SRP Administration Discussion

Started by Silver Knight, 01-05-2010

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I agree with Duran that the ecos are getting more aggressive. Ecos rushed into a bar with guns raised, shooting etc.

Am I missing something here?


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 15-06-2010
Meh, I know this'll just start a flame war as quick as running into a pool of gas while on fire. I have problems with Plunger/Alucard/Layton/wtfever. It mixes with both admin duties and RP. The first bit in the problem is him letting a passive faction like the Eco's raid a mercenary base to take it as their own. I don't remember anywhere that the eco's bring up arms aginst MERCS of all things in the Zone, and openly start conflict.

Another is his nack for holding some sort of grudge. A lot of bullshit stuff has been going on with him involving me. One was the merc base (And no, I'm not mad over losing the base, I'm mad over how uncanon he lets the ecos act), his Monolithian killing a mutant character of mine, and apon recently getting kicked for "Starting OOC fighting.". K, RG comes in and I joke with: "Ah! Kill RG and his 900+ ping!", because yes, 900+ ping is a 'HOLY SHIT!' type of thing, though that obviously is worth a straight kick for OOC fighting when all the other things I see in OOC which IS fighting is met with a slap on the wrist.

Hiring mercs to kill other mercs is not a no no

Quote from: PistolKid on 15-06-2010
I agree with Duran that the ecos are getting more aggressive. Ecos rushed into a bar with guns raised, shooting etc.

Am I missing something here?

I was being mind fucked by a controller, TYVM :(


Don't derail the thread. This is about administration discussion as my first post was.


Alex there is NOTHING wrong with hiring mercs to kill other mercs. I don't know where you got that idea.

And Sphynx isn't a controller.

And stuff has been pruned.

Steven :D

I Dislike Crimzon :saddowns:


Bit of a necro dont you think?^






Silver Knight

Unlocked - It's a ongoing topic, still serves a purpose of admin critcizm.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


If you have nothing useful or contributing to say, dont say anything - Tea Guy


Dont just spam random shit, RG4ORDR


Why Commissar is still an Admin, and why all topics are closed against him.



So here's some honest stuff from an honest person; With all respect due, the admins have problems. Wasn't always like this but there are problems here up front and for sure.

Number one is activity.
This is agreed by the larger of the playerbase. We're lucky to see an admin for an hour every second day. I understand you rely on people to post their problems on the forum for you to deal with, but being real, you need an admin in the server. There's people having problems, people needing a rank change, people needing this or that, and all the other stuff. Like how I'm trying to get TT but I can't ever talk to anyone who is capable of giving a rec. Especially at this time, where there's a lot of new players joining who don't know jack shit about RP, Stalker, how to make a name or even a phys desc.

The second one may just be me, but I'm finding bias.
Correct me if I'm wrong but regardless of how the game is supposed to work, I'm finding the admins are going against military and favoring other factions such as freedom. For the sake of RP it should be fixed. Doom will not do anything because he's afraid that he will get in trouble for moving around even. I'm pretty sure he's allowed to get auths for things every now and then when he requests them as are other factions.

Thats my opinion on what could be worked on, and I know I speak for a lot of people when I say it. Except Mili haters will probably disagree with the second part but I'm serious about what I said. Consider it.


QuoteRe: SRP Administration Discussion
« Reply #88 on: October 07, 2010, 08:03:11 PM »

QuoteSo here's some honest stuff from an honest person; With all respect due, the admins have problems. Wasn't always like this but there are problems here up front and for sure.

Number one is activity.
This is agreed by the larger of the playerbase. We're lucky to see an admin for an hour every second day. I understand you rely on people to post their problems on the forum for you to deal with, but being real, you need an admin in the server. There's people having problems, people needing a rank change, people needing this or that, and all the other stuff. Like how I'm trying to get TT but I can't ever talk to anyone who is capable of giving a rec. Especially at this time, where there's a lot of new players joining who don't know jack shit about RP, Stalker, how to make a name or even a phys desc.

The second one may just be me, but I'm finding bias.
Correct me if I'm wrong but regardless of how the game is supposed to work, I'm finding the admins are going against military and favoring other factions such as freedom. For the sake of RP it should be fixed. Doom will not do anything because he's afraid that he will get in trouble for moving around even. I'm pretty sure he's allowed to get auths for things every now and then when he requests them as are other factions.

Thats my opinion on what could be worked on, and I know I speak for a lot of people when I say it. Except Mili haters will probably disagree with the second part but I'm serious about what I said. Consider it.

I am going to hurt you for necroing.


Quote from: Harly on 28-08-2011
So here's some honest stuff from an honest person; With all respect due, the admins have problems. Wasn't always like this but there are problems here up front and for sure.

