[FanFic] The Life and Times of Dimitri Voyla

Started by Spades_Neil, 27-01-2012

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(Hope this formats properly. Or BBCode can go fuck its self. Features people from SRP. Constructive critique is desired.)



Two niggling points "I reached my reach" And there needs to be more, So much more :3

Dark Angel

Pasha shortening from name Pavel is purely male name, can't be used for female in any form.
Regular GPSes don't work in the zone according to books, local self setup stations are used instead.
Again According to book description Zone is more or less sealed by barbed wire lines, many military patrol lines, posts and mine fields.

Except for that looks rather fine i guess :)


Quote from: Overwatch on 27-01-2012
Two niggling points "I reached my reach" And there needs to be more, So much more :3

wat. Typos? In my story?! Blasphemy! I will eradicate these typos upon the next proof reading.

Quote from: Dark Angel on 27-01-2012
Pasha shortening from name Pavel is purely male name, can't be used for female in any form.
Regular GPSes don't work in the zone according to books, local self setup stations are used instead.
Again According to book description Zone is more or less sealed by barbed wire lines, many military patrol lines, posts and mine fields.

Except for that looks rather fine i guess :)

Pasha, I'll probably edit the name then. It's not like it's so vital that it cannot be changed.
Didn't know the bit about the GPSes, but so far I've not attempted to use them. Therefore, I'll keep this in mind when I -do- use the GPS and find out, "GPS, Y U NO WORK?!"
And yea, the Zone here is surrounded by barbed wire and shit too. But the military gets their supplies somehow. Why not a train? :D

Constructive critique is always welcome.


Trust the military to ram a repulsion anomaly with a train :P


Quote from: Overwatch on 27-01-2012
Trust the military to ram a repulsion anomaly with a train :P

we've done worse, believe me


Why cant you press space twice so it looks pretty.


Alex Chorei is in this a good amount :3
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 27-01-2012
Why cant you press space twice so it looks pretty.

I will when I stop being lazy.

It derped when it copy/pasted from my word processor and I just can't be arsed to fix it. :P