Re: |Freedom| Applications

Started by Pinball, 18-01-2010

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|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Tiger – Pro Pedo
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:19699532
Timezone: GMT-7:00
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 1 year
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 2 weeks
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've played all 3 of the Stalker games.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Vladmir Krencho
Age: 23
Family Members: Varenk {His Father}, Helga {His Mother}
Backstory: Vladmir was wondering the zone and Wasn’t armed very well just the clothes on his back after a day of traveling he found a bar and talked to the bar keep for awhile and learned about the 4 major factions but didn’t learn much about them he asked the bar keep about “Freedom” after he learn where they are based he set out and half way to the base he came in with a bloodsucker. So he hid in a bulding for a couple of hours hopeing the bloodsucker would go away unfortanly he kept clawing on the door for a few minutes until Vladimir heard gun shots.
Vladimir took a look out of the window and saw a freedom killing the bloodsucker And Vladimir wanted to go out and help him but he was weaponless.
After the freedomer had a skirmish with the Bloodsucker he was bleeding and had scraches on his armor and after the long battle with the bloodsucker he started walking back to the freedom base.  After the freedomer left Vladimir left the building seeing no one in sight roughly 2 hours later he ended up at the freedom base and ended up getting greeted by a high-ranking freedomer to learn more about joining freedom. 
Specializations (if any): Sniper specilty

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To use the zone “Freely”
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because they are the most friendly of all factions
Why should Freedom pick you?: I like working with others and I like the action they get.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know them, not a lot but I understand them.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: When someone get’s shot or stabbed and having to treat the wound with RP.
Define Metagaming:  Bringing OOC Knowledge ICly
Define Metaspeak: IC things into OOC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing another player without Roleplay or Reason
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I will
Will you actively use the forums?: Of course.
Recommendations from Freedomers: None at the moment.

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. Application is not all that great, but I am willing to take a chance on you. Use your trial period to impress me, and other high ranking Freedomers by showing enthusiasm and good Freedom qualities.

~Goose And dont call me a fuck :c
Lt.White Tiger: This is worse then the app i made.
Ace: What is?
Lt.White Tiger: Hrm?
Lt.White Tiger: My nut sack...
Ace: What's worse than the app you ma- LOL.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:ВолкЛуны
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:13803184
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:2 years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Since the very first map Don't know how long ago that was.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes all of them.

|In-Character Information|

Name: David James
Age: 19
Family Members: None in the zone.
Backstory: I was born in Ireland when there was still lots of tension. I was raised by my sister when I was growing up I never got to learn what happened to  my parents because my sister died by a British soldier opened fire on a crowd she was in. She was shot in the head and died there. I was raised in a foster home for the rest of my life.

   When I became older I ran away because my foster parent were rather abusive. I wanted to run to a place where nobody would look for me. I had only heard rumors about the zone but I decided I would go there.
     It took me a long time to get here, by the time  I was here it was a month until my nineteenth birthday. I was caught up with a bunch of bandits before I had any kind of contact with freedom. When I first did meet freedom I decided I would leave the bandits and try to become one of you and thats why I'm standing here writing the application.
Specializations (if any):

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:  To open up the zone to everybody.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I wish to join freedom because I support their cause.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I have many skills to offer, and I support the cause.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know them very well, I always stay in their base.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: When you are shot in the arm or some other limb you rp as if it was injured to the point you couldn't use it.
Define Metagaming: Using OOC information to get an advantage.
Define Metaspeak: Talking icly in OOC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing for no reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers:

    ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. Backstory isn't that great, but i've been told you are actually very good (added to the fact that I rp'd with you today, and you were good) , so I'm willing to take the chance on you. Use the trial period to secure your place in freedom by showing enthusiasm and good Freedom qualities.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: longlostblake
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:29152112
Timezone: GMT 0
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 18 month
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: all

|In-Character Information|

Name: Lubov Golovuny
Age: (Removed Opon Request)
Family Members: None
Backstory: (Removed Opon Request)
Specializations (if any): Twisted.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To make the zone free land, giving people right-to-roam
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Already explained ICly
Why should Freedom pick you?: Good role player with years experience.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Very
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Mrtasker

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying accordingly to any IC injuries.
Define Metagaming: Using OOC/Radio to use ICly
Define Metaspeak: b31ng 4 dum8 sh1t lol (:
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): "PEW PEW LOL I WIN AND KILL U ALL"
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Indeed
Will you actively use the forums?: Indeed
Recommendations from Freedomers: Refer to IC experience mrtasker

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. Accepted due to IC roléplay.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: welek9001 / |HGN-FSA| Welek
STEAM ID: You don't need this, why ask.
Timezone: Central Standard
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 2 Years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 1 Year
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All Three

|In-Character Information|

Name: Aden Stark
Age: 30
Family Members: All Deceased lived in Orphanage.

Childhood: Aden was born on December 12th 1980. He was born into an abusive family, his childhood was lived in fear, his father was a alcoholic is mother was as worker in a small store, they lived in a rundown apartment on the crime ridden part of the his hometown Saskatoon. A few years passed since Aden's birth he was now ten, and his mother and father not at each other?s throats, Aden woke one morning to find his mother dead on the floor, his father nowhere in sight. He did what any child would do, he panicked grabbed the phone and dialled 911 the friendly officer spoke into his ear "911 what's your emergency?" Aden panicked again and told her his mother was dead. The officers arrived a few minutes later to find Aden laying near his mother sobbing, they took Aden to the local orphanage and he stayed there until he was

Teenage Years: Aden woke in his now to small bed the T.V reporter blabbing on about some explosion in Ukraine, Aden took no notice to it sitting down at the familiar table with the other children. They stared at him, now too large for the small chairs he looked back at them eating the eggs and bacon from the plate already set out on the table. Eating his food rethinking his plan to get away from his prison or, as the other children call it an Orphanage he planned to have his things packed and be out the door before it was locked for the night. It was time, Aden ran for the door his suitcase in hand making it out before the woman locked it, he looked around running to get away, running though alleys turning in streets, only to realize he was in no danger. He lived on the streets until he was old enough to start work.

Adult Years: Current time in the Zone: Now eight-teen hungry and cold, Aden wandered into the nearest store and applied for a job, he did not care what job, or the hours he just needed a job. He worked at a small Chinese restaurant and lived in the backroom, he was making enough money for food and other things, he also started saving. He worked there until 2006, when he was told about something called the "Zone" By the man he was working for and was asked if he wanted to come along, at first Aden said no, but when the owner mentioned that a lot of money could be made Aden's mind quickly changed. He boarded a plane with the owner the next day. They arrived in the closest city to the "Zone" with several other people the same as them, they took a jeep with a few others and drove towards the "Zone" seeing a poorly constructed military barrier they moved until they found a clear area and drove in, only equipped with leather jackets and small pistols they set out on the way to riches, several died, including the owner Aden's close friend. Finally with only three alive he settled in a small area between the two warring factions "Duty" and "Freedom" Torn between both. Now afraid and extremely scared Aden moves towards the "Freedom" base hoping the best for himself.

Zone Years: Aden has spent many years in the zone, majority of it in Freedom, he was promoted to Co-leader a year after his first joining of Freedom, but he left shortly after to experience a Free stalkers life, he returned again to freedom and rejoined, but left again due to freedom, just not being freedom anymore, now almost 7 years had passed and Aden is growing old, age thirty he decided to try his luck again and he headed for the current Freedom base, breaking his leg in the process, even hiring stalkers to lead him. He arrived early one morning as he took his first steps into the bar again.

