entered. As he proceeded down the first set of stairs, he came upon a man dressed in red and black. A contrast, thought the man, to the beauty and bliss that was The Zone. The man in red and black greeted him, 'Dont just...' but his voice trailed off as our adventurer pulled his hood over his head and explored the inside of the bar. To his right, an old, frustrated man, presumably the trader. To his left, many men coughing, and all around there was silence. The silence was too much, and the adventurer said to himself; 'Not for me'.

The adventurer left, and trailed towards the east of the forest, a large tunnel greeted him, as well as many Ukrainian Military signs, warnings of great distress. The adventurer entered, as was immediately aware of watching eyes. They were criticizing him, looking down upon him. But he continued, far into the east, and came upon an old base. The guard refused him entry, and blatantly began to close the small gap between the two large doors. But our adventurer had seen enough. Two men who had been bound and shot lay bleeding on the floor, their last gasps for air obstructed by the now claustrophobic line of sight, closing still. The adventurer greeted the guard, and turned. The violence was too much, and the adventurer said to himself; 'Not for me'.

The adventurer breathed in a large amount of forest air, happy to be free of the slowly closing restrictions of the eastern part of the land. He thought to himself, west. And west was where he traveled, passing many men on the way, some men around campfires, others around other men, and some stood lonely, longing for a place to belong. The adventurer entered the western tunnel, and past the large wreckage of cars, he saw two men, praising a stone as if it was blessed by some god. The adventurer stared for a while. He saw the men spot each other, and begin to fight over the rock, screaming, their eyes bloodshot and pupils dilated. The adventurer pulled his hood, for the tricks were too much, and the adventurer said to himself; 'Not for me'.

He continued far, passing many beautiful sights. The mutations of The Zone were a window to a new world, thought he. As he came upon the settlement, the smell of activity tickled his nose. He saw bright campfires illuminating the dreary night, pushing back it's cold, dark embrace. He pulled down his hood, and saw, for once, with unobstructed sight. He looked left, and their were men and women, smiling and content, speaking to each other. No protocol, no stabbing daggers in place of their large, bright eyes. He looked left and saw friends, friends that were, to each other, family. Those friends sat huddled around a campfire, sharing dreams and memories alike. One strummed a guitar and sang, in a gleefully drunken haze. The adventurer walked towards the bar, slightly opening the door, which was then thrown open, haphazardly, by another man, whom greeted him with a large smile, and offered him vodka. He saw men and waiters all locked in their mission to satisfy, to please, to be free with each other. The adventurer sat on the only open bar-stool and a smile cracked his sore lips. He beckoned for the barman.

As he tipped his nose up towards the barman's face, he spoke -A whisper of belonging-,

'Now this...'

And all the noise stopped, as all eyes were on him.

The waiters stopped serving,
The guitarists stopped playing,
The men stopped drinking,
The women stopped talking,

'Is for me'

Skill Set: Sniper (Tactical based player)

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: Preservation of the Zone, they wish to see it freed, where others would have had it destroyed.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I've tried all of the other factions, they were not for me.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I feel like I'm part of the family, a lot of us, as stalkers, hang out at the bar every-time, organizing mini-events etc.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I've been through a couple of the events with the members, they know me by many characters, and I would like to instead supplement them with a permanent 'Freedom' character.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yorty.

|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: Roleplaying the injuries your character gains from interaction with the world and/or other characters
Define Metagaming: The use of out of character information to supplement what would've previously not been available in character
Define Metaspeak: The use of language, emoticons etc. that would've otherwise not been present in character.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): The unauthorized and/or unprovoked killing of another player.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yeah, why not?
Will you actively use the forums?: I'm pretty sure, yeah.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Unfortunately I'm unable to provide you with a recommendation at this point in time, I'm sorry. I hope it doesn't affect the overall application as much as I think it would.

