Problems with Dark dolina

Started by chucknorie, 17-03-2012

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Hi there folks, i come asking for some help. You see, i'm very eager to join the S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP server, but it seems i'm having some trouble loading Dark dolina. Even after i have installed it, the server still reads that i have not yet installed it. Could somebody please give me a step by step installation guide so i can check to see if i did it correctly? Thanks.


Download the SVN. It'll properly install the correct version of the map.


Could you please find me the SVN url for the map? I'm still kinda new with the whole SNV thing...


Do you know how to utilize SVN?


Download instructions for STALKER files SVN:
1) Download & Install TortoiseSVN - (Either 32bit, or 64bit)

2) Once you've successfully installed TortoiseSVN, go to your '/steam/steamapps/youracc/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/' folder.

3) Create a folder, named: hgnstalker (Name doesn't really matter).

4) Right click that folder, and hit 'SVN Checkout' - Now copy paste the SVN url from Dark Dolina: and hit OK.

5) Wait till it's done, and ENJOY.

Download instructions for Dark Dolina map:
1) Download the map from here:

2) Once the download has finished, move the entire 'Dark dolina Map' folder to your 'steam/steamapps/youracc/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/' folder. And you're SET.

PS. If you don't have EP2 you might be missing some models, not such an issue.
SRP Characters:
Artyom Fedoseev 'Ex S-Sgt, Duty' - Alive
Dimitri Petrenkov 'Co-Leader, The Rangers' - Alive
Vladislav Ivanov 'Trader' - KIA


Thank you very much, and i'll be on soon. I've already played quiet a bit and am loving it :D. Hope to see you all on there at one point or another.