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Other Forums => Server Dumps => Scrapyard => Stalker Dump => Topic started by: Bagelz on 26-10-2009

Title: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 26-10-2009
*It is suggested you at least listen to the song to get a feel for what is going on.*
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat OST - Intro (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCR35gUFzNE#normal)

. . . . Lachance looks up, at the blazing night sky. The typical of the zone. Soldiers partaking in daily night practice, the usual of the Vanguards, Spetsnaz, and Ukraine Army brethren.

Yurdansky walks up to Lachance, observing him as he sits on the small podium next to the Checkpoint bunker, asking, "Hey Khaletskiy, what's up? Watcha' up too?"

"Nothing, just checking out some constellations.", Lachance replied calmly, working a TXT document on his Windows Vista PDA. The text document is the typical military form on his hard-drive...But this one, was different, so much more different...

* * *
1620 hours, October 25, 2012, (Military Calendar)/ Chernobyl Western Checkpoint #1, Cordon. Chernobyl, Zone of Exclusion

"It's time...", Lachance jumped from his bunk. Proceeding to his private quarters, grabbing his PDA. He jumbles through his desk of scattered, loose items, before grabbing it haste fully.

He taps the Checkpoint megaphone button; a red, large button, labeled "ON-OFF", and taps it lightly.

"I want all soldiers on deck to report to the briefing room, now. -ON THE DOUBLE-", he barked over the megaphone system, causing the soldiers to dash from their current occupations.

"Lachance, what is the fucking meaning of this...", Mertz ordered directly in his face.

"Ma'am, with all due respect, I suggest you sit down and listen. What's about to happen in the coming weeks may just change the Zone itself, altering our reality and views of it.", Lachance replied calmly, stiff as a statue.

"Very well then...", she sat on the bench with the fifty-three other soldiers. The usual were there. Mertz, Lachance, Yurdansky, Johnson, Kharkov, Verdennes, Turchin, Rouiee, and 44 others sat along the rows of benches.

The Army soldiers sat, eyes focused on the projection screen with a properly positioned projector. It was an old model, but sufficed none the less, especially for such a simple task. Luckily it had a USB converter connected to it; Lachance's PDA equipped to the cable.

Lachance pressed the power button on the top of his PDA, and proceeded to use his fingers to navigate toward the drop-down box labeled 'C:\Objectives\Operation North commence.PRO'. The PDA made no noise, screen turning to pitch black, making no movements or signaling if it even possessed power.

The projector turned black, loading up a small file.

As the file loaded it showed an image. Lachance was sitting at a desk, with none other than the infamous, unknown "Alexander Degtyaryov". They both sat at a small, antique desk, littered with numerous air-mappings papers, photographs of Monolithic citizens towards the North, weaponry of unknown origin, Ecologist bodies wearing advanced SEVA and PZD-9 armor, photographs, and many numerous other papers and black-and-white photos.

Degtyaryov stood, facing the camera that stood on the small  pedestal that faced in front of the two. He crossed his arms, and begun to speak. A video played, showing images of the North, and the old Army Warehouses as he spoke.  

"The Night of April Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen-Eighty-Six, the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was put on emergency status, and was destroyed from a thermal explosion. Taken up by the wind, radioactive dust fell partly on the territory of the USSR, leaving pockets of radiation in Europe, and reached the shores of the East-Coast of America. The 'Zone of Exclusion' was devastated by radiation, killing most of the plant, and wildlife."

"Consequences of the accident were so severe, that the government of the Soviet Union was forced to undertake evacuation of nearby settlements. This is not to say that some were left behind..."

"Infested area of within thirty kilometers from the station turned the area into a strictly protected zone of complete alienation. And you, stalkers, is where you now stand. You stand in this area, the Zone of exclusion, doing it is what you do."

He picks up many photos of hideous, monstrous experiments, both of them eyeing them wearily.

"After the erection of the reinforced sarcophagus over the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant was completed, the power plant resumed operation, the power unit also brought back online, in mild condition. The availability of a powerful source of energy and lack of people allowed scientist's, and ecologist's alike to create a closed campus of secret laboratories."

The images on the projector change, their eyes widened, including Mertz's and Yurdansky's. Lachance stood in the back, his head down; hood over his eyes. Much shame was lurking within his mind...

"June-Tenth, Two-thousand and five. The area of the zone of exclusion suddenly erupted with unbearable lights of immense brightness. For a few moments of complete silence, the clouds in the sky could be seen beginning to evaporate. A terrible roar echoed through the Zone, the Earth shuddering with it. Most of the soldiers guarding the perimeter were killed instantly by it."

The images change once again, one of the soldiers leaving the room.

"Two thousand en' seven. Scientists can still give no clear explanation of what happened. Expeditions invariably ended in tragedy and sorrow, and the rare survivors live to tell of amazing animal-like mutants with amazing properties and abilities."

The images change, showing crystal clear pictures of artifacts, and groups of stalkers; dead of course.

"Two-Thousand and nine. The Zone of Exclusion, according to various estimates, there are one, to three-hundred people unaccounted for. These people call themselves "Stalkers", and are dead-set and concentrated on gathering the resources known as so-called "Artifacts"- anomalous formations, which are exploited and subjected to gain solid money."

The images change once again, showing a map of a massive air-raid plan to the North, near Pripyat. This is the old plan, of course.

"Twenty-Ten through Twenty-Eleven. Although located at the perimeter of the Cordon, stalkers begin growing in magnitude, but have only begun to investigate the outskirts of the Zone: attempts to penetrate the north and the center have been one-hundred percent failures, with no returns."

The images change, showing a picture of Strelok, Fang, Ghost, Doctor, and Guide- all grouped together for a group-shot.

"Twenty-Twelve. The stalker known as Strelok, solved the riddle of the so-called "Brain-Scorcher", confirmed by military personnel. A powerful transmitter, capable of destroying the human mind itself, and with the ability to turn it on and off. The stalkers rushed en' masse' to the center of the Zone, some looking for the legendary artifacts, others- no less more than the legendary wishgranter, and the chance to kill the almighty Strelok."

"How Strelok managed to accomplish such a feat, even with support from the Ecologists, is unknown. Some say Strelok was programmed by the Monolith, some say he just had a special gift. But we will never know, for he is gone. And to top it off, hundreds of Military personnel were killed as they tried to defend the nuclear power plant from the foolish inhabitants of the Zone, but failed miserably. A big surprise? No, of course not."

The military begun to grumble, causing a commotion; quickly silenced by the powerful Mertz.

The images on the screen change at the press of Lachance, and show an image of the KGB and USSR authority discussing the events within a small briefing room.

"In the changed circumstances, the Council of National Security, and Defense Council of Ukraine adopted a decision on the immediate conduction of special operations"Fairway". Focusing on pre-, air-mapping of the anomalous fields, the Military begun to dispatch helicopters to the North. Dozens of military helicopters with special, advanced troops on board headed for the North. Despite careful preperation, the operation ended in shameful failure: none of the assigned machines returned from the raid, a typical way of ending a mission for the Ukraine Military."

The clip returns to normal, Lachance and Degtyaryov both facing the small, junky camera.

"And this, brothers, is where you come in. What Khaletskiy and I have designated as Operation North, will be conducted with the coming months. There will be many steps, but I assure you, we will not fail this time. We can't... We must take the north back, and that is an order."

Lachance begins to speak on the cameras recording, "Now, as you can see here- here- and here, we will use these advantage points to infiltrate the North, and uncover further data. All we need now is to figure out how many Monolithian's there are, and further investigate the anomalous fields. Once finished, we will plan further."

The clip ends, the military units confused.
* * *
"To determine the reasons for the failure of Operation Fairway, USS agent, Khaletskiy Lachance, and SBU officer, Major Alexander Degtyaryov- in the past, both experienced stalkers; and one a trader, are deployed to Chernobyl."

"With a supply of connections, physical supplies, and numerous other things, they begin their missions, bent on finishing what was started long ago. One a long-time trader, an ex-leader of the Traders Union of the Zone, and the other a veteran stalker with years of experience, are confident the team of the Ukraine Army and they will finish the job."

* * *

"Dismissed!", Lachance barked through the room.

"You were....USS?", private Jogudy asked, confused.

Lachance nods, signaling the man to leave. "I said you were dismissed, now go.", he deeply remarked.

Walking out, his trench-coat flailing as he walked, and beret recently capped, he begins to investigate the area, looking for more...oblivious clues.

* * *

sad song about :CHERNOBYl (04/26/08) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkcFh-Uu1BE#normal)

"The Zone....it truly is a terrible thing, is it not, Lachance?", Degtyaryov said to him, as he stared out the window of the Cordon, the sun setting.

"It very much is, sir. It may have brought benefit to the world...but-, I still support none of it, and I don't think too many of the ecologist's and soldiers do, either.", Lachance replied, biting his lower lip.

"There is a reason for this operation, Lachance, you know that. We all know it."

"I understand, sir... We all do. But with all due respect, sir, destroying the Zone would be fatal.", Lachance replied, sitting in the seat, facing the behind of Degtyaryov.

"I -KNOW--....I know that, Lachance, you do not need to remind me, I assure you. But this operation will benefit us all, including the stalkers..."

"Hundreds of thousand have died, Lachance, and we cannot allow that to continue. It is our duty to stop the Zone, and make sure it does not reach the outside world.... It's too bad we have to hide this stuff, you know? How the world believes only that a mere few hundred people have died. Truly is sad, really."

"Is that all, sir?"

"Yes, now go.", Degtyaryov replied swiftly.

Khaletskiy nods, spinning on his heel, 180 degrees, proceeding to walk out of the room. Degtyaryov just sat there, watching the wonderful sunset of the Zone.

* * *
"Yes...we've known all about it. Everything. The big kahuna...", Lachance quietly grumbles to the man, sipping his water.

"Why?.....", the man replies.

"Because it was our duty. This is what we do, you fool. It's our -JOB-. We-...we-...we have to cover this stuff up. -I- had too... They kill us if we betray them. That's how it works."

"Why did you join?", the man asks depressingly.

"Because it felt like my calling in life. To protect and serve. You don't get it, do you? We cover this up to protect the world, not to brainwash people, you idiot."

"I think I...understand, but I doubt I ever fully will."

"Just-Just go....please.", Lachance says quietly, pointing towards the door.

"So be it...", the man walks off from the checkpoint, disregarding any further conversation with Lachance.

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, AND IS NOT DONE YET. This will be forum RP, and will require the ut-most seriousness and knowledge to RP. Not done yet, so hang tight.


Doomburger- Yurdansky
Wazer Wifle- Krystal Mertz
Sir Spawns a lot-  Alexei Trevisky
Bagelz- Khaletskiy Lachance- MIA
The Jackal- Yuri Kharkov
Snurf Snurf-  Alexei Trevisky
Yuri Kharkov- The Jackal
Kirill Ivanov- Paintcheck
Yuri Chornovyl- ISPYUDIE
Kathy Creed- Poxkillerd
commanthe2-Travis Johson
MangoMan-Levi Martin

Anyone else, PLEASE POST.
Title: Re: Military who want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 26-10-2009
This will be an extremely large FORUM RP event. Anyone can take part. THis is a part of the story where everyone, including bandits, stalkers, mercenaries, and dutiers can take part.

Since we need to keep this fair, ALL Factions may take a part, including freedom. THis is a part of the story where team-work is of the essence, and we cannot block factions out of the fun simply because they are a faction the Ukraine Army does not like.

IF you want to take part, then POST HERE, IC/OOC name. Faction, occupation, all that. No stories needed. We will plan further how this will go down.

Admins, you need to understand something. While it may defy canon that Freedom may be working with the Military, how do we know GSC did not ever intend on this happening? Not to mention, we cannot block a faction access simply because we don't like them, that's ridiculous, and you're splitting hairs at that point.
Title: Re: Military who want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Steel on 26-10-2009
Yuri Kharkov Ukranian Military Sergeant.
Title: Re: Military who want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 26-10-2009
At Niko: Wat.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 26-10-2009
"Yes...we've known all about it. Everything. The big kahuna...", Lachance quietly grumbles to the man, sipping his water.

"Why?.....", the man replies.

"Because it was our duty. This is what we do, you fool. It's our -JOB-. We-...we-...we have to cover this stuff up. -I- had too... They kill us if we betray them. That's how it works."

"Why did you join?", the man asks depressingly.

"Because it felt like my calling in life. To protect and serve. You don't get it, do you? We cover this up to protect the world, not to brainwash people, you idiot."

"I think I...understand, but I doubt I ever fully will."

"Just-Just go....please.", Lachance says quietly, pointing towards the door.

"So be it...", the man walks off from the checkpoint, disregarding any further conversation with Lachance.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Nikolaz72 on 26-10-2009
Hey Bagelz. To be honest. I Dont really know. You better talk to me latorz.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 26-10-2009

Twenty, refurbished MI-25 HIND Ukraine Military Service Helicopters.

15-20 real players who wish to partake in this RP.

Anyone who wants to partake in this RP.

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Steel on 26-10-2009
Sergeant Yuri Kharkov... a man of honor, if you would, he wold fight for any of his unit, even if he didnt like them.
Hes sat there, elbows on his knees, just waiting, for once the man is clean shaven.
His Combat Bergen at the ready along with his webbing, all in perfect military condition...
His rifle... a standard issue AN94, his is pristine. His own custom pieces on it. Some tape around the pistol grip, and an extra mag tapped to the side of his loaded magazine... The sort of thing you would expect from an ex russian spetsnaz soldier.
Making preperations for the coming operation, his Privates and his Corporals would need him.
Hes seen alot.

He says to himself "Im ready"

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Paintcheck on 26-10-2009
I want to get in on this

Name: Kirill Ivanov
Faction: Freedom/Military Deserter
Occupation: Mechanic/Armorer
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: ISPYUDIE on 27-10-2009
Name (IC) Yuri Chornovyl
Faction- Military
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 27-10-2009
I got raped by Reavers', so here is a story!

999$-Hors-, O91Xb 2012, (Military Calendar), CLOCK SYSTEM CORRUPTED- NEEDS REBOOT- AREA UNKOWN: KIA?

"The last transmission from Lachances' drop-ship was from this area, and that was well over twelve hours ago. We've received no word from his unit since then, and we're getting worried. KIA or MIA is plausible, and I suggest you send out a chopper to pick him up.", The pilot of the MI-24 HIND calmly replied over his all-way radio, constantly flying around the Zaton area, back and forth.

"Roger that, continue your patrols. Squads One and Two, continue your search around Jupiter. Squads Three and Four, continue your search around the checkpoint.", the radio-operator replied to the Pilot, from the Cordon Checkpoint.

* * *

Where was he... Could it be, that his fate turned into the same, tragic fate Kuznetsov suffered just weeks before?

He could feel the creature within his mind, manipulating his thoughts as he looked around. But it was not the same of the infection that was fought off from the area west of the Dark Valley, oh no... This was much, much worse. This was Khaletskiys' worst nightmare.

He looked around, his vision blurred and green. He could feel a disgusting, sour-milk flavored mucus constantly pour out of his mouth, dripping all over his suit. His left eye was shut, partially wounded, and black-and-blued. He continued to look around, spotting his worst fears...

He spotted the fallen helicopter just fourty feet away from his position; in flames, and spewing putrid fumes blazing everywhere, causing him to choke and gasp for air. His cough became very rough, causing him to grunt in pain at the same time.

"So, you little douchebag, think you could fly around my territory, ey'?", the creature screamed into his mind, causing him to shudder and shout in agony and pain.

"You're going to be my little tool, oh yes... Yes, my little tool. How does that sound, you douchebag? Hope you like it, because you and I are going to be together for a long...long time!"

He silenced the voice for a few minutes, thinking to himself.

Where was he? What was happening to him, and what happened to his helicopter? What happened to his squad-mates? What happened to his friends on board? The questions constantly played through his mind, causing him to blink and stare into the sea of smoke pouring from the downed helicopter.

It consistently played through his head, hundreds of voices barking it within his head. He could feel it was the same for Kuznetsov...

"Lachance, Khaletskiy, NONE. Service Number 98009-89001-KL"

"Lachance, Khaletskiy, NONE. Service Number 98009-89001-KL", it played again, this time more clear. It played over, and over, and over in his mind, causing him to think to himself.