Number one is activity.
This is agreed by the larger of the playerbase. We're lucky to see an admin for an hour every second day. I understand you rely on people to post their problems on the forum for you to deal with, but being real, you need an admin in the server. There's people having problems, people needing a rank change, people needing this or that, and all the other stuff. Like how I'm trying to get TT but I can't ever talk to anyone who is capable of giving a rec. Especially at this time, where there's a lot of new players joining who don't know jack shit about RP, Stalker, how to make a name or even a phys desc.

The second one may just be me, but I'm finding bias.
Correct me if I'm wrong but regardless of how the game is supposed to work, I'm finding the admins are going against military and favoring other factions such as freedom. For the sake of RP it should be fixed. Doom will not do anything because he's afraid that he will get in trouble for moving around even. I'm pretty sure he's allowed to get auths for things every now and then when he requests them as are other factions.

Thats my opinion on what could be worked on, and I know I speak for a lot of people when I say it. Except Mili haters will probably disagree with the second part but I'm serious about what I said. Consider it.

since the begining of SRP admins have taken sides :P


Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 28-08-2011
I am going to hurt you for necroing.

It's not necroposting if the topic is a valid/important discussion thread (such as a sticky) with a valid post that contributes to the thread.


SRP's admin ranks are pretty thin right now. ThY's on break, Rebel rage quit, Iron has computer problems (and I think Duran does also) so that really just leaves Tom and he just started school again so he's kind of busy. This is always a tricky time for activity because people go back to school/are on vacation. Be patient and the problem will sort itself out.

And admin bias would be easier to avoid if Silver stopped appointing faction heads as admins. For a while last year I was the only admin not in faction and it made making decisions hard because say Military had 2 admins in it and Freedom had none. Needing to arbitrate shit between them was always really fun because naturally the military guys would say "Oh 2 admins say we can PK all of Freedom so it's valid" while common sense (and I) say that's utter bullshit. (And yes things like that did happen. Frequently. Not just between military and freedom, but pretty much between any faction that had admins in it. Which was all of them except loners ironically enough).


congratulations for complaining about admin activity when College/school is starting back up for the most part. Not to mention our numbers are low as fuck. So, couple college and school starting with low admin numbers, you get rare admin activity.

It's funny to watch how people constantly complain because admins are doing TOO MUCH, then it gets to a point where they're complaining admins arn't around enough. The irony, you can cut it with a knife it's so thick.


Quote from: Harly on 28-08-2011
So here's some honest stuff from an honest person; With all respect due, the admins have problems. Wasn't always like this but there are problems here up front and for sure.

Number one is activity.
This is agreed by the larger of the playerbase. We're lucky to see an admin for an hour every second day. I understand you rely on people to post their problems on the forum for you to deal with, but being real, you need an admin in the server. There's people having problems, people needing a rank change, people needing this or that, and all the other stuff. Like how I'm trying to get TT but I can't ever talk to anyone who is capable of giving a rec. Especially at this time, where there's a lot of new players joining who don't know jack shit about RP, Stalker, how to make a name or even a phys desc.

The second one may just be me, but I'm finding bias.
Correct me if I'm wrong but regardless of how the game is supposed to work, I'm finding the admins are going against military and favoring other factions such as freedom. For the sake of RP it should be fixed. Doom will not do anything because he's afraid that he will get in trouble for moving around even. I'm pretty sure he's allowed to get auths for things every now and then when he requests them as are other factions.

Thats my opinion on what could be worked on, and I know I speak for a lot of people when I say it. Except Mili haters will probably disagree with the second part but I'm serious about what I said. Consider it.

Rank changing. . . I think you guys should just put your rank in your physdesc, makes it easier when you guys promote a Jillion people at once. And no one is siding with any factions. . . We watch every faction carefully, plus too there are no admins in any of the factions (If I recall correctly) at the exception of Monolith, who are barely active, also please provide evidence of said bias and who is giving such bias, so that I can handle it :P

As far as admin activity what everyone else has said is pretty much the facts. School/colledge keeps us pretty busy atm since its the very begining of it, Pretty soon I'll be spending more time after school to work on projects and such
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Yeah I think we are really fucked on activity admin wise considering the start of schooling and so forth.

I basiclly somewhat minor factioned Monolith to hopefully provide to Military and Duty.


Will be back on the 31st currently in cuba on a very shitty internet connection sighhhhhh
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Although I do understand that Admins also have lives and aren't on their computers 24/7 however, the admin activity is a problem. The only admin I see on is Tom sometimes and Duran once a day for alittle bit. The trader forums also need an admin or Tom to start bringing traders on. Traders are pretty fucking scarce. Usually the trader is either Pistolkid's Dutier since people keep asking in ooc where the trader is and one other trader that sets up in Freedom base. Also what paintheck said. A main factor that caused admins to hate each other is silver appointing admins as leaders. However, some people are just jack asses and will always get hate.

The main point is, admins. Start getting on. I don't care if it is only for a few minutes but we need atleast one admin on to atleast assure the minges that someone is always watching.



I'd love to donate some of my free time being an admin.

But I can only play on Server 2. Server 1 and FORP just keep crashing on me.