Accepted as a rookie. I like the story; it shows time and dedication towards the beginning development of your character. You took time to present to us, a well thought out series of events, with good detail, and a vivid sense of what your character felt. You have room with us, Welcome to Freedom.



|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Lazor XD
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:00:24558976
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:2 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:2 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I played all of them Pripyat, Clear skys,And shadow of Chernobyl

|In-Character Information|

Name:Alex Black
Family Members:Non They all were killed
Backstory:I was born and raised in TN then one day i got a job good paying At Russia Then one day me and my wife were asleep and we heard a bang the nwe looked out side and saw men with gas mask and we looked at the  Chernobyl NNP  and was fire and helicopters flyin g arund so we grabed my son  ollie and ran to the bomb shelter and i looked back and a Thing with tenticales grabed her  and my son  i couldnt do any thing so i went in the shelter and i went out 2 dayes later i saw a Pvt on the ground dead i grabed his gun and ran i mad it out of the city and found this wooded area so i found a coat so i put it on and heard a bang and and i saw bullet in my gut and i past out (a bandit shot me) so i wake up on a table a medic in a green suit patched me up and  i saw a wolf patch on this arm and he sayes its ok and i who are you he sayed im the freedom medic and the freedom saved my life and i want to save others
Skill Set:

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:
Freedom are Anarchists and daredevils who declare themselves to be fighting for free access to the Zone, and consequently find themselves in constant conflict with army units, military stalkers, and Duty. Freedom is a clan of stalkers who fight for free access to the Zone, and their views are somewhat communistic, believing in collective ownership of the zone and seeing it both as a scientific marvel that could answer the problems of the world, and a breakthrough to numerous technological achievements, similar to the view of the Ecologists. Because of their ideals they constantly find themselves in conflict with the Military and their long time nemesis, Duty. They view Duty as no more than a clan of dimwitted jarheads who see nothing, hear nothing, and only know how to pull a trigger, as instead of finding a way to co-exist with the Zone, they attempt to destroy it, whereby the Zone only retaliates with mutant attacks. Similar in size and manpower to Duty, they have the offensive strength and resources to wage a faction war against them and defend their beliefs. Freedom is one of the largest stalker clans in the Zone.
In contrast to the regimented, highly disciplined atmosphere of Duty, the members of Freedom have a much more relaxed, informal attitude. They appear to have a more casual command structure, often referring to each other as "bro", with a number of members shown making regular recreational use of alcohol and marijuana. This further reflects their status as a clan of like-minded free spirits, unlike the ex-military soldiers of Duty. Regardlessly, Freedom members are able to function very effectively as an organized fighting force when necessaryWhy do you wish to join Freedom?:i love the freedom when i found them in the first STALKER and the duty are two pushy but the freedom uses better guns than the duty
Why should Freedom pick you?:y always love it and i will play this server alot if i get picked
How well do you know Freedomers?
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Lukash

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:A lnjury is when you get shot or hurt if you get shot or hit like in the hands you drop what ever ur useing and you might have it fallover
Define Metagaming: metagame arose in mathematics as a descriptor for set interaction that governs subset interaction in certain cases. The term passed to military use and then to politics to describe actions or events that may have been originally thought of as outside the bounds of the situation in question, but that in fact play an important role in its outcome. For example, a specific military operation could be thought of as a game, with the political ramifications of that operation on the war in general as the metagame. Similarly, a specific political situation such as the passage of a law might be thought of as a game, with the metagame being the larger picture into which that law fits.
Define Metaspeak:
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Rdm is when a player get a weapon and kills a player for no reason and no rp Witch and Go on for a long time till a admin gets on and deals with the Probblem
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes, I will
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes i am
Recommendations from Freedomers:
I havent ben  Recommended but i wish to help and join the freedom

Haha, everyone laughed, and some people didn't get the fake acceptance. Denied for obvious reasons and a permaban.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Thanatos
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:30349766

Timezone: GMT -5
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 7 months
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 7 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them
|In-Character Information|