"It's over...", he said to himself. It came out as gibberish, nothing. He shuddered, curling up into the fetal position, tucking his arms, rocking back and forth.

* * *
Two hours earlier...

"When you find Lachance's squad, radio in, and I'll come pick you up. Make sure you double-check your gear, and valuate the conditions of this area. This is Lachance's last known location.", the Pilot yelled over his boom-mic, echoing through the drenchy area of Zaton, nasty swamp gases filled the Sergeant's nostrils, causing him to gag.

The Sergeant jumped from the MI-25 HIND, his boots stomping the nasty muck of the swamp, splashing all over his suit.

"God damnit...", he murmured to himself, gritting his teeth.

Two hours later....

The Sergeant walked past a downed helicopter, only pouring smoke; no flames. A message put on relay played over and over, set to repeat on infinite mode.

Goliev in a destress call, words jumbled: "Drop ship Crimson Ten (static) Cordon Checkpoint One (static)
need immediate assistance.  We are under (static) attack by some new kind of(static)
hostile mind (static) it isn't the infection form we fought weeks ago.  Lachance has been captured by th
(static) We're dug in at a large pit in the swamp area west of Zaton (static) longer we
can hold out.  Please (static) I will set this message to repeat at(static) at
intervals.  Drop ship Crimson 10, clear."

The Sergeant spots a man sitting next to the helicopter, a Fort-12 in his hand.

A pour soul, brainwashed by the creatures of Zaton, mind lost:
"Stay back!  Get the fuck away!  You're not turnin' me into one of those fucking things!
I'll blow your brains out right here, get away from me!  (Screaming uncontrollably to himself, mumbling) Don't
touch me you fucking piece of shit!  I won't become one of you, I'll kill myself first!  Find your own fuckin'
hiding place!  The things are all around me, playing tricks on my mind!  Play dead, that's what I did, play
dead.  They took the live ones from us....  Oh god; I can still hear them! Fucking....-THINGS!
(Screaming insanely) Just get away from me!  Lachance, Dolya, Bolien-- oh god the
things took them! They're gone- get it- GONE!  They won't get me!  Oh god, oh god!  I don't wanna be like them.  Please (begins to cry like an infant) please no, please no."

The sergeant avoided the man in shock, curled up like a child he was. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, the man shivering...

The sergeant walks toward a black-box within the choppers cock-pit area, under the seat, and ejects a small radio-recording from the box. It plays automatically upon ejection, equipped with the latest technology in record and play-back to manage such a feat.

There are sounds of gunfire: hundreds. Hundreds, upon hundreds of rounds are going off every second, with chilling screams in the background. He rewinds to an earlier stage of the tape, playing off from there.

. . . PLAY....1650 HOURS

A soldier can be heard speaking, talking into his boom-mic. Apparently, the black-box records all the voices within a two kilometer radius of the helicopter.


(Soldier On radio): "Lachance, Captain, can you hear me?!", the soldier shouted.

(Lachance On Radio): "What is your god-damn current status, soldier!", Lachance yelled over his mic.

(Soldier on radio): "Jesus Christ, they're everywhere! We've got contacts, and lots of them, but they're not human- I- I don't know what they fuck they are! Oh god- OH GOD, thes' too many of em'! I can't kill them all! What the fu-...FUCK, NO, NO NO NO! NO! FUCK- OH NOOOOO!" *Gurgling sounds can be heard, the soldier dead.*

(Lachance on Radio): "Soldier, do you copy, over?! RESPOND DAMMIT!"

(Lachance near soldiers) "Soldier, get your ass back to Crimson Ten, NOW. That's an order! Find out where it is!"

(Soldier on radio) "But...sir-!"

(Lachance on radio) "I don't have time for your bullshit, god dammit- MO-"

The creatures begin to rush en' masse' toward the helicopter, hundreds of bullets exploding in the distance.

(Lachance on radio) "What the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK-! VASILLI! VALONI!"

The soldiers quickly begin to fall, as Lachance is dragged away from the helicopter by the creatures. They knock him unconscious, silencing his screaming and ability to reject the creatures control.

The helicopter near Lachance can be heard exploding as the bullets ping all over it. The recording ends, with nothing but hissing static.


A repeating plays over and over, which is set to automatically play upon a sound-level that goes over the maximum black-box's sound reading technology..."KIA?....KIA?....KIA?....KIA?"

The Sergeant stepped away from the helicopter, turning towards the bodies sprawled about the swamp, covered in muck and mud. He begins to sprint away from the area, panting.

"Jesus...Cordon boys gotta hear about this."

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Steel on 27-10-2009
Days are getting shorter and nights are getting colder... The operation gets closer every hour of every day.
Kharkov speaks into his radio:
"1st Squad, the captain isnt around at the moment, i have gained permission from Colonel Yurdansky for access to the range, I want you here now, Double time."

1st Squad Arrive, weapons in their hands, tired...

Kharkov Paces up and down infront of the men.

"We are going to be training on the ranges tonight, in the dark, things are going to be tough, i need you all on your feet at all times. I want you to put all other squads in their places by letting them know we are the best , Understood?

The group of men reply with a loud and deep "Yes Sergeant!"

Kharkov smiles at the enthusiasm.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 28-10-2009
Added another video, <3
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: deluxulous on 28-10-2009
Schindler's list music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX2qP3gP_Vs#normal)

A man sits near a small campfire in a small wooded area. An open journal with writing in it lies open next to him, next to a knife and AN-94 Abakan.

"Those who seek enlightenment.. they are truly the ones who stay in the dark. Life is like a never ending forest at night... you can sit where you are, and wait forever, waiting for hope that will never come. These are the people who do not succeed... You must stumble on down the dark path, wandering aimlessly, for life is a random and unknowing thing..."
Several prophetic, and dark writings like this are written in the journal.

"Descend into dark
The void is never ending
The night grows onward."

"DARK - it surrounds us. it consumes me. i am driven, i am the only sane person in this world. i will not succumb"

Sancture. A man of intelligence. Seen as "insane" by others. He merely smiles, and drifts away.

Past life unknown... he keeps a secret everything that he is, and everything that he was and will be.

The people who meet him say he can predict the future.

The other people are dead.

EDIT: Holy crap, I'm gonna POSE my RP!
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 29-10-2009

The MI-25 Hind approached the southern checkpoint of the Cordon, the massive rotor-blades' causing the entire Southern Cordon to rumble in a painfully loud, distant vibration as it approached. What could this helicopter possibly want? After all, the MI-25 models' of the HIND helicopters' were only used for missions' operated by the Spetznas teams' of the Ukraine Military.

The helicopter continue its approach, the stalkers' watching as it flew over. The dogs' and mutants' ran for cover: they've learned. The mutant's have become so fond of the helicopters' that fly over, gunning them down as they do their daily patrols. Even the stalkers' scurried for cover: they learned fast. Even in the early days, most stalkers' were gunned down instantly by the helicopters'.

The soldiers' stood in the checkpoint, twelve of them each in a single file line, twenty four of them in total. There were two lines of soldiers, one of the left, and one on the right, facing their opposite directions' as well, all bearing their honorary uniforms'; these uniforms' were usually, only worn during special event's such as this, meaning every soldier here knew something extremely sorrowing has occured.

The massive helicopter landed, with a few of the soldiers' desperate to cover their ears'. The MI brand of choppers' was extremely loud, and unprotected hearing for multiple hours could cause serious, permanent damage.  But these soldiers' were the honorary type, they knew it would be shameful, and disgraceful to commit such an act in a event like this.

"Uvat....AHACH!", the Brigadier Major screamed in a boot-camp like manner, signaling the soldiers' that something tragic was about to step off of that helicopter. Boy, were they right...

"Uov'  Yech os'- MAWNYUL!", the Brigadier Major shouted, causing the soldiers' to raise their weaponry to their sides. the soldiers' stomped their left feet, and turned in a 90' degree manner toward the helicopter, its rotor still spinning as they did.

Normally, in the Ukraine language, when pronounced, these words' mean "Attention", and "Bear Arms". Even most people who do not speak Ukrainian would be able to recognize these words', with some basic military knowledge.

As the soldiers' raised their rifles' into the air, a man in a hulking EXO-suit stepped out of the helicopter, using his suits strength to carry the mahogany wood casket out of the bay of the chopper.

As the man walked out, he stared at nothing, but the blank abyss of his mind. Nothing went through his thoughts, except the tragic day Kuznetsov was lost. The terrible memories, the painful events' that occurred. A loss that everyone in the Ukraine Army could still feel.

He continued to walk, the soldiers' saluting him as he proceeded so slowly down the gravel-paved roadway leading away from the helicopter. Dust flew into the air, landing everywhere but the casket the man carried within his tired hands....

The soldiers' stared into nothing, showing the proper respect the man in the casket deserved, typical honorary code and conduct of the Ukraine Army.

As the man in the EXO finally reached the grave which had been dug for the Major, the Brigadier Major saluted the man, causing him to nod in respect. Even then, it was a painful move. Nothing would fill the pain that filled the man, for he has lost his closest friend... His true, friend.

He knelt, every so slowly dropping the casket into the small hole that filled the area away from the checkpoint. It would be here, that Kuznetsov would rest forever, on the other side, with him buried, bringing peace to his soul forever.

Even men like these, of the Ukraine Army, they still possessed basic emotions'. Some of them refused to cry, some could not help it. It was only natural for a human being to cry, especially when someone so dear and special is lost to such awful event's that unfold within the Zone...

"Goodbye, friend... And when I am gone, I will see you on the other side."

The man dropped a specially engraved Makarov into the grave that laid before him. Much agony went through his mind, causing him to sigh in a depressed manner.

The man in the EXO-Skeleton swept the dirt into the shallow grave, with one swift motion, using the suits massive strength capabilities'. He gulped: a lump in his throat.

The HIND begun to depart from the landing pad, causing the soldiers' ears' to pop as it did.

Within minutes', the helicopter was gone. The HINDs' moved quickly, and swiftly. The basically trained pilots' possessed some quite advanced piloting maneuvers', for what tasks' they were asked to carry out.

As the helicopter departed, the man in the EXO begun to walk away from the checkpoint, dust filling the area as he did, caused by the helicopter. Within minutes', he was gone... Without a word, the man was gone with a flash.

So bent on trying to close the Zone, and so bent on killing a woman that has killed so many of his friends', they are the only thoughts' that scrambled within his mind. Was something wrong with him? Had he gone insane? No.... Not even close to that.

He had become....a true stalker.

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: deluxulous on 29-10-2009
Sancture heard the helicopter. He watched from a distant hilltop the events that unfolded. The dust from the HIND blocked the view, but he could still see most of the procession.

He stood motionlessly, some loose parts of clothing blowing in the wind.

An exo-skeleton wearing man walked off, and Sancture observed carefully at what was happening.

How long?

How long had he been in the zone?

Nobody knew... not even him.

He had seen many die, none more deserving than others.

To Sancture, death was just another one of nature's schemes, removing the weak and undeserving from the world.
Some people weak, for some people it's just their time to leave.

None of this affected him. Sancture is one of the few highly despicable humans of this world. He feels no emotion, no pain. When the time comes, he kills without mercy. He never smiles, frowns, laughs or sobs.

He views this as a positive. He recalls that humans act on emotion too much, rather than logic.

"The void claims another, another ritual for one of the billions of flowers in this world, another death among the living, gone forever. Some may forget, some will have the image burned into their minds. They will fall too. They will all fall. They will be driven by anger and sorrow at their enemies, making a mistake that will last forever.

Never feel."
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 29-10-2009
Tangled Up In Plaid - Queens of the Stone Age (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgA7O0eVsaA#normal)
Watching this whole event happening.......
Quiet in the brush and trees not running from the helicopter watching everything....
Like a eagle in the sky.
Waiting until the sky fell to darkness,
Licks his lips looking at the body.
Elder Croak watched in silence.
Two of his brothers ran beside him in the cold brush watching these....Humans....Croaks makes a signal as they creep off heading the direction to garbage.
Croak smirks waiting, just waiting for them to let there guard down or to leave.....
Croak is quiet as a feather dropping....
Unlike his hulk brother...
Or his foul half brother....
He was next in line for the crown of the clan.......
Wise he sat not making a sound....
He whispered as the time came around..
He crouched down as others circled also....QUIET like a feather......
He lies waiting again....
Blue streaks circle near his burned face in cover as a voice whispers in his ear....

'Get me the corpse of the fallen one....'
Croak obeys without hesitation as he is a puppet for this greatness.
A few other Reavers circle by as he gives them the signal....
"WAIT" from the palm of his hand he showed them...
'Wait' he thought in his in his little brain 'wait'
So he layed waiting........

Sometime later..................


It is almost time he thought to himself.....
Almost time for the plan....

(OOC) if you have no idea what we are go here to learn more and please post your ideas and other things

http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/events/the-reavers-(rev-viral)/msg40685/#msg40685 (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/events/the-reavers-(rev-viral)/msg40685/#msg40685)
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: deluxulous on 29-10-2009
Sancture, sensing movement nearby, quickly snaps into focus.
He crouches low behind the bushes, and moves quietly, save for the sound of rustling grass and a few crackling leaves.

He finds his camp, and hides under his makeshift shelter of a fallen log, waiting with Abakan ready.

*An anonymous PDA message transmits.
"More to die, more fall on the path
The rest of us walking, stumbling along
Who shall be next? We must face the wrath
Death is a sentence, and we must serve
Some go early, some go late
People with sanity, people with nerve
They will be the ones who trip the others
Nobody is anybody's brother."
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 29-10-2009
A stalker is seen walking near the grave

(OOC:Correct me I am not sure if there is anyone around it or not or what is inform me if I need to change information.)

You see the stalker walk to it as a few others do

One turns back look at you in the darkness as his eyes pierce threw the trees,what if he is not a stalker.

A voice is heard nearby your camp."Rest...We...Mean...No...Harm" said in a stuttery manner and in a low voice somewhere near you.

More eyes are seen all around about 5.

They move to the grave digging at it very quietly.....

You can barley see them.

As they are almost like ghosts, you may not believe seeing them at firsts.

They move quickly and quietly as they move around digging the grave up until the finnally reach the body.....
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 29-10-2009
Yeesh, this'll be fun *rolls eyes*

Thank you for magically walking into a checkpoint behind ANOTHER checkpoint, full of dozens of soldiers, armed to the teeth. Bravo. Should have saw THAT coming.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 30-10-2009

Aerosmith-Falling in Love(is hard on the knees) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwvQ1SSedas#normal)

2300 hours, October 29, 2012, (Military Calendar?)/ Chernobyl, Zone of Exclusion *LOCATION CLASSIFIED*

Degtyaryov and Lachance walk into the large office-building like structure, dashing up the sairs with multiple folders' within their white-gripped knuckles'. The other soldiers' are puzzled- no, confused, as to why they are in such a rush. A better question is, what exactly is within the folders'? We're about to find out...

Their steel-tipped, leather boots' clanked and clattered as they ran across the synthetic tile flooring, Alex almost tripping in the process. A large, orange sign reading "WET", is placed near them, explaining why Degtyaryov almost fell flat on his ass.

The two panting as they race up the multiple sets of stairs in the middle of the night, causing a few soldiers to awake as they fly past the bunk-rooms at blinding speed. Obviously something urgent has come up, and important for that matter.

Why in the world were the two in such a rush, especially in the middle of the night at eleven a-clock'? What could possibly be so urgent, to cause the two to go into such a panic and frenzy?

The two squeezed through the corridor into the General Major's office. The General Major sat at his desk, holding a gold-lined pen, filling out a contract with a group of private mercenaries'. His desk was a wooden-oak like synthetic, littered with dozens of classified documents', photographs, and crumpled notes'.

"Sir, we've got-", the two shouted in unison, both of them pausing for the other to continue. They both shook their head in confusion, causing the General major to shout at the top of his lungs.


Alexander nodded, allowing Lachance to speak first.

"S-Sir... We've got excellent, important information that you have to see. It's amazing!"

"Toss it here!", the GM shouted, catching the folder in his hands as it flew through the air, careful to catch it without its contents' spilling all over damp, cold floor.

As he opened the large paper folder, the contents spewed all over his desk. But like any smart person, they sweeped their desk of contents in such an event, prepared for anything.

