SRP Administration Discussion

Started by Silver Knight, 01-05-2010

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PaintCheck is my favorite admin, he helps out and does alot of shit and in-game, he acts like a regular character NOT powergaming like some admins, im not saying any specific names though cause idont want to look like a jackass.

But the other thing is how a admin uses his powers to make his "group" a very powerful one. Nobody will do shit about it cause he has powers, and im pretty much sick of it.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Quote from: GeneralGold on 28-05-2010
PaintCheck is my favorite admin, he helps out and does alot of shit and in-game, he acts like a regular character NOT powergaming like some admins, im not saying any specific names though cause idont want to look like a jackass.

But the other thing is how a admin uses his powers to make his "group" a very powerful one. Nobody will do shit about it cause he has powers, and im pretty much sick of it.

Oh please SHUT UP.
Not one admin power was abused in the obtaining of IC items for a faction in which I was a part of. Every item there and used was authorized by a CSV.

Please use what little common sense you can piece together to realize that before you even open your mouth, you should have both sides of, and the complete story.

You in particular are one annoying person that I'd rather was just disciplined possessing an IQ under sixty, and a mouth like a bloody motorbike.

And if you want to prove me wrong, go ahead. You muster up some half-arsed argument against me that actually proves that I have abuse my administrative powers for the items I have. I'd be glad to beat you down with a five tonne weight, kid, 'cause I'm sick of you lot.


Quote from: Flash on 28-05-2010
That CSV was welshy leader of your faction. Yes Yes I'll SHUT UP! about it. Anyway it was volded sure sure.

"Please use what little common sense you can piece together to realize that before you even open your mouth, you should have both sides of, and the complete story."

That CSV was Paintcheck. Please just stop talking.

Edit, after Flash removed his post:

Yeah, I thought so too, mate.


Crimzon, show some respect to the players.


Quote from: lolKieck on 28-05-2010
Quote from: Flash on 25-05-2010
LOL if you think nitros bad. You should have seen Teamspeak when Clutch got kicked . . . holll shit that was funny. He was so fucking rage its like 'ARGHFGLJKDFLGJFDHLKDFHGLFDKJHFDLKJH' Get the fuck out of my faction.

Serious chat:
Ya paintcheck is doing good. I just doubt Crimzon . . .

People who knew him 5 months or 6 ago, sure think he is one of the worst admins ever.

Forgive and forget **Censored**


Oh wow, Crimzon has mod? That's a scary thought.


Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 28-05-2010
Crimzon, show some respect to the players.

I'll show as much as I receive, because I'm not going to go out of my way to sugar-coat my posts in reply to people have shown me way more than just a bit of disrespect, despite me confronting them about it.

However, if it makes everyone feel better, I'll soften up the text a little.


So, I have a question, whats everyone's thought on Plunger/Layton?

Especially to his 'undercover' operation he did today/tonight?


Crimzon the reason you received the position that you are in now. Is because the way you help new players and resolve issues with others. The way that you were dedicated and played always super active never powergamed never metagamed. That was the crimzon we once knew but even since you received your position and got into Black Rain Mess. You've turned into a monster. That is why people have requested you demoted or possibly kicked from the adminstrator team.

Crimzon the bottem line is 'Show Respect , Get Respect'. The way you treat the players is out of frustration anger and other issues. If you want this steady steam to blow over. You have to change yourself and your characters. You've ass pulled caches your answer when players argue why you did that 'Oh , This character is like Two Years old OOCLY I have all the weapons now.'. No That isn't a valid reason Crimzon just because your character is old OOCLY doesn't mean that you can do that. Of course 2-3 years in the zone. You would get a little bit far but not alot far. Joining a Merc group started by just a couple of your average mercs doesn't mean anything. It isn't some secret military para-military merc group sent into the zone just to make money. Its just a group of mercs to get by there trying to make something of themselves.

Stop being so power hungry. 'My faction has to be number one.' No it doesn't have to be number one Black Rain can be the lowest faction you would rage. Yes that is the position of your faction. You care so much about how your character is / how powerful it is. ITs not about collecting gear getting better gear. This server is about roleplaying and developing your character as a hole not collecting twenty five exosuits or such.

Crimzon just calm down and change how your character is. Maybe just kill off the character and start a new line. Not being the same thing. Sometimes characters get old. Just calm down change your ways of roleplaying and its fine. Your here to help us not help yourself. The only reason there are admins around is to help and judge players. Not to help themselves and make there faction or character better but to the help the community as a whole. Please just follow what I said and take it lightly Crimzon its the truth ok.

Now onto Khorns post no I haven't seen Layton on in awhile. What was his 'undercover' operation about Khorn ? Like raid the zone and steal or something ?


Quote from: Khorn on 30-05-2010
So, I have a question, whats everyone's thought on Plunger/Layton?

Especially to his 'undercover' operation he did today/tonight?

