Operation North: WIP: *Post if want to participate*

Started by Bagelz, 26-10-2009

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*It is suggested you at least listen to the song to get a feel for what is going on.*
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat OST - Intro

. . . . Lachance looks up, at the blazing night sky. The typical of the zone. Soldiers partaking in daily night practice, the usual of the Vanguards, Spetsnaz, and Ukraine Army brethren.

Yurdansky walks up to Lachance, observing him as he sits on the small podium next to the Checkpoint bunker, asking, "Hey Khaletskiy, what's up? Watcha' up too?"

"Nothing, just checking out some constellations.", Lachance replied calmly, working a TXT document on his Windows Vista PDA. The text document is the typical military form on his hard-drive...But this one, was different, so much more different...

* * *
1620 hours, October 25, 2012, (Military Calendar)/ Chernobyl Western Checkpoint #1, Cordon. Chernobyl, Zone of Exclusion

"It's time...", Lachance jumped from his bunk. Proceeding to his private quarters, grabbing his PDA. He jumbles through his desk of scattered, loose items, before grabbing it haste fully.

He taps the Checkpoint megaphone button; a red, large button, labeled "ON-OFF", and taps it lightly.

"I want all soldiers on deck to report to the briefing room, now. -ON THE DOUBLE-", he barked over the megaphone system, causing the soldiers to dash from their current occupations.

"Lachance, what is the fucking meaning of this...", Mertz ordered directly in his face.

"Ma'am, with all due respect, I suggest you sit down and listen. What's about to happen in the coming weeks may just change the Zone itself, altering our reality and views of it.", Lachance replied calmly, stiff as a statue.

"Very well then...", she sat on the bench with the fifty-three other soldiers. The usual were there. Mertz, Lachance, Yurdansky, Johnson, Kharkov, Verdennes, Turchin, Rouiee, and 44 others sat along the rows of benches.

The Army soldiers sat, eyes focused on the projection screen with a properly positioned projector. It was an old model, but sufficed none the less, especially for such a simple task. Luckily it had a USB converter connected to it; Lachance's PDA equipped to the cable.

Lachance pressed the power button on the top of his PDA, and proceeded to use his fingers to navigate toward the drop-down box labeled 'C:\Objectives\Operation North commence.PRO'. The PDA made no noise, screen turning to pitch black, making no movements or signaling if it even possessed power.

The projector turned black, loading up a small file.

As the file loaded it showed an image. Lachance was sitting at a desk, with none other than the infamous, unknown "Alexander Degtyaryov". They both sat at a small, antique desk, littered with numerous air-mappings papers, photographs of Monolithic citizens towards the North, weaponry of unknown origin, Ecologist bodies wearing advanced SEVA and PZD-9 armor, photographs, and many numerous other papers and black-and-white photos.

Degtyaryov stood, facing the camera that stood on the small  pedestal that faced in front of the two. He crossed his arms, and begun to speak. A video played, showing images of the North, and the old Army Warehouses as he spoke.  

"The Night of April Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen-Eighty-Six, the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was put on emergency status, and was destroyed from a thermal explosion. Taken up by the wind, radioactive dust fell partly on the territory of the USSR, leaving pockets of radiation in Europe, and reached the shores of the East-Coast of America. The 'Zone of Exclusion' was devastated by radiation, killing most of the plant, and wildlife."

"Consequences of the accident were so severe, that the government of the Soviet Union was forced to undertake evacuation of nearby settlements. This is not to say that some were left behind..."

"Infested area of within thirty kilometers from the station turned the area into a strictly protected zone of complete alienation. And you, stalkers, is where you now stand. You stand in this area, the Zone of exclusion, doing it is what you do."

He picks up many photos of hideous, monstrous experiments, both of them eyeing them wearily.

"After the erection of the reinforced sarcophagus over the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant was completed, the power plant resumed operation, the power unit also brought back online, in mild condition. The availability of a powerful source of energy and lack of people allowed scientist's, and ecologist's alike to create a closed campus of secret laboratories."

The images on the projector change, their eyes widened, including Mertz and Yurdansky. Lachance stood in the back, his head down; hood over his eyes. Much shame was lurking within his mind...

"June-Tenth, Two-thousand and five. The area of the zone of exclusion suddenly erupted with unbearable lights of immense brightness. For a few moments of complete silence, the clouds in the sky could be seen beginning to evaporate. A terrible roar echoed through the Zone, the Earth shuddering with it. Most of the soldiers guarding the perimeter were killed instantly by it."

The images change once again, one of the soldiers leaving the room.

"Two thousand en' seven. Scientists can still give no clear explanation of what happened. Expeditions invariably ended in tragedy and sorrow, and the rare survivors live to tell of amazing animal-like mutants with amazing properties and abilities."

The images change, showing crystal clear pictures of artifacts, and groups of stalkers; dead of course.