As he carefully looked over the items, there were many things to take note of. Multiple air-mappings of the North, the Zaton area, areas' around the Jupiter plant, and areas' around Pripyat. No maps of the Power-Plant though, this is not the intention of the operation. Photographs' of odd mutants', and so forth. An image of the air-mapping near the North is included as well.

How these two managed to obtain such odd documents' is unclear at this time. PDAs' from fallen enemies? Information from the locals' around the area? Caches' near Zaton? It's quite unclear for now, but with time, most of the inhabitants' of the area of know for sure.

*The air-mapping of the entire Northern area, from Zaton, to Jupiter, all the way to the last areas of Pripyat.*

*A helicopter destroyed by an air-borne anomaly. Suggested that the anomaly that brought this helicopter down is still existent, and is suspected to be an electro' anomaly, and has been mapped out accordingly with the others'.*

*A stalker in the Zaton area of the North, as he stares into the night-sky. The different from the North, and where we are, is quite significant. The trees' there are different, in look, shape, and type, as well as variants of mutants', and personalities' of stalkers'.*

*A rather interesting image. A photograph captured the day the explosion occurred, before Charlie-Six-Six-One was destroyed by a wave of radiation that fried the helicopter, with the camera-man on board. How this photograph survived, is unknown*


*A lost photograph of one of the many secret laboratories' created in two-thousand-and-eight, taken by a professor who is long gone, in order to undergo secret operations' underground. This is one of the many labs' that were created by scientists', in preparation of experiments' and tests'. What is within the tube on the podium is unknown, but it is clear that it is not human, and is man-made. Perhaps a signal that the Brain-Scorcher is also man-made? No way to know, that's for sure.*

*An ecologist grade, ground-mounted image capturing device planted near the Army Warehouse captured this image. It appears to be a soldier, one of the many, that were lost to the devastating blast of two-thousand-and-six. It is quite obvious that it is an emission, but to many, they do not know this was one of the worst emissions' in Chernobyl's history.*

*Another photograph within the massive dossier. This image was captured by another stalking stalker at the mans side, allowing him to capture a perfect picture of the man sneaking around the Cordon checkpoint. As you can see from this photo, there is a soldier posted on the balcony where the PKM machine-gun nest lies, notifying you immediately that the checkpoint is heavily armed, and armored.*

Upon the photographs that were observed, there are many more. No more information can be said, rendering this document extremely classified.

The GM's jaw dropped slightly, as he stared at the photos'. It was quite obvious he was amazed at what he was witnessing, but further more, how the two managed to obtain said photos'.

"Where-....Where did you get this?", the GM asked in a slow, shocked tone. He was obviously confused.

Degtyaryov begun to speak as Lachance nodded to him, "We were in the northern area near Jupiter when we came across this. We went into a small underground laboratory that the ecologists' and scientists' call 'Lab Ex-8'. It was quite small, as you can see, but we managed to find this cache of information just tucked away in a locker-room. It was rather easy to get, honestly. There were no mutants', no anomalies', nothing...Just dust and ashes."

Lachance begun to speak, "Sir, this is what we need. We've finally managed to finish mapping the North with the help of this information. It wasn't easy, but we did it. I hope you put it to good use."

"I uhh-, sure will... But you boys cannot say ANYTHING about this, is that clear?"

"Yes sir", the two responded in unison.

"Do you UNDERSTAND ME", the GM shouted in a loud gesture.

"The two saluted briefly, "SIR-YES-SIR!".

"Mmhmm, damn right you do.."

"Alright, boys'. I'm calling in the big-stuff, it's time. I'll scan-" he was paused by a massive rumbling.

"Already done for you, sir..." Degtyaryov crossed his arms, rolling his eyes with a smile, peering his eyes toward the window that was placed in front of them.

As the three stood, a massive rumbling begun to occur. Not an earthquake, not an emission, not a PSY-emission...

The full coffee cup sitting on the General Major's desk fell off, landing with a crash, coffee spilling everywhere. The three ignored it, still staring out the window.

Lachance patted Degtyaryov on the back, as Degtyaryov crossed his arms with a massive smirk on his face.

The two knew what was about to fly over, obviously, because they were the ones behind it.

"What the-....", the GM said silently as his jaw dropped in excitement, his eyes wide with power.

As the three stared, forty MI-24, and MI-25 helicopters' flew over the checkpoints', one by one, some by the triplets'. The massive ground-shaking force their rotors' created was enough to send cups' flying off the desk, and papers strewing about the rooms'.

The helicopters' flew over continuously, giving everyone of the Cordon a piece of what they were dealing with. No stalker- EVER, has observed such a sight as this. The majestic beauty of the helicopters' as they danced about the air, showing the people of the Cordon area who was boss.

Forty HIND helis'...All ready for combat. Each armed with a 50-count Archer Missile Pod on each wing, ready to flip the safety off for firing. Combined with two M122D Gatling guns' on each wing-tip, and a 12.7MM Yak-B Gatling gun on the chin of the helicopters', these bad-boys were ready for destruction. They were much, much more advanced than their original counter-parts of the Ogaden War, and Cambodian-Vietnamese War, as well as the Chadian-Libyan conflict, and many more missions' and operations'.

This, is where the helicopters' will truly shine: In the Zone, the Zone of Exlusion....

The major begun to speak, flabbergasted, "How....How did-....How did you?!-...Fuck it. Good work you two...Excellent work.", he nodded to the two, still staring out the window as they watched the helicopters' dance and grace around the checkpoint, so close to each other as well.

But this is not where they will land, though. These helicopters' will be on station outside of the Zone, at a privately reserved air-strip in Southern Ukraine. It would take only a mere hour for the forty of them to easily access the Zone, passing from the Cordon to Pripyat in minutes. After all, the distance from the Cordon to Pripyat is about 43 kilometers!

The major saluted them, letting them know it was time for them to leave his office. Obviously, he is going to keep the documents' and go over them properly, and thoroughly. It would only be foolish not to do so, for every detail within this folder-like dossier was important to the victory of the Ukraine Army.

The two proceeded out of his office, ones EXO creating a loud thud as it did so, the others duster trailing on the ground. A bit cliche', really. It was like watching Neo, and the hulk walk out of a meeting room with the President.

"Good job-", the two said in unison, cutting each other off.

"You too!", the both replied in Unison.

"Hey, Lachance, I'm gonna head back to Zaton, alright? I got some work to take care of. Luckily the fookin' mutants' won't be such a burden this time."

"Hey, Alex, good luck man, I'll see ya' around. I gotta take care of some work here, got a bunch of paperwork I need to forward, and need to create a device that broadcasts' radio transmissions'.", Lachance replied cheerfully.

"Oh, and Alex...?"


"Make sure you take good care of your girlfriend when we're done with this shit."

"Well no shit, heh! You better do duh' same ya' self."

"Of course, of course!"

As they came to a closing, so many thoughts danced about in their minds'. Lachance thinking about the success of this mission, and Degtyaryov thinking about the success of finding his first Klondike artifact.

As the two walked off, the helicopters' begun to leave, with every single soldier within the checkpoints' holding their berets' to their chests', saluting them in an honorable manner.

Soon , this operation will go down, and hopefully the North will be cleared of scum.

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: deluxulous on 30-10-2009
Sancture and the area around him roared with the helicopter's wake, the trees and bushes flattened down as they passed overhead.

He saw the reavers.

In a calm manner, he quickly snatched up his Abakan and aimed at the things in the bushes.

He began saying something strange...

"You are not the one to decide, you are not the one to end, you are not the one to begin. You are against nature's code of law, you are not normal, you are not human, you are not animal, creature, or plant. You are a freak that goes against everything of this world. Be gone, or the void shall trap you all. The natural policemen of the world will end you."

He slowly backed away, then sprinted towards the military checkpoint under the cover of the trees.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 30-10-2009
0600 hours, October 30, 2012, (Military Calendar)/Cordon. Chernobyl, Zone of Exclusion *LOCATION CLASSIFIED* *NO LOCATION DISCLOSED*

Lachance stood at the gate of the southern Checkpoint, sweat trickling down his cheeks' within his suit. A mission so important- so vital to the success of the Army, that it could change the Zone in every way. And fucking up here, with these important volunteers' arriving shortly, would be a grave mistake for everyone indeed.

The checkpoint was quiet, with not a single person around, nor' a peep or voice was heard. The soldiers' within the checkpoint were getting ready for the great ceremony that is soon to begin, and preparing the speakers' for the briefing. The job of these volunteers' could perhaps be the most important thing they ever do in their lives', that is if they make it back in one piece.

"Shit-Shit, where are they... The fookin' Gee-Em is watching...shit!"

As he was about to finish his train of thought, he was cut off by a massive group of dozens' upon dozens' of people walking toward the checkpoint, their guns' swaying on their backs', their cumbersome suits' sounded like a pack of charging bulls' coming toward the checkpoint.

"Wellsley, let them through, please..."

"Aye Aye, sir.", the mans P.D.A A.I responded to him in a calm, and confident manner.

The continued their approach, as the gates of the Northern checkpoint opened, walking with a posture of ut-most confidence, their stride as they walked, they knew they could handle the job...

"Wellsley, open the sec-", he was cut off by the A.I...

"Already on it, sir."

The group and its sole Vanguard escort walked through the second gate, as they toned down their walking speed, to about 3.5 miles-per-hour. One of them wore the attire of what appeared to be a mixture of a EXO, and Skat-6 suit hybrid, with a heavily modified Russian V.S.S Vintorez 9X39 rifle.

This group, could easily be considered some of the most elite stalkers', bandits', factioneers', and inhabitants' of the Zone. They wore the most expensive equipment that anyone has ever seen, and donned weaponry of the most elite status.

The group walked in, silent. They said not a word, as they proceeded within the empty checkpoint. Was it a trap? Was it a hoax? No... It was much more than that...

* * *

*Ten Minutes Later...*

Aerosmith - I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo_0UXRY_rY#normal)

The group of twenty-two stalkers' stood there, dead silent. Flood-Lights came on, from the Left and Right guard-towers, shining on the group below. One of them reached for his pistol, as the mercenary gently nudged at his shoulder.

"Uvat Ya'....Uhach, YUL!", Lachance shouted into the megaphone he held within his cold, armored hand. From what the group could see, there were four, massive speakers' in the checkpoints, of extreme quality to push those kinds' of hertz'. The voice echoed through the checkpoints', all the way to the early areas' of the Cordon. Mutants' scurried from the booming voice.

Forty, white-uniformed Vanguard Army units' suddenly stepped out of the two barracks' that reached into the ground beneath them, surprising the group. Within seconds', the serious, grim soldiers' had their Val' rifles' in their hands', pointing toward the sky at an upper angle with their legs as stiff as a rock. Some of the members of the group in the circle got scared, but were quickly eased as the men pointed their rifles' upwards', instead of towards them.

These Vanguard units', were hand-picked for the honorary ceremony to introduce the group to the daring, defying mission they were about to be briefed upon.  Their shining-clad boots', trimmed hair, and snow-white uniforms shined from the spotlights, causing some of the members' of the group to squint their eyes'.

"FOY-ER", Lachance shouted into the steel-coated megaphone. The soldiers' briskly raced their Val' rifles', and let out instantly let out forty, silenced rounds' from the chambers' of the wood-handled weapons'. The sound was barely anything, due to the Val's extremely well crafted suppressor.

The twenty soldiers' on the right quickly lowered their weaponry, as did the twenty soldiers' on the left. It took only seconds' for them to let the shots' escape from the VAL' rifles', typical for Vanguard units'.

"Wellsley...", Lachance whispered into the microphone. So quiet, the group could not hear it.

'I don't want a miss a thing' begun to play over the speakers' of the checkpoint, as the group scratched their heads in confusion, for most of them were not taught basic English language skills.

The Vanguard units' turned 90' degrees' on their heels', now facing the Northern area of the checkpoint, their rifles' still pointing straight into the clouded sky of the Zone. They looked like American Navy men in their honorary uniforms', almost...

"Spread out in a single-file line, please.", Wellsley spoke into the megaphone, tapped into it using his basic AI functions'.

The group quickly spread into a single-file line, in mere seconds'. Obviously a group such as this, as well trained as them, would know how to do so with ease.

The beginning of the song was still playing: apparently a modified version. Mertz', Johnson, and Yurdansky raised their eye-brows. They seemed to enjoy the song, understanding it or not.

The group stood stiffly, looking around stupefied and flabbergasted. What on earth could possibly be going on, and why the hell was Aerosmith playing in the background?

"Good day, Ladies and Gentleman... On behalf of the people of the Zone, Ukraine, and the World, I welcome you heartfully..."

"Now, please listen closely, for I will only say this once, and I will not be repeating it. If some of you have to take notes', then so be it. But listen carefully, and you will not have to..."

"Before we begin the debriefing, there is something that has to be said. It is of great importance, and may shock you all."

"In the early days of crafting this fine scheme, Degtyaryov, I, and the Ukraine Security Service did not intend on hiring stalkers', and people of the Zone, due to all stalkers' being here illegally, except for factions' such as DUTY, and us. But we decided-, that the people of the Zone would know it best, not us. There is no way the Ukraine Military could ever match the skill of the people of the Zone, and that is a fact. There is no denying it, and we all know it."

"Moving on..."

"All of you here, who have volunteered for this operation, are not to be taken lightly. We, here at the Ukraine Military, have reviewed each one of you thoroughly. Your past, your current, and your skill. We have picked you all, on behalf of your knowledge of the Zone, and your over-all skill, because we believe it is best to hire you, for you are the masters' of the Zone itself... You know everything about it. The artifacts', the anomalies', the factions', the weapons', the-....well, everything. So please understand when we say this..."

"You are the best. You are the Spartans' of Greece's Sparta. You are the Spartan' of the Halo series. You are the astronauts' of the Armageddon movie. You are the soldiers' of honorary World War Two movies..."

"You...are the best."

"That is why I, and everyone of the Ukraine Military thank you all for volunteering. Without you, this mission would not be possible. This mission would have been an instant failure without your skill, and that is why we require it."

"Now, before we begin, this must also be said..."

"First of all, there will be NO physical rewards. The point of this mission, is to help the world, and to help yourselves. The reward is mental. You will know that you have aided the world by assisting us in this mission, and without your help, like I said, we would have FAILED."

"Second of all, the people of the outside world are not so ignorant of the Zone itself. The people everywhere around the world know about you all, and everyone of the Zone. They know what stalkers' are, the know what the Ukraine Military does here, they know what the bandits' do, and they know who many of you are personally..."

"For instance, Mertz here.", he points towards Mertz', glazing her in the eyes' behind his mask.

"Mertz, was one of the few people who volunteered to help the Ukraine Army push forward during the events' of the Freedom wars'. She was one of the few, brave people, who put her life on the line to aid the Zone."

"Was there a reward? No, there was not. The reward was knowing she did her part, honorarily, and mental. She knows she is a tough combatant, and can survive almost any situation that is thrown at her. That- is why the World knows about her. Broadcasting stations' in Ukraine mention her name many times', because she earned it. She has been awarded many honorary medals' for her service to justice, and knows mentally that she is a hero."

"She also...saved my life."

"And in Ukraine, the people know who all of you are. They cheer you on, as they watch the secret photographs' taken of you on the large television screen, cheering you on as you put your life on the line for the World. I apologize for you not knowing that, but the people must know who you are, if you are to be written in the books' of Chernobyl's history."

"Heed my words... I promise you, all of you, that your names' WILL be written in the books' of the World's history. People will remember your names for years to come, and they will never forget you. You are the few who have volunteered for this mission, and will the few to help us complete it."

"Your names...will be written in the history books', and your names' will be envgraved on the walls' of justice, here in the Checkpoint. Your names' will also be engraved on the honorary service wall in Kyiv, or Kiev for you all who know it that way..."

"Wellsley, bring out the goods."

"Yes sir, right away, sir.", the A.I replied.

Twenty seconds passed, as nothing happened. There was no noise, not a peep... Until the massive rumble of the choppers' approached.

Two MI-25 HIND helicopters' flew over the checkpoint, circling it. A massive crate was dropped, covered in steel meshing. You know something good was in that box of goods'...

The panel on the side of the box dropped, as did the other three. The HINDs' were already gone...

"Please proceed to gather any equipment you wish to use."

