Level ups and quests Idea

Started by Zstan, 11-01-2009

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If anyone has ever played the fallout script made by airslide im sure you have noticed the experience and quest systems. Those would be awesome to have in the rp.. Get quests from the uh Inn keeper or something and finish get some xp and level up, Able to equipt new items and armor and things like that. I would love that :D


An Exp system is always the first death of a Medieval RP.
It just becomes a grind for power.

Sure you can set your own goals, but implementation of such a device will eradicate most forms of Roleplaying.
What do you get for levelling up? "Spells"? Powerups, higher health... the list goes on and on. And deviates more and more from the ROLEPLAYING, and more towards the GAME.

To Be Simple: This is ROLEPLAY. Not a grifer-happy remake of Survival.
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2 exp for a kill equle to your level.
1 exp to enything below 5 levels of you.
3 exp to enything leveled abouv you.

100 exp to level to your 1st level
+10% efery level (level two 110 exp,level three 121 exp)
This message may or may not be endorsed by Creeding and he is by no means held to any comments, posts or any of the like made... Oh, and no. I dont like fancy pancy signatures.

Impure Reality

Quote from: Zstan If anyone has ever played the fallout script made by airslide im sure you have noticed the experience and quest systems. Those would be awesome to have in the rp.. Get quests from the uh Inn keeper or something and finish get some xp and level up, Able to equipt new items and armor and things like that. I would love that :D

If this happens Im out there was a reason I quit world of warcraft in the frist place.


Quote from: Creeding 2 exp for a kill equle to your level.
1 exp to enything below 5 levels of you.
3 exp to enything leveled abouv you.

100 exp to level to your 1st level
+10% efery level (level two 110 exp,level three 121 exp)

Why Level Up?
Fucking obvious it's ROLEPLAYING. Not a 5-minute repetitive grind, made for Donation shit.
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Well, If we even did a leveling system it should be based on the respect system or such. This way role-play happens.


Better idea:

Respect system.

Quests are not given by NPCs, they're given by other people with a special flag.

Respect is given by these people to the person who completed that quest, they also need to have a special flag to give out respect.


I would go with that... That makes sence.

Silver Knight

We already have a respect system =)

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I know, Thats why I'm trying to get it based off of that instead of whoever has the most free time on their hands to kill shit.


Quote from: Silver Knight We already have a respect system =)

Then why put an experience system?

Silver Knight

There isn't going to be a experience system... that was a suggestion...

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quests and tasks are gonna be impossible if we don't get them randomly spawned in the script. It takes WAY too long to set them up, and it kinda ruins the point of them...


Exp no thanks. Instant kill of this RP for me.


You should try a system where instead of levels, you level up skills. Not like TnBs garabge, I mean where you use skills and they level. I'm pretty sure Hybrid said that Alex Howes old script did this, I don't remember. Also sounds like it would take a long time to script.


Hmnn.... Exp...
No please...


Yeah that would be better for like the farmers and blacksmiths. Would be really good if there was a skill level up system.
I cant kill him here. I cant kill him there. But where i can kill him is anywhere.

The line below is true.
The line above is false. (Think about that next time your waiting for pie :))


lol...hope this will be like the...thingy in MattyK's sign xD


*Guild Chat* Frostkilla, "Ding! Oh, yeah! That's my second level today!" Guild Mates, "Gratz. Congratz. Gratz." Frostkilla, "Only 54 more lvls." *Frostkilla reachs level 70*   *"New Guild" Chat* Frostkilla, "Hey guys, I just got 70, w00t!!! This is gunna be so awesome. *Five days later* Frostkilla, "Dude this sucks, Kara never drops anything and it takes 6 freakin' hours and I'm tired of of throwing orbs at murlocs everyday.... 70s suck man.


Tell me. What month is this? When was the last post?
First warning, do not revive dead threads.