Great Idea

Started by Fry, 21-11-2010

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Hello, I'm Fry and I'm new here.
I just wanted to make a quick request, and give an idea that I have been working on IC.
The idea is to have a pawn shop in the zone. I think it would be a great addition to SRP, because it would be a great opportunity for new players to get more money, and get low tier equipment. If I could be allowed to have a pawn shop, it would only be allowed to buy low tier weapons that most traders will not purchase. This will help rookies buy low tier equipment at a cheaper price than normal. I would also buy scrap, and food. It would be very easy for me to make quests, such as a player getting payed to collect a random item. Of course if I were to start a pawn shop, I would have to buy weapons fairly cheap, but I would also sell them cheap too. if there was a pawn shop, it would also open jobs for Mercs, because they could be security guards. The only thing I need to get started, is some cheap low tier weapons, Physgun, toolgun, and an unoccupied building.
Please leave all of your concerns and comments below.
Please +Support!
I am making a new account bai


-support. Killabreu is already a walking pawnsho


That sounds like a good idea. It'll be good for Loners/rookies who don't feel like buying at inflated prices due to the shipment system.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Quote from: N3gativezero on 21-11-2010
That sounds like a good idea. It'll be good for Loners/rookies who don't feel like buying at inflated prices due to the shipment system.
I am making a new account bai


Well, he can start up a trade shop if he wants. But it will need to come out of his pocket.

Though I can't see this go far as it's acts just like a very low trader. We already have a way to cash the scraps. No one buys food items, or not enough to sustain a trader.

As for quest, it would be great if someone makes a few for players, but again all the rewards and such comes out of the trader's pocket. They have to set up the quest and then set up a fair reward.

So far Fry, you can do it, but you will need to raise the money on your own. As for TT, just apply for it.


What you are trying to do is called "being a trader". Take it to the trader application section. Be a trader, sell stuff for cheap become rookies' best friend. And you aren't going to get money, items, tt for free. TT is a very simple application (so simple it could barely be called an application).