One by one, in a single-file line, the group grapped their equipment. Some takin typical NATO SIG rifles', some taking classic Kalashnikov rifles', some taking the famous S.V.D, V.S.S, and VAL rifles'. They prepped grenades', medical units', calibration, fine-work, and rough-work tools', a few of them grabbing more grenades'.

And it all only took five minutes and thirty one seconds'....A typical time of such an elite group.

"Now, one last thing must be said", as he spoke into the microphone, the voice typically echoing through the checkpoints'.

They all stood at attention, including Mertz', Yurdanksy, and Johnson, all elite Ukraine Army units'.

"One last thing must be said... With honor, and respect, comes risks', and dangers'."

"Some of you will not come back, that is a guarantee. It is a hard fact to face, but it is true. Hell, I might not even come back...But that really is the penalty to pay for the mental rewards', and world rewards' to come. I am sorry to say it, but it is true, and we must all face it. Some will die, some will be injured, and some will be....lost."

"But you are a brave group, and as am I. You all instantly knew the risks' of this mission the instant you signed the recruiting form. You all know the risks', you must. Injury, loss...."


"Let the ceremony begin...."

The music begun to blast through the checkpoint, finally coming off from the violin and trumpet introduction of the song. Steven Tyler's voice can be heard, echoing through the checkpoints'. After all, Steven Tyler IS A loud person, that's his job.

The two HIND helicopters' returned, as well as thirty-eight others'. They graced through the air, majestically, as they danced the patterns' and symphonies' they played and orchestrated during the Ukraine Air Parade.

Such beautiful pieces of work, and so full of cost. It would be a shame to lose such wonderful pieces of equipment, but it is a sure-fire that at least a few will be lost during the battle of the Northern Pripyat area.

They danced, so close to each other, in typical ceremonial formations' and patterns'. A sight to behold, for they would only see this for on time, in their entire lives...

The forty soldiers, twenty on the left, and twenty on the right, raised their rifles' in unison, emptying their VAL' nine by thirty-nine cartridge ammo into the air, away from the helicopters' of course....

"Death.....Something I am not looking forward to, Wellsley."

"Oh yes, I understand sir... But I too, fear death, even for an artificial construct, really.", the A.I replied to him from his P.D.A, his image that of a British butler, able to change his image on the fly. He even had an accent' to boot...


The group cheered, as they watched the forty helicopters' dance around the area, coming within meters away from each other....

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Steel on 31-10-2009
Starship Troopers theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na_Zac23b5E#normal)

In the closing hours of the coming operation, LT. Kharkov, his new rank shining, prepared himself in silence, his squad doing the same.
He expected the best out of his men.
Kharkov opened up the chest at the bottom of his bunk, revealing some of his old Spetsnaz gear.
Kevlar knee and elbow pads, a chest rig, and a piece of "Dragon Skin" body armor.
He picked it all up, firstly putting the Dragon Skin body armor underneathe his kevlar, second he strapped his elbow and knee pads, then lastly he removed his standard issue webbing, and mounted his chest rig.
The man looked more like Special forces than a soldier.
Tho his equipment wasnt really able to withstand radiation and anomolies alike, it would allow him to withstand alot in combat.
He looked around at the other stalkers now in his base and mumbled "Gah, look at them with all their high end equipment, i only need you..."
He stroked his AN94.

Kharkov reached for his radio.
"Squad 1, i want you on me right now... Lets have a little chat."

His men gathered around him, kharkov started to explain to them the dangers and the honours.

"Listen up, all of you. I know for a fact that the risks of this mission mean that some of you wont come back. But just remember what you are fighting for, you are my squad, you watch each others backs, and you help each other out. I dont want to be taking any of you home in a body bag, things will get tough out there, but remember i am with you... every step of the way."

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 31-10-2009
EPIC POST, I really liked that one.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Steel on 31-10-2009
:p the music just had to be added.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: deluxulous on 31-10-2009
Bagelz, stop putting commas after your plural nouns. Please. Commas are used after possessive nouns. I.E: "Bob's dumbshit dog" IT'S ANNOYING! D:

0608 hours,October 30th, 2012. (Military Calendar)

Sancture watches as the new ceremony takes place... he has set up a camp about 1 km away from the military checkpoint, on a neighboring hilltop. He was below the other hill, but could still see the checkpoint due to the lack of living trees, and his binoculars made it easy.

A creature of intelligence and logic, he decided something big was definitely going on. A horde of elite S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs emerged. He decided he would go have a closer look.
He crept up into a patch of bushes, near a treeline about 550 meters away from the checkpoint.

He watched and listened....
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 31-10-2009

I just realized I was using apostrophe incorrectly, oh gawd lol.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Paintcheck on 31-10-2009
//Those are apostrophes
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 01-11-2009

//*OOC POST TO MERTZ OVER PDA. DO NOT USE THIS ICLY. I felt like posting it here be cause I liked it especially.*

He taps the buttons on his PDA, beeps and the voice of Wellsley continuously sparking from the device as he forwards the final message.

"Ehh', sir, are you sure about this?...."

"Wellsley, listen to me. I AM sure. Just let me finish this, please."

"Would you like me to stay, here with the others?"

"No, Wellsley... I need you. You're all I will have left of this place. Now please, let me finish this..."

"Very well sir.", he tips his top-hat, fixing it gently fixing the brim above his forehead, while adjusting his monocle. The A.I dissipates within a flash, as if he never existed.

"Mer-....Krystal, it's time for me to go."

"You know how you were always telling me I had two wonderful children, and a wife to take care of?"

"....I do."

"This message is very hard for me to type, my fingers continuously shake and shudder as I do so, but alas, I must do this."

"Krystal, we have known each other for a very long time. From the beginning, to the end. You were always there, for me. You saved my life so many times, I can't even begin to remember."

"You were always there, helping me in the worst times, at my side, while I dealt with the worst of times. From my brothers' dying, to the good times we had modifying everyone's equipment and gear, to the times I almost died from massive blood-loss and wounds'."

"I enjoyed the time I had together with you, as well as Yurdanksy and everyone of the Ukraine Army."

"When I am gone, I will always remember you all. When I sleep, when I dream...Always. You're people are the greatest thing that could have ever happened to me in the Zone, and I will always cherish the memories that we have created, all of us."

"It pains me to write this message, because I truly do not enjoy it. I feel the time for writing this message is right, because you will be able to finish things that I started, and obtain things of your wildest dreams... The greatest artifacts that your eyes will ever gaze upon."

"As I write this, it pains me to reveal my stashes and caches'. But for my friends, such as you, and everyone else, this is worth it to the end. There are many who would traverse the world for such goods', and would not hesitate to kill anyone that got in their way."

"Before I move on, a few things must be said."

"Without you, the Ukraine Army would currently not be what it is. We have watched you closely, for a very long time. For many months I have watched you, including the General of the Ukraine Army, and the head deputy officers' of the Ukraine Security Service. Without you, none of us would be here... I would not be here, Yurdansky would not be here, Johnson would not be: none of us would. You are a hero to the people, and you are a hero to me, and a friend."

"Krystal, you need to understand something. When I did *that*...Listen to me."

"I did not do what I did for a mission of the Security Service, no, I did it, because it was MY mission. I realized I had a wonderful family at home, and it would break my wife's heart to see me do that to her."

" I realized what I was doing was so selfish of me, so awful. To cheat on my wife, behind her back, and leave my children to nothing. I ended what I started with you, because I would remember for the rest of my life what a terrible person I was, even though I currently am quite a terrible person."

"Which pains me the most, to write this..."

"When I told you, and everyone of the Army that my wife had suffered from the tragic fate of cancer, it was quite oblivious that I was lying to you all. While many of you seemed to care not, that was the point of it. I lied, because there were spies of the Zone looking for my family in Prague, looking to hunt them down."

"At first, I almost suspected your friends of it. But that was a mistake I made, and would never make again. I realized, that I must trust my friends' better, and make the best of everything I have."

"Which is why....I must go."

"For many weeks now, I have been hiding a secret from you all. While you all probably will not care, some of you will. I hope you care...I really do. It would mean everything to me of our friendship, if you at least cared."

"My....wife, Patricia, has been diagnosed with Type-3 lung disease, one of the worst cased of a lung disease's to add to it. As I type this, I fear for the worst of her life. I know the death-rate is very high of this tragic disease, and I must be with her all the way, to make sure she lives the rest of her life the best she can. She means everything to me, and I will be damned if I miss the rest of her days'..."

"It's quite sad, really. She was doing so well, so healthy... A beautiful,  healthy, young, twenty-three year old woman, in perfect health. Drinking 169 ounces of water a day, and partaking in an hour a day of aerobic excersise, and weighing in a healthy 125 pounds at 5'11...."

"And she lost it all, to this horrible disease. Sadly, the docs' still don't know how she got it, but they told me 'We fear for the worst'. They said her the chance of her dying is extremely high, and it is suggested that I be with her in her final weeks."

"At the moment, she can hardly do anything. She can hardly move, eat without supervision, change the channel on the television, She-....She cannot even go to the bathroom without assistance."

"I will miss her wonderful, blonde hair the most, as well as everything about her. I fear worst for my children, Alexander and Vasilli, because they will lose an important part of them. With time, they will cope, yes, but these are kids....They're seven years old, and the barely know their father..."

"I hope that you, of all people, will understand. It would break my heart truly if you did not care. I know you really don't care about me as it is, but I still care about you.... And I hope you do, when I'm gone."

"The problem is, we-.... while I'm gone for now, I will not be back. I cannot come back... I must get done with this life, and I must raise my children with the parenting they deserve. They need a fatherly figure to help them grow up, and I want to be there for them, I must,"

"I hope one day, you have wonderful children of your own. Everyday, I think about what they are doing, what they are eating, who they are playing with..."

"What they are dreaming about..."

"When I'm gone, I hope your dreams' as well are plentiful and happy ones. It would pain me so to think that your dreams are sad ones, and I would hate to see you that way. But I believe even now, your dreams are happy every single day, and I hope you are happy with Winters' forever."

"He is a wonderful person, really. While he may be extremely rude towards me...Well scratch that, he's always rude towards me, he has been one of my most trusted mercenaries' to date, and I would not be alive without him. Even if he knows this or not, I can never change his views of me....Which is a shame, because he's such a cool guy to hang out with. And he always talks about you...Can't blame em', because you are a truly wonderful person to be with as well."

"Krystal, I love you, in a family slash Army-Squad type of way. You are like family to me, as is everyone else, including Yurdanksy, and so forth. You have always been there for me as a good friend, and I have done my best to repay you, by being there for you. I know though, that I have not done enough for you, and I have done many mean and despicable things to you, and I'm truly sorry for what I've done to you in the past."

"We both know what I have done. I put you through misery, terrible times, depression, and I know for what I've done, I can never be excused for it. But please, believe me when I say this..."

"I'm sorry....I truly am."

"Right now, I am on my way to be escorted out of the Zone, in a squad of helicopters', armed to the teeth. It truly is a shame I will not be here with you all for the Operation, even though it is of great important to me, and all of us."

"That is why I am placing you, in charge of it."

"I have over-ridden Degtyaryov's command of the Operation, and you have been placed in charge."

"This is your time to shine, Kyrstal, and it always has been. You are the Ukraine Army's finest, and any Military-power of the world would be honored to let you behold yourself among their ranks'."

"You are a true soldier, a true fighter. You are the best, Krystal, and I will always remember you when I'm gone. I promise I will never forget what you have done for my life, in every way. You are my hero, and my savior.

"Wellsley, is the song finished, yet?"

"Done....Done, and done, sir."

"Mertz, after all the time I've been with you. I've got your theme...right here. Excuse me for using an American Youtube link, but I think you will like it very much."

Metal Gear Solid 2 - Main Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YagiV4duDPM&feature=related#normal)

"I need to finish this up, Mertz. I'll miss you for a long time...For years to come, as I watch my children grow. Perhaps one day, I will meet a woman as fine as you, so they will have a wonderful mother to be with...."

"I have added a coordinates list to you, of all my stashes. Please, do not share them with anyone. I am giving them to you, and you only, because I trust you, and only you..."

"Don't worry about losing these coordinates. I've encrypted them within this message, and if need be, Wellsley will guide you through the process of decrypting the message. To top it off, the message has been fortified with battle-network scanning, heavy wireless protection, and dozens of what in the U.S.S call 'bugs', to protect are devices', have been dispatched within the message, to protect the data hidden within."

"I leave my PDA, here, in the desk for you. You will know instantly it is here, with the two constant watchers of the Vanguard squad consistently watching over its protection and theft. Trust me, nothing gets past these two..."

There are many items within my best stash, hidden in the underground vault of the Cordon, these are a few mere items within..."


"There are many more items within my stashes. I leave them all to you."

"There are also...many items I preferred you did not view. There are many items that will shock you, and could turn your views of the Ukraine Army around..."

"Goodbye, Krystal. My ride awaits, and I am sad to say it, but I will not be coming back."

"But heed my words....Girl"

He chuckles

"You are one of the finest warrior's I have ever served with. I myself, never intended on becoming a warrior, it never was my job, although I tried very hard to fit in with you guys, I just couldn't do it. I'm a professional business-man trader, and mechanic, not a fighting-type. It explains why I needed you to save my ass so many times!"

"Goodbye, Krystal....And let life flow within you."

His stride toward the private helicopters' goes unwatched. His EXO-suit creating hissing noise in the wind, as well as the typical thump of the suits massive, bulky-legged armored boots'.

It will be the final time he steps foot here in the Zone, for there is nothing left here. No more people to worry about, no more living on the run... Just a casual, life to follow.

What ends here, is the final story of Khaletskiy Vasilli James Lachance. Once a man of honesty, and pride, now man of ruthless tactics and corruption, resulting in his numerous results of near-death occasions'.

Only time will tell if our ruthless trader returns, but the odds' of that happening are slim to null.

"So Wellsley...Time to show you the world!"

"Oh, wonderful sir, really.." He rolls his eyes, with a smirk on his face. Many of the worlds' A.I constructs' develope quirks and glitches over time, most of them resulting in wonderful personalities.

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: deluxulous on 02-11-2009
tl;dr. Sorry Bagelz. Didn't feel like reading something for 30 minutes on the intranetz.

Sancture begins slowly retreating up the hill, as nothing new or surprising develops. He wonders what the fuck that was all about.

He arrives back in camp.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 03-11-2009
Firelake - Dirge for Planet (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. OST) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDCNlqMgnvo#normal)

In the distance slowly following to find his lost...child..

He is being carried by his dear brother slowly but surely moveing along..

They stop....

The Essence is here....It apears as a torso....Being layed on the ground by his dear brother Croak.

He speaks jibberish as lines of blue psy flows threw them.....They try to connect to Lachence.

He was going to join them...But found the cure....The Essence knows there is still enough left in him to connect to him..Hopefully before he gets to far from the zone....Leaveing messages in his mind....Dreams,nghtmares almost killing himself and his brother just to try and sent this simple psy message... Croak collapses as the torso lays back speaking a few short words Lachance may hear.

*This may be the last time you hear my voice, so I say goodbye my dear child...You could of been a great man in our ranks, a kind anything you dreamed of could come true with me...Come back to the zone...Come to me...Come....Join us*
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Dark Angel on 05-11-2009
Chernobyl Hedgehog walk toward the Ghost town of Pripyat stareing at the ground while all the life forms keep away from her.

She mumbles silently These idiots think that they will make it out alive , but no they won't Tramp told me that the Pripyat will be lost and he is always right. Damn why can't i stay forever in the pseudo-zone forever it's easier to live there.

She look toward the Town and it's about 200 meeters left to the town.
She slowly massages her wrists and sits down.

Why can't these idiots belive me , damn i wish i would die in the hands of those military idiots but nooooo... i had to do what Tramp told me to do and escape.Damn i'm going insane but it's ok.

She slowly rises her PDA  checking the town for living objects.

Well i always said that one day we are gonna meet again Tramp and this time i'll pull the trigger.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 06-11-2009
Running Joke (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSE4O3SSF3I&feature=related#normal)
What Croak looked like many,many,many years back.

Croak stumbles climbing hastely up a small tree.

Mind...Raceing...Raceing...The Essence,his brother....Let him think about his past life...Something that many would not think animals like this could do....Think...

