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Other Forums => Server Dumps => Scrapyard => Stalker Dump => Topic started by: BBruno on 29-08-2010

Title: PDA Logs - Pyotr Andreevich
Post by: BBruno on 29-08-2010
**PDA Initializing**

Log 1: Useless Scavenging

More men lost on the look for Meat Chunks. On today's scavenge we lost Jillian, Mars and Petrenko. Two great men. They had a slow and painfull death.. We had to leave them behind or we'd lose our Meat Chunk. A few times after we lost those men, Petrenko got cut down by Fleshes. One other of our men, Rodriko, lost his hand. If you're reading this then you probably found it dropped on the floor because, I'm allways on the run and my PDA fell once. It had the Coordinates to a new base we'd take out that same night. Without the Coordinates, group B didn't meet in the place and so, group A was whiped out by the Military.

Log 2: Fucking Bandits

Another wave of bandits attacked the HQ today. We can't hold it much longer with all these menaces. Our place is like a gold mine for them. We take out twenty men average per day. The tower colapsed and took Anton with it. A young 19 year old adventurer that was going to Yanov work with some Monolith team. Today none of us could sleep. The emissions are stunning. We had to wait one hour for an emission to start, then we had some injured men we had to take care of. It was a hell of a day. Literaly, a hell. People have been asking me why don't I join Freedom. I know I'm capable of doing what they'd ask me to do but.. I work better with my boys.

Log 3: Funeral

Our best scavenger, Keilk, got killed today by a Blood fucker. Motherfucking mutants. So as he, a whole patrol died. They were traveling around the swamp near to the Yanov station and they got whiped out. His last words were "BLOODSUCKERS". Along with Keilk died two more Freedomers. They were collecting samples of a green herb when suddenly, they fall on the mud and float throughout the swamp. They had their skin white, bloodsucker bites and eaten parts.
Keilk's funeral was today at six. We had to go inside due to an emission. I swear for the twelve members of my group that I'm gonna' rip off every singe one of those "Blood fuckers" , burn them and eat them.

**3/3 Log Entries**