Name: Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika
Age: 30
Family Members: Brother (Deceased) Father (?) Mother (?)
Backstory:    I had a normal childhood, my father and mother had a loving relationship, and they had a steady income. Life was fine all the way up to the age of 29, my friend Dracovich Raka and I had heard rumors of the Zone. Draco, with his love of money, wanted to go to the Zone, which ended up with him begging me to come with him, I didn't refuse.
    Damn, were we stupid. After trying to survive the harsh Zone we ended up finding a camp. The people inside were geared in Black and Red suits, which we learned was Duty.They gave us a warm welcome and some nice hospitality, we began to trust them. After many weeks of braving the Zone, I joined up with a group called The Sanctioned,which were allies of Duty, it took a while, but they let me into their group, which then they gave me a Berill and a SVD. I felt powerful. But damn, was I still stupid.
   While guarding The Sanctioned bar, two Dutiers came up to me, they recognized me as a Sanction member, and they told me of a Freedom Hostage situation, they told me they could use an extra man. Knowing Duty so well, I didn't decline, because I thought it was my job to assist. They entered Freedom quietly, while I stayed in the forest as their eyes, it became messy. The squad leader was killed. and the other soldier was inside the bar, so I came in to help, what I didn't know was this so called 'Hostage' situation was the other way around, we were taking two Freedomers.
After a long negotiation with the Freedomers, we decided to leave with them, they didn't fight too much. Once we got back to the bar, the Dutier left with the two, from what I've heard, they killed the Dutier and went back to Freedom.  I heard rumors that Freedom was looking for me, so I tried to hide. It didn't work for too long, because a man named Goose with a Merc named Puppy found me, and took me to Freedom. Once there, Yuri Babikov began to talk to me. It turned out that he would let me live. I was thankful.
   After a few weeks of dodging Freedom, I began talking to Goose who was the leader of a group called, The Haven.After a few days of talking, I was allowed to join, although he was going to keep an eye on me.
   As Goose began to trust me, we became better friends, or so I hope. Once we settled at a forested area, Goose and I began to have troubles with Monolith, which made us in turn fight along side Freedom. After many encounters, one fight stood out the most to me, Goose was captured in Monolith base, leaving me a message to find him.
   The only people I could turn to were Freedom, I knew this wouldn't end well. As I entered the base, I went looking for Yuri, I began to tell him about the message, which made him think that I was tricking them, it took a lot of talking, but I finally convinced them to help.
   While down there, I began to meet the new recruits of Freedom, one of them was a man named Leshiy "Spray" Vaelyom. Him and I were grouped in together, making us learn each others name, he was a good kid, and he knew how to fight. Once we got to Goose, we also brought back a Monolithian named 'Sabre'. I watched as ecologists brought him back to an actual human state, it amazed me.
   After Waiting for Sabre and Yuri to talk to each other a fight broke out between them, leaving the Ecologist to tranquilize Yuri, which then instructed by Goose, to drag him back to Freedom.  Once at Freedom with Yuri, I met Leshiy again, and this time we got to talk without bullets flying past us. After a few weeks, Leshiy and I started to become friends, saving each others ass time to time, it was good while it lasted, until I left the area for a long while.
   After I came back, I decided to go to Freedom, to stop in and say 'Hi' to Leshiy. I was told he was taken by the Monolith, that didn't sit well with me. I decided to stick around Freedom and rent a room at the bar. While at the bar, I began to talk to Vasilli, who still had a partial grudge with me. After a few drinks, we finally began to see eye to eye. The next night, I planned to get Leshiy back, I guess I wasn't in my right mind.
I went down there alone, and when I did, I found Leshiy. It didn't end as well as I expected, I got back to Freedom with a bullet in my stomach, which was treated by Vasilli, and an Italian woman named Rebecca Owens.
   Once again, settled at Freedom bar, I began to think of what I owed Freedom, I still felt guilty of what I did, so I began writing this application hoping to join Freedom, and try to show them that I owe my life, to join them and fight beside them, and if it came to it, to die beside them.

Skill Set: Marksman, Basic Medical.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To fight for free access of the Zone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I owe them my life
Why should Freedom pick you?: I can follow orders, and I believe I can RP decently.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know them well from recent encounters
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Yuri Babikov
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: If you were shot in the leg, you would RP unable to move, and you would be in great pain.
Define Metagaming: OOC knowledge used IC
Define Metaspeak: :D Lol rofl Gtfo
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone without RP, or without an IC reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers:
CC, if you believe he still counts as a freedom member.

To be honest I don't know if I would have accepted your application at a glance if I hadn't know you. But you did everything in-character, you're a decent roleplayer, and there's history behind it. As you already know, accepted as a Rookie.