Croak watches from afar looking at the stalker(Darkangel) he makes two distinct clicks loud enough for anyone within 50 feet to here which he is about 60 from the stalker....

2 other reavers Bolt from the bushes going back to tell the others.

Croak stays watching with no a blink...Not a turn..Not a sound...

But deep in his head...He oddly remembers his shattered past..His brothers that are know like him,Reavers,nasty creatures. But they choose this path,they always knew they were differnt.

Croak extends his sharp dagger like claws crouching back in the tree slowly hopefully not to be detected............

Thinking again about these land they came to.....Why this place....Why this rancid hell hole...
But why not.....It is wonderfull...It is hell...But it is now home and he loved it deep inside...He knew he had to make it for only him and his brothers,and for the chosen ones of the zone.

A doorway lay some distance away but it calls to you stalker...Investigate this stalker...Dont ignore it....It calls to you like a new born baby....Go,Go,Go look at it...It calls you "Come to me,Come to me."it begs you and urges you with curiosity....[/
This is kind of targeted at Dark angel.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 06-11-2009

She clutched the artifact so tightly in her hands, the warm, blue light of it irradiating its fantastic light, dancing through the room, bringing warmth with it. An artifact so rare, so powerful, that it had to be brought in by a special team of scientists from Slovakia, flown in from a United States auction-show.

In the United States, artifacts are extremely common at auction-houses', and museums. Artifacts like the Jellyfish, Stone-blood, Flash, and Dummy are quite common in museums, and rarer artifacts such as the Goldfish, Snowflake, Bubble, Flame, and Eye are only sold in high-authority and people areas, such as Beverly Hills, and New York City.

Many stalkers' are lead to believe that artifacts are so rare, that they have never left the Zone, this, is simple not true. The fact of the matter is, that while artifacts are rare, it does not mean they cannot be artificially created in closed-testing grounds, under high authorized watch and supervision.

Artifacts like the one she clutched, although, were so rare, that they were privately sold. Expensive, extremely expensive, and in high demand, it was lucky he even managed to convince the buyer to sell it for the price he got it for.

He walked through the long winding corridors, the hallways, and lond walkways of the hospital's tiled flooring, pondering if it would truly cure her disease or not. Only time would tell, that's for sure. But for now, he was contempt to know that it was bringing her into a more positive health and mind.

It was working.... She was being cured, day by day, as the artifact slowly took its toll on her, in a positive manner. The artifact's of the Zone truly were a wonder to society, and it would be foolish to destroy the Zone, cutting of absolutely amazing benefits to the World.

He walked passed a nurse, the woman eyeing him as he dashed down the corridor.

She yelled to him, "Hey, whatcha' in such a rush for?!", the nurse called out, watching him as he almost tripped on the floor, stopping himself.

He turned to her, blinking at her, "Erm....I'm looking for room ten, can you tell me where it is, please?", still panting, and out of breath, he looks around.

"It's uhh....Right this w-", cut off by him, he responds...

"I got it, thanks, west wing..."

She spotted the Fort-12 police pistol in his holster under his leather jacket as he began to run.

She yelled to him, "Sir, SIR, you can't carry that in here..."

"Hmm?", he replied, turning around, fixing his gaze with her green eyes.

"Sir, you cannot carry that firearm in here. Please let me escort you to the desk, and pleas-"

He pulls out a badge, the infamous Ukraine Security Service, fixed with a blue iron-cross, with an eagle in the middle. Giving her a small glimpse of it, she has no idea what it is.

"Mam', I'm with the 'U-S-S', authorized legally to carry this hand-gun where I please, with a license to back it up. I advise you let go of my arm, and let me continue my job. My wife...needs me, now let go of me, now."

Letting go of his arm she became frightened by the tone of his voice, covered by the sleeve of his heavy leather jacket, the woman let him go, her eyebrow stumped, without saying a word.

Obviously she was confused. Most people, if not all people, are oblivious to what the Ukraine Security Service is. While not a very significant factor in the worlds military powers, it served an extreme purpose for the country of Ukraine, what was left of Chernobyl, including the Zone of Exclusion.

As he ran down the corridor, his steel EXO boots clanking on the floor below him, causing the corridor to echo, he passed room four. Doctors, nurses, and assistant's were all around him, watching him as he ran. Quite a few of them spotted the handgun in his holster, and the badge pinned to his jacket, hence why they had not replied with a word, and focused on their medical emergencies and tasks at hand. The medical staff were too busy to focus on a man with a gun under his arm.

"Stop him!", a Czech guard yelled out, a C-Z brand handgun pistol in his hand, locked straight for Lachance near his chest.

Raising his hands like any normal brained person would, his heart began to absolutely race. Scared out of his mind, not because they were police, but because at first he thought them to be some of the many assassin's that chased him in The Zone, trying to take his fortunes, and his life.

"Woah, fellas, it's okay... Lemme explain what the gun is for...", he replied, his hand slightly shaking.

"Explain yourself now, or you will be put under arrest immediately for the possession of an illegal firearm.", the guard replied, he wore the badge of a Prague Police Unit.

"Okay, fellas, I'm gonna reach into my jacket, and pull out my information, and license, so don't be alarmed.", Lachance replied.

He took off his jacket slowly, grabbing the holstered pistol from his shoulder, and dropping the entire thing onto the ground directly before his feet.

The guard walked toward him, the pistol with the safety still clicked on in case of an accidental misfire, he walked toward the man, holding a thick wallet in his hand.

The guard took it from his hand gently, observing it. As he looked over it, his jaw dropped slightly, as well as his eyes becoming wide with excitement.

"Oh, si-...oh my, I'm so sorry. I'm SO sorry, please, please, Agent Lachance, continue what it was you were doing, please."

"Thank you, officer...?", Lachance replied, confused that he lacked a badge.

"Sergeant Koltrin, sir. I'm terribly sorry for me and my men drawing our guns on you. It's just...-, Well, we've been having a lot of trouble here in Prague... Lot of gangs, gunfights, you know, the usual bad stuff. We've lost a lot of good men to these troublesome times, and I was only doing my job."

"I understand, Sergeant, believe me. It's every law-worker's job to take security to the highest extreme, I understand. It's a good thing you acknowledge that, I like that."

Grabbing his holster, and slinging it around his under-arm, he slipped his leather jacket on, pinning his I.D card and badge to the inside of his jacket, concealing his identity.

The medical staff peered around the corners, their eyes wide and many of them biting their lower lips. The women stared, as if a gun-fight had just broken out.

"Look, sorry Sergeant, but I gotta go. I have someone I have to take care of, so, if you'll excuse me..."

"Thank you, Lachance, your words mean a lot to me, they really do."


The sergeant waved at him a goodbye, as he walked past the last of the rooms.

The sergeant scratched the back of his head, confused as to why he was in such a rush.

It felt as if time had slowed down around him. His footsteps became slow, null. Her voice echoed in his head.... Her image displayed in his mind, as his footsteps echoed around him, the voices of the people around him dissapearing.

He proceeded to the door, labeled 'Unit-10', brushing off his jacket, and fixing his issued beret, given to him by Kuznetsov. His heart raced, as he opened the door.... A part of his life flashed before him as he turned the knob.

* * *
The image played in his head....

"Ugh....Come on, Khaletskiy, you can't do this. For fucks sake, our children need you! How are they going to grow up without a father?"

"Oh come on... Do you understand what this means for us? I can give them the life they never had, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh bullshit, all you want to do is meet that stupid Degty- what's his fuckface idiot guy. Why do you care about his job so much? Why do you want that job so badly?!"

"Because...it's my life, and I'll be damned if that fucking Chernobyl piece of shit explodes again."

"Whatever, Khaletskiy, just-...just get out.....And don't come back until you think we're more important than your bullshit job, which is probably full of corrupt idiots anyway."

* * *

The light of the blue artifact glowed, dancing around the room. The light of the artifact in the tube so bright, so warm, it caused his eyes to shut, and re-adjust his focus. The room glowed with a positive energy, himself feeling regenerated and recharged after simply looking at it.

He shut the door behind him, still focusing on her in her citizen clothes. She stood there, holding the artifact within the glass chamber so tightly.

She stood by the window, looking out to the streets below. The artifact danced within the tube, creating no noise as it did so. It spun, the ridges of the artifact causing the light to bend, and create a showcase as if stars danced about the sky.

She turned around, looking at him, holding the tubed thing in her hands. It must have felt like minutes he stood there, without saying a word.

The medical staff of the building were well aware that he was the cause of the artifact's arrival. It was his mission to save her, and hopefully, his last.

She looked absolutely amazing for someone who was sick just a few days before. How the artifact managed to create such amazing, beneficial properties, was beyond belief, but that didn't matter, not now. Nothing mattered now, not even his friends back in the wretched place he once called home...

She walked foward, setting the artifact on the bed next to them. She grabbed him tightly....

"It's good to have you back...., you're not going to leave again, are you?"

"Never again... Never, ever, again."

They both replied in Unison, "It's over...."

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat - Outro Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XZfD1HCI7s#normal)

*For our brave fighter, Khaletski Vasilli James Lachance, this was his final battle. The battle of her life, became his. It is the final story of our brave hero, well, not so brave, but daring, and bold. While he lacked the proper emotion for his friends, he lead many of them to glory, the riches, to fame, and best of all, happiness.*

*This is his last mission, and will never return to the Zone again...*

*Travis Johnson, a hardened, battle-necked soldier wounded countless times in battle, aided the final preparations of Operation North, and was promoted to Major Sergeant within a half year of service in the Zone.  His skill in scoped weaponry, allowed Lachance to navigated the anomaly fields, to obtain special information and artifacts, as mutants rushed forward to take Lachance down. Without the sharp-shooting skills of Johnson, Lachance might very well be dead. Aided by the fact he now takes courses to personally learn to fly the mighty MI series of helicopters, he has proved an absolute, and invaluable ally to Lachance throughout his service to the USS. To top it off, he has trained some of the current best recruits of the Ukraine Army, and has benefited everyone around him in every way.*

*Colonel Nikolai Yurdansky, of the Ukraine Army, was awarded the badge of High Power, for his service to the Ukraine Army, and the aid he provided to the Ukraine Security Service. From humble beginnings, growing into a true frienship, Yurdansky became one of Lachane's most trusted, and well-liked allies of all his friends. His attitude, motivation, and perseverance showed Lachance that there was more to a disciplined life than killing people, and that many stalkers can be trusted, especially those of the Military Stalker aid. Colonel Yurdansky would also be one of the many to help bring Operation North underway, and hopefully make sure it succeeds. Colonel Yurdansky still serves as one of the toughest, and bravest soldiers to of the Ukraine Army to date, and was stationed in the Zone for many reasons. His service to Lachance would not go unrewarded, and would be air-dropped a special gift from the Kiev Airport, North-West of the Zone.

In the end, Yurdansky turned out to be more than a emotionless killer. He turned out to be a true friend, a very rare thing indeed within the Zone. As one of Lachance's most closest allies, he would guarantee that the people of Ukraine would honor his service, and would talk about him for generations to come. Overall, Yurdansky, and the rest of the Ukraine Army, would hopefully continue to serve, and continue to protect the World from the Zone.*

*Captain Krystal Mertz, one of Lachance's first friends he made in his months of service in the Zone, was perhaps to be considered what a true friend really is. The aid she gave to Lachance, emotionally, and mentally, motivated Lachance to continue his service, and make sure he would be there to finish the job he started. Her service to the Ukraine Army, was considered some of the best of its history since its small beginnings in 1991, and she had proved herself as one of the most incredible soldiers to ever serve in the Zone of Exclusion.

Krystal Mertz is rumored to become married to Owen Winters, one of the greatest mercenaries that has ever stalked the Zone. The aid he supplied to Lachance as well, was some of-, if not, the best. Mertz would continue her service to the Ukraine Army, and would be awarded the medal of great alliance. In the end, she would turn out to be the one to receive the last of Lachance's loot, but like all his friends, were not informed of his mission.*

*For his successful preparation and part taken in Operation North, Lachance was encouraged the extraordinary badge of High Justice, and promoted to the rank of Leytenant. He declined the offering to bear the badge, and expressed a desire to fully retire as a permanent observer for the Security Service of Ukraine.*

*The information on Project SKAT discovered by Leytenant Lachance has seriously alarmed the U.S.S. All materials on the "Project" were removed from military archives and marked by the "special importance" classification department. The USS agents in the Zone were ordered to prevent the spread of information about the nature of work undertaken at any cost.*

*Several prototype PSY-Emission head-sets have been created from the documentation of "Project-PSY". Reports on tests concluded that the mass-production of the head-sets for mass production was uneconomical; the mechanical work is simply too expensive. However, some evidence suggests that the head-sets are still being perfected in secret by Professor Herman, Professor Shakharov, and Nimble.*

*Skadovsk had become established as a haven for all who are lucky to get there. Bandits have persistently sought to establish their own order on the ship in Zaton, but stalkers have successfully resisted this. Day after day the fragile balance was kept, and the stalkers fought bravely to keep order under control, with the help of Lachance.*

*A shaky balance was beginning to be established between the Duty and Freedom factions in Yanov. Tired of senseless fighting, the soldiers of the warring factions began to join the ranks of free stalkers, living a free life, and stress-free one at that. The peace between the factions was never established in Yanov, and was eliminated, as fighting continued.*

*The research expedition of Professors Herman and Ozersky was a success: the collected data helped in the development of several unique devices and drugs. In light of this funding for the study of the Zone was increased several times. Professor Shakarov and Professor Herman created an alliance after senseless bickering, and allied together to mass-produce the drugs to stalkers, allowing them to help benefit the ecologist's in every way.*

*Teams of mercenaries begun to enter the North. Their interest towards secret laboratories increased tenfold and managed to attract the attention of the USS. Nevertheless, identifying the customer behind the mercenaries proved impossible, and their forces were simply wiped out by private military groups hired by the Ukraine Army.*

*The area around Yanov and Zaton attracts more and more stalkers. The absence of dangerous mutants and the prevalence of anomalous places had led to it being associated with those pesky Klondike artifacts. It is unknown if they truly exist, but they are certainly around...somewhere.*

*As the Zone grows, a new group of stalkers has emerged. They are well equipped and prepared, but their goals are unknown. According to unconfirmed rumors, all of these people once normal stalkers, who bear the armor of the special Ukraine Army forces, possibly Military Stalkers.*

*Lachance has established good relationships with customers outside of the Zone. His goods: information and alliances. According to rumors, much of his information goes to the USS itself.*

*During a particularly violent blowout, a group of stalkers have been forced to seek shelter in an old barge. Soon the ship was attacked by snorks', and the stalkers realized that they were in a small but well-fortified castle. The local psuedodog gave birth to a litter of puppies that soon helped to defend the barge from mutants and enemies alike.*

*Slovik, learning advanced weaponry repair and modification skills, no longer thought of a career in stalking. After taking up alchoholism, he moved to Skadovsk in the Zaton swamp, where together he, and Ashin in Yanov Station, he organized a two-way repair shop that fixed many broken weapons and so forth. In their free time the machinists enthusiastically construct a means of transportation suitable for the extreme conditions of the Zone.*

*Lachance handed the data he obtained at the throughout the Zone to the USS. This information prompted the government to establish an advanced research institute in Kiev, researching of the Chernobyl Anomalous Zone headed by none other than ecologist team itself.*

*Lachance's wife, after an exhausting medical screening and test, was guaranteed to recover by the artifacts wonderful properties. The artifact, known as the Eyleshe, a combination of the healing Eye, and Jellyfish, saved her life for good. Without it, she would have perished to death, and would have crossed over to the other side. After two years, she had lost all hope that he would ever be able to show emotion to her again, and proved her wrong, but giving her the ultimate gift... Life itself. She was saved by him, and the wonderful man that sold the artifact, wherever he was.*

*Lachance's children, Vasilli, and Alexander, finally meet their father, opening their arms warmly to greet him with the greatest gift of all. The children would grow fond of their father, and shocked, he had thought they would truly hate him, but given the opposite, it was totally forgotten, and he greeted them with open arms himself.*

*All connections of the reaver virus were shut out by his mind, after becoming stronger from happiness, and willpower, the connection was fully broken, and the small voices no longer wandered inside his mind.*

"This is the end for our hero, and there will be no more stories....The stories now, are up to you. It is up to you, and your imagination, to think about what will happen."