One time I was playing a bloodsucker on redux, he had an exo and was hunting me. Exo can't sprint, and he was in like 5 seconds near my location, when I ran the map from bottom right to upper left. So either I saw him abusing his admin powers (observe mode) or I was coming onto him somehow.
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The best I can describe what happen was; someone joined the server as 'dickbutts'.
New player started to ask for guns, people said no, he continued.
About 5 minutes later people ask me to kill him since I was a blood sucker. I stupidly did of course.
Then people spawn camped 'dickbutts'. (Don't ask who, was like 4 people doing it.)
I came to the spawn and clawed at the corpses. People tried to feed me.
Then all the sudden I had my flag removed and people started to get banned for 300 minutes.

I would be totally fine with a ban for 5 hours for one DM, but removing the flag is excessive.
But one thing that is strange is that Plunger gave no warning to anyone at all.

Basically, if you took part of what happen near spawn, from over DMing or just clawing at the corpses, you got a 5 hour ban. As for me though I had my flag removed.

I would consider that admin abuse. I always thought it was; Warning, Ban for X time(Depending on how much you continued after warning), and that's all.

What happen though was instant 5 hour ban(and flag removal for me) regardless of how much you took part in the 'event'.


Quote from: Khorn on 30-05-2010
The best I can describe what happen was; someone joined the server as 'dickbutts'.
New player started to ask for guns, people said no, he continued.
About 5 minutes later people ask me to kill him since I was a blood sucker. I stupidly did of course.
Then people spawn camped 'dickbutts'. (Don't ask who, was like 4 people doing it.)
I came to the spawn and clawed at the corpses. People tried to feed me.
Then all the sudden I had my flag removed and people started to get banned for 300 minutes.

I would be totally fine with a ban for 5 hours for one DM, but removing the flag is excessive.
But one thing that is strange is that Plunger gave no warning to anyone at all.

Basically, if you took part of what happen near spawn, from over DMing or just clawing at the corpses, you got a 5 hour ban. As for me though I had my flag removed.

I would consider that admin abuse. I always thought it was; Warning, Ban for X time(Depending on how much you continued after warning), and that's all.

What happen though was instant 5 hour ban(and flag removal for me) regardless of how much you took part in the 'event'.
Okay, now I'll tell how it really went.

Dickbutt asked for guns in OOC after joining, and got this response from Alex. "No guns, but I've got a bullet for you right here." - Alex. Now before he even started saying that in OOC Alex had been Deathmatching him. Then you walk up, and start hitting him as well without any RP. When he spawns Alex, you, and Turk are waiting for him there and procede to Deathmatch him some more. I didn't hear you say anything along the lines of, "Don't DM." Since all I could hear was Alex shooting, and you slashing. The reason your flags were removed was because you were using them to Random Deathmatch, which flag removal is the punishment for. And I counted that he was Deathmatched twenty times.

So I'll just tl:dr.

You were Deathmatching on bloodsucker, got your flags rempved, and banned. Now your complaining abuse by changing the story.


Quote from: Plunger on 30-05-2010
Quote from: Khorn on 30-05-2010
The best I can describe what happen was; someone joined the server as 'dickbutts'.
New player started to ask for guns, people said no, he continued.
About 5 minutes later people ask me to kill him since I was a blood sucker. I stupidly did of course.
Then people spawn camped 'dickbutts'. (Don't ask who, was like 4 people doing it.)
I came to the spawn and clawed at the corpses. People tried to feed me.
Then all the sudden I had my flag removed and people started to get banned for 300 minutes.

I would be totally fine with a ban for 5 hours for one DM, but removing the flag is excessive.
But one thing that is strange is that Plunger gave no warning to anyone at all.

Basically, if you took part of what happen near spawn, from over DMing or just clawing at the corpses, you got a 5 hour ban. As for me though I had my flag removed.

I would consider that admin abuse. I always thought it was; Warning, Ban for X time(Depending on how much you continued after warning), and that's all.

What happen though was instant 5 hour ban(and flag removal for me) regardless of how much you took part in the 'event'.
Okay, now I'll tell how it really went.

Dickbutt asked for guns in OOC after joining, and got this response from Alex. "No guns, but I've got a bullet for you right here." - Alex. Now before he even started saying that in OOC Alex had been Deathmatching him. Then you walk up, and start hitting him as well without any RP. When he spawns Alex, you, and Turk are waiting for him there and procede to Deathmatch him some more. I didn't hear you say anything along the lines of, "Don't DM." Since all I could hear was Alex shooting, and you slashing. The reason your flags were removed was because you were using them to Random Deathmatch, which flag removal is the punishment for. And I counted that he was Deathmatched twenty times.

So I'll just tl:dr.

You were Deathmatching on bloodsucker, got your flags rempved, and banned. Now your complaining abuse by changing the story.

This was my fault, I saw that guy in spawn and thought he was a enemy of mine (From the specialist). Being a jackass i completely forget that my enemy's names/game list are different. First the name was 'dickbutts' not 'DickInYourButt' second he owned garrysmod, The other guy didn't. 


It was my fault.


I didn't change the story at all, I told what I saw. He asked for guns, people killed him. I killed him once(which was stupid) and later clawed corpses at spawn. You then proceeded to ban without warning.

Don't go and say I changed the story, cause I haven't. You should have stepped in as an admin and gave a warning after the first incident. Instead you decided to wait and just ban everyone for 5 hours without even seeing who did what.

Oh, and here you go:


Deathmatching is the act of killing people for no reason at all, or for a very silly reason. This is up to the admins to decide what deathmatching is, so try to Role Play everything you do regardless of if you think you have to.


1: Warning and kick
2: 30 minute ban
3: Ban until restart
4: Permanent ban

And what Plunger did;
1: Flag removal, 300 minute ban

This isn't about me being banned or losing my flag. This is about you being a bad admin.


I think it is up to admin to decide what punishment he gives.
Plunger said that you massively DMed the new guy.
Do you really deserve a warning after you did the same thing over and over again?

OH and, you abused your flag, you get it removed.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Again, I admit to killing once. Second, the rules state a warning is to be issued. If HGN is working on Admins can create their own rules, then I must say, it will become very shitty.


Quote from: Khorn on 30-05-2010
I didn't change the story at all, I told what I saw. He asked for guns, people killed him. I killed him once(which was stupid) and later clawed corpses at spawn. You then proceeded to ban without warning.

Don't go and say I changed the story, cause I haven't. You should have stepped in as an admin and gave a warning after the first incident. Instead you decided to wait and just ban everyone for 5 hours without even seeing who did what.

Oh, and here you go:


Deathmatching is the act of killing people for no reason at all, or for a very silly reason. This is up to the admins to decide what deathmatching is, so try to Role Play everything you do regardless of if you think you have to.


1: Warning and kick
2: 30 minute ban
3: Ban until restart
4: Permanent ban

And what Plunger did;
1: Flag removal, 300 minute ban

This isn't about me being banned or losing my flag. This is about you being a bad admin.
Yeah normally it applies to Deathmatching, but he was deathmatched twenty times, not once. According to your logic I can deathmatch fifty people, and only get a warning.


Well then you should have stepped in and did what should have been done.

Thing is, if someone DMs, you kick them with a warning, if they return and continue you ban for an amount of time, if they persist, you ban for longer.

Regardless of how much one person DMed, you still need to issue a warning and kick.


Quote from: Khorn on 30-05-2010
Well then you should have stepped in and did what should have been done.

Thing is, if someone DMs, you kick them with a warning, if they return and continue you ban for an amount of time, if they persist, you ban for longer.

Regardless of how much one person DMed, you still need to issue a warning and kick.
So your telling me, if a guy DM's the entire server, I should warn, and kick him?


Yep, since that is how the rules are stated.

As I recall, it wasn't one man killing everyone. But like 4 people killing one guy.

Also, shouldn't admins stop shit before it happens? Or wait until fights break out?


Quote from: Plunger on 30-05-2010
Quote from: Khorn on 30-05-2010
Well then you should have stepped in and did what should have been done.

Thing is, if someone DMs, you kick them with a warning, if they return and continue you ban for an amount of time, if they persist, you ban for longer.

Regardless of how much one person DMed, you still need to issue a warning and kick.
So your telling me, if a guy DM's the entire server, I should warn, and kick him?

Apparently so, hahaha. Khorn, just apologize, it is a lot easier than making a big deal about it on the forums. Plunger had all the right to do that, he was doing his job. Just wait a while and get your flags back some other time.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Again, this isn't about the flag, it's about how Plunger could have stepped in and stopped it at the Alex guy.

Quote from: PlungerDickbutt asked for guns in OOC after joining, and got this response from Alex. "No guns, but I've got a bullet for you right here." - Alex. Now before he even started saying that in OOC Alex had been Deathmatching him.

After that, Plunger should have said something and kicked with a warning.


Quote from: Khorn on 30-05-2010
Again, this isn't about the flag, it's about how Plunger could have stepped in and stopped it at the Alex guy.

Quote from: PlungerDickbutt asked for guns in OOC after joining, and got this response from Alex. "No guns, but I've got a bullet for you right here." - Alex. Now before he even started saying that in OOC Alex had been Deathmatching him.

After that, Plunger should have said something and kicked with a warning.
The point of being undercover is that you find all the people who DM when admins aren't on, not just one. Now stop making excuses for your DM.


So, in other words, it's ok to join the server with a different name and just insta-ban anyone breaking rules? And again, this isn't about trying to make an excuse for DMing, I said I was stupid to kill once. And after the first kill I stopped.

This is about how you went straight to banning players with no regard to the rules Exile made.


Quote from: Khorn on 30-05-2010
So, in other words, it's ok to join the server with a different name and just insta-ban anyone breaking rules? And again, this isn't about trying to make an excuse for DMing, I said I was stupid to kill once. And after the first kill I stopped.

This is about how you went straight to banning players with no regard to the rules Exile made.
LastxExile was DM'ed by Ping-Pong, and immediately banned him.