Kanin, of life and limb.

Started by Blake.H, 25-11-2010

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These audio logs were found on the mutalated corpse of an Exo-skeleton with the bandit patches.

Day One
It's finally time for my great adventure to the north.  I've been waiting for this day for so many years I've finally mustered all the courage and the equipment that I feel I need to begin my Kanin journey to the north.  I have felt fit that I will record my voice as an audio log should anything happen to me so that people may nor my story.

My name is Kanin, I was born in Sweden I have been in the zone for so many years that I've forgotten my actual age of all I believe I am aged around 30.  I came to the zone in search of wealth and power sadly I only got one of those, the power.  I've had my exoskeleton for just over a year now and it's starting to get in bad shape so I have decided damage and use it while it's still in good condition and make my final push to the centre of the zone.  The only thing I can see being a problem for me if I keep quiet that is, is my illness it took me by surprise six months ago I'm not sure how I got it would have been feeling very prone to colds and the flu let me tell you the zone is not the best place to get them.

Day Two
Today was an easy day, I had not fighting the was just all cross country there's not much really to say.  Ideas you pack of dogs though I stayed well clear I don't want to attracting attention to myself.

Day Four
Today I was attacked by two monolith, and I am getting deeper into their territorial it's quite dangerous to be here right now so I can't really give a full log I'm trying to keep as quiet as I can tomorrow I am going to have to try and cross a bridge there is an all other way they have the tunnel totally locked down there is no way I can get through there.

Day Six
I got across the bridge a price the SVD short me directly in the chest twice.  One of the rounds penetrated and I am in pretty bad shape I hope I'll be all right but there is no turning back now.  It seems that they have the bridge locked down tighter than a rat's arse.

Day Eight
I'm struggling last night I was attacked by a mutant the only thing holding my left arm on is the steel rivets on my exoskeleton.  And I want to be able to hide much longer tomorrow I make my final push.  I'm less than 5 miles away now if I don't make it then so be it I would rather make a Push and die, then return to the cordon a failure.

Day Nine
**The beginning of this log is just full of terrified screaming and gunshots, it lasts for on the ninth minuite the gunshots stop, and a spluttering voice cries out**
Please... Help me..

Excuse the grammar, i was testing my voice recignition....

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
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"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"