Specializations (if any): Long range rifles.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the zone should be open to the public and should not be a secret, it is not a scar on the world, it is a gift.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I've been in Freedom twice before, I didn't want to join during Celtic's leadership, so I figured with the switch I would apply.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I'm a ex-coleader from back in the day, I know my shit, can I rp, and I remember what Freedom used to be.
How well do you know Freedomers?: New ones not very well.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injury rp is the act of roleplaying a wound or injury, including medical treatment and after effects.
Define Metagaming:Using out of character information in character.
Define Metaspeak: Using Lol and lmao in character.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing people without a roleplay reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: 406 posts. Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers:
I don't need Recommendations. :P

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. Great application and great backstory, welcome back to Freedom (again)


Steam Friends Name: A ninja pedo
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:19699532
Timezone: GMT-7:00
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 1 year
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 2 weeks
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've played all 3 of the Stalker games.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Vladmir Krencho
Age: 23
Family Members: Varenk {His Father}, Helga {His Mother}
Backstory: Vladmir was wondering the zone and Wasn't armed very well just the clothes on his back after a day of traveling he found a bar and talked to the bar keep for awhile and learned about the 4 major factions but didn't learn much about them he asked the bar keep about "Freedom" after he learn where they are based he set out and half way to the base he came in with a bloodsucker. So he hid in a bulding for a couple of hours hopeing the bloodsucker would go away unfortanly he kept clawing on the door for a few minutes until Vladimir heard gun shots.
Vladimir took a look out of the window and saw a freedom killing the bloodsucker And Vladimir wanted to go out and help him but he was weaponless.
After the freedomer had a skirmish with the Bloodsucker he was bleeding and had scraches on his armor and after the long battle with the bloodsucker he started walking back to the freedom base.  After the freedomer left Vladimir left the building seeing no one in sight roughly 2 hours later he ended up at the freedom base and ended up getting greeted by a high-ranking freedomer to learn more about joining freedom.  
Specializations (if any): Sniper specilty

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To use the zone "Freely"
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because they are the most friendly of all factions
Why should Freedom pick you?: I like working with others and I like the action they get.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know them, not a lot but I understand them.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: When someone get's shot or stabbed and having to treat the wound with RP.
Define Metagaming:  Bringing OOC Knowledge ICly
Define Metaspeak: IC things into OOC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing another player without Roleplay or Reason
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I will
Will you actively use the forums?: Of course.
Recommendations from Freedomers: None at the moment.

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. Because you left, and want to come back i'll give you another chance.
Lt.White Tiger: This is worse then the app i made.
Ace: What is?
Lt.White Tiger: Hrm?
Lt.White Tiger: My nut sack...
Ace: What's worse than the app you ma- LOL.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: ~TxR~IronDeity
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:18616412
Timezone: Eastern Standard
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: One year and 6 months.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: A year and a few months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes

|In-Character Information|

Name: Mikhal Tokerov
Age: 26
Family Members: Father: Burian Tokerov, Mother: Katrina Gorvich Tokerov
Backstory: Mikhal Tokerov was born and raised in Odessa with his large family, having a peaceful and happy childhood, paticipated in Sambo tournaments, regular home-based athletics, and was of average standards in his schooling. He loved to conduct in war games with his friends as most of their fathers had once served in the Ukrainian military. And their dreams were to follow in thier father's footsteps. As he aged through his teenage years, his joyful spirit slowly turned into one that was cold, stern, and obediant. Whence he finished his schooling he worked many odd jobs that demanded heavy labor, most of the time the jobs took place in his grandfather's shipping warehouse, and he trained his body for the rigors of military life during this time. His grandfather respected the work and paid him a decent salary, which was used to help his mother and father live more comfortable lives.

 In 2006, word reached Odessa of a second disaster in the area around Chernobyl and Prypiat, and this only added torque to Mikhal's drive to join the military. He continued to work his side jobs but watched as his friends began to leave home to start a military life. It pained him that he could not yet follow them, but his duty was still to his family. A few years passed since the second disaster and he had finally made his choice. Mikhal Tokerov, son of Burian Tokerov and Katerina Tokerov, left his family behind and conscripted with the Odessa Military District. His goal was to be sent to the area near Prypiat, now known as The Zone, and serve his country. (Military background and original main backstory. Extended backstory starts now.)
 Mikhal has made great progress in his career while serving with the 105th division in the Zone, rising through the ranks one at a time until he reached the high perch of the Enlisted as the division's Warrant Officer and Quartermaster. By this time his experience in the Zone and it's dealings had increased significantly and he was on the border of becoming a full fledged Officer, that is until he was branded a traitor by someone whom he believed to be his friend. Colonel Nikolai Yurdansky. In a dispute a weapon was drawn from the superior soldier and Mikhal knew then that his life was truly in danger. Making a run from the scene, he was stopped by a Sergeant in the Sector 3 checkpoint tunnel, apprehended, and dragged back to the Military compound unconscious and tied. He awoke in the prison with half the base's men looking over him, including a very angry Colonel. Before any heated actions took place, a small Freedom fireteam, working in disuise, arrived at the base, Goose being tipped off by Mikhal's mercenary friend, 'Sin'. The Freedom team did not quite accomplish their objective as well as they may have hoped, but none the less Mikhal got free and waited for their return at their own base. When word came that they had been pinned down and unable to fall back, he became worried. But fate yielded and unexpected twist in the form of the former General Stovsky, known as Blaze, whom arrived. Blaze was asked to go help free the team, and he agreed. Sometime later, a large force returned, battered and beaten, but alive. Mikhal is currently taking refuge among them as his name rises to the top of the AWOL and Military Most Wanted lists.

Specializations (if any): Recon/Demolitions, Ex-Military Drill Instructor and Close Combat Trainer.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the Zone be open to any and all for research and study.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: AWOL and avoiding arrest by former benefactors of the Ukrainian government.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I have had a large change of heart in recent months and have slowly lost myself in what ideals are just, and which are a veil of lies to do nothing more than torture and kill.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know a few and have worked with them in the past, names include Seth 'the Snowman' and 'Mother' Goose. As well as 'Kiss' and Brandon.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Injury RP is when you take some form of in-character injury, be it falling off a roof, twisting your ankle by tripping over a rock, being shot, stabbed, or otherwise mauled, and applying it to your characters current 'self'. In which you act out any detriments the injury may have such as blood loss, pain, shock, and in some cases, death if conditions apply for some untreated wounds.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is when you bring Out of Character knowledge into your Character's understanding and that your character had no prior experience or knowledge of said knowledge. Example: Theres a sniper preparing to fire from a treeline, but has not been spotted in character. Now that the fight commences, I turn and shoot at the sniper without themselves making any motion to cause notice.
Define Metaspeak: This one confuses me a bit. I believe it's similar to metagaming in that you have OOC knowledge of a discussion but bring your character into it without having known anything.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Kill other players with no viable cause or RP invloved.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Goose  

    ~ Mrtasker - And finaly, you succumb to Freedom.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


team Friends Name: |HGN BG|Silence|M
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:539039
Timezone: Eastern standerd time *USA*
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:About 2 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: about one week
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Currently started the first one.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Artyom Petrov
Age: 20
Family Members: Mom-Deceased, Dad-Deceased

Backstory: When Artyom was born his mom had died giving birth.His father raised him to do everything he ever told him to do.Then something happened that changed his father's mood the second explosion in Chernobyl.At the age of 18 he was being dragged out to the infamous place the zone.His dad found a truck and rented it and thus began a long trip to the zone.
         Finally  they reached the zone.But they had to leave behind the truck to climb over a deep hill in order to not be spotted by the military.  Yet it hadn't been a week when his dad was killed by a zombified stalker.Which caused him to collect a tooth of every dead zombified stalker he sees.He then had become an EcoSTALKER but was fired due to there being to many.
         He joined the military to see if this would be better.But after seeing the tortures he broke away and ran back to sector 2.Now Artyom is hoping that  he can become the one thing that would help him the most.Become a freedomer.He finally realized this is what he should do.Now he is waiting his days at the Freedom bar.

Specializations :Cpr , knows how to treat asthma related problems and lungs.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:  To make the zone open to everyone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: After being in the eco's and seeing the militaries torture i think its time for a change in plans.
Why should Freedom pick you?: My CPR and how to treat with lung and asthma wounds should come in handy.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know most of them i wouldn't say friends but i go to their bar alot.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:When you get shot in the leg you have to limp or in a vital point in the arm you cant use it.
Define Metagaming: When you use OOC knowledge and use it icly .
Define Metaspeak: Telling IC knowlege into OOC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Being killed randomly for no reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.
Recommendations from Freedomers: None.

