Activity Check!

Started by Dark Angel, 13-12-2009

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Dark Angel

OK People most of you are really IA! SO yeah post name of the trader and how active are you ! Use precentage!

You have ummm 3 days.

Name :
Activity(%) :



Name : Icefire/ Max Losmote
Activity(%) : Im always on sever, but probably 10% of my time is spent on my trader because Im usually doing other stuff.

PS: What the crap is that video about...


Name: Ferdinand Richo
Activity(%) : 30%. I'm on my Ecologist always, its so fun as an eco... :D Anyways, I'll get a bit more active on my trader.


Name: Rowland Curtis
Activity(%): 30% Approx. Other traders always take my spot in the Duty base, even though I am officially Duty's trader.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Dmitri Chornovyl

Activity status - Taking a break from HGN, when I can finally clear space to DL the new map or it changes back I'll be on.

Dark Angel

Quote from: KillSlim on 14-12-2009
Name: Rowland Curtis
Activity(%): 30% Approx. Other traders always take my spot in the Duty base, even though I am officially Duty's trader.

Tell me the names and i'll deal with them ok =)?


Name :Yuri Alekseev
Activity(%) : 10-20%, being leader of a major and minor faction, aint had much opitunity to get on my trader, but when things die down, i get on when i can.

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Name: Desmond Sokolov
Activity(%): I'm on my trader like 50-60% of the time. Btw, I'm probably the one Kill is speaking of. All you need to do is ask and I'll leave your spot KillSlim, I'm only there because Duty's base is a popular place.


Name: Hawk
Activity(%):  90ish. Been on Hawk the most out of all my chars in the past few months. Although now that my computer is borked I won't be able to play until Christmas.

Dark Angel

OK Over! everyone who didn't responde will ´be removed!

People here is your chance! Trader and Faction Trader positions are now opend!