IC Speech and Language

Started by Nevrox, 26-09-2009

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Thought I would make this clear since no one really seemed to know this.

In Ukraine, they pretty much speak Russian as they do in the STALKER games. So, it is without a doubt, when your talk ICly in game, your character is speaking Russian. If you RP your character doesn't know Russian but say only English and no Russian at all, then I suggest using language tags (I.E: Bob Saggot says: [EN] Hello, my name is Bob.)
That would be English. If your character does indeed speak Russian then you don't need any language tags (I.E: Bob Saggot says: Hello, my name is Bob Saggot.) Just thought I'd let most of you know this.. There is probably a better way I could explain this and I will edit this post when I do remake this post tomorrow.

This is my opinion along with the opinion of others and it is pretty much fact as well.

Kostya 'Spade' Lutsky - Exp. Loner - ALIVE
Nikolai 'Sparrow' Skavaski - Exp. Bandit - ALIVE
Falcon - Exp. Merc - ALIVE
Savage - Bloodsucker - ALIVE
Konrad 'Owl' Prutsky - Trader - ALIVE
William Evans - Scientist (R&D) - ALIVE


Yeah, I rped it earlier and I liked the idea.


I thought of this a long time ago: 'Surely everyone in the Zone doesn't speak English ...'
Thanks for reminding me Nevrox, I'm going to start using Language tags.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Huh. You do learn something new every day. Thanks for the info.

Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive


Also if you were to speak, say French, you can do [FR] or for the non lazy [French]. German [GR] and etc.


That's also what I was pretty much saying when I used [EN] as an example instead of [English] lol

Kostya 'Spade' Lutsky - Exp. Loner - ALIVE
Nikolai 'Sparrow' Skavaski - Exp. Bandit - ALIVE
Falcon - Exp. Merc - ALIVE
Savage - Bloodsucker - ALIVE
Konrad 'Owl' Prutsky - Trader - ALIVE
William Evans - Scientist (R&D) - ALIVE


I think it was you I had a good rp with, and you were speaking english so when I tried it came out all weird.

but yeah generally I think we are all speaking some type of russian


I had to figure this out the hard way :/


haha ya.. and i doubt it was me..   all my characters speak Russian which makes for a little less RP but makes it easier on me :P

Kostya 'Spade' Lutsky - Exp. Loner - ALIVE
Nikolai 'Sparrow' Skavaski - Exp. Bandit - ALIVE
Falcon - Exp. Merc - ALIVE
Savage - Bloodsucker - ALIVE
Konrad 'Owl' Prutsky - Trader - ALIVE
William Evans - Scientist (R&D) - ALIVE