      ~ Mrtasker: Your backstory is pretty weak, and you have no recommendations. Work on your backstory, and pick up some recs then reapply in a week if you are still interested.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:[BSU]ComradeBritish
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:24008459
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:1 year (and a half)
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:A week
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:SoC and CS

|In-Character Information|

Family Members:Father-Dead Mother-Unkown Brother-Unkown
Backstory:'Goblin' spent a large part of his life skulking around Russia, mainly in Moscow and Tula, his place of birth. Among his friends he gained the reputation of being a "loyal charismatic friend with a sharp temper" or being a "double Edged sword", getting on his badside earned you a kicking. In the early parts of his life his mother fled him and his father and took his younger brother with her, heading west through europe, to this day he doesn't know if they're still alive and where. Living with a grieving father in Tula was hard, his Dad came home drunk every night and sobbed himself to sleep, this and the occasional banging drove 'Goblin' into near insanity and sleepless weeks.

Eventually his father attempted to hang himself, three times, all of which were stopped by 'Goblin'. All this trauma turned him into a depressive at home, constantly stopping suicide attempts and hiding his Dad's drink, However when he was away from that his depression washed away and he hid the bags under his eyes, keeping a stern face at school earned him another reputation "mad", many of the teachers considered him a headcase after hearing of his life at home. Social services would always remove him from home, and in a few hours when his "new family" were asleep he'd sneak back to his Dad. After loosing his son too many times his father made a final attempt to kill himself, trying to overdose on drugs, causing serious brain damage, he fell into a coma and never recovered, eventually they pulled the plug on his life support.

After his Fathers funeral 'Goblin' fell into a deep depression, without any real family around he kept looking for someone to respect rather than make due with the "shiny faced christian Familes" social services would put him with. He would get into fights, hoping to relieve some stress, one fight landed him somewhere he wanted to be, In someones watch.

After attempting to kick the crap out of some youths talking about his Dead "Drunkard" Dad he had the life beatin out of him, he was almost killed until someone happened upon him, A leader to a group of Communists left over from the Soviet Union, Ex-Major Yuri Savvin, after saving his life, 'Goblin' joined the group, finally finding someone to respect, he would carry boxs and make food for the group, and keeping his old self, Cheery and smiling. That was until after a few months in the group he became 17 and the trouble started, they would get into riots against the police nad the new government, after killing a Tulan Police officer protecting the Major, what was left of the group fled to Ukraine, the zone had been there for 6 years now, and the major had caught wind of it. After trains and trucks the group reached Kievs city limits, had a last drink, and headed for the border, in a stolen truck. After many close calls with the Police and army they went into the zone, the group arrived as five and finished as one, 'Goblin' wandered with various loners and other types of people, keeping a face up over doubts and guilt, still he manages to keep his charisma up, mainly by smoking and socialising with strangers....
Specializations (if any):

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:FOr the zone to be free to everyone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:To get some good friends and find some purpose in the zone.
Why should Freedom pick you?:Good with people,a friendly most people. I can handle myself and I work well with others around me.
How well do you know Freedomers?:I go to their Bar everyday, I know their medics quite well and a few others.
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Seth Gecko (MrTasker)

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:Where if you were shot in a certain area you would Rp accordingly, like if you were shot in the leg you'd limp, crawl or walk slower.
Define Metagaming:Taking OOC info and using it IC.
Define Metaspeak:Bringing things from OOC into IC.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):When you kill someone without Reason,purpose or Rp.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes, I can.
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes of course
Recommendations from Freedomers:[BSU] ComradeBritish: So i have your rec right?
[Freedom] Ace: Mhm.

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. I've seen you alot ingame, and you have good roleplay skills. Use your trial to further impress me, and all the other officers by showing good Freedom qualities and good roleplay.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:«¦HG¦» Fredrik |M|
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:16180853
Timezone:GMT +1
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 2 years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Some days
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:The first 2

|In-Character Information|

Name:Fredrik Selov
Age: 28
Family Members:Anders Selov (Dead) Lisa Selov (Whereabout unknown)
Backstory:Fredrik was travelling alot around Russia but was mostly in Moscow where he was born. When he was at the age of eighteen Anders went to a war and he never returned so Fredrik joined the army to fight and hope to see his dad again but he had been taken prisoner and executed.

Liisa was going to Sweden on vacation so Fredrik went training with the army until she came back but she never came back so Fredrik was alone and had no money so he couldn't pay his rent for the house so he had to live under a bridge.

A family visiting Moscow and found Fredrik sleeping under the bridge and helped him because the family was rich and gave him money to buy back his house and buy food.  
Specializations: Know much about weapons

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?:To have the Zone open for all and to research and study about the Zone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:Because Freedom want the Zone to be open for all.
Why should Freedom pick you?:Because i am friendly to all.
How well do you know Freedomers?:I have met some Freedomers
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Seth

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:Injury RP is when someone falls from a building and the maybe break they legs so they have walk slow.
Define Metagaming:When you use OOC when you should talk in IC
Define Metaspeak:Telling IC things in OOC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch):Killing someone without a reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes
Will you actively use the forums?:I will try to be as active as possible
Recommendations from Freedomers:

       ~ Mrtasker: I have not seen you ingame and you have no recommendations. Hop on the server and roleplay in and around the Freedom base and you're bound to run into me, and get some recommendations.

emperor bobby

|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name:Emperor Bobby (The B.L.U. Guy)STEAM ID:bobbytehemperorTimezone:"Pacific Time - west British Columbia"How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:I started playing dark rp about 2 years ago, and have been playing ti on/off for that peroid of time, and recently got into the SRP server, and i have been playing that for about a month or so. How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:Like i said, About a month or so. Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I played all 3, and Clear sky is my favorite.
|In-Character Information|
Name:Boris Leninkov Age:56Family Members:Natascha Leninkov (Deceased) Nadia Leninkov (Deceased) Nikolai Leninkov (Alive) Sergey Leninkov (Alive) Dimitri Leninkov (Alive) Backstory:Well, He has a massive story line for before the zone, and a smaller one for in the zone, so i'll just cover his backstory relating to the zone, and if you want more information, PM me. [Storytime now] Boris, Now part of the K.G.B. was part of a 4 man group who invaded this woman's house, as his commander was going to execute this innocent civiliian, boris had a flashback (see longer backstory for details) and shot his commander, he then fled to the zone, and fell into the organised crime that ran rampant there. He fell in with yoga's gang, and Became good friends with most of them, But when the Bandit's splintered and Yoga was overthrown, Boris Became part of a small time gang of hoodlums, that stole everything that wasnt nailed down in and around the cordon. at one point, he was even the leader of a Small Time Bandit gang, But eventually Retired to the dark valley, were he became a Heavy drinker, and Target for Insults, And bullets from More popular stalkers. He finally Threw down his Banditeering Patch, and Became a STALKER, He eventually became friends with most of Freedom. and eventually asked to join them (the rest is up to you) Specializations (if any): Drinking heavily, Making smartass remarks even when he is about to die, Being Comic Relief, Basic Medical Skills, Basic Firearm's Training.
|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?:The belief that The zone's secrets Should be shared and that humanity should Take advantage and exploit the Zone to advance technology and medical Science. they believe everyone should have access to the zone, and that it should not be destroyed like duty says. Why do you wish to join Freedom?: They are my 2nd favorite Faction, Number 1 being the bandits, But the Bandits arent a unified faction like in cop or CS and people shoot at them all the time, And freedom is just really Cool. Why should Freedom pick you?: Because How could recruiting a 56 year old washed up alchoholic Bandit and Ex K.G.B. meber possibly end badly?  ::) How well do you know Freedomers?: I know Most of them, Boris is friends with Seth, Vasili, Leonyd, Mikhail, And several others. and he does not have any direct hostility for any of them. Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth gecko. (or did you mean in Stalker games?)
|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: If you just got shot in the arm, Drop what your holding in that arm and RP something like "So and so drop's his pistol, and yells in pain." Define Metagaming: Using Information from OOC to Effect IC. Ex (OOC guy 1 : I'm behind this bush watching OOC guy 2's dude. Then OOC guy 2's character turns and shoots the bush.)Define Metaspeak: Relaying information to another person through OOC, I think, never heard that term used before. Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Guy 1 is sitting on a bench, guy 2 runs by and shoots him. Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Kind of a useless question, everyone will say yes, even if they don't mean it, But yes, i will. Will you actively use the forums?: I will Use it when i feel like, If thats alight with you. Recommendations from Freedomers: Seth gecko Has already IC accepted me, When i asked him, so i gues i got his reccomendation, and he IS the freedom leader. if you want i can get more.