"Two-Thousand and nine. The Zone of Exclusion, according to various estimates, there are one, to three-hundred people unaccounted for. These people call themselves "Stalkers", and are dead-set and concentrated on gathering the resources known as so-called "Artifacts"- anomalous formations, which are exploited and subjected to gain solid money."

The images change once again, showing a map of a massive air-raid plan to the North, near Pripyat. This is the old plan, of course.

"Twenty-Ten through Twenty-Eleven. Although located at the perimeter of the Cordon, stalkers begin growing in magnitude, but have only begun to investigate the outskirts of the Zone: attempts to penetrate the north and the center have been one-hundred percent failures, with no returns."

The images change, showing a picture of Strelok, Fang, Ghost, Doctor, and Guide- all grouped together for a group-shot.

"Twenty-Twelve. The stalker known as Strelok, solved the riddle of the so-called "Brain-Scorcher", confirmed by military personnel. A powerful transmitter, capable of destroying the human mind itself, and with the ability to turn it on and off. The stalkers rushed en' masse' to the center of the Zone, some looking for the legendary artifacts, others- no less more than the legendary wishgranter, and the chance to kill the almighty Strelok."

"How Strelok managed to accomplish such a feat, even with support from the Ecologist's, is unknown. Some say Strelok was programmed by the Monolith, some say he just had a special gift. But we will never know, for he is gone. And to top it off, hundreds of Military personnel were killed as they tried to defend the nuclear power plant from the foolish inhabitants of the Zone, but failed miserably. A big surprise? No, of course not."

The military begun to grumble, causing a commotion; quickly silenced by the powerful Mertz.

The images on the screen change at the press of Lachance, and show an image of the KGB and USSR authority discussing the events within a small briefing room.

"In the changed circumstances, the Council of National Security, and Defense Council of Ukraine adopted a decision on the immediate conduction of special operations"Fairway". Focusing on pre-, air-mapping of the anomalous fields, the Military begun to dispatch helicopters to the North. Dozens of military helicopters with special, advanced troops on board headed for the North. Despite careful preperation, the operation ended in shameful failure: none of the assinged machines returned from the raid, a typical way of ending a mission for the Ukraine Military."

The clip returns to normal, Lachance and Degtyaryov both facing the small, junky camera.

"And this, brothers, is where you come in. What Khaletskiy and I have designated as Operation North, will be conducted with the coming months. There will be many steps, but I assure you, we will not fail this time. We can't... We must take the north back, and that is an order."

Lachance begins to speak on the cameras recording, "Now, as you can see here- here- and here, we will use these advantage points to infiltrate the North, and uncover further data. All we need now is to figure out how many Monolithian's there are, and further investigate the anomalous fields. Once finished, we will plan further."

The clip ends, the military units confused.
* * *
"To determine the reasons for the failure of Operation Fairway, USS agent, Khaletskiy Lachance, and SBU officer, Major Alexander Degtyaryov- in the past, both experienced stalkers; and one a trader, are deployed to Chernobyl."

"With a supply of connections, physical supplies, and numerous other things, they begin their missions, bent on finishing what was started long ago. One a long-time trader, an ex-leader of the Traders Union of the Zone, and the other a veteran stalker with years of experience, are confident the team of the Ukraine Army and they will finish the job."

* * *

"Dismissed!", Lachance barked through the room.

"You were....USS?", private Jogudy asked, confused.

Lachance nods, signaling the man to leave. "I said you were dismissed, now go.", he deeply remarked.

Walking out, his trench-coat flailing as he walked, and beret recently capped, he begins to investigate the area, looking for more...oblivious clues.

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, AND IS NOT DONE YET. This will be forum RP, and will require the ut-most seriousness and knowledge to RP. Not done yet, so hang tight.


Doomburger- Yurdansky
Wazer Wifle- Krystal Mertz
Sir Spawns a lot-  Alexei Trevisky
Bagelz- Khaletskiy Lachance

Anyone else, PLEASE POST.


I'll go through on Narazenko if you wants a protagonist.
I'll be someone else if you want an antagonist :V



All people, PLEASE post in the thread in the Military forums.


I'd participate, but it depends on restrictions. Is this Military only? Or are other factions included, or just other loners?


Every faction may participate. I'd like to see if Radek, or a high-ranking military could make a temporary truce with Freedom, rendering us able to work together to move forward.

Bandits, Mercenaries, Stalkers, anyone may participate. Leave your crimes at the door, and your objectives inside.


~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Its forum RP isnt it? not actual ingame RP.



No im just clearing it for others, it seems other people have got the idea its ingame


*Cough* Reaverss*Cough* can we*cough* join.



Yep, anyone can take part. It's forum RP, unfortunately... Only way we can do it.


I'll play your game. I'll be Sancture, my intelligent, almost prophetic loner.