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: (IR 61) Oberst T. Mann
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:23823647
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: One and a half years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 2 days
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I have played both Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky and will be trying Call of Pripyat shortly.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Joseph Nadioskovich
Age: 35
Family Members: Deceased in their entirety
Backstory: Born to an unremarkable family on a communal farm in communist Poland, his upbrining was cut short by the cruel yoke of communist oppression that both he and many of his countrymen suffered under in light of the Warsaw Pact. In his youth, he discovered, to his dismay, that he as an individual was property of the state and the state alone, that he as a man may never advance, and that he was as tied to his farm as a serf was to his lord's land of the Dark Ages. At the age of five, he watched as both his parents, pro-capitalist at heart, and his teenage brother and sister were sent to a re-education camp for "re-training in communist thought" and where all four eventually died of malnutrition and overwork.
Homeless, disgraced, and starving as he reached adolscense, his wonder and fascination grew as stories of the "Zone of Silence" spread throughout the Warsaw Pact. In his spare moments, of which there were not many as a beggar, he dreamed of one day visiting this strange and alien landscape. However, following communism's collapse in Poland and his people's freedom in 1989, he settled into a position as a custodian at a local grammar school, a position he would hold for over a decade.
But fate had other plans in store for him, and upon hearing of news of the second disaster, his interest and childhood fascination was revived. It is therefore obvious that, upon hearing of the strange, wondrous "artifacts" and the adventures of the Stalkers that brought them to the outside world that Joseph realized his true calling. Setting off on foot in the night, he vowed to join in to the glory and became a rookie Stalker himself.
His first adventure to the Zone, fraught with peril, nonetheless continued to stimulate his sense of fascination, and, for the first time in his life, he was truly happy. But fate once again dealt a cruel hand, and after meeting with and refusing to cooperate with Duty on a particular defense, he was shot in the head at point-blank range and tossed into a ditch, to, as his assailants put it, "feed the demon-spawn".
Half-conscious in his state, his outward pain mingled with his own inner sense of distress at the oppression that factions such as the Military and Duty created in order to force their ideologies. Soon, a goal formulated in his mind- he would stand against the oppression and permit the people of the Zone the right to shape their own destinies, no matter the cost.
Finding the wound to be only skin-deep, he rose to his feet, and, his bandaging quickly completed, set off towards the territory of those known simply as "Freedom" whose ideologies coincided with his own. His decision made, he determined that he would stand with Freedom in their holy crusade for the rights of all mankind, and accepted his willingness to sacrifice his life in the name of personal liberty.
And so, he finds himself on the outskirts of a Freedom outpost, searching for a man he knows only as "Captain Yuri"...
Skill Set: A proficient marksman and scout, Joseph's skills are best used when he is holed up in a ruined house behind the frontline, aiming down his scope at an enemy skull. On the more peaceful side, he champions himself as a novice guitarist.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To both protect and study the zone so that its' benefits, hidden and discovered, may be implemented to further science and technology and thus, benefit all of mankind.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: A burning desire to grant free will upon all those in the zone combined with a hatred of both Duty and the Military send me to Freedom's ranks.
Why should Freedom pick you?: My devotion to the cause of personal liberty and my proficiency with long-range firearms make me a suitable choice for absorption into Freedom.                                                                               How well do you know Freedomers?: Not very well, as I have only briefly spoke to Captain Yuri and his men. However, I have made my intentions to join them and my willingness to prove my loyalty clear.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: "Captain" Yuri Babikov

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying any injuries your character may have recieved in-character, be they bullet, anomalous, or radioactive in nature.
Define Metagaming: Using information discovered out-of-character to benefit or apply to the situation in-character.
Define Metaspeak: Using abbrevations, such as "lol", "Lmao", or "rofl" in place of actual words in in-character sentences.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When any individual attacks another with provocation, reason, or roleplaying the scenario. In essence, treating it more like a combat game rather than a role-playing one.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I understand that a position such as this entails responsibility.
Will you actively use the forums?: As much as possible. I'm on my High School sports team in real life and therefore will be unavailable druing much of the school year. However, I will do what I can.
Recommendations from Freedomers:

I've made my decision, talk to me in-character or on steam for the arrangement.
I went to a boxing match the other night, and a hockey game broke out.