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: deluxulous on 07-11-2009
General Boris Kerechinov looked over the reports on his desk...

"Are you sure that he's back? Like, sun rises in the west, my coffee's gonna be here in 5 minutes sure? Hint hint."

"Yes we are sure, we have photographs of him in the area. And of course."

"Damn, this is serious. Do we know his current location?"

"Yes, this report was filed about an hour ago."

"Keep a small three man recon team on him."

"Yes sir."

"Sancture needs to be taught a lesson..."
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Dark Angel on 07-11-2009
Chernobyl Hedgehog feels the transmission getting up and chuckling You are really a bunch of idiots , tramp told me everything about my mission and i won't do anything els. If i'm told to sit 2 minutes i'll sit only 2 if i'm told to break my shoulder in the middle of firefight i'll do it. So walking in there is not a part of my mission.

She gets up and starts walking toward the Pripyat at the same time she takes out an artifact container with "Yantar" written on it. Teleporter is sucha valuable artifacts and these idiots don't even know how to use it. Atleast i've plan B.

Hedgehog walk toward the Ghost Town holding her hand in her pockets and her F2000 being set on the back of Black Bandit EXO.

Interesting where are those history heroes who are going to march into Pripyat to destroy the stone loves. Nah fuck it , i guess they are already dead.

Girl sticks her hand in the backpack taking out a "Life Water Artifact" OK now this is already 1427th Life Water so Canners and Earters won't get me and i'm safe from getting killed... But still i wonder what happend with that nice military who offered me to join them in the rush to the Ghost Town.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 07-11-2009
A dirty man in a trench coat type(The soviet model) outfit falls out a tree few yards away.

Yelling *Dont shoot please...Dont shoot*

*I am a hermit,I mean no harm,I am just passing by.*

The man shakes....There is no visible weapons on him but he seems to have something bulgeing from his pocket on his chest.

The man Calms as he looks forward at you.

(Projected towards Darkangel.)

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Dark Angel on 08-11-2009
Chernobyl Hedgehog keeps moving totally ignoring the man at the same time she mumbles silently 100 to the air , 50 to the leg , 25 to the head.

She keeps moving fastly toward the town getting a good distance between the man and her.

She slowly takes out a the "Teleporter" artifact getting ready to create teleporter anomaly just in case.

Why are these idiots thinking that we are so dumb. Damn should kill him now but at the same time i could just walk away and let him live
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 10-11-2009
"Step into my office, Lachance.", the deputy officer replied to him.

They sat down, in the  leather chairs that sat each side of the office, neatly stationed in front of an oak desk, likely to be antique, judging by the design and age on it.

"Lachance, tell me...."

"Yes sir?", he replied, adjusting his leg.

"What....did you find, son. I need to know. We're well aware of the current situation of Operation North, and the service the Army has given us to help bring it through, and get er' up n' running, but I want to hear your side of the story, son, so tell me everything you saw...."

The deputy head officer, cuffed his hands together, sitting in front of the desk, while taking a sip of his coffee.

Deputy Officer Konovalov was a tough man- no, scratch that, extremely tough. He wasn't made Head Deputy for no reason, and has served well over twenty-two years of service to the Ess-Ess.

The Head Deputy scratched his mustache, fixing the whiskers. Judging by his rugged look, he looked to be about forty to fifty years old.

"Well-.., sir, there's a lot to say. What do you-",  he was cut off by the H.D.

"Firstly, I want to know about the artifacts the most. We're well aware of the presence of them, and the presence of artirfacts found in the deeper trenches of the Zone, what you fellas' call the North. Now, tell me more about this... Eyleshe, you used to cure your wife of her nasty disease."

"Sir, there's a lot to explain... First of all, from what I can tell as a professional artifact investigator, it is a combination of the Jellyfish, judging by the holes and characteristics it shows, and a rare artifact found commonly in the North called the Eye, which is one of the highest-", cut off yet again.

"Yes yes, burner anomalies, of course. But what DOES IT DO?"

"It uhh'....It heals, sir. From what I gathered personally, like most artifacts, it boosts the metabolic rate of the body, and increases the blood-flow as well, speed and strength-wise, to form clots ten fold speed that of a puny artifact like a Meat-Chunk. It is rare, though, and is highly sought after in the Zone, and the outside world, where you and me stand."

"The amazing thing though, sir, is that with the combination of the Jellyfish within the Eye, hence the name Eylesh, the jellyfish properties within reduce the radiation particles that the Eye emits, allowing the wearer to wear as many as they please, IF they can find them."

"Because of this, this is the reason the Eyleshe is highly chased after. Its ability to heal, heal the mind, and the lack of radiation, it's a priceless gem from what I can tell. I never personally found one. The one I purchased came from an auction show in New York."

"New-...what the hell are you talkin' about, son.", the H.D shouted over the room, cutting Lachance off.

"Sir, I'm confused...what are you yelling for?", Lachance replied.

"I'm yellin', because you said...New York. What do you mean New York?", he questioned curiously, his voice calming, and becoming much smoother.

"Sir, you do realise that artifacts are all over the world, right? There are numerous traders, like the one in Zaton, on the boat named S.S Skadvosk, named Beard, who sells rare artifacts like the Eye, to inside and outside buyers of the Zone. I can assure you, though, sir, the artifacts sold to outside buyers of the Zone are used wisely."

"For instance.", he continued, "A few weeks ago before I left, the Eco's team leader in the Northern area, Professor Herman, bought an artifact from a local bandit that we call the Mamas Beads. It's quite a common artifact up North, especially in the burner anomalies around Yanov Station, but down South, it is extremely rare, and almost unheard of by rookies, and newbies."

"As I was saying. Professor Herman purchased this artifact, for a mere four thousand rubles, and the artifact was air-lifted by a helicopter, with many other artifacts purchased within, and was transported to a science lab outside of Slovakia, after being shipped on a military truck first class from Kiev's airport. This artifact, was then delivered to said lab, and was then used for advanced investigation into the wondrous properties of the Zone, and the artifact itself, and the team in the Slovakian lab recently found advanced findings, that helped benefit science in every way."

"Very well, son, that's enough. Come with me, we're gonna go for a...ride.", the H.D intimidated him, questioning his self being.

"Very well, sir."...

The two left the briefing room, as they casually walked out from the door. They strode on, past the offices, monitoring rooms, testing labs, and other varied rooms of importance. They continued walking, before they reached the bottom of the stairwell, opening the buildings doors, proceeding to the parked 79' Lincoln Mark-V.

A real beauty that car was. One of the few left in existence, and right here outside the head office in Ukraine...

Sporting a custom leather T-Top, smooth, black leather seats, and a wooden black dashboard, and a moderate 300HP V-8 engine, this car was what a lot of people dreamed of driving, let alone owning.

The H.D opened the door, as did Lachance, quickly seating themselves as Lachance exmained the interior.

"Dang, that's some serious shit you got there..."

"Aint' it? I spent years fixin' up this car, son, and I'm glad I finally finished it...", the H.D replied.

"Likin' the leather upholstery ya' got there, nice shit. What is that, fine, or rough leather?"

"Rough, I mean hell, that's how the women like it!", the H.D replied.

They both burst out laughing in unison, before the sexy engine begun to rumble, causing the seats to vibrate.

"Holy shit....It's like my old 78' Vet!", Lachance expressed, his eyes wide, and jaw slightly dropped.

The H.D rolled his head over his right shoulder, using his right arm to support himself, as he backed out of the driveway of the building, the long nose of the car shimmering in the sun.

He threw it into drive, as he came to the right-turn only, flipping the oak-decked turn-signal to the right, and proceeded out casually as he flipped the blinker off, now in the middle lane, heading for their destination which Lachance still was unaware of.

"Damn fine car ya' got sir, but enough about that. Where are we doing exactly?", Lachance asked politely, his tone smooth.

"Ah' Khal', boy, ya' got kids, yeh'?"

"Yes sir...They're with my wife at home right now, why?", he replied back to him.

"Just wonderin'. Judging by those scars on ya' face, ya' don't look too much of a....err, family man."

Lachance chuckled, as he rubbed his hand over the dashboard of the car, feeling the fine Oak underneath the plastic lamination.

"Where are we g-",

"You can cut the 'sir' bullcrap, son. I'm not like the other head deputies. I'm a lot more... err, how you say...unstrict.", the H.D replied to him, cutting him off.

"Very well, then...Jack, but -where- are we going?", Lachance questioned him, he was obviously avoiding something.

"Well, it's a long-... hang on, need to-..."

He flipped his right blinker on, as he came to a red-light, checking his left for oncoming traffic, before proceeding to make his turn into the next lane.

"Anyways, Khaletskiy....It's gonna be a long ride, and I hope you're in for a treat..."

He added, "Let's just say...that...due to the crazy things you found over in that Zone, we've made some...interesting discoveries. Just wait and see, you'll be astounded by what the scientist team has created."

Lachance gulped, a lump in his throat, before he nodded in acceptance. A treat was in store for him, and he was anxious to see what was down in this *lab* he talked about just minutes before.

The white Lincoln continued, with pedestrians eyeing and watching the car as it drove by, the engine sounded like a rebuilt block straight out of a 60' Corvette. The people stared, some of them real car-people. Many of the people in Ukraine rarely saw a car of this quality, and it was quite obvious they've never seen an American car before, especially with the seates and wheel redone to be positioned on the right side for the driver...

***One hour later...***

The Lincoln rolled into an alley, completely blocked from any sight of bysytanders or witnesses. Lachance could tell something was about to go down... The sun beamed from the car the gold rims shining with immense brightness, causing Lachance to adjust his eyes.

"Err, is there a problem, sir?", Lachanced asked him, releasing the button that held his special edition Fort-12 in place, questioning the Head Deputy curiously, and nervously.

"Lachance, we need to have a talk...Step out of the car, if you will, please."

The both of them undid their seatbelts, as the H.D pulled the safety break upwards, while firmly switching the car into park. The both of them stepped out of the car, both of them in unison thinking about their weapons.

Lachance licked his bottom lip, making a clicking noise with his tongue. He was nervous, very nervous. Something felt completely wrong here. A blocked alleyway, and his pure instinct telling him to instantly draw his sidearm.

He crossed his arms, "Is there a problem, sir?"

"Lachance, I hate to say this...but, we, err, all of us, on behalf of the Security Service, have agreed that you....know too much. The information you have discovered, if leaked to public eyes, could no doubt render the country of Ukraine useless, and allow superior military powers to take control of the country, and devastate the people. That is why, on behalf of everyone here, you must be taken into custody."

"I...don't think so.", he replied to the H.D, ready to draw his sidearm. Hopefully it was still loaded, and with a prayer to god, the safety was off.

"If I have to use force...I will."

"What did I do wrong? I simply did my fucking job!", he barked into the mans face.

"You have done nothing wrong, Khaletskiy. The problem is, is that the information you possess, could possibly be leaked by unseen eyes, and could be transferred to other country governments and military powers, and could cause serious security issues for the ENTIRE world, not just us. The information discovered in the lab of X-7 for instance, is easily usable to mass produce a Flash Rifle prototype, and with work, could be put into mass production."

"But it makes no sense... If you didn't want me to find this information, why did you send me?"

"Because, Lachance, you were not supposed to find THAT. Your mission, was to simply investigate the anomalous, unknown regions of the Zone, and report back to us. Not leading a union of illegal traders, and creating prototype...headsets of whatever the hell PSY waves are."

"If you do not come with me....I will use force without given question, do you understand me?", the H.D shot him an eye so sparking, that it caused him tilt his head backwards slightly."

Head Deputy Officer Konovalov drew the Fort-15 slided in his jacket, hidden completely from sight. He drew it so quick, Lachance had not a single second to focus on the movement, rendering him unable to do anything.

"You will come with me....Or I will use force..."

* * *

The Fort-15 pistol aimed straight for Khaletskiy's head, causing him to skip a heart-beat. The gun shimmered in the sun so brilliantly, as did the car, his eyes squinted at the beaming light. He was on the fritz, in a situation where his views have been turned upside down, and had to fight for his life.

"So that's how it is, eh Kon'? You're going to kill me for doing my job, eh'? A bit hypocritical, don't you think?"

"There is nothing hypocrticial about it. We KNOW you leaked information, Leytenant, do not deny it, and do not try to justify this act. You were specified to keep this information-, in fact anything you FOUND, a tight lid, yet you could not do that. You know the consequences, and you know what happens when people do this. You agreed to this mission, and you were repeatedly told what would happen if you do so, and now, that is happening, whether you like it or not."

"Okay, but what are your charges?"

"Plenty... Murder"-

"I kill criminals, Kon'...Not honest people like you and me."

"I know that.... You killed, I hope, ACCIDENTALLY, three agents. You killed three of our agents, because of what you did.  Three of our boys are gone, because you ACCIDENTALLY took them as threats, and that is why they are dead. That cannot go without punishment..."

"Alright, what else?"

"Treason, Lachance. You have betrayed us, by leakin-", he was cut off by Lachance's shouting.

"I did...not...leak...anything. What in the world are you talking about? The information I found was submitted to Lord Vek, and nobody else. That's impossible. Give me proof I leaked anything."

He flipped the safety off from the gun, causing Lachance to panic. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he looked for a way out, a loophole, anything that could get him out of this mess without killing Konovalov.

"You will....come...with us..", the creature hissed slowly, its head tilting backwards, as his pupils turned a solid black.

"Oh no...."

The impersonation, whatever it was, tilted its head back, as if in a daze. With the Fort pistol still pin-pointed on his forehead, this was his chance to save himself, and fix the problem that is now occurring. He was quite certain he knew what this abomination was...

As it continued to tilt its head to the left, Lachance dashed toward the Reaver, his adrenaline rushing, and his heart pumping, certain he would grab the gun. He succeeded...

He grabbed the Fort pistol from the Reaver's hand, the creature hissing loudly, knocking it out of its state of concentration. He charged the pistol, and aimed it directly in the creatures chest.

"Why...Khaletskiy, why.... Why do you continue to fight the fate you face. Why? There is no escape, Lachance... Your fate is locked, yet you continue to deny the reality you have been posed with. There is no escaping it, you must face your destiny..."

His jaw dropped, as he pulled the trigger. The 9X18 bullet slashing the stomach of the creature, blood and intestines spilling from it as it dropped slightly.

As he was about to walk away, the worst scenario possible was now put into play. It was like something totally from the Matrix, as the eight men in black suits dashed outward from the door to the left of him, charging at him, holding pistols in their hands.

"Oh shit...."

The reaver replied as the men halted their charge, cuffing their hands behind their backs, in a military fashion. The reaver begun to speak, as it coughed blood all over the asphalt.

"Surprised to see us, Khaletskiy?

"No...., I'm not, really.", Lachance replied, still aiming the pistol at the creatures dimple.

"Then you are aware....", the reaver replied to him, coughing an immense amount of blood.

"Of what?"

"Of our connection, Lachance... I don't fully understand how it happened, perhaps some part of you....us...when Marissa bit you on the neck, causing you to become a part of us? Our genetic DNA transferring to each other, creating a balance, a connection?"

"Whatever it is, it's a point that is no longer relevant. What matters, is that whatever happens, happens for a reason..."

"And what reason is that, you abomination...", Lachance gritted his teeth, inhaling and exhaling furiously.

"We killed you, Lachance. We watched you die... I, watched you die, with a certain satisfaction might I add, and then something happened..."

"Something we knew was impossible, but it happened anyway. You somehow killed one of us, with the mere thought of it, but you did not realize it, Khaletskiy..."

"Afterward, I knew the playing rules, I understood what we were supposed to do, and that was my prime goal, but for some reason... I didn't follow my orders."

The eight men that stood to the left of them moved not a muscle, not an inch, as they continued to stand in their military fashion. The weapons in their holsters.

The reaver continued, "I couldn't... I was compelled to stay by your side... I was compelled to disobey my command... And now here I stand because of you, Khaletskiy.... Because of you, I'm no longer allowed to return to my kin, as a knight of their order, as a server of their law..."

"Because of you, many of us have changed, and broke free from the shackles that were once tied to our ankles. A new man, so to speak. Like you, I'm free..."

"That's nice to hear.", Lachance replied, rolling his eyes in a sarcastic manner.

"Thank you...", the Reaver replied, stand up, as Lachance kept his aim on the sickening things forehead.

