Mutant Roster

Started by ThY, 03-09-2009

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Howler - 7'1 l Light Brown Skin l Tentacles l Sharp Claws l Red Eyes l Agressive



Abaddon - 7'4|Scars on head|Missing tendril|Black eyes| Agressive/territorial



'Neo' 6'9|BlackSkinOrHide|ReflectiveGreenEyes|JaggedTeeth|

....I've placed this before, About four months ago, Literally, Before the summer or around that time. Never been added.


Red bull

'Wind' A snarling beast|Aggresive|Curious|


Bl★ck Star

'Teal'     Agile|Tricky|Bloody|Scar over his left eye|Blind on Left eye|Left Eye is Teal



'Fox' - | Muscular | Tricky | Fast | Patient |



Whilst the servers are plagued with downtime, might as well post my future controller.

Name: Subject 73 'Hysteria'
Type: Controller
PhysDesc: 6'3|DeepScars|LargeHead|RadiationBurns|TatteredClothing



Subject 23
6'4|[Whispering sounds in your head]|RippedClothes|BlackEyes


"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Snatch - Bloodsucker
6'4|220lbs|Dark eyes|Mottled|Heavily scarred



Pernix - Bloodsucker




Twitch Changed to Penumbra

6ft3|Agile|230lb|Glowing Yellow Eyes|



6'3" I 235 lbs. I Thin I



I believe the roster is now up to date, but have a double check to see if you're on there


Locke Kringer [BloodSucker]-6'1|Bloody Claws|Red Eyes|Scar On Right Cheek
Subject 86 [Controller]- 5'10|Horribly Deformed|Black Beady Eyes


Volqi Div [Zombified Stalker]- 6'2|Black Bloody Eyes|Bullet Holes On Chest|Rotting Flesh


Arion - Bloodsucker - Multiple Scars | Dark Red Eyes | Foul Odour
Szenti is my Cabin boy.

Steven :D

Revenant          Bloodsucker         Steven

Incorrect, should be "Controller"


I've got two.

Poltergeist: 'Enigma'

Brief Backstory: 'Enigma' inhabits an old underground lab complex (on the 2nd server). It is extremely powerful, able to manifest its self throughout the complex in an eerie red glow or a ball of flame. It is capable of launching objects as heavy as a large metal trolley/dolly (depending on what you call it in your country) and even drag people away if they are not in a condition to resist. However, the poltergeist is relatively non-lethal in the lesser depths of the facility, more interested in frightening the threat away. It's not until they start to gain access to the further levels that it changes from scaring the living piss out of you to trying to gore you alive.

The only thing keeping any STALKERs alive ultimately is three other Poltergeists who inhabit the facility, all unnamed, who take a physical form of transparent, glowing humanoids. For whatever reason they try to help STALKERs who dwell too deep and show them the way out. (These guys are played only by admins.)

This particular poltergeist is powerful enough to use both telekinetic -and- flame attacks (because I discovered that I can pick up fireball anomalies while in noclip. >:P It looks cool. Neil with it). However, to balance the potential powergaming ability of this creature, it is an event only character that can only appear in the underground labs of server 2. I will never use him in day-to-day roleplay.

This character will be permakilled at the end of our event and I will lose my poltergeist flags.
Event is long over, flags removed, character gone.

Bloodsucker: Lucifer
Brief Backstory: -Snipped- ThY already knows about what I plan to do with this sucker. There's something special about him, but I'll leave the rest of you guessing.


IC Name: Predator - 6'4|Black Eyes|Bloody Tentacles|Long claws|Thick hide
OOC Name: [SG] Paralyzed
Type: Bloodsucker
SRP Characters:
Artyom Fedoseev 'Ex S-Sgt, Duty' - Alive
Dimitri Petrenkov 'Co-Leader, The Rangers' - Alive
Vladislav Ivanov 'Trader' - KIA


IC Name: 'Nex' - Male | Jolly | Long, Sharp Tentacles | Massive Claws | Shiny Red Eyes |
OOC Name: |HGN-Dev| Jake
Type: Bloodsucker
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


#1 IC Name: 'Jumper' - Broken GP-5 GasMask | Blood tipping from teeth | Hike boots
OOC Name: [SG] Paralyzed
Type: Snork

#2 IC Name: 'Obyess' - 6'5|Bulky|Male|BigHead|MutilatedFace|NoBoots
OOC Name: [SG] Paralyzed
Type: Controller

#3 IC Name: 'Misery' - 6'2|AK74-u|RippedOffSunrise|BloodyHands|BrokenGasmask
OOC Name: [SG] Paralyzed
Type: Zombified S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
SRP Characters:
Artyom Fedoseev 'Ex S-Sgt, Duty' - Alive
Dimitri Petrenkov 'Co-Leader, The Rangers' - Alive
Vladislav Ivanov 'Trader' - KIA


IC Name: 'Grizzly' - 6'7"|500lbs|Scarred|Dark eyes
OOC Name: Otto
Type: Bloodsucker


IC Name: 'Audio' - 5'11|DarkFur|DullClaws|LongSuckers|TinyEyeSlits
OOC Name: |HGN| Corocan
Type: Bloodsucker

Also, take Pernix off the list I won't be using him any more.

Picto Wolf

IC Name: Snorky - A snork wearing a gasmask with ripped clothing.
OOC Name: Picto Wolf
Type: Snork
To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation to those who refuse them.


|HGN| Brandon Lent
Type; Snork

I had him first. :L
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"