SA:MP: Pheonix City RP

Started by Szenti, 06-04-2010

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Pheonix City RP

We (Steam, Devrick, Szenti, Last.Exile, ThY) was talking about a new SA:MP RP server, and here it is!
Steam and Devrick are making/editing the scripts, There's still much to do but its getting better and better.

Updates:(Daily changes, updates!)
Fixing the commands
Houses, and businesses (Over 200 houses, and over 50 businesses)
Pepper spray (IN YOUR EYES!)
A few jobs
Rentable cars
Laptop (MSN,Chat,Email)
Revive system / Death system (Heaven, Ambulance car interior)

Working On:
Russian Mafia
Da Nang Boys
New commands for SFPD
Removing useless commands
More jobs
Ownable cars
San Fierro News Reporter
Modyifing a few admin commands
Firedepot/Firemans (EXTINGUNISH (RP)FIRES)
And a few more

Removed,not needed stuffs:
Tazer (Maybe we readd it, but its buggy shit.)
Bugged commands
And going to remove a few more


Leader: -None
Co-Leader: -None
Agent: -None
Agent: -None
Agent: -None

PCPD:(Phoenix City Police Department)
Chief: -Steam_Spencer
Co-Leader: -Bloodsucker_Thy
Cop: -None
Cop: -None
Cop: -None

S.W.A.T.: -None
S.W.A.T.: -None
S.W.A.T.: -None

San Fierro Rifa:
Rifa Leader: -Carlo Vialpando (Devrick)
Rifa Co-Leader: -Jeffrey Vialpando (Szenti)
Rifa Bro.: -None
Trial: -None
Trial: -None

More info about factions will be writed once we finish the script, and the server will be playable(Its already playable, but you know'). Maybe it will even get finished till this week's friday.

A few usefull commands:
/buy (Thats the command in every shops)
But as I said, I will post like E-V-E-R-Y(or not : p) command when the server will be up.
A video:
HGN Pheonix RPG
Thats the Medic-revive-script.
There will be faction applications, and a lot of others.
Suggest us stuffs, anything you want, and maybe we will add it.
Thanks for reading. Ohh, and theres a very nice anti-noob system, With 10 questions, one of them is bugged, but it will be fixed till the release. Or something. There's even a /seatbelt command, and if thats not on, Cops can punish you ;)
A few pictures:

Bl★ck Star


confused by the colour ? xD


It has to be done...
Looks so fucking awesome.
Im so taking The Army.



This looks like GTA :D! Maybe now i can drive a car without civilians on the other side the of the road diving out of the way of nothing?

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


IT is GTA, its a MP mod for GTA: San Andreas


I played SA:MP RP long time ago, oh and believe me, almost every second person uses a cheat.
And a LOT of RDM. mmmm.
SA:MP RP is as good as DarkRP, I'm just saying.
OH and I remember that HGN's SA:MP RP fail and I don't see any future success for this one.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Still looks fun, and ill still be playing it.


Quote from: Jake on 07-04-2010
I played SA:MP RP long time ago, oh and believe me, almost every second person uses a cheat.
And a LOT of RDM. mmmm.
SA:MP RP is as good as DarkRP, I'm just saying.
OH and I remember that HGN's SA:MP RP fail and I don't see any future success for this one.
Yeah, you was using cheats. And thats the reason to go on a normal RP server, where admins are working, and on /adminduty and ban magolas who are cheating like shit.
This is my third year with SA:MP, and I still like it, and play with it. Its one of the best mods for GTA SA, and the next versions will even get better. (SA:MP 0.3b<0.4<<<<)


You do realize Islam=Muslim?
Check the screenshots where you pick religion.

Other than that +support


Quote from: Dug on 07-04-2010
You do realize Islam=Muslim?
Check the screenshots where you pick religion.

Other than that +support
I didn't make that religion stuff.

Bl★ck Star

Well theres also an SA:MP cheater auto ban system that detects Sobeit etc automatically and bans them directly. The biggest German RP server called German-Roleplay also has this system and everywhone who tries get kicked or banned dicrectly with a acctual message saying what they have done.


Guess I'll have to torrent SA:MP again..


Unless your fucking pro as balls you can't really cheat on any of the online SA:MP RP servers.

Im going to make the biggest black gangster this rp server will have ever seen i promise assholes will bleed and children will be kidnapped < plz?


This would have been so stupid in Gmod. I'm glad we took it to SA.


Quote from: Welek on 07-04-2010
Unless your fucking pro as balls you can't really cheat on any of the online SA:MP RP servers.

Im going to make the biggest black gangster this rp server will have ever seen i promise assholes will bleed and children will be kidnapped < plz?

Not until my Skin-Head Neo Nazi cuts you to pieces.

Bl★ck Star

If the server is up i would be glad to be an Admin and Help you Szenti i already was a admin for several servers of friends on a GTA rp server


Above is grammar fail, back on topic: it looks awesome, hope you guys finish it as promised.
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."


It will surely be a change from Gmod. A big change that im liking the idea of in all honesty, i shall install maybe tommorow.

Oh szentil, a suggestion:
Is it possible for something like,
The PhC News team. (PhC: Pheonix City)


sa:mp rp was the shit.
I've got a lot of old factions/groups saved, and a few people who might be interested.

I'll check this out. :)


Quote from: The Jackal on 08-04-2010
It will surely be a change from Gmod. A big change that im liking the idea of in all honesty, i shall install maybe tommorow.

Oh szentil, a suggestion:
Is it possible for something like,
The PhC News team. (PhC: Pheonix City)

There's the San Fierro News or what, theres their News' car, and a News' helicopter, that's a good idea, by the way. We just have to rename the faction.
Quote from: fourtwenty on 08-04-2010
1. sa:mp rp was the shit.
2. I've got a lot of old factions/groups saved, and a few people who might be interested.

3. I'll check this out. :)
(I put the numbers there, so you'll know what i'm saying this to: )
1. What? If you talk about the cheaters, then ok...
2. Well, thanks but we don't need them at the moment, maybe we will contact you later if we need one.
3. Thanks.
On the other side:
Maybe on Sunday, we will finish the most of it, so it will be 85% playable, and the server will go up.
Uhh, shit I forget what I wanted. Nevermind, will post it later.
About the factions: First of all, you see we are leading them. We will lead them (I guess) till the faction will have enough players/members, and when someone deserves the Leader rank, they'll get it, etc. But I will talk about this with Steam.


We just need more Civilian jobs.
A wide variety.

And szentil i think you missunderstood when fourtwenty said "The shit"
Thats a good thing lol


Quote from: The Jackal on 08-04-2010
We just need more Civilian jobs.
A wide variety.
There's a few jobs... Let me see.
/Paper to start delivery
You get 100$ for each delivered newspapers to a house.

=Product Delivery=
25$ for every delivered products (You can only deliver 1-1 products) to each house

=Street Sweeper=
100$ For a long road clean.

=Trucker Job=
You get in the truck, go through the Golden Gate to the small city, pick up the trailer, go back in San Fierro/Pheonix City, and go to the businesses delivering the stuffs. Your trailer won't dissappear/taken unless you blow up,or something.
You get: 100$-1000$ money for each business. Or what.

=When you own a business, at the paychecks you'll get the money from the business, what people spent in it.
Adam Juliett (Random name) goes in the Burger Shot(You can rename your businesses) and buys some hamburgers for 50$.
Joseph Oak gets a +50$ to his paycheck, but loses like 200$ caused by the bills. <-FAIL.

And we'll add more jobs. Ohh, and there's even the Taxi Job, you can set the fee, when someone gets in the taxi, (RAXX: OMG CAXI) it will say: The fee is 50-100-150$. And when you leave the taxi, you'll lose that amount of money, and the Taxi Driver gets it.
I think there's even more jobs:::: But I don't know, didn't really check them all.
Drug Dealing
Weapon Dealing(?)


I'm scripting currently, I had some job to do but I'll continue with the News Agency


Quote=Trucker Job=

That actually sounds kind of fun..


Question, can we go to Los Santos.


And we shall see Jackal, we shall see. (Add me)