"But, as you are well aware, appearances can be....deceiving. Which brings me back to the reason why I am here. We're not here after you, not to be free..."

"We are here because we are not free. There is no escaping the mind that controls us. There is no escaping reason, denying reality, because as you and I know, without purpose, there is no point in living."

Another man in a suit appeared from nowhere, as if it was created by mere thought, and stepped from the alleyway, wearing a black suit...

The creature approached, speaking as if it was the mutant that was speaking beforehand, "It is the mind that created us, and cared for us."

Another one appeared, speaking as it walked, "The mind connects us..."

Yet another appeared, adding to the trio of eleven, "The mind compels us."

Another five of them appeared, all of them speaking in unison....

"The mind drives us."

"It is the mind that defies us."

"The mind that binds us."

They stood together in a single file row, "And we, are here, because of you, Khaletskiy. We are here to take from you which you have tried to take from us, and our controlling minds..."

"Lachance, you will not leave here alive..."

The creature tried to grab his wrist, replying to the creature before him with a bullet straight to the things head. The creature fell over in a heap of blood and guts, as the others in the black suits begun to walk toward him.

Lachance said to himself, thinking of a way out, "What is this, the fucking MATRIX?! What the hell?!"

He dashed for the alleyway, his adrenaline pushing his speed of running to the limit. The reavers were fast, but many of them were not as fast as him, and that's why his training has saved his life. The trio of them drew their handguns from their holsters, running after him as he made a turn on the corner.

The trio was joined by even more reavers', totaling up to twenty of them chasing after him. They wore slick, black suits, with beretta and Fort pistols grasped in their hands. They chased after him, as citizens and bystanders watched, stupefied by the chase they observed. Many of them hid behind cars when they spotted the handguns.

The twenty of them continued to chase him, as he hurdled over the hood of a car, crossing the traffic into the right of the street. Perhaps they would lose him, but most likely not. The reavers were fast, smart, and resourceful, and they rarely lost a target.

A kid shouted, "Woah, the matrix!"

*Dispatch*: "All units, we have a four-seventeen-eight in progress, reports of a group of armed suspects chasing other suspect who is also armed. Reported from Kharkiv City- Street 22. All units, suspects are both armed, advise immediate preparation of arms. Calls report suspects are on foot, and on the move. All units are advices to make any immediate eight-one-elevens."

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 12-11-2009
Rammstein - Zwitter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itFE7DvFQeY#normal)
These lyrcis dont really fit but the mood does and the sound. So if you dont understand the lyrics thank god.But Rammstien is awsome band.

The man smiles deeply under his mask as he rips it off exposeing his boiled and burned face and his blood bright green eyes.

He screams looking to the sky spreading his arms.

Others rush from the trees screaming as well.

About 8 come out,differnt gear and helmets and mask,all blood thirsty and dirty.

The men covered with moss and blood,they begin to rush towards to to go after the stalker that past them before.

The men raged and furious running widly screaming chargeing full force,almost at 30 Mphs,but far distance from the stalker.

It may seem they are catching distance quite fastly as they roar and scream.

There eyes red and glowing,there is one thing on there mind,kill,kill,kill.

You better fight or hail ass.
(Projected towards DarkAngel.)
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 13-11-2009

The men chased him through the streets, as he made a sharp turn on the left corner, bring himself into a small market, full of vendors selling various goods. There were hundreds of people everywhere...

The men followed behind, gritting their teeth as the running begun to take a tole on their lungs. One of them fired a round, hitting the brick wall, causing the crowd to go into a panic. It was like a scene straight out of a movie. The bad guys, chasing the...semi good guy through a big market, trying to catch him, and beat the living crap out of him. They continued to run, chasing him through the massive crowd of people.

He took a pill from his pocket, colored yellow, on a microscope sized text, the pill read "HERCULES DRUG: KIEV INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE: DO NOT TAKE IF UNDER EIGHTEEN". He swallowed the pill, coaxing it down with his saliva, only taking minutes for the drug of the Zone to take affect.  
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Dark Angel on 13-11-2009
Chernobyl Hedgehog bursts out laughing as  she turns around with F2000 and starts retreating thrue pripyat making small bursts toward the reavers Late idiots

She throws down a broken Life Water making a canner anomaly right infront of her blocking the way to her.

She stops right infront of anomalys laughing and shooting her exploding bullets toward the reavers.

Idiots , i know that i won't die as tramp told me my future , i'll die later!
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 13-11-2009
2 Reavers drop and begin to crawl...

3 others drop almost lifeless.

One of the Reavers gets ahead of the others and he takes a few shots stumbleing...

The Reavers oddly see the anomly and dart off in the wilderness dragging there wounded and dead back.

One of the reavers thinks in his head*We will be back...We will*

The Reavers begin to drag there wounded and badly hurt comrades back into the darkness.

One Reavers,quicker than the others and much more agile,named Elder Croak.

Bolts ahead to see if he can find another way to find the stalker once more. He creeps along quickly and will soon most likely catch up.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 13-11-2009
**Continuation of last post**

Matrix Reloaded Soundtrack - Burly Brawl (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu0rGwySDpE#normal)

People screamed, as the brigade of twenty suited men chased him through the market, shoving people out of their way as they ran, trying the best they could to catch him.

He pulled out his cell-phone, and dialed +991....

"Kharkiv Dispatch, problem?"

He gasped for air as he ran, his lungs taking a tole, "Get....me...OUT OF HERE..."

"Sir-", she was cut off by him as he screamed.


"The gunmen, I take it? Units on the move, backup six-ten-one is on its way, keep on the move."

Dispatch: "All units open, be advised, gunmen chasing suspect requests backup, traced call reports this comes from Khaletskiy Lachance, Security Agent, be advised, all free units are to report to Street Twenty-Six through Eight now, code ten-sixty-six in progress, suspects are armed, repeat, are armed, all units are advised to secure officer and leave immediately."

He hung up, the dispatch woman doing so as well.

A police cruiser rounded the corner, blocking the path of them. The trio drew their handguns, scaring the daylights out of the police officer, as he pulled up onto the sidewalk to avoid a hail of gunfire.

He jumped on top of the police car, gripping the siren-lights as hard as he could, like an infant holding a blanket.

The trio, about ninety feet away, increased their speed, they were gaining, fast.


The cadet threw the cruiser in reverse, hitting a cart of watermelons, as bullets from the trio begun to ping off the back of the car.

He threw the car into drive, and floored it as hard as he could, after cutting the wheel so hard, it made a loud sound as if a hammer was hitting a table. The car sped out from the sidewalk, pulling into the right lane.

The car sped through the district, the sirens blaring, hurting Lachance's ears like no tomorrow. The men behind stopped their pursuit, tossed a sewer lid from the ground like it was nothing, and hopped down inside the mucky cavern, one by one. The people on the side of the street dashed out of the way as the car sped by, the cars pulling to the right of the road.  

Two BMW's shot into the right lane behind them, picking up speed, Lachance tilted his head back, his leg slipping from the trunk, securing his feet on the spoiler, gribbing the light tightly as the car made a sharp right turn, causing him to gag.

The BMW's floored it, following behind them, the odds were starting to look grim.... 
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Plunger on 15-11-2009
Gareth 'Spectre' Thatcher watches the events play out from his position above the Pripyat Elementary School. He momentarily decides weather to intervene in the stalkers bad luck as she is chased by the revears through the streets.

"Isn't this just an unusual show..."

He says unslinging his vintorez bringing the rifle to his shoulders carefully before flipping open the sights. With the safety still on he can get a better look at the stalker and revears running by.

In the middle of fight his spine starts to burn a clear warning sign to him that a blowout is about to occur, or a controller is present. Not wanting to confront either he slides into the roof access hatch back into the elementary school. He quickly opens the nearest room silently and locks it positioning himself to shoot whatever may come in.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Dark Angel on 15-11-2009
Chernobyl Hedgehog sigh loading a grenade into F2000 and changing the clip Damn i'm so sick of this.

She starts walking toward the school looking around with interest.

She stops for a second feeling danger of upcoming emission You gotta be kidding me like usually. I'm still gonna leave the zone

Anyway i gotta move on She turns around and start walking toward the school holding her hands in her pockets.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 15-11-2009
The police cruiser pulled to a slow, as the BMW's chased behind gaining immensely close distance and speed. As the door swung open, he swung himself over the roof of the car, propelling his body into the passenger side of the vehicle.

As the vehicles behind chased, an old Honda Civic pulled from a driveway, making its way into the left lane, oblivious to the three speeding cars coming in at eighty miles an hour, as one of the BMW's smashed into the rear of the Civic, pulverizing the end of it, sending it spinning into circles, forcing the two others to swing around the crashed duo of cars.They once again begun picking up speed as they floored the gas.

Lachance buckled himself into the seat, strapping the seat-belt to a maximum hold, and slammed the dashboard with his hand, "Go, What the hell are you waiting for cadet, GO!".  He checked the rear-view mirror, as the functional duo gained increasing closeness to the police cruiser, now with the tires squealing as the cadet floored the gas.

Two police cruisers pulled from the driveway on the right, the duo oblivious to knowing they were there because of the speed they were picking up. The two cruisers flashed their lights. and flipped their siren switches to the upward position, as they floored the gas following behind.

It was an interesting scene. Criminals chasing cops, and cops chasing criminals, pretty rare. Too bad the suited men inside the car were soon to meet their maker, but for now, they had an advantage.

The cruiser sped around a corner, smashing a newspaper stand, pedestrians jumping out of the way to avoid death and destruction. The two behind followed, as did the two police cruisers, now picking up significant speed.

"So ehhh', h- how", he stopped himself as the cut the wheel, making a left turn past a parked car, "So eeh, h-how often does THIS happen?"

He replied to him, sweat trickeling down his forehead, "I'd say...never.", the cadet chuckled nervously at his reply, his laugh stuttering and cracking.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 15-11-2009
Rammstein - Mutter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_jXZFPE-y4&feature=related#normal)

The other reavers hide in a cave some distance away deep inside to hide and sleep and rest...

A monolithian runs taging along with 3 reavers includeing Croak.

The monolith says to them,"So you seen something my child of the zone?" the Reavers looks at him almost nodding it seems.

They quickly catch on the trail of the stalker again.

The monolith begins loading his Vss checking it and getting ready for what ever comes next.

He thinks deep in his mind"These heretics ruining my holy land....If we get this one alive I will offer it as a sacrifice to our mighty Monolith and the Zone.Ohhhhhh how I would do anything for my dear Monolith."

The monolith readys his gun,flipping it off saftey adjusting the scope....

He waits.......

They keep running as the monolith slides near a wall as the Reavers go ahead giveing him a sign,meaning "HERE HERE HERE" the Reavers near the school as the monolith darts towards another building going inside,he runs upstairs to a small window. He grabs a small board of somesorts leaning it on the window then setting his vss in the window,he thinks deep in his mind "Now I shall wait for them to drive him out and I will finish the stalker.".

The Reaver slowly creep around the building and find small entrances to enter.

He thinks again in his mind"My comrades,my Brothers and sisters,I will avenge you who have fallen for each of these people I kill, I will,I will kill these stupied bastard for my Monolith,OUR MONOLITH!!!!!."

The monolith has odd flashes in his mind,he sees a man limbless speaking to him."I am here to help you to show you your future your past and what will be.I will give you all you need,I am the Essence,we are brothers,connected threw my child you call the Reavers.I will show you what you want,what you need."

Takes off his mask rubbing his face quickly as he shoves it back on.

He then says quietly,"Not know Essence me and your children must complete the task at hand."

The monolith puts on a stern face then prepares for the comeing fight.

Also thinking to himself while going into this school is Croak,haveing odd flashes of what the school use to be,children around......He thought in his little brain of his"Ohhh the life I had,my father,my mother,my dear brothers when we were human,but we were never really human to start with.....I wonder what the stalker will think,when we are killing them....It feels good but hurts also....Why Father Essence why did you bless me the power of this thought.....I will ripp the stalkers neck out and feast on his entrails....GARRRRRG."
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Dark Angel on 16-11-2009
S T A L K E R ( rammstein "rosenrot") (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPtOkByGmnY&feature=response_watch#normal)

Chernobyl Hedgehog enters the school walking toward the old basement which is clear of any life forms. As soon as she steps on the stairs she takes out a life water throwing it at the entrance creating "Canner" so none would get to her. Safety first? Eh? Guy who said that was so fucking right...

She keeps walking down the stairs into the room where people were hiding at the disaster. She looks around the room Time to have some rest?

She sits down in the corner pointing her F2000 at the door and falling a sleep.


Chernobyl Hedgehog wakes up in the PSEUDO-ZONE's NPP control room right infront of "Tramp" she smiles saying Hello

Tramp nods end replies the same to her.

She slowly asks So how is the life here?

Tramp answers Good

She rubs her hands together asking Got anything els to tell me about my future?

Tramp remains calm and replies I already told you that everything is the same.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Plunger on 16-11-2009
Quote from: Dark Angel on 16-11-2009
S T A L K E R ( rammstein "rosenrot") (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPtOkByGmnY&feature=response_watch#normal)

Chernobyl Hedgehog enters the school walking toward the old basement which is clear of any life forms. As soon as she steps on the stairs she takes out a life water throwing it at the entrance creating "Canner" so none would get to her. Safety first? Eh? Guy who said that was so fucking right...

She keeps walking down the stairs into the room where people were hiding at the disaster. She looks around the room Time to have some rest?

She sits down in the corner pointing her F2000 at the door and falling a sleep.


Chernobyl Hedgehog wakes up in the PSEUDO-ZONE's NPP control room right infront of "Tramp" she smiles saying Hello

Tramp nods end replies the same to her.

She slowly asks So how is the life here?

Tramp answers Good

She rubs her hands together asking Got anything els to tell me about my future?

Tramp remains calm and replies I already told you that everything is the same.
Okay seriously, Do you think your maybe a little to powerful? Infinite supply of life waters the supposdedly impossible to get artifact, Creating canner fields, F2000, and going to the Pseudo-Zone?
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 16-11-2009
I am kind of a bit confused is Darkangel dreaming or.........

Also plunger I dont have a problem I dont think she is to powerful.

I have much in store for her..........

The Reavers run in looking around they smell the stupied stalker.

The Reavers come near but not to close to the entrance where the stalker threw down a lifewater.

They roar and yell as the monolith hears there calls"I better go check on them."He slides down the stairs in the building running out and going into the school.

He comes near the etrance lowering his vss and putting it on saftey.

"Hmmm seems the little one has done something....." He reaches on his belt slipping off a few grenades he pulls a pin on one wanting for a very,very short time to so call 'cook' them,then he tosses it in,hopefully going past the canner as he dives back and the reavers do the same.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Dark Angel on 17-11-2009

The grenade flies past the canner right into the room exploding the shrapnel hitting Hedgehog.


Hedgehog frowns stareing at the tramp who is laughing as her chest starts bleeding , she slowly asks barley holding away coughing as one of her lungs was holed by shrapnel It wasn't supposed to happen...
Tramp chuckles darkly answering Well i know the real future but sometimes people might die earlier just because they were in a hurry
She falls on the ground dissapearing from the Pseudo-Zone

Real Zone

Chernobyl Hedgehog wakes up barley staying awake looking around the room Fuck you damn it , i haven't done anything to you. I'm doing my own buisness...
She gets up barley staying on her feeting  moving behind the old metal table Fuck it PDA message won't get past these walls i guess i'll have to sit here till i die...
Hedgehog takes out 2 grenades  tying them to her hands using ducktape Well in emergency i can use teleporter fuck this is gonna cost alot for me...
She points F2000 at the door getting ready to shoot anyone who gets in.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 18-11-2009

The police cruiser that Lachance buckled himself into went speeding onto the 'WRONG WAY' lane exit of the freeway, the oncoming traffic towards them head on pulling to the left and right, scared out of their minds, as were the two in the police cruiser. The cadet gunned the gas, as the two pursuers followed behind, the two police cruisers chasing them as they sped onto the wrong way lane. It was a dangerous move, especially during the rush-hour traffic of 4 P.M, as the highways and freeways were packed with cars and people rushing and scurrying to get where they needed to be...home.