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. I've seen you alot ingame, and you have good roleplay skills. Use your trial to further impress me, and all the other officers by showing good Freedom qualities and good roleplay.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN-STSA| Rδvanδger ไ
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:9255774
Timezone: GMT-7 Pacific time
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Longer than I can remember about 3 or 4 years or something like that.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Almost two years since march of last year.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I played every single stalker game. COP, CS, and SHOC.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Yohan Solicks
Family Members: Olga Solicks-Alive
Father - Unknown.
Backstory: When Yohan was first born who was almost like a void in the life of his family and friends, almost like he came in and kicked the door open. Yohan was born a bastard son as his mother was a gypsy whore. As he grew he hated his family very much as he spent more and more time with his friends in the town nearby there small camp. His mother would always say to him “Yohan cant you please come with eat with your family, you’re the only family I have left my dear Yohan.” Yohan shook his head and walked out. He put his hands in his wind breakers pockets as the cold Russian breeze went past him, a cold chill went down his spine as he went down the alley. Small creaks and sounds followed him. As slight shadows amongst the dark ground were visible. Yohan knew he was being followed as he turned he was ready for a fight. There was about 5 of them one of them holding a decent size tire iron. The leader of the group holding the tire iron spoke out “Hey Gypsy boy run-in away from head, you look a little lost Gypsy boy how about we show how a true Russian lives.”
The men tried to rush Yohan; Yohan wasn’t that big in size and was a rather small guy only about 5’2. he was in luck as he pushed a nearby trash can in front to shortly stale them while he grabbed a small chunk of metal from the trash can. He then attacked them as they came hitting each one directly in the face as they came at him un armed, they didn’t want to fight someone who wouldn’t actually fight back. The leader of the group seen his boys getting beat so he rushed over swinging the tire iron at Yohan, Yohan dogged the incoming tire iron as it broke part of the road as a small spark happens from it, The man came swinging up this time hitting yohan as he fall back. Yohan tried to crawl away on his back as the mugger came up about to swing down Yohan quickly through a small bit of dirt in his face to stall him. He then came up with a haymaker to the mans face knocking him down on the ground. Yohan never thought he could fight like this, his hand bloody from the brawl. He has always been ready for a fight since his 5 year of life when people use to tease him for having a Gypsy whore as a father. Yohan learned to be a fighter knowing a fight was always around the corner for him. He later walked to his friends house where he would always hang out. He walked up the small building steps two stories up top floor as he came to the dirty door seeming almost rotting from the mold in the building, a very slummy place but Yohan enjoyed it much more than his home. His friend lighting up as he invited him in. Yohan shut the door then went over on his dirty couch a dark red somewhat faded from time. His friend began to tell him of a story he heard about this so called place called the “Zone”. He said he heard there is a lot of money to be made there as well as shit to discover. Yohan was interested in leavening since the fights and the harassment he had been receiving, Yohan was about 25 at this time almost about to turn 26 in a few days. His friend put out his joint and reached under the couch pulling out a small ak74u rifle, small yet effective weapon his buddy said. “I killed men with this little bad boy. This is a lot better than that crummy hunting rifle I showed you.” Yohan had some experience with weapons before with a hunting rifle he also got from his friend. Yohan responded “Well there has to be another reason your giving me a dam ak.”
His friend smiled as laid back in his dirty old couch turning to Yohan. “Well. I want you to go there see what you can find out and also see if you can bring back some things for me if you can, Yohan we could make a shit ton of money”. Yohan smiled slightly with a bit of fear as he felt his long dirty hair. He rubbed his face then responded knowing he had to do this for the best of everything, he could maybe even afford to move his mother to move somewhere else. He took what he could and stashed the ak at another spot. It was near night time as the moon shined on the cold pavement as he head back to the trailer as pavement turned to dirt. He placed a small note with a few hundred roubles in it near the door in perfect and a good spot so it won’t play away as he put a small rock on the small well written note. Yohan then headed back to his friends apartment getting the ak from his small stash as well as a map and few other things. His friend was watching for any military and police as he drove through town. They took a small trip they lived not to far from the Zone but still a good distance away as the trip took a few hours as they had to take back roads and often had to ditch there car to try and avoid checkpoints and police just incause.They managed to get part way there as he sent Yohan on foot the dark cold forest greeting him with the calls of animals. Yohan looked back and smiled at his friend as he vanished into the forest heading to the zone.
Specializations (if any): Knows how to fight hand to hand combat, Crack shot with a rifle, very good shot. Usually friendly and can handle pressure and stress good. He never thought he would have to use his weapon on anything besides a animal or two, but he was wrong…

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: This wish for the zone to be open for all free access to it and its secrets. They have been fighting military and Duty units for these reasons.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I wish to join freedom since I have never actually been a Freedomer before. I wish to join and experience this awesome faction with my own eyes. As well as to play with some of my friends I haven’t played with yet. Freedom looks like a enjoyable faction that I will have a great role-playing time with.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I am a good roleplayer, I am creative, I am a admin……….but that shouldn’t matter about admin, I am very adceptive if I get pked or something of that matter, as well as I am very loyal.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Well I know a lot of the members OOC as well I can get to know them good ic. I know a decent amount of cannon about freedom as well.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: MrTasker, Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Where if my character gets shot or injured he must act injured accordingly. Like if I got shot in the leg I would have to limp or fall down so role-play to the injury instead of two minutes latter I am finer than a fucking daisy.
Define Metagaming: using information from ooc as IC or information outside from sf or something of that matter to use in ic. Like if I was hunting you do and someone said on OOC that you are hiding in the big red tree, then I came to the big red tree and instantly found you I would be metagaming, also the other guy who said it would get a metabaiting charge, which is where you say the information to bait someone into getting trouble.
Define Metaspeak: Texting talking like, LOL, OMF, LMAFO, also I considering talking in a certain way like as OOC in IC talk to be somewhat Metaspeak.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Where you kill someone for OOC reasons or revenge killing or just to kill someone for the fun of it. Usually no role-play is involved in RDMing and RDMing is usually for personal gain of items and is not a taken action anyone should commit.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I will take all responsilbility for my actions that I will do for freedom and otherwise.
Will you actively use the forums?: I will use freedom forums decently since I am usually always on server or forums.
Recommendations from Freedomers:My honey bun |HGN|Goose.

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. Make me proud, son

Aren't you so proud of our child tasker :D


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Lt. Taylor
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:15976786
Timezone:US eastern -5:00

How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 4-5 years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 6 months or so.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SHoC, and CoP

|In-Character Information|

Name: 'Gauge'
Age: 25
Family Members: Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, all back home in America, all alive.

