
Started by Plunger, 01-09-2009

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Every time I join SRP I crash as soon as the character select menu tries to start up.

Garry updated today so it may be another of his, "Helps".


Well this has been a map everyones been like "i r crashin" same here, i cant join without crashing... and even when i do get in i cant make it out of spawn without crashing


I too, suffer from spawn crash, thats why i use "Silver fix the damn map" to solve my problems.


Yay Jigglebones!

Wazer Wifle

Quote from: Mr. Tea on 01-09-2009
I too, suffer from spawn crash, thats why i use "Silver fix the damn map" to solve my problems.

Its true, 99% of your problems are always traced back to SK, right?

In all seriousness, I blame the map too. All my crashes are usually when I enter a new sector, so I crash in the tunnels.


i Have the same problems with crash,i crash more in the undergrounds and the tunnels


Mine works fine, maybe turn down the settings or take out big addons you dont need?


Mines runs pretty smoothly, besides all the crashes I used to get before the map update.

Such as when I open steam community, try and rejoin the server, or open my materials browser.


Quote from: Raidenator on 01-09-2009
Mines runs pretty smoothly, besides all the crashes I used to get before the map update.

Such as when I open steam community, try and rejoin the server, or open my materials browser.

Ditto, map runs really smoothly on my system and i have a terrible machine. It's pathetic.


this use to happen to me, but for some reason it just stoped crashing, idk why.


What map are you talking about?
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


If its Redux, i get the odd crash aswell.

Silver Knight

Quote from: The Jackal on 07-12-2009
If its Redux, i get the odd crash aswell.

Redemption actually. Don't revive threads like this... I might switch the server back to redemption tonight, since redux is buggy as poop.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period