And that is where he wanted to be, home, with his family, away from all the bullshit and trouble he got himself into with the infiltrator Reaver that impersonated the Head Deputy. For once, he was not scared. He had became so used to the violence, the running, that he no longer feared it, but rather faced it head on-...well, sort of 'head on', but in a different manner of dealing with it. But for now, this was a problem he had to deal with. Lives were at risk, especially with what the Reaver's were capable of executing.

The five of them gunned the gas, as a 69' AMX pulled beside them, the driver giving them a thumbs up, as he pointed his thumb backwards to the two BMW's behind them, giving them the signal he was here to help.

But how on earth, does a car of this rarity and class of the American muscle car genre make its way into the dumped country of Ukraine, especially with the driver on the left side, obviously causing problems during travelling. But at this point either way, it didn't matter, they needed all the help they could get.

The AMX was a real beauty though. A gloss brown, with a sheer white racing stripe down the top, and white racing stripes on both sides of the car. The sun shone on the car, the classic paint-job shimmering in the sun, light dazzeling off of it, as the fuel-injected, 390 cubic inch, four hundred horsepower engine rumbled, the ground beneath it practically shaking in fear as the custom AMC tires paved the path ahead of it.

The two BMW's gunned the gas, as they weaved in and out of traffic, people bashing their steering wheels, horns buzzing and beeping as they sped by.

The radio in the police cruiser hissed static, as it crackled to life, "Unit One-Oh-Six, your ten-twenty-eleven is on a one-one, and we're pulling back for a ten-seventy-one on South-West Forty-Third street. We've got three shot, and they need medical emergency. Sorry cadet, but we need to take care of this. Unit Nine-Two and I are heading back, we'll send additional backup on your six, over."

Lachance picked up the radio, the cadet constantly shifting his eyes from the road to the radio back and forth, "No- no- press-, there you go, you got it.", Lachance tapped the respond button on the mic-piece.

"10-4-", he was cut off by the responding officer who just sent the message.

"Who is this? Name, now", the officer barked at him, the loudness of it hurting his ears.

"Agent number 1-.... Khaletskiy Lachance, of the You-Ess-Ess, with cadet.... err, cadet?"

"O-Oh, oh, name's Brown, cadet Brown.", the driving cadet shifted his eyes back to the road, weaving in and out of traffic at about sixty miles per hour."

"With cadet Brown, on the run from two chasing vehicles. Intentions are they want us dead. Can you spare us any backup?"

The officer on the other radio replied, "I need to talk to cadet Brown, it's-..."

Lachance replied, "He is... a bit busy, I'll be his voice for you."

The officer once again replied, "Very well then, tell us what you need, and I'll see what we can do. We can't lose anymore good lives on the line anymore..."

* * *

The AMX pulled back, the window rolled down, easily capable of reaching sixty miles an hour in three seconds flat especially with the horsepower it pushed. The AMX weaved through traffic, as it braked enough to find itself behind one of the BMW's, weaving through cars as it chased its target. The driver, wearing leather driving gloves and a leather jacket, pulled off the balaclava covering his soaked hair, as he pressed the ejector, releasing the lever that holds the rather large glove-box hatch in place, grabbing a MAC-10.

The driver of the AMX cocked the hammer back, a bullet loaded in the chamber, ready for fire on an unsuspected victim. He rolled the right window down, as he floored the gas, the engine whining and roaring as it sped through the traffic of the freeway. He spotted the BMW, the reaver in the BMW spotting him as well. The reaver did not care, though, and instead continued to chase the police cruiser ahead. It seemed the reavers' deemed it neccesary to kill the two, and ignored any other threats targeting them. Typical for the reavers.

The AMX pulled up the first BMW, the MAC-10 gripped tightly in his white-knuckled hand, with his itching finger on the trigger. He sped up past three pedestrian cars, and landed himself right next to the sweet spot where his itchin' trigger finger was just dying from anticipation, waiting to blow the evil bastard away.

"Hey, buddy!", he yelled, his western accent catching the reavers eye for a minute, ignoring him, dead-set on catching the two in the police cruiser ahead of them.

The driver of the AMX shook his head, aiming the MAC-10 out of the passenger side window as he controlled the wheel, the barrel of the sub-machine-gun aiming straight for the driver-side of the BMW.

The modified MAC-10 released every round in its barrel in seconds, as the modified internal system was set up and tuned for rounds per minute. Eight rounds struck the reaver, as the reavers head fell dead on the wheel, before he cut the wheel as hard as he could. The BMW flipped over, hitting the safety wall preventing oncoming traffic from crossing into the other lane. The BMW smashed into the wall again, the reaver's body slamming directly into the windshield, blood spurting all over the place.

"Gotcha...", the driver of the AMX said to himself. He was like the lonewolf, the lone hero with an ego, as he blew over the muzzle of the MAC-10, smoke still seeping from the gun. He gunned the gas, as he pulled forward, watching the last black vehicle chase the police cruiser ahead.

He pulled over to the emergency, lane, turning the ignition key gently, bringing the screaming engine to a halt. Like a stallion gone wild and calming, the roaring engine died down.  

* * *

The two reavers' were breathing heavily as the BMW raced forward, trying to catch the police cruiser and bring it to a halt by destroying it. Surprisingly, the reaver Lachance shot in the alley way was miraculously driving, two bullets dead in his chest.

"I've had quite enough of this garbage. It's time to take em' out, sick of this crap. You know what to do, we went over this, so I'm expecting you not to fail..."

The reaver sitting beside him nodded, as he reached behind the back-seats, grabbing an RPG-7, a warhead already loaded into the barrel, shit was about to go down, and shit was about to hit the fan.    
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 19-11-2009
Rammstein - Stein Um Stein (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN8ZWgqnNzg&feature=fvw#normal)

The Reavers and the monolith get near the doorway somewhat....

The Reavers sit down and begin chanting as one roars loudly almost ear pierceing then stops....

blue strips are seen flying around in the room the stalker is in.

the strips collect as the turn into a torso..A torso begins forming...The torso then screams"LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Then collects floating infront of the stalker...vison blury around the torso....

The torso speaks as smoke goes from his mouth.
"hello young one,I am the father of my children who are here and brother to the monolith.....if you wish for help or for us to stop our pursuit for your life and flesh....if you decline I am afraid I will take your soul for my own doing....You most choose.....I will let you pass or you will die....Here....In,hell....Hell my child....Hell...Or you can reach your chooseing...Farwell."

The torso disapears in thin air.

The reavers and the monolith move back as the monolith pulls another grenade waiting oddly for something.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: deluxulous on 19-11-2009
Sancture watches the small DUTY patrol from a vantage point in a building in Pripyat.

"They cannot find when they are the ones being chased..." Sancture mutters to himself.

He walks to the other side of the roof, gazing down upon a small school. He sees a small figure on the roof.


A DUTY soldier runs up to the Military checkpoint at the entrance to the Zone, breathing heavily. He puts his gun on the ground.

"Geh.... Ge... General Kerechinov.... sent a letter... take to your superior.... quick..." the soldier breathes out to a Military soldier.

The Military guard takes the envelope from him.
"Wait here."
The guard disappears into the main checkpoint building.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Dark Angel on 23-11-2009
(To Ravanger)

She looks at the strange shit happening and bursts out laughing You are so ugly... Maybe go get a surgery?

She breaks the teleporter artifact dissapearing and  only pool of blood staying on the walls from explosion made by Teleporter.

Further status : Unknown.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 24-11-2009
Rammstein - Zerstoren (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxlb1xgwY94&feature=related#normal)

A Reaver peaks in without getting hurt our touching the anomly,sees there is no stalker.

The Reavers scream as the run out roaring....

The Reavers in the cave hear there moans and crys as they run out in a furry.

Crys and screams are heard all around the zone.

Reavers began comeing out of there slumber and hideing.

Searching for this....fool.

The monolithian decides to help also.

They rumage threw houses,trees,buildings,killing everything that got in there path.

Leaveing stalkers dead and mutilated

(Lol warwolrd pic)

They search high and low,sector to sector,near and far searching just searching.

There code they have for finding "You will not escape from us,you offended our leader for that your intrails shall be hung from the sky."

They will not stop till they find this stalker.

Threw days,threw nights.

Creeping along the shadows and crashing threw the buildings in day.

Rampageing and rushing threw the nights.

They hope to find this,fool.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 02-12-2009
1400-Hours-, **** 2012, (Military Calendar), CLOCK SYSTEM CORRUPTED- NEEDS REBOOT- AREA UNKOWN: KIA?

The thought of stopping the car continued to jump through his mind. The creature called him, consistently asking him to slam the breaks, and let the creatures win the battle they fought so hard, but something else played in his mind, something he couldn't comprehend. Was it the creature contemplating a final duel, or perhaps him challenging the one to fight for his honor?

The creature tapped into his mind, like a machine tapping into the brain of a human, controlling its every thought and emotion. It beckoned him to stop now, but something told him death was not the ultimate relish of the creatures, no, it was something else, something he couldn't comprehend, something he's never felt before...

For some odd reason, the car behind him stopped. The dark, growing green eyes of the creature shimmered in the sunlight under the cars fold-down mirror, the green eyes piercing him like a bullet as he looked into rear-view mirror, knowing it was time to finish the battle. He stepped on the break, the car gradually dropping in speed, as he swung the car in a 180 degree turn, now facing the black, shining vehicle.

He slammed on the breaks of the car,  the cadet slamming the door open, sprinting over the barrier. The cadet was scared, but not as scared as he was. This was his fight, and nobody else's. The two stepped out from the driver seats in unison, his golden hair shining in the sun, and the reavers black hair as dead as night. He clenched his fist, as he begun to approach the creature in its black suit, its dead, black pupils focusing on him, as the creature walked towards him so slowly.

An MI-17 flew over the highway from the south, before either of them could even make an attempt to grab their weapons. The helicopter had the markings of the district police, and would most definitely not hesitate to shoot the both of them, especially after all the destruction and mayhem the both of them have caused in the mere hour of their chase. There was millions of dollars worth of damage, but most decently minded people would realize that human lives do not have a price, no matter how much value of property is lost.

It was as if the helicopter appeared out of thing air. Neither of them knew where it came from, but it was certain that the helicopter's units' on board were not happy to see either of them, especially the Reaver. Even as an agent of the people, lives had to be taken to protect lives of others.

In the blink of an eye, the reaver was torn to bones and meat, bit by bit, by the YAK-D min-Gatling-Gun on the chin of the helicopter.

* * * Two weeks later * * *

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Bagelz on 08-12-2009

Khaletskiy grabbed the cell-phone from his pocket, lacking a PDA device, and answered to the buzzing tone of a classic Malaguena piece played a classic Spanish guitar.

He grabbed the phone, standing in the dank, dark, piss-smelling alley-way, his hands still shaking as he flipped the steel cover of the government issued phone, looking at the remain of the Reaver that laid slanted upon the highway's lain above. He brought the phone to his ear, his hand trembling with fear.


"Khal', if you're listening to this-", there was a pause, and a slow, boring sigh, as the woman's voice continued, "If you're listening to this, it- well, quite sadly means I'm gone. I prepared this voice-mail in an emergency in case something was to happen to you or me, and prepared an escape plan incase we needed to flee with the kids."

"You're not the only lil' secret agent around here, you know!", she giggled, as her voice shot straight into a flat tone, the tempo of her voice slowed to a crawl.

"I uhh, know what's been goin' on...We all do, you know, including my mother and father. But I knew the risks I had to take when we became married, but I think the risks have grown a little-too...-great for me. It's putting the children, and I at danger, and your crazy-ass government worker buddies got us out of there in the nick of time."

"The reavers found us, Khal'. They tried to kill me. They tried to take William, and Vas'... They didn't even go after me, they just... tried. Luckily your, erm', friends seem to pack a lot of guns, and managed to keep us safe as we fled to the airport. By the time you're listening to this, I'm already gone, and I'm not sure where they're taking us. I'm scared, we all are, and I know you are, but...we'll meet again soon."

He shook his head, whiping the dirt and grime from his forehead, pulling the cell-phone away from his ear as he had trouble processing the thought of losing another important part in his life. He said nothing, as he brought the phone back to his ear.

"Iww- I'm not sure where they're taking us, but the kids are sleeping right now. They won't tell us where we're going, I mean, I dunno why. Why would they possibly need, or want to keep this a secret? To protect us? To preserve us? I'm not a fuckin' clue in the world, but hopefully I can figure this out my own, I have too..."

Fantasia on Greensleeves - Vaughan Williams (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BSmMMABSVE&feature=player_embedded#normal)

He proceeded into a slight jog, rounding the corner, as he begun to chant the lyrics of  Greensleves, in his own slightly modified version. Wheezing from exhaustion, he kept on going...


"My love..."

"You do...me wrong..."

"To cast me off..."


"For I, have loved you well and long..."

"Delighting in...your company."

"Oh, she...she was my joy...Oh she..twas my delight...Oh she... was my heart of gold....Oh she... was but my lady..."


"Your vow's...you've broke..."

"Just like, mine heart..."

"Now I...remain...in a world, apart..."

"But my heart...remains in captivity..."


He raised his voice, as he begun to increase his speed as he pushed on from a jog, to a full run, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

"I have...been ready...at your hand..."

"To grant...whatever...you..would crave..."

"I have, both wagered life...and land..."

"Your love...and good-will, to have."


He ran up the entrance ramp towards the highway, as he approached the exploded vehicle, the reaver laying beside it silently. Approaching it with caution, he proceeded to extend his hand towards the drivers-side, opening the glove-box compartment.

"If you...intend... to thus...disdain."

"It does, just more than enrapture me..."

"And even...so..I still...remain.."

"A lover...in...captivity..."

He grabbed the PDA from the glove-box, flipping the top with his thumb, examining the contents within. He found what he had been searching for, for so long...The source to the reavers'.

Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: Ravanger on 11-12-2009
Stalker | Train section video soundtrack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9NdTSBLBiY&feature=related#normal)

PDA MESSAGE: To my brother Heeden "Croak" Reaver.

Brother It is me Dreick. Our family is sick. Call Tarin and Marso. We need to help Find Cerin. Sister may not be safe she left with Esdrean to the so called Zone.

@ While the man looks at the PDA a Reaver slys up and says one stuttery sentence from his lips so the man can hear. *Peace..Be..e..Tween Br..Brothers.*

I love you my family. I am aswell leavening into the zone. Cerin left to there I believe also. Tell Mamma and Papa I love them and I will be back *A crying can be heard in the background* *sniff* I will find a cure for our sickness. Esdrean thinks it is some kind of power. But all it has done for us has ripped our family apart. Esdrean has been going by the name "Essence" I believe he has gone mad. But he gave us all our so called 'Reaver' name. He called me digger. Also Cerin is Cerebrate. I have agreed to do a small test in the zone. It is meant for criminals but I feel it is the only way to get deep in there to find the rest of our beloved family.

PDA: Message Memory showed.
Posted by Dr. Larden "Maker" Reaver.
Co-Posted by Leanardo "Taint" Reaver.

This thing has begun to take over our systems. We are feeling it urge our emotions. Esdrean has went mad and wants to give it to the whole world. We managed to get him pushed to the zone. I am bleeding, my own brother shot me. I am Larden Reaver. I have been trying to discover this condition. I understand from research it will become infectious and we will have to leave or the whole world will pay our price. We were born with this sickness. We will go to the zone and try and see if we can find a cure or contain it from the rest of the world.

Esdrean "Essence" Reaver

I feel it surging threw my veins. My brothers deny our power and our ability soon to come. They think going to the zone will end our heritage. I think not. It will make us even more powerful. Enhance our abilities. We will become full.


we found out going to the zone was a bad choice. My dear brother Heeden attacked us like a animal. He tried to stop himself. We are hiding now. The zone triggered something inside him. I think it is affecting us. *Gargling.*

PDA:Small note.

I love you sisters,I love you brothers. You are my family. Mother and father will be proud to see us all together. I love you all. Ill see you soon. If you find this your a step closer to our family Misa. Misa come hurry you dont have much time we love you with all our hearts.

*A small photo of a group of people and a kiss and a small signature are on back of the pda will a small note.*
* The signature and note say "Mayroon "Digger" Reaver" We will all ways be family.
Title: Re: PEOPLE WHO want to partake in forum RP
Post by: WeaponfChoice on 04-02-2010
looks cool :S