           As a child, Gauge watched several medical shows, and was enthralled with the workings of the human body. While learning these things he aspired to be a doctor, or a surgeon, although he hadn't enough credits or money to get into Medical School. While he still knew a good bit about the human body and many medical practices, he was unable to get a scholarship or get into a good school, he ended up doing labor work, until the area's construction died down, and he lost his job. He accepted this, but before too long, his girlfriend was count in the middle of a gang war between two rival gangs(like, gangsters, not mobsters to clear that up). His financial standings went down the tube, and no one would give him a job. He saved money from odd jobs, like washing cars, laying down asphalt for driveways, and other things when he heard about The Zone, he gathered his money for a plane to the Ukraine, from where he found a guide and hired him to take him to The Zone.
            While in The Zone, he did what he could to obtain money, and after getting the cash for a LR300, he spent a few days sitting around the Freedom bar, not doing much, then one day he came in from his makeshift metal home, and found there was an absence of Freedomers. He headed out as no one was at the bar, he was going to look for artifacts when he stumbled upon Leonyd and Boris, Leonyd with 7 bullets in him, dieing quickly. Gauge acted quickly, removing the rounds, stitching the wounds, and bandaging him. Leonyd had lost too much blood though, he had Boris' blood type tested with a small somewhat-accurate instrument, saying his blood type was O+, Leonyd telling him his was O-, they were compatible. Gauge took blood from Boris with a needle and an empty blood pack (unused), he then inserted the needle into Leonyd, reviving him, he was assured Freedom would be grateful.

Specializations (if any): Medicine in General.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To open up The Zone to allow anyone to reap the bounties of The Zone.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?:It seems like a group of well-rounded soldiers who don't mind having fun, but get serious when the time comes to do so.

Why should Freedom pick you?: I have excellent skills and knowledge of the medical practice, i also understand how Freedom works (to a degree)

How well do you know Freedomers?: Pretty well, although they're not around too often.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Mrtaskerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr / Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying as if you are injured.
Define Metagaming: using OOC info ICly
Define Metaspeak: Saying things like Lol ICly.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing another player with no reason or without a /me

Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: I'll check daily, although I lurk more than I post.

Recommendations from Freedomers: RG4, Mr. Khorn, Ping-Pong (Pending)

~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. A good way to get ahead in Freedom is to be somewhat independant, don't wait around to be told to do something. If you think it will help Freedom, and won't have an adverse effect on anything should it go wrong. Show good leadership qualities, and roleplay qualities therein' would be another good suggestion.[/colour]


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:/NNaota boi/
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:19707839
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:I started rp as soon as I bought garry's mod at the beginning of the year this year.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:Around half a year.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Yes I have all 3 of the stalker games.

|In-Character Information|

Name:Valdik Mikhailov
Family Members:Father:Dmitri Mikhailov
Backstory:I was born in 1987 in a small town in Russia. My father worked at a bakery shop,Never knew my mother. I spent most of my time helping my father deliver bread to the local people. Other times I played with my friends from school. After the years went by my father's bakery became larger. Then as I grew so did my father's and I wealth. While I was liveing the rich life I saw on the Internet a blog about the zone. The goverment did not want people outside not worry about the zone so they arrested the original poster. I became more and more instrested in the zone. But then something would change my life.
The russian goverment had tracked my ip and wanted to take me to a prison so I wouldn't tell others about the zone. During the night they stormed into my home, they took my father but before they could get to my room upstairs I took drastic measures; I jumped out my window into a dumpster behind the ally of my house. Knowing I would have no where to turn I took a taxi to the nearest city to the zone. I had to do some digging to find out a sewer system that leads to the zone. I had to pay the guide a heavy fee to lead me though the sewers. I had finally made it to the zone, the only place I could be without the goverment chaseing me. But soon as I went around trying to find out where to start, a mutant appeared in front of me. My life flashed before my eyes. I thought I was going to die as I shut my eyes, then I heard a shot. I opened my eyes to see the monster dead from a bullet to the head. It was a freedomer that saved my life. He took me to their base
and I told him my story. He said a scout found Military papers about a secret camp where prisioners who have done crimes against the goverment are kept. As I looked trough the papers I found a picture; a picture of my father. The freedomers told me in exchange for my skills they would help me find my I took the offer.
Specializations (if any): I'm a quick learner so I could learn something while in freedom.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the zone should be open to the world.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I want to make the zone open and safe for people to explore.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I have very good marksmenship skills.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know them well and they saved my life few times too.
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: If get hit in the leg you limp and cannot run.
Define Metagaming: Bob says in OOC "man this sucks i got no guns and lots of money wheres a trader?" then a bandit robs bob and takes all of his money
Define Metaspeak: Niko says "hey deadly killer whats up dawg lol you see dat game yesterday?" then the other guy says "Whos deadly killer my name is "Wolf".
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When you kill someone for no reason or for a ooc reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes
Recommendations from Freedomers:Seth Gecko

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Snowblind
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:13290795
Timezone: Eastern
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 4 years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 2 years.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Beaten all three on Master, of course.
|In-Character Information|

Name: Dan 'Daydream' Faulke
Age: 23
Family Members: Deceased.
Backstory: Throughout school years, Daydream quickly gained a reputation for never being 'quite there'. In teenage years, a diagnosis of being a paranoid schizophrenic ensured he'd have no more than a meager existance in society - so he ran. He raged. At his life, at the world, at the gods, trying to find purpose - but mostly, he just raged. Eventually, after living in and out of halfway houses, Dan found himself in the Zone. He joined Freedom, then under the rule of 'Doc' (Tundruff). Dan had found peace with his brothers in Freedom, learning that all he really desired was the simple life. In Freedom, he had it good - drugs, and beer. Of course, DUTY  eventually came to equalize, and the Daydreamer went MIA. Until now.
Specializations (if any): Creative mind. Very good with speech and lying. Stealthy.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: The Zone is a place that should be open to everyone - which
conflicts with both DUTY and the Military's beliefs.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Being in Freedom before, I know that it's flatout just the funnest faction to be in.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I obviously have experience. I also know how to roleplay perfectly as a Freedomer - beer, and bud. I live the same life.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know Goose, and only Goose. That'll change, soon enough.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: If I get shot in the leg, I don't continue sprinting like a madman. If I get
cut across the forehead, the blood in my eyes might make it difficult to distinguish targets.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming - using information you know only from OOC experience ICly.
Define Metaspeak: It's when people use abbreviations for words, such as lol, in character. I also believe OOC talk in IC chat falls under this.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When I walk across the road unflagged, and a stupid ass kid with an ak74u sprays me up for no reason, with no /me's.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Always have.
Will you actively use the forums?: I will. This is a new account. For some reason, when I try to login on my old account, it says that it doesn't exist. When I try to register with that account name, it says that the username is taken. Go figure.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Goose has known me for at least a year. As of right now, I  think he has okayed me joining.

~Goose:I sure am okay with you joining, But im not alloud to touch the apps, tasker thinks i will burn them all...

~Mrtasker: I need to do the apps alone so I can feel powerful, ok.

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie for one week.  This means you do not receive Freedomer flags, and you will only get a suit.  If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will be removed. Lovely stuff. And welcome back to Freedom.
Lysergically yours.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Frosty701
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:24921714
Timezone: Central Time Zone
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Since February?
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 8 days
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: No, but I want to soon

|In-Character Information|

Name: Josef Rasklov
Age: 23
Family Members: Mother and Father are both dead
Backstory:   Josef was born in to poverty in Nalchik, Russia with his Mother Tanya and his father Sergie. When his parents heard that the zone has artifacts that can get you filthy rich, at the age of 5, Josef's father told him that they are going to have lots of money to live better. Than a year later, they all sneaked in to the Zone.
    It took them about 6 long months to get to the Zone,  During the 6 months, Sergie taught Josef a little something about hunting and using a rifle and pistol. The zone was not what they expected. Sergie and Tanya expected there to be riches everywhere, but all they found was Murder, stealing, and brainwashing. About 13 long years later, some bandits came to their camp and started stealing are stuff. When they got back to their camp, the bandits were still there so Tanya and Sergie told Josef to stay back while they dealt with them. Josef's parents went to talk to the bandits but all the bandits did was laugh and then killed them both. After the bandits left the camp, Josef went to the camp to see what they did and what they took. All Josef had was some food, a revolver his dad gave him at the age of 14, his clothes, and his dignity. After that day, Josef wanted to get back at those bandits and join a group of people who fight for the well being of the people being allowed in to the zone.

Specializations (if any): Hunting, skill in using a rifle and pistol

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To fight for free access to the zone
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To fight and protect the stalkers of the land
Why should Freedom pick you?: To have another comrade join there ranks to fight the good fight
How well do you know Freedomers?: I've met some Freedom soldier but as far as I can see, they are nice to stalkers and fight for a good reason
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: It's where, for example, you get shot or your leg gets bitten by something that you have to act it out
Define Metagaming: It's where you use your OOC knowledge for IC actions like if you see someone you've never seen before and you somehow IC'ly know there name
Define Metaspeak: Using IC stuff in OOC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): It's where you randomly kill somebody without them agreeing to it or knowing
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, fully
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes I will
Recommendations from Freedomers:

       ~ Mrtasker: Haven't seen you ingame, and you have no recommendations.


Applications now closed.

So Duty can get some members.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN Start apping peeps
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:/NNaota boi/
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:19707839
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:I started rp as soon as I bought garry's mod at the beginning of the year this year.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:Around half a year.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Yes I have all 3 of the stalker games.

|In-Character Information|

Name:Valdik Mikhailov
Family Members:Father:Dmitri Mikhailov
Backstory:I was born in 1987 in a small town in Russia. My father worked at a bakery shop,Never knew my mother. I spent most of my time helping my father deliver bread to the local people. Other times I played with my friends from school. After the years went by my father's bakery became larger.
   Then as I grew so did my father's and I wealth. While I was liveing the rich life I saw on the Internet a blog about the zone. The goverment did not want people outside not worry about the zone so they arrested the original poster. I became more and more instrested in the zone. But then something would change my life. The russian goverment had tracked my ip and wanted to take me to a prison so I wouldn't tell others about the zone. During the night they stormed into my home, they took my father but before they could get to my room upstairs I took drastic measures; I jumped out my window into a dumpster behind the ally of my house. Knowing I would have no where to turn I took a taxi to the nearest city to the zone. I had to do some digging to find out a sewer system that leads to the zone. I had to pay the guide a heavy fee to lead me though the sewers. I had finally made it to the zone, the only place I could be without the goverment chaseing me. But soon as I went around trying to find out where to start, a mutant appeared in front of me. My life flashed before my eyes. I thought I was going to die as I shut my eyes, then I heard a shot. I opened my eyes to see the monster dead from a bullet to the head. It was a freedomer that saved my life. He took me to their base and I told him my story. He said a scout found Military papers about a secret camp where prisioners who have done crimes against the goverment are kept. As I looked trough the papers I found a picture; a picture of my father. The freedomers told me in exchange for my skills they would help me find my I took the offer.
Specializations (if any): I'm a quick learner so I could learn something while in freedom.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the zone should be open to the world.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I want to make the zone open and safe for people to explore.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I have very good marksmenship skills.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know them well and they saved my life few times too.
Who is the Freedom Leader?:Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: If get hit in the leg you limp and cannot run.
Define Metagaming: Bob says in OOC "man this sucks i got no guns and lots of money wheres a trader?" then a bandit robs bob and takes all of his money
Define Metaspeak: Niko says "hey deadly killer whats up dawg lol you see dat game yesterday?" then the other guy says "Whos deadly killer my name is "Wolf".
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When you kill someone for no reason or for a ooc reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes
Will you actively use the forums?:Yes
Recommendations from Freedomers:Seth Gecko

    ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie in the roughneck squad until you show that you are a capable Freedomer.  This means you will only get a suit and some basic weapons. If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will have one warning before you are removed.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: -AaW- Sin
Timezone: Central
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Around four years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Registered in Febuary, only about a month of actually playing
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I played STALKER Shadow of chernobyl

|In-Character Information|

Name: Akayla Aoki
Age: 25
Family Members: Her parents are her only known relatives, both are deceased.
Backstory: Akayla was born in a small town in Alaska where she lived with her parents. Her father was hard on her, making her study every day on hours on end. "We didn't move to this country for you to not go to school!" her father would always say. He also required that she keep in peak physical condition. She'd exercise and study most of the day, the rest was spent doing chores. She was never social as a child, extremely disciplined and well mannered. As tradition in her family, she was trained in knife fighting at a young age. Akayla was taught it was better to be quick and smart rather than strong and dumb, which she quickly realised isn't the case in most situations. Akayla was always at odds with her father, she never completely agreed with him and mostly not at all. Her mother was never much help, Akayla always thought she regreted marrying her father, but she honored him. All she ever wanted, as most kids do, was to get the hell away from her parents as quick as possible.

When Akayla went to college, she picked up her firey and rebelious attitude. She kept ontop of her studies, but made certain to have as much fun as possible. Akayla recieved EMT certification and worked on ambulance while at the same time attending school, while still at the same time managing to balance her social life. With straight A's through high school and an almost perfect score on the MCAT, she got into medical school. After college she became a surgeon at one of the major hospitals in her area. With the war on terror raging in the middle east, her father urged her to join the army. In fact he pretty much demanded it. She has always had a sense of adventure, but wasn't so sure about getting shot. After much thought, she gave in and signed up. Basic training was hard on her, she had to suddenly revert back to the rigid lifestyle she remembered as a child, and it made her furious. Every instinct told her to quit, give up, find a way out. She didn't, she toughed it out. One day, the sargent was calling out for any recruits that were interested in airborne school, Akayla ran up first. She was so eager to get her red baret. Akayla foolishly beleived that it would be fun. Not only was the training not fun, what she signed herself up to do overseas, was even less fun. After going through the army's medical training course, which she thought was laughable, she had taken on the job that no one ever wants. She was a paramedical specialist. Her duty was to drop out of planes into live fire zones, hoping to god not to get hit on the way down, to rush around while trying desperately to remain calm amidst the gun fire, artilery, and sounds of people screaming in pain and to administer medical attention and get people out of the danger zone. After four years of living in hell, trying to save lives, she was released from active duty, and never wanted to go back to it again.

A few years after leaving the army she was living in Okinawa, Japan, the place where her now deceased parents were born. Most of her time was spent alone, occasionaly she would go out for drinks at bar, not talking to anyone while there. One day on her walk home she was grabbed from behind and rendered unconcious. She had no idea where she was or what was going on, but she was being moved constantly. In the back of trucks, in the cargoholds of boats, sometimes with other people who seemed to have been taken as well. She had become a slave and was constantly changing hands, she hadn't even done anything for anyone yet, she was just moving. Constantly moving from place to place, never having a clue where she was or who she belonged to at that moment. After a time she stopped moving, but nothing was happening. She was stuck in a cell, alone, being fed three times a day and taken out for a shower once a day. She never knew what it was, but something about the place gave off the most terrifying of feelings, the feeling of death. She knew if she stayed she would die. She knew if she ran she might die, but hopefuly not in the greusome manner in which she imagined most of the captives there were slaughtered everyday. With luck, and a perfectly formulated plan, she escaped into the wild, not knowing where she was or for what reason she had been brought here. She was now...In the zone.
Specializations (if any): Immense medical knowledge.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the zone should be free to explore and study, and that the wonders inside should be made of use for the entire world.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Akayla wanted to join Freedom because she needed friends to keep her safe. I want to join Freedom because, well I love everyone in Freedom.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Because Tasker owes me money
How well do you know Freedomers?: Extremely well.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Wether the injury comes from player versus player combat, or just an accident, something from the enviornment, Injury RP refers to playing out your injuries and acting accordingly. After having a clip of .50 caliber bullets unloaded into you, you're probably not going to be up for a jog...Or alive.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is using information gained in an OOC context and using it IC for whatever reason.
Define Metaspeak: Metaspeak is using abreviations IC, like saying LOL U R H4XOR LOL
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Random deathmatch is the killing of another player without solid IC reasoning
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course I will.
Will you actively use the forums?: Probably not, I'll look at stuff when you ask me to.
Recommendations from Freedomers:

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie in the roughneck squad until you show that you are a capable Freedomer.  This means you will only get a suit and some basic weapons. If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will have one warning before you are removed.

emperor bobby

|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name:Emperor Bobby (The B.L.U. Guy)STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:15551145
Timezone:"Pacific Time - west British Columbia"How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:I started playing dark rp about 2 years ago, and have been playing it on/off for that peroid of time, and recently got into the SRP server, and i have been playing that for 2 months. How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:Like i said, About a 2 months or so. Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I played all 3, and Clear sky is my favorite.
|In-Character Information|
Name:Boris Leninkov Age:56Family Members:Natascha Leninkov (Deceased) Belinda Leninkov (Alive)  Nikolai Leninkov (Alive) Sergey Leninkov (Alive) Dimitri Leninkov (Alive) Backstory:Well, He has a massive story line for before the zone, and a smaller one for in the zone, so i'll just cover his backstory relating to the zone, and if you want more information, PM me. [Storytime now] Boris, Now part of the K.G.B. was part of a 4 man group who invaded this woman's house, as his commander was going to execute this innocent civiliian, boris had a flashback (see longer backstory for details) and shot his commander, he then fled to the zone, and fell into the organised crime that ran rampant there. He fell in with yoga's gang, and Became good friends with most of them, But when the Bandit's splintered and Yoga was overthrown, Boris Became part of a small time gang of hoodlums, that stole everything that wasnt nailed down in and around the cordon. at one point, he was even the leader of a Small Time Bandit gang, But eventually Retired to the dark valley, were he became a Heavy drinker, and Target for Insults, And bullets from More popular stalkers. He finally Threw down his Banditeering Patch, and Became a STALKER, He eventually became friends with most of Freedom. and eventually asked to join them (the rest is up to you) Specializations (if any): Drinking heavily, Making smartass remarks even when he is about to die, Being Comic Relief, Basic Medical Skills, Basic Firearm's Training. as well as some Good Marksmen skills.
|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?:The belief that The zone's secrets Should be shared and that humanity should Take advantage and exploit the Zone to advance technology and medical Science. they believe everyone should have access to the zone, and that it should not be destroyed like duty says. Why do you wish to join Freedom?: They are my 2nd favorite Faction, Number 1 being the bandits, But the Bandits arent a unified faction like in cop or CS and people shoot at them all the time, And freedom is just really Cool. Why should Freedom pick you?: Because How could recruiting a 56 year old washed up alchoholic Bandit and Ex K.G.B. member possibly end badly?  ::) How well do you know Freedomers?: I know Most of them, Boris is friends with Seth, Schelk, Khorn, Akayla, Garrett, Goose, Aden, Valdik, hell, pretty much all of them. and he does not have any direct hostility for any of them. Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth gecko. (or did you mean in Stalker games?)
|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: If you just got shot in the arm, Drop what your holding in that arm and RP something like "So and so drop's his pistol, and yells in pain." Define Metagaming: Using Information from OOC to Effect IC. Ex (OOC guy 1 : I'm behind this bush watching OOC guy 2's dude. Then OOC guy 2's character turns and shoots the bush.)Define Metaspeak: Relaying information to another person through OOC, I think, never heard that term used before. Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Guy 1 is sitting on a bench, guy 2 runs by and shoots him. Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Kind of a useless question, everyone will say yes, even if they don't mean it, But yes, i will. Will you actively use the forums?: I will Use it when i feel like, If thats alight with you. Recommendations from Freedomers: Nargotah (Schelk)

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie in the roughneck squad until you show that you are a capable Freedomer.  This means you will only get a suit and some basic weapons. If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will have one warning before you are removed.


QuoteName: Dan 'Daydream' Faulke
Age: 23
Family Members: Deceased.
Backstory: Throughout school years, Daydream quickly gained a reputation for never being 'quite there'. In teenage years, a diagnosis of being a paranoid schizophrenic ensured he'd have no more than a meager existance in society - so he ran. He raged. At his life, at the world, at the gods, trying to find purpose - but mostly, he just raged. Eventually, after living in and out of halfway houses, Dan found himself in the Zone. He joined Freedom, then under the rule of 'Doc' (Tundruff). Dan had found peace with his brothers in Freedom, learning that all he really desired was the simple life. In Freedom, he had it good - drugs, and beer. Of course, DUTY  eventually came to equalize, and the Daydreamer went MIA. Until now.
Specializations (if any): Creative mind. Very good with speech and lying. Stealthy.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: The Zone is a place that should be open to everyone - which
conflicts with both DUTY and the Military's beliefs.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Being in Freedom before, I know that it's flatout just the funnest faction to be in.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I obviously have experience. I also know how to roleplay perfectly as a Freedomer - beer, and bud. I live the same life.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know Goose, Seth, Schel, you name 'em, I've RP'ed with 'em.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: If I get shot in the leg, I don't continue sprinting like a madman. If I get
cut across the forehead, the blood in my eyes might make it difficult to distinguish targets.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming - using information you know only from OOC experience ICly.
Define Metaspeak: It's when people use abbreviations for words, such as lol, in character. I also believe OOC talk in IC chat falls under this.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When I walk across the road unflagged, and a stupid ass kid with an ak74u sprays me up for no reason, with no /me's.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Always have.
Will you actively use the forums?: I will. This is a new account. For some reason, when I try to login on my old account, it says that it doesn't exist. When I try to register with that account name, it says that the username is taken. Go figure.
Recommendations from Freedomers: I have Goose's rec. I'm sure

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie in the roughneck squad until you show that you are a capable Freedomer.  This means you will only get a suit and some basic weapons. If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will have one warning before you are removed.
Lysergically yours.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Mango
Timezone: Pacific Standard
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Forgot
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Over a year.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All but CoP.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Hashish
Family Members: None in the Zone.
Backstory: Hashish grew up on the streets of Moscow, where his dad was known for his......Product. His father  prepared the product, Hashish was in-charge of 'Moving the inventory'.
Eventually, his father died of cancer (From obvious reasons), and Hashish took control of the family business. Of course, this also meant dealing with the cops and rival 'Wholesale businesses'. When it came to cops, Hashish knew what he was doing. He made sure to send a "Pack Lunch" with all of his distributers to give to the Officers. As for the rival 'buisnessmen', he made sure that he put a 'Napkin' in with the 'Lunches' for the Cops.  Buisness was always booming.
   Eventually, the police chief retired, and in his place, a new one arose, that had an Anti-drug agenda. Hashish knew that they would be coming for him, and he packed up and fled to Ukraine.
During his stay on Ukraine, Hashish kept contact with his friend Mereg, whom he had put in charge of things during his absence. Mereg said that he had family in the miitary there, and the had  told him about the zone, and that his brother could help them keep buisness going there. With a few strings pulled, and a few guards paid off, Hashish was in the zone with a supply line of product at the ready.  After asking around, he heard of some people that would appreciate it like he did.
Plus, having a place to stay didn't sound so bad, and maybe he could even make some friends there.

Specializations (if any): Street smart, and he's a  "Botanist' *wink*. And I'm sure he can learn to use a gun.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: The zone should be open to everyone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: I have no "Normal" characters, and I've always found that Roleplay around freedom is usually of quality.
Why should Freedom pick you?: *shrug*
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know Goose on several characters. That's about it. OOCly I know most of the players.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko/ Mrtasker
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP:  Getting shot and roleplaying the consequences.
Define Metagaming:
OOC: I'm at the swamps.
Stalker: Guys, he's at the swamps.
Define Metaspeak:
Stalker: Lol wtf fuck are those mon0fags doin olololol
Other Stalker: What.....
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone without RP or without consent to STK, usually at random.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yup.
Will you actively use the forums?: I already do.
Recommendations from Freedomers:

~Goose: I told you like four times, I do not Recc people >.< So i removed it.-
-Me: Sadface

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie in the roughneck squad until you show that you are a capable Freedomer.  This means you will only get a suit and some basic weapons. If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will have one warning before you are removed.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: Freezerburn
STEAM ID: Cant figure out how to get it.
Timezone: CST
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 2 months
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:2 weeks
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: all of them

|In-Character Information|

Name: Dimitri Zel
Age: 19
Family Members: one, his brother

Dimitri was the second in the Zel family. He was kept hidden from his brother, Fyoder, For a long time. Three years ago, Fyoder thought his father died, but that was a cover up, his father moved away, where he had a affair with a woman named, Galina Svetlana Thats how Dimitri was born. Dimitri was born in Ivanovo, Which was VERY far away from his brothers birthplace.

He went to school everyday, coming back home, and staring at a tree outside his window. By the age of 15 he started working at a diner, He enjoyed cooking meals for other people to enjoy. He worked his way up for three long years, finally able to afford a car. On his 18th birthday, His father walked in, and said "son, i want you to know something, You have a brother, and a mother. I just received word that your brother, Fyoder, has left Russia. and is heading to Ukraine" Dimitri was shocked, He spent a few hours deciding, But finally decided to chase after his 'criminal' brother. He gathered what cash he had, And some personal belongings. He found out the military had the whole place locked down, But he also heard rumors about corrupt soldiers. He managed to bribe a officer into smuggling him into the zone. The deal was, He gets in the crate, He comes out in the zone. When he got in the crate, it was loaded onto the truck, He spent a hour and a half in the bumpiest ride of his life. Finally, He broke the top open, and jumped out the moving truck. He crawled out of the ditch he landed in, and stood up on the hill. He watched the men in green smoke and drink and laugh. He turned and got a small glimpse of a DUTYer. He headed down towards freedom base. He met a cocky fellow who told him these words "Hey, rookie, welcome to
Sector42, Also known as, Hell" He spoke with the Freedomer, for a long time, The Freedomer explained freedoms ideology and their way of life in the zone. Dimitri liked what he heard, He decided, Before he could search for his brother, He could join freedom.
Specializations (if any): 3 star chef.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: Open rights to the zone
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because, They got some good RP and i loved them in all three games.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Honestly, I don't know.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I met about four of them
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth geckoz

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Falling down when shot, RPing  bleeding out.. etc
Define Metagaming: Using ooc info IC
Define Metaspeak: using internet abbreviations IC
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Randomly killing someone without reason, usually for items
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: I try.
Will you actively use the forums?: yes
Recommendations from Freedomers: I have yet to get one, but seeing as there are not very many, since the freedom wipe, Cut me some slack on this :P

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie in the roughneck squad until you show that you are a capable Freedomer.  This means you will only get a suit and some basic weapons. If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will have one warning before you are removed.
I'm Gay!


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: keyfoot
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:12956620
Timezone: -6:00
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 4-5 years.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 1 year this month.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Adrik Desmond, Only known as Mr. Desmond
Age: 37
Family Members: Mikhail Desmond(Unknown), Rose Rogers(Deceased) She was a English born woman, but fell in love with Mikhail when he was visiting a uncle in her city. She ended up leaving the country with him when he left to go back home.  Kiril Desmond(Dead)

Backstory: Mr. Desmond was born in a small town of Svetnik. His mother died unmarried while giving birth to him and his twin brother Kiril. When he was 7. His Twin brother died from being shot in a hunting accident.
Mikhail Desmond was a comformist, so like his father Adrik Desmond was a comformist. When he was 28, he joined the military like his father before him. After many years and making it to the rank of Colonel, he was put in charge of a battallion of troops and sent to the zone. His primary objective was to reach the center of the zone. During this, his whole battalion was wiped by a monolith raid. Being the last survior of his battaltion, he wondered back out to the outskirts of the zone, forsakening his rank and name. During his time near the center of the zone he had collected a large supply of rare artifacts, which he sold to traders and stalkers to forge himself a new life as a trader. He then preceeded to buy supplies and trade.
He did this for many years, but eventually got tired of his life. he felt it didnt not have enough excitement. So he grabbed his best gun, some ammo, and headed of into the zone, to take on the life of a loner. Eventually he ran into freedom. And became friends with several of them. After many months, one of those firneds told him he should become a freedomer, they needed it. So, he sighed, and said yes, and here he is filling out this blasted form.

Specializations (if any): In the military Mr. Desmond was trained to do alot of things. Be a leader, Basic Medic, And a advanced sniper.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the zone is to be shared with the outside world. And not contained to any one group.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: You guys need members, and i have friends in it, IC and OOC.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Im a good rper, im active, and ive been around awhile.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Pretty well, ive had a Freedom Merc.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Seth Gecko, or tasker.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Rping a Realistic Injury to what your character gets inflicited with. Such as a bullet to the knee, you would not be able to support ANY wait on that leg, and would be most likely forced to lay on the ground.
Define Metagaming: Using Out of character information in character.
Define Metaspeak: Using things such as LOL, WTF, and smiley faces in character
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing Randomly without reason, or killing without it being properly tied to allowable reasons in RP.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes
Recommendations from Freedomers: Goose, BTO (both actually said the recc me)

     ~ Mrtasker: You will be put on trial as a rookie in the roughneck squad until you show that you are a capable Freedomer.  This means you will only get a suit and some basic weapons. If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will have one warning before you are removed.


|Out-Of-Character Information|
(Made another app)
Steam Friends Name:Mr.Grim
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:11705716
Timezone: Central time United States
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?:Four years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?:Six weeks in total(I haven't been on in a while)
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky

|In-Character Information|

Name:Christopher Malishenkov
Age: 18
Family Members:Father Alexander Malishenkov(Deceased) Mother Olga Malishenkov(Deceased)

Backstory:Born in Moscow Christopher lost both of his parents in a car crash at age three he was taken into a foster home until age sixteen. Afterwords he broke out of the household and left his foster family behind and went to the slums of Moscow near his old home now rundown. He met a man named Gregory that was selling drugs and was offered a place to stay in exchange for help selling drugs to the locals. Christopher accepted and the two began a drug cartel selling heroine and extascy all over Moscow's rich and slums district in the process other gangs began to try and kill Christopher and Gregory over theeir buisness. Christopher being the right hand man learned to use any firearm with great precision and the will to do so without thinking about killing a man.

Soon the two had the biggest drug dealing buisness in Moscow but thing were soon to change...the two were ratted on by a buyer after he didn't get the right amount of heroin. The police did a raid on their homes Gregory was shot and killed while Christopher was going to his house when he saw the police infront of his suite he had lost everything and decided to hide out in the Ukraine to wait for things to calm down so he headed to Chernobyl thinking it was abondend he would soon find out that would not be the case after running away from a military patrol that saw him and being saved by a group of freedomers passing by and ambushing the military patrol they toke him in and taught him about life in the zon and their mission to spread knowledge of the Zone so he decided to try and help them and do something good for once in his life.

Specializations (if any):Firearms Experience preferrably handguns

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's idealogy?: Freedom fight for people to know knowledge of the Zone and free access into the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Freedom?: To help protect it's ideas and get the knowledge outside of the Zone.

Why should Freedom pick you?: (OOC) I can roleplay anything and i've had alot of knowledge on roleplaying. (IC) I owe my life to freedom and i'm willing to do anything for them and I have experience on hiding and using a firearm.

How well do you know Freedomers?:(IC) They saved my life.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury that impares your abillity to do something  for example getting shot in the knee and limping around.

Define Metagaming: Using OOC information to influence IC decisions.

Define Metaspeak: Using emotes or OOC names in chat.

Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Randomly killing another  without any IC reason.

Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.

Will you actively use the forums?: Yes.

     ~ Goose: You will be put on trial as a rookie in the roughneck squ
ad until you show that you are a capable Freedomer.  This means you will only get a suit and some basic weapons.
If you break any of the "Laws of Freedom" you will have one warning before you are removed.Also do us all a favour, do not take any of the current recruits or seedys as examples, also avoid drama RP for us set a good example for the others and you will be fine, fuck about ignore orders and just general be a dick and you will be gone